#ignore me i just needed to rant for a sec
battywitch · 3 months
Cool cool cool cool this is great and definitely totally fine 🙃
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raiderlucy · 1 year
any other gifmakers find that the gifsets they spent the most amount of time on are the ones to get the the least notes? Just me? Idk...
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Why does time have to move so quickly jesus christ.
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pillars-of-salt · 2 years
so everyone’s just like going through it rn, right?
#ignore the tags i'm about to rant for a sec#i have mentally not been doing great but i realized it's also bc i was physically not doing great#chronic fatigue was creeping up on me and i had too much brain fog to recognize the brain fog. fuck this man.#anyway weeping wailing banschee crying etc. cried last night for the first time in months which is good bc i do not cry often enough#not that anyone needs to know this but i was crying because i finally realized that fatigue was the reason i'm struggling so much w#school and life and people. not just burnout. it was also the stupid fucking disability that i can't do anything about again#that makes me exhausted and unable to understand anything and unable to focus on anything and and and and and FUCK i'm s o angry about it#GOD!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!#sorry underappreciated side effect of disability is how angry it makes you that it's just there siphoning all your energy and brainpower#and no one will understand the extent of it if you tried to describe it to them#i was trying to do hw last night and it's an assignment that i know how to do and have the information to do and i realized i just couldn't#unless i had someone to sit there and guide me through step by step on what to do. i've done this kind of assignment before.#but god my brain is just not there and it's not just being tired or procrastinating i just can't understand things anymore.#it's so frustrating because i can't even articulate how bad it is. and how debilitating it is. and i can't do anything about it#i need to start seeing a counselor but the only way to set up an appt is by phone and i can't understand people over the phone#every possible opportunity to get help involves more steps before it that i just can't do#i just want to sleep for five years and actually have energy when i wake up ):
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greyennui · 1 year
incoming rant about accents in writing
i am begging mario fanfic writers to stop adding -a to every other word that Mario and Luigi say. we know they have an accent. you don't have to spell it out. it legitimately pulls me out of the story every single time and i have to stop and breathe for a sec before i can keep going while trying to ignore it.
maybe describe their accents instead?? I would much rather read "a lilting and musical cadence" once than "don't-a you think-a so" every time they have dialogue.
believe me when i say this is a criticism coming from a place of love. i know we all grew up reading jk terf's awful transcriptions of french and cockney accents, but I know we can move past that behavior. it takes so much less effort to just write the words normally.
and this goes for any character with an accent in any work, tbh. I'm pretty sure anyone with an obviously-foreign accent is already self-conscious about it enough; there's no need to laser-focus on an accent like that in writing. you may not be doing it to intentionally mock anybody but to me it very much comes off that these characters are not taken seriously, because it so blatantly points out their difference in speech, and that's usually the first thing an immigrant is mocked for.
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olivia091108 · 3 months
HEYY gal!! Love your stuff, could I req a fic where reader is the guitarist in H.I.M and is Bams celeb crush ( he’s still a celeb ofc ) buttt hope Yk what I mean!! 😭🫶
Yesss I’ve been listening to H.I.M and I’m really excited to write this hope it’s good
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Guitar strings and romantic strings
Summary: filming HIMs new mv
Pairing: bam margera x reader
Word count: 1.6k
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We are filming our new music video buried alive by love today and I had to get up at the ass crack of dawn to meet everyone at some mansion in la so my manager got me on a plane as soon as saying that the others were already there. I hate filming music videos because it’s always some grouchy 60 year old who has never even heard of us before but this time bam margera is actually directing the whole thing.
I’ve met him a few times with the rest of the band but he didn’t really take a liking to me he just wanted to talk to the boys. It kinda annoyed me cos I thought he seemed pretty cool and wanted to get to know him. I’m gonna make it my goal that by the time he’s going back to the states I’ve had at least 1 good conversation with him.
A cab picks me up from the airport and it doesn’t take too long to get to the set. Once I’ve paid the driver I’m quickly rushed in by random people telling me that I need to be quick and some girls come over with an outfit telling me to change. They’ve given me a black mini skirt wich is very mini and a black zip up top that shows of my tits.
I quickly walk over to where the band is greeting them quick. Then I walk over to bam ready to strike up a conversation.
“Hey bam I haven’t seen you in ages how are you?” He stares at me for a sec and I thought he was just going to ignore me but he nods his head
“Yeah Umm Im good” he quickly says before going over to frantz.I turn in my heal and go see what ville is up to. We are taking for a while before bam tells us to play the song the whole way through so I grab my guitar and wait for Jukka to count me in.
Once we finish playing Juliet Lewis arrives since she's going to be the girl playing billed love interest in the music video I was excited to see her I loved her stuff.
Once she had introduced herself to everyone and Joe was setting up the shots and lenses whatnot me and Juliet started talking and we hit it off we have a lot in common and honestly it was nice for the both of us to have another girl around.
but soon she had to film so I walked over to Joe and bam and started to watch what was happening I stood behind bam leaning on the back of the chair and would glance over at him every few seconds. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't know what about so I said the first think that came to my head.
“What colour would you be?” As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it.
Uhhhm I don’t know what you mean he says before turning away from me
“Like yk if you were a coulour what one would you be for instance I’d love to be like a magentary purple but I hate to say I think I’d be like a greeny blue but not the nice turquoise more like a dull boring one” I started to rant by accident and bam just kinda stared.
It was awkward for a sec of me waiting for his answer and if I’m honest he looked bored but thank god Joe was there. “I’d be orange I think”
“Omg yess you so would like a nice tangerine kind” I say getting excited which we both laughed at and I can see bams lip curl up almost like a smile.
“Your’e turn bam” i say putting my attention on him again. I don’t know yellow?
Nooo no definitely not you would be like either a nice navy blue but like lighter by a smidge you are like a nice purple like when I say purple the one You think of but more punk.
“Oh yeah” Joe chimes in before focusing on the camera making sure to follow ville and just like that conversation done and he only said like 10 words maybe I think I’m just gonna give into the fact that not everyone has to like me.
“Cut”bam yells and ville and Juliet walk over listening to what will happen in the next bit before Juliet comes over to me. “What’s got you in a sour mood?”
“Bam doesn’t like me” I say sulking like a little girl with my head in my palms. “Are you crazy of course he does”
“No he doesn’t eveytime I even try to talk to him he just isn’t interested and just shut me down straight away and he can barely even look at me” and do you know what I hear from me telling her my struggles
She’s laughing.
I giggle and push her “it’s not funny I’m serious”she’s hysterical now and trying to get a sentence out
“Y/n I love you but your’e really dumb” i look at her confused not knowing what she meant. “He likes you”
“No I just told you he can’t stand me”
“Y/n listen he has a crush on you it’s obvious he can’t look at you and I hear him stutter and fumble his words kudus he would probably implode if you even touch him” I think about what she’s saying but I can’t wrap my head around it
“Nah there’s no way”
“Ok yk what go over there and tell him his hair is messed up and quickly fix it for him and then you will believe me.”
Ok I will I get up and walk over to bam and ville sitting in their chairs pretending to listen to their conversation for a sec before looking towards bam and interrupting ville.” Sorry your hair is kinda crazy” I lean up and mess with it a bit not even realising his face is practically in my boobs. But I rake my acrylic nails through it and ruffle it softly before removing my hands and seeing his face the same colour as my guitar.
I then smile to myself and restrain myself from running to Juliet. Once I get to her I smile and admit she was right followed by an expected “I told you”
“What do I do? Do I ask him out? Wait I don’t even know if I like hi-“
“Oh please cmon y/n of course you do you wouldn’t want him to like you that much if you didn’t. I blush at her words realising she’s right.”
“Please help me” I put my hands together and beg her batting my eyelashes at her. “Alright we’re going to the bar later and you are gonna ask him out their simple”
The rest of the day I am just thinking about bam and how I was so oblivious about his feelings and mine. Want a drink? I snap my head up so fast I heard a crack in my neck I look to see bam standing infront of me waiting for an answer. “Oh um just some water please”
Once the days over we all walk to a bar down the road and straight away get a round in of beers. Im embarrassed to say I’m a huge leightweight so after 2 rounds I’m on the brink of drunk and when I’m drunk I am very touchy so I’ve heard.
Remembering what Juliet told me to do I stumble over to bam allay knocking a table of drinks over but once I reach him I use him to balance myself by wrapping my arms round his neck and staring up at him.
I couldn’t see his eyes as he was wearing his blacked out sunglasses so I reach up and lift them to rest on his hair. I mumble out “I like your eyes I couldn’t see them” and smile to myself
Whoever bam was talking to before had left after my sudden intrusion but I didn’t even realise. “Yknow I’m not meant to be telling you this but” I start giggling at what I’m about to say and whisper in his ear “ I have a crush on you”
He smirks and looks down and says a teasing “really” I nod up at him basically leaning my whole body weight in him and subconsciously scratching at his curls “and I know you like me back so are you going to do anything about it” I ask smugly
He rests both his hands at the undersides of my jaw rubbing small circles making me tigglish and giggling before he pulls my face towards his and I feel his soft lips against mine and I kiss him back and bring him closer and deepen the kiss forgetting we’re surrounded by all our friends and not even aware of Joe filming us but even if I had I wouldn’t of cared as long as I was still kissing bam.
He pulls away with his eyes dilated looking like he took the best drugs in his life before smiling and kissing me again this time letting his hand wander to my bum and giving it a firm squeeze and rubbing it almost causing my skirt to lift.
This time I pull away and take his hand and shout way too loudly a good bye and waving towards Juliet and holding up me and bamd held hands excitedly befire running up the bar stairs and feeling bam hold my skirt down making me not false anybody and asked the first person I saw
“where’s the closest hotel?”
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I hope this is ok sorry it took so long
Gonna be honest I thought this was posted like a week ago and I was thinking I haven’t got any notifications or anything and I check and I realise it hadn’t even been posted so sorry about that
Taking requests
Might do a Johnny one soon
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z0-ne · 10 months
Omg hi😄 Honestly there's not a lot of dragon ball x reader and I haven't watched dragon ball for a while but now I'm back for it, so I'll just request this😌😔 So i don't know if you have watched Tokyo revengers but, let's just say that the reader has Takemichi Hanagaki ablitiy so she can time leap. And so the dragon ball characters find out about that and they find out about the other future timelines and how when she changes something in the past the future can also change and so what are their thoughts on this?
Btw if you haven't watched Tokyo revengers you can just ignore this!
Or you can search it up on Google and search up the time leaping power of takemichi
[I hope you don't mind, but I made this a slight headcanon! Short reactions for multiple characters, and I'll try to include every main characte in the dragon ball z series!]
WHAT IF...: What if (reader) could time travel just like Takemichi from Tokyo revengers? Includes: Future Trunks, Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Krillin, and Piccolo!
Trunks knew after his parents, but only because you stole his time machine to keep going back to whichever date you found necessary and got caught.
He wasn't exactly happy about it at first though.
"You STOLE my time machine!?"
"Yes- but please just lemme explain-"
This whole argument was actually because he mentioned another stolen time machine, and thought it was yet another cell. Without thinking, you told him that you "burrowed" It.
It did not help that the time machine was broken when you "gave it back" "For a good reason!"
You actually did do it for a good reason. Thanks to the time machine, you found a temporary loophole in your ability, and you were able to save a lot more people.
"What reason is a good reason for stealing my time machine!? I need that thing!" "Well it's not like I'm really using it for bad stuff! It's only temporary! Plus your mom is making me one and its almost done! I just need this for right now!"
"(Name). Explain."
You could understand why he was upset, so you went ahead and told him what you needed it for, and even went as far as to explain your ability to him.
"Wait-You can time travel- And you still stole my time machine!?" "Damnit Trunks did you not hear me explain why!?"
It took a little while to get him to calm down and actually listen to you.
Bulma was a lot more understanding than her son and husband even if telling her was actually done on accident.
You let it slip while you were asking her about the time machine and she asked you what it was for. Then you went on a rant about how you stole her sons machine for your own powers to work.
"You can time travel?" "Yep." There was a short pause before she put on her face cover and got back to building the time machine you had asked her for when you first got here.
"Neat." You were relieved to hear that she was so calm about the whole thing, but eventually she put the blow tourch down and lifted her face cover up to look at you again.
"Wait a sec- If you can time travel, why did you need Trunks's time machine and one of your own?" "Well- actually I need them because I found a loophole in my ability. If I use this time machine, I can go back to any time and then go back twelve years in the past as long as I'm with ___"
"So ____ is that person you were with earlier? I'm guessing that makes you both pretty important, to y'know. The planet." "Yep."
Then she went back to her work pretty quickly, and kept making conversation until she found out about everything she wanted to know about your powers.
"Alright, I'll finish this soon. Did you already tell the others?" " Well I mean- I accidentally kinda told Vegeta so I'm probably gonna have to talk to him about this in full detail later, but the other fighters? I didn't really plan on it."
"Well you're gonna have to tell Trunks soon Honey. He's paranoid about letting in another cell."
He was actually the first to know, and had a better reaction than his son.
You ran up to him while looking for Bulma, and asked him wehre she could've been earlier so you could ask her for the time machine that you stole from future Trunks.
"Hey Vegeta! Have you seen Bulma? I need her to build me a time machine!"
You spoke as fast as you flew over there when ____ mentioned the possibility of the loophole in your time travel, and even mentioned Bulma in the process so you rushed over without much thought of a cover up. "What- The woman is probably inside. Why? So you can play time hero with the boy?"
He mocked despite hardly being able to fully process a lot of what you said because of how quickly you were speaking, but you dismissed it and instead hugged him quickly.
His face flushed red from embarassment after you let him go and he snatched away.
"Thanks, you're a saint! And no! I found a loophole in my time travel ability that I'm...not..supposed to tell you about-"
"...What-" "Bye Veggie!" You ran as fast as you could as he was standing there stuck, long enough for you to make it to Bulma's lab and shut the door behind you.
Once you explained it to him later and he called you a nuisance, but in his defense it just meant he would have another person to carry in fights.
This was yet another accident.
You didn't want to tell him at the moment because of what happened with vegeta, but luckily for you it's goku. He reacted a little better than vegeta did.
"So why's Trunks so mad at you?" He questioned as he followed close behind you while you were running from Trunks, who's time machine you needed to "borrow" again.
"I needed his time machine!"
"Huh? For what? I thought we only had the cell issue?"
He was understandably confused, and asked the most questions.
In the heat of the moment, considering Trunks was far behind but it wouldn't take much for him to catch up if you got distracted and slowed down, you blurted out answers instead of thinking about them. "No, something else happens later that I've gotta stop!"
"But isn't that Trunks's job?"
Once again, you were trying to keep as far away from Trunks as you possibly could so you could make it to the island in time to get away with the time machine, "Trunks can't time travel like I can!"
"You can time travel?"
Once explained in detail, Goku understood but asked a bit more questions than you expected especially without _____. Who of course, has way more information than you do.
Well of course he knew, he's the only one you would trust to keep a secret. However you didn't even tell him, _____ did!
It was a shock considering they chastised you for letting just about everyone on the team know. However its reliving that Piccolo knows, as the only one who actually took the time to sit and listen to the benefits and non-benefits of the ability.
"you and ______ Should stick close to each other, if we loose either one of you it could mean trouble" He says in his usual stern tone, and honestly you get it. It'd be troublesome to loose the only two good time travelers who can help without getting into some time trouble.
He understands you're a good fighter but you're also an asset and now a liability, so no matter how much he's in your corner you know he won't hesitate to make you stay behind if he feels its too dangerous for you to go with the rest of them.
"I can time travel." You just decided it was about time to let him know. You guys were alone, and you got sick of him hinting at you and _____ dating.
"H-Huh?" He asked, his confusion clear as he blinks as if that's somehow gonna fix his hearing or maybe he'll blink the confusion out his head who knows.
"I can time travel with ______. That's why we're always together, we have to be" your tone sounds a bit neutral, and you answered him a bit too fast but you wanted to get your point across as you knelt down to lift a pile of rubble to look for a dragon ball. "We aren't dating, we can time travel we just cant without the other and a few more rules."
"S-so this whole time you guys could-"
"Time travel. yes Krillin." You answer him with a sigh as you stand up and walk over to check somewhere else to find the dragon ball, hopefully you can find it soon so you guys can head back.
"Oh man, this whole time I thought you guys were a thing! Or at least you and Trunks" He mumbles the last part.
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tame-a-messenger · 3 months
This is gonna be a long post, sorry in advance.
So lately I’ve been noticing Damien getting a lot of hate and being called annoying in videos. I know not everyone will like him but I just wish people didn’t give him a hard time making him seem like the outcast in the group (including the cast.) I just feel that he has a particular sense of humor a lot of people may not understand but calling him all those names is very uncalled for. I also wish that whenever he’s in videos, the other cast can actually acknowledge him and not treat him so awkwardly. This may be a stretch but I feel like when he was just known as “Shayne’s best friend,” everyone treated him a lot better than now when he found his personality and humor that he enjoys. And with this post I do not mean to seem like I’m dissing the cast members or fans, I just want them to appreciate him at least just a little bit. Not to overanalyze but you can also see when he makes some jokes he gets a little sad whenever no one reacts to them and he even stops his jokes midway because of the lack of reaction as well. That’s probably why fans don’t respect him as much because I feel like everyone likes a joke 10x when other people laugh so if no one acknowledges Damien then fans won’t think he’s funny neither. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for everyone to “baby” him but it would be nice for him to be treated like he’s actually worth something.
Again I’m sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get this off my chest because it’s been racking my brain for a bit 😕
Don't be sorry! if there's ANYWHERE to rant about either Damangela party it'd be here! (I appreciate the level headedness Anon <3) (now get ready for my rant lol <3)
I personally haven't been seeing these hate comments, but I don't doubt they are there. Damien has always had people not liking him. I remember when he first joined there were so. many. comments about how "He's so awkward" "he just isn't funny" "this guys weird just fire him" "we don't want to see this guy" so on so forth. (something, something, neurotypicals know before you know you're divergent) It was really sad.. I thought he was a little awkward but I didn't DISLIKE him for it.
"I also wish that whenever he’s in videos, the other cast can actually acknowledge him and not treat him so awkwardly."
I notice this too.. I don't think they are trying to be mean, just the opposite actually, I think they don't want to be too much to him so they end up being too quiet? and end up ignoring him because he makes THEM nervous? that's what I see at least.
They don't know how to interact with him because, (a tip I had to learn the hard way) if YOU apologize a lot, people tend to think everything THEY do is wrong from your perspective. Because the 'social que' for subtly letting someone else know what makes you uncomfortable is to apologize to THEM for that thing so they get the hint not to do the thing YOU apologized for.
"I'm SO SORRY for scratching my ass in front of you! that's SO GROSS" = if we read between the lines, they are letting me know they think it's gross if I scratched MY ass in front of THEM (which duh, but I needed a scenario and this was the first thing to come to mind lol)
Going back to what I was talking about, Damien has always had a apologizing problem, which in turn makes everyone else nervous they'll hurt his feelings (even though the 'over apologizing' probably comes from not wanting other people to feel uncomfortable/trying to head off arguments and NOT hurt others feelings) it's a hurt-hurt scenario...
Let me just gush about Ang for a sec >
Angela is the only one (other than Amanda and maybe Shayne) that does an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING JOB at heading off his over-apologizing. He still try's it with her but she just shrugs it off, WHICH IS THE CORRECT RESPONSE !! she's showing him not to apologize to her, she knows what he means, there's no reason to do all that. She'll always be his friend and WILL let him know if she didn't like something he did. (as a fellow neuro spicy, ANGELA'S WAY OF COMMUNICATING IS SO NICE. No bullshit, just love.)
Which is why I like them in videos so much! He understands she doesn't need to be apologized to all the time so he can chill. And she makes space for him to make jokes openly (and actually be heard)
<Back to your ask,
I think it sucks as well, I wish HR could have a sit down with the whole cast and explain pretty much what I said so they can be more comfortable. But there's life I guess. Don't always get what's best. c'est la vie
With the comments- I think a lot of them are probably kids that don't know what they're doing, and just being mean because of hormones, (or just assholes) nothing can really be done sadly...
I just want those that do love and appreciate him show him love and make sure he's healthy and happy <3
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russilton · 11 months
I need to rant for a sec, so apologies if this gets long.
I am tired of seeing George get hate every single race weekend.
If he doesn't acknowledge Lewis, he gets hate for it and isn't a good teammate, and if he does he's only doing for the PR. The agenda from some Lewis fans is downright toxic.
I am sick and tired of seeing homophobic abuse in his comments, and I'm so annoyed that the team literally does nothing to stop it. It wouldn't take much to post something and set a precedent that those type of comments will not be tolerated. I so wanted George to be a Merc driver, but now I want him far away from that team.
Eventually it starts to roll off you anon. It shouldn’t, but it does. You start to get used to seeing it, remembering he’s not looking at it and you just have to try your best not to look too.
Yeah it sucks, as a queer fan, it really, really sucks seeing my driver receive homophobic abuse every week, knowing it’s indirectly pointed at you, and that the team does nothing. If the team did something it wouldn’t fix it either, if anything it would just put a bigger target on him. So it continues.
But I’ll be honest with you, they did it to Lewis, and I got used to it with Lewis in 2020 when I started watching. None of that makes it okay, for either of them, but that’s unfortunately how it is most weeks, so I don’t look. I was making art for Lewis in 21 on a different account, and I got sent slurs, threatening DM’s, and had smug max fans declare “he’s only doing it for PR” at every turn in my mentions. Every official comment section was full of vitriol.
The point is- I’ve been here before, internet hate never goes away it just changes shapes. The numbness is how I get through, because anger just became exhausting.
George would have caught this abuse at any big team he went to. Any of them. Merc ferrari redbull mclaren aston- it would have been someone. He got it at Williams when people weren’t ignoring them. This is the shitty, ugly part of sports. One day George will be mercs main driver and people will blink and pretend it never happened at all. At least at Merc he’s living his dream with his family, even if that dream isn’t going smoothly.
You’re allowed to get mad and frustrated but if you let it wear your down too much you’re doing exactly what those shitty fans want. They want to make you so upset you leave, that’s how they win. I’m not letting anyone push me out of this sport because god so many people would want to. I’m staying, doing what I damn well want, and shouting at the top of my lungs for my guys.
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caffeine-high · 11 months
rant about some frustrations about my gender/romantic interests/sexuality, stuggles with labels, and consequences (sorta) below (actually, after typing it out, it mainly ended up being abt my aro-spec self, with the beginning abt gender and tiny bit of sexual attraction)
i just need them out of my head for a sec, so feel free to ignore (or not, i am posting this on a public platform so like, ya know)
i think the worst part of being on the spectra of ace, aro, and agender, but not being fully ace, aro, or agender is that it often requires way to much explanation to get yourself across fully and even then people get confused
so i usually just let everyone come to their own conclusions, but no i am not a pansexual transguy (or to those less well versed in the alphabet mafia, bisexual transguy, or even less well versed, bisexual born-in-the-wrong-body-but-now-a-guy) like, im fine with being seen as that!, but it is not who i am
i gave my cousin a 10 minute metaphor and after another half hour of questions and discussions he does get my view on my gender, but thats only one part (he is vv sweet tho, and every now and again refers back to the metaphor to ask how im feeling atm)
like, i dont like labeling myself, and i generally dont use microlabels, i have found a few that sorta get close to my views and experiences, but always with like a 5 minute caveat of this is why it does not fit exactly, and the people who are already well versed enough to be aware of the microlabels are also the ones accepting in listening to a long explanation if desired
from here on my rant will mainly be focussed on my experience/views on my being on the aro spectrum
but i am sooo tired of talking to someone abt smth (mainly romance tho) and having to either just nod along like i feel the exact same, say im aro (and them not accepting, or knowing different cz they have known me for a long time), or having to go into the full spiel of well no but also yes and having to deal with that instead of just the conversation at hand
or even worse, getting asked on a date and then having to deal with that whole thing, cz sometimes i genuinely do think it could be a thing, but it just requires way different expectations and/or circumstances than what that person/those people want or are able/willing to have/provide/give
i am also struggling with seeing my brother have similar(sorta) experiences(at least on romance, not the others). he has now found someone who is accommodating to him (idk her wants/needs/views, but i know that both of them are doing the "dating"(or being partners-ish) thing in a way that works for them). but i hate to see the way my family is reacting to it. like, they just do-not understand how they function, or why they're not boyfriend/girlfriend yet despite having been doing this since march, and they keep on making comments (not to them luckily, but vv much to me) abt their confusion, and wishes for them to just hurry up. or express excitement for him finally having found a partner and that they soo wished for him to have found one sooner, and that it was always meant to happen n stuff like that
and i just know that i will also get those, should i ever do the 'romance' thing, or will probably get even worse should i not do the romance thing
like, i just dont rlly care personally, but everyone else seems to care sooo much that at some point i will have to explain my feelings, and i am not looking foreward to the 'oh but you just haven't found the right person yet' conversation, like, yeah i KNOW, but also, if i dont find them thats fine by me as well?? like, i'm good? and finding the 'right' person(s) is not gonna work for me in all the ways youre suggesting????
i know people not doing it out of malice, and they mean well nd shit, but it is frustrating and tiring, and even worse so cuz i can't just say, i dont do romance at all
anyway, if you did and up reading this, thank you for your patience, yess i am very much willing to have an in depth conversation about this sometime, and no, i did not get a whole lot of studying done today, in case you couldn't tellXD
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
Um so even the word Sochi gives me an instant panic attack. I’m on the record as having difficulty watching the programs, knowing how hard that time was for these previous bbys who I just wanna protect from all evil. But I also recognise that without Sochi trauma we would not have had the GLORY that was Prince, Latch, SFTD and MR, aka the greatest sporting come back in the history of sport. Would Pyeongchang even have happened without the cluster leading up to Sochi? If it had all ended well there, they would either have retired for good OR continued on to the next Olympics and also won. Great, but also, same same. Without Sochi there wouldn’t have been the disillusionment, the time away, then realising they missed it and each other, working out how to do things differently, the rise of PC into the vacuum left by TS - and the subsequent (hilarious) narrative that TS couldn’t possibly beat them, that theory blown away by their total command of the ice rink when they returned, their complete BDE despite everything being against them. That majestic arc, the thing that sent me tumbling down into this rabbit hole, begins at Sochi. So - if you don’t want to lean in too heavily to Sochi to protect people (TS, me?!), or you don’t think it warrants the time, then that’s ok. But if you are looking for the grit in the oyster, the second Act plot twist that has people stamping their feet in a standing ovation by the end of the third Act, then THAT is Sochi.
Oh hell no the damn Sochi clusterfuck is getting the attention it deserves. I’m going to remain as objective as I can but the fact is the form was in the board for those Olympics:
-Systematic Russian doping
-The OBVIOUS fix in the ladies event
-any other events with fishy results
I don’t trust the US and Russia with anything and 70 years of history on all matters of geo politics leaves little to the imagination.. yes.. as inconsequential as an ice dance event seems.. the Olympics have always been and always will be a political tool- I don’t see that changing.
Of course TS, the humble darlings that they are maintain they were beaten fairly by DW.. I personally don’t agree with it- they are light years behind the artists that TS are- (DW are like a child’s pain by numbers kit, TS are TESSA AND SCOTT). I can’t speak on skating skills but they have never done it for me (I find them so monotonous) and despite what TS feel about esp The Seasons I adore both programs- they didn’t need some war horsey gimmick- they just DANCED.
Anyway. Yes I am covering Sochi in depth. I don’t feel like it’s ever been covered properly- only skimmed over and TS probed for comment about corruption but really I truly believed they never considered it/let it affect them/maintained they weren’t the best on those days 🙄🙄🙄. Therefore they can’t be the ones to recognise the very likely hood something fishy was up.
Sorry gonna rant for a sec: it’s not even THAT DW beat them.. it’s the way the scoring played out.. THAT MANY POINTS BEHIND?? A full 2 POINTS in each segment.. BULLSHIT, so I do find it totally plausible that DW may have eeked out a win without ‘tampering’ (I honestly don’t know how but since they had done it in the past) but not by that much with TS skating as well as they did. It was the exact same thing that happened with the ladies but in reverse: Make up a ‘deduction’ (in the body of the program) for TS, then overblow DW later in the event, where as in the ladies- underscore/conservatively score Yuna- then later on knowing how much they had to give for her to be able to catch up in the FP, WAY overblow Sotnikova. TS skated near flawlessly in the FD- with exquisite musicality, pure emotion and the deepest edges you’ve ever seen outside of a CD, give them a world record.. WOOPS, give DW a WR by more than two points. Completely ignore a dogs breakfast quality combo from Sotnikova, again overblow the score, then give half of Yuna’s elements lvl 3s. The most upsetting thing is both TS and Yuna knew.. you could see it. Maybe not exactly, but they knew. That’s the saddest thing that on some level you knew they weren’t playing the same game..
Then there’s the whole thing with Marina which unfortunately the majority of content on that is the stupid damn reality show which I give almost no credit to because the editing is worse than the cats movie.. completely unreliable and character damaging to esp Scott. (Theres a couple of voice clips from them tho that give some pretty raw insight that I’m gonna use)
On the positive side- as you said. Would the comeback had been as great and emotional as it was without how Sochi ended up? It’s the same way I think about her injuries and how that nearly destroyed them. How many other people (in this case teams) could come back from those things?? Really?? (I’m thinking sui/han as the only others). As I said in yesterdays (other) long rambling emotional vomit post, the freaking work they did that made them capable of coming back from these let downs. That is the damn redemption arc. And sorry coz I so rarely let out my petty bitch side.. take PC as a comparison.. maintaining they ‘lost’ in PYC simply because of a costume malfunction (which hunny.. make sure your damn costume does up.. that is no one’s fault but your’s) and without that they would’ve won and deserved to win and Beijing was the gold they rightly deserved and should’ve had 4 years earlier…. Them sitting there in the PYC green room begging for TS to mess up and swearing when they didn’t.. ughhh..you could not have a more stark contrast- TS didn’t feel they deserved gold in Sochi and instead framed it as they won the silver and they are so proud because it represents all they overcame to stand on any step of that podium, and then in pyc they could look down at the second place step knowing this time they were better than that and they deserved to be standing on top of the world.
So yeh don’t you worry.. I’ll remain civil and objective to the facts- I won’t be shitting on other teams like I (rarely/occasionally do here) but it’s a thorn in my side too.
This chapter will be the beginning of our hero’s’ redemption arc.
(Hope I haven’t given too much away)
Also.. the VM/DW retirement that was the main thing that gave PC the rise they had… “VACUUM” is the exact word I’ve used..
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hei-ranapologist · 1 year
Rant incoming, I just feel the need to be heard for a sec, I'll delete this in the morning
Tw death and mental health isssues
I hate how winter makes my mental health worse. My fear of death for some reason is at its peak during this period. Im an atheist and cant cope with the idea that there's just... Nothing after life. I cant. It scares me to death. Frankly I'm envious of religious/spiritual people because they don't have to worry about what it means to die. Its either reincarnation, heaven or hell. But the idea that there's just nothing is terrifying. "But its just like before you were born! You didn't exist then! Its the same!" No its fucking not. I know what it feels like to be alive, I cant imagine what not being is. Im terrified of it. I can try to ignore as much as I want but someday I'll have to go poof too. "Why don't you try to convert to X?" I just cant, I'm not against the idea of a God or Gods existing, but the idea of miracles puts me off. Someone cant just come back from the dead. Nor can bush on fire talk. If there's a god, then why do they hide themselves so well? Why is everything in our world going against them? Science, morals, philosophy, hell even theology itself show the unlikelihood of a god existing. I try to reassure myself but it always fail, because my mortality will inevitably catch up.
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just-a-dumb-gay · 1 year
Fandom twitter is fucking intense jesus, everyone over there needs to chill I'm tired of seeing the Motherland Fort Salem Fandom and Warrior Nun fandom shitting on each other. How hard is it to just get along or ignore each other??
If it wasnt for twitter being the main place everyone flocks to for news and to get things trending I'd be outta there so damn fast holy fuck I love my little hoard of fandoms that just all co-exist on my chaotic ass blog here.
Okay I'm done don't mind me just had to rant for a sec. I just wanna be able to enjoy multiple fandoms without sitting in the middle of drama
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sevilemar · 2 years
Snake sec getting stuck: a dilemma?
Hi! In case this post is not appropriate, please ignore this.
I am frustrated. Thing is, I'm looking for a way to go to Canada. And I don't know which path to choose. I have a feeling the 'one' is not here yet but I'm pressured for time and I want to go somehow. Thing is, wherever I look there is no opportunity for me to hop on at all.
It's not like I'm picky about jobs. No, I can do EVERYTHING but the thing is too much information bashes in my face that I don't know what to pick. I need time to sort through it so I can formulate plans. But my double Lion aunt just ... well, "I found this, oh and this too. Can you do it? No? Oh, you won't go I can tell, it's impossible and ..." (And she went on like this for a whole hour) I hope that illustrate the situation I'm in. 
I can do every job so long as it gets me to Canada, then I will find a way to make my dream comes true, but the thing is I feel like every job will close the door at me. All of them demand 2 years + experience. Or a diploma in some degree that I obviously don't have. I learned somewhere that in the west, they use algorithm to sort to Resume, so if my degree doesn't fit, it'll never, ever be considered. Application through websites (linkedin and Indeed.ca) basically just don't work.
I have an idea that might just work. Since I can't go the Lion (my aunt) or Bird (my mother and stepfather) way then I have to do it snake style. I tried quiet everything around me and focused on what I want to see happen (which is landing myself in good job in Canada. Preferably in Nova Scotia, BC and Manitoba, a business near the sea.)
I will do it by reverse engineer it from the inside until I get it. It sounds ridiculous to my bird and lion model but it makes sense. My strength isn't in planning or blazing through obstacles. It is to use trickery and cunning. If I can't do it direct way (go through normal job application process) then I will use the indirect method. I will go to reddit or tumblr and other platforms. Then I will find key persons. Be their friends and let them guide me toward that goal.
It's not manipulation though, I just want to make friends with locals to find opportunities otherwise hidden from people like me. Since locals know how it is in their area, which job is in demand, maybe their neighbors/siblings have a company but not explicitly posting on job platforms. Things like that will be hidden forever but not if I can reverse engineer it and work on it from the inside. Within two years (or rather, a year and 9-10 months) I will get that job I need. The only thing is to get past my social anxiety and make friends which is genuinely hard. I will have to relearn social skills, erg.....
It's going to be really tough and tricky to execute. But I choose to throw all my apples on this wagon. I know it'll bring me the ultimate price.
Have you ever been in this situation? How did you get past it?
Thanks again for listening to my rant here, but if you prefer to not answer it then it's ok too. Thanks a bunch!
It always takes me a bit to answer bigger submissions, so I'm sorry if I am too late for your urgency.
Bloody hell, your aunt sounds so exhausting, mate. I think I would try to get away from her first if at all possible, don't mind Canada. But then I always am in favour of the small steps approach, I can't help it. But you very much sound like you do not have patience for small steps 😉.
I have no idea if finding key people and befriending them on the internet will work, but it's worth a try, of course. Maybe the businesses you would like to work at have employee rosters on their web pages? Sometimes there are even job offers posted there, or you can just send them your application and ask if they have a job for you. Sometimes, that can work, too. What requirements do you even need for working and living in Canada? I never thought about it^^
Maybe finding a god internship in your country in the mean time will help with the experience gap? I don't know if there are companies of international renown in your chosen field in your country? And if you already did internships, that counts as experience as well. And depending on what you're looking for, the experience requirement might not be a 100% hard one.
I'm also probably the last person you want to go for advice about these things, it's really not my area of expertise. I am the most unambitious person I know. All I want out of a job is making enough money to live a good life, and not having to stress about it. But I'm always here to cheer you on and be a snake sec influence if you need it. Have at it, mate! 👍
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11queensupreme11 · 2 years
First things first I HOPE UR HAVING FUN AT DINSEY LAND (unless ur back-) second of all the newest chapter😨😨 man idk who to feel more bad for sanyu or hime but I’m opting for hime at the moment at least miss gurl has been through so much first of all are we gonna ignore what would happen between hime and sanyu if hime had like a personality like her scumbag of a father man I don’t even want to know how would hime react to to her mother and basically her feelings like would she dismiss it? Would she be mad? Can’t really blame my girl sanyu for her reaction for obvious reasons AND third of all first I break our heart and then NO MEMES 😨😨😨 U ARE MEANER THAN A DOLPHIN 😤😤😤 (hime possessed me for a sec sorry about that one bro)
Sanyu fr fr
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IM BACK!!! Lemme just rant about my trip for a lil bit—
First off, LA... is HOT. Ofc, I already knew this but omg... experiencing it was something else. Contrary to popular belief, not all of California’s super sunny. I live in the Bay Area and the weather’s usually pretty cool even during summer time so I was not ready for the LA heat 😭 I felt like I was trapped in an oven and I literally refused to go out for bathroom breaks during the drive there because it was sooooo hottttt 😭😭😭
Hotel was great though, but there was a freaky black mold problem that I spotted on my ceiling so my mom pulled an “I’d like to speak to a manager 🙂” and we were able to switch to a better, breathable room 
Any KPOP fans? My cousin’s obsessed with KPOP and took us to this korean-centered mall called The Source OC and there’s a loooot of kpop related stuff there (there was a whole store dedicated to all kinds of kpop merch too) and I even got some pretty good beauty stuff from the shops there (korean beauty products are 😩👌)
Anyways, now onto Disneyland... It was.... so hot..... so agonizing.... I drank like five bottles of water within an hour and my head felt like it was on fire even though I wore a goddamn hat 😭 bought a lot of stuff though and went on some fun rides at least 😍
Sanyu and Hime’s dynamic would be sooooo different if Mizuhime was a yadere like the rest of her fam
Sanyu would not love Mizuhime if that was the case. But she would never make her true feelings known out of fear of punishment so she would most likely pretend to love Mizuhime instead. 
However, outsiders would be able to tell that Sanyu isn’t really as close with her daughter because while she would smile and be a lil affectionate, her smiles would be tight, her interactions with Hime would be minimal, and she’s not really attentive to her daughter’s needs. Sanyu would be more fake and distant tbh and I can’t really blame her for it...
She’d probably hate her daughter and see her as a monster because not only does she look like Susanoo (with her blue hair and eyes), but she’s just as awful as him and the rest of the Uchiumi Clan 😔
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olivieraa · 17 days
Ok, I need to rant. And its gonna be quite long. Esp cause of screenshots.
This is absolutely nothing new to me. Half my blog is filled with rants identical to this. Like, I have no faith in men, I've no faith in anime fans, I have very little faith in anime in general.
But I do like voice actors. And bc I got into them quite early, I... remain ignorant to their flaws. They're my "celebrities", basically, but I dont engage in voice actor fandom. I know some things about them here and there - I listen to OnoD and Kamiya's radio wnv it gets translated amongst others (theirs is the main tho), I watch the stage shows, I know some facts here and there, I know a lot of them are married to each other, etc etc
But in terms of controversies, gossip, anything of the like, I know mostly jack shit.
Voice actors aren't perfect, there's gonna be some bad apples, so maybe it occurs a lot or they're mostly a good bunch. Who knows. The only one's I know of is the Takahiro scandal where he has apparently cheated on his wife for 10 years with multiple women without her knowing. And something similar with Suzuki as well. I don't know what's happened in terms of Takahiro's career since he has huge roles (from Jujutsu to Osomatsu), but I know that Suzuki was replaced in at least one anime. I've no further knowledge on that.
Now, acting is art. And voice acting is art. What VA's manage to convey to me through their work is v special to me.
I defo dont know how the industry works, esp in Japan. I hear this and that about it. It seems v confusing. In terms of how they get roles, it seems to be the main two. They audition, or their called in for a part, esp if they're big VA's.
I..................... idk....... I liked to believe that VA's, after they become more known and have a steady income, like actors in general, start to choose their roles, esp when I see a pattern...
So to bring back Takahiro for a sec, or even OnoD, or Kaji Yuki - all three of them have played some of my faves. Takahiro as Misaki, OnoD as Shizuo, Sebastian or Midorima, and Kaji... uh, Hermes would be the closest I'd have as a fave for his work, but I thought he portrayed Eren brilliantly, and he has some fun roles that make me laugh.
But three of them have also played despicable characters, that I cant stand. And not one or two, quite a few.
And that's fine for the most part. It's acting. They're playing a role. They are not their characters. When they play the hero, the womaniser, the gentleman, the sweetheart, the asshole, the villain, the whatever, they are not their characters. They dont share the morals of their good or bad characters. This is common sense.
However, I just feel like... when a VA isn't more choosy with their roles, and plays the worst kind of character out there, a character that honestly? Shouldn't even exist... It gets to me. I wish it didn't but it does.
Like, Index is an anime that I'm appalled was ever even made. Its an "I hate women" anime and the male creator is rich from it bc its popular. Who is it popular amongst? Males ofc lol. Target demographic and they love that misogynistic shit. They do not hide it. And I'm sure the creator knows what the fans of his work are like. He's one of them. The main character in this anime is my most hated character. And I honestly........ honestly cant help myself when I avoid anything that the voice actor for this character is in, unless I didn't know about it at first (like Yowapeda). When I hear his voice, I just kind of... opt out. But I rarely see him pop up in animes I'm interested in anyway, so I'm lucky.
And so the pattern I was talking about... How come VA's like Maeno manages to almost never play a misogynistic douche? In fact, the grossest character I remember him playing was v early in his career, so prob during a time he couldn't be picky. But since then, its been mostly fine. Same with Nakamura, and Suwabe, and Kamiya honestly. VA's like Takahiro and OnoD and Kaji, like I said, have played a good bunch of despicable characters. Seeeeveral of them.
When I split it in two, what I see with the first bunch is that they make a choice not to play certain characters. With the second bunch I get the vibe that they just go for whatever role they're offered. And so I appreciate the first bunch more, I cant help but feel that way... And maybe I'm making that up and these VA's dont give a DAMN what characters they play as long as they're paid. IDK! But due to the pattern, it helps, its like... If I see certain VA's in the list for a certain anime, I can sort of trust the anime. And that's been mostly true.
Now, onto my main point. There's an anime currently airing. Idk why since I never engage in it, but I get a lot of anime crap on my facebook. And... this came up today
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Nothing about this surprises me. Not a woman being beaten up in anime by a man (and I mean no matter what she happened to do, whether she was bad or innocent, a man beating a woman is v common), the laugh reacts, or the comments. In fact, this was of no surprise to me
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I went to watch the scene. Now this wasn't a fight, this was him beating the shit out of her. Just so much one-sided punching. I stopped counting how many times he hit her. It went on for about 6 mins.
And this... gross prick... with an icon that looked like that... an oversexualised BDSM looking anime woman... wanted to see her beaten more. For at least another 6 mins.
BUT ANWYAY, I'm not ranting about that. Fans of these animes that look like this esp
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--with all that harem bullshit, are of no surprise to me. That's whatever at this point. Male fans will always have these animes made for them.
Oh also, apparently she's a masochist and ends up falling for him
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What kinda got to me was who happened to be the VA for this character. Now, he's not one of my faves, but he plays a lot of characters I love.
He's Vector in Zexal, Shinkai in Yowapeda, Daichi in Haikyuu. He's not struggling for roles...
If I was an actor not struggling, and just accepted any role given to me, idk... I feel like you can either contribute to terribleness being put out into this world, or you dont. I was mad at the Game of Thrones actors for a while until... I realised that ofc they made the choice to be on that show. Nobody was a big star at the time, this created their stardom. They now get to be picky. They now get to choose what media to be a part of. I dont think even I would have refused to be on that show if I was starting out. I'd just bash it afterwards like how whatshisface does about Twilight.
I believe the existence of Game of Thrones is an awful thing. Bc it has shown me, with fan reactions, what people are willing to accept, joke about, and in a way... emulate in real life. I have heard the grossest comments from real life males about what happens to women in that show. If you are involved with media that is harmful, whether you're just an actor in it or not, you've contributed to the message it puts out.
This VA defo had the choice when he read the roles and saw "main character beats the crap out of woman, will most likely draw in male fans in droves with comments like #now THIS is what I call equality, and #ive fapped to worse, and #bitches need this kinda beating", would you still like to do it?" and chose "YES got no problems here"
Well, you contributed, and at this point in your career where you can be choosy, I'm so disappointed
I'm just glad he's not one of the VA's I generally feel like I can trust with their roles, since, idk, they NEVER seem to choose those extreme roles that draw in the worst fans, but still. I cant help but just... sigh. And be wary.
If I go back to Maeno for a sec, yeah there's a possibility he'll disappoint me one day. But for how often he does shoujos, and BL's, and when he does shounens he's likeable (whether he's a hero, anti or villain), I truly like to believe that, he knows that female anime fans are why he's successful, and so he's loyal to them and the kinda roles women would like.
But yeah.
Rant over.
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