#I'm gonna toot my own horn all I want because I'm in a good mood and I also like how far I have come with like
slumbergoblin · 2 years
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I’m still working on this but man.... I love Pearl’s face in this so much right now
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Ok, so rant not about kpop, it's about work. My trade is scenic artistry for theatre and I'm working as a technical intern (yay for post grad bullshit, but that's a different story). I have a "supervisor" who is the scenic artist for the theatre and I never met someone so under qualified for the position. I know there's a time and place to toot your own horn but this moment is exactly that. I've been a scenic painter all through college, worked every summer for theatre festivals, and I somehow know more than she does (not just standard techniques but also protocol), but she claims she's a professional. She would belittle my skill and my experience, while talking highly of herself when in reality, I've seen more talented high school students paint in a quarter of the time. She would roll her eyes when someone compliments my work in front of her (a lot of the staff agree that I'm the better painter too but 🤷🏻‍♀️). Aside from her being a bully, her work ethic is a joke. She has the scenic designer wrapped around her finger and she gets away with way too much. She could stay in her office literally through an entire work day and won't hear a word (even when it's a crazy work day). She would also stay on her phone for hours, get nothing done and the scenic designer would defend her when the big boss complains about nothing got done, then has the audacity to tell me I'm on my phone too much when I switch songs on my playlist or text people to leave me alone since I'm at work. She would come in half an hour early, but doesn't work till I get there or till the scenic designer says something, that way she "works more hours", but does part of the work (she also lied on her time sheet but that's also a different story). She also got opportunities to design (taking it away from other people like me but that's a different story). She would take days to work on it (during work hours), but I didn't have the luxury when I designed. The funny part is that some of the staff wants her to go move on to somewhere else (to grow as an artist and as a person) but she took it as a threat and tries to get other staff against them (acting like a Regina George). I would go to the senior staff and complain about EVERYTHING but now it's no good since she's leaving shortly after my contract ends. The manipulation she plays on the scenic designer is so destructive, one day she yells at him for something he had no responsibility for and he was in a sulky mood for days and even got pissy at me (I shut that shit down because there was no way I was gonna let HER attitude towards HIM affect ME). There is so much more to say, this is already hella long, but I needed to get it off my chest. The biggest twist is, outside of work, we're actually good friends. She is so different outside of work (she's actually the one who introduced me to kpop and took me to my first concert blah blah blah). The double standard at work is killing me, but I'm too tired to fight. I would just leave when I had to option, thanks to quarantine, but since no theatres are working till God knows when, this is my best shot to work what I love. Thank you for listening ❤️. Message me your toxic work stories, because no one should be alone in this.
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literaila · 3 years
ew. ewwww. kind of cute? you're rendering me speechless, verity. again. mmmm. no. :) not wise. nuh-uh. only a bit.
are you british? random question.
exactly!! like, they just feel nice. for whatever reason. i think it's endearing that you love pet names. what are your nicknames? i wanna know.
you get blankets as gifts??? i never do my bed. like, i never understand making it and tucking it in. i only do that when i change the sheets. why bother? my bed is always messy. i move a lot in my sleep, apparently.
i've heard that show was overrated. what do you think about it? should i watch it? i wanna watch ted lasso, brooklyn nine-nine, and rick & morty. i think all of those count as sitcoms, right? aghh.. there was this show or movie i really wanted to watch as a kid. i think it was astroboy? i'm definitely gonna watch it soon. also, i watched a lot of qubo as a kid
yeah, it really does make school better. i always look forward to it. i know i did, just reminding you. i get bragging rights. i kinda want another one. maybe next month. i kinda want a hug from you, verity. only a bit. it's contagious, i swear. i hate the 50 states. like, how the hell am i supposed to memorize that? good god. of course, i'm very intuitive. i pay attention to the people i care about.
you suck. bleh, mint toothpaste.
it's annoying because their voices are loud. they yell a lot. over anything and everything. but bickering with friends, yes. i love stars too. and the moon. actually, i saw the moon out today. took a million pictures. and right now its raining for me. double win.
uhhh. not sure. haven't checked. maybe like 100 or something? hope you're enjoying six of crows.
i will not! just gonna relax in bed. you take care, v.
— 🐢
i’ve been told i have that effect. i am very wise, thank you very much. the wisest. sooo wise.
not british! i wish. though, i fluctuate my words like i am. strange. are you british?
they just feel nice. yes. of course. endearing until i call you three pet names in the same sentence. ha! uhhh well “ver” “ver-bear” my brother used to call be “berity” when he was little and that stuck. just random things. everyone likes to use nicknames for me. what pet names in particular do you like/ like to call people? i think anything starting with “my” is best.
yeah i guess it doesn’t make much sense, but still, control freak. when i don’t make my bed it usually means i’m having a bad day. idk just makes me feel peaceful in the morning. though, i do like to fall into a messy bed.
it’s alright. not my favorite, but definitely good if you’re in the mood for sitcoms. um, yes? not really sure but you should watch them anyway— i’ve heard good things about brooklyn nine nine. astroboy? i’ve never heard of it— i’ll have to look it up. aw, that’s nice. so did i.
allll the bragging rights. so rude. maybe tomorrow! i’d give you a hug anytime darling. not to toot my own horn but— i’m very good at giving hugs. just a little fun fact. it is contagious, and therefore, you’ll be getting worse. enjoy sanity while it lasts :) why do you even need to memorize it? what academic value does that give you? none, is the answer.
bleh, indeed.
why are you winning everything tooodayyy? cant you share? i want rain. i want a moon. aggfhhh, gimme. this is so unfair. happy for you though, i swear!
well, let me know if you decide to read it tonight (while not killing yourself in the process of staying up). i am. i will. thank you.
thanks darling. heading to bed now— talk to you tomorrow? i hope.
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