#I'm just making a point that neruotypicals are really dismissive of inequal social abilities except when they get the short end of the stic
I love how much Zorian's empathy is like most autists' daydream.
Zorian: "Aw man, I just can't connect with people and their actions are confusing and emotions cause me distress."
Normal people: "wow have you ever thought about . . . being normal? It's your fault you don't understand other people."
Telepath spiders: "Here's your problem, you're assuming that your experience fits the normal lens. Here's your diagnosis and now you have a support network that will help you be better at reading other people's emotions and crowds don't hurt you anymore. In fact, you'll be better at reading people than anyone else."
Zorian: "Damn, this slaps. I'm so happy with my condition now." Normal people: "No Zorian! It's unfair for you to be better at reading emotions than us! );"
Zorian: "Skill issue."
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