#I'm naming a hoya plant after her that's how important she is
pallanophblargh · 8 months
Lost in thoughts, endure a little more word vomit (emotional) if you will.
I received the news that a much beloved instructor of mine from the institute that won't be named passed away recently. I had the honor of taking her intaglio and relief/monotype/woodcut printmaking classes. They were the bright spark in a fog of dread, stress, and overwhelming feelings of inadequacy. They were what I looked forward to every week.
You really don't understand how much an impact someone has had on you until they're gone, sometimes.
I may not have the tools at my disposal to do a proper intaglio piece, but I can still make a book or a linocut, in her honor.
Jody, you left a bright spot in the heart of a jaded cynic who had no real business going to school for art. You were a real one. And everyone who ever met you knew it.
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