tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this, Goyle,” Vlad chuckled as he took a seat on the ground next to her, laying out in the grass completely to let the sun shine on his face. “Seems like every time I see you we’re never in a great place, you see we both really like to be outside when we’ve got something on our mind. You say everything blows  — but maybe you’re just stuck in a rut,” he commented. “Sure, karma’s an option but I don’t think you’re a cold-hearted bitch. At least not completely. So that has to count for something, right?”
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She nodded softly at his comment “You’re right Krum, we do seem to seek the same place for comfort, and we always seem to run into one another.” She looked at him as he sat down and she moved her legs up pulling her knees close to her chest she rested her chin on her knees sighing softly “I think it’s been awhile honestly that I’ve been in a great place. I think I may be stuck in an awful horrible rut, that I can’t seem to crawl out of.” She nodded her head softly “I guess it does count for something, at least there are a small few who don’t think I’m a cold-hearted bitch like everyone else seems to.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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Alice had been busy reading a book, back resting against a tree when someone that was sitting not too far away from her began talking. Blinking slowly in slight surprise, she looked up from the pages to find Tara looking slightly sad. Immediately, the inner caring nature and Prefect side of her took over. “Hey whoa, are you okay?” Her face blanched, wishing she could kick herself. “Okay, no. I know you’re not okay but like… Is there anything I can do to help? You can just talk and I’ll listen, if you like.”
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She tossed the bit of grass she was toying with let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding in “Am I okay? I’m not sure maybe? Possibly.” She shrugged a bit turning her gaze to the lake just watching the wind blow ripples in the water “I don’t know if I’m right about the Karma wouldn’t you get caught crossfires? I’ve just been thinking about how I used to be so cruel to other people, and the guilt from the past is eating me alive.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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“Maybe she’s jealous you stole her queen bitch title or something,” Blair shrugged. She’d done her best to offer her peace, and now she didn’t really know how else to elaborate. “Maybe you did, that’s why I’m so wary of buying second hand jewelry.”
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“Maybe, well if she is I’ll have to tell her that jealousy isn’t a good look on anyone honestly.” Tara smiled a bit at her comment because Blair was right “So wait a minute, you’ve never bought anything second hand before? Ever? Or just jewelry?” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
Mila looked at Tara from the corner of her eye,”If it came from my sister its probably cursed and It might as well be.” she joked but was slightly serious.”I hope you’re right.” 
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“Honestly I would feel the same if my brother sent me a gift.” She leaned against Mila’s bedframe smiling a bit “Oh I’m definitely right, but let me see the kitten to see if it’s truly cursed or anything like that.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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When Isabel saw Tara she instantly knew something was bothering her. Once Tara got that off her chest she realized that she was indeed right. She walked over to her best friend and sat down next her her. “I think being a cold-hearted bitch to everyone is something that not everyone can do. It’s a special skill that I don’t even have.” She looked over at her best friend and smiled. 
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“I know you’re just trying to cheer me up, for the longest time you’re the only person who saw my good side, so you’re biased. I don’t think it’s an admirable trait.” She could feel her voice cracking a bit sadness evident in her voice “Isabel, I was absolutely horrid to people, and now it’s coming back to bite me in the ass.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
Resting her head against the tree where she stood, Ana folded her arms over her chest as she listened to the blonde, “I personally don’t believe in karma since there’s quite a few people here that deserve to fall into a pit of acromantulas and yet here they are - wandering about without a care in the world. It’s normal to have days, weeks even, where life doesn’t want to cooperate but I don’t think you deserve it.”
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Tara looked away from Ana staring at the lake “Apparently karma can come just when the person is least expecting it, like me, I’m trying hard to control my temper and be nicer, and it’s just...not working. Well my life needs to find a way to pull it’self together, it’s embarrassing.And are you sure I don’t?” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
“Good, I’m glad you can learn from my mistakes. Oh, he’s a nightmare, isn’t he? The Friar always tells me that he deserves a chance, but sometimes I have to disagree and side with Sir Nicholas who says that he’s had far too many opportunities to redeem himself.” She smiled sheepishly, “At least I didn’t lose us more points, I guess?”
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“I honestly can, because quite frankly falling asleep in the library and pissing off peeves is not on my to-do list. The Friar only says that, because he is the only ghost, or living person, that scares Peeves, Sir Nicholas is right in this situation I have to agree.” Tara shrugged her shoulders “That’s true, if you did, maybe I’d have to give you a few to make up for it, us Slytherins are always behind in points because well, most of us aren’t likeable.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
“Ok but it took us a while to actually study. We kept talking and getting distracted the first few times. Let’s go out, walk around the castle yards for a bit. I think we could use some fresh air.”
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“That’s because you kept looking for excuses to not study, that isn’t my fault.” She looked around a moment and stood up grabbing her nearest sweater “Fine fresh air sounds nice, can’t remember the last time we actually had free time and could walk around and just chat.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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“I don’t think you were a bully! You were just… finding yourself, maybe,” Becca fumbled for a good way to put it. In truth, she hadn’t really talked all that much to Tara in years past, and she didn’t have a true picture of whether she’d been a bully like she claimed or not. “But even if you were, you recognized it and decided you wanted to grow and change, that’s way more important than how you might have acted back then.” Becca offered her a warm smile, hoping it was reassuring. “You only haven’t gotten promoted way higher than your brother because you haven’t left school yet; someday they’ll be bragging about you, you’ll see.”
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“Oh no, I was a bully, an angry bully, just ask Courtney Lyons, she was my main target.” It was true, she was a bully, sure she was trying to see the era of her ways and be better, it didn’t change that she had spent a majority of her years at Hogwarts bullying others, and the gulit ate her alive, that’s how she knew she was changing, because old Tara wouldn’t have cared one bit. “You really think so? Because I know I can’t change the past, but I sure as hell want to not be like that now.” Tara smiled sadly at her glad she had her in her life “I hope so, as much as my parents irritate me, that is one think I want to do, make them proud of me for a change.” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
Courtney was sitting back against a tree, reading a comic book her mother had sent her in a care package. She hadn’t even noticed Tara until she started talking. “Um,” She was confused as to why the girl was talking with her and raised an eyebrow at her words. “Okay but can you blame karma for making everything suck because you kind of are a bitch?”
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“you have got to be kidding me.” She knew she was never nice to Courtney, and she probably deserved for her to call her a bitch, but right now her comment made her blood run hot “See there is a difference between you and me and you want to know what it is.” She leaned forward to be able to look at her better “That I’m aware that I’m a bitch, that I know I’ve been cruel to people in the past and deserve the karma coming my way, but you? You try and pretend you’re sweet and charming, when in fact, we’re more similar than you think, because while I admit I’m a bitch, while you sit there and try to act like you’re better than me, when you’re as much of a bitch as me, .” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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“Karma is a stone cold bitch. Period.”
Tara pressed her lips together hiding her frown “Really? that’s your bloody advice????” She moved closer and pushed his arm a bit and frowned even more “Right now I could have used some of all that positivity you seemed to have pouring out of you, and all you can say is that Karma is a stone cold bitch? Are you kidding me?” 
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
Roll Away Your Stone - Mumford and Sons
Becca smiled sadly at Tara; it seemed that lately, her older friend had been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders more and more. She didn’t know why Tara was so stressed – moreso than all of the other sixth years taking NEWTs and participating in things like being Prefects or Quidditch captains, but she hated the fact that there was nothing she could do.
“Maybe Easter break will be a good chance for you to… I don’t know, roll away the stone you seem to be carrying around all the time. You deserve to be happy, you know that?” Becca asked, worried that she was sounding like a broken record. “And if nothing else, I can drag you out to do something fun one afternoon! London’s lovely this time of year.”
Send me a  ♫ and I’ll put my music on shuffle and write you a drabble about our characters based on the first song that plays!
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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tara-goyle-blog · 7 years
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#SkamGirlsWeek: Day 4 → strong female role models
Watch me fall. Watch me burn. Watch me rise. I am a phoenix.
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