#I'm looking at the 184772 tabs
there is a thing not enough people talk about and it's that I can't get into a new obssession, before I am done milking the fuck out of the one I'm currently on.
(Like, do I know JJK is going to be my jam? Yes. Do I know it's going to ruin my life in the worst/best way? Yes?
But I'm in my attack on titan era and if I take a sharp left turn now I'll be missing out of the aot glorious content I'm currently spiralling and drowning in and it's just not a concession I'm willing to make at the moment.)
(And like, are there fics I want to read? Yes. Will I be able to enjoy them right now? No. I'm PACING MYSELF I AM WHO I AM I NEED TO DO IT JUSTICE YOU MUST BE PATIENT.)
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