#I'm just busy with college at the moment cuz the semester is ending
time-to-yar-har · 5 months
Forgot to post this, but one of the people on one of the servers I'm on (and talked about the Knowledge White AU with) asked about how the scene where Sanji and Zeff get stranded would happen with Goji around. It would go like this:
Goji insists that Sanji eat most of the food that Zeff gives them. His argument being that he's built much tougher than Sanji, and as such he can handle going without food for longer periods than a normal human. That, and he has a fishing line on him that he uses to try and catch fish for himself (and Sanji) to eat. (Goji gets in the habit of being prepared for anything and making sure that he has 'everything but the kitchen sink' on him just in case. With he and Sanji hiding away from the Judge, better to have as many tools/items as possible to help with any situation. Basically, better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.)
After a few days on the rock, Goji goes to Zeff's side of the rock to steal his "food" for himself and Sanji. (He waits till Sanji is asleep because he doesn't want Sanji to get get caught up if Goji ends up fighting Zeff.) That's when he finds out that Zeff gave him and Sanji all the food and that the pirate has been eating his severed leg to sustain himself.
Goji is more confused by Zeff's actions than anything. After all, logically Zeff should have kept all the food for himself instead of giving it way in order for himself to survive. Doing the opposite makes no sense to Goji. And Goji is not sure how to feel about it. But in the end he decides not to care. His and Sanji's survival is the most important. Though he does tell Zeff not to tell Sanji about it because Goji just knows that his brother would feel the need to repay back such a debt and might try to give Zeff some of their food.
Goji does end up sharing some of the fish he caught with Zeff too. Yet it took a few days after finding out what Zeff did before he would start to sometimes slip the pirate a fish here and there. Mostly at night so that Sanji wouldn't find out. (Goji doesn't understand why he does so. He just thinks that if he takes on the debt of Zeff giving him and Sanji a chance to survive, than Sanji doesn't have to.)
After that, Goji does make sure that the food doesn't fall off the rock. And sometime later, Sanji does try to take the "food" that Zeff has for himself and Goji. Goji tries to stop him, but after Sanji makes a comment about Goji not caring about him, it freezes Goji in his tracks for a moment. (And although he doesn't realize it then, that comment filled Goji with dread. Worried that his brother might hate him.) That moment is all Sanji needs to find out the truth. And then it ends how it does in canon. They get saved and Zeff ends up taking in both Sanji and Goji.
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oswaldsleftbicep · 3 years
Hi how are you? I really hope you're doing good and it is less stressful now like you told us it is. I just wanna see if you're ok and that's why I actually have a little request for you about maybe Levy, Mikael and Ricardo holding hands or maybe cuddle/ touch their lover in public. Have a nice day✌🏻
levy, mikael, & ricardo + pda
hey y'all it's been a minute! i'm doing relatively ok, i got dumped by my bf, finals and the end of the semester are coming up so there's some stress and sadness there, and i gotta get busy making holiday presents for my college friends before they go home, so i got lots going on lmao i've missed writing but i haven't had the time or motivation but i managed to squeeze this one out :) hope y'all are doing well!!
genre: fluff
cw: rusty writing lmao
❧ i could see him engaging in pda but only under certain circumstances and never to an extreme extent
❧ you would have to be the one to initiate most of the time cuz he's too embarrassed or whatever
❧ if you ask to hold his hand or for a kiss he's probably gonna say no but give in after a minute because you "kept annoying him, no i don't like this shut up"
❧ but you can tell he likes it; even if his face is bright red and he's not looking you in the eye, his eyes are all lit up with happiness and he's biting back a small smile at the action of being close to you
❧ the most i could see him doing willingly in a normal situation is hand holding or, if he's feeling bold, an arm wrapped around you
❧ if he gets jealous cuz someone's flirting with you or you're not paying enough attention to him, he'll give you a hug from behind and send a mean stare to whoever is stealing your attention
❧ he gets super flustered when people point out when he engages in pda with you, no matter how small. his arm could just be around your waist while you stand next to him, and lucia's like "lmao sap" and suddenly levy gets all embarrassed like he got caught doing something much worse
❧ for him, i don't think he'd be into pda at all cuz he's got an image to uphold and he thinks affection should be saved for private moments
❧ but of course even he falters and shows you affection in public spaces with people around
❧ he likes to keep it simple and classy so the most he'll do is holding your hand, or linking arms or pinkies
❧ sorry, but no kisses in public unless he's feeling super jealous, then you'll get a protective kiss on the head
❧ if you wanna engage the pda, ask him first, he doesn't wanna get caught off guard or flustered in front of others. if it's you asking with pleading eyes, most of the time he won't say no but he'll be stuck up about it like "ugh fine if i absolutely must"
❧ but shh he loves it. he loves seeing you happy from something as simple as a quick embrace, and it shows others that you're his partner
❧ pretty much he just doesn't want all eyes on him while doing something intimate or romantic with you, no matter how small the action is. but if you just really want to hold his hand, he'll give on the condition that y'all don't make a show out of it
❧ is this even a question
❧ mans is clingy and affectionate and has no shame; as soon as you give the consent to pda mans is gonna be all over you
❧ he might even engage without consent at first oops, he just always wants to be touching you; but if he makes you uncomfy just yell at him
❧ he sees pda as a way to show you off and flaunt y'all's relationship and make sure everyone knows you're his partner as if it wasn't already obvious
❧ he wants to be doing everything, i'm talking hand holding, hugging you from behind, smooching, spinning you in circles, picking you up, the whole works
❧ does he make the people around him a but uncomfy? yes. does he care? lmao no
❧ he just wants to be touching you all the time (respectfully) and as a result he's gonna be all over you in public
❧ so pretty much whatever y'all do to show affection in private he does in public, with some exceptions of course
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