#I'm just kinda talking out of my ass rn many thoughts head full
unsurebazookacore · 10 months
i am so sorry about this but i had to show you just how much you hit the nail on the head with that song
Used to be level with all my friends (and then they all got way taller than me) Still wear the same shoes I did back then (i had the same pair of red converse for like three years) I don't think they've ever been untied (they actually were never tied meaning they were never untied either) I can't regret the things I don't try (real) I'd switch it up but I don't like change (self explanatory tbh) Only content if things stay the same (literally) Don't care to watch the story unfold (i dont wanna talk about it 💀) Hate feeling like I'm not in control (ask anyone)
I've been sleeping with the light on (i put up christmas lights in my room today theyre on rn :D) I tend to freak myself out (yeah) Will you come a little closer? And tell me I'm a
Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle I'm a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle (im 5´1 and my hair is purple im literally known for it)
I say the wrong shit at the right times (again ask anyone) If I'm offending them, I don't mind (especially authority figures its a problem) Maybe they all should listen to me (my daily thoughts but it would be a mistake if they did 💀) It isn't all about what you see (if you take the time to get past my Murder Face™ im kinda nice 😭) Question though, how do I look to you? (a question i think about too much) Am I so thin that you can see through? (i dont wanna talk about it 💀)
I've been sleeping with the light off (i usually do) I wanted to remember (when i think about memories) Will you come a little closer now? And see that I'm a
Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle I'm a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle
I'll be one of those people you remember (everyone remembers my purple hair lmao) They'll be looking at us when were together (me and my friends are freaks) I'll be a mannequin you can dismember (kinky 😏 sorry that was a sneak peak of my humor)
You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile (i wear the same hoodie and shorts everyday but apparently i have a nice smile) Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle Take me home to mom but it'll take awhile (i hate authority figures parents are usually no exception) Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle
They might think they're cooler than me by a mile (i am a Freak and a Loser) Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle I can still have wisdom and look like a child (id say im pretty smart but again im 5´1 and have a severe baby face 💀) Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle
okay genuinely this is the coolest freaking thing to me I’m so freaking happy to see I got this right and the way I 100% do this to soooo many songs I listen to literally my notes app is FULL of random ass song analysis it’s like mildly unhealthy 😭😭😭
anyway ur my favorite scrawny motherfucker in the wholest widest world :)
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pondslime · 1 year
I've been absent from Tumblr for a couple of days and somehow my FYP is full of Sinclair thots??.?? Is this some national holiday?🥶🥶🥶🥶 I have so many that gnawl at my brain at night.
Imagine calling Bo Beauregard for the first time🤐🤐🤐 You're either trying to be serious and have a real conversation with him for the first time since settling in Ambrose (spoiler: this is impossible. He's misogynistic and a firm believer that there's nothing to talk about with girls🩷🩷🩷🩷 he gives off that TikTok vibe "Do girls even have hobbies?" Like bro, drinking bear and crying ain't a hobby either), or you're so exhausted with his neanderthal shenanigans that you just sigh "Beauregard...." while absolutely pissed off and annoyed.
I just KNOW mama Sinclair would call him Beauregard in that no-nonsense tone when he would rip a hole in his dress pants before church , he must have PTSD from hearing his own freaking name. He's so used to being just Bo, that the only times he even acknowledges his full name are when he's either being scolded by his parents or when he's arrested and sees it on the paperwork.
So yeah, long story short I doubt he'd be amused by anyone calling him Beauregard. RIP MC.
*bonus crack thought* I remember talking here with someone about how Fucking Funny™ would it be to call Bo Robert. I'm not a native English speaker and I honestly never heard of the name Beauregard before😭😭😭 I just assumed Bo is like Bob, which is Robert😂😂😂😂 I'd get smacked on the head with a wrench for trying to be cute and calling him Robert. End scene
omg jhdsjhfjd not the fyp being inundated w/my dumbassery 💀
I lowkey felt like I was spamming the dash last night. BUT idk what came over me, I've had a couple days off work and I'm in a chatty mood hjhdsjahjhsdjh like. I just wanna TALK about this goofy ass movie?? **note to all the poor souls that might be following me rn: pls feel free to block the tag "sinclair brainrot hours" if u would like to save urself from my shenanigans**
this ask is killin me dshjhdfsjhj DRINKING BEER AND CRYING AIN'T A HOBBY BOY
I'm unfortunately part of the Anti-Beauregard Sinclair Hater Nation. I am, after all, the graphic designer responsible for THIS abomination:
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context for this can be found here, with poki's galactic big brain take
I also love this take on what his real actual name is 🐔🧊
I just CANNOT buy this guy as a beauregard hdjhdfjh I simply cannot
HOWEVER. I do this thing w/ppl I'm fond of where I'll lengthen their names in ridiculous ways. like just add in entire syllables and letters that just. wholly don't exist. and I could see one of two situations playing out w/bing bong
scenario one: u drop a "beauregard" out of the blue one day. maybe you're trying to be cute. maybe you're trying to piss him off. he looks over @ u. crinkles his brow and gives u the bitchest lil expression. u best be glad u make good pork chops, WOMAN. bc u can't even remember his NAME. who tf u think ur talkin to??? one of ur fancy shmancy city boys?? get outta here!! just grumblin' around the living room abt how if u want some prissy ass boy w/a genteel ass name like that, his brother's right downstairs grumble grumble mutter mutter
scenario two:
he's been slurpin up that good ambrose moonshine (some crazy ass shit that comes in a jug w/x's on it. u know the one. lester labeled it as "ambrosia" and walks around saying it's the "fruit of the gods" and slappin his knee. bo has no fuckin' idea what he's saying.) and despite his high tolerance, boy's a bit sloshed. so are u. u drunkenly crawl into his lap and call him beauregard. he thinks this is v heehaw funny. whatchu think I am girl?? some kinda royalty?? that pretty lil head of urs is all kindsa messed up!! figure I AM like a king here hehehehehe
both equally as annoying😔
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captntoaster · 8 months
I haven't updated the nuzelock thread in a while, so I will start a new one. The world is dark and full of terrors. I killed off so many of my pokemon. It's hard to talk about.
I gambled in Goldenrod for useful TMs like Flamethrower, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, only to realize afterward that the TMs were randomized x.x.
The losses I sustained were including but not limited to:
a lvl5 Luxio (ZAPMANDU) that served me very well for a long time before being unceremoniously one hit ko'd at lvl16 by a lvl 16 dragonite. No critical, no supereffective, just a dragonite with dragonrush ruining my fucking day...
My egg hatched into a lvl 1 Porygon (BYTEBUD) who I trained up to lvl 15 before he got hit with a supereffective brick break from a Primeape. Ngl this was literally just me being an idiot because it had Extra Sensory and it made me /feel/ like it was psychic type rather than Normal... my bad...
A lvl 10 Clefa (GELATO)that got killed by a critical at lvl 16.
A lvl 10 Togekiss (LQGEND) that died at lvl 14 to a Vibrava who randomly knew thunder and it just happened to hit and ruin my day.
However, I have to admit, I thought the randomizer would change which pokemon were available for purchase from the game corner but I ended up buying Dratini named LINDWURM who has become a great asset on my team as my Goldenrod encounter. Idk if this is against the standard rule set, but the standard ruleset can suck my ass man, I'm suffering out here.
With my team of four, Machoke (FIGHTMILK), Kabutops(BLADERUNNR), Metagross(TABLETOP) and Dratini(LINDWURM), I took on and destroyed Whittney. Headed into the next area I caught a Staraptor (SCYTHE) and a Metapod (STEELO), who is now a Butterfree. This team, now back up to six, has proved pretty formidable. SCYTHE doesn't know a single flying move atm, but Butterfree knows Dark void, Heal order, and Bug Buzz which has proved insanely powerful and sustainable.
I technically have 3 pokemon in my PC rn, A lvl12 exeggcute (HELLPINAPL) because I'm waiting for a leaf stone, a lvl11 ditto (GOOPER) that doesnt know transform so its kinda useless... and also a lvl 14 Electvire (RAIIRO) that I'm saving for a rainy lil day if someone in my party dies.
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agnesandhilda · 3 years
it is so important that textile work/fiber art in general be recognized as skilled labor and art. textiles are omnipresent, in clothing, in furniture, moreso than any other artistic medium, but are domesticated and overlooked as a result. when textile work is done at a personal level instead of industrial, it's seen as just craft, cute but frivolous. textile work's association with women just worsens this, and independent textile artists fight tooth and nail to be compensated fairly, since their work is underpaid and undervalued in the world at large.
textile work has value in its mundanity. I have pieces I made years ago using simple methods, back when I was just starting out, and I still use and love them. the devaluing of textile work also means that its appeal goes unnoticed too. I see things that were obviously handmade, sweaters sold to secondhand stores by family members who didn't realize the amount of labor that went into them, and am astounded by the time I know they take to make and by the craftsmanship. not understanding textile work means not understanding the meaning of its consistency, the geometric beauty of even simple techniques, done right again and again, for hours.
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longsleevs · 6 years
Movie Nigth
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: language i guess, cute af maybe way to cheese in some parts :)
A/N: This idea came to my mind like 2 weeks ago, like at 3 am when i couldn't sleep. I hope you guys like it! Xx
Summary: Movie night with the Holland's every Friday, a tradition for the last 5 years, since today something more was added to the tradition and to your life
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I just arrived to the Holland's house, my second home...
I got out of the uber and i saw Harry sitting outside, on the stairs "Hello, Harold" i said while i walked closer to him "Hi Y/N" he said as he standed up "I though that you couldn't come" he said as we walked inside the house "But you waited for me at the stairs like always" i said when i felt a cute little redhead hug me "Y/N!" He said with a huge smile "I missed you Pad" i said while hugging him back "i saw you last week dump ass" i just laughed and smiled "but i didn't saw you all the times that i came over this week!"
Trying to know if Tom was back
Suddenly i heard a noise coming out of the kitchen, then i saw that body, i just runned towards him "Tom!" I said as I runned to his arms "I though that you would be back next week!" He looked at me and said "Surpriseeee!!" I hugged him tighter and he gave me a soft kiss "we are here!" Paddy shouted, and we broke the kiss and laughed
Some day he will stop doing that
"I missed you, love. More than anything and anyone" i looked up at him, and laughed "Yeah, and i will belive that you missed me more than your princess Tessa" i said when suddenly Tessa came out of the kitchen "Ohhhh! I did not saw that coming" me neither kid Harry said and i laughed "If you don't want to belive me..." Tom said as he went next to Tessa "Whatever you say Thomas! Were are your parents and Sam??" I asked, looking at the guys in front of me "Mom and Dad went for the food, Sam went to pick up his gf" Paddy said exited
I know that this kid is exited about the food, but i don't care
I looked at him and laughed "Ohh! I see! Now you like her more than me!? Okay Patrick... now you can go to hell and your birthday gift too!" i said as i turned and hugged Tom, acting like if i was crying it looked so fake but anyway "1. You will always be my favorite, just don't tell Sam that 2. Patrick!? I told you that i am Paddy! 3. A gift? Can i get it!? and 4. I know that you aren't crying" he said, and we all laughed "Yep, but i didn't bought it, sorry :(" i said and he looked mad at me "You liar!" He said when he realised that there was no gift and started running me around the house
I love this kidd, can my kids be like him??
We just watched the first movie, it was 'Me before you' in case you want to know today the girls choose the movie, and right now we are looking for the second one "This one" Elysia said *elysia is sam"s gf irl* Nikky looked at me saying like hate that movie and i said "Nop, other one" Nikky smiled at me thanks
I could hear Tom and Dom laughing in the back and Sam saying "Can they stop bullying her"
You know that we love her kidd!
I wanted to laugh so baldy of what was happening behind us but they couldn't realise that i hearing "This one!" Nikky said, i laughed and said "Really!? Again!?" I saw the way that Elysia looked at me, like saying don't reply to her like that or you will be in trouble "C'mon Y/N! Your bf is in the movie, correction both of your boyfriends are in the movie and Harry" i turned to the guys as said "The impossible for the million time guys??" They all laughed at looked at Nikky "Mom, we always see the same movie... can we wach other thing please??" Harry said as Paddy jumped and said "And i don't like the fact thay I'm not in the movie, and my brothers are! I'm actually tired of seeing their faces!" Nikky opened his eyes, really big "Patrick Holland! Don't talk like that!"
We know that he is joking
"And ok guys... other movie will be" everybody was happy and Nikki just rolled her eyes "Thank you so much, i love you, i was already done with that movie, and don't forget that I'm in it! I own you one, no! We all own you one! You the best!" Tom said as he jumped out of the sofa, came closer to me and pick me up un his arms, like in the just married way, and gave a really cute and soft kiss "Stop!!" Paddy said
See! He always does that!
We laughed at the youngest person in the room "Let them Paddy, they are so cutee!" Nikki said and Tom put me down on the floor and said "Mother!" I laughed "Then stop being cute, if you don't want me to talk like that"
I stand, and love the best mother ever
Tom sat next to me on the floor, with his head on my shoulder, playing with my hair, while we were trying to chosse the next movie
The second movie ended, we decided to watch 'Sixteen Candles', a classic, Paddy's reaction on some part were just so damm hilarious
For nigth we usually see 2 movies, then all the guys go back to their rooms, i go with Tom, and later i go back home, while the guys have a sleepover in the living room.
Rigth now it's 11 pm.
Tom and i were cleaning the living, Paddy was changing into his pijamas, Harry washing the dishes, and Sam saying goodbye to Elysia "Do you have something to do tomorrow early??" Tom asked knowing my answer "Weekend are to sleep and eat Thomas" he laughed and just nodded.
And that's what i do on my weekends basically
Once all the guys were downstairs Sam said "Did you ask her" Tom looked up and said "Yep, she's completely free" Paddy smiled and Harry said "Who aks her??" Paddy jumped and said "Me!! Pleseee!!" I looked at all of them confused, they just nodded "Ok, Y/N... We have known you since always, at least me, for how long guys?" Paddy asked his older brothers
15 years of friendship, 10 of being like my second family, 5 of being family aka me dating Thomas
"15 years" Harry said "they have known you for 15 years, me for 14 because of obvious reasons. You had being coming to this house almost every Friday for the last 5 years, and we all were talking, and we thought that now that you are more family than before, because you are dating Tom, is the rigth moment to ask you to stay over every Friday, be part of our sleepover" Paddy said, while all the Holland guys looked at me waiting for my answer
Wait, what!?
"You guys are offering me to stay, a Friday!? Friday sleepovers are a guys thing that you have always done!" Tom hold my hand and said "Yes, love. We are telling you that you can stay, i mean you are family. And Friday sleepovers aren't a guys thing, is a family thing, we don't even know why we didn't asked you before, so here we are... Will you stay??" He asked at me while looking at my eyes
Don't to that Holland
"First i wanna know something" they looked confused at each other "What??" Sam said "It's this because Harrison isn't here??" They all looked shook "Tbh we didn't even though that, but no, because this is for now untill the day we die, with or without Harrison" Sam said, i looked to all the guys "Ofc guys! I will stay"
This sounds like such a big deal, and it is, it isn't something stupid. This isn't the fist time that i sleepover in this house, but on Friday, Never! How many time i wanted to have a date with Tom, or celebrate an anniversary, and we couldn't because it was FRIDAY. This is like the moment when they are all together, something that almost never happenes lately, that's why this is so important, and why i was so shocked
I went upstairs with Tom, to his room, once i was i laid on his bed next to him "Can you give some clothes, Tommy??" He came closer and kissed me, for the first time in the day it wasn't a soft kiss, i was a really passionate kiss, suddenly he broke it "What the hell?" I said confused "I have to give you some clothes, and that's hard" i was confused "why?? You can give that hoodie and i would be happy with that" he looked at me with a cute smile and said "I know that, love. But rn it isn't just us, there will be my siblings" he said with a smile and turned back to his closet
You little trash, i love you
He gave me hoodie and some sweet pants, i changed, waited for him to change and them we went downstairs, finding what i always see, the living with mattresses waiting for people to sleep there, jumped in on the mattress, scaring Paddy "Can you please never do that AGAIN!?" He said turning all red, so cuteeee "Okay padster, but just bc I'm your fav" i said and Tom in the back laughed
I love this family sow much
"I wanna know something, something that I've always wanted to know" Paddy said while eating his ice cream "Ask" Sam said whit his mouth full of ice cream "How dis you guys meet??" I reased my eyebrow "Well I meet Sam on mom's belly, and Tom once we came out of your mother belly" Harry said with a proud smile, idiot, "Mmm you know what i mean!" Paddy yelled "Well, we meet Y/N thanks to 4 year old Harry, the idiot broke her candy, and 6 year old Y/N got kinda mad" Tom said and i laughed remembering the day "Yep, i got so mad with Harry that went close to Nikki and to tell her that i needed a new candy or something like that" all of us were laughing remembering that "After that, whenever we when to that park, we found her, later we realised that Tom and her went to the same school and that's how the friendship started" Sam ended the story
Yep, i hated this kids since 2003 :)
"And that's the story of how i stated hating Harry!" I said whith a smile "And that's the moment when i felt for her" Tom said holding my hand and rubbing it "Liar! You always say that was when mom passed away, and until my grandma was back i lived here for like 3 moths. And thay was 10 years ago no 15!" I said acting like offended.
I really don't care about my mom, i mean, i miss her, she was my mom, but she was a bich so...
"Ohh! Yeah! Confused dates!" We said while playing with Tessa "Idiot" Harry said "Talks" Tom said, Paddy, Sam and I were waiting for the 'fight' "Shut up, and thank me!" Tom opened his eyes big "Why should i thank you??" Harry laughed "because without me, there would have never existed a you and Y/N" Harry said. Good point Harold. "Yeah... you are rigth" Tom said
"What time is it?" Sam asked "4:50" Tom replied "Let's go then!" Paddy said, as he jumped out and went to the backyard. I looked at the guys confused "Wanna watch the sunrise, love?" Tom said giving me a hand to stand up.
We were outside, Harry took his camera and started tooking photos, telling Sam and Paddy what to do, while i was stand behind them, holding hands with sponge bob aka Tom
This is so beautiful
"You are prettier" I looked confused at Tom "i didn't said anything" he smiled "but your face talks by itself" he said while putting his arms around me "Harry! Took some picture of us!" He said while holding my hand and running.
I love you
He stared running around the garden, idk how or when he made a move and pull me into his arms, like the just married pose, just like he did it the kitchen "I want you to be mine forever" he whispered on my ear.
Me too...
He put me back in the ground, and gave a kiss on my forehead, i turned and saw Sam, Paddy next to each other, looking at us exited, Harry was whith his camera, looking at us. I tuned back to Tom and saw him sat in one leg, with a little box in his had, tears started falling, happy tears ofc "Hi" he said with cute smile "I know that you are only 21 and I'm just 22, that we are really young for this, but i don't care, i don't care anymore... Y/N i have known your for 15 years, i have loved you for 10 years and we have being officially dating for 5 years, i guess that the 5 is our lucky number" i just laughed at him "Y/N, you are the most amazing person in this world, and i love you more than anything and anyone, i can't belive that I'm doing this... Y/N Y/LN would you make me the happiest man on earth with just a simple word"
"Would you marry me??" He said and all i did was fell on the floor and nod, i looked up at him and he was crying to "Hell yes!! Tom!!" I said and we just hugged "I love you idiot" i said and a little laugh came out of his mouth
Yes, Tom. Yes, no matter what
"I'm officially the happiest man alive" he said with his arms around me, looking at thd guys "Congrats" the 3 guys while running and we all hugged "I'm so proud of my big baby!" I hars Nikki said, Tom pointed to the house, Nikki and Dom where looking at us trough the window "Now you will be mine forever" he said and gave me kiss
I love this man so damm much
A/N: Hi sunflowers!🌻 Hope you guys like this one! OMG! You are getting married with Tom! I wish... btw 'that damm smile' won't be updated today! Xx
Part 2 my darling??
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itoshit · 3 years
'Well Vee, you fucked me good'
Both chuckling we fell asleep in your bed not long after.
'As expected Hanma hasn't shown his ugly face since that night.'
'Hm. But Kisaki did'
'Even if I don't like him there isn't any proof that he's linked to Hanma that way'
'Huh? Sorry Mitsuya but the both of them entered Toman together. Of course they are'
Now discussing together, the divisions captains, Mikey and I were reunited around the metallic table. Hanma was the main topic and well by extend, Kisaki too.
Mikey and I had yet to talk but I wanted nothing more than break his bones.
'Mikey? Draken? What d'you think?'
'The best for now would be to ignore him. We've already too much things to deal with. Kisaki is, to me, obviously is connected to him. Despite that we should just keep an eye on him. That's just my opinion'
'But Draken we could just find him through Tetta!'
'No one knows if he's not already in another gang. Taking risks like this one is childish Takemichi. But no worries, if I were to meet him in the streets though, I would take care of it'
'Ken-chin is right. The whole situation is messy but one problem after another. Concerning Kisaki unfortunately there isn't anything concrete so I can't just ask him to leave'
Nodding at Mikey's words I stood up checking my phone.
'I need to go but don't do anything stupid. Especially not you, Chifuyu and Takemichi'
A loud protest reaching my ears at the mention of the two I laughed. They were hot headed so of course I'd to warn them.
'How dare you Draken?'
'Aw come on Takemitchi that's true. You're not even able to fight yet you're always throwing yourself in the worse battles. Not that I'm roasting you, quite the contrary. But I want y'all to let me take care of it myself. I don't need anyone to fight for me alright?'
'Where are you going Ken-chin?'
'I'm meeting with Vee. She wanted to tell her parents about us'
'Oooh s'that serious then?'
Seeing Mikey wiggling his eyebrows at me I hit the back of his head softy while taking my helmet.
'They know me since forever Mikey. It's not gonna be my first time at their place '
'Now that you're talking about it, why doesn't she live with them??'
'She's a very independent person and needed her freedom. Her parents tend to be a bit.. ahem- close minded? But they're very nice, at least with me'
'Just wait for them to discover who's warming up her sheets during the nights!'
'Yeah yeah shut up now I'm leaving'
Hearing wolf whistles as I exited the room I shook my head. These guys I swear.
The deal was to meet you in front of your house so I could bring us both there so drove to your place, excited to see you. I kinda missed you, it's been few days already since our night together and in the morning I'd decided to come back to my place, to not burden you.
Well that was a lie. The truth was; I wouldn't have let you sleep once after what we did.
The scenarios are just so dry for Draken rn help idk what to write for him I'm too focused on Mikey's 😫
LMFAO NOT DRY. i got an idea. don’t worry!
I was nervous, and I had taken that out on my room. The way clothes and shoes were strewn around the room feckless, you’d think a tornado specifically came for my room and disappeared after it tore the place up.
Standing in direct line of my full-length mirror, I pose in my yellow sundress— my nth outfit change of the night. I paired the outfit off with some cute wedges, some bracelets, my customary cross necklace that I never took off, a pair of studs Ken bought me for my birthday years prior and my favorite anklet, convinced this would be the outfit. But the longer I looked at it, the more flaws I found in it, and there was no more time left to change; Ken would be here any minute.
I still try though, rummaging through the closet for an impromptu lifesaver, and freeze when I hear the familiar rumble of a bike. Ken. It took him no time to get up to my apartment door, and I could hear the sound of the door opening and closing as he came in.
Vee, you ready baby? We’re supposed to be at your parents by 8.
I need a few minutes. I poke my head out into the hallway, brown liner on my lips half-applied. Rushing back into the room, I finish the other side and then add lipgloss to complete a combo that’s never failed me once.
I didn’t even realize Ken followed me inside, not until I hear him mutter Holy Shit behind me. Peeking over my shoulder and taking in his shocked expression, embarrassment rushes through me.
The hell happened in here, Vee?
I’ll clean it when we get home, I promise, not answering his question. Not in the way he wants me too, anyway.
I quickly intercept him in the doorway before he can come any further into the room and see just how bad Hurricane Venus had struck. He looks handsome in his outfit, hair freshly braided to boot.
What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours? asks Ken, noticing how I’m frowning at what stares back at me in the mirror. Frowning at myself.
I look bad. I look bad and there’s no time to change and I feel like tonight’s already ruined. Blinking away the tears before they could fall and ruin my makeup—the only thing I thought looked right on me today— I pout and look away from the long medium.
Venus, look at me. I listen automatically. I’ve learnt since I was a child that the moment somebody stops calling you by your nickname and by your full one that they were going to say something serious. You look fuckin’ beautiful. Stunning, he says as he takes me into his arms, his cologne flooding my senses and sending them haywire. As a matter of fact, if we didn’t have to go meet your parents I’d bend you right over this mirror and prove that to you.
He swats my ass and palms it. The sting makes me jump a bit, laughing. My man’s sex drive was insatiable. With him, it wasn’t a question of when he wanted it, but how many times a day he did.
Uh uh. Wagging a finger in his face, I push him back before he could start kissing my neck. We’re gonna be late, remember?
We could be a little late. He ducks in to kiss me again and I skillfully dodge him.
No, we can’t. This is an important dinner, Ken. I’m introducing you to my parents as my boyfriend not best friend. I can’t do that with my lashes falling off.
He kisses his teeth but doesn’t protest. Fine, but all bets are off the second we finish dessert.
I can agree to that. I grin at him, planting a kiss right on his cheek only to wipe the mark the gloss leaves away.
The ride to my folks’ house goes faster than I would’ve liked and standing in front of their house door makes me especially nervous. Ken helps though, passing the time we spend waiting for one of my parents to get the door by making me laugh, contorting his face into ridiculous expressions.
We’re lost in each other’s eyes as the door swings open.
They’re here, somebody says, and it sounds awfully familiar, hideously so.
I snap my head to the doorway, smile falling off my face instantly as I take in the person before me. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, I hiss, staring into the eyes of Rei.
My ex.
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