#I'm not about to go check those though šŸ˜¹ Even i don't know all of them off the top of my head
cinna-bunnie Ā· 3 months
you have 7+ computers ? ? i am so curious about the uses for them o_o
drawing laptop
older laptop w shitty battery
mini PC i use to clone a bunch of laptops in my home office (work related)
work laptop
gaming PC/general use
old art mini PC, i don't rly use this much bc drawing worked nicer on Linux and I'm on hiatus w music for the foreseeable future
mini PC mounted to the ceiling by a projector in the living room, for movie nights n stuff :3 this is the one that could be moved to Linux
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menefie Ā· 7 months
My wanty catass went on a search for the only exsit I want sex from, and his ass gone.
He randomly disappeared after arranging to hangout early last year. I figured he blocked me and didn't check further till now, and he nowhere I can see.
Anything could've happened with his shady ass, but I like to think he just went full on hermit mode. He was a cold acting loner who did bad things, but also super caring for those/what he loved (didn't love me, unfortunately), so him simply deciding to disappear fits within that. But damn.
I thought though, with all my options, why would I only want him, and I realized visual and auditory experiences is what I love most about sex (aside from knowing the person won't stress me out like thatšŸ˜¹). Like the physical sex can be weak but if you look AND sound good doing it Imma still fw it after whatever bs.
This guy was the whole sex package though. And I'm just like if I must've sex without a good lasting relationship I want the šŸ”„. Like I doubt he found a solid relationship (like near all my exsits) and I couldn't still get it. Plus there was a chance we'd work well with whatever since he claimed he was a better person. But, obviously not now.
Also going through old messages and whatnot reminded me at least most my exsits never actually fw what I had going on, but just whatever they thought they were getting with/from me.
Ik for facts I never did shit to people to make them not at least fw the positive. Like, for me, if I'm not friends with/follow you on social media, you fell off very bad or factually proved to be a disingenuous person. Otherwise I fw who I fw even I don't have or feel for them the same.
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0 notes
whumpmatsus Ā· 3 years
Sup fam! šŸ‘‹ while I'm still organizing my own list of ways to torments the bois, I thought I'd send my first request in! Not exactly sure how the different combos can work, but maybe 19 for Ichimatsu? šŸ˜¼
Definitely more to come lol šŸ˜¹ but I'll make sure to spread them out so you don't feel overwhelmed. Thank you so much, I caaaare yooooou šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž
Ultimate Whump Writing Meme! / ACCEPTING!
19. Grief/mourning
OHOHO I can't wait to see your list! X3c
the combos are pretty easy, I can see where they might be confusing tho! some of them don't have letters along with the number which means it's not a 'category', it's just its own thing, but if it does have letters to go with it, you can choose one of those letters.
LIKE, say if you sent a request for a character with 1A, the 1 is "acute infectious disease", which is like, pretty broad and contains a TON of different diseases, which have their own letters. so if you just sent 1 by itself I'd spin the wheel to see which illness I felt like giving the character, but if you specify 1A, that means the request is for the character suffering from a cold!
another example, 6 is the "broken bones" category, you can send that to let me choose which bone I wanna break, but there's also the choice of different ones so if you send, ohhh, 6A, that means you want the character to have a broken rib
SO YEAH I can see where it's a lil confusing but I hope I explained it ok!!
(send ALL THE REQUESTS you could never overwhelm me XD)
anyways I've seen this idea done a couple times but I haven't seen anyone put an Iro spin on it and I was craving that Iro content sooooo...
TRIGGER WARNING though, for animal death! tread lightly <3
Ichimatsu has been sitting outside for hours holding the body.
It was a surprise to everyone when he came home carrying a heap of fluffy orange fur, not moving or breathing. Ichimatsu himself looked no different than usual, his half-lidded expression, probably too in shock to have an actual response. He was immediately crowded around, everyone asking questions, and all he could do was explain in that soft-spoken voice he uses when heā€™s trying not to cry.
He didnā€™t even really know what happened himself. He just told them he hadnā€™t seen ESP Kitty for a few days, and then tonight he went out to feed all his catsā€¦ and there was his precious friend in the alley. Surrounded by a bunch of his other cats, almost like they were protecting him, and moving only once Ichimatsu approached.
The tears started to form when he talked about picking ESP Kitty up, seeing the catā€™s eyes open to look up at him. And ESP Kitty let out a weak meow, closed his eyes, and died in Ichimatsuā€™s arms. ā€œIt was like he was waiting for me,ā€ Ichimatsu said bitterly, and the tears began to drip down. ā€œLike he was just hanging on long enough to say goodbye.ā€
Then he pushed past all of his brothers, went out the back door, and has been sitting on the grass outside ever since.
None of them really know what to do or how to handle this. Itā€™s the first time one of Ichimatsuā€™s cats has passed away, and especially one who he was so close to; who they were all so close to, to be honest. Theyā€™ve all kind of hung back, thinking he needs some time alone to process everything. After all, Ichimatsu likes to be left alone at the best of times, and none of them can imagine him reacting positively to their company right now.
However, when itā€™s time to get ready for bed, around midnight when they all start to get tired, Ichimatsu hasnā€™t come back inside. Itā€™s not exactly freezing outside, but itā€™s certainly a chilly fall evening, and theyā€™re starting to worry that he might be losing himself in his grief.
Before any of them can actually agree on who would be the best fit to go check on him, Karamatsuā€™s volunteered to take first crack at it. Tonight it seems like heā€™s the one not taking no for an answer rather than caving to everyone else. The rest of them look at each other with a silent exchange of words, and eventually come to the conclusion that, as kind and sensitive as Karamatsu is, he may be able to at least get Ichimatsu to come inside. If not, heā€™ll be back with a fresh bruise and someone else can give it a try.
So Karamatsu throws his hoodie on, grabs one of their thicker spare blankets, and heads outside.
Predictably, Ichimatsu is sitting in the same spot as he was the last time any of them looked out. Heā€™s huddled in the grass near the back steps, curled up with his knees hugged against himself, with ESP Kittyā€™s body cradled to his chest. His head is ducked down at an angle that doesnā€™t allow anyone to see an expression.
Karamatsu shivers a bit when he steps out ā€• glad he thought to bring the blanket with him. He doesnā€™t say a word as he lowers himself down next to his little brother, and gently drapes the blanket around Ichimatsuā€™s shoulders.
The way Ichimatsuā€™s frame shudders suggests that he didnā€™t realize how cold he was until he now has something warm around him. He doesnā€™t really lift his head.
Thatā€™s not really promising, but Karamatsu has never been one to just give up, particularly when one of his brothers is in such a bad state. He shifts around a little, trying to get comfortable, lightly nudging his knee against Ichimatsuā€™s.
At last Ichimatsu speaks up in a mumble. ā€œI donā€™t want to talk, Karamatsu.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t have to.ā€ Karamatsu matches his brotherā€™s volume, slightly caught off guard that Ichimatsu has actually called him by name. ā€œI just wanted to check on you. Everyoneā€™s worried. Itā€™s getting cold out, and you didnā€™t even come in to eat dinner.ā€
ā€œWasnā€™t hungry. And Iā€™m warmer now. So thereā€™s nothing to worry about.ā€
There is, though. Thereā€™s always something to worry about when people are mourning the loss of someone or something important to them. Although the rest of the brothers understand they canā€™t just tell Ichimatsu not to grieve (and that they canā€™t just not grieve themselves), ignoring his own wellbeing isnā€™t going to help a damn thing.
Karamatsu sits in silence for a moment, side by side with his little brother, before glancing over to take stock of the scene. Now that heā€™s closer, he can see tear tracks on Ichimatsuā€™s cheeks, that his eyes are red and puffy from crying. ESP Kittyā€™s body is resting there in his arms like the two of them were made for each other. If it werenā€™t for the fact that the cat isnā€™t breathing, it might look like he was just asleep.
Perhaps what makes Karamatsu best for the job is that he wasnā€™t as close to ESP Kitty as some of the others. He was still recovering from other injuries while the rest of the family bonded with him. Thatā€™s not to say that he doesnā€™t care about the cat, because of course he loved ESP Kitty as much as his brothers. But he doesnā€™t have as strong an emotional attachment, so he may not fall to pieces the way, say, Choromatsu might. Hopefully, that means it will be easier for him to comfort Ichimatsu.
He lifts a hand and reaches over, giving delicate pets between ESP Kittyā€™s ears; he almost expects Ichimatsu to jerk away or slap his hand. It doesnā€™t happen. Though he flinches a little, he doesnā€™t stop Karamatsu from touching his friend.
ā€œYou know,ā€ he muses, ā€œI didnā€™t know this little fellow as well as the rest of you did. I regret that. Do you think I could hold him for a moment?ā€
Thatā€™s what gets a reaction from Ichimatsu. The fourth eldest violently shakes his head, clutching the cat closer to him as if he feels the need to protect the cat. ā€œNo. I canā€™t let go of him. I canā€™t put him down.ā€
Karamatsu tilts his head, and pulls his hand away both to avoid distressing Ichimatsu further and to rub his brotherā€™s back. He doesnā€™t say anything, just making sure Ichimatsu sees the inquisitive head tilt.
ā€œI canā€™t let go of him,ā€ Ichimatsu repeats. The tears start anew, spilling down his face. ā€œIf I let goā€¦ā€ He crumples in on himself, holding ESP Kitty as close as he possibly can. ā€œIf I let goā€¦ then heā€™s really goneā€¦ā€
His voice breaks and raises half an octave on those last few words. He starts to sob again, pressing his forehead against the top of ESP Kittyā€™s head.
Karamatsu hesitates to lead Ichimatsu into a hug, fearing it wonā€™t be tolerated well, then quickly bridges the gap once Ichimatsu leans in against him. For a long time, he holds Ichimatsu close, stroking his hair and rubbing his shoulder and letting him cry.
He doesnā€™t know quite what to say. Everything he says either sounds cruel or patronizing in his head.
So heā€™s quiet for a while, simply allowing Ichimatsu to weep, embracing his brother tightly like that will take all the pain away. He knows it wonā€™t. And he doesnā€™t want to take the pain away; this kind of loss should hurt, and itā€™s almost a good thing that Ichimatsu can still feel pain. It means that his depression isnā€™t blocking him from feeling anything, that heā€™s still in touch with his emotions even if he has trouble with it sometimes.
Besidesā€¦ if heā€™s going to come through his grief, it canā€™t just be shoved down and forgotten about. He remembers what heā€™s told Ichimatsu before, that sometimes when it hurts, the only thing to do is let it hurt so that it can be healed. Nothing good comes from wanting to deny oneā€™s emotions, regardless of what they are.
He brushes a kiss over the top of Ichimatsuā€™s head. ā€œHeā€™s gone either way,ā€ Karamatsu sighs, and he feels almost like a monster to say that. But what happens if Ichimatsu keeps holding on, never letting go? Heā€™ll stay stuck. Heā€™ll rot in the past and heā€™ll lose himself and the rest of them will lose their brother. He has to accept that, as tragic and painful as it is, his friend isnā€™t with them anymore.
Ichimatsuā€™s cries have faded to dull whimpers, stinging eyes as he wipes his tears against the shoulder of Karamatsuā€™s hoodie. ā€œIā€¦ I knowā€¦ā€ He blinks and looks down, petting ESP Kittyā€™s back. ā€œBut it hurts. I want him back. Iā€™m so angryā€¦ I donā€™t even know what happened to him. Was he sick and I didnā€™t notice? Did he get hurt and I canā€™t see it? I promised Iā€™d take care of himā€¦ that Iā€™d never let anything happen to himā€¦ and nowā€¦ I wasnā€™t thereā€¦ā€
ā€œYou were always there,ā€ Karamatsu reassures, tracing lines between Ichimatsuā€™s shoulder blades. ā€œYouā€™re always there for all of your cats. I know it hurts not knowing what happened, butā€¦ whatever happened, it wasnā€™t your fault. You took such good care of him, and he loved you so much.ā€
ā€œHe was my best friend.ā€ Ichimatsu sniffles and draws in a shaky breath. ā€œIt was just so fuckingā€¦ easyā€¦ with him. He never judged me or thought I was a freak or cared about anything everybody else cares about. All he knew was that I kept him fed and I loved him and that was it.ā€
Karamatsu nods. Thatā€™s just the way animals are, he thinks. Animals and babies; they donā€™t have any ability to judge, and as long as someone takes care of them and treats them well, they love unconditionally. ā€œHe loved you, Ichimatsu. You made his life the best it could be. I understand you donā€™t want anyone to know this, butā€¦ you have a very good heart.ā€
That gets a brief, mirthless laugh from his little brother. His fingers continue to pet down ESP Kittyā€™s back, and he sniffles again. ā€œHe used to curl up and purr really loud when I pet him like this. And there was that timeā€¦ I got all jealous because he was following Totty aroundā€¦ā€ He lets out another laugh, a few more tears falling down his cheeks. ā€œAndā€¦ā€
ā€œAnd it turned out Jyushimatsu had put a cat treat in Tottyā€™s hoodie pocket to prank you,ā€ Karamatsu chuckles. ā€œTotty was taking his hoodie off at the end of the day, and it fell out, and you almost throttled him because you thought he was the one pranking you!ā€
Ichimatsuā€™s laughing a little harder, still crying the whole time. ā€œOh, my God. I was so pissed. I scooped up ESP Kitty and went to my little corner and didnā€™t talk to Jyushi for the rest of the night. Then the next morning Jyushi held up ESP Kitty and apologized in that stupid voice, like he always does.ā€
Karamatsu lets out a breath and tugs the blanket a bit tighter around Ichimatsuā€™s shoulders. ā€œJyushimatsu could never get ESP Kittyā€™s meow right, either. Which is funny, because he and Osomatsu are the best mimics of us all.ā€
ā€œYeah, no. ESP Kitty had the best meow. And the best purr.ā€ Ichimatsuā€™s hand shifts upwards, scratching behind the catā€™s ears. ā€œHe always knew when I was sad. If I was having a bad day and he was around, heā€™d come and curl up in my lap and purr like a Goddamn motorboat. And I dunno why, butā€¦ it always made me feel better. I could listen to him purring and feel it against my stomach for hours.ā€
ā€œIt was special, youā€™re right.ā€ Another shiver from Ichimatsu makes a light bulb go off in Karamatsuā€™s head. ā€œI rememberā€¦ when it was raining or snowing, you would always bring him inside the house. And Mommy doesnā€™t like the cats inside overnight, but you convinced her to make an exception. Itā€™s getting awfully cold out tonight.ā€
He tilts his head down, just a little, just enough that he can bring his little brotherā€™s eyes to meet his. ā€œā€¦ Ichimatsu. Why donā€™t we bring him inside?ā€
Ichimatsuā€™s face scrunches up, and more tears start a new cascade down his face. His grip around ESP Kitty tightensā€¦ but he nods.
ā€œYā€¦ yeah. Okay. He can warm upā€¦ andā€¦ e-everyone elseā€¦ can say goodbye.ā€ He allows Karamatsu to carefully guide him to his feet, leaning on his big brother as they walk up the steps. ā€œDoā€¦ do you thinkā€¦ Mom would let us bury him back hereā€¦?ā€
Karamatsu hums. ā€œIf you can convince her to let him stay in the house overnight, I think you can convince her to do anything, my brother.ā€
The smile Ichimatsu gives is shaky, and vanished as quickly as it came. When they get to the top steps, he pauses, turning to his older brother. ā€œUhā€¦ do youā€¦ do you maybe wanna hold him?ā€
Karamatsu gives a smile in return, sad and understanding, then he gives Ichimatsuā€™s shoulders a squeeze and kisses the side of his forehead. ā€œOnce we get inside, I would like that. Right now, let me hold you. Alright?ā€
Ichimatsu takes in a quivery breath, pressing himself in against Karamatsuā€™s side in search of support. He knows by now that heā€™ll get it, even when he doesnā€™t really want it, but especially when he truly needs it. ā€œThā€¦ thanks, Karamatsu.ā€
So they head into the house. Thereā€™s grief behind them and grief ahead ā€• for how long, who knows?
At least Ichimatsu feels better walking into it with his brothers by his side than walking into it alone.
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straycalypso Ā· 3 years
Hi! Congratulations on 200 followers!
For the event, I'd like a bsd matchup.
My pronouns are she/her with male preference.
My personality type is ISTP and I'm a Gemini. I'm really introverted and I prefer to stay in than go out. I can seem really cold and distant, but in reality I'm really touch starved but I don't know how to initiate it and I'm too shy to. To go with that, I suck at expressing my emotions and I can seem really unenthusiastic or uninterested, but I really am not, I just don't know how to get my thoughts across properly. I can also get quite protective of friends and family.
My top 5 anime are (in no particular order): Tower of God, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Bungo Stray Dogs, and Angels of Death.
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ā˜¼ omg thank you for listing your favorite animes! I havenā€™t seen many from your list but Iā€™ll definitely be checking some of those out šŸ˜¹!
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š™ø šš–ššŠššššŒšš‘ šš¢šš˜ššž šš šš’šššš‘...
ā†  ššššŠšš—šš™šš˜ š™“šššš˜ššššŠšš ššŠ ā†ž
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ā˜¼ ranpo is the person I instantly thought of
ā˜¼ to begin with, we all know this man can figure out anything
ā˜¼ for that reason, while you may seem uninterested/unenthusiastic, he knows you are not. He isnā€™t called the best detective for nothing!
ā˜¼ he knows and understands you better than anyone else. You hardly ever have to explain how you feel to him
ā˜¼ ranpo can also tell when you want affection and that youā€™re shy to initiate it so you heā€™s got you!
ā˜¼ I can totally see him being playful about it though. Sometimes heā€™ll pretend to not know that you want attention/affection just cause heā€™s ranpo
ā˜¼ he doesnā€™t go overboard with his teasing and will cave though
ā˜¼ heā€™s definitely an attention hog so heā€™ll likely initiate affection on his own anyway
ā˜¼ doesnā€™t mind that youā€™re shy at all by the way! Heā€™d find it adorable
ā˜¼ ranpo lowkey likes your protectiveness.
ā˜¼ he needs help doing a lot of normal tasks so if youā€™re being protective and your attention is on him heā€™ll love it
ā˜¼ omg but please praise this man. He loves receiving compliments and praise but when itā€™s from you itā€™s 10x better
ā˜¼ youā€™re the only person he will share his sweets with just thought I should throw that out there
ā˜¼ heā€™s an intp so he also tends to be more introverted
ā˜¼ heā€™s lazy so I 100% believe heā€™d rather stay at home with you than go out too
ā˜¼ ā€œranpo you need to goooo to work, Iā€™m sure they need you thereā€
ā˜¼ ā€œI donā€™t careā€
ā˜¼ biggest man child but great boyfriend
ā˜¼ youā€™ll never have to feel misunderstood around him and heā€™ll 100% never make you feel unloved
ā˜¼ also expect a lot of affection and whining for attention from him šŸ˜¹
ā˜¼ overall, a good match! Your protectiveness will come in handy around him lol and heā€™ll know you better than anyone else 100%!
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ā†  ā€œ(y/nnnnn)ā€ is the first thing you hear while entering your apartment. Youā€™d been gone almost all day and you were sure your boyfriend was dying for some attention (and candy). Times like these are your favorite. Work can make it difficult to see each other often, so you look forward to these evenings.
Ranpo is sitting on the couch, whole body stretched out. One of his arms is laying on top of his eyes while the other hangs off the couch. ā€œ(Y/nnnnnn)ā€ he whines again.
You quietly make your way across the living room knowing exactly what he wants. You kneel down to his level and immediately, he grabs your hand with his free one, and places it atop his head. ā€œPlay with my hair.ā€
You giggle at his childish behavior and nudge his side to get him to move over. ā€œScoot ranpo.ā€ He obliges and moves to make a space for you on the small couch. You lay down and begin to rake your hand through his soft hair which causes him to wrap an arm around you and nuzzle into your side. This adorable man child seriously wants your attention every minute of the day. You donā€™t really mind though, itā€™s quite cute.
ā€œDid you bring me candy?ā€ You look down to see him already staring at you. ā€œCourse, what kind of a girlfriend would I be if I didnā€™t bring my childish boyfriend candy?ā€ You tease.
He makes a pouty face before reaching up to place a light kiss on your mouth. ā€œThank you (y/n).ā€ In an instant, he lays his head between your shoulder and neck and tightness his grip around you.
ā€œI love you.ā€
ā€œI love you too, ranpo.ā€
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