#I'm literally going insane bruv
businessmango03 · 5 months
I'm alive again for only THIS day to come. I rushed it but I really love James so much he's been in my brain, that fruity ass train.
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Extra doodles of him *twirls my hair*
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I wanna draw more Edward and James but idk, please help me guys...
Anyways live laugh love James <33
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chloeangelic · 9 months
😭Why am I crying in the club rn?😭
Listed by author in alphabetical order cause I'm an organized bitch, here are the fics that made me Sit And Think™️ (or cry) in 2023, or
✨ my top 5 gut wrenching authors selection ✨
featuring @atinylittlepain @cherubispunk @macfrog @netherfeildren and @5oh5 🤍🤍🤍
Everyone knows I love angst, I love terrible gut wrenching pain and suffering and then I love it when my tears are drying on my cheeks and they fuck nasty, hell yeah 😎
So if you're like me, here are some recommendations!!
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💙 @atinylittlepain
Deliver Me From Nowhere
Read the whole thing in one night and cried repeatedly during. I had it looming in the back of my mind for weeks but didn't feel like I was in the right headspace until I suddenly was, and it hit differently. I love Dolores, I love Joel, I love how he sees her, their dynamic, the exploration of her emotions and headspace, her body language. Fantastic. Want to cry just thinking about it so I'm gonna STOP.
Sat and stared at the wall for a long time after this one, then worked up the courage to post TMWH which I seriously don't think I would've had the guts to post had it not been for June. I love how it handles a sensitive, painful, and very real subject, I love that it doesn't paint Joel as a fixer or savior but rather a realistic, kind partner. Again, his understanding of her and how he makes space for her is something I appreciate so much in DMFN and June.
💗 @cherubispunk
This one is an excruciating Sit And Think - I didn't cry but I sat there paralyzed for 48 hrs with a thousand yard stare, just thinking intensely about it, after my second read through. Two chapters and I'm already messed tf up over it!! I read them in the middle of the night and then during the day and I have never been this messed up over something labeled PWP before. The passion, the ominous vibes, Cherub being so soft and Joel having this strange dark vibe... I literally just thought about it constantly for two days and I still can't fully put my finger on why. It just slithered into my brain and I still think about it often and go back to read bits and pieces like a little treat.
💚 @macfrog
All Three Dogs
Max posted this on my most depressed day of 2023 so like fuck you ??? I'm sorry like this is phenomenally written and stunning but like what the fuck is wrong with u i'm not even giving u any more compliments on this one bruv sorry you made me like a DBF series and that's a mortal sin so YOU'RE DONE !!! Fucking dead mackerel eyes speak into the mic bitch chicago sunroof 1 after magna carta i am not crazy squat cobbler jesus christ marie lookin ass
Sweet Child O' Mine - particularly pt ii
This one is so cute and yet it hurts so much. It's so real, the MC is so... I don't even know what to say, she's so on her own and she seems so kind and selfless and it just hurts to think about her cause you can feel her love for her child and for Joel and ugh. She tries so hard to be the best person she can be for everyone and it's one of those situations where nobody is doing anything wrong and yet everyone either is already hurt or gonna get hurt, and I think it's that oscillation between love and hurt that really gets me. I also read this in the middle of the night and all I had to say in my RB was like "thanks for making me cry asshole" (I'm known for my profound commentary).
💜 @netherfeildren
Fear of God - particularly the epilogue
Fear of God is my all-time fav Joel series, the best Joel characterization I've come across and it generally set the tone for my taste in fic. It was the second series I started reading on here when I came back to Tumblr, and it's the first piece of writing that has ever truly moved me. His character arc is absolutely INSANE !! I made the mistake of reading the epilogue while listening to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, and for months I couldn't listen to it without crying. The day before my graduation, I kept listening to it on repeat in some strange form of self-torture and I had to explain to my bf why I was sobbing. Try to explain all of FoG in a coherent way through tears, I dare u ! I can't say much without spoiling but basically when I think back on getting into fanfic, FoG is what marks the beginning for me and I will never ever forget this piece of writing ever in my life. (Shoutout to when I got caught getting a nut off to one of the FoG extras - I can't really talk about the series without mentioning that)
The Cassandra Complex - particularly ch I, ch IV, and ch VIII
I didn't give much of a fuck about Din before TCC cause i saw him as like a taller hotter R2D2 and now here I am... Eating my words like a ration pack. I have to do a big girthy throbbing TCC reblog cause I have a lot to say about my fav series in the world but basically I can't read ch 4 without crying and even though this is a Star Wars fic and it makes no sense for me to relate to it the most out of anything on Vic's ML, sith girly is the most relatable MC thanks to her constantly feeling haunted by her past, feeling like she's hiding, feeling unworthy, torpedoing herself, and seeing so much beauty in others but struggling to see it in herself. I'll save the rest of my thoughts for the big RB but basically I've even cried at the fucking SMUT in this series like I'm on another planet when I read it (haha get it?? cause Star Wars??)
🧡 @5oh5
From Eden
Staring At The Wall Saturdays again - I hate how much I see my younger self in little sunflower girlie, I hate that I recognize how trapped she feels in her marriage. It's such an accurate portrayal of feeling chained to a man who doesn't deserve you, and of how guilty you feel for not even acting on feelings for someone else yet but just recognizing within yourself that you deserve better, like that pain of accepting that you're not treated right and that visceral feeling of unfairness that comes with being in the wrong relationship. The guilt you feel for even just thinking it, you know? And having to recognize how you've been treated. Ugh. Also this Joel is... His mannerisms are... I.... I'll be right back-
And now, for the most important award ever. The winner of
🏆Biggest Chloe Tear Jerker 2023🏆 is...
🎉 @netherfeildren 🎉 and this is her 24/7
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diabolocracy · 1 year
"If fiction didn't influence reality, [x] or [y] crime wouldn't have happened!"
Bro. Bruh. Bruv. People try to offload the blame onto things that are blameless all the time in attempt to lessen the punishment that will be visited upon them in response to the actions that they themselves took.
The insanity plea. "But mooooommmm big brother told me tooooo" (particularly in occasions where big brother did not, in fact, tell them to). Religion. Media. Video games. Books.
But until someone devises a form of fiction that functions as mind control (like Fox News), no. Fictional stories did not cause stabbings. Fictional stories did not cause rapes.
Individuals might have looked at those and used them as "justification" for their own ill actions but those individuals were looking for a reason, and that reason could have been literally anything.
Plenty of people use the fucking Bible or the Quran to justify killing and raping and other crimes against humanity. Every. Fucking. Day.
Not because of the book itself. Rational human fucking beings are perfectly capable of reading a book that tells them to kill certain demographics and deciding, hey, no, that's a shitty thing to do, actually.
But because they're shitty people who are looking for an excuse to justify their actions. And if it isn't the Bible or the Quran or [insert Holy Book here] then it will be something else. Yes, sure, maybe even a fanfic. Because they're shitty people. They want something external that they can blame for their own actions that they can point to when they get caught to try lessening the punishment they face.
"Look, I was just trying to do right in the name of God..."
"Look, I read this fic, and I thought it was fine..."
They're both fucking flimsy excuses used by garbage people looking for a "reason" to do what they wanted to do in the first place.
Take away the rapefic? They can easily just use the Bible. Take away the Bible? They can easily just use the Quran. Take away external excuses altogether (have fun banning all the world's religions - I'm sure even a Buddhist can twist their writings to justify inhumane acts)? They can just say the voices told them to do it in an attempted insanity plea.
Bad people are going to do bad things.
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killingsboys · 1 year
Ok I literally just finished s1 and just clicked to start s2 … bruv this show is INSANE. Not what I thought it was (I thought we were gonna complete the question of 'who did we kill and eat in the opening scene' in s1) BUT I kinda love the subtle direction we're going despite my initial want of it being more culty. Anyways I should be getting stuff done instead I'm binging pray for me 🫡
good luck bestie!!!!! i really hope you enjoy s2 <33 and yes i was so shocked when they didn't reveal who was pitgirl at the end of s1 but it does make sense narratively... i still wanna know who it is tho. they really know how to keep the audience hooked!!! anyway i hope you're enjoying it <333
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youn9racha · 3 years
titres out for Binnie .. imagine how turn on he would be if the said titties are pierced .. I'm gone bye (my nipple piercing says hi).
i’ve literally said this just now to myself that changbin would go weak on the knees when seeing a nipple piercing. INSANE BRUV !/$/!
no but fr i see him absolutely loving it, he wouldn’t stop touching it (that is if its healed), maybe lightly pull it to get a reaction out of you. he would even go more insane if you wear a tight shirt that showcases it,, THIS MAN’S BRAIN IS GOING BRRRRR
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