#I'm just very confused by this was sponsored on to my Dash
fandomsareforlife · 6 months
Ninjago DR Season 2 ep 1 reactions (Spoliers)
Also, note that I wrote this as I watched, so I wouldn't flood people's dashes with posts. Also, didn't comment on everything so just a heads up
I have absolutuely no memory of what happened to Imperium at the end of the last season, so I am watching the beginning with Ras and Jordanna like 'huh. Something happened. Let's hope they recap that later cause I don't remember anything"
I like the internet paradoies. You really can tell the writers are trying to either market towards a younger audience who grew up on social media or they grew up wiht social media
Tik Tok Existing in ninjago in canon is not a thing I realized I needed until now
Nor did I expect the MatPat conspiracty theoriest, who is sponsored by Borg (which implied he is alive)
Sora using her powers to bug Arin, and then reassuring him he is just as important to the team is. Hm
Reminder that people lie on the Internet!
Mr. Frohicky; Such a guy, I love him. Also, big Riyu is so so so cute
I have a feeling Lloyd had fallen asleep in the training course many many times beforehand, and was very confused why one of the OG ninja wasn't waking him up
Kai and Zane friendship my beloved :) I like how they're playing empire is it I believe? Also, just as a little thing, but Kai taking over Cole's job of explaining metaphors/figurative language stuff to Zane and failing cause he isn't used to it is just aaaaa
Also, Zane :) That's it, that's the post
Lloyd first sleepwalking and then pouring the tea into the pot is so in character for him
Zane and Kai telling Lloyd he needs to sleep and then Lloyd passing out immediately after, not even getting to the door is so so so fanfiction
Hmmm Lloyd's dream. I don't know why but the only word i can describe it is 'shiny'. Like it feels to bright for what's supposed to be at night, like it should be more shadowy and stuff with the red as a tint? I don't know how to explain it, but it didn't feel...nightmarish and I can't tell if it works
Yes, Lloyd using spinjitzu after the nightmare. We need more fic of this idea. Also, him going to Wu for advice
The feeling when your older sibling/mentor figure is having a rough time and you have very little idea how to approach the issue
"Aren't I supposed to be the teacher here?"
"Dreams can not hurt you, for they are not real" Wanna tell Zane that?
Hmmm the idea of a language being banned cause the speakers were supposedly evil is generating thoughts
Kreel smiling at Arin talking about the night ghost is so funny
The interent addiction, man, they really are trying to say the interent is bad for you.
"People throwing out perfectly good dragons. Shameful." Not sure why I'm surprised by this but I am
Is this Cinder? I am so mad about them getting rid of Ash
Them actually utilizing smoke is pretty cool, I'll give them that much
Alright, so it is Cinder, and apparently he is voiced by the same guy as Acornix, and I knew his voice sounded familiar
"You threw a party and didn't invite me? I'm offended."
Wow, Lloyd's dream being real. Who would have guessed?
Ras and Jordanna are giving me serious Chen and Skylor vibes for some reason. Maybe it't the hair?
Alright, that's my reactions. Don't know when I'll watch ep 2 so yeah
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konbarts · 8 months
That time some guy tried to sue a teenager over lord of the rings rp
This got like really long so it put it under a cut so you guys don't have to have this long ass post on the dash. This story time was sponsored by the good people over at @radioactive-earthshine
Gather around children, I'm about to tell you a story about not the most unhinged person I have ever met through roleplay. So this happened about 10 years ago I like many many unpopular teenagers enjoyed writing and doing rp on this hellsite. 2012 is a wild time because I'm a lil bitch that loved lord of the rings and those new hobbit movies were out making lortr cool again to interact with in fandom. I've been doing roleplay online for a very long time it's just a little hobby I have. So naturally in 2013 I joined this weird hobbit rp group.
I had just come out of another group and was looking for something that was a little different but still kind of related to the whole Tolkien thing. I found a 16+ group, it was hobbit based, not open yet and it was a modern au (it was a whole crime family thing, not really my thing but I decided to give it ago) and so I sent my application in for my character just before the deadline and I found myself in a mixed group of teenagers and adults. Mostly adults though.
So the structure of the group was we did dash rp, and had an out of character group chat in skype where we could touch base and talk about what was going on in the group.
The group was run by three mods. Let's call them Gemma, Kenny and Terry. They were all adults, around 21ish. I think I was the youngest person in the group at 16 going on 17. We rp for a bit and things are fine? There's the usual RP drama but nothing scandalous except for Gemma and Kenny doing really explicit puppy play kink just on the dash in front of everyone. That should have been my first red flag honestly but you know as a child with unsupervised internet access (which was the style at the time) honestly I had seen worse and didn't understand how they found this sexy (I actually still don't really understand it ngl I'm not kink shaming or anything you do you I'll just look away this is a me issue) Then out of nowhere a member let's call her Maria leaves the group and Maria posts a very long post about the group.
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This is the link in Maria's post. Looking back on this now ten years later I think this person was Terry one of the admins.
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This is red flag number 2 again I'm stupid and 16 so I should have jumped ship but I didn't. The group chat is frankly confused. She ends her time in the group by reblogging "So long and thanks for all the fish"
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Now Terry was never really an active mod and he actually dropped off the face of the earth three days after the group opened. I don't know what happened behind closed doors but Kerry and Gemma claimed that Terry just didn't want to be involved in the group anymore. Terry played kind of a very important character one of the leaders of the families that my character was in so it left plotting really up in the air when it came to uhhh what do we even do?? But the Remaining two Admins appointed Kerry cocksucker and long term friend "Cap" admin in Terry's place. After a week or two of complaining that hey our groups leader is AWOL we need this character back, the Admin team were like "haha don't even worry guys we'll open applications for the big cheese and pick one in a week." So the week passes and a new person gets picked to play this big cheese character I can't remember who this person was called but let's call her Lydia. So Lydia, joins the group chat and she's rarely seen online. This is red flag number three.
Another group member let's call her Jenny puts me, her rp buddies and a few other group members that aren't the admin team in to a big group chat on skype. She has become buddy buddy with the admin crew and was put in to their super secret super private group chat on whats app and it turns out... there is no Lydia. Kerry is Lydia because the only people who had applied for The Big Cheese was current group members and he hated ALLL of us to the point where he and his admin team had black listed all of our blogs names on the dash so they didn't have to see us rp their characters "wrong" but they especially hated Mimi who played a very minor character in the whole group. They couldn't stand her or her character and they were talking shit about every single member of the group in this group chat. So everyone is rightfully pissed. Not only was he talking shit about us but he was talking shit about Mimi! And we did not stand for Mimi slander. So we hatched a plan. A big, Fuck you guys and your shitty kink on our dash! plan. It was very simple. We would rp as normal for the next week and then on monday we would post "So long and thanks for all the fish icb you did this to us post and we would reblog Maria's original so long post and we would all leave, take the characters we were playing and just write them separately on tumblr as indie blogs where we would just rp with ourselves.
Honestly Kerry was shook apparently this mass exodus of users traumatized him (as if he didn't traumatize us enough on the dash with his puppy play threads with Gemma) I don't have a screen shot of this again it was ten years ago and Kerry has deleted all but one of the posts he made about the situation on the rp hub but he went off about how he was going to sue us for "stealing" his characters once he figured out that we were just doing indie rps by ourselves. Please keep in mind that these are lord of the rings characters in a very generic crime family AU setting. There's nothing original about them. Any oc that was "stolen" from the original bios honestly at the point of 6 months of rp was so far removed from what was in the original bio I wouldn't claim they were his property anymore.
He tried to revamp the group but honestly i think we took the drive and the energy out of him. They hated Mimi and her character so much that in the shortlived revamp they actually killed off her character in the rp lore, talk about petty.
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Here's the last surviving post from Kerry.
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This is a man having a mental break down because people he hated and didn't want to rp with left his rp
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He send us asks and dms on skype for a little bit threatening to sue us but he stopped when none of us like replied to him.
A year later Maria must have found out what happened and made a post about it. Perhaps Kerry was still ranting and raving about how we stole his rp.
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Anyway I hope you enjoyed this long weird hellsite rp drama tale if you managed to make it to the end. I know it was pretty long but this is the condensed version of the 6 months that this rp ran.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
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sir-subpar · 2 years
Um, Tumblr?
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What the fuck?
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yutahoes · 4 years
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Yuta Nakamoto x Reader (Y/N) Smut
(Chapter Twenty Four)
Summary: 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚’𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Warning: (Again, I don’t know if you can tag this as angst.)
Word Count: 2.8k
Tag List: @ailoveyuta​​ 🥰
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24. Sayonara
It's been years. Five years, ten months, twenty-three days, four hours… He can still count the minutes and seconds if he likes but he'll miss her more. 
The last time he knew something about her, she finished her art study in New York and transferred to Canada. After that, he isn't sure what happened to her. 
He went to the country once, telling his friends that it's for business and nothing personal, which they obviously didn't buy. In the end, it was a vain attempt to find her. Like finding a needle in a haystack and even Taeyong said that it's a suicide mission. 
One time, his stepmother visited him and asked help to see her ex-husband to which he agreed. He doesn't have any choice anyway, he also wanted to know what happened to him. And he promised her, that he will take care of his stepmom. 
It was weird to see the two of them, the foster parents of the girl he loved, sitting in front of each other and talking like matured individuals. Didn't they realize that they just ruin someone's life because of their irresponsibility? But what the older man said surprised Yuta, "If ever you see (Y/N), can you tell her that I'm sorry? I know it's not enough but I just want her to know that I'm proud of her even if she's not my daughter." If only she's here to hear that. He'll probably get to see her smile again. 
And now, he badly wants to see her.
Yuta smiled to himself as he sat on the business class of the plane to Paris. Their first encounter. She's so fearless back then, shouting in front of a guy who just molested a girl. And she caught his eye that instant, like a magic spell that binds him to her. Koi no Yokan, his premonition of love. And he's still in that bind. He's still in love with her. Only (Y/N).
Paris only brought memories of her. That time he was seated in front of a pastry shop and his eye caught a familiar girl entering the opposite coffee shop. It was still a mystery why he's infatuated with the girl who rejected him at the plane. But that coffee shop date made him sure of one thing, he's not just lusting over this girl. He liked her smile, he liked how sincere her smile is that made his heart hurt. He missed those smiles. He missed her so much. 
Maybe it was too much reminiscing that he forgot to keep an eye on one thing, a person actually. "Fuck, Shiho!"
(Y/N) was still astounded at how Paris looked like the place she once saw in the book. She had been here before but didn't get the chance to tour around because of a certain Japanese guy. Her Japanese guy. Her phone rang and she answered the call, rolling her eyes at the other person on the line. "Yes, I'm already here. Where are you?" By now, she's just annoyed. She should be enjoying this day in Paris, why does she have to meet him now? 
She was by a fountain when she saw a young girl crying, seated on the edge of the statue. What is she doing here alone? Where are her parents? (Y/N) crouched down to her height, smiling at her. "Hi." She greeted and the child looked at her, still crying. She's so cute, she thought. "Are you lost? Where are your parents?" 
"Otou-chan left me." The young girl said in Japanese that surprised her. 
(Y/N) had to smile at that. It's weird hearing the word Otou-chan, she's used to saying it to address Yuta. "Do you want me to help you look for your dad?" She said in fluent Japanese that made the sobbing girl look at her in surprise. "What's your name?" 
"Shiho." That's a cute name. "Shiho Nakamoto." What? She wanted her to repeat what she said but a distant voice can be heard calling for 'Shiho'. A voice she badly wanted to hear. "Otou-chan." The young girl shouted in glee, running to the owner of the voice. Shiho Nakamoto? Otou-Chan? Yuta is already married? 
Slowly, she stood up without facing him. How can they meet like this again? And really, of all places, here in Paris? "Excuse me, thank you for staying with…" She just nodded at that, trying her very best to not face him. What if he's with his wife? This will be really awkward. 
"Noona!" Someone called that made her look to the side. Her savior. She didn't care whether Yuta would realize that it was her but she dashed to where Mark is, holding his arm and dragging him away from the place. "Wait, why?" The younger guy asked in panic. 
But she just pulled him until they're inside the museum. "He's here." Mark gave her a confused look and she gestured at the painting hanging by the center of the museum. The guy looked surprised at that, giggling when she looked annoyed.
It pissed her off that of all the paintings that their class made, it was the painting of Yuta that is getting featured in their exhibit. She just did it since she missed him but Mark saw it and showed it to their director that it got chosen as the main exhibit. This is a stupid move. What if he finds this painting? He'll found out that she's not over him yet when he's obviously done with her. God, what should she do if his wife founds out? 
And he has a daughter now? She can't believe that someone experienced Yuta's stamina. Well, the kid is kind of cute and she resembles Yuta's eyes. She should have stared at her longer. Who is the mother of that child? Who is Yuta's wife?
That night is the gala for the Asian art exhibit that their school sponsored, a collection of artworks from students that depict Asian culture. (Y/N) is really nervous since it's her work that's going to get the main feature. A total first. 
She passed by the Southeast Asian artworks, mostly paintings. The West Asian part shows pots and ceramics that would bring you to deserts. She stopped at the East Asian part, suddenly missing Korea as photographs welcomed her. The Chinese vases, as well as the Terracotta Warrior replica, amazed her. And when she reached the Japanese part of the exhibit, someone was standing in front of a certain bowl with gold lacquer, 'Kintsukuroi'. 
He looked surprised seeing her in a blue dress, looking as if she really dolled up. Her hair is longer now that he's itching to run his fingers on the threads of her silky hair. "Hi." she chirped. "What are you doing here?" 
Yuta smiled then realized that they're conversing in his mother tongue. Did she learn Japanese? He showed a brochure of the art exhibit, given to special guests of the gala. The sole reason why he went to Paris is because of an art invitation that depicts Asian arts. He can't really say no to the art director. "I thought you're in Canada." She nodded, surprised that he knew that. 
"I started teaching arts in Canada." Teaching? Yuta was surprised, he thought she's still studying. "These are some of my students' work." 
"Oh," Yuta exclaimed, in awe. "That's really good." She smiled, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. Her gaze fell on the teacup with gold, Yuta used to compare her to that. A broken porcelain, his broken porcelain. What is he thinking now? "I'm really proud of you." The sincerity in his voice almost made her choke if not for Mark Lee calling her name from across the room. 
She asked if he could give her a minute and went to where the younger boy is, asking who she was talking to. His eyes widened in surprise realizing who it is. "Your Japanese guy." She shushed him up, asking what he needed help from. He gestured to his tie and she rolled her eyes, pulling the piece of fabric from his neck. "I'm nervous." 
She skillfully made the knot on his tie, patting it when she's done. "Mina will really like you." The older said that made the younger pout, she had to pinch his cheeks at that. Mark told her to get back with Yuta and she giggled at what he meant. 
He said with.  
But she can't do that. He's already married, Mark knows that. 
"You look happier," Yuta noted that made her stop. "Are you dating?" 
He moved on from her. He found another love which should have really happened. It will be awkward to know that she's still in love with the idea of them together. 
(Y/N) breathed heavily. Mark is definitely going to kill her. "Yes." 
"That's great." He said in monotone. She was scared to look at him. Is he hurt? Is he happy? She hoped he is. "I have to go. I'm going to meet my parents outside." His parents are here? "I'll see you around."
He turned around from her but she tapped her foot. There's a question running in her mind for years. A question, she badly wanted to ask him. And if now, when can she have the courage to ask him that? "Yuta." She called which made him turn to her. She sighed a heavy breath that made him curious. "Why didn't you stop me?" He cocked his head to the side at the question. "When I said I'm going to New York, why didn't you stop me?" 
Yuta walked to where she is, taking slow steps until he's in front of her. "If I stopped you that time, you wouldn't have the chance to find yourself." A bitter smile can be seen on his lips. His hand held her cheek which comforted her, Yuta's warmth. "I wouldn't be able to make you happy like this." 
What? Her eyes looked up at his and they're glistening under the lights. Twinkling. "I'm proud of you, my daughter." And even if she wanted to hug him, he just turned around without a word. Walking briskly to leave the hall.
Her heart can't lie now. All this time, it's still Yuta. It's still him.
"Can I not attend?" Yuta begged his dad that made Shiho look at him, pouting. She looked so pretty in that blue dress, the same hue as her dress. "I might just cry inside."
The older man laughed at that, tapping his son's back. "You should have told her that you're still in love with her." But Yuta shook his head, she already moved on. As she should be. She's happier. There's nothing he can do to bring her back to his life. 
He breathed heavily as tears fell from his eyes. The sadness all these years bottled up in this emotion. "Dad…" he called as the older man held him in his arms. "I don't want her to see me like this. Can I just stay at the hotel?" 
"Son, this is your last chance. You might not see her again after this." He said that made him look at the older. He's right. It's been years since he hoped for this to happen. And here she is, in front of him. "It's your last chance to tell her everything you want to say. I don't want you to regret this." This might really be his last chance to say everything bottled up inside him these past years. 
She needed to at least know that he's still holding on for her.
The gala was a classy one, filled with wine and classy people from different nationalities. Yuta was just seated at their table as he watched his parents mingle with the other people they knew. 
His eyes frantically tried to look for her but she's nowhere in sight. And why did he forget the face of her boyfriend? Maybe he can spot him in the crowd and ask him if he can talk to her like a true man. Some young girls were looking his way but he's not interested. It's still her that he wants. 
Some girls were giggling at him. Great! Because it's funny to see a single guy seated next to a young child as if in a kiddie restaurant. He cursed when he realized that Shiho is nowhere in sight again. Where the hell could that child be? And why is he so distracted?
But before he could stand up, he saw her talking to an older girl with the same blue dress like her. He just watched in awe at how they looked so good next to each other. How natural she looked talking to a child. 
If only she didn't leave for New York, they might have a child now. A son perhaps. But will she smile like this if she stayed? Will she be happier if she's next to him?
"Shiho, okasan is calling you," Yuta said that made (Y/N) look at him. The younger girl waved her hands to say goodbye to the older and she giggled at how cute she is. The older tried seeing where her mom is but the crowd blocked her view. 
A hand appeared in front of her to help her stand up but she refused to hold it, she might get used to his warmth. He's married, for crying out loud. He should be with his family, not here next to her. "(Y/N)," He called. 
She had to prevent herself from tearing up at that. He just called her name, why is she getting emotional? Or is it because she's still not done crying about him? He sighed loudly, "I don't know where to begin but I…" 
The lights dimmed as the speaker announced the highlight of the exhibit. (Y/N) cursed that made Yuta look at her in worry. Her eyes were full of horror as he stepped closer to check on her. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" Yuta shouldn't see the painting, his wife and child shouldn't. No one should. But it's too late. Why did she have to forget about it? 
(Y/N) was called on the stage by the art director and she gave Yuta an apologetic look. She'll just tell everyone that she's done with these feelings so he wouldn't get bothered by it. Yes. She should do that. 
The written speech on the podium was discarded as she closed her eyes and breathed heavily. She greeted everyone in English, wishing that everyone had a nice time looking at the artworks that they prepared. She introduced herself as a faculty of the Art School then started the speech about her getting interested in Japanese culture. "Hatsukoi." She said then stared at one guy in the crowd who was looking at her as well. "First Love." 
She smiled, remembering all the times she had with Yuta. When she discovered that warm feeling of falling in love. A feeling she wanted to erase or she'll definitely get hurt again. "They said your first love never dies. True, it won't change." She introduced that made the audience smile adoringly. "But it will die, given the time." A collective gasp can be heard. Even the director was surprised at the sudden shift of her voice. She should have introduced the wonder of first love, to make the audience fall in love. They're in Paris, the City of Love. 
"The purpose of this artwork is to show the feeling of first love." She looked at her first love, wishing that her last words would resonate to him. "But first loves can also be painful. So this is my goodbye to my first love." She said with a proud smile but in reality, she wanted to badly cry. If she speaks more, they'll surely hear the strain in her voice. A huge lump in her throat that she cannot gulp down. "Sayonara…" The spotlight shone on the artwork, earning everyone's attention, even his. "Yuta." She whispered away from the mic. 
When Yuta returned his gaze at the podium, she's nowhere to be seen. Why is she always shaking him like this? A goodbye to her first love? Is this her goodbye to him? "Onii-chan, isn't that you?" Shiho asked, pointing at the splitting canvas of him surrounded by cherry blossom petals. He attracted the nearby attention as the artist's first love, the subject of the painting. They even complimented her for the amazing art style and that she really made an exact copy of his face on the canvas. 
Yuta sighed. So this is it, really. She really did mean it when she said 'sayonara' before, it's not possible that she's really doing her 'sayonara' now. His dad was right, he will regret that he didn't take the chance to talk to her.
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Chapter 23 / Chapter 25 
Quick note: (I don’t know what’s happening to my posts but the paragraphs sometimes get jumbled. I edited all the chapters and I’ll check on it later to see if there are still some mistakes. I’m sorry. If you read this, thank you. There’s only one chapter left for Otou-chan and I would really like to know what you think of the story. That will mean so much. Again, thank you for taking time in reading this. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.)
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skybornpublishing · 3 years
Chapter 12
The Great Lie
Masked by the confusion, we lost ourselves in the crowd of hysterical people fleeing to escape pods dotted around the station but as we turned a corner the four Priestesses blocked our way.
The lead priestess spoke without an ounce of emotion.
'Father and child. A tragic contradiction made flesh. A relationship based on lies, betrayal and dashed expectations. You both toil and strive and fight to fulfil your dreams in one another but those dreams are gosssima!' Said the cyborg.
Rauf stepped forward hands outstretched. 'Back off witch, whatever you've got to say...'
She ignored his protests.
'You can feel it can't you, Rauf? The sudden realisation that your lie will cost you the one you love most? The one person you compromised so much to protect! A terrible lie that has brought so much pain will finally be dragged kicking and screaming into the light!'
I knitted my brow and turned to dad.
'What lie? dad what is she talking about?' I asked him, my heart began to race.
The floating cyborg turned to face me.
'Your father did indeed engineer your establishment as this nations War-Kid fully in the knowledge of its consequences. You were Abraham sacrificing his progeny on the altar of their childhood. Your friends, you're very life and the marriage between your parents,  all sacrificed on a spiralling grand lie. The agony endured of months on the operating table embedding cybernetic implants. All that pain, all that sorrow stems not from Kline or the church but from the man you call father!'
I turned to dad. 'Is this what Kline was talking about? He knew something about you, something terrible!' I began to tremble, and my head swam.
Dad went to touch my shoulder, but I slapped his hand away.
'Is it true? Did you cheat to make me a War-Kid? A life I've hated from the beginning? Did you?' I could barely contain my anger now.
Dad spluttered and went pale.
The Priestess raised a hand.
'Enough of your half-truths and deception Rauf, allow me to show her the depth of your betrayal!'
A spot of light shone from her forehead, projecting an image in front of us. It was Kline and my dad on a video call.
'...what on earth are you up to Kline? I gave you the codes to Azmat's Master Computer and you use it to artificially degrade her Nexus space? I didn't agree to you endangering her life!'
Kline smirked and shook his head.
'You're overreacting, man! She's far more resilient than you give her credit for...!
'No, I was wrong! She's not cut out for this life, and I don't want her to be a part of it any longer. You promised to gently remove her from the War-Kid programme not kill her!'
The President began to grow irritant.
'Once we both get what we want I'll re-set her levels. Relax, you'll get what's coming to you!'
Dad cut in angrily.
'I'm not doing this for me! I'm doing this for...for her! You and the witches can do as you like once you've secured safe passage out of the country for my family. I don't care what happens to me, just get them to safety. Despite your hollow promises, Ameritain’s takeover is going to be ugly and I don't want them to see that. Is that clear?'
Kline rose to his feet with a smirk.
'Spare me your 'fatherly' concern, mister. It's nauseating to say the least. You were the one that approached me with this scheme. You were the one who reaped the benefits in top tier sponsors and lucrative grants, so don't tell me it was all for her...!'
The video shut off. The only thing filling the silence was the shouts and screams of the personnel evacuating the station.
'The truth is layed bare. What was in the darkness has come to light. Your petty human games have paved the way for our true clear course of action: the destruction of everything you know!'
I began to back away from my dad. Could it be true that all this time I was being used? A pawn in my father’s chess game? I forced myself to look into the eyes of the only man I had ever trusted, and they were filled with lies.
Before I could react the metallic sound of internal defence weapons folding out of the walls caught my attention. Their twin barrels hummed to life and shot blazing fire bolts towards us!
We're dead!
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