#...this started off as a rant about clothes shopping and ended in me talking about how concerned about my mom I am...whoops
inky-goddess · 8 months
I can't shop for pants or accessories with my mom because if I say that an xl/xxl fits me she'll just be like
"No you are not that fat, and if you were you would need to start exercising more and maybe even go on a diet like me"
and this isnt exactly her fault, it's the fault of media beauty standards and her doctors telling her she's overweight and an unhealthy weight (she's not, she's actually thinner than some of our other family members, but because she isnt a twig like my aunt she's considered "unhealthy" by her doctors and so am I) but it makes shopping so much worse with her because she projects what she's told on me and when i tell her im fine with how I look/my weight she says "Well it's still not healthy" because that's what her doctor tells her. And so to keep myself from being told I'm fat in public I go a size down, and then I have to deal with pants/a belt/etc that's too small and it physically hurts me.
And like- telling me I need to exercise more is fine because yeah I probably do I sit down a lot, but telling me "you need to go on a diet like me" is kinda shit to say in public. Especially because my mom's diet is like- really concerning. She barely eats and it concerns me to no end.
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staticbleeding · 23 days
⛧°。 ⋆Waiting on the Stars⋆。 °⛧
+:。.。 teen Stanford Pines x gn reader 。.。:+
The second part!! I was not expecting so much love on my first post on this account! I am so happy y'all enjoyed the first part! Enjoy this <3 warnings : strong language, suggestive language, the usual teen shit pt.1 pt.2
1972 After the night at the pawn shop, Ford hasn't been able to stop thinking about you. It is starting to become painfully obvious. Especially to Ford's twin that has to hear all the midnight ramblings. Will he have to help his brother out, or will fate help Ford himself?
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Ford's POV
I wake up to Stan's snoring. Pushing my glasses onto my face, my feet touch the ground beneath me. I rub my eyes and start to regret not getting much sleep. Looking up at the clock on the bed side table, my heart drops. I'm gonna be late.
"Wake up Stanley. We are going to be late if we don't leave in like 30 minutes! I can't miss the first block", I say as I shake the sleeping man above me. His arm lays down off his bunk.
"Fuck off Sixer we can be a little bit late"
"Stanley it's not going to happen." I say as I stumble out of bed and pull my neatly folded clothes out of the dresser and begin pulling them on.
"Sorry you only get a chance to see your little lover in class man, but ain't no way I am getting up after you kept me awake all night". Stanley grumbles and rolls back over in his bed.
"Please Stanley.." I reluctantly beg my sleeping brother
With a loud groan Stanley jumps off the bed and starts putting on his clothes from the floor.
"Thank you". I sigh out and rush to the kitchen to make some sort of breakfast before we leave.
"Morning dears! You two slept in didn't you?" Ma cheerfully asks as her arms cradle the youngest of the Pines, Shermie.
"Yeah Ma," Stan runs out of our room yelling and leans down to plant kisses on our brother's small head, " Fordsy wouldn't let me get anymore. Couldn't miss out on seeing his little lover." His elbow pokes my side before grabbing his favorite snack.
"Stanford! You didn't tell me you have a little (girl/boyfriend/partner)! I am your mother!" Ma laughs out.
Looking down at my feet I stutter out, "Not exactly.."
"He's too.. s-scared to ask t-them out." Stan poorly attempts to mock me. A loud booming laugh comes out of his mouth.
"Quit it Stanley. I am sure your brother will get the courage soon. When can I meet them?" An overly excited Ma elbows me.
"We have to go Stan. Please. Ma, I haven't even really talked to them. I can't ask them out, let alone invite them over for dinner. Now we must leave." I say before kissing her on the cheek and grabbing Stan to pull out of the door. 
Wishing for a quiet ride to school was nothing but fantasy with Stan. I couldn't do more than just stare out the window and wish the long rant of his would end quickly.
"I don't see why you don't just go up and ask them out Ford. They seem like a nice enough person to not throw a drink in your face for asking them out. I take a couple of classes with them. Pretty smart cookie too." My twin's words fall out of his mouth as if he is some expert in relationships.
"I can handle my own relationship ventures Stanley. Thank you but I really don't think they like me back. Hell why would they? I can't even look at them without becoming a mess and stumbling on my words. For all I know, they have a guy already." My hands find my face.
"Ford, they don't have a guy. Please. They ask me about you all the time in class. I may not have a good thing with relationships, but look Sixer, they would be stupid to not like you back," His hand touches my shoulder and squeezes, "but if they don't then more chicks for us when we set sail on the Stan O' War eh??". My stomach tightens at the thought of (Y/N) asking him about me. What did they want to know? Oh God what did Stan tell them?
As the car comes to a stop, I jump out and thank Stanley for the talk. Rushing to class, I find (Y/N) sitting in their usual seat doodling in their note book. I smile and wipe my hands on my pants. Walking over to our partnered seats, I feel my heart race quicken when they look up and smile that smile at me. My face warms quickly. My hand waves at them.
"Thought for a second you weren't gonna show Ford. Started to get worried Stan's driving finally killed you." God there is that smile of theirs.
"Haha.. no no. He just wouldn't get up." I stutter out as my stomach tightens realizing that they just said they worried about me.
"Well I will remember to yell at him later for almost making you late". They laugh and we sit in a comfortable silence.
"So what do you have planned for this weekend?" I swear I see a light blush appear on their face.
"Me?! Oh um.. working probably. Stan hates working the shop on the weekends". I say while looking down at my hands.
"Oh well that sucks. I was gonna see if you wanted to maybe.." They are quickly interrupted by the teacher coming into class with a mumble of sorrys and excuses for being late.
Quickly they turn their focus back to the notebook. It's a little black notebook that has stars they are drawing on the cover. A blush coats their face.
Soon class ends and I watch as they hurry out. This time they turn around and smile at me. My heart skips. I find myself thinking of that one interaction the rest of the day. I walk out of the school and towards the bright red car parked out front. A smile plastered to my face. It fades seeing Stan outside the car holding a way too familiar notebook.
"Don't tell me you took their notebook Stanley! I get wanting to help me but that is insane!" I whisper scream out towards my brother.
"Don't get your panties in a twist Sixer. They left it in class today, but...here check the cover". He tosses the object towards me that I luckily catch. I open the cover and see their name and the words 'If lost call me!' with their number attached. A blush finds my face. Is this the chance I have been waiting for?
"Lets go man. You got a call to make". Stanley laughs and gets into the car.
The car ride home was filled with silence as I went over every possible outcome to this. They could think I was weird for using their number without permission, or ask why Stanley didn't call, or..
My thoughts are quickly stopped as Stan slams on the breaks and parks. I quietly get out of the car and go upstairs. I thank the stars that Stan is working the shop tonight.
I sit in the kitchen watching the phone as if it will grow legs and walk out. My palms sweat against the hard cardboard cover. Stanley walks in to the room whistling. He stares at me and sighs.
"Sixer...seriously? You still haven't called?" He leans across the counter and eyes the notebook.
"This is a really bad idea Stan. I can't do it. I will just hand it to them personally first thing Monday Morning" I sigh and start to stand up to leave. I freeze in my tracks hearing the rotary dial turn.
I whip around and see Stan putting in the numbers I have eyed now for hours.
"Stan wait! Don't you dare!" I run over and go to press the receiver before the call goes through. Too late. Stan laughs and hands me the phone. Walking away with a shit eating grin. I hear the voice I have imagined in my dreams countless times, the voice that causes my body to instantly react, oh God what am I going to say? Do I hang up? I feel like throwing up. My heartbeat I can hear in my ears.
Too late
Hahaha gotta love good ol' siblings!
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bucknastysbabe · 9 months
hi cal! i love your page sm. i wanted to request more chubby bucky (i’m so obsessed & haven’t seen him in a min) also make sure to take care of yourself and have a good day/night 🩷
HI!!!! Sorry I’ve been such a spazz and awful about my page and askbox I’m in my new era blah blah but YES! CHUBBY BUCKY! Thanks for the well wishes I’m trying to practice ~self care~ and ~time management~ mwah mwah much love. So let’s say this just in the same universe as Poolside Blues!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: body dysmorphia, obsessive thoughts, negative body talk, Muscle chub Buck, Bucky’s shit self esteem is saved by sunshine gf, holiday weight gain, Bucky being a stubborn mf, switch!Bucky, reader has empathic projection, horny texts, body worship, WE LOVE SOFT PARTS AND STRETCH MARKS ROUND HERE, teasing, sub space, daddy kink, pnv!sex, cuddles and fluff, Bucky is just a big cuddly tiger kitty
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“Bucky if you stare at the scale any longer I’m going to break it. Holidays are over, you can get back to being in the gym twenty-five eight.”
Bucky eyed his petite girlfriend, frowning from the doorway to the bathroom. He palmed his stupid fucking gut and sighed, he actually had to suck in to see the number! This is why Bucky hated the holidays. Besides being cold. James Buchanan Barnes very much disliked the cold, one could assume why.
He could handle the residual un-moveable pudge leftover from Hydra’s ever consistent tinkering with his bodily functions. But then it all started with Halloween. Wanda and his girlfriend loved to bake. So he’s getting force fed cookies. Then they need to decorate, go to functions, give out candy. No time for gym.
Bucky grumbled and stepped off the scale, padding to his closet. He grumbled more, “Stupid turkey holiday.” Great yes, the holiday known for feasting. Pumpkin spiced everything in his vision. Bucky had a weakness for pumpkin, his ma made good spiced bread. He took a short vacation with his lovely little angel to the mountains. He tried to rationalize that hiking and marathon sex would make up for the amount of food he had ingested.
Tony Stark of course had a grandiose Thanksgiving celebration. Bucky tried to keep it light, he did, he really did. But every refusal got sad eyes or downright offense. The former winter soldier was belly up by the end of the night, all gym plans out the window.
Christmas fared no better. His best gal absolutely adored Christmas. It was the first holiday she’d experience not as an asset to Hydra, just like Bucky. So instead of RUNNING or LIFTING, the Brunette was shopping and ice skating. He’d already gone up a size in clothes December 3rd to be exact. Bucky correctly guessed he would go up another post-Christmas.
He’d whinge and rant to Steve, the blondie listening and telling Bucky to chill— it’s not like anyone thought it was bad. Bucky exasperatedly shouted, “I’m like a goddamn balloon! I don’t need to be on missions like this! I’m going to Bruce, jerk.”
Bruce didn’t help either. Just said once he got back into a routine it would come off and he’d be at his regular weight. Refused to give Bucky Ozempic either. Some kinda doctor he was, his patient was obviously distraught.
“Are you dressed yet?,” she hollered.
“Give me a second!,” Bucky pouted.
He was going to pout today. Go to gym, get anger out, and pout. So he shimmied on some catastrophically tight basketball shorts and the biggest shirt he could find. Luckily it covered him up. May or may not have been a panic buy. Bucky cursed some more sitting on his bench to lace up his shoes, stupid gut getting in the way.
Red faced and irritated he snarked, “Happy now princess? I’m going to the gym, nothing is stopping me, I will be going to work out.” She grinned and watched him grab his bag, slapping a round ass cheek on his way out. Bucky shuddered at the wobble. Her familiar rasp rang out, “Nice ass baby! Go get em!”
He was too old for this. Technically his girl was ten years his junior if you took off the cryogenic time. He loved her dearly, always bubbly, somehow remained optimistic after all she’d been through. But the little freak liked Bucky’s pudge, loved it. Always grabbing up on it.
Bucky took the stairs to the gym. He needed it. The brunette thought with a smirk that if he had a nickel for every time he had to remove her hands from his ‘handles of love’ he would’ve been a millionaire back during the Depression. He grimaced at the feeling of his chubby tummy and thick thighs.
Finally. He’d made it. Gym time.
Not a soul in sight, Bucky could just relax and get his frustrations out. With a fuck-ton of a cardio and some toning exercises— really didn’t need any muscle to bulk him out more. He felt a bit peaceful for once, a strange bravado coming over him. The soldier stretched his unused muscles and did a bit of breathing exercises.
God, he already felt lighter. Maybe. Maybe he would take a picture and see if the camera made him look different. Bucky’s therapist already hammered him about his ‘body dysmorphia and negative self-image’.
Taking a peak about and tying his hair half up, Bucky propped the camera at a flattering angle and yanked off his shirt. He refused to look in a mirror for the holidays unless he was clothed. Fiddling with the inane controls, the man finally had the thing on a timer. He pulled off his shirt and tried to pose, straighten up his back again.
The flash went off and he ran to the phone, hit send, then sat down on a nearby bench to look fully. The brunette had to keep his ‘body positive!’ thoughts at the forefront. His chest and legs looked good. Face didn’t look too puffy thanks beard.
Disgust picked the earlier bravado up and hulk smashed it. Buck’s eyes were glued to his rounded belly and fat hips, a muffin over those horrid shorts. There, oh my god, there were stretchmarks on him? Bucky never had stretchmarks! Not the red kind! But there they were— mocking him. Ragged lines on his hips and sections of stomach.
He deleted the picture, feeling horrid. He should run more. But not before the pings blowing up his phone. She was strange and texted in 5 different messages that could’ve been sent in one singular text.
“Babbbbyyyy omg you’re so hot”
“Fuck, I’m getting all flustered in this debrief.”
“Look at that pretty body. Wanna lick those pretty stripes, tiger.”
“I’m so horny lmfao get your ass back to the room in 30. I’m gonna fucking ride you so goddamn hard.”
Bucky blinked a bit, feeling himself perk up. He still was a overblown balloon, but at-least the weirdo he loved enjoyed it. “Tiger huh,” he murmured, scratching at the sensitive marks. Bucky had a time limit now, snatching his gear up and stuffing it into a bag, hustling down the stairs to his room.
“Hey Buck,” Sam’s voice was a blur as Bucky entered his room. He smirked a bit hearing a muffled, “Weird ass.” The super soldier kept his mind on the prize— getting the daylights fucked out of him by his girls. Nope he wasn’t going to pay attention to the chafe on the inside of his thighs one bit. Okay...maybe he’d powder the area after the shower.
All he had to do was wait now. Wait. Not get nerved about his very naked body. He felt like a pile of exposed lard but it’ll be okay. Yep. Bucky would be fine. Pussy would fix his problems. As long as she played nice and didn’t tease. That rendered Bucky into a teary, babbling mess. Either he was always a masochist or Hydra made him into one but God— sometimes when she got mean he saw stars.
The door busted open, Bucky feeling relief at her grinning face. She gently closed it behind her, stripping easily while throwing her panties at him. He caught the material, moaning softly as she growled, “See what you did to me in the middle of that debrief? Had to cut it short my pheromones were so bad.”
Bucky inspected the panties, eyes fluttering at the slick wetting the cloth. He gripped and inhaled, hand flying down to soothe his cock. A lithe body crawled to the end of the bed, the soldier flushing as she seated herself in between his thighs. Keeping him in fucking missionary, her manicured nails spreading him a bit. He gasped, body jolting at the exposure.
Her perky tits heaved as she groped at his thighs and slid down to get handfuls of his round ass. Bucky threw his head back and moaned, “W-What are you up to?” Earlier mentioned pheromones were making his body keyed up and sensitive, pupils likely swallowing up blue eyes. She leaned forward, taught body against his cock.
“Mmm- I don’t know really. You just looked so delicious,” she kissed his belly and cooed, “I know you’re upset with yourself right now, Buck, you’re fucking gorgeous. Holiday weight or not. But I’ll even go to the gym with you, know I’ve been a distraction.”
Bucky slurred a name, hands reaching for her waist, she was so sweet. He sighed, “I enjoyed you as my distraction, best disss-traction everrr. Fuck you’re makin’ me horny babydoll.” She crawled up his bigger body to plant a kiss on Bucky’s swollen lips before sliding back to her place. His cock leaked when she giggled, “I know, poor baby’s all achy for me. But I wanna do something first.”
She slid palms up and down Bucky’s muscled arms, soothing him a little. Then the she-devil gripped his chunky love-handles and shook, watching with poorly-disguised glee. Bucky whined, “Baaaby, stoppp, it’s awful!”
“Think of them as tiger stripes, they’ll fade out when you drop weight,” she dug under where his belly hung a bit and traced at his most sensitive stretch marks. Bucky let out an indecent noise, thrusting up into her sweet touch. The fellow avenger cooed, “S’that feel good tiger? Need some lotion. Pretty boy.”
Bucky outright whimpered when her hand wrapped around his weepy cock, already slick from copious pre. She slowly moved her hand, praising him. Pretty boy, smart, handsome, good, kind, helpful.
He was going to bust a nut before anything happened. Bucky barked, “B-babe, stop! Stop!” Her pretty brows knitted together, hand jerking away as she asked, “What’s wrong bub?” He panted, “Gimme a second, w-wanna fuck you so baaaad.” She gently stroked the outside of thick muscled thighs, padded with love in her opinion.
“Thought I was going to ride you?,” she asked, face beginning to flush.
Bucky shook his head, managing to push himself up to get face-to-face. His soft body filled the tight space between them, making her whimper now. Bucky used one hand to caress the side of her face, the other massaging her pretty tit. Long lashes fluttered, her lips falling open.
Score. He managed to somewhat fumble through the pheromone fog.
Bucky rumbled, “Nuh-uh, all this talk about my body and you don’t want me to pin you down and fill your pretty pussy up? Hm sweetheart?” He punctuated the sentence with a deep kiss, the sweet thing easily giving up to him. It was fun when she played mean but Bucky had more experience— he could play his girl like a fucking fiddle.
“C’mon,” smack, “use your,” smack, “words baby,” smack smack. She didn’t want to stop kissing, sucking on his bottom lip as he pulled away. She blushed, embarrassed on how fast the situation had flipped. His girl whined, “Yeah, c’mon fuck me, fuck me full daddy.” He grinned and laid back, strong arms pulling her atop him.
She squealed, eyes widening. Bucky purred, “You know what to do, Daddy’ll let you on top.” He bit his swollen lip again watching the tip of his clock get swallowed by molten heat, the pair of them shuddering in ecstasy. Her little hands planted on his chest, panting and whining at the fullness. He’d get to work, holding that pretty waist and fucking up into her tight cunt.
It wasn’t long before she was crying out and laying atop his body, gasping, “Y’feel so good! Ah! Soft and oh god s’fucking hard!” Bucky sucked at her neck and thrust into her with downright pornographic slaps. He grunted and gasped, legs wonderfully getting another workout.
He murmured into her ear, a hand stilling all that writhing the poor thing was doing, “Yeah doll? Daddy fucking you good? Feels good to lay on Daddy and get your pussy pounded huh?” She sobbed, clenching and spilling tears on his neck, “Yes daddy! Yes! Don’t stop, fuckfuckfuck, s’rubbing my clit! I love you Daddy!”
Bucky’s eyes crossed for a second. What?
The evil flab that curses his very existence is a free clit rubber? He moaned in delight. Bucky changed their position some to milk out that new fact. Might as well abuse it before it’s gone. His baby was clinging to him now, mewling his name, pussy spasming sporadically. Bucky tilted her head up, melting at her pretty eyes. He rasped, “Come for Daddy baby, know you’re close, let go babydoll.”
He was grinding the tip of his cock into her soft spot while cooing at her. She hiccuped on a sob, the entirety of lean frame tightening down on him. His baby was a lot stronger than she looked. He could feel her core clamp and soak his cock, sending Bucky reeling into his own orgasm with a hoarse shout. He whimpered at the feeling of his balls drawing painfully tight, emptying all he had pent up.
They laid in a pile of sweat and spend, probably love. She was still subbed out, nuzzling into Bucky, only making a soft noise when his soft cock slid out. The brunette guessed it was his turn to return her earlier favor. He felt like the man of the hour. Crazy little kitten thought her geriatric overweight cyborg assassin was hot. Even with the holiday pounds.
So he pressed little kisses, rubbed her back, waxed poetic nonsense of his love for her. Bucky was a lover boy back in the day, just a little rusty, not like his Babygirl was on planet Earth right now anyways. She murmured into his neck with a dopey smile, “Tiger.”
Once again, crazy fellow asset saving Bucky’s wavering self-esteem. How lucky was he?
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gaylordscooter · 9 days
Can You Really Call This An Icebreaker We Already Know Each Other Because We're All The Same Person (not actually)
Nightmare’s plan of having three monsters to torment was turning out great. Well, other than the fact that they're incredibly incompetent at working together, which was a problem when they traveled outside the castle.
There was that time he sent them to go clothes shopping—Dust ended up getting possessed by that freak because of Killer’s inadequacy and Horror left them. If he didn't step in they would’ve all ended up under its control.
Then that other time he took them on their supply run so they could actually get the necessities they needed (apparently the prior supplies Nightmare got for them wasn't sufficient. He thought five bags of flour and three gallons of water was more than enough for a week. Apparently not.) It was supposed to be a quick and simple robbery, as in they’d simply walk in, shop as normal, and then portal out before anyone could say or suspect anything. Unfortunately they all ended up causing a scene when it came to deciding what food to get.
And that time they ran into the Star Sanses…He had to resort to using his fog to get them to attack them. He didn't exactly know what illusion they saw when under the fog’s influence but it painted the Star Sanses as enemies, at least. Killer and Dust nearly killed the weakest link of the opposing group. Unfortunately they also saw each other as enemies.
In short, it would be beneficial if they got used to each other if he wanted to increase their survivability.
He thought they would by themselves given that they're the only source of interaction for each other, but two of them have already grown accustomed to being completely secluded and the other one is more closed off than a child that lived with a tree being his only friend for his entire life.
Not that he would know what that was like.
He stood deep in the forest near the castle.
“Maybe you should have them do some icebreakers?” Ink, who was perched atop a branch of a tree suggested.
“I don't see how letting them break ice would make them any closer.”
“No, silly!” Ink poked him on the cheek, causing him to curl his face in disgust. “An icebreaker is something that helps a group get used to each other better! Oh, I already got some ideas on what you could have them do.”
Nightmare didn't have any chance to cut him off before he went on a rant about different activities they could do. It was hard to catch everything he was saying with how quick he was talking.
Eventually he handed Nightmare three bottles full of something and told him to make them play a game that he just explained: Never Have I Ever.
And then Ink went away.
And so, he made them play. Of course, these three made that easier said than done. Once he handed everyone a bottle, he had to make sure they didn’t just start drinking it without reason.
“what exactly is the point of this? we're all the same person, wouldn't we have the same answers?” Horror questioned. He looked at the bottle skeptically. Unfortunately for him, the bottles were unlabeled. The stench of alcohol was undeniable, however.
“well, clearly we wouldn't, considering that crater in your head,” Killer said.
“right, and i wouldn't ever wear mascara that makes me look like i went through a bad breakup.”
“yeah,” Killer said.
“yeah,” Horror echoed with just as much spite.
Dust nearly took a swig of the bottle before Nightmare grabbed his arm with a tendril.
“Just ask each other a question already,” Nightmare muttered. “Killer, go first.”
“why of course, your majesty!” Nightmare had to grab his arm as well, as he immediately made the move to take a drink before asking a question.
“Ask a damn question,” he growled.
Killer snickered, “fine. never have i ever killed anyone. oops looks like i did do that. gotta take a drink i guess!”
Nightmare didn’t release his grasp. “You’re supposed to say something that you’ve never done. That is how the game is played.”
Dust quickly took a sip anyway.
Horror took one too, surprisingly. It appeared his pettiness usurped his caution for once.
“I poisoned those, by the way. Have fun with that.”
None of them were even slightly convinced that was true. Dust took another sip.
Okay, this wasn’t working out how he wanted it to.
“aw it looks like you’re gonna cry. your plan not working out right?” Killer teased.
He tried to stab Killer with a tendril, but he stepped out of the way.
Nightmare snarled out a curse.
“hey, why don’t you play too? maybe then i’ll behave,” Killer said.
Nightmare rolled his eye. He doubted that was true. Besides, he didn’t have a fourth bottle for himself.
As if Killer read his mind, he handed him his bottle.
Hesitantly, he took a sip.
“wow, look at that. we’ve all killed someone. i wonder who has the highest kill count.”
“keep wondering. i lost count,” Horror said.
“woah, scary!” 
There was a stretch of silence as no one knew who would go next.
Nightmare was already regretting this. “I—”
“i’ll go next,” Horror said. The fucker definitely cut him off on purpose. He could even feel the smugness radiating off him.
“never have i ever eaten human meat.”
Everyone went still.
Well, it appears no one here has eaten human meat.
“what kind of question is that?” Killer asked. “you just wanted a free drink, didn't you?”
“i haven't eaten any human meat,” Horror snapped.
“touchy!” Killer shrunk back, confusion plastered on his face. “i wasn't even saying that you did. you're just supposed to drink if no one else did it—wait, is eating humans a thing that normally happened back at your place?!”
Horror looked away from him and took a sip.
Killer scrutinized the red eye in his socket. “that's not your eye. is it?”
Nightmare cleared his nonexistent throat to grab their attention. “That's now how this game works, Killer.”
Killer blinked at him, before rephrasing his question, “never have i ever killed someone and stolen their eye.” Immediately his gaze flicked over to Horror, who looked unamused.
He didn't move an inch and instead scowled at Killer.
Nightmare sighed, “I suppose we need a fail-safe if you decide to lie.” Quickly three of his tendrils lashed out and grabbed the three of them by the ankle. His grip on them was tight and firm, but he didn't squeeze. Not yet.
“what's this for? gonna throw us around if we lie?” Killer asked.
“I’m going to snap your foot off, if you lie,” he answered while gazing directly at Horror.
He took a quick drink out of self preservation.
“huh.” Killer cocked his head at him and narrowed his eye sockets. “that's pretty sick, horror.”
He didn't grace that with a response.
Dust hasn't spoken a word, which was a given. Nightmare supposed there wasn't any point in forcing him to speak. With how things were going already, he knew it wouldn't bring any benefits.
He decided to bring a loaded question to the table. “Never have I ever killed my brother.”
The three tensed. Each of them watched the others carefully.
He squeezed Dust’s and Killer’s ankles as a warning.
Killer’s hand squeezed the bottle, the tips of his phalanges digging into the glass. His arm stuttered as he brought the mouth of the bottle to his.
Horror's sockets went blank. “you what?”
Dust still hasn't drank yet.
His tendril squeezed tighter and tighter.
He stayed still as Horror stormed over to Killer.
Horror grabbed Killer by his turtleneck. Unmistakable anger radiated off of him despite the smile plastered on his face.
“you killed him?”
A sickening crunch interrupted them.
To Dust’s credit, he stayed silent.
Killer gave him a smug look. “too much of a coward to admit it, huh?”
Marrow leaked from the newfound crack at Dust’s ankle. His foot wasn't snapped off yet but if he withheld from drinking any longer…His hold on the neck of the bottle was shaky, until he decided to slam it onto the ground. His left eyelight glowed a violent purple.
“so you both killed papyrus. fucking freaks,” Horror growled.
Killer's ringed eyelights flickered on. “as if you can talk. you look like you belong at a freak show—”
Horror shoved Killer back as a long jagged bone sprouted from the ground and impaled him through the spine.
Killer choked on a scream.
Both of their souls turned blue while Dust limped closer.
Nightmare merely observed, silently.
“I didn't kill him. The human did,” Dust said.
Horror’s face was painted with disgust and skepticism, but the sweat on his skull explained his reluctance to attack him too.
Killer merely burst out into laughter, despite the movement disturbing the bone currently through his spine. “is that so? just because you're using proper case doesn't mean it's the truth, bud—AGH!”
Dust shoved him back with blue magic, driving the bone deeper. At this point it might pierce through his sternum. His hold on Horror was long gone, as if he forgot all about him.
If he let this go any further he wouldn't be able to stop it. Nightmare rose up with the use of his tentacles to tower over the three. “Quit messing around,” he hissed.
The bone piercing Killer dissipated, but Dust and Killer were still two seconds away from tearing at each other's souls.
At least he knew Horror had some sense.
These three won't be like the last ones, he reminded himself. He’s known that from the second he laid eyes on them. The idea that there were identical copies of each universe was a myth. Sure there were multiple of the same universe, but they were like snowflakes. No two are the same. They may look like it, but minor discrepancies occur. Some of these discrepancies he relies on.
For example, normally these Sanses would rather kill themselves than be here.
He’s gotten uncomfortably great at cleaning up dust piles before he found a group that stuck.
“i ain’t dyin’ to a fuckin’ hypocrite!” Killer’s grating voice interrupted his thoughts. It was the last warning he got before Killer whipped out his knife and tackled his counterpart.
The two were like rabid dogs quarreling without purpose and blind intent to kill.
Nightmare’s patience snapped in half. The three were lifted into the air by a tendril. “That's enough,” he said calmly.
“the fuck did i do?” Horror spat.
“you're the reason i have a hole in my spine, jackass!” Killer answered.
Two blasters appeared from behind Horror and Killer.
They could barely crane their heads to see behind them before they fired.
Thankfully, Nightmare blocked the blast.
He slammed Dust into the ground, hard enough to leave a small crater. “I said that's enough.”
What was he? A babysitter? He was tired of this.
“We’re done here. You will stay in your rooms for the rest of the day. If any of you leave it, I will kill you.” God, he even sounded like one.
“your threats are gettin’ stale, nighty,” Killer teased.
The stupid nickname made the slime on his body ripple in anger. His pupil was nearly a pinprick. “Do you want to be an example?”
“do you want to choke on my dust?”
He was incredibly different from the other Killer. He couldn't imagine the amount of backtalk—the lack of fear coming from the old Killer.
He couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it.
His sudden laughter unnerved the three. He realized they probably thought he was going to kill him right then and there.
He calmed down and his laughter cut off. He stared at them in silence to increase tension, only to put the other two down and open portals to their respective rooms beneath them all.
The second the portals closed he slouched and massaged his skull. They were certainly tiring.
He relished his alone time which was promptly cut off by Ink jumping out of one of his tentacles. “Gah! I told you not to do that!”
Ink looked at him mischievously. “Well, no one’s really been listening to you at all today. Thought I'd join in on the trend.”
Nightmare sighed in defeat.
“Aw, don’t be so down in the dumps. Cheer—oh wait you. Right.” He didn’t have to rub it in. “Well, you’ve been upholding your promise, so, don’t forget I’m here to help if you ever need it!”
As if his help was ever useful.
“I’m very useful!” he insisted.
Nightmare was starting to doubt that Ink was telling the truth when he said he wasn’t a mind reader.
Ink just gave him a wink. He was going to ignore that.
He thought about the three skeletons currently on timeout.
Well, there was one thing he could possibly help him with.
“You wouldn’t happen to know how to gain someone’s trust, would you?”
Ink gave him a knowing smile.
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aihaitahm · 1 year
having a crush on streamer ! roommate ! blade
cw: suggestive, not proof read sorry.
probably streams something like valorant or league (sorry.) or he streams himself drawing ! he enjoys streaming but he also just does it for extra money… he knows he’s attractive. doesn’t talk/commentate that much but he has some dry humor that makes people intrigue especially for how he is. when he gets annoyed at whatever he’s playing, he would cuss a lot but not like… throwing his keyboard across the room.
would stream with silverwolf and gets a bit annoyed whenever she beats his ass whenever they play together. sometimes they meet up and also play horror games together. blade has a straight face but is actually terrified that he screams “fuck!?!!?” while silverwolf stares at him with a straightface like it wasnt even that scary -_-
anyways, moving in and discovering he was your roommate was interesting. he wasnt really shy… just awkward, and may come off a bit condescending and mean but if only you could see his red ears whenever he interacts with you. at first you were wary of him whether or not he would do his own share of chores so you nag at him multiple times. spoiler alert: he does do his part<3 this is where you both start interacting more by playfully being sarcastic at each other.
“tsk you know i do chores when youre not around… you gotta trust me more will ya?”
“okay sorry…”
it was a rough start getting to know him as a roommate since he is always in his room when youre around or when he goes out a lot whether to the gym (which you find yourself staring at his figure or analyzing it behind his baggy shirt) or to hang out with his friends, he comes home late. but a sweet gesture he does is when you wake up in the morning, you see a bunch of food or take out on the counter as a thank you for cooking and leaving some for him.
he finallt brought his friends around (silverwolf and kafka!) and they introduce themselves to you while they nudge blade teasingly. like how could he hide his precious roommate from them. thats when they started asking you questions while blade’s ears are perked.
“so dear are you single? what do you like and dislike? to think bladie wouldnt even talk to his dear roommate… dont make them feel lonely blade ‘kay?”
“yea… i am whyd you ask? and i like ___ and dislike ___. and oh im fine!”
“whats your type! do you like games? can we play ? we can play with blade too if you want!”
“stop with the questions you two. and excuse me i talk to them… kinda.”
“sure you do.”
after that interaction, blade is a bit more talkative to you now but still a bit closed off. thats when you questioned him about the noise he makes and asks if he streams. he embarrassingly said yes while he continues to answer your questions begrudgingly.
you tend to text to your friends about him and march 7th starts teasing you to no end. dan heng kinda warns you about him but would support you to no end… just dont get in blade’s bad side. stelle or caelus would purposely create scenarios where you have to talk to blade since they have a lot of classes with him.
one time you were going home after seeing your friends until you came home to see he was making a meal for himself, shirtless. in which he blushes deep red but shrugs it off as he smirks. you were surprised and actually squeaked, telling him to put a shirt on.
“put some clothes on damn it.”
“well stop looking its really that simple.”
since your friends, you, blade and his friends came to the conclusion you both like each other, do you actually confess? no but obviously you both are stubborn and would rather deal with the sexual loving tension. roommates who decided to do grocery shopping together one day. to go out and maybe look for a pet. roommates who sometimes rant to each other about deep personal stuff. working out together. following each other on social medias. wt this point march 7th and kafka is practically screaming at u and blade’s face to confess.
that was until you were knocking at his door and he wasnt there since you already brought him his food. you came in his room for the first time to see his stream was on and people were wondering who are you. looking around his space, you found some of the little gifts you gave him and saw his phone glow up to a silly cute picture of you that you sent. making you feel flustered bc goddamn it you just needed to hand him his food.
‘alhaithamscatboy: ohmygod are u blade’s partner?!?!!? the one silverwolf was teasing blade about!
eimikofanpage69: theyre so fine!!!! oh my god !!!! wdym yall are just roommates?
“(name) whyre you here? oh you brought me food. thank you. uh sorry about my chat.”
“ah yes actually theyre my lovely partner.“ blade said as he pecks you on the cheek and the chat goes crazy. literally making it viral.
after the stream, you confronted him and freaked out. asking him if he just did it for the views or if he actually liked you that way. which makes him infuriated because how could he ever do that to someone he loves and respects.
“i like you okay? i… love you a lot more than i can ever express and i would never do shit like that for views. i had my eyes on you ever since you moved in. i just didnt know if you do. im sorry if i made you uncomfortable.”
“you didnt. and i-i love you too… now you should like, kiss me better bladie.”
“call me yingxing or ren instead.” he whispered as he kissed you on the lips passionately.
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pahtoosh · 2 years
Banjo needs a Daddy
Tumblr media
[image ID: a collage on a light blue background. the middle has a photo of Sebastian Stan putting a stuffed bear into his jacket. there are two stuffed grey cats on either side of him. /.end ID]
wc: ~1120
warnings: fluff. "daddy" or "dada" is used like every other sentence😶 I could not help myself
a/n: i hope you guys like this one! i've been working on it off and on for over a month now. my next fic will be with chef!daddy!bucky so keep an eye out for that!
pairing: mafia!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary:  Bucky takes you stuffed animal shopping
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“And sometimes Natty comes over and she needs a stuffy too but if Stevie and Sammie are here first then she has less stuffies to pick from and that’s not fair! And sometimes I have a tea party and a business meeting at the same time so I need twice as many stuffies that day and then after it I get so tired and I wanna sleep in my cozy corner but then there’s not enough stuffies in the corner because of the meeting and the party and I’m too tired to put them back so I need more stuffies, right Daddy?”
You were in the midst of convincing Bucky to let you buy more stuffed animals. He knew the second you opened your mouth and gave him those pleading eyes that he’d say yes to anything. Ordering takeout? He’d love to. New clothes? Of course. A new TV? Why not, you’ve been very good lately. A vacation? His employees are readying the beach house as you speak. 
He almost laughed when he realized all you wanted was a few more stuffed animals. Your little heart wasn’t used to being so spoiled. You were ready to beg and do anything for some new fuzzy friends. Bucky thought you were so cute. His instinct was to tell you you could have whatever you wanted, but he chose to rest a hand on his chin and pretend to think about it some more. He couldn’t resist your adorable rambles and the way you so sweetly clung to his arm as you told him why you absolutely needed more plushies. 
Rant now over, you scrambled your mind thinking of any reasons you might’ve missed. Bucky loved watching you as you did anything, but this moment was particularly good. He was standing at the front door, having just come home when you greeted him with a hug and a kiss and wasted no time before you started asking him for more stuffies. You held onto his bicep with both arms as if him taking a step away from you meant that you wouldn’t get your prize. Your eyes were wide, your lips pouted, and your whole body was leaning toward him, trapping him with your cuteness. 
He was proud of how brave you’d gotten as your little self. You were comfortable around his friends, you knew you could ask him for anything, and you started being more adventurous. He could sense the latter by the stray leaves and grass stains on your clothes. He told you you had free reign over the house, but you had stuck to the two bedrooms you liked and the living spaces until today. Your skin even had a gentle glow from the sun; you were happy. Bucky felt endlessly fulfilled getting to see this side of you. 
“Okay, Baby, Daddy’ll get you your stuffies- but” he said, quieting your squeals. “What does Daddy get in return?”
You stopped bouncing on your feet for a moment. “A hundred million kisses!”
Bucky laughed, “Sounds like a good deal to me, Angel. Why don’t you start paying up now?”
You giggled and held his face with both hands, allowing you to bring his head down and smother him with kisses. 
Bucky pulled up to your favorite toy store, parked the car, and placed a hand over yours to get your attention. “Now, Angel. What are our rules for going into a store?”
“Always stay next to Daddy, don’t talk to strangers, no bein’ fussy, and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’!”
“Good, baby. You make Daddy proud when you listen.” Bucky patted your knee before getting out of the car and opening your door and seatbelt for you.
You held his hand as you skipped to the shop. Then, something in the display caught your attention and you tugged Bucky by the sleeve to get a closer look. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Look at all the stuffies!” You pressed your face so close to the window, your nose was nearly touching the glass. “And they all hab clothes and hats a- and shoes.” 
The excitement and toys were pushing you further into little space. You were so distracted by the display that you didn’t notice the heart eyes Bucky was now sporting for you. He loved seeing you so happy and carefree. 
“C’mon, Angel let’s get inside and you can find even more stuffies!”
You squealed and trotted into the shop as Bucky held open the door for you. While shopping, you insisted on looking at every single shelf, because every stuffie deserved to get a fair chance at being the one you brought home. Bucky was more than happy to indulge you. You’d seen nearly every corner of the shop when a small, grey stuffed cat caught your attention. 
“Dada,” you gasped.
“Yes, Angel?”
“Dis one, pease.”
Bucky saw what you were looking at and carefully plucked the grey cat from the shelf so you could get a closer look. With the plushie still in your Daddy’s hands, you inspected its fur and facial features. 
“‘s perfect,” you whispered, still in awe. The small cat was delightfully soft and had a nice, round belly. 
Bucky let you toy with the plush for a few more minutes before speaking up. “You ready to take this new friend home, Sweetheart? You gotta name them and introduce them to your other stuffies before bedtime.”
You snapped out of your trance. “Oh yeah! Kitty already has name though.”
Bucky raised his eyebrows. “Already? You came up with a name that fast, Angel?”
You were still a little distracted, answering his question while stroking the plush’s fur. “Yeah ‘s Banjo. Banjo the kitty.”
“That’s a beautiful name, Baby. Let’s go to the register now, okay?”
You nodded and followed Bucky back to the checkout section. On the way there, something in the corner of your eye caused you to stop suddenly. Bucky was holding your hand and paused when you did. 
“You alright, Sweetheart?”
You pointed to the shelf on your right. It was full of grey cat plushies that were bigger than your Banjo. 
“Can I hab one?”
“Sure, Angel. You wanna get a bigger Banjo instead?”
“No, want two kitties pease.”
Bucky failed to hold back a smile. He was so proud of his baby for telling him what they wanted and for asking him so politely. 
“Anything for you,” he said, kissing the top of your head. He took one of the cats from the shelf and let you inspect it. “You sure you want another grey cat, Angel? This store has a lot of other animals in different colors.”
“Has to be grey kitty, Dada. Banjo needs a Daddy.”
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!
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madnessformunson · 2 years
Double Daddy Part 10
Notes: sorry that this took so long and sucks so bad.
Steve headed out the door with El and Will, excited to go to the arcade. You however were dreading going to the store with Joyce. The car ride there was silent as she pulled up and parked in front of Sears, next to that was the baby surplus store. You quickly got out of the car and followed closely behind Joyce as she rambled off a list of things to look at. As she approached the maternity section you continued to stand sheepishly behind her while she started looking through the many racks of clothes. Shortly after a sales lady came over to greet the two of you, “hello ladies are we finding everything ok over here?” She said with a sickly sweet smile.
“Oh yes, just looking for some pants and maybe a few tops,” Joyce said back without making eye contact with the lady.
“Well you look like you couldn’t be very far along, I guess it’s always nice to be prepared. We have all our jeans on this rack, stretch pants are located on the table here and then the tops are here” she said gesturing around the store.
“Oh thank you, but we are actually shopping for her” Joyce said, still not looking up from the clothes so she clearly missed the concerned look etched out on the sales associate's face. You rolled your eyes as the lady headed back to the cash register whispering to a fellow co-worker.
“Can we please go now?” You said in an irritated voice.
“Honey we just got her, we should look around. Plus Eddie isn’t due to meet us at the baby store for another 30 minutes”
You roll your eyes again but follow closely behind Joyce, quickly agreeing to anything she held up. Once she checked out she took the bags to the car as you headed into the baby surplus store. The second the doors opened you were overwhelmed, everything that was related to a baby was in there. Who knew a baby needed so many things? Before you could finish taking it all in, Eddie walked up next to you, greeting you with a weak smile.
“You came” you almost whispered.
“Of course I did, man it looks like a daycare threw up in here” he said back and you giggled.
“Uh so how are you feeling? Still getting sick?” He questioned as he looked down at his dirty Reebok sneakers.
“It’s better, not as often. She just likes to use my bladder like a stress ball now” you reply with a small chuckle.
Joyce joined the two of you and you walked around the store, taking it all in. Joyce went on small rants about different things a baby would need and why.
“Well what’s most important? Like what would we need right away” you finally cut her off, starting to feel overwhelmed again.
“Hmm first you need to decide if you want to breastfeed or formula feed. That will help you figure out how many bottles to buy. Then you’ll need a safe space for the baby to sleep.”
She pulled you both along down each isle, pointing out the must haves and the things to pass on. Both you and Eddie felt equally dizzy as she ranted on all the supplies. At the end of the shopping trip you stood near the check out playing with a small bunny blanket in your hands. Joyce was busy talking to a store employee, signing up for the coupon book.
“That’s adorable” Eddie said over your shoulder, making you slightly jump. You nodded in return as you stared at the little blanket in your hands.
“We should get it” Eddie finally said.
“No way, I think there are a ton more things I should be saving for then a little toy” you replied, placing the blanket back into the bin.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something..”
“Oh that’s never good,” you chuckle, “what’s going on”
“Well I haven’t exactly told Wayne about this .. situation. I mean he is definitely suspicious after you came over that one day but we haven’t had a conversation about it” he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.
“Ok well what does that have to do with me?” You questioned as you crossed your arm over your bump.
“I was hoping you would come over for dinner Saturday night and help me tell him” Eddie said in one long sentence.
“No way you weren’t there to help me when I told my dad” you scoffed.
“Well that’s not fair, first your dad is a cop he would have murdered me and gotten away with it if I was there for that. Second, you didn’t even tell him, he found out.”
“Either way it’s not happening, buddy” you said, turning around to look for Joyce.
She runs over with the coupon book in hand and a huge smile across her face.
“Guess what! They have free birthing classes for first time parents, I signed you guys up! It will be such an amazing experience for you two!” Joyce beamed.
Your face got red hot and you swallowed thickly saying, “I don’t think we would be in to that Joyce”
“Oh nonsense!”
“I think I’m busy that day, sorry y/n” Eddie replied.
“She didn’t even tell you what day it was, asshole” you said with an eye roll.
“Oh right, it’s sunday afternoon” she stated, handing you a small appointment card with the information scribbled down.
“I’ll give you a few minutes to discuss the details, I’ll be waiting for you in the car y/n” Joyce said as she started toward the car.
“Do you think somehow we can get out of that” Eddie said pointing down at the appointment card in your hand.
“Probably not. But she’s right it’s probably a good thing to go so we know what to expect” you stated with a shrug.
“Well how about we make a deal, I’ll go to the pregnant lady class and you come over for dinner with Wayne” Eddie asked with pleading eyes.
You roll your eyes in response, “it’s a birthing class but ok fine. You have a deal but you are doing all the talking at dinner, I’m just coming for the free food”
He laughed, “what should I tell Wanye to make?”
“Oooo his famous spaghetti sounds amazing right now!” You replied, licking your lips, “but with penne noodle, angel hair pasta grosses me out.”
“Since when, all noodles taste the same” He said with a laugh and you shrugged.
“They definitely don’t all taste the same!” You said laughing as you both exited the store.
The weekend came faster than you expected. School was decent, but you were definitely keeping to yourself. Eddie had invited you to eat lunch with him a few times but you wanted to take this new found territory slow. You pulled up to the Munson Trailer and let out a long breath. You knew Wayne wasn’t going to yell when you told him what had been going on, but he would definitely be worried and disappointed which was arguably worse. The only thing that enticed you to come was the thought of Uncle Wanye’s amazing spaghetti, you had been daydreaming about it all week. You approach the white metal door and knocked twice.
“Hey look who finally came over for a visit” Wanye said as he opened up the door, giving you a smile. You smile back but uncomfortably as it didn’t seem like he knew you were coming.
“I was just finishing up some meatloaf, Eddie is in his room”
“Oh ok, thank you” you gave him a tight lipped smile as you walked down the hallway to Eddie’s room. You open the door, turn around to close it and then march over to where Eddie was sitting with his guitar on his unmade bed.
“What the actual fuck Eddie, I thought you told Wayne I was coming over” you whisper yelled at him, not wanting for Wayne to overhear you.
“I know I know, I just got nervous. I didn’t want to say anything and then him start drilling me with questions” Eddie said as he put his guitar down. You pouted sitting down next to him on the bed.
“So do you have a plan on how this is going to go genius?” You question.
“Uh well I was thinking we go out there and after dinner we somehow bring it up into the conversation..”
“Oh yeah that’s a great idea, hey Wayne do you miss when Eddie was a baby? Ok good because we are about to bring another one just like him into the world” you threw up your hands getting off his bed.
“Well maybe not quite like that..” and you just roll your eyes.
“Kids dinner is ready” you hear Wayne shout from the kitchen.
You and Eddie make your way to the small kitchen table and start filling your plates. You don’t take much, not really being in the mood for meatloaf after Eddie promised a spaghetti dinner. It was quiet for the first several minutes, all you could hear was the clanking of the silverware on the plates as you all ate.
“So what brings you over here, kid? Not that I don’t love having you over, you just don’t come around often anymore” Wayne states.
“That’s a great question Uncle Wayne, Eddie and I wanted to tell you ..” you started just to get cut off by Eddie shoving the bowl of mashed potatoes towards you. “You barely took any food y/n, here have some more potatoes”
You look at him confused but can tell by his flushed appearance he was nervous.
“No I’m good, anyway like I was saying-“ Eddie cut you off again, “serious y/n you should eat some more potatoes”
“What the hell Eddie, you said we were doing this tonight so let’s just get it over with!” You say slamming your hands down onto the table. Eddie just froze.
“Ok what in the hell is going on” Wayne finally interjected.
Both of you look up towards Wayne with wide eyes, unsure of how to continue the conversation.
“Seriously somebody better start talking,” Wayne said as he crossed his arms.
“Ok Uncle Wayne, I’m sorry. A few months ago we made a terrible mistake and now we are in this situation and we are trying to make the most of it but I know this will be disappointing for you-” Eddie rambled until you were the one to cut him off, “Uncle Wayne, I’m pregnant” you finally stated. The room grew incredibly quiet. It stayed quiet for at least a minute, Wayne face clearly trying to process this new information.
“And just in case you weren’t sure, it’s Eddie’s baby” you added in and Eddie groaned.
Wayne got up from the table, without saying a word and walked out to the front porch.
“I told you this was a terrible idea!” Eddie exclaimed.
“It was your idea!” You said back. Eddie just closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing.
“I think dinner is over now, you should leave y/n” Wanye said as he came back inside, metal door slamming behind him.
“I think Eddie and I need to have a talk” he finished. You nodded to both of the Munson men and made your way out to your car.
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fandsart · 1 year
The platonic stobin prompt of wedding guests.
I accidentally implemented prompt 9 as well
Robin was really hoping her parents wouldn’t find out she had plans to attend Hopper and Joyce’s wedding. Even worse is that it was all thanks to her own big mouth. It just slipped out at dinner last night and now she’s insisting on taking her shopping for a formal dress that she knows Robin doesn’t already have.
She ends up coming out of it feeling like she’s showing so much skin, because anything with more coverage is ‘probably too formal,’ and ‘it’s still more than your old Scoops Ahoy uniform.’ As if that uniform didn’t have an accompanying counter covering the rest of her from most people most of the time and still remained a curse laid upon her.
She calls Steve pretty much as soon as she gets home. He lets her go on the rant about the audacity of her mom and how annoying it was to pick something out she felt halfway comfortable in and how much time she felt like she’d wasted since she didn’t even want to wear it.
“Just give me the outfit we planned for you to wear before the wedding day, and then when it comes, you can get dressed again after you leave your house.”
“Yeah, except she wants to drive both of us to the wedding.”
“First of all, I’m a legal adult who isn’t related to her at all. She can’t make me do anything. Second of all… Why?”
“Surpise! Finding out that we were going to a wedding together did nothing to sway her perception that we’re dating. She wants to be involved in ‘the closest thing to my prom experience’ or something.”
“Man, your mom is so weird. She thinks that you talk too much but gets annoyed that she’s not more involved in your life?”
“ I think she’s reliving her childhood, vicariously, through me.”
Steve lets out a kind of grunt that Robin can tell means he’s rolling his eyes.
It’s only two days before the wedding that Robin’s mom really puts her foot down. Not only would she not allow Robin to go to the wedding at all, but she’d be grounded for the next two weeks, if Robin didn’t let her drive her and Steve.
When she tells Steve, he lets out the biggest groan she’s maybe ever heard from him before asking what color the dress she got is.
“If we have to use it, we’re gonna match.”
Steve glares at Mrs. Buckley the entire trip to the wedding. There’s no reason he and Robin both need to be crammed into the back seat except that it makes Mrs. Buckley nostalgic and she thinks it’s cute. Steve hasn’t been treated like this since he was maybe ten and the fact that Robin still has to deal with this infuriates him on her behalf.
She’s kind of hunched over herself, holding the end of the dress over her knees. When they finally get dropped off he finds her practically hiding behind him as they make their way to the seating area of the venue. Until Steve diverts their path and starts heading to the bathrooms.
“Whoa, what are you doing?” Robin asks, still trailing behind him.
“We don’t have to deal with this.”
She scoffs. “Technically I’m the one dealing with it.”
“Oh, please.” He leads her to the family bathroom and she follows him inside.
“So the plan is…” she prompts.
“Switching outfits if you’re down for it.” He doesn’t expect her to step back with uncertainty. “What? It’s not like we haven’t shared clothes before. We’re only off by, like, one size.”
“Yeah, but we’ve never shared a dress before. Are you sure you’re comfortable wearing one?”
He shrugs. “I’ve never worn one before so I’m not entirely sure, but I’m pretty sure I’ll at least be more comfortable in it than you are right now.”
“Ok, but… people will see you.”
He puts his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. “Only our friends. And we can always explain the situation. They already know dresses make you uncomfortable. I’m sure they’ll understand.”
They do get some double takes, but a lot of the group had seen them enter, and had looked more confused at Robin in a dress than Steve. They must have inferred what happened themselves. The only one who really scunches their nose at the visual is Mike, who retreats with an eyeroll when Steve flips him off.
The wedding itself goes on without a hitch. Joyce looked beautiful in her dress and Hopper made a joke about his own ‘intense journey to getting in shape for this wedding.’ It’s nice, and no one even pays attention to Steve past the initial double takes, and Robin is much more physically comfortable.
But the night ends soon enough, and they have to re-change before Mrs. Buckley has to pick them up again
Still accepting prompts from the Prompt list
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flailingangel · 2 years
I'm slowly beginning to understand why dream fucking stormed out of the pub after hob said they're friends (excluding the fact that he's more than a god and hob is just some guy™). Like imagine you go to a club and start hooking up with a guy.
U barely know each other and u don't even know his name but u both know you'll be there every month on that same exact day because you both have busy lives but sometimes y'all need to let your hair down and that just so happened to be the day ur both free. And then one day this guy(who's barely a friend with benefits btw) asks "so we're dating right" and the AUDACITY. Sure you like to go out of the club so you can actually hear each other talk. Sure you walk home together and get snacks and eat together. Sure maybe you even hang out at each other's houses waiting to use the shower or just having tea. Maybe he's even protected you from some street thugs that one time and you saved his ass in the end. BUT HOW DARE HE SUGGEST YOU'RE DATING?! You told him from the start this was just a hookup.
It's not like you made heart eyes whenever he would go on rants about how much he hates Shakespeare even though you love him. Nevermind the fact that you feel butterflies in your chest whenever he talks about the most mundane shit "omg they've added Fanta to the menu" "we can vape inside now!" "What will they think of next" or how you feel alive when he talks about how shit a day he's had "my girlfriend broke up with me" "you have a girlfriend?" but still wants to continue working at his shitty 9-5 job and live in his shitty shoebox apartment BC "life is rich" and "I have so much to live for".
Nevermind all that. You're just a stranger in the club and he's just some guy you're on slightly good terms with. You're not dating. You don't need intimacy thank you very much. Too messy. You live in a studio because housemates always gossip. You're single bc you love your work. You're alone because you like the privacy. You're only hooking up bc your sister mentioned it once and it intruiged you. What need do you have of a relationship? And then you miss the meeting. Not because you don't think you're friends as the guy says but because you're being held for ransom as your older sister is actually a member of parliament as are your parents. But it's your sister they want.
As you're kidnapped you have a lot of time to think about your past relationships. That one didn't work out because you were a dick. Plain and simple. You really should let her out of prison but old wounds still haven't healed. The next one was because she had started seeing that other guy. What was his name? You don't remember. The other one seemed to be going well. You courted her right, no missing son, no fights. But she still left you. Why? You can't understand. You just went to her one day and she said she couldn't keep doing this. But you brought her creations no one else could make. Showed her beauty beyond the two of you. What was it then? What did she say? You struggle to remember, to find the puzzle pieces and put them in the right place at first. But you're stuck for a while. Your parents don't come-you're an adult after all- nor do your siblings who mind their own business. Time passes ever so slowly. You come up with ways to torment your captors when you escape. Maybe kidnap the man's son so he knows what it's like. Or his husband. Maybe burn the place to the ground. Or kill them and dump their bodies in the ocean. You have the money from your work as a glass artist to buy a boat in their name. How would you get out? Would you real your thumbs to get the cuffs off? Or would you be saved by the guy from the club?
What would you say to him? You'd definitely call him a friend. You'd hang out more than once a month. You'd go shopping and get clothes. How you missed clothes. Even the feel of denim chafing your skin would be welcome right now. You'd hang out the morning after. Make breakfast. Burn it. You'd tell him he was right and you were dating. You'd tell him you were in love. Then you'd mess it up and he'd leave you. Just like all the others did. What had she said? What did you do to drive her away? You always visited her when he had time. When the work wasn't too much and he remembered the day. Sure that meant sometimes he had to miss out a date or two but you always told her. Better than how you left things with Hob. Abrupt and without warning. Then you remembered how you'd tell her. Only an hour before the date. She had made a reservation and had been looking forward to it for days. Sure you had let her know but only barely in advanced. And there was that one time you didn't even keep track of the time. Let alone the date and you'd missed a weekly date. She'd brushed it off but now you can see the resignation in her eyes as she said it was fine. And that was it wasn't it? That was the final nail in the coffin.
Not with him. Not with Hob. You'd tell him. You'd break out of this godforsaken hellhole and tell him everything. It didn't matter anymore. Fuck pride. Fuck privacy. Fuck mess and tidiness. You would tell him, the once a month hookup. You'd admit he was right and you were wrong and you loved him and you were dating. Just as soon as you got out of these cuffs.
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polikszena · 2 years
Title: Size matters
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Characters: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Relationships: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 1102
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Warnings: Boobs, Implied sex
Summary: "Nothing fuels your self-hatred more than lingerie shopping." After a failed trip to the mall, Rooster comforts Maggie who is feeling insecure due to her breast size.
Notes: Okay, so yesterday I went shopping with a friend, and she was checking out bras and there were some nice and colorful pieces, but absolutely nothing in my size, even in lingerie shops, so I asked her to go to that one specialty shop that actually sells bras larger than a D-cup, but I couldn't find anything I even wanted to try on, and it made me feel devastated, so after spending an unnecessarily long time checking out online lingerie stores and still feeling devastated, I decided to do something about it, so I wrote this down. This is related to one of my Top Gun: Maverick fanfictions, For a little bit of sunshine.
Size matters
"I haven’t seen anyone looking at lingerie so aggressively,” Bradley “Rooster” Bradhsaw stated, throwing a glance at Maggie’s phone. “Is everything okay?”
Maggie “Letdown” Miller pressed her lips together before answering. She really didn’t want to bother him with this silly problem but on the other hand she was dying to share it with someone and she could use few kind words.
“Honestly? No,” she replied. “But it’s not a big deal, really,” she added quickly, not wanting to dump all the drama on him. No matter how interested he looked now, he surely would regret it and would say she was overreacting. And she wouldn’t blame him for it as she didn’t know many guys who liked listening to girls ranting about the fashion industry.
“I mean, it is, but it’s nothing that hasn’t happened before,” she continued, trying to convince him to leave this topic, but on the other hand, she still wanted to talk about it with someone, so she lowkey hoped he would listen to her.
“What is it, Maggie?” Rooster asked because now he was curious what could have happened that made her so upset that she started browsing online lingerie stores.
“It’s very silly,” she admitted as the aviator sat down next to her. “But nothing fuels your self-hatred more than lingerie shopping.”
“Why? Because you have to take off almost everything in a small fitting room that’s supposed to look like a lady’s boudoir but it’s more like the set of a bad vintage porn?” he guessed, making Maggie raise a brow as it was a pretty accurate description of a lingerie store’s fitting room. “Sorry, once I went lingerie shopping with someone and it was a bit overwhelming,” he added with a small laugh.
“I can understand that,” Maggie said. “But this time it wasn’t the fitting room. I didn’t even get there. And that’s the problem. I know this sounds like I just couldn’t find anything that I’d have liked, but the truth is that I couldn’t find anything because there isn’t anything for me. If you go to a regular clothes shop, they hardly have any bras bigger than a C-cup and if they accidentally do, they are so plain that it makes me want to cry. Especially when I see all the nice and colorful bras on the other racks or the lacy bralettes my friend was trying on. I could never wear those, no matter how cute they are because my boobs are too big for them.”
Letting out a sigh, she threw a glance on her chest. They didn’t look that large in her dark green T-shirt and most of the time she was at peace with them, but then there were days like this when she felt like a freak for having bigger breasts.
“And I know she wouldn’t be able to wear that flowy blue dress I have because she can’t fill it no matter how much she likes it. But that doesn’t make me feel better. Or change the fact that most of the stores think that life ends at C-cup. Well, they are wrong.”
“This is where it begins,” Rooster said with a small smile, making Maggie’s lips curl up as well.
“This could be a good motto for a lingerie brand,” she stated, then pressed a kiss on the aviator’s cheek.
“So, you couldn’t find anything for yourself in the mall,” he summarized it. “And that gave you breast envy.”
“Exactly, and it feels weird because I’m more than blessed in that department,” she sighed. “But when I want to buy lingerie, a double D is rather a curse.”
“Did you go to a special store?” he wondered.
Maggie let out a bitter laugh and nodded.
“We did, but honestly, it didn’t help much,” she admitted. “There were bras in my size, for which I was glad, but only in black and neutral colors, nothing even remotely cute or sexy. Again, this is not necessarily bad, but I was looking for something more funky, something more colorful, but there was nothing. As if people with large breasts only deserved to dress like their grandmothers. The only difference is that even my grandma would call those bras old-fashioned. And it’s not that I’m not grateful for having even the neutral stuff, but honestly, the braces I had in high school were sexier than the beige Maya minimizer bra I’m wearing right now!” she burst out.
She leaned back on the couch, feeling a little relieved now that she could let this out, but she was still angry about the whole situation.
“I’m sorry for dumping this on you, but it made me feel so miserable,” she admitted. “And that I don’t deserve to feel cute and sexy because of my big boobs.”
“Hey,” Rooster spoke softly, “I think you are sexy no matter what bra you wear. Even if it’s one for grannies.”
A smile touched Maggie’s lips, being grateful for his words (and for not saying she was overreacting), and she reached out for his hand.
“Thank you for that,” she said, “but I’m not doing it because of you. The fact that you can see it, too, is just a bonus. It’s because of me. Sometimes I like to put on some sexy lingerie to give myself an extra confidence boost, even if only I can see it. But going shopping makes me feel so unsexy that I wish I had smaller boobs.”
Rooster shook his head a little then he gently wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss on her temple.
“Maggie, listen, I know I only get the bonus part of it, but I do love your boobs. I love how they fit into my hands, I love how soft they are, I love the sounds you make when I kiss them, and I love how amazing they look in that blue dress,” he told her softly. “They are sexy. Don’t let lingerie stores tell you otherwise.”
Even though she knew he was clearly biased, Rooster’s words warmed her heart. They couldn’t solve the problem of nice lingerie being unavailable for bigger sizes, but they did make her feel better. Leaning forward she gave him a long, passionate kiss.
“Do you want to help me choose a set online?” she asked. “We might find something nice for my breasts,” she added, picking up her phone.
A smile touched the aviator’s lips then he took the phone out of her hands.
“Of course, but first let me show you how much I love them,” he said, pulling her in for another kiss.
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vlovann · 4 months
Clothing stores don’t give a damn about what their product looks like anymore.
If you do, you’re doing too much which automatically makes you suck at your job somehow. They hate you now. You’re gonna be fired directly or silently in the end.
This is a lot because it happens too often and I need to let it out somewhere I can’t be fired from.
TL;DR at the bottom. You’re welcome.
Here’s a new one: The manager isn’t always right.
How many of you have been told that something you know is important…isn’t. That it’s “not a priority”? That you’re “overthinking it”?
That’s their favorite phrase isn’t it?
How many of you wake up and can’t get back to sleep on your off day because your brain wants to argue with your boss about something as simple as ORGANIZING?
How many of you have been left to feel like you can’t do anything right because you can’t do it by one specific person’s standards that doesn’t even understand the task at hand but controls whether or not you can afford to live?
Yeah…this is what I’m dealing with. Here’s my rant:
⭐️ Keep in mind, I am an artist (specifically character design) and an aspiring fashion designer. I want to open my own physical shop one day. Sooo…color, visualizing and making outfits is kiiiinda in my blood. It’s very much a passion.
I’ll start off with this…*ahem* VISUAL MERCHANDISING IS NOT JUST ABOUT “TEEHEE SIGNS AND MANNEQUINS.” It is about making your store look visually appealing to customers. I love dressing mannequins. It’s my favorite part of it, but…it’s just that. A part of it. I can understand that.
More than one place has treated it like that, shamelessly, I’ll say my past jobs at Forever21 and Nordstrom. Fuck them. I currently work at a fashion liquidation store. Somewhere that doesn’t even have a directive to follow and I was told to basically make shit up.
My current boss has claimed he fought the district manager to hire me because they needed somebody to help with visualizing. I’m starting to think this was a bold faced lie and somebody else they wanted to hire declined.
Well…then I started visualizing. I started colorizing the product, buttoning, tying, lacing, zipping, etc. Apparently, that’s not visualizing?
I have talked to all of our employees and my fellow management. You know what they told me?
They don’t care. They don’t like doing it so they don’t.
That’s whatever. I’m here now. I’ll help and I have the power to at least teach them how to.
You know what else? This really pissed me off internally.
It’s because they let the customers who come in and disrespect the product dictate whether or not they organize the fucking store and uphold the image of the company. The customers that put their entire stack of stuff in the wrong colors, the wrong size, or the wrong product all together. When the go-back rack is RIGHT THERE. They have submitted to the customers that don’t care about customer service workers and don’t care about making their jobs harder.
So no. It’s not about prioritizing other things. It’s about not wanting to put in or make time for the effort.
Gods this feels so similar to my experiences dating men 🤦🏻‍♀️
Do we listen to the person who actually cares? The one who comes in almost every day in a unique and coherent outfit instead of sweatpants (unless you schedule her to work 8 days in a row, closing almost every day while you and the other assistant get 4 days off)? The one who literally finds organizing stores calming?
We listen to the ones that don’t care!
Riddle me this, Batman…
If you could hire somebody for any amount of time to organize your closet, would you rather:
A. The organizer take the time to “overthink” the details, but everything has a place and it’s easier for you to maintain without them?
B. The organizer pick everything up off the floor and hang it up in a random spot and leave?
Can’t put text under a poll so please comment on/reblog this with your answer and optionally additional input. Or just think about it.
Let me tell you why organizing is important…in case you genuinely don’t know.
If you made it this far, you’re listening more than the people that are supposed to. You’re probably in the same boat. I’m sorry, dude. Here’s some rations to stay adrift 🍱🥗🍟🍿🍉🍎🍓 Don’t eat me, we’ll eat the rich corporations when we get to dry land 🏴‍☠️
1. When somebody is in a hurry, they can’t take the time to scavenge the racks to find what they’re looking for before they have say an interview, a first day on the job, a first date. They will walk through the racks looking for an ounce of organized product to look through. If they don’t find it, they leave to look somewhere else.
Congratulations, you lost a sale because you refuse to take the time to organize.
2. Someone is looking for a specific dress. Let’s say a champagne strapless lace up dress. You definitely have it. You go looking for it in the sleeveless section, knowing it’s supposed to be there, but it’s not. It takes like 5 minutes too long. Your customer is getting impatient. Says she’ll do it herself because obviously you must just be incompetent. She can’t even find it, scolds you, and leaves. Bonus point when you’re walking by the next day and you find that it’s been shoved in with the long sleeves in the middle of the navy blue section. You could’ve avoided that whole interaction.
Congratulations, you lost a sale because you refuse to take the time organize.
3. You’re the manager of a shop at a mall or plaza. You have competition. People look in your store as they walk by see that your shop is unorganized, your employees are being forced or applauded not to care where they put things because it’s not important, while other customers are walking all over you, leaving clothes draping over racks, not even taking 3 seconds to hang it back up. They keep walking, heading over to the store across from you.
This store has a team of people making sure their product always looks nice while someone who would rather stay at the register does so to make sure customers are still being taken care of. Their racks are color coded, sized, buttoned, zipped, tied, etc. Their mannequins look stylish. This store is easier to shop from.
Congratulations! You lost hundreds of sales because you refuse to take the time to organize.
Double Congratulations! The only customers you’re attracting are the ones who have never once worked in retail or have sympathy for those that do! You’ve made a reputation amongst Thieves and Karens for easy pickin’s!
Four, the new hire who wants to organize to make things easier on herself and others, poor thing, but you won’t let her, is “taking forever” to do the go-backs. You go over there to professionally tell her she sucks at her job, she’s an idiot, and tell her she needs to get better or else. She explains that she doesn’t know where to put anything because it’s all out of order and it’s stressing her out. You basically tell her “that’s a you problem”. The next day, she hands you her two weeks notice, saying she found a better opportunity.
This is the same employee who customers appreciate the fact that she takes the time to fold their clothes as she rings them out instead of throwing them lazily in a bag.
It’s very obvious she cares. Just too much for you. In reality, it’s just that she cares more than you and you feel threatened, so you want to push her out so she can’t take your job which she doesn’t even want to do. She just wants to work somewhere for someone that will value her input and skills.
Congratulations! You lost a valuable employee who could’ve helped fix your brand’s reputation for being a “dirty store”.
How can organizing NOT be one of the top priorities? Their logic doesn’t make any sense and it’s fucking maddening 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
What’s funny is that my SM has told me he wants to be a traveling merchandiser for the brand and yet he treats me like this over THE SIMPLEST visual task. If you ask me, I don’t think he’s cut out for it unless he can comprehend these basics.
What’s also funny is that when I worked at Forever21 the direct managers also treated me like shit over wanting to make the store look good which was a heavy task if you’ve ever seen an overstocked Forever21. The district and specialized, overhead managers came in and vocally appreciated me in the middle of talking to the store manager when I was organizing the racks. I thanked them loudly. I felt so pettily and insanely happy. I couldn’t hide my smirk.
We made it! 🏙️ Now go feast on the flesh made of little green pieces of paper.
Please share your stories like this! I’m curious to see where else this could be happening and what your experiences are.
TL;DR - Make store wook pwetty? Customers find things! They will like shop! They buy from shop! They come back and gib you more mo-nies, yeah?! What will they do? Incwease sales?! Yes, that’s wight! Wisten to empwoyee concewns? What will dat do? *GASP* You get to keep them! YAYYY! You’re such a smart, bwainwashed corpwate swave! Yes, you are! Good job! Now go! Be fwee!
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torislander · 1 year
so i've been thinking lately abt fast fashion and how everyone hates shein; this started because there was a shein influencer trip recently and all of the ppl who went are getting canceled now loll. anyway, it just kinda pisses me off bc so many places we go to are fast fashion, but no one talks about that. i saw a video just now of a girl shopping at target and it just so happened that she showed a claw clip that was the exact same as one that i bought on shein a week and a half ago that happened to come in the mail earlier today. crazy coincidence but like really how crazy is it actually. the only difference between the two is that the one i bought was a dollar and unbranded (apart from shein) and the one in her video was like ten dollars and being sold by wild fable in target. obviously fast fashion is bad no matter what, but it's annoying that someone will go blow 300 dollars at target and no one bats an eye, but another person will spend 300 dollars on shein and it's the end of the world. i mean, over consumption is definitely a big problem, so if you're constantly spending 300 on shein you prob need to reevaluate, but that same thing applies to target or any other store. pretty much any place we shop that's not designer or a small business is fast fashion, but no one ever seems to want to acknowledge that. i am clearly in no way fully against shopping fast fashion unless you can help it but im just sick of ppl being so judgy when someone tells them they got something on shein when their jeans are literally from brandy melville. like stfu, at least i didn't spend 40 dollars on a tee shirt that i could've got on shein for 15.... it's honestly ridiculous. just because somewhere sells something for more money doesn't mean it was more sustainably made. now if your argument is the shein factories and their contribution to global warming, im not gonna argue that because that truly is just destroying the planet. but let's not act like the clothes you get in the mall don't also come from sweatshops and big corpo factories. they're just made sometimes with more quality to trick you into thinking you're buying something good. i just thing ppl need to be more conscious of this before they go on shitting on others for buying their clothes on shein.
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welaymyloveandi · 2 years
walking in pants too big to fit me
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yesterday, my mom and i found a small clothing store located in a dingy commercial building. the racks were unorganized (as is common in shops like these) and there were cartons of clothes haphazardly stacked in the weirdest nooks of the room. it was a nice place, very unassuming and cozy. i forgot what it's called but it was run by two sweet grandmas who were so enthusiastic whenever we'd try on clothes. they were nice too, and i liked their company.
i think i started to feel suffocated by everything when they asked me about what i did for college.
"Anong degree mo, neng?"
"BA Sociology", i said.
maybe it's the cynical part of my brain talking but i felt like they only told me it was a great degree because they wanted to make a sale. im not really sure hahaha. anyways, i wanted the conversation to shift to another topic but my mom, ever the conversationalist, started telling them that i was a good student. that i study in a renowned school. that i'm successfully juggling work with acads. at that point, i was sure i wanted to exit the conversation and the store altogether. i don't like talking about my academics because, contrary to what they think, i'm not doing great. ive let my grades slip. i don't enjoy studying as much as i used to. i used to get straight unos in my first year of college but somewhere along the way, i started letting my vices get the better of me. i cut classes, i started submitting requirements late, and i prioritized unproductive activities over having to sit down and face whatever consequence my irresponsibility has caused.
what started as a small, cozy store morphed into something less inviting and i was stifled by the lack of space.
i had trouble reconciling who they think i was and how i really am.
as if the universe was making fun of me, my mom handed me pants to try on 'cause she thought it would look great on me. i went to the fitting room in an effort to get away.
i removed my clothes, slipped it on, and to my surprise, the pants were too big to fit; it fell loosely at my waist, barely held up by the bones of my hips, and the hem pooled at my feet, covering my shoes. i stood there for a while, the buzz of my mom and the grandmas talking filling the white space. the universe's comedic timing continues to amuse because what better way of summarizing the situation than this, right?
the idea they have of me feels like these pants. i'm a small person given expectations so huge that it wears me. every day, i wear these pants trying to look like im walking normally when, in fact, i clutch the excess fabric behind my back. talk about depressing hahaha.
after a long time of just staring at myself and buying enough time to not go back out, i took it off. i hung it back on the rack and, for the rest of our stay, tried to look like i was busy sifting through the clothes while my mom continued to try dresses on.
when we left, my mom carried paper bags with clothes, and a purse. i went home feeling like i was still wearing the pants i wore earlier.
i could probably end this long rant with a hopeful message but today, i don't have any. maybe tomorrow? who knows, i'll reblog this when i do. until then, does anyone have safety pins? my pants need altering.
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I could do a scenario where reader loves to mess with megumi's hair, but suddenly she stops because she thinks she's bothering him.
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The first time you notice how soft his hair is was when you were returning to school after a long mission.
You were riding in a car with the entire first-year gang. Nobara sat in the front seat next to Ijichi while you were placed in the back between Yuji and Megumi. The ride back was a long one. After an exhausting day of exorcising curses, you were all tired. Nobara and Yuji ended up falling asleep minutes into the ride, leaving Megumi to watch the sights passing through the window and you shyly trying to make conversation with him.
It's hard considering the strong crush you have on your fellow classmate. He was intelligent, kinder than he really let on, and fairly mature (at least compared to the people you’re usually around). His good looks were the cherry on top of the entire package. Everyone knew Megumi was a pretty boy and often teased him about it. He had fair skin, long, thick eyelashes, and your favorite being his dark hair. It looked so soft whenever your teacher would pat his head, flattening out the black tresses and ruffling them, much to Megumi’s chagrin. But you really wished you could feel as well.
You were the type of person to show your fondness for others through touch. Some people liked it, and some didn’t. For example, Yuji normally had no problem with you touching him, even welcomed it. You weren’t brave enough to ask someone like Megumi for the same sort of relationship, so you kept your hand to yourself when it came to him. At least until Megumi fell asleep, leaning against the car door for support. It’s then you saw your chance and carefully reached to touch one of the longer spikes.
The little black point wavered at your poking, lightly curling around your index finger as you swirled it around. You giggled to yourself about it. It’s thicker and fluffier than you imagined and also incredibly soft, proving Kugisaki’s theory about a ton of hairspray wrong.
Suddenly, a bump in the road cut your touching short, and you quickly jumped away when Megumi’s eyes began to flutter open.
Suspicious, he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said calmly despite your heart thumping under his gaze, but he dropped his interrogation as you all pulled into the school’s parking lot.
That was three months ago.
Now, the two of you were dating, and you saw that as permission to continue your physical intimacy with your more introverted boyfriend.
“Good morning, guys,” you greet your classmates and teacher with a wave, saving your happier actions for Megumi as your hand immediately goes towards his head to ruffle his hair. You pull your hand away but not before letting your fingers clasp your favorite cowlick. Giving a gentle tug, you let it bounce back into place with a smile.
Megumi groans softly, his mouth pursed into a slight frown as he goes to fix his hair back into its normal disarray.
Gojo claps, bringing your attention towards him. “Well now that everyone’s here, let’s go shopping.”
With that, the five of you head to the shopping district despite the heat bearing down on the city. You spend about an hour walking around before deciding to take a break so Nobara and Gojo can catch their breath in the shade while you return some clothes you bought a few weeks earlier across the street. Megumi and Yuji go to buy all five of you drinks, but it isn’t long before you hear Yuji yelling from outside the store.
“Sensei! Kugisaki! Fushiguro is getting hit on! We have to protect (L/Name)’s relationship!”
Before you could even stop them, they’re already up and running in Fushiguro’s direction. Sighing, you grab your card from the store owner and run to catch up with your group.
When you arrive, Kugisaki and Itadori are already clinging to him and ranting something about being in love with him before Gojo saunters up in his best casual wear to challenge them. You have to stifle back a laugh as he goes on about music practice and homewrecking before the event ends with Megumi smacking Yuji in the head as Nobara and Gojo stalk off, defeated.
Hearing your laughter, Yuji cowers behind you with tearful chibi eyes. “Do you see that, (Name)? Fushiguro is so mean. I was only trying to help him and that's the treatment I get .”
“You didn’t help at all. You were nothing short of embarrassing.”
You giggle at the two before reaching out to your silently fuming boyfriend. “No need to be so grumpy, Megumi-kun, or did Gojo give you too much violin homework,” you sing out teasingly, earning a growl about how it isn’t funny as you playfully scramble his hairstyle.
“And that! Will you stop with that?” Megumi demands and forcefully shoves your hand away. “It’s so annoying. You don’t see me petting you all day like some damn pet.”
“Oh,” you say, stepping back from him in your shock. This is the first time Megumi has brought up how you chose to dote on him. Yes, he’d quietly grumble about it from time to time like most things, but he never yelled at you about how you chose to display your affection. You guess you never really realized how much it truly bothered him. Biting back the hurt in your voice, you apologize. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
Megumi grunts softly in response, and Yuji decides it’s probably best to ask Gojo to take you all home for today.
It isn’t long after that Megumi begins to notice your interactions with him starting to change. He apologized for yelling at you soon after the event, but you were still much less touchy with him even after accepting his apology.
Normally, you’d grab onto his hand without so much as asking or surprise him with kisses on his cheek. Now, you only hold his pinky from time to time and only if he asks. You also stop your go-to of rubbing his head when you’d greet him or playing with the ends of his hair when you were bored.
Megumi thought maybe something was bothering you, but then he noticed how you’d still laugh and joke around with Yuji and Nobara, your hand gripping onto their shoulder when they’d tell an extra funny joke or affectionately patting them on the back. That wasn’t the worst though. The worst was when you’d absentmindedly sweep Yuji’s hair back into place when it got messy from training. The jealousy it sparked in Megumi was the last straw that makes him decide to ask you what was wrong.
You’re surprised when he tugs on your sleeve, interrupting your conversation with Itadori and Kugisaki. “Hey, can we talk?”
“Sure,” you say, nodding off to Itadori and Kugisaki before following Megumi to the waterspouts outside. You both sat together on the brick square surrounding the structure. It’s a few quiet seconds of you staring at Megumi as he folds his hands in front of him and lazily taps his foot. Dark blue eyes stare at you before dropping back to the ground.
“Are you still mad at me for yelling at you the other week?”
You shake your head. “I told you it’s fine. I’m not mad at you about that.”
“Then, it’s something else,” he decides, and he desperately tries to rack his brain for what else he could have possibly done wrong, “I’m sure I didn’t forget your birthday or anything. Do you not like me anymore or something?”
Gasping, you deny his claim, “Of course I like you, why would you think I don’t?”
“Because you’re not so friendly with me anymore like the way you are with the others, so either you’re upset with me, or you don’t have the same feelings for me as you do with them.”
“It’s neither of those things. With Yuji and Nobara, they’re both sociable people, but you aren’t like them. You don’t like all that kind of stuff, and I don’t want to annoy you by doing things you don’t like.”
Megumi scowls at your confession, sighing because he remembers exactly why you must be talking like this so suddenly. He specifically called your touches annoying, and he inwardly curses at himself for it. “You’re wrong. It’s not that I don’t like it…” he begins unsurely then pauses.
“Then, what?”
Megumi groans softly, an embarrassed heat starting to build in his cheeks as he quietly croaks out, “Feels good.”
“What’s that?” you ask, scooting closer so you can hear him better.
Megumi blushes lightly and cranks his head to look away from your cutely confused blinking. “It feels good when you do it,” he repeats robotically.
“When I do what?”
“When you play with my hair,” he hesitantly explains in more detail, “When Gojo does it, it’s aggravating, but I don't mind so much with you.”
Hesitantly, you ask, “So is it okay if I do it now?”
Megumi nods. “If you want.”
Cautiously, you lift your hand, pulling back in doubt a few times before ultimately sliding your fingers through his hair and rubbing. Megumi groans softly at your touch, and you realize that all those rushed noises of aggravation were actually him moaning from how light and comforting your touch was. You move your hand forward and backward some more, massaging his head until his head starts nodding and his eyes flutter a bit.
You giggle at him. “Are you falling asleep? You’re such a kid.”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”
You laugh louder as he scoffs to hide his embarrassment.
“In that case, you can sleepover with me tonight, and we can do this if you want,” you offer sweetly, and Megumi glances at you, thinking it over. As your smile grows and your hand hits that sweet spot right at the nape of his neck, he couldn’t deny that he liked the idea of falling asleep with you playing with his hair.
“I’d like that.”
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iwadori · 3 years
are you going to do a 'when the haikyuu boys make you insecure' part with Iwaizumi / could I request that?
When they make you insecure part 6 (Iwaizumi,Matsukawa)
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Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
Word Count: 2.8K
Genre: Angst, Fluff
AN: Did I embedd myself in this story? Yes, yes i did. :3 (it’s only a small part dw loool)
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One day when you were walking to the gym to go see your boyfriend  
You overhear him and the team talking about some instagram girl
“She’s hot” you hear Boktuo yell doing a hoot as he fawns over a picture, with the rest of the guys agreeing.  
“What do you think Iwaizumi?” Hinata ask  
“She’s cute... I guess?” the rest of the guys, grunt in disagreement at Iwa’s lack of drooling over the girl.
“Well I see why you wouldn’t want her Haji-kun,” says Atsumu “you are into the more simple girls bro”
“Simple?” Iwaizumi questions, and the rest of the guys agree
“Yeah simple, you know Y/N... she’s simple” says one of the guys, with the word ‘simple’ rolling off their tounge with a tone of disgust.
“I guess your right guys...” Iwaizumi says “Y/N is pretty basic and simple but-”
You leave the gym before you hear what the rest of them had to say. When you got to your house you bolt straight to the mirror, you look at your outfit and frown. You never thought your style was ‘basic,’ to be fair you wouldn’t describe anybodys style as basic or simple. Of course, you weren’t like those instagram influencers, that wasn’t your thing. But Iwa has known that about you for years... but I guess that’s not what he truly likes.
You go to your closet and take out all the contents, just tossing all your clothes (even some of your favourite items ever) and dashing them in a black trash bag putting them to the side. You were already on a mission to buy a whole new wardrobe, going through all different stores and looking on pinterest for inspo.
You didn’t really talk to Iwa for the rest of the week, since you wanted him to see you in your ‘new form,’ you weren’t being radiosilent but you didn’t initiate any hang outs with him or face time calls (which he did find slightly odd, but didn’t think that much by it.)
Finally, the clothes came and you were kind of shocked at how much you ordered you spent over £200 on clothes from all different places. When you were trying them on, you liked some of them the ones that were kind of similar to your past style but not so ‘simple,’ the others you kind of frowned at since it definitely didn’t feel like ‘you’ at all. ‘This is for Iwa,’ you reminded yourself as your forced a smile on your face analysing yourself in the mirror.
You had everything sorted, your wardrobe was now changed and done the colours and styles you once wore before is now the complete opposite. You invited Iwa over, hesistantly waiting to see how would he react.  
When you hear your door knock, you rush over to open it and model a pose you saw one of those girl do trying to look as natural as possible.
“Hey babe ho-” he says, with his eyes widening seeing your new look “Woah Y/N!”
“Hey Haji..come in!” you exclaim with a beaming smile pulling him inside to the couch. “So, are we going to continue watching the crown, I watched the previous episode and god prince phillip is such a dick.”
You look over your shoulder and see Iwa still standing in your entranceway a bit awkwardly, looking a bit stunned. “Come sit down then, we’ve got an episode to watch.”
“uh oh yeah, sure” he says blinking, following you to the couch.
You got through atleast 4 episodes together, you barely talked as you were really engrossed in the show. Iwa was barely paying attention, he was too busy questioning how you were acting. This definitely wasn’t the girl he knew, even the way you were acting whilst watch the show was odd. The way you’d cutely giggle and ‘sublty’ look over to him whilst laughing at a funny part of the show instead of just doing your usual obnoxious laugh that he loved to hear.
“Oh Y/N, I’m going to go to the bathroom.” he says standing up, you don’t reply you just wave your hand in acknowledgement.
On his way to the bathroom, Iwa nearly trips on a black bag left outside your bedroom door. He opens it, and mildly gasped when he saw all your old stuff jumbled up in there. He picks up the back and goes straight back to the living room and stands in front of you.
“Haji, what are you doing you’re blocking the TV” you complaining trying to see what’s happening behind him.
He drops the black bag infront of you and you internally curse yourself for not moving. You stare at him waiting for him to say something.
“Well whats this then.” he says looking down at you, almost like a disapproving dad.
“Clothes.” you say smartly, knowing what he was asking.
“You know what I meant Y/N, why are all your clothes in a garbage bag.”  
“Because I wanted to put them there,” you wanted to seem as nochalant about it as possible as if putting all your clothes in a garbage bag doesn’t make you feel sad.
“Yeah but why?” he says sitting down next to you.
“Just because I wanted to” you reiterate “what else do you want me to say?”
“Well this isn’t like you, its just a bit random Y/N” he says
“I know this isnt like me you” you spat, standing up “Isn’t this what you wanted anyways.” You head to your bedroom picking up the bag with you, with Iwa hot on your heels.
“What do you mean this is what I wanted?” he says in disbelief “When did I ever say that?”
“It doesn’t matter” you mumble, you start to aggressively take our your old clothes and shove them back into your wardrobe whilst Iwa is just talking. You’re not really listening to him your just putting the clothes back.
“Y/N Stop!” he yells kind of knocking you out of your ‘trance,’ “what is going on with you?” he grabs you hands and pulls them down stopping you from what you were doing and he winced at seeing your tear stricken face.
He gently pulls you into his arms sitting you both on your bed, waiting for you to speak. “I don’t know what you want from me Iwa..” you start your voice slightly breaking “it’s just I did this all for you and you don’t even appreciate it.”
“I don’t know what you mean Y/N?” he says sounding genuinely confused.
“Y/N is simple and basic.” you say repeating words that you heard your boyfriend say about you, you feel him tense as you say it and you slowly get out of his hug.
“Y/N I-”
“That really hurt Hajime, I know now that I'm not your ‘type’ but I-”
“No Y/N, you are my type of course you are!” he says gulping in nervousness “I love you, and your style. I’ve always being enamored by how you dress and present yourself and I don’t know why I even said you’re basic and simple I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Really?” you say sniffling looking down
“Yes really you idiot,” he says lifting your head up “To be fair I don’t care what you wear, since you look great in anthing I just want you to be happy Y/N and especially not dress for anyone including me. Okay?”
“Okay,” you agree slightly nodding your head.
“Good, so can we go and finish the crown and then burn all these clothes?” Iwa jokes as he stands up.
“Burn them!” you exclaim “These cost £200, you muppet.”
“£200! Gosh Y/N, next time you go shopping im definitely coming with you.” he says shaking his head “can’t have you blowing out your bank account for clothes you don’t even like that much.”
You spend the rest of the day finishing of The Crown and you and Iwa eventually both sort out your wardrobe. Your style and aethetic changes a lot more through the times you were together and Iwa was very supportive and helpful of every single change. Especially *insert your favourite dress aesthetic here.*
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You were walking with your friends; Iwa, Tooru, Maki and your boyfriend Matsun. Walking to school as you did every morning, today the topic of conversation was Tooru’s bad taste in women.
“Gosh yesterday was horrible, she didn’t want to talk to me at all,” he complained “all she wanted to do was to come straight to my place, I didn’t even have the chance to tell her my hair routine.”
“That’s why you don’t find dates off of Tinder shittykawa” grunted Iwaizumi
“Well I know that now!” he exclaimed.
“Y/N,” said Makki grasping your attention “Would you ever use Tinder?”
“Well I-”
“Of course she wouldn’t” your boyfriend interrupted wrapping his arm round your shoulder “she’s got me”
“Yeah, but if you two weren’t together, would you use it.”
“Well may-”  
“Y/N definitely wouldn’t” he said interrupting you AGAIN “she’s way to frigid for that shit”
Frigid? You thought to yourself, ouch. Their was a quick awkward silence and all you could hear was Matsukawa laughing with the others laughing after awkwardly in pursuit. After sensing your uncomfortability (is that a word?) Oikawa decides to change the subject to make things less awkward,
“I need a woman who understands me!” he rants “One that can listen to me and appreciate my awesome hair.”
“Goodluck with that Shittykawa.”  
Oikawa rambles on as you walk to school with the other guys chiming in. You on the other hand, were lost in thought. Your sex life wasn’t something you would want to publicly talk about let alone to you and your boyfriends' male friends. Also, with Matsun describing you as ‘frigid’ struck a nerve. You weren’t frigid, well at least to you, you weren’t.  
When you got to school you immediately rushed straight to your lesson claiming that you teacher really needed to talk to you. Which was odd to Matsukawa as you usually all hung around each other until the bell rang, the other boys gave each other knowing looks all assuming the reasons for your odd behaviour.
At lunch time, you stayed in your class instead of going up to the roof where you and your friends usually end up. In the class room you hear one of the girls in your class, Empress having one of her usual gossip conversations with her group of friends.
“Hajime is so hot!” she said, fanning her face being dramatic  
“Of course he is! You should totally go for him.” her friend said and the rest of the friends agreed.
“What do you think Y/N?” she says to you catching your attention “you’re close friends with him right?”
“Yeah, I am” you say a bit sadly “You should definitely go for him, I think you’d be perfect together.”
“Okay! I think I might later” she says smiling. Her and friends leave, but then Empress returns and walks straight to you.
“Are you alright doll?” she asks softly smiling
“I guess so..” you say hesitantly “It’s just something my boyfriend said to me this morning.”
“Matsun?” she asks and you nod in reply “What did he say?”
After you rehash the situation from this morning Empress scowls in annoyance, “Boys can be such pigs sometimes, such a dick thing to say.”
“I know right!” you respond “Even if I was frigid, which im totally not it’s not even a bad thing nor is it something to reveal to people in public in a ‘jokey’ way.”
“Yeah!” she agrees “I think you should go and give him a piece of your mind.”
“I mean...” your voice falters, when it comes to Matsun you’ve never really given him a ‘piece of your mind,’ even when he makes jokes that you’re not so fond of.
“Come on!” she encourages “I’ll come with you and cheer you on.”
“You just want to come to see Iwa Empress” you say pointedly “But fine let’s go.”
You both power walk to the roof where you see the four seijoh boys sitting down and eating. “Oh hi Y/N/-chan and look Iwa its Emp-chan... isn’t that a surprise!” Iwa blushes and the rest of the guys laugh.
You walk straight up to Matsun and stand right infront of him. “Matsukawa I need to talk to you,” you say folding your arms. “Why whats up babe?” he says, still sitting down with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Alone.” you say turning around walking to a secluded spot. Behind you, you hear Matsun get up and the rest of the boys saying “oooh Matsukawa your in trouble” as they laugh.
“What’s wrong with you today Y/N?” he asks slightly accusatorily.  
“I didn’t appreciate the comment you made today on the way to school,” you say with your arms folded.
“Oh that little comment about you being frigid, come on it was just a joke I wasn’t being serious.” he says lightly laughing but he stops once he sees the glare you give him ”you knew it was a joke right?”
“Matsun, some are your jokes just aren’t funny,” you say “especially when they're about me and our sex life in front of our friends too.”
“Y/N I didn’t mea-”
“You just come off as a huge dick sometimes, and I can’t do this anymore if you keep on making these comments anymore I don’t think I can do this.”
“Woah Y/N, are you threatening to break up with me?” he asks “Over a few little comments?”
“These aren’t a few little comments, sometimes what you say is just unnecessary and rude.”
“Okay well...”
“Well...” you repeat staring at him waiting for to apologise or atleast say something, “fuck you Matsukawa.”
You storm away and walk bout to the group saying “Empress lets go.” She jumps of Iwa’s lap and waves by to them following you back down to the school. You walk into the bathroom and just start to cry, “Y/N whats wrong?” Empress says pulling you into a hug  
“H-He doesn’t care,” you cry “He pretty much excused his stupid comments, passing them off as little ‘jokes,’ that didn’t apparently mean anything.”
“Oh dear,” Empress says consoling you “he’s not worth your time right now.”
“B-but but I love him.” you wail fat tears streaming down your face.
“I know sweetheart, I know,” she says letting go of the hug “so what do you wanna do about him?”
“I don’t know,” you say “I don’t want to break up with him or anything, but is there a point in staying if he’s just going to make these comments again.”
“I don’t know Y/N, but whatever you wanna do I’ll support. Wether it’s keying his car or reading shitty fanfiction and crying.” Empress says making you laugh.
The final bell rings and now it's time to go home, of course you don’t walk with the guys so you just enjoy your own company walking home.
“Y/N! Y/N!” you hear from behind you and of course the only person it can be is Matsukawa.
“What do you want?” you mumbled  
“I..I want too” he says heaving out of breath from the running he had to do “I want to apologise. I need do.”
“Okay...” you respond
“Im sorry, Im so so sorry,” he says “those jokes and comments were stupid and I agree I can be a dick sometimes. Well a lot of the time, but I never wanted to be a dick to you.”
“Well you were.”
“I know I was, and I’m so sorry. There’s no excuse what I said and what I have said before I just hope I can make it up to you.”
“Okay then.”
“So are we not broken up?”
“No we’re not broken up, but it’ll take a lot of making up to do for me to fully forgive you.”
“Great! And I'll spend every day to get you to forgive me.”
Which he did, he spent every day showering you with love and affection. He was way better than he was before, you even went on double dates with Oikawa and his flavour of the week and triple dates with Iwa and his girlfriend. Matsukawa, although he still made jokes, he never targeted them and centered them around you in an insulting way.
AN: I didn’t really like the matsukawa one since i couldn’t really write for him properyl sooo sorry bout that one kids.
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thesevro · 4 years
besties / headcanons
𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖋𝖚𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖚𝖗𝖔 𝖙𝖔𝖏𝖎, 𝖌𝖔𝖏𝖔 𝖘𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖚, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖎 𝖐𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖔
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 1.4K words
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: how toji, satoru and kento would act as your best friend
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- Gojo may not be very loyal as your boyfriend, but he would definitely be one among your most loyal friends.
- Whenever you're sitting down at some place, literally anywhere, be it at a cafe or on some random stone ledge, he'll let you lean back into him.
- Gojo is tall, and he's somehow always so warm, so treating him as a platonic cuddle buddy would be so nice.
- So imagine you're exhausted from a long day and you find this stout little ledge to rest on. Gojo would sit down with you there. 
- You could lean onto him, press your head into his shoulder and Gojo would actually feel very relaxed to have someone he trusts and holds dear next to him. 
- Knowing that one of his closest friends is safe calms him to an impossible degree. He knows he's lost too many already.
- And if the day has been too long, he'll let you sleep on his shoulder. Let you enjoy having a little power nap while ignoring the little line of drool that will wet his uniform.
- Hip to hip, your head to his shoulder, it does not feel as romantically intimate as it could be, but he loves that you're here with him all the same. He's always been scared of losing his friends, no matter how well he hides it.
- So he'll keep you warm as you nap on his shoulder. 
- PARTING FROM OUR ANGSTIER PARTS... Gojo would be the best hype-man. 
- You wearing a dress that barely reaches your knees and flaunts your ass whenever you jump? He'll cheer for you and scream, "THAT'S MY HOT BESTIE!!!"
- You have a crush on some dude? Some gal? He'll get very close with that guy or gal and tell them all the good things about you.
- If you like someone from the school it'll be even worse for you. He would blatantly skip missions just to set your crush up with you as your partner. 
- Gojo would be a great, awesome, amazing BFF and you cannot tell me otherwise.
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- Nanami as your friend would just be. Aw.
- He would be the most attentive friend out there.
- You just come back from a mission, hair and clothes a mess, face streaked with blood? He'll let you use his handkerchief to wipe the mess off. And he'll fetch some bandages for you if you need it.
- If you're bed-ridden, he'll stay by your bedside and talk to you there. Silence with him is also just... so nice. So peaceful. So serene.
- Nanami would even make you coffee, tea, whatever it is you like just so he can help you feel more refreshed after whatever tiring mission you went on, or whatever complicated job it was you had to finish.
- He knows what your favorite drink is. What your favorite food is. He also knows the best place to find both.
- Will eat lunch together with you every day at the school, or at yours or his favorite restaurant.
- He can't really make food for you... so he always buys something for lunches at the school with you.
- Sometimes he'll just stand in front of one of the school vending machines, in undeniably deep thought about what your drink of the day could be.
- Whenever he visits your favorite coffee shop, or whatever place sells your favorite drink, he'll ask the cashier to add the specific extras you like incorporating into your drink. He knows all of them.
- Of course he would first say something along the lines of, "I must apologize for bothering you. I promise to buy you (insert fav. drink) and (insert fav. food) and (insert fav. dessert) tomorrow. Promise." Then he finally reveals how stressed he is, "But. Are you aware of how much I want to wring Gojo Satoru's neck and kick him off a cliff?"
- It would turn into some sort of comedy, where Nanami mocks every single person who has stressed him out (Gojo Satoru for once in your life just STFU) in that sonorous, baritone rumble of his.
- Imagine hearing something like that at three in the morning. Sometimes it makes you question why it is no one has asked the guy out yet. (AND WHY YOU HAVEN'T DONE THAT EITHER.)
- Nanami would also be the BEST listener.
- You have a problem with something? With someone? Okay. He'll hear you out. Will not interrupt you while you're speaking. Not once will he do that.
- If it's something serious, and you start sniffling or maybe even crying, okay let's be honest he wouldn't really know what to do...
- SO. Because he doesn't know, he'll do what he sees everyone else do.
- He'll hug you. His arms will be stiff and that deep pit of awkwardness will definitely form in his stomach, but if it helps you, he'll do it all the same.
- If this is your first time crying in front of him, he'll only pull out one of his handkerchiefs and hand it to you. Sorry, but he wouldn't know how else to comfort you.
- He'll also comfort you with words of logic. Nanami has that perspicacious outsider's perspective that lets him see the rational portion of everything.
- BUT HE WOULD ALSO BE SO UNDERSTANDING. If you voice that you think your feelings are stupid, or dumb, he would FIRMLY insist that no, no (Y/N), your feelings are not stupid. Your feelings matter to me. And nothing that matters to me is "stupid."
- And he would proceed to help you find a solution to your problem, or would just hear you out some more. You can be honest with him and he would not judge you for any of your feelings.
- In conclusion, Nanami Kento would be the most caring BFF out there.
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- Toji would be an AWESOME best friend.
- He would be the guy you could punch in the arm with abandon.
- Toji would ALSO be the mean tease of a friend who is able to bed you at least once.
- After getting you in his bed though he'll let you go back to the casual thing you share, if that's what you want. But if you want to be together, well... he would be willing to try, but only because you're his friend.
- It may or may not work out. But he does try to make it work. Whether it does in the end... depends.
- MOVING FORWARD, again, Toji would be the friend you could punch without being hit back for it. He'll just be like yeah, okay short stuff then move on.
- He's just someone you could debate with, have fun with, and tease and test to no end.
- AND TOJI is the type of guy who would be super casual about letting people stay over at his house. You had a tiring day? You want to crash at his house? He'll let you.
- You open his door and he'll look at you like he was expecting you, but maybe that's because you'd just ranted about how someone at work had treated you like shit.
- You know. Through the private messaging app only assassins like him use. But since you're his bestie he let you download it too.
- And he always greets you with, "Something wrong, short stuff?" when you come through the door
- And listen bitch even if you're tall... this asshole is literally as tall as Gojo (I think?????) AND he's a DILF. So shut your mouth, short stuff.
- At his house you can either: 1. Order take-out and eat together on the dingy old table someone's great-grandfather used to eat on; he might pay if you really aren't feeling it but he's also an avaricious, money-hoarding bitch (in other words, broke) soooo don't expect much. Or 2. Just sleep on his couch while he watches TV. His bed smells like shit and really his couch isn't any better buuutt at least it doesn't have... stains.
- And please, don't even think about venting your feelings to this guy. He would either laugh his ass off at you or only nod with a tight smile of discomfort on his face.
- Princess, he won't be tucking you into bed, but he'll definitely have some leftover pizza ready for you in the morning. His love language is lazy as hell, but it's love all the same.
- Though your pizza will most definitely be either burnt or cold as shit.
- But either way, he cares.
- So if you're feeling down because someone looked at you wrong in the streets, expect to see a "Missing Person's Report" on the news in the morning.
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