#I'm just so in love with the concept of the latam au man
julietasgf ยท 7 months
Olรก olรก, I am back back again (I survived a week-long exam and 4 hours of sleep)
I know in theory LGB has an Appalachian accent in the movie I remember seeing some complaints from the audience <3 (isn't it fascinating and horrible when the audience confirms why a certain trait in a character is vital and revolutionary?)
It's really a shame that Sejanus and LGB barely interact in the book because I know they would have understood each other very well (and YES they really are alike, again the big difference between them is that Sejanus most of the time wouldn't stand for doing an act while LGB has survived from doing one but unlike Snowflake, she still strives for her humanity and doing good like Sejanus. UGH MAKE THEM BESTIES).
While I hate to say it because the movie turned the games into an entertaining spectacle I agree that it had several of the best changes from the book. Reaper scene was simply powerful and yes Wovey snakes scene was absolutely heartbreaking. Even Coral with the role she was given felt more like a whole person than in the text and from what I hear there are many deleted scenes of her and how she goes about developing her strategy that I really hoped one day they might see the light of day.
I also have so much to say about the arena scene. There are so many minor changes that make me freak out in a bad way. First of all that Ma Plinth's presence in the Snow's apartment is removed. As you say I think they could have kept that moment to give more punch to Sejanus' last words and it really didn't take up much time.
Then the implications of Sejanus bribing a guard, when in the book it's all to his credit and even a way to one-up Gaul herself that HE WILL GET IN THERE. And finally that: Sejanus wasn't really going to protest, he didn't expect anyone to come to his rescue, because he NEVER PLANTED TO GET OUT ALIVE (another change that made me groan in the movie but well I got plenty of forehead touch at least but I agree with everything you say about Sejanus.
Because yes even if I want to rip the heads off of everyone who does bad takes of Sejanus in tiktok, I certainly can't blame them, in the movie he is that naive and spoiled which is sad.
Talking more about the changes to me Coriolanus from the book and the movie are two different people in my head, there are so many changes between the two and their arcs are so different that it's hard to reconcile them (for me) in the same person tbh (I only get to do that from the idea: movie is Snow propaganda: its how people SEE him, etc).
I think Coriolanus story along with the decision to make Sejanus not know about the weapons are the clearest evidence of one of the biggest flaws I think the movie has (and at the same time I think it's impossible that we could get a big budget adaptation without this flaw) and that is how much it fears being political (Not that it doesn't prompt reflection on certain serious issues and of course they are not afraid to talk about Panem's policies but from there to other policies...)
Coriolanus as a prejudiced and oppressive teenager who has the opportunity to see up close different perspectives than those he has known from subjects he contributes to oppressing and even experiences firsthand the injustices of the system decides in the end not to change his mind and become not only complicit but an active agent in the flawed and inhumane system is not an alien story. It is the daily life of many people. In fact I'm sure Coriolanus vocalizing some of his more deranged thoughts in the movie wouldn't have scared people as much as many believe and would still be as popular just because Tom played him.
While Sejanus on the other hand is clearly one of the voices of reason in the book, he is one of the few who denounces injustices and tries to do something. If Sejanus knew about the weapons and even bought them, it would be a way of legitimizing violent resistance as an appropriate measure and valid to change the system and well it is USA. That doesn't suit them so Sejanus had to be downgraded to what a "decent rebel" would be: a no violent and smart one BUT WHO KNOWS. I DONT
Finishing this movie issue I agree that it was criminal that they took Lysistrata away from us but I think you put it best in words the matter with the academy students in the movie. They clearly tried to make most of the mentors mean and cruel to their tributes so that Coriolanus stands out as the "good" and humane one.
I have to agree that it should be a requirement to read the book and look I usually believe in book adaptations can be their own world apart but I ask on my knees to the only movie fans who want to have an opinion about Sejanus - LGB or write about them to READ THE BOOK.
Now let's talk about fics. I'm curious do you have some favorite fics in the fandom? I have a few that I think are excellent (๐Ÿ˜ I had my fav fics, you've written several of them haha but there are also others like this fic where Coriolanus has a dream with LGB and Sejanus after killing them and with ultra symbolic details. Or the fic where Coriolanus was poisoned with the same poison that causes you halucinations in THG and sees Sejanus, etc) but I want to know what you read buddy. Btw I hope you have read the second one shot of that baby Sejanus series in the war during D2 because for me it is canon now that the Plinth suffered an attack in post war times in D2. I am very normal...
Also I'm sorting out still my thoughts on carcara but you destroyed me emotionally ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ hope that sums it up well. Me crying for Strabo? That's another level. Speaking of the Plinth, Ma Plinth's ideas contributing in the games ate direct to the Quarter Quell fic idea that is in building. I had vagues ideas and some phrases that I want to use without any context:
"Of all my creations, none has reached perfection like Coriolanus Snow." Volumnia Gaul.
"Snow men die in District 12." Tigris Snow.
I will stop the rambling, lets focus better on our beautiful latam au where no one dies pls.
I'm happy that you liked my sejarcus ideas (maybe I'll write them hehe), I didn't stop thinking about them either, I need them to do a dance at school and baby Sejanus knows how to dance because his mother is Vesta but he's embarrassed to do it in front of the others and Marcus is there encouraging him that he can do it. And yesiii I ADORE the idea of sejarcus on playdates, pls not Sejanus giving away his stuffed animals just because Marcus said he would like to have one. Marcus refusing to take the bunny named plum.
"Sejanus it's your stuff." "But mr. plum wants to go with you." ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
About the Christmas dinners YES I AGREE ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ in fact I think it might be worse with Strabo sober jajsks at least when he is drunk he talks funny and I think if you get Sejanus out of the room he will end up complaining to a piece of furniture about how ungrateful his son is but Strabo sober and Sejanus will end up in an endless 10 hour debate. Everyone else had escaped to the courtyard to try to quiet their voices with the music AND YET YOU CAN HEAR THEM.
Pls. Coriolanus making a fool of himself <3 my beloved. First by trying to convince his father-in-law to make him his heir and then by stepping on his mother-in-law's foot. I propose it's on the birthday of one of Sejanus' cousins and he thought it was a good time to introduce his boyfriend (too Argentinian to exist) and when Vesta takes Coryo to the dance floor, his whole family tries so hard not to laugh at him but they lost it in the end ๐Ÿคญ but ultimately that will lead to some fun and adorable private lessons with lot of kisses
Coriolanus and Strabo being closet telenovelas fans is such a fun concept. And yes my god Sejanus would have an existential crisis the moment they start talking. PLS I CAN SEE SOMETHING LIKE THEM EVEN TALKING AT THE SAME TIME HAPPENING ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
C: But I think
S: But I think
C: Oh excuse me Mr. Plinth
S: No, no young Snow. Speak
*Sejanus shouting in the background*
By the way. Marcus would also be Boricua? Because that would be cool but there's also something in my head screaming cubano idk. Also I know I said it was our funny au but I have a couple of crazy ideas in my head about snowjanus because if everyone is from Latin America and we assume this happens in today's normal USA and Coriolanus thinks he is more European than the rest. I thought about maybe he lied to everyone about having Italian heritage (that's why my name is from Ancient Roma) and embodying the experience of feeling ashamed of your origins and meeting Sejanus which is the opposite and kind of like giving him character development?
Damn it, maybe I really need my 8 hours of sleep
Music recommendation?
Well it's more like a poem:
Cabras -Little Jesus
The type of things in my mind are TBOSAS coded in some way also the type of things I believe Sejanus could read.
I hope you are well when you read this Juli. And let me say I love your designs, we need to start a campaign to get people to show their book designs more often, I love seeing how the characters look in everyone's heads.
Ah I'll get back to you in a bit about your beautiful ocs.
OLAAA!!! I'm so happy to see you again ๐Ÿฅน exams SUCK, take care buddie, hope you rest well and sleep after them <3
no way ppl complained abt lgb's accent on the movie...... I swear to god that there are few audiences that are so determinated to prove the point of the original work like the thg/tbosas audience, it's quite insane. how do you go out from a movie that criticizes xenophobia and prejudice and then proceeds to... complain abt lucy gray's accent?? media literacy is really dead ๐Ÿ˜ญ
yessssss I really wishe they could've had more time together, because they have so much in common :(( lucy gray at least have the covey, but I really wished sejanus could hang out with someone who could actually understand him in the sense of what it means not being able to fit in, and lucy gray is just- they would be perfect friends if coriolanus wasn't around. AND YES!!! I always joke that coriolanus made it too obvious that he had type bc sejanus and lucy gray are too alike, but non-ironically, I think it's interesting how alike they are in storytelling terms (specially bc their final decision is the opposite; sejanus runs to coriolanus and it kills him, and lucy gray runs away from him... and it still "kills" her). I've seen a post around here that made a lot of sense, where the person said that sejanus is lucy gray if she had more privilege and a chance of keeping her innocence, while lucy gray is sejanus if he was forced to mature earlier and learn how to survive. ughhhh they should've been besties and slander coriolanus together
yesssss, plus, ironically, I feel like the movie made the tributes even more human than the book (tbosas has a big difference regarding thg, which is: we actually know the names of EVERY. SINGLE. TRIBUTE). everything regarding the tributes in the movie, I thought it was fantastic (ofc I missed some of them, like the D3 guys, but I understand they chose to focus on just some tributes). also, I don't remember in the book the plot regarding treech leaving lamina behind to get with coral's group, and I thought that was another interesting details on giving more personality and backstory to the tributes. reaper and dill, too, loved how they made him protect her and care for her, it was really precious. and, oh my god, I forgot talking abt that on the other post, but CORAL IN GENERAL!!! I really loved coral in the movie, and her last line and the way it was delivered was HEARTBREAKING. yesssss really wish one day we can see the deleted scenes, because FOR SURE there are plenty (I mean.... I would beg on my knees for the 4 hrs cut....)
the thing with tbosas is that there are plenty of small details, small things, that make a big difference on how you view characters and how you view the story. and the thing about the movie is: they got rid of these small details. and THAT'S the biggest problem with the arena scene: these small details really impacted some aspects of the storytelling. and you put them very well, I couldn't agree more ๐Ÿ˜ญ I HAD EVEN FORGOT ABT THE THING WITH THE GUARD. but yeaaaaaaah people who saw the movie don't really get that he was straight up trying to kill himself... think abt rose on titanic when she was about to jump from that ship. it was pure despair, and she didn't ask for the guy to try to come and save her and risk his life in the proccess. anyway, these small changes regarding sejanus are so weird man, because are small things that actually impact on the storytelling and how the audience view him. getting rid of his relationship with ma, getting rid of the fact that he's suicidal, implying he bribed a guard. idk, it just feels really weird to me, specially bc sejanus is a foil to coriolanus.
(I try to not think a lot abt the arena scene bc I REALLY like the forehead touch, love how in the movie that's a thing coriolanus does to the people he shows to love: sejanus, tigris, lucy gray, and only these three).
yes, I absolutely agree with you regarding coriolanus!! I've said before that coriolanus in the movie is almost sweet to me. he was brave when he entered that car with the tributes, he risked his life entering that arena after the explosions for lucy gray, he laughed at sejanus' comebacks at arachne and festus. he has his fucked up moments, but mostly, it really seemed like a corrupt society corrupting a decent, but ambitious and a tad little mean young boy. they really dracomalfoy-ed him ๐Ÿ˜ญ (and yessss that's how I usually explain the movie to ppl who didn't read the book, that coriolanus seems sweet because you don't know what the hell he's thinking and how nasty his thoughts are).
AND YES!!! YES, YES, YES!!! YOU ARE SO ON POINT!!! the adaptation of a highly political book FEARS BEING POLITICAL.
okay, so, I talked about this before, but context is extremely important to understand some works, and that's the case of tbosas: it's a book that was published in 2020, a highly political and tense time for the usa. but the most worrying about these times was that young people, young boys were falling under dangerous and extreme political propaganda from the far right. privileged straight white boys from working class falling under this kind of agenda and propaganda, even though they for sure had the ways to search up and understand that this was wrong, that this was oppression and they are just tools for a system much bigger than them. maybe they were raised like this, raised to believe in those indocrinated views and ways that they should have more right than everyone else, that they are better than everyone else... but what if they had the chance to change? to know people who are different from them and are the target of this oppressive system? would they change? can they change?
it sounds familiar, doesn't it?
coriolanus is bigoted because he was raised by adults who are bigoted in an environment full of bigotry (okay that boys who are raised by their grandmas are already red flags, but his grandma in particular, my GOD, no surprise she raised a fascist). but he has contact with people who are oppressed. he knows sejanus in first hand, who even though lives in the capitol, is relentlessly harassed and bullied for being different, for being district. then he meets lucy gray, and he has the opportunity to talk directly to someone who had their whole family killed by this cruel system and who faces the cruelty against the districts in first hand, living in the districts. and even coriolanus himself isn't safe from the capitol's oppression: he knows hunger, he knows poverty.
and what he does with all of this? he gets sejanus killed, tries to kill lucy gray and becomes a dictator to make panem even more oppressive. and even when he's in love with lucy gray, is so bizarre how he REFUSES to see district people as people, because in his head, in order for him to be in love with lucy gray, then it's because she isn't district: it's because she doesn't belong in the districts. he does a whole mental gymnastic regarding this, on how different she is, on how that justifies him being attracted to her.
he chooses to be that way.
yes, the society he lives in plays a big part on how he's molded, but in the end... these are his choices. and that's pretty much what suzanne collins (imo) wanted to pass with this book. it's almost a cautionary tale.
(also you're so right lmao people would still love coriolanus just bc it's tom playing him ๐Ÿ˜ญ and it's quite insane bc it proves the point of the book, that coriolanus is able to get away with a lot of things exactly because he's attractive)
and yessss!!! sejanus is the moral compass of the book, whenever a discussion is getting too morally grey, he appears and makes the reader come back to reality and understand that it doesn't matter this is dystopia, because THIS. ISN'T. RIGHT. there's a whole ass line that says that sejanus is moved by the urge of doing the right thing, always. so if that boy was willing to get his hand on guns, it's because it was the right thing to do. so yeah, I'm disappointed but not really surprised they changed this detail, specially when you consider everything that's going on... it just makes me really sad because in the current context, sejanus is such an important character, and he really had everything to be a fan favourite. but they changed his storyline to make it seem that having these kind of ideals are too absurd or too naive :(
anyways, love a guy who knows that violent resistance is valid resistance (rip sejanus, you would've loved diarios de motocicleta by che, I just know it) <3
I'm still mourning over lysistrata, I was living for her and jessup's dynamic, they were so cute and precious.... like lucy gray and coriolanus, but without the toxicity that makes lucy gray and coriolanus who they are lmao. I also believe that movies have the right to be interpretated in a sole way!!! but for this I open an exception bc lgb and sejanus are characters that are so special to me, I can't STAND when I see someone slandering them but they're clearly talking about the movie, like, YOU DON'T KNOW THEM LIKE I DO!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE OR READ THE BOOK ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I'm actually so honored that some of your fav fics are some of mine omg I'm going to cry ๐Ÿฅน ALSO SEND ME THE LINK OF THESE PLS, I'M BEGGING. and YES, I'VE READ THE SECOND ONE-SHOT, really, the plinths during the rebellion are now living rent free on my head... and it was so well written- loved it, loved it, loved it, I live for hcs and character studies abt the plinths. but okay, let's go to some of my fav fics from this fandom (most of the stuff I read are character studies tbh, but also, it's worth saying I think I've read every single sejarcus fanfic on the tag, so- I have a few of them too bc I'm that sad ๐Ÿ˜ญ):
the golden heart & the golden voice. this is a series actually, it has only two works, but it's focused on sejanus and lucy gray interacting. it's so good!!! very bittersweet, but I live for these bairdplinth crumbs <3
and they called it puppy love. a very old fanfic, from the time tbosas was first published, and it's a character study regarding sejanus' dynamics with marcus and coriolanus. it's very bittersweet and heartbreaking, but so good.
ma. another old one that's SO GOOD, this is a character study from sejanus' pov during his execution and some of his thoughts regarding coriolanus and his ma. it's as heartbreaking as it sounds.
parallel lines. I won't say much about this one, just that it damaged me emotionally and changed the chemistry of my brain. it's really worth reading tho because it's one of the best things I've read.
(also, I love reading modern aus with different plots and stuff, but I've found so few :( but it's okay because the canon compliant fics are amazing, just mentioning it)
I was going to say I was so happy you enjoyed it, but then I remembered the "destroyed emotionally" part, but I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the colateral damage!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ (gonna be honest, I felt sad writing this fic, it's just that I feel so bad over complicated father-son relationships). YESSSSSS I'M ACTUALLY SO EXCITED TO READ THAT FIC FROM YOU, if you ever post it, tag me, knock on my door, wake me up in the middle of the night because I need to read it!!! (that line from gaul goes so insanely HARD, like my god-)
always say this, but again: LATAM AU MY BELOVED <33 (there's something so comforting in knowing these characters wouldn't say spongebob but bob esponja /jk
please, if you write it, tell me so I can read it, bc I would live for it and go feral over that concept ๐Ÿ™ AAAAAAAA THIS IS JUST SO ADORABLE OMG ๐Ÿ˜ญ now, hear me out: sejanus is terrified to dance, and to encourage him, marcus gives him a little kiss on the cheek. does it help? actually no because sejanus is so shocked and embarassed that now he can't move in front of the school, but it was worth the try! AND AGAIN, ANOTHER ADORABLE THOUGHT, sejanus is that kind of child who basically have every toy he wishes, so when marcus tells him the plushies are sejanus', he's like "but my pa can give me another!!! :)" and that's how marcus ends up with a lot of expensive plushies who were actually sejanus' (he promised to take care of every single one, so he has these plushies until nowadays <3 sejanus finds it adorable when he goes to marcus' room and finds ALL of his old plushies still there)
drunk strabo is probably so funny oh my god, he'll start complaining to a random painting about how sejanus grew up and is an ungrateful brat that doesn't value his opportunities, then you give him 30 minutes and he'll be on the verge of tears because he misses when sejanus was a baby so much. but you're actually so right ๐Ÿ˜ญ you can probably hear sejanus and strabo screaming at each other from, like, a house away (vesta is so tired, someone save her please
coriolanus is that kind of guy that goes to meet his in-laws and he's not even nervous because he thinks so high of himself, OF COURSE he'll do good, of course mr. plinth will adore him (they have so much in common!!!) and mrs. plinth will love him. but then he meets his in-laws and mr. plinth kinda hates him and mrs. plinth thinks he's a little silly. it's even funnier if you think it's a birthday from a baby cousin from sejanus, so the house is full of children and they're all seeing coriolanus failing miserably <3 but next time he has the opportunity to dance with ma plinth and he's READY this time (sejanus is so proud
I'M SCREAMINGGGGGGG it's even funnier if you imagine that strabo isn't that fond of coriolanus at first ๐Ÿ˜ญ he thinks sejanus deserves better and that boy isn't suited for him, so strabo is there complaining abt coriolanus and sejanus is there hearing like "hm. oh, yeah. sure. I wonder if I know someone who's just like that."
(yeah, it's the generational bad taste speaking louder)
BUDDIE. BUDDIEEEEEE, let me tell one fun fact. when I was writing the carrie au, and I included marcus, I made him boricua too, but I was like "he gives me cuban vibes.... idk why, but he gives....." (atp I already knew he was going to be latino too tho); I ended up going with making marcus boricua bc I wanted to give sejanus someone to bond with the same background as him (bc of the story and etc, etc) but marcus just gives cuban vibes, idk why, you're so right!!! and also, TELL ME MORE ABT THESE IDEAS BC I LOVE THEM!!! I love this so much!!!! and coriolanus' dynamic with sejanus is even more interesting, because while coriolanus gives in 100% to assimilation, sejanus resists it with everything he can. have you watched in the heights, the musical? because I can totally see the latam au working in that setting!!! coriolanus lived in the usa for a while now in a small town and always lied abt his origins, but he moves to new york for college and now he's living in a neighbourhood FULL of latin-americans and he can't run from it anymore, no matter how hard he tries (and plus, he meets lucy gray and sejanus, who are SO different from him regarding how they face assimilation; sejanus specifically is so politically engaged, he WILL force coriolanus to become a better person)
I've listened to it and LOVED IT, tbosas has a very twisted fairytale-like sense to me, and it just fits so much!!!
(also, I won't explain why and I'm not sure if it makes sense, but it just gives my snowbairdplinth- specifically, coriolanus' pov about these two poor souls)
I'm doing well, besides being a bit anxious bc my classes are going to start and it's my first year in college and stuff, just my anxiety getting the best of me ๐Ÿ˜ญ hope you're doing well too, and hope you rest and take care after these exams, and sleep well too!! ๐Ÿซถ
TYSMMMM ๐Ÿฅน and absolutely agree!!! one thing I adore from suzanne collins' writing is that she leaves the description of some characters' appearences to be quite vague, so you're free to imagine them how you desire (and this caught my attention, specifically, because when the first images of tbosas dropped, I remember someone commenting that they were surprised with sejanus' casting bc they imagined him to be black, and yeah, you can totally imagine him the way you want bc there's not a very specific description of him, and the same goes for A LOT of characters, even lucy gray isn't that specific regarding her appearence). I love the cast of the movie, but at the same time, it would be lovely to see how each person imagine these characters bc I know we would see so many different interpretations and thoughts <3
(also, I'll answer your ask abt my ocs tomorrow, now I really have to go to bed, but tysm for sending this ask, I love talking to you sm)
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