#I'm gonna learn how to drive specifically so i can go to hot topic and spencers on my own since the nearest one is a few towns over
inky-goddess · 8 months
I can't shop for pants or accessories with my mom because if I say that an xl/xxl fits me she'll just be like
"No you are not that fat, and if you were you would need to start exercising more and maybe even go on a diet like me"
and this isnt exactly her fault, it's the fault of media beauty standards and her doctors telling her she's overweight and an unhealthy weight (she's not, she's actually thinner than some of our other family members, but because she isnt a twig like my aunt she's considered "unhealthy" by her doctors and so am I) but it makes shopping so much worse with her because she projects what she's told on me and when i tell her im fine with how I look/my weight she says "Well it's still not healthy" because that's what her doctor tells her. And so to keep myself from being told I'm fat in public I go a size down, and then I have to deal with pants/a belt/etc that's too small and it physically hurts me.
And like- telling me I need to exercise more is fine because yeah I probably do I sit down a lot, but telling me "you need to go on a diet like me" is kinda shit to say in public. Especially because my mom's diet is like- really concerning. She barely eats and it concerns me to no end.
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