#I'm making this a cyno comic
indilaras · 7 months
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Cyhaino Week 2024 Day 3: Injuries/Illnesses/Scars
"Thank you. Coat I keep this on for the rest of the day? I only have paperwork left to deal with." "...I acknowledge that it's for a joke, but yes, you may." "May? But it's only February."
ID: a seven panel (mostly) grayscale comic featuring Cyno and Alhaitham from Genshin Impact. Panel 1: Cyno sneezes. Alhaitham looks at him, surprised; he has a question mark next to his head. Panel 2: Cyno, shivering and with snot running down his nose, explains through chibi-style flashbacks. The first flashback shows him in his cloak from the manga, carrying a handcuffed scholar and holding out a hand at the rain. The second shows him soaking wet, exasperated, while the scholar is wearing his cloak. Alhaitham holds his chin, thinking. Panel 3: Alhaitham takes off his coat. Panel 4: a close up of Alhaitham's hand, holding the coat over Cyno's shoulder. Panel 5: a close up of Cyno, surprised and slightly blushing; part of the cloak is already visible. Panel 6: Cyno grinning, wearing the cloak, one hand tugging on it. The background turns violet, and he has sparkle effects around him. Panel 7: Cyno from the back, talking to Alhaitham who is smiling and has hearts by his head. End ID.
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imlostinmy20s · 2 months
Just little details I found while playing Kaveh's hangout event.
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And just my thought about these two after Cyno's second story quest. Cuz I'm in awe and I can't stay silent.
Anyway, soooo
In Kaveh's hangout event, you have an opportunity to walk around Alhaithams home (which Kaveh also call home?? but i might be delulu).
There is a main entrance, which leads to a living room. Here, you can see a table, sofas (? not sure if it's the right word.), bookshelfs. But when I first played the main storyline, I missed some details in Alhaitham's house - back then, I didn't give it much thought. Well, there are a lot of books, books are everywhere, and... decorations? vases? Ok, whatever. Suddenly - a pair of musical instruments?
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Oh, wait, the table? There are two pairs of cups (for coffee?) and wine glasses. And.. A lot of fruits. Maybe I'm delulu, but, in Kaveh's voice-over (in "favourite food", to be specific) was stated:
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"Oh, I'll never say no to fresh fruit". Just like in a scene from Cyno's second story quest:
- "Can you see if the cookies are still on the table?" - "The are. And so are the fruits"
After that Kaveh appeared on a screen from the right side of the house, where Alhaitham's.. Office? Study room is located? Whatever. I'm sayng, besides that office, there is no other room in the right side of the house.
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And, well, there isn't much about that office. It's.. Lots of books, a table, which also contains books both from outside and inside. Pretty much in Alhaitham's style.
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But I wonder what's this thing on the left of Alhaitham's table? Kinda looks more like an architect's tool. Maybe it's not, but there is just another thing in this room that makes me think that way:
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A smaller table with two seats🤨 , that has a coffee cup and a coffee maker and..of course, fruits. Wait a minute. A camera? It's... kinda out of place, isn't?
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Why a camera tho? May I assume that this is Kaveh's camera, which he uses to take.. idk... references for his projects? Or, maybe, which he uses to get better undrstanding of enviroment for his projects?
Idk. But if Kaveh has his own room, why his (possible! maybe they are not) belongings (and fruits!!!) are located in Alhaitham's study room?
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In Cyno's SQ 2 we had a scene with Kaveh and Alhaitham having a casual conversation (gossip flavored one 🤭🤭🤭). A the start of it, we have Kaveh looking for wine glasses, which he washed. So, there has to be a kitchen, right? Anyways
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In the left side of Alhaitham's house we have two more doors. One with yet ANOTHER bookshelf and second, with a painting on a nearby wall. Let me assume that books are leading to Alhaitham's bedroom, and the painting is leading to.. Kaveh's room? (cuz in "A parade of providence" Kaveh stated, that he does have his own room) But that raises a very important question. where the HELL is the kitchen and bathroom? 🤨🤨🤨
ANYWAYS. It's just nice to see these two blended in eachother's life, since their first interaction in main story quest was.. erm... kinda uncomfortable to watch. But I should note that in the beginning, we didn't know much about both Kaveh and Alhaitham, and so we had zero clue on why they were acting like this.
Later we got Kaveh in the game and his voicelines, "A parade of Providence" event, and, oh my god, Cyno's 2nd story quest. It was my last straw, because now I want to make a comic about kavetham\haikaveh, but I still have to learn a lot about these two. Especially Kaveh. Cuz if I'm being honest, CURRENTLY I relate more to Alhaitham and the way his brain works. My past self, tho, would relate more to Kaveh and his feeling of guilt, struggles as an artistic and idealistic person, but those are quite dark times in my life, even my memory is kind of blurry\toned sown 💀💀💀 So it will take time to explore Kaveh's character.
In the end, thank you for coming to my YAPtalk and reading my "nothing burger" of a post. See you in my next drawing!
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amaiaqt · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤミㅤstupid cupidㅤ⋆ 。˚ㅤ♡ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwhat happens when an idiot asks an idiot for crush advice ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤmodern cyno !
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"anonymous order; ....a request for cyno ? anything honestly — message cut."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤloser in love cyno and dumbass wingman tighnari ! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhope you enjoy, xoxo ♡
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if you asked cyno any childish question relating to romance, be it a crush or if he's ever had a partner at all, the most you get is a blank stare. for someone you may consider a sharp man, the only time he'll ever let you call him dense is when it comes to romance.
because even he can't deny it, he's a loser when it comes to romance.
and when he defends himself on that topic, saying he has at least tried to find a partner before, you can believe him because he has tried. but no one really liked tcg and horrendously timed puns as much as him, poor guy.
sometimes, he's actually rather bitter about his failed attempts at romance, and opts to curse old pal cupid even when they had nothing to do with it.
hey stupid cupid, stop being stupid and make this romance thing work for me.
but, said cupid seemed to take pity on him, and shot an arrow right through his heart the day you were introduced to his life. to say it was love at first sight, well cyno wouldn't really disagree at this point.
" . . . and this, this is cyno. he considers himself the funniest in our group," kaveh snickers at the last few words as he waves two arms in front of cyno to lend your attention to him, "we believe we're entitled to our own opinions, even when some aren't the best." kaveh laughed to himself about his side comment, earning a blank stare from the shorter male, who then looked to you with a completely different look — a look of timidity and hesitation, tossing you a soft but noticeable smile, one of which you returned with your own.
"i'm fond of those with humor, it's a pleasure to meet you, cyno." you extended a hand out for him, waving kaveh off as he gave up in nagging you to go meet the others with him first, opting to lean back on a desk in impatience. cyno nodded at your words, very slowly shaking your hand - goodness, your skin was very pleasant to the touch - and parting his lips to reply, "the pleasure is all mine," with the next words, he swears his lips moved on their own, "a new face, especially one as attractive as yours, is always refreshing from the usually dull surroundings here." with this, kaveh shot him a pointed look, which he only ignored in sake of the way you glowed when you laughed with him.
"well, he's so far proven his claim right." you smirked as you added on to the unintentional mock towards kaveh, laughing even louder as the blonde's expression morphed into an even more comical one. he scoffed at the two of you and threw his hands up in defeat, "fine, let the short guy show you around. i was already being so generous —" "so, how about i finish the job of showing you around ? i assume you're new, after all." "i wouldn't mind !" "huh—i didn't mean literally !-"
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" . . . and then—oh, [name] !" cyno gulps at the way he called out your name, and the pointed look tighnari threw his way did not help. tighnari shook his head and walked over to you first, cyno following behind him in thought.
he's noticing the differences in himself lately, and he's embarrassed whenever he realizes that he's especially different around you. the way he can feel the shift in his mood whenever he sees you, he can hear the difference in the tone of his voice when he talks to you — he can feel the differences, but he doesn't know if he should take them as good signs.
he snaps out of his thoughts when tighnari snaps his fingers in front of his face, earning a laugh from you as tighnari chides him, "you're spacing out again, you didn't even respond to [name] greeting you." cyno shakes his head, "ah.. sorry. good morning [name]." a smile tugged the corners of his lips up again as you waved at him.
he's also noticed that little lingering feeling in his chest, perhaps he should discuss with tighnari about it when he finds the time to, since he's such a know-it-all.
"so anyway, kaveh said he handed you my notes yesterday ?" tighnari turned to you, "he didn't hand me anything, though ?" "ah... that fu—"
yeah, surely it wouldn't hurt to ask tighnari about it.
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"'nari, can i ask about . . something ?" when the two finally went separate ways from you, cyno decided it would be convenient to ask his friend as they walk. "what about ?" tighnari slowed his pace, matching with cyno as they walked up the flight of stairs to their floor. "i've been feeling different lately, mainly around [name]." "don't say more." at this, the two of them stopped in their tracks as tighnari shook his head. observing this, cyno was about to feel guilty, did he accidentally imply something ?
only for tighnari to turn to him and laugh in his face.
"i was waiting for you to accept it and ask," tighnari breathes after laughing for a few seconds, "i didn't think you actually would. guess i owe kaveh 50." "what ?"
"you have a crush on [name], you dense fool." "what ?" tighnari laughs at his friend's expression, "you said you've noticed you've been different lately around [name], right ?" "well, that's not exactly what i said." "it's what it implied, anyway." tighnari started to walk ahead, up the stairs, letting cyno trail behind.
"well we've noticed you've been different around them too, and it's damn well obvious. even al haitham figures it's a crush, and that's al haitham." "and, if it is a crush—" "oh no doubt about it." "do you think i have a chance with them ?" . . .
"come again ?" "do you think i have a chance with them ?"
now, the day that the cyno would be asking if he had a chance with someone was a day tighnari never would have anticipated. never would have been able to prepare for. so what the hell is he supposed to say ???
"who knows, if you flirt with them enough the chances and the stakes are equal." was that a good thing to say, or did he just push his friend to do something stupid ?
"so i just need to flirt with them more ? okay, sounds simple enough." latter, definite latter. "no don't—CYNO"
hey stupid cupid, don't let two idiots give each other crush advice.
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"[name], has anyone ever told you that you're very attractive ?" "cyno, you've told me at least three times this morning."
the change in cyno's very open behavior with you caught you off guard, but he was very cute and dorky about it, so who were you to complain ?
your friends can't agree though, even finding it unsettling.
"ah, i'm sorry. i just like to speak what's on my mind, so whenever i think you're attractive, i just have the urge to say it out loud." "you've had three consecutive thoughts about me being attractive ?" "four actually. but i always think you're attractive, so technically i've lost count."
tighnari held his face in his hands as he sat across from cyno, physically cringing.
hey stupid cupid, give the others a chance too.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ© amaiaqt, 2023 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not plagiarize !
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Hi! Can you please write Lee Kaveh and Ler Alhaitham with Bellybutton? 👀
closed, send no more!
a/n: hiiii i'm sorry this took so long! the idea for this fic is cringe but i really liked it so i just ran with it hahaha but hope you enjoy!
characters: alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari is here for a minute lol
wc: ~2.1k
"No way! You're not serious, right?"
"No, yeah, I'm not kidding! It's actually so funny!"
Alhaitham huffed as the two's voices permeated through his bedroom walls that he was sure were made of paper at this point. Visitors weren't commonplace for his humble abode and there was a good reason for that, yet despite knowing this, Kaveh's persistence somehow managed to sway Alhaitham into allowing Tighnari to come over for tea. The blond's request was immediately shot down with zero hesitation on Alhaitham's part, as entertaining guests was not particularly one of his strong suits, but after some careful consideration, the potential pros seemed to outweigh the cons. Not only would it give Alhaitham some free time away from the blond, but Kaveh would have someone else to let out his little vents onto. Oftentimes, there was little substance to what Kaveh usually had to say and the inability to spark meaningful conversation meant a good waste of a portion to Alhaitham's day. With Tighnari over, however, Alhaitham would no longer be subjected to such a time sink and could enjoy his afternoon Kaveh-free.. or so he initially thought. The ecstatic giggles from the two escalated into screeching laughter and that familiar feeling of regret, something Alhaitham often associated with anything related to Kaveh, began to take its place in his chest. Not even the noise-cancelling earpieces he purchased specifically for situations like these were of aid.
That's it. Tighnari had overstayed his welcome.
Slamming the book in hand with one swift motion, Alhaitham stood up from his desk, marching over to his bedroom door to give Kaveh and his guest a piece of his mind, only to immediately stop in his tracks when his ears caught on to the topic at hand.
"Yeah, Alhaitham is so ticklish too!"
The little cogs in Alhaitham's brain seemed to come to a standstill, malfunctioning as his brain attempted to process what Kaveh so casually blurted out, taking more time than it should have put him back on track. Once things were back up and running, Alhaitham was still at a loss on how to react, left standing in place, blinking over and over as the words replayed in his head, face turned flush unknowingly. Why was this even a topic of conversation, let alone something that Kaveh felt the need to share? Do normal people even think about tickling in their daily lives? What would even bring such a subject on like this?
"Wait really?" Tighnari sounded genuinely shocked, as if most people in the world weren't ticklish on some level. "People like Cyno and Alhaitham too, I guess, always go around acting super serious, but then just fall to a couple of tickles." Okay, so apparently this is a normal thing for Tighnari too.
"I know, right? He's always like 'I'm acting grand sage Alhaitham, my house my rules blahblahblah.'" Alhaitham reeled at the comically guttural voice Kaveh used to imitate him; he didn't sound like that at all. "But then he screams when your hands even get close to his sides."
"Wait, that actually reminds of this one time," Tighnari began, clearly excited by the tone of his voice, "but I poked at Cyno's ribs once and he made like these sounds; I'm not sure how to describe them, but like, he almost sounded like a pig, I guess?"
"A pig? I don't think- oh wait! You mean like this?" The following sounds were reason enough for Alhaitham to rip his eardrums out, resembling what he assumed was Kaveh's best impression of a snorting pig. Whether the imitated pig was being laid to slaughter or not, he wasn't so sure.
To Tighnari, though, these noises sufficed, as evident by the entertained laughter that Alhaitham was able to make out through the door. "Yes, thank you! That's exactly what he sounds like!"
"Oh, and don't even get me started on Alhaitham." As much as wished to stop eavesdropping, the sudden mention of his name again piqued the scribe's ears. "He may not snort like Cyno, but he does something just as bad." There was a brief silence that not even Tighnari broke and Alhaitham found himself removing the earbuds that seldom left his ears, pressing the side of his head to the door for full clarity. "One time, I tickled Alhaitham and I was able to get him to squeal," Kaveh spoke, as if this was a personal achievement to be proud of.
Something in Alhaitham's brain snapped at this very moment, his left eye twitching as Kaveh and Tighnari continued their waste of a conversation. Squeal? Never once in his life has he ever done such a thing. He couldn't even recall the specific instance that Kaveh was referring to, but the more he thought about it, the more the heat in his head began to rise, creating an unfamiliar feeling as it was unlike the scribe to lose his cool. Still, even if it was true, which it definitely was not, who did Kaveh think he was to be spreading around hearsay like this? His hand reached for the knob of the door, fully ready to go out and not only defend his pride, but rip Kaveh to shreds, yet Alhaitham's hand froze just as he turned the knob, halting at the thought of a new idea, a plan most satisfying.
"Ah, it looks like it's getting late." Alhaitham's ears perked up at the sound of Tighnari's voice, nearly smirking with how things just seemed to line up for him. "I should get going soon. I promised Cyno I'd walk him home today." How convenient.
"Oh, take some of the snacks! Let me go find some containers to pack them up for you." Alhaitham listened to the shuffle of multiple footsteps resounding off the floorboards, mixed with the idle chit chat that his ears began to tune out. At least they moved past the previous subject..
"Alright, thanks again!" The familiar sound of the front door being opened followed Tighnari's farewell. "Tell Alhaitham I said hi!"
"Alright, alright, take care!"
Alhaitham continued to stand by his bedroom door in silence, giving himself a few minutes before proceeding with his plan in mind. He listened as the front door shut, followed by what he assumed was Kaveh cleaning up after his gossip session with Tighnari, noting the occasional incoherent grumble from the blond. Once a sufficient amount of time had passed, Alhaitham slowly stepped out of his room, walking down the short aisle to see Kaveh's back to him, tidying up just like he presumed. There were two empty wine glasses resting on the table, a possible explanation to the obnoxious laughter.
The sound of Alhaitham's voice seemingly morphed Kaveh's mannerisms, a noticeable shift to the strung-up self Alhaitham was most familiar with. "Ugh, there you are!" Kaveh bellowed with a spin to his heel, marching up to Alhaitham, a slight tinge of pink to his face. "You couldn't even spare the time of day to come out of your room and greet Tighnari! Like, what kind of host do you think you are?!"
"A good one, considering you'd most likely complain about my presence killing the mood," Alhaitham simply brushed off the nagging, visibly irritating Kaveh further. "Anyway, I did not come here for you to criticize me. Rather, I'm inquiring about your earlier conversation with him."
Kaveh scoffed, hands on his hips. "Oh, so now you're interested in things I have to say?"
"Not really," Alhaitham responded flatly, "but for the sake of my efforts, let's pretend that I am."
"I mean just some normal chit-chat, I guess," Kaveh said with a shrug, raising an eyebrow at the other. "Why are you asking? If you're so curious, just hang out with us the next time."
"Well, I'd prefer not to go through the trouble," Alhaitham waved off the suggestion, an ill use of his time, really. "However, I couldn't help but overhear-"
"Oh, so you were listening!"
"-the topic of your conversation being a peculiar one," Alhaitham continued, the interruption hardly worth addressing. "Kaveh, tell me, have you ever squealed before?"
This fully caught the other off-guard, the blatant confusion written all over his face. "What?"
"During your conversation with Tighnari, you mentioned details about my overall sensitivity. Although I do not deny being somewhat ticklish, I must refute the fact that you mention I squeal. There has never-"
"Seriously? This is what you're hung up on?"
"-been a time where I have ever done such a thing, leading me to the conclusion that you've yet to experience the particular sound. Therefore, I have decided-"
"Come on, Alhaitham. It's not a big deal."
"-that perhaps you need to squeal yourself."
"What are you even-" Alhaitham observed as Kaveh's own words suddenly caught in his mouth, the look of alarm bells visibly going off in his head as the realization of the younger's words settled in. The blond gave two nervous blinks, to which Alhaitham responded with a single nod, an indication of what was about to occur. Before Alhaitham could take his next breath, Kaveh was already off running, prompting Alhaitham to shortly do the same.
"Don't-! NO! Stay away from mehehe!" Kaveh shrieked with apprehensive giggles as he barely avoided Alhaitham's grasp, snatching one of the cushions from the sofa to use as a lousy projectile that hardly required dodging on Alhaitham's part.
"What's the matter, Kaveh?" Alhaitham barely missed a beat in his step as Kaveh attempted everything possible to throw off the scribe in his pursuit, knowing Kaveh well enough to read his movements. "You wouldn't happen to be ticklish, would you?"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Kaveh's voice grew more frantic with each circle around the sofa, his pleas for mercy falling on Alhaitham's deaf ears. "I shouldn't have said anything! I'm sohohorry!"
"Yeah, you shouldn't have."
"Alhaitham, wait! Truce! Trucetrucetruce! Please- noHOHO!" Whether it was due to his usual clumsiness or the glass of red wine from earlier, Alhaitham was sure it was a combination of both, the scribe managed to eventually snatch Kaveh by the waist, firmly wrapping his arm around the other to prevent him from squirming free. Kaveh was already a giggly mess before Alhaitham had even started, doing everything in his power, which admittedly wasn't much, to stop the inevitable, but once Alhaitham's fingers began prodding through the thin flowy top that Kaveh oh-so loved to wear on his days off did the fun really begin.
"Noho! NOHOHO!" Choosing to start at his ribs, Alhaitham was rewarded with a healthy dose of laughter as his fingers teased at the sensitive area with dexterity and precision, unfazed by the squirmy Kaveh in his arm. On top of the flurries of movement came multitude of cursing and swearing, most incoherent due to the mix forced laughter, yet Alhaitham continued in a collected manner, already an expert at blocking out Kaveh's voice. After all, he only had one goal on his mind, each poke pushing his determination further.
This appeared to set something off in Kaveh, arms flailing about more wildly accompanied by a cry that could only resemble one of a strangled cat, clearly rejecting the proposition. "NOHOHO! LeheHEHEheht me gohoHOHO!" His body seemingly shrunk in Alhaitham's hold, a failed attempt at scrunching away from the way his fingers walked down the middle of his ribcage and along his waist, each step defined to trigger an individual sensation that made Kaveh jump.
"Alhaithahaham, wahaHAHAIT!" Jumbled laughter was all that spilled from his mouth now, unable to properly structure coherent sentences. Despite the shrill shrieks, there was something almost charming about the laughter that filled the room and Alhaitham couldn't help but smile along, if only just slightly. Still, despite the near entrancement, Alhaitham remained on track, taking particular notice to the seemingly growing frenzied responses elicited in Kaveh's reactions, both bodily and vocally, whenever his hand hovered just over his navel. Perhaps this might just be what he needed..
Just as he thought, Alhaitham had struck gold, drawing out the exact reaction he sought. Kaveh's squeal echoed throughout the space, almost as if the walls reverberated with his laughter. He allowed himself to tease that specific area longer than intended, enjoying the hectic mess Kaveh had become in the process, before finally releasing the blond, watching as Kaveh quickly hobbled away to create distance between the two.
"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson," Alhaitham put it bluntly, catching the irate expression Kaveh shot him. "Now, you wouldn't want me spreading the story about how you squeal when tickled, right?"
"Fine, fine, we're even!" Kaveh scoffed, throwing his arms up in annoyance. "Truce?"
Alhaitham couldn't help but smirk in response. "Truce."
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caspersickfanfics · 5 months
*busts door open* IM BACK
I’m not gonna be too weird about this but- ironically- today was a day of much crying, and from that I was re-reminded of few things that got me thinking about the other nights rants so I have just a few more considerations~
again- not necessarily a fit for the current fic situation BUT. Types of crying. I feel like Cyno really doesn’t cry much at all. And maybe this was a given lol but I wanna talk about it anyways 😭
He’s just that kind of person and I feel like that tracks with canon. Even if he isn’t bottling up emotions, like if he’s sad and he’s letting himself feel sad, even then he may not cry that much. but if he is crying- or sobbing due to fever-addled hysteria- it’s him doing everything he can to keep it quite. Like muffled sobs, or just tears spilling uncontrollably, and so much, sniffing. That kind of crying you get when you just can’t stop crying even if you really want too. Maybe because it’s so stifled it lands in his body, so he’s stiff, or hunched or shaking a little. And! I feel like it’s so much easier to slip into hyper ventilation when you’re not breathing cuz you’re trying to hold back tears.
I think under Tighnaris care and comfort he’d be a bit more vocal? Maybe? Or!! Or when it gets really bad and he can no longer help it that’s when his sobs sound like, well, sobs. And that’s new territory for nari and cyno both. I think Tighnari would need some serious comfort after all this himself because it’s scary seeing your partner in so much distress even if you know they are okay and kinda just out of it.
I think cyno would try really really hard to communicate well, but he’s struggling cuz he’s sick enough and emotional enough that he’s not quite making the most sense? He’s stumbling over his words and he’s not quite sure how to explain what hurts and in what way- But he knows that he’s worrying nari and so he’ll try his damndest to make sense, and at the very least be honest. Maybe not at first but once they settle into his recovery I think he’d try 🥺
I also was thinking about more comical things Cyno would get upset over? Idk if it’s the vibe at all lol, but if his fever is high enough or if say the meds he’s on add to the loopy ness, I can picture him being very very distraught over just how *pretty* nari is. Maybe not full on crying but I can see him just starting and pouting cuz his partner is just…too perfect??? And if anything happened to him what would he do??? His EARS!! They are so soft- and he falls apart
idk these aren’t as fun as the ones from the other day but oh well lol 😑
WELCOME BACK AHH!!! I'm sorry you had a crying day and I'm sorry to post this so late when you sent it ages ago!!!!!!!! I hope you're feeling better now and if not, I'm sending you all the hugs!!!
This ask has me in a chokehold because I do think about characters crying a lot and I agree with you I don't think Cyno cries much at all. Even though I want to make him cry all the time LOL. Honestly though him and Tighnari both, especially in the canon world, I really have trouble picturing them crying.
100% agree that Cyno would be pretty quiet. My instinct was that he cries without realizing it and that's why he's quiet but I am now obsessed with your (paraphrased) "he is quiet on purpose which can lead to hyperventilating" like. Yes. And that progression to sobbing is really intriguing, definitely seems like something I'd like to explore if I can work it in somewhere!!!
I also headcanon Cyno as being very honest with Tighnari! I could see him downplaying stuff unintentionally - like, he's always a little banged up, so he brushes off discomfort without a second thought sometimes. And he might initially resist Tighnari urging him to look a bit more closely at that, but he'll cave eventually.
I also could definitely see Tighnari having a hard time with Cyno really crying, depending on the situation............ and at the same time I could see him actually being reassured by it. Like, finally, Cyno's letting himself being completely open. Finally he's letting himself be honest and feel things fully. But also Tighnari is going to frequently check his temperature to make sure it's not gotten to a dangerous place to be causing this. And freaking!! Absolutely to Cyno crying over how pretty Nari is and how much he loves his ears/tail/claws/etc. Maybe apologizing for "springing Collei on him" all those years ago and Tighnari is laughing because, like, he adores Collei and is so glad Cyno brought her to him.
I've also been thinking about Tighnari and crying. I picture him as a nonchalant but infrequent crier. Maybe some anxious/frustrated crying in extreme situations, but generally if things aren't going well, he compartmentalizes to figure out a solution. If something is upsetting to him and it's really shocking, maybe he'll shed a few tears without realizing, but then he'll wipe them away and do what needs to be done. If he's in a lot of pain, he'll cry but be really reassuring ("It just hurts a little, don't worry. Could you possibly help wrap this? My hands are a bit unsteady" tears running down his face) to anyone who's around the whole time, while treating his injury if he can. And... I think if he finds out someone he really cares about had something bad happen to them, he'd respond with rage. Even, like, Collei with her Eleazar - if anything worse had happened to her, I don't think his initial response would've been to cry. It would've been "I'm going to fucking murder who or what ever caused this disease." And then when things calm down he'd go to his hut, hide under the covers, curl up into a ball and sob.
Hm. I dunno if you've picked up on this by how much I wrote but. Personally..... I think this was just as fun as your previous asks sdjkfsdjksfj thank you so much for sending ittttt ily <333
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intogenshin · 4 months
Does it make sense: Lisa's letter to Cyrus
Genshin's writing doesn't seem interested in the logics behind their storylines on purpose, seeing how they put Fontaine in altitude to follow the imagery of fountains even though they knew the archon quest revolved around a flood —it would have made sense to put Fontaine in a hole instead, would have been logical for a flood to happen. But they didn't care, which is why we ended up with this
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Which is to say, they dgaf about logic as long as they get to tell the story they want however they want it. And that's fine, we don't need to care either, but we do end up with a final product that we have to put together and fill in the holes for our own sake, if we so wish to.
Regardless of the author intentions, we can choose to make interpretations that give some sense to these questionable writing choices. Maybe the flood is upwards and in a block of water for a reason that makes sense in-universe, y'know, maybe primordial sea just work like that (after all what we saw had a weird shape too)
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I'm not implying this is planned by the writers, cus I don't know, but interpreting the canon to shape up a more coherent story is valid as a fan is all.
So I know the writers of the game don't care much to match the story to the comic that was released earlier (and already had mistakes or unfinished designs) but there's still a story I need to put together for a character I like. Right.
These are the relevant events in the timeline I want to discuss:
Cyrus never discussed Cyno's past with him
Cyno remembered or researched enough to figure out most of it on his own (the proof: he commissioned his helmet, which is worn by Temple of Silence priests)
Lisa and Cyno discussed his past openly in Windblume
Lisa sends a letter to her professor about Collei's situation in the comic
In the comic, the knights find documentation in possession of the Fatui related to the incident of Crepus' death. Among the papers, Collei finds one about the experiments performed on her, but it's written in an ancient language.
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Jean asks Lisa for help, but she can't read it either and sends the letter to her professor.
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It is a bit weird that she's sending a request for Cyrus, the sage of Spantamad and not Haravatat, for an ancient language. I know this was supposed to establish her connection to Cyno when he shows up later instead of their professor, but that's not what we're doing here right now.
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Lisa sent this letter about documents in an ancient language (that Cyno knows but Lisa, the Akademiya's best student in 200 years, doesn't) that depicted experiments to put archon residue (the remains of a god) within a child, she sent this letter to her professor who years before had taken part in experiments to put the fragment of a god in a child which he stole and brought into the city and then refused to tell anyone about it. She sent this letter to this man, and we know from Windblume that Lisa indeed does know about Cyno's past, so it makes sense that she asked for help with Collei's situation.
So the options are:
Cyrus told Lisa and Lisa told Cyno
Cyrus told Lisa, Cyno found out on his own and then shared it with Lisa who already knew
Cyno told Lisa, Cyrus never said a word
With 1 and 2, Lisa was told by Cyrus about Cyno's past and addressing the letter to him makes sense. With 3, Cyrus would still be avoiding the subject and it would be funny if she sent this to him, he probably had a heart attack thinking it was extortion from the Temple of Silence for a second.
Cyno doesn't resent him at all, he's only grateful, and Lisa doesn't seem to think anything bad about him either, so it's not likely she would send the letter to him with second intentions. Unless they found it funny.
From Windblume event:
Lisa: I suppose you're something of a mentor to her, aren't you? Now that I think about it, the two of you aren't so dissimilar. The power of Hermanubis once brought you great suffering. 
Cyno: That's all in the past now. Besides, Professor thankfully didn't treat me like a test subject for the priest's power like the higher-ups had hoped, even though I was a desert-dweller. 
Cyno: Instead, he gave me the tools I needed to lead the life I have today. He adopted me, educated me, taught me how to fit into society... I am very grateful to him. 
Lisa: You are very gifted, and sometimes that can become its own curse. But he has reason to be grateful to you, too — without you as his son-slash-student, he may never have changed his stubborn ways.
Cyrus had to watch Cyno show up in priest gear at some point, so he had to be aware Cyno knew more than what he was told. It's just something they didn't bring up to each other. (It might sound like something weird not to talk about, but realistically how many of us bring up pain that our parents or caretakers inflicted on us to them.. people usually just prioritize the relationship with their parents)
So Cyrus knows Cyno knows, he might assume Cyno has shared this information with Lisa as well. But Cyrus doesn't talk about it openly, so how did Cyno show up in Mondstadt in the comic?
The letter was for Cyrus, he awkwardly asked Cyno to handle it and made funny excuses about it in order not to address the issue directly
The letter was secretly for Cyno, Lisa just said it was for her professor
The letter was for Cyrus, but Cyno accidentally saw it and took the matter into his own hands
The letter was for Cyrus, but Cyno intercepted it because he spies his mail
Spying his mail honestly makes sense with the events of Cyno's sq 2 lol also maybe Cyno just spies his stuff to look for answers about his past. Maybe Cyrus just allows it because he knows it's fair. But also making something up on the spot sounds more like Cyrus.
Or maybe Cyrus always talked about Cyno's past with both, he just was vague about it, and none of this matters
From Windblume event:
Lisa: Oh dear, looks like you've seen right through me. But I was in no hurry. I knew we'd see each other sooner or later. 
Cyno: Yes. It's just as Professor Cyrus said — shared aspirations always have a way of bringing people into each other's orbit. 
Lisa: Hehe, he always has such a poetic way of wording things. I suppose that's the one respect in which I've taken after him, while in your case... 
Lisa: Yes, it's his wit and eccentricities that have left their mark on you. 
Cyno: Hmm. I'm not sure that describes me very aptly these days, given that I'm now the General Mahamatra. Still, if we're going to talk about ways with words, I think my deadpan humor is far superior than our professor's.
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Snow and Memories in Sumeru
Summary: Heya @tickly-trashcan!!^^ I ended up getting you for the squealing santa event, so I decided to use the pairing of Cyno and Tighnari with the wake up tickles prompt because I absolutely adore these two! I really hope you enjoy it and that you had a happy holiday! Also, thanks so much to our amazing host this year, @hypahticklish!! I had a ton of fun participating in this and I can't wait until next year!!
"Alright that's it, stop being stubborn and get up already. I'm not gonna tell you again..."
"Tighnari, I'm warning you...."
"Ngh, nooo... Go 'way... Lemme sleep you lummox..."
Feeling his eye starting to twitch in annoyance of his friend's unusually crabby attitude, Cyno watched as the half asleep forest ranger merely rolled over and continued to doze, the comfy blankets of Alhaitham's guest bedroom bunched up around him in a messy tangle of chaos.
On any normal day, Cyno wouldn't have really minded so much if his friend wanted to sleep in a little. In fact, he would even go as far to say that he preferred it when thinking back on all the times he'd had to practically force Tighnari to stop studying long enough to sleep back when he was still a student.
It was honestly kinda nice to see him this relaxed and carefree, and he might have even felt a little bit bad for trying to wake him... if not for the circumstances.
Taking a quick peek out the window, Cyno let out a little sigh of relief to see that the tiny flecks of white snowfall that had been his original reason for waking him up in the first place were still falling, and rather heavily in fact.
It had honestly came as quite a shock to him at first when he'd seen it. Afterall, it was pretty rare that Sumeru ever got any snow at all, and if his memory was correct, he and Tighnari had still been small children at the time. Back when the biggest concerns either of them had were climbing trees to get fruit or playing loosely ruled games of Invokation TCG that usually ended in either an argument or a rather competitive tickle fight...
Wait, now there's an idea...
"Tighnari. I'm gonna give you ten more seconds to get out of that bed, or else... Ten."
No movement...
Still nothing...
"Eight... Seven... Six..."
All the way down to the very last numbers, Tighnari still didn't budge an inch. Cyno sighed.
"...One. Ok then. If that's how you wanna play it. Don't say I didn't warn you..."
Not wanting to waste even another second, the general quickly lunged at his friend's sleeping form, earning a surprised yelp from the unsuspecting forest ranger as the force of his landing on the bed made the entire thing jostle for a moment, and at long last, the fox finally raised his head up, presumably to yell at the wannabe jokester for the disturbance...
Only to immediately shut his mouth again and freeze up when he caught sight of both the threatening look in his friend's eyes, and more importantly, the clawlike, wiggling fingers that he was slowly creeping towards him with.
Oh no...
"W-Wait Cyno, hang on, let's just talk about this like adults alright? W-We're not kids anymore, this is childish! There's no need to- WAHAHA!! AHAhahaha- NO!! Plehehease Cynohohohooo!! Wahahait not thahahahahaaat!!"
Tighnari cried as he was finally pounced upon, having been unable to make a run for it in time due to the seemingly infinite amount of sheets that his legs were currently tangled in.
Cyno couldn't help but chuckle a little at the panicked look on his friend's face as he proceeded to latch onto his sides, sending the poor botanist into a near instant fit of hysterics before he could even begin to properly try and talk his way out of it.
"Sorry, but I'm afraid begging isn't going to do you any good now, my friend." The general stated, sounding comically like this entire ordeal was even more tiring for him than Tighnari, "I already tried waking you up the nice way several times, and yet you still refused me each time, even going so far as to use the little bit of wakefulness you did manage to muster just to insult me before going back to sleep, and yet you expect me to show mercy now?"
He asked indignantly, and perhaps Tighnari was even starting to feel a little bit bad about it...
"Now, doesn't that seem rather, inconsleeperate, of you?"
Ok. Scratch that. He was going to kill him after this, actually...
"Yohohou absohoholute idiohohohohot!!" Not paying any mind to Tighnari's annoyed little half-growl half-giggle in response to the pun, the general smiled, feeling just a tad bit nostalgic of that first snow day back in their younger days.
Ah. Right. The snow.
"Alright. That's enough of that then I suppose." He sighed, finally releasing his friend after only a couple more seconds, watching fondly as the poor forest ranger continued to giggle tiredly, "Let's go. Hurry up, before the snow stops."
A beat.
Another. And then...
"Snow?! In Sumeru?!" Aaand, just like that, the fox was already up and gone, just barely remembering to pull on a pair of boots and a jacket before he was out the door, research journal in hand as he went out into the chilly weather, presumably to start researching how the current environment was faring in such unfamiliar circumstances.
Cyno couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of his normally composed friend's excited smile. Perhaps those two curious young children they'd both once been back then, weren't so very far removed from them afterall...
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cat-downthestreet · 10 months
silly little infodump‼️
I'm Cat. I hang out online and post dumb stuff about my hyperfixations. if you like that, stick around. who knows, I might even make something that's actually funny 😉
HEY, LISTEN! > if you have anything specifically related to my interests- fanfiction, comics, news, theories, memes, etc- that you'd like to scream about, feel free to tag me so we can scream about it together. 😼
Things I like:
Fandoms: The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, Genshin Impact, The Owl House, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Bendy, MHA (fanfics only), Deltarune, Undertale
OTPs: Sonadow, Chilumi, Scaramona, Haikaveh, Xiaolumi, Xingyun, Huntlow, Kacchako
Characters: Link (OoT/MM), Shadow, Sonic, Sticks, Rouge, Lumine, Diluc, Jean, Albedo, Klee, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xiao, Childe, Shenhe, Kirara, Mona, Sucrose, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Nahida, Lynette, Freminet, Furina, Navia, Neuvillette, Hunter, Willow, Luz, Entrapta, Double Trouble, Alice Angel, Audrey (BATDR), Bakugo, Uraraka, Papyrus, Sans
What I'm doing:
Currently reading: Genshin lore, AO3 fics
Currently watching: nothing but YouTube lol
Currently playing: Genshin Impact (I have literally played this every day since I started and it's been months)
Random info:
I'm an adult but I'm also very autistic, 'sup 🫡
easily found at catdownthestreet and variations of that user on TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and AO3. come say hi lol
don't ask questions about the profile pic. yes it matches the banner, no I will not elaborate on the sign. end of discussion
I'm aroace but in the sense that real life turns me off. I do love me some fictional romance lol
I frequently forget to check notifications so if I don't respond to a comment or message it's not your fault, I'm just a dumbass 😔
I'll probably change this post a lot. I'm indecisive.
also, the longer I play Genshin, the longer the favorite character list gets. it's, uh, becoming a problem 😅
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seelestia · 5 months
okey dokey so i wanted to ramble more about our f/o's here since the last ask i sent is a massive wall of text ehe (which again i very much adore talking with you)
i can't remember if we've talked about terms of endearment before since my brain is usually full of some kind of fluff half the time 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
anyway! i'll just start with the chief alchemist himself ♪( ´▽`)
albedo's go-to nicknames would be "my love" and "sweetheart", occasionally he refers me ad "princess" when he's feeling particularly affectionate that day (and funnily enough my irl boyfriend calls me all three of these things AFKJSKSJ)
lyney's main one for me is "sweetie" (i'm looking at his valentine's day letter *coughs*) and "my pretty flower/ma belle fleur", so i call him "tomcat" in return. sometimes even "cheshire cat" when he's being cheeky smh
cyno calls me "little bird" because of how energetic i am around him, and because of the fact that im an anemo wielder HEHEH. i jokingly use his "general mahamatra" title
which reminds me, do u have a vision :0
tighnari affectionately calls me a dummy /hj, but his actual nickname for me is "cutie" since he's soft everytime i get away with earning an earfull from him
that's just about it for me heheh, hbu lia?
WALLS OF TEXTS FROM VI MY BELOVED !!!! >< /gen. i love them <3 but no, don't think we have discussed them in details yet! my head is also full of cotton which is why we must pluck some from our minds and create fluffy pillows (brainrots) !!!! /lh
the three out of three?? WOAHHH LOOK AT U GO, IRL ALBEDO !!! awww “ma belle fleur” i'd like to think lyney purposefully calls u that when he kisses ur hand :3 as for cyno, he really doesn't get a break from work /j but it might trigger his instinct to protect u bcs !!! the general mahamatra has to protect his little bird & let her nuzzle softly into his hair !!! LMAOAOA tighnari gives in and calls u cutie bcs that's his weakness. ur cuteness is one of ur survival skills /silly
and yesyes, i do!!! after several quizzes added with my personal analysis of the visions, i conclude that mine is dendro <3 anemo is a close second for me, but i can see it for u! a free soul with a proclivity for dreams - ur vibes scream anemo sm that celestia had to cast u /lh but if not anemo, i think hydro would suit u in a way too :3
ayato's terms of endearments for me are the classic “my love” and “dear/dearest”! proper and gentlemanly (??) nicknames like those roll off his tongue the easiest. but when he is in a teasing mood or wants to coddle me, he'd call me “ojou-sama (princess)” and bring my hand up to his lips. whwehqhsqjh short circuits momentarily /hj
ah, for wanderer's case, affectionate pet names are sooo awkward for him like they make his mechanical tongue malfunction or smth /j so he usually defaults to calling me by my name or comically enough, “idiot”. but i don't think he needs them bcs it's easy to know when he's calling out to me. hint: his tone gets a smidgen softer <3
mr. shikanoin heizou here has a dossier of pet names that is BEYOND the sky's limit. sometimes, he even uses ones that i didn't know existed 😭 all for funsies tho! he thinks my flabbergasted reactions are adorable. i'm impressed honestly. but with his unique antics out of the way, he calls me “angel” or “sunshine”! on occasions, heizou also uses “my darling love” (this was one of his 'experimental' nicknames at first but he grew attached in the end LOL).
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
(Nutjob anon)
Okay, I have yet to read the chapter, but based on the omake post...
...I NOMINATE FELIX AS THE NEXT UNDERBOSS-- *Wooden cane appears from one side of the stage and tugs her out of sight*
See you later in the day when I'm done reading this novela! I want to suggest the secret secret ending were Hu Tao is involved. Only way to unlock her is killing one of the guys 😉 JWIDIFIGOFOD
Trust me when (not if, when) one of the guys die Hu Tao will be there as "Wednesday's Garbage Pick Up" lmfaoooo. You know, there are routes that can only be unlocked with certain conditions, but you'll find that out soon by chapter 4 ehe. When you get to one character's route, the rest of the LIs are on thin ice. Hu Tao's business is booming–
Felix literally only has a few lines but him and Tartaglia are my "comfort characters". The former's just radiates tired dad energy while the latter's the sunshine bloodthirsty child in this fic. Those two (+ Dain) are the characters I don't want to be a love interest simply because they're the only light left in Capo!Reader's world. The rest are just going downhill while Tartaglia comically sobs about getting rejected–
And dhjJIwiaooa tHANK YOU!!! I had loads of fun with that animatic lmaoooo. My first thumbnail draft of that was wildly different compared to the final output (with Cyno being more prominent than the other characters due to poll related reasons, but that changed overnight–). Leave Me Alone is such a banger, I personally think that's the song that fits the first half of common route the most in Razzmatazz. It's been a long while since I listened to that album but after those asks I went "oh sht this is too perfect."
Honestly didn't expect Razzmatazz to fit Capo!Reader so well.
Nobody Likes The Opening band is kinda their vibes w/ Dain and Kaeya when they became immigrants, Modern Day Cain is the follow-up where they killed Rosaria ("then you conjured up a fiction, to get the pretty girls to listen"). Then they're the embodiment of Need You Here by chapter 2,
Sugar Pills is basically capo!reader's old addiction phase and Dottore's current one lmao,
Lights Go Down gives off Scaramouche's vibes, edit: @yostressedoutgirl mentioned it's also Capo's relationship with Alhaitham and she's so right ("Pardon me if I forget your name" "Is that any way to talk to me?" "What a shame if you misspeak now")
Clusterhug feels like a conversation between them and Tighnari (especially the first stanza), and Razzmatazz is their perspective after he joined the fascists,
Mad IQ is definitely Alhaitham's song ("I'm a voluntary victim"),
And Cyno's definitely singing New Invention. Ain't no way that's not his theme (and maybe Kaveh's as well),
(((I still stand my ground that From The Gallows is Visconti Diluc's theme ("you're beautiful and evil too, sinister and vile.") That creepy and rose-colored devotion fits too well with his character here, especially since he doesn't know that capo!reader's sick.)))
Edit: She also suggested these for 1981 EP:
Bleed Magic can be Tighnari's overall theme, especially the "you never know a single thing about me until it's far too late" line,
Social Climber as Capo!Reader's first few months/years joining the mafia (could also be Alhaitham's if you interpret the "when I'm with you." part as Capo!Reader),
Choke plays during Rosalyne's death (and I think this is also one of the secret route's theme but shhh),
Absinthe in relation to Capo!Reader's addiction (rehab), and I also think this can also relate to Kaveh but hmm we'll see in chapter 4,
And Do It All The Time is "their peak to Capo-hood lmao as they spiral to the reality of their mortality" and no truer words have ever been spoken (plus I think this also fits Tartaglia, but ironically. "Then I'm taking your girl, and I'm making her mine." He did not, in fact, take the girl lololol–.)
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indilaras · 2 years
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Cytham Week 2023
Day 2: Getting together
Alhaitham.exe is loading....
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lumitris · 2 years
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┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . 𝒥𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝑒𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @bitbrumal ⤸ [blood oath] diluc vows to hunt down & mutilatemaim murder those responsible for the alhaitham's bruises.
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A deep sigh passes his lips. Albeit, taking a brief moment of reflection, && allowing Diluc's anger for him to catch him by a pleasant surprise; so, maybe he did feel a bit touched by the concern. Still there wasn't a need to get heated, and with those facts already embedded in his mind, Alhaitham takes on a calmer approach as a hand 𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗦 to the side.
❝ I appreciate the concern. Mm, however extreme it might be. I can just imagine the expression on their faces if they were hunted down by someone like you. Well, I doubt their legs would work fast enough. ❞
An expressive display of violent intent. Well, it certainly amusing, and he didn't feel any sympathy for those poor souls either way. What goes around comes around, there would always be correspondence when one took action; in such a case, the cycle would just pass on and continue. He preferred to stop it before the wheel started to spin. It was better to approach all situations with a logical head.
❝ Well. They didn't manage to inflict any lasting damage. Thankfully, I imagine they didn't see much value in taking my life. Lucky me. ❞
The comparison between himself and Diluc is almost comical. Alhaitham was not the type to say things for the sole benefit of someone else's feelings; he was merely stating facts, and how he personally saw the situation. He also doubts his standpoint would give any comfort towards the man who looked ready to spill blood at a second's notice. When it came to intimidation, he mirrored and contrasted Cyno's own manner ━━━━ one, of course, kept a strong level of control.
A hand sits to rest upon Diluc's shoulder. It seemed time to deescalate the situation. Honestly, he had never seen Diluc lose his nerve like this; what other sides of him had he yet to see? Hm. That was an 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 thought for another time and another place.
❝ No sense in dwelling on it. They won't last long without getting themselves into deeper trouble, with or without your verdict. And me? I've said before, I'm just a feeble scholar, naturally I'd be a target. ❞
Arrogance dwells in a factual mind; he was a well-presented individual, so realistically, he'd find himself the target of thugs. Though, this encounter was unusual ━━━━ perhaps, when things calmed down, he'd share those thoughts. He wasn't the type to get hurt when push come to shove.
❝ If you wanted to make me feel better, all I need is you. If you went off to chase them down, that would be bad news for me. ❞
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Idk if im doing this right- sorry
Cyno for the mini event (prompt: insert pun i got nothing good rn sorry TvT)
"I really don't know what I'm going to do about this mess," you sighed. As you did, a large, slimy helmet found its place atop your head.
"Looks like you're in a giant pickle."
From the joke alone, you could tell who it was - the feared General Mahamatra, notorious for his atrocious sense of humour. While his junior was often bad enough to get you laughing at how bad they are, putting you in a literal giant pickle wasn't quite his best idea. Fortunately, as comically inept as he was, picking up on how you felt was contrarily easy for him.
"I apologise if I've upset you. Allow me to make it up to you?"
Giving him the benefit of your soft spot for him, you nodded; only for that reluctant fondness to turn to bewilderment as he pulled out a similar giant pickle helmet carved in the shape of his usual headpiece for himself.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
i just wanted faruzan but i was surprised with an oni and a fennec fox! but I'm happy i've wanted tighnari for so long now (being a tighnari fan is my part time job)
anyways! i was scrolling through my saved videos on tiktok and found this one video during cyno's story quest in the temple paimon said she's nervous and then cyno with his fine ass voice said "don't worry, you'll be safe with me" and boy did that make feel something
so i got this idea of reader in some kind of ruin or ominous place with cyno and maybe he noticed that they're a little stiff and on guard so to reassure them, again with his hot voice "don't worry, you'll be safe with me" and they just malfunctions like reader.exe stopped working with comical steam coming out of their bright red face
and the few days after that they'll recall in the memory in their bed so they stuff their head into their pillow and does the legs kicking the air like a schoolgirl in love
cyno is a down bad loser but so is reader
-cyno lovebot anon
Wait so why didn't you pull on Scaramouche's banner for Faruzan then? But still congrats on Tighnari! I don't have him leveled up *sobs as failure of a Tighnari fan* but he's so useful for collecting Sumeru mats
*nervous sweating because I'm not done with Cyno's story quest yet* wait I don't actually remember what I wrote in What The Heart Offers anymore ahahahaha I hope he was being reassuring about exploring the ruins too - but yes, ohhhh reader just giving schoolgirl vibes at this point despite being super oblivious pre-2.0 hahaha
But funny thought that immediately came to mind when I read that but I can imagine when Cyno said "don't worry, you'll be safe with me" in the story quest, inside his mind he probably added 'I've literally done this once/twice already' or maybe the spirit said that. If so, when he said that to reader too, he's probably like this is nothing new - loser ass not realizing the other losing their shit from that
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intogenshin · 4 months
I don't understand the writers' intention with cyno's character beyond just giving depth and credibility to the setting around him, he doesn't feel like a character of his own (to me*!!!)
On one hand, the spirit is part of who Cyno is and he needs it to fulfill his role in Sumeru, but on the other the quest is about him being more than the spirit's host? unlike Sethos who doesn't understand himself beyond it.
There's no reason for Cyno to need this power other than combat ability we have to assume is necessary for some unspecified future threat, because he never makes substantial use of Hermanubis in any critical point of the story against any enemy other than his duel with Sethos. The presence of Hermanubis is more a mark of Cyno's principles and values, a proof that he's the right person to fulfill this role the nation needs. And he also proves in his second quest that he has earned it.
That's fine too, but the quest tries to convince me that Sethos and Cyno are risking the same stakes in this duel? Why..? If Cyno lost the spirit he's still the General Mahamatra, that wasn't relevant in how he got the position (unless his haters were right?), he's still the family man that's raising a little sister (even though his relationship with Collei has never been given any serious relevance beyond her disliking his jokes after the comic), but Sethos was risking the entire legacy of his people and faith.
I'm being told Hermanubis is a crucial part of who Cyno is and that's why he keeps it, yet at the same time I see and I'm told that it isn't and being taken to the city favored Cyno. Which one is it?
He isn't his job, but the job needs him, and he's not defined by the job, but he has to be the symbol for the job. Make the character make sense.
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rougekithes · 10 months
The Cyno rerun is like... I kinda want his C2 (Since he's at C1 already anyways). Because I love him and he was my first limited 5* and he's baby and deserves everything good.
But- ever since I started to finally fucking understand how the damn game works, I STRUGGLE. Like, it's comical at this point.
I built him, he sucked. Didn't realise how EM works back then.
I rebuild him after getting his C1, he's now good but not great.
I get him Staff of Scarlet Sands, he's almost great.
I get him Nahida so I can have a proper Aggrevate Team. Now he's so broken in terms of damage that everything dies within 2 seconds after hitting his Burst, leaving me with no more dendro, which means he now sucks again and has about 15 more seconds of his 80 energy burst left in which he's kinda useless.
So Baizhu comes out, everyone says Baizhu is underwhelming. Two weeks later they tell me Baizhu is actually great for Cyno, allowing him to do multiwave combat. So I tell myself I'll get Baizhu on a rerun.
Baizhu reruns, but alas it's alongside fucking Furina, who ALSO enables Cyno like crazy. So now I'm in a predicament, do I get Baizhu? Do I get Furina? Decided Furina is probably worth more for me, because I can throw her onto Noelle, Neuvillette, Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari - anyone really- fuck, I could run dps kokomi now. while Baizhu helps me at max with Neuvi and Cyno.
Hoyo took the Sumeru poster child and said, "here. Have the electro version of Ayaka Premium. Gotta run a full team of 5 stars to make him work, as well as making you want C2 at minimum."
And don't get me started on the ER....
GOD THE ER, Artifacts hate me. Which you know. Would be fine. I don't need to shred the abyss with him - that's what I got Neuvi and Alhaitham for. But it'd be nice if I could kill a hilichurl during my commissions. I used to think it's not that bad but like- 80 energy cost burst. SO, you don't burst for the two random hilichurls. but his normal attack multipliers suck and his skill cooldown is weirdly long. in the time Cyno kills one hilichurl, Xiao is already done with the 3 mitachurls next door, because I get 3 (.... bc I'm a C1 hoe) charges that deal like 50k damage each and normals that go for 20k.
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