#I'm giggling at this shitty meme like crazy
capesandshapes · 2 years
i feel like i missed something, why is Sarah Z bad?
A lot of it for me personally has nothing to do with the accusations of racism aimed towards her (which I can't substantiate because I don't know anything about it so while I agree racism is a problematic behavior, I literally can't say jack about it with her) and is more to do with the fact that while I enjoy analyzing fan culture, I really don't like Sarah z's approach to gathering content for her arguments nor the way that she's never been one to correct any of her statements or actively try to discourage harassment
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With this video in particular there was a lot of controversy about her picking and choosing posts from creators while editing them down and eliminating the context around them, which caused a lot of creators to end up in hot water which she was hesitant to correct-- and it really wasn't the first time for her.
The fandom made character in Sherlock video too is another moment where to me it's just like okay you're eliminating a ton of context (BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY THERE) and trying to sensationalize/turn this less into a moment of laughing at what was then A VERY VERY SMALL PORTION THE SHERLOCK COMMUNITY without anyone actually knowing how this like kicked off or anything.
Like this isn't a very articulate way for me to explain this or anything, but in the case of Sarah z and YouTubers like her, we as fans of various media are their content and they get to be an outsider looking in at us and open another window in at the same time, only further narrowing and reframing the view for entertainment. We're animals in a zoo and she's the tour guide, and we can't say shit to correct her because we're far enough from her audience that we can't touch them, but they can throw peanuts and pens into our enclosure while she watches but does nothing to help.
A very current way to explain this is that in the case of goncharov and Tumblr, Sarah z and other fandom YouTubers are likely rubbing their little hands giggling about the content that would bring-- which I understand, completely! She makes money off of us, I get it! But she makes more money off of us the stranger she makes the situation seem, and the more she can hype it up, to the point where she has an incentive to do things like omit the fifty million text posts stating that no one wants a goncharov written and then go "oh look there's ninety different versions of this movie written, isn't it crazy that people would do that over and over again" while pointing to the AO3 tag and cherry picking examples that aren't even scripts or anything like that, and then over exaggerating again the amount of fanart and full on time consuming work that went into the goncharov meme-- because fun fact, the majority of it is just shit posts and while a handful of people have put art to it, I can guarantee it won't be as much as portrayed by YouTubers.
Like again it's really really hard for me to explain but I not only know people in fandom who have been poorly portrayed in her videos (as well as creators on TikTok whose faces were OUT THERE and whose posts were manipulated to be online with a framing that was far from the truth), but I've also personally become content for people when I really don't want to be and was just hanging out here. So while it's cool at first and I scooped up some TikTok originating followers, it got annoying real quick because their idea of my content and who I am was provided by someone who stood to gain from misrepresenting me which led to more negative interactions and hurtful anons that just fucking sucked-- I'm a fanfiction author who makes shit posts at the end of the day, not a political commentary blog, but for some reason tiktokers wanted to act like capesandshapes from nowhere Minnesota with like fifty shitty trash posts was one of the dozen Tumblr bloggers who have real hot takes that people need to know about politics from Tumblr. Everyone laugh about the fact that a girl with a Glimmer icon has opinions on gun control but can't recite the whole arms manufacturing history at the drop of a hat.
Like that's my personal reason, I'm not content for her or her YouTube channel and I don't really want to be framed any sort of way for her to profit off of me-- which sounds egotistical and conceited, I know; "why would she choose you," but the majority of people who show up in her videos aren't exactly planning on being the subject of the YouTube thinkpiece of the week.
I'd honestly block more YouTubers like her if I knew their handles.
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i-need-air · 4 years
King & Queen. – Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader.
Summary: Fluff, Baku being extra while confessing, social media shenanigans.
Word count: 1784.
It's 4 AM, I'm a mess but I needed to get this off my chest. I'm testing the waters with my writings, it's been forever since I wrote anything and I wanted to throw myself a little bit into the fandom I've been obsessed with for the past months. I do hope you enjoy it. ♥
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Bakugou Katsuki took pride in having such a large following online. Ever since the first year UA Sports Festival, both his Twitter and Instagram accounts got thousands and thousands of followers, mostly crushing over him and others just hating on him, and in both ways he loved the attention.
The Aesthetics™ he had were always on point and his Twitter was just filled with one sentence tweets, re-tweets of famous heroes, a somewhat dry, dark and/or sarcastic meme from time to time, only and only if it fit (again) his aesthetics. Sometimes he'd engage with the Bakusquad, specially Kaminari and Mina, both very active users, and [Y/N], answering to her tweets with a one word roast and little more.
After the second year UA Sports Festival though? His social media reached the 100k mark, skyrocketing into a small celebrity as he won the first place for two years in a row. But what made him reach such a large number was the way he won. Their battle for the first place was insane, such a difference compared to what he had to deal with Todoroki in the past. [Y/N] put an amazing fight, there's no doubt to that, but the woman overused her quirk and he knew her weakness, mostly since he sometimes (rarely, almost never, pft) observed her train with Icy-Hot or Deku. It was a spectacle to watch and it has even been televised for a whole week afterwards, critics applauding how promising UA's students were. And that's how it all started.
The shipping.
Images and even fucking edited music videos of their fight were everywhere. It was so obvious both of them enjoyed the fight, the little grins they shared as they attacked each other, the small comments both threw and the camera and mics everywhere picked, the look Bakugou Katsuki gave [Y/N] when she kicked his ass. Such an adoration, followed by his insane grin, ready for a challenge. The look [Y/N] gave him, as he took the first place medal with pride from Endeavor, thriving at the applauses from the public. Stars were put to shame compared to the sparks in her eyes. Oh, and the moment their orbs made contact exactly after that? The chemistry.
Bakuy/n was one of their names online, apart from variations of their hero names mixed together. The fandom was slowly picking up a name, mostly going with the first mentioned. And Katsuki? He was fucking aware of everything. Her social media was on radio silence, but this event made him think. Actually think, not half-ass an idea and just throw himself head on into it. And the conversation he overheard was just making him plot now.
Mina and [Y/N] were actually discussing this exact topic. The pink girl was thriving for it. Her Twitter account was now filled with subliminal messages about love and it made her poor friend anxious. Basically because this issue hasn't been addressed at all with Bakugou and she planned to keep it that way. Yet Mina, sweet, adorable, loving Mina was just pressing on it really badly, but thankfully she never did when both sides of Bakuy/n were in the same room/conversation.
"Isn't it like so romantic?" Mina's eyes shined, hands clapped, her gaze looking somewhere in the distance, daydreaming.
"No, it's not, it's weird..." her [h/c] haired friend answered, falling more into the couch of their living quarters, trying to hide from the world.
"It would be if it wasn't obvious you pin for each other!"
"Oh, god, please stop saying that."
"You're not denying it though!"
Laughter coming from the pinkette filled the room as the blond man decided not to interrupt and leave, small grin on his face as [Y/N]'s groans just told him what he needed to hear. She definitely did not deny the attraction and whatever chemistry they had.
Which leads to the current situation.
The girl was sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for Ochaco and Mina to come around, phone in hand as she scrolled mindlessly through Twitter, watching as her most recent tweet, the first one in ages, was getting attention. She giggled at Denki's stupidity, as he just posted a selfie of himself drenched in Diet Coke clearly in the UA bathrooms. Checking his replies she saw the boy she's been [kinda, lowkey, just a lil bit] trying to avoid for the past days.
She giggled again, entertained by her friends when her interactions just exploded. App actually crashed as she blinked while munching on some french fries dumbly.
As she tried to open her app again, both her friends landed by the table, joking about Kaminari and his never ending stupidity. Notifications popped again and again, legit confusing the girl to no end, making her ignore her two friends as they asked her what was going on, mainly because of her expression.
"The hell...?" she muttered, throwing the phone down while Twitter took its sweet, sweet time to load and open and just as she opened her mouth to answer Mina, she made eye contact with some very intense red eyes.
Clasping her mouth shut and ignoring Ochaco as she took [Y/N]'s phone to see what's going on, the girl could only focus on Bakugou, sitting a few tables away, facing her direction. She almost shivered in place under the intensity he was giving away, although his position was laid back, phone in one hand, chin in the other. And, again, gaze on her. He barely even blinked, his neutral expression giving nothing away and she knew she was blushing. Why was she a blushing mess under his gaze? Well, answer was obvious for everyone, even the whole internet now, but oh, she wished Bakugou Katsuki wasn't that sharp. Who are we kidding though?
Ochaco started to shake her out of her daze, interrupting the intense eye contact battle as she shoved her phone in her face.
"Oh. My. God." She muttered, stuttering her following words "Please, look at this, I can't believe it... Mina, check Twitter."
"If Kaminari threw Diet Coke and Mints in one of the bathroom toilets to 'experiment', I'm done with him." Mina responded but froze in place, just as [Y/N] looked away from the explosive boy. "Wait... WAIT!" her eyes almost popped out of her skull. "WHAAAAAAA–?!"
On the screen of her phone was the profile of the guy she's been crushing for... A year now? The guy that at first ignored her, then screamed at her, then beat her ass in training, then got his ass beaten by her, that scoffed at her shitty jokes, that actually chuckled at her shitty jokes, that studied with her, that smiled at her... The guy that complimented her when her quick improved. The guy that took her opinion seriously even when acting like he didn't care. The guy that stole her heart when he showed little glimpses of his complex persona only to her. The guy that fucking retweeted:
"King & Queen."
And a picture attached, them shaking hands after their battle, ready to go get prepared for the podium. Bloodied, sweaty, yet both smiling at each other.
"I can't believe this–[Y/N]–" The brunette started rambling and fangirling besides her, but... With a careful glance, she peeked under her eyelashes to look at the boy again, her heart almost stopping when noticing he was still observing, small grin on his face hidden behind his hand, perfectly angled for her to see. "There's another one!"
Everything started to make sense, as she quickly checked her notifications to see the Internet™ just going crazy over that retweet. People started mass-following her, fans and stans just living for it, tagging her username with a screenshot of the retweet and now it hyped up again with... pictures of his profile? Did he change his description? He... changed his description. While there was absolutely nothing in there, now there was one single word. King.
Her eyebrows just rose so high her forehead hurt, the 3 braincells that were still somehow functioning were catching up to what the hell was going on and now she was positive, 100%, without a doubt that she was blushing like a mad-woman, a smile forming on her lips as she hit the retweet button on the same tweet he did and instantly opening her profile to edit.
Both her friends were freaking out by her side, accusing her of being way too calm in this situation, to explain but [Y/N] knew she couldn't utter any word, or even look up at them or at him. If she did, she'd break the spell, the moment, and as she deleted her description and only wrote a single word in her profile, her smile only widened. Hearing Mina screech after seeing her retweet, the girl giggled like an idiot.
Bakugou Katsuki was loud, brash, maybe a little bit emotionally constipated, rough around the edges, incredibly smart, observing, caring, awful with words but straight to the point with actions. And he was, without a doubt, fucking extra when doing things.
As she pressed the button Save on her profile, she caught him looking at his phone, being patted on the back by Kirishima, that somehow appeared in the frame yet was so distant in her field of vision as only he mattered at the moment. Waiting his reaction patiently and waiting for the internet to start freaking out again, her chest was hurting from the drumming of her heart. Hell, she knew she looked like a disaster with a flushed face, phone gripped so hard in her hand that it could break, a group of girls forming around her, noisy yet so distant. The world going in slow motion, seeing his crimson eyes widen for a fraction of a second, hiding more of his face in the palm of his hand as he still tried to look so casual, Kirishima's "Yeaaaaaaaah!" filled her ears as he tapped his finger on the screen, destination already clear. And when he saw what he needed...
He got up, leaving his tray of food behind, shit-eating grin basically parting the sea of people forming around them both as he marched towards where she was seated, and for the third time they made eye contact. His cheeks flushed, such a boyish expression coveting his normally angry features, mischievous and happy, relieved, just... Perfect.
Everything went in slow motion for her, his march, decisive and bold, as he always was, took to an end as he got to her, just giving her a hand and a raised brow, inviting her to leave with him anywhere but there.
And she took it without hesitation.
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gins-potter · 6 years
Jess, I'm out here living for your Bloom/Sky content. Any more headcanons for these cuties? (Really looking forward to the next chapter of your Winx rewrite btw)
i’m so sorry this took so long nonnie but I didn’t want to just brush your ask off.  i didn’t actually have anything written so i just found an ask meme and did that.
Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Bloom definitely rocks the seat but Sky doesn’t flip out.  Instead he just suffers in silence, waiting for her to stop messing around so they can be all romantic and shit.
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Ehhh, both?  They’re both equally horny, and are pretty down for sex whenever, particularly in the first few years of their relationship when they can’t keep their hands off each other.  Although, Bloom is always up for ditching their royal duties to feel each other up in the closest closet.
Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
They both suggest it, but Sky definitely tries to make it more relaxing, and Bloom tries to make it a sexy time.
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
Sky is perpetually shirtless but Bloom certainly isn’t about to ask him to cover up.
Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Sky mostly.  He’ll take the couch (or more likely a guest room) if he’s mad at Bloom.  If Bloom is mad enough that she needs to get away she’ll go back home to Earth or over to Stella’s for a few days.
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
Sky said it first, and they both end arguments by saying it.
Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Bloom.  She lives in Sky’s sweatshirts, they’re so snuggly.
Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Neither wakes the other up with cool dreams.  They both have nightmares, especially after all the shit they went through at Alfea and Red Fountain.  Sky tells Bloom stories until she falls back asleep, and Bloom sings to Sky to get him back to sleep.
Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
Bloom makes fun of Sky whenever he gets too sappy (even though she secretly loves it) and Sky rolls his eyes and has to remind her they’ve been married for 3 years.
Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Bloom?  Maybe?
Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Sky initiates them, even though Bloom is the better singer.
Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?
Surprisingly Bloom actually.  She’s an artist, so she’s always doodling on her skin.
Who is more seductive when they are drunk?
Bloom is a shameless flirt when she gets drunk (which virtually never happens) and is always trying to seduce Sky into bed.  Meanwhile he’s just trying to make sure she doesn’t fall over.  
Who is more protective?
Oooooh, both, definitely.  They both know the other can hold their own in a fight, but when Bloom gets hurt, Sky goes all protector-mode, and same with Bloom.  Emotionally they’re also really protective of each other.  Bloom and their friends can give Sky shit, but no one else can.
Who drives and who has the window seat?
Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Neither?  Maybe Bloom occasionally falls asleep on Sky.
Who cuts the others hair?
Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
Bloom sexts like a champion, Sky just blushes.  He’s the master of encouraging messages when Bloom’s having a tough day though.  And she doesn’t even need to tell him, he just knows.
Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
Hmmmm, tricky.  I think they both have their insecurities.  Bloom thinks she’s not good enough at the whole royal thing to be with Sky, and that he deserves someone who could help him lead better.  Which he thinks is ridiculous.  Sky worries that in general that he isn’t enough for Bloom.  Which she also think is ridiculous.
Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
Sky for both.  He’s definitely the romantic one of the relationship.
Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Who kissed first?
The first (almost) kiss is after their first date, when they walk Lady around Red Fountain, and Sky drops Bloom off at Alfea on his leva-bike.  And he’s leaning against his bike, looking all cute in his leather jacket, and they’re being all flirty, and they both just kind of lean it, and it’s the most perfectly cliche (almost) kiss of all time.
Until a teacher walks past reminding them that curfew is in 10 minutes.
Their first actual kiss is after the final battle ends.  And they’re searching the grounds of Alfea for each other, wondering if the other is still even alive, so when they find each other, it’s basically pure adrenaline, and Bloom’s still a little pissed about the whole lying about who he really was thing, but also just so relieved that he’s still here.
Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
You’d think Bloom, but it’s one part of royal life, having access to food 24/7 that Sky’s never been able to live without.  So every now and then (once a week) the couple have a midnight feast.  Their friends find it so weird.  Neither of them wake each other up for water though, they’ve been in literal battlezones.  A dark house/palace is nothing.
Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
Surprisingly, Bloom.  Very occasionally she’ll help Musa out with a new song, and if it’s a love song it’s always about Sky.  Of course he’ll hear it when Musa’s newest album comes out, but if he’s lucky she’ll get out her guitar and sing it for him.
Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Hmmmm, neither?  Maybe Sky.  And Bloom is there rolling her eyes, and fondly using her magic to heal him.
Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
Bloom.  Sky loves them.
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sunnymooo · 2 years
today, i laughed so much. i smiled from ear to ear every moment i could check my phone, and i got lost in my happy little thoughts in the moments i couldn't. joining stan twitter was one of the best decisions i've ever made. it's been a long time since i felt this giddy. i love mamamoo so much, and gosh do i love our absolutely gay as fuck fandom.
context for all the giggles - basically mamamoo who hasn't been altogether in ages (to the point where weirdos on the internet are always spreading rumors they disbanded) finally joined each other as four again this past weekend for a kpop festival that took place in germany and this experience single-handedly revived the fandom on all of social media. not only did old moos come out of the woodworks to hang out again, but new moos rode the wave of excitement and joined the fandom to be welcomed with open arms. on twitter, we had a seriously huge following spree trend take place, where everyone was introducing themselves as new or old moos asking for more ot4 mutuals. i waited until after the concerts ended and the girls landed back in korea to post mine. but i didn't expect to get... that much interaction on the tweet???? woof! i mean every minute of today i either gained a follower or received 5 notifications of new mutuals liking and commenting on my content. honestly, it's so wonderful! i made so many friends today! omg! and i still am!
so all day i've just gotten to be silly with my mutuals - new and old. i know they're just internet friends and i go through a lot of internet friends phases and usually end up losing them to time, but still, i'm really attached to everyone and really happy to get to share the love i feel for these girls with others who are so similar to me. in this fandom, there's a lot of simping, a lot of memeing, a lot of joking, a lot of flirting - we're honestly just a bunch of lesbians and queer people having a good time and sincerely loving mamamoo with all our hearts.
before coming back to work i knew i needed to get involved with something outside of the resort so that i could understand myself and see a future outside of the place that runs so much of my life. it isn't exactly what i had in mind, but it actually works pretty well. the cast of characters i interact with on a daily basis over stan twitter is so far removed from tdlr; with them i can truly feel like my own silly self, and my interactions with them serve as a direct reminder that i exist outside of the place in which i work. even though some of us have barely met, i already am so comfortable and giggly with them on my silly little account. it's just so nice to be me in more places than just............ disney. lol.
anyway, i just wanted to say that it feels really healing. to pick up my phone and have something to laugh about - something that has me grinning from ear to ear - that's incredibly precious! especially when i've been so stressed out seeing people i super don't want to see lately. i instantly feel grounded when i remember how large and wonderful the earth is. i mean seriously. i have friends now all around the world now, isn't that crazy? i may have lost shitty people i thought were friends but i'm really good at making friends so i really haven't lost much in the long run, only gained a higher confidence in my ability to have fun with others.
i'm so happy to have something to think about that has nothing, nothing at all, to do with you.
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