#I'm not as religous as I made nerzhan (I don't know my stance on it) but well
nameification · 2 years
33 and 34 for any of the characters in the sinners (or the virtues, whoever u wanna talk abt more :D)
So the funny thing is, there's a canonical repository on notable characters/POIs that is being held by "The Head Archivist of the Daybreak Institute" (coughcough its one of the 7sins) where after each little official description there's a small sort of footnote/sticky note from said Head Archivist detailing their more interperseonal feelings on said characters (i might add a snippet but the thing is barely started)
hmm I think I'll do Nerzhan and Alexander. Been thinking about those two the most as of recent
33. How would other characters describe your character?
The first thing you would notice/hear of about Nerzhan, if you yourself was a character within HaTFS, is the tall, rather slender figure that leans upon a cane (This is Nerzhan, not Jubilee, the Leader of the Seven Sins Task Force). If you knew she was Jubilee, you'd be surprised since Jubilee very much moves around during combat. Well, with the power of combat prosthetics and adrenaline she can mitigate the pain as much as she can and fight. She still prefers to use a cane though
The next thing people oft comment about is her eyes. Though she doesn't have any irises, the gaze is piercing enough that just a glance in the general direction is enough to send someone into unease. People comment about how there's a faint purple hue but with how shit has been going for the past few years? they don't bother asking
A lot of people will also note the flowers in her hair. They often resemble sakuras, but people will note that they often also appear as other vaguely pink flowers
If you ask someone what they think of Nerzhan, they might say religous, cunning, but sensible. If you ask someone closer, they'd add that she is kind but a little skeptical (they'd say she has her reasons)
The first thing people will say about Alexander is that he is beautiful and solitary. They will note the bored look on his face, the way he avoids others, the way his skin is soft and clear and how his hair curls in just the right spots, how he is both slender and muscular and "too perfect in the physical sense"
The next thing people commnet on that they are always holding something. Often a cigarette, but sometimes a glass or his phone or this weird chain piece he'll play with. He'll twirl his fingers through his hair sometimes
If you ask others what he is like, they'd say he is aloof, a bit haughty, a bit unsociable, mysterious and doesn't like flirting but a fun guy to be around. If you ask those closer, they'd say he likes his peace, isn't afraid of speaking out, and is fun and actually nice
34. How would the character describe themself?
Nerzhan would call herself religous, first thing's first. Maybe she wouldn't say it aloud at first, but you would be able to infer it from the fact her favorite hobbies are going to church (and morning walks and flower art and card games with randos online) and her favorite songs seem to be from church (Magnificat and her church's rendition of anima cristi)
She tries to be a little less obnoxious about her religion, after Mara and Atticus and Dehlia have asked her too at least
(Pride, Nerzhan, Jubilee, the Envoy of Lucifer, the one who fell from grace as he betrayed God, an ardent believer in the faith Lucifer lacked)
Nerzhan wouldn't say much else about herself, honestly. Well, if prompted, she'd elaborate on the flowers. She'd say they represent the people she trusts, but she won't elaborate any more
Just uh- don't ask about the cane. If she trusts you enough, she'll tell you, but if not you might feel the weight of her glare directly targeted at you
Alexander (Andy, if you know him well) talks with those he doesn't know like he's walking a tightrope of being friendly and on the verge of his patience. Andy describes himself as a loner, someone who doesn't like being around people, but he likes smoking and a good drink and making good drinks so he's a good chat
And then you ask him about love
If you're distant, the question people most likely ask them is "I'm free tonight if you know what I mean" or some variation thereof. That is when Andy gets just a teensy bit violent
He's not really a fan of romance (or sex). Not exactly in the media he watches, but moreso in his personal life. He's aroace, and he won't say that to a stranger, but (despite his more known identity as Adonis, the Envoy of Asmodeus, Lord Demon of Lust,) he is not interested in any of that.
If anyone tries to make a move on him he'll shut it down immediately. If the other is persistent, he'll get away or accept and just not follow through. He has his preferences.
However, someone close has asked Andy what love means to him. He's always said that love to him is nothing romantic. Love, to him, is all the little moments, the pieces of devotion, the desire to actually spend time with someone
bonus something: Michael Michaels
This man is going to be just a little bit pathetic. Just a teensy bit. He's the best combatant out of all the virtues but he's also just. so tired. He wants to quit his job but he can't cause the sinners have done it and The Commander is basically kinda threatening to fucking murder him if he steps too much out of line so he'll deal with it for now
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