#hereafter the fallen skies
nameification · 1 year
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lifeofresulullah · 3 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
After the Death of the Prophet (PBUH)
The pure soul of the Seal of the Prophets reached A’la al-Illiy­yun (the Highest Rank). His wives put a cloth over his body and started to cry.
Usama heard from his mother that the Messenger of Allah was living his last moments, he postponed setting off and came to the Mosque with his army. When the Companions heard the cries and screams coming from the house of the Prophet, they were shocked. It was as if the sky had fallen on them. Everybody was stupefied; the eyes were shedding tears of sorrow and grief.
Even Hazrat Umar, who was a symbol of courage and justice, was affected badly from that terrible moment; he was terrified and shouted,
“The Messenger of Allah did not die. He is alive. He was struck by lightning like Moses. If anyone says, ‘Muhammad died’, I will split him into two with my sword.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr Soothes People
When the Messenger of Allah died, Hazrat Abu Bakr was in his house in Sunh. They gave him the bad news. Hazrat Abu Bakr, who felt as if one part of his part broke off, went to the house of the Messenger of Allah quickly.  
He lifted the cloth that covered the blessed face of the Messenger of Allah in terror and astonishment. His face was in the form of embodied light. He bowed down and kissed the Prophet’s bright and luminous forehead three times. He uttered the following words in tears:  
“O Messenger of Allah! Your death is as clean and graceful as your life.”
Then, he consoled the household of the Prophet.
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar
After leaving the house of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr went to the Mosque. He heard Hazrat Umar say, “The Messenger of Allah did not die.” Thereupon, he said,
“Whoever worships Muhammad (pbuh) should know that Muhammad (pbuh) died. Whoever worships Allah should know that Allah is Hayy (immortal).”
Then, he recited the following verse:
“Muhammad is no more than a Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away before Him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve him) with gratitude”
This verse had been sent down during the Battle of Uhud, when a rumor stating that Muhammad was killed became widespread. Though the Companions had read that verse, maybe, hundreds or thousands times, but they seemed to have forgotten it due to their sorrow at that time.
However, Hazrat Abu Bakr who maintained his strength did not forget it; he fulfilled a great service and duty by reminding the Companions about it.
Upon the speech and reminder of Hazrat Abu Bakr, the Companions came to their senses. They pulled themselves together and overcame their astonishment.
Then, Hazrat Abu Bakr recited the following verse:
“(O Prophet! Truly thou wilt die (one day), and truly they (too) will die (one day).”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who did not lose his strength, fulfilled a great service for the Islamic community through his speech.
The distinguished Companions realized and accepted that the Messenger of Allah had died; Hazrat Umar gave up saying, “the Messenger of Allah did not die.” And he came to his senses.
Madinah had never been so full of joy when the Messenger of Allah arrived in Madinah for the first time since the city was founded; the same Madinah was experiencing the saddest moments now; the skies of Madinah were covered with sorrow and grief.
Hazrat Abu Bakr is Elected as Caliph
Upon the death of the Messenger of Allah, Madinah was mourning. Eyes were shedding tears and hearts were shedding sorrow and grief.  
However, mourning and sorrow would not settle things. It was necessary to elect a president, a Caliph, who would take care of the affairs of the Muslims and who would apply the decrees of Islam.
Soon, there was an attempt to choose the Caliph. The person that deserved this post more than everybody else was Hazrat Abu Bakr because the highest rank of the Companions were the most distinguished Companions that believed first in Makkah. And the most virtuous of them was Hazrat Abu Bakr. In fact, Hazrat Abbas and Hazrat Ali were closer to the Messenger of Allah than anybody else in terms of kinship but the Prophet regarded Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was his friend in cave, superior to all of the Companions. He showed it when he was ill too. He ordered all of the doors opening to the Mosque to be closed but let the door of Hazrat Abu Bakr open. He handed over the duty of leading prayers Hazrat Abu Bakr three days before his death. He made Abu Bakr lead prayers, one of the most important pillars of Islam. Therefore, he was the one that deserved being the Caliph after the death of the Messenger of Allah. And it happened like that.
After the long talks and negotiations made on Monday, the day when the Messenger of Allah died, from the afternoon until the evening, Hazrat Abu Bakr was elected the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah and people paid allegiance to him.
General Allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr
It was Rabiul-Awwal 13, Tuesday...
Hazrat Abu Bakr went to the Mosque of the Prophet and ascended to the pulpit.
Before he started to speak, Hazrat Umar stood up. After praising and thanking Allah, Hazrat Umar addressed the Muslims: “Allah made the best of you, the friend of the Messenger of Allah in the cave, your Caliph. Stand up and pay allegiance to him.”
The Muslims in the mosque stood up and paid general allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr.
After the allegiance, Hazrat Abu Bakr praised and thanked Allah, and spoke as follows:
O people! I was elected as your governor and Caliph though I am not the best of you. If I do good deeds, help me; if I do bad deeds, show me the right way. Honesty is reliability. Telling lies is betrayal. Inshaallah, the weakest one of you will be the strongest one of you in my eye until I surrender him his right. Inshaallah, the strongest one of you will be the weakest one of you in my eye until I remove from him the rights of others.
O people! Do not give up fighting in the way of Allah. Know it very well that a nation that gives up jihad will be servile. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger; if I do not obey Allah and His Messenger, do not obey me. I ask forgiveness for me and you from Allah.”
The Prophet is Washed and Enshrouded
The Muslims were busy with electing the Caliph, who would take care of the affairs of the Muslims, on the 12th day of the month of Rabiul-Awwal from the afternoon until the evening; so washing and enshrouding the dead body of the Prophet was postponed to Tuesday. After the general allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr was completed in the Mosque of the Prophet on Tuesday, the dead body of the Messenger of Allah was started to be washed and enshrouded.  
Hazrat Ali, Abbas, Fadl b. Abbas, Qusam b. Abbas, Usama b. Zayd and Shukran (Salih), the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah, were in the house of the Prophet in order to wash him.
Ansar also wanted to contribute to this lofty service. They expressed their wish regarding the issue. Hazrat Ali allowed Aws b. Hawli on behalf of Ansar.
Hazrat Ali washed the Messenger of Allah because he said to Hazrat Ali when he was alive, “You wash my body when I die.”
Aws b. Hawli brought water with a pitcher; Abbas, Usama and Shukran poured water over the body of the Prophet. Hazrat Ali rubbed the body of the Prophet with the cloth that he wrapped around his hand. The body of the Prophet was very clean; it smelled nice. The house of the Prophet smelt very nice; they had not smelt such nice scent before. There was nothing in or on the body of the Prophet that were usually seen in dead bodies. While washing the Prophet, Hazrat Ali said, “May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! O Messenger of Allah! You are clean when you are alive and dead.”
After the washing was completed, the Seal of the Prophet was enshrouded by Hazrat Ali, Ab­bas, Fadl b. Abbas and Shukran.
Janazah Prayer of the Prophet is Performed
On the 13th of the month of Rabiul-Awwal, Tuesday, the washing and enshrouding of the Messenger of Allah was completed before noon. The body was put on the bed of the room of the Prophet. At first the men, then the women and last of all the children fulfilled their last duty toward the Prophet in awe and sorrow.  
Burial of the Messenger of Allah
The issue of where to bury the Messenger of Allah was negotiated.
Some people suggested taking the body to Makkah; some suggested burying him in Madinah in the Cemetery of Baqi and others suggested burying him in the Mosque.
However, Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “I heard this sentence from the Messenger of Allah and I have not forgotten it: ‘God Almighty removed the soul of each prophet where He wanted him to be buried.’ Therefore, we should bury the Messenger of Allah where his bed he lied on was.”
This suggestion was adopted by the Companions. Thus, they decided to dig the place under the bed in the house of Aisha as the grave of the Messenger of Allah. Then, the bed was removed and that place was dug in the form of a grave.
Bilal Makes Muslims Cry
The Messenger of Allah had not been buried yet.
Bilal called the adhan with his touching voice. When he uttered, “Ashadu anna Muhammada’r-R­asu­lul­lah”, the Companions started to cry sobbingly. The Mosque of the Prophet was full of crying sounds.  
It was the last adhan recited by Bilal. He did not recite adhan again after the death of the Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet is Put into the Grave
It was late Wednesday night.
The Companions placed the dead body of the Messenger of Allah into the grave among tears.
We have tried to narrate the phases of this unique life as much as we can; now we are finishing it with the following prayer:
O Allah! Do not keep us away from the sunnah of Your Messenger in this world; do not deprive us of his intercession in the hereafter!
Amin... Amin... Amin...
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basicsofislam · 4 years
If someone doesnot wash himself and clean his small room for a month, they will become extremely dirty and soiled. That is to say, the cleanliness, purity, and luminosity in this palace of the world arise from a continuous, wise, and diligent cleaning. If it was not for this cleaning, sweeping and careful tending, in one year all the hundred thousand animal species would have been choked on the face of the earth.
Also, the debris of the globes in space and the heavens, which manifest life and death, and of satellites and stars, would have smashed not only our heads and those of the other animals, but also the head of the earth itself and of our world. They would have rained down on our heads rocks the size of mountains and driven us away from our homeland in this world. However, for a long time past, if as a warning a few meteorites have fallen as a result of destruction and reconstruction in those lofty worlds, they have not broken any heads.
Furthermore, the corpses of a hundred thousand animal species and the debris of two hundred thousand plant species each year on the face of the earth resulting from the alternation and struggles of life and death would have so utterly filthied the land and the sea that conscious creatures, rather than loving and delighting in the face of the earth, would have felt disgust and aversion at such ugliness and fled to death and non-existence.
Just as a bird cleans its wings with ease and a scribe his pages, so also are the wings of the aircraft of the earth and the birds of the heavenly bodies and the pages of the book of the universe cleaned and made beautiful. And so much so that those who do not consider the infinite beauty of the Hereafter and think with belief become lovers of this cleanliness and beauty of the world, they worship it.
That is to say, this palace of the world and factory of the universe display a greatest manifestation of the Divine Name of Most Holy whereby it is not only the carniverous cleaners of the seas and the eagles of the land which obey the commands proceeding from that sacred cleansing, but also its cleansing officials which gather up corpses, like worms and ants. Like the red and white blood-corpuscles flowing in the body obey those sacred commands and do the cleaning in the body’s cells, so does breathing purify and clean the blood.
And as eyelids obey the command to clean the eye and flies to brush their wings, so the extensive atmosphere and the clouds obey it. The air blows upon the pieces of dust and soil settled on the surface and face of the earth and cleans it. The sponges of the clouds sprinkle water on the garden of the earth and becalm the dust and soil. Then, in order not to dirty the sky, the air quickly collects the earth’s rubbish and withdraws and hides itself with perfect orderliness. It displays the beautiful face and eye of the skies as swept and polished, all sparkling and shining.
And as the stars, elements, minerals, and plants obey the command to clean, all particles and atoms also obey it: they pay attention to cleanliness within the astonishing upheavals of change and transformation. They never congregate anywhere unnecessarily and get in the way. And if they do become soiled, they are quickly cleaned. They are impelled by a hand of wisdom to acquire the cleanest, neatest, and most shining states and the most beautiful, pure and subtle forms.
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lucanforfonte · 2 years
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❦  BOOK ONE - A Realm Reborn   ❦  
❧ CHAPTER TWO - - - - - The Summerford Guard PART THREE: the calm
It was in those moments of quiet and reflection where he thought he found a semblance of peace in his heart.
       Most nights patrolling were quiet, eventless and nothing more than a stray jackal or errant cave bat to contend with. A few drunkards here and there on their way home from a night in the Drowning Wench. He’d see them home safely before resuming his leisurely stride along the roads. 
Every so often, he’d stop to take in the sights. Like when festivities or celebrations in the heart of Limsa would illuminate the skies with fireworks. He’d make his way down to the Zephyr gate and stand against the stone wall of the bridge, the best view save for inside Limsa. 
He’d watch. He’d hear the booming of the explosives, see the dazzling glint of colorful lights reflecting on the sea’s calm surface, smell the stench of gunpowder in the air mixing with the salty brine of the shoreline. It was in those moments of quiet and reflection where he thought he found a semblance of peace in his heart. Those moments where his axe would remain safely strapped to his back and his long fingers would find their way to the pendant around his neck. A remnant of his Temple Knight days. His wife had been with him then, when he’d received it, when he’d first joined the order. She’d died not two summers after, claimed by illness, the one thing he knew not how to combat. He thought of her, in these quiet moments. He thought of his comrades in the Temple Knights, those that had died that fateful day and those that had stayed behind, survived, and still served faithfully. He wondered if all was well with them. Wondered if he wrote to some of them, whether they’d regale him with tales or lament further fallen comrades that had parted in his absence. 
A somber thought, but there was a quiet peace that followed. The Temple Knights had long since established their order before him and they would long carry out their duty after. He was but one name amongst thousands who had pledged their responsibilities and there was a peace in knowing the order he’d loved since boyhood would go on in his absence. Would prosper and usher Ishgard to glory, as was always its fate. 
There was peace in knowing that his story had ended and any day hereafter, the only duty he had, was simply to linger. In whatever way he saw fit. If tomorrow he decided the Summerford Guard was no more, it was no one’s decision to make but his own. 
These were the lies, that he peacefully told himself. 
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jmpleonel342-blog · 6 years
North Cyprus Nation Of Investments! What Is actually The Expense Of Building In Northern Cyprus?
Even though residing in big areas like The big apple might be remarkable because of all the project and also enjoyable options that folks have, our company can't reject the simple fact that it can obtain very crowded at times. Wolfe, a lawyer along with Venue, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C., the biggest health care focused law firm in the country; will certainly provide a general Stark Regulation outline at this webinar. Tests presented that microorganisms lagged the death of two British travelers in an accommodation in Egypt's Red Ocean retreat of Hurghada, the country's chief district attorney said on Wednesday.
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avauntus · 4 years
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no. 23 - “Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation”
(Personal rules - Roll for a random # 1-31, write for 30 45 minutes. No significant edits except for spelling or typos.)
Fandom: World of Warcraft
“They... They killed my brother,” Gerk said, fighting back tears. “Slaughtered him like he was some sort of animal. Now they got him laid out ready for their grisly experiments. Dargath's dead too.” Gerk was silent for a moment, then added shakily, “I'm all that's left and I'll be dead soon. I... I'm turning.
Th... They say these Vargul are the... the ones that weren't found worthy by the Lich King. Can... Can you im... imagine it? Just th... think how powerful the... the... worthy must be...
I'll say a prayer for you in the hereafter, hero... May you never have to face them in number.”
Reed had volunteered for the Zul’Drak front because he was a damn fine engineer, and he wasn’t a particularly devote soul. He thought that made him better suited to brave the eerie wasteland of the lower terraces, in that he was used to ascribing meaning only to that he could see, touch, and smell. But he was rapidly reassessing his own calculated resilience in the face of the continual invisible winds that whipped the corrupted air of the Dead Fields into his face, the thrice-cursed Vargul that clawed at them all hours of the day and night, and the unstoppable 10-storey-high undead corpse construction that silently prowled the main thoroughfare like a nightmare made of putrid rotting flesh and rusting iron bolts. 
Something that large had no right to be as silent as it was; it defied all laws of nature and physics, which Reed actually found to be the worst part. Well, after he and MacKellar had narrowly escaped being crushed underfoot or swept up into its massive reaching hands and born unstoppably to one of the bloodsucking lords of the Scourge camps, the worst part. 
It had seemed inevitable that they would be captured, dragged away to be interrogated and drained, perhaps not in that order. But then MacKellar had beaten off the giant with nothing more than his standard-issue blessed steel longsword, and they had pelted off the road and into a small lee made by the shattered remains of their broken tank.
Now it was just the two of them, fending off staggered, but continual assaults by the Vargul, the animated bones of the undead, and the occasional rabid vampiric hound, hoping against all odds that Dargath or the twins would make it back to them, and Reed could lay down his pipe wrench and get some blessed sleep. He would have gladly fallen to one knee and sworn a new-found belief in MacKellar’s faith, had that happened.
It seemed an odd fit, sometimes, to be an agnostic on a holy battlefield, but it wasn’t that Reed was completely faithless. He believed in the Light, of course-- man would have to be a damn fool not to, with the Argent Crusade able to pull scorching brilliance from the air through the unshakable bond of their piety-- but Reed himself preferred to place his efforts into practical matters, such as the cycles of the Crusaders’ crystalized air engines, or the sparking fury of a few saronite bombs. 
He had figured the men of faith needed someone with a grounded head on his shoulders, and he hadn’t been wrong. He’d needed a quick exit from his hometown, after he’d found himself, in engineering and other ways, and his ten-generations noble family didn’t approve. Just after, the floating necropolises had appeared above the skies of Elwynn Forest, and Reed had barely had to sign his given name to a recruitment roster before he was on a ship for Northrend. The royal army had proven to be a good match; they cared less about where a man had come from and more what he could provide on the ground.
It turned out Reed could provide a great deal. In addition to his engineering skills-- which were excellent-- he was nearly as trained in chemistry and biology as any expert in their deployment. All of this was proving helpful in Zul’Drak, a hellish landscape of blood magic mixed with Scourge corruption and giving birth to something fiendish -- monsters that moved with the unflagging momentum of machinery. They were surrounded by things that had housed souls turned to utilitarian ends, as if the beings that once were mattered no more than flywheels and steam engines. The glistening twilit corruption rose from the very ground and seeped into the dead and the unwary both, luring them to unconsciousness. Then the rotting, meaty remnants of their bodies were all that were left, falling to pieces even as they shuffled forward, ever forward, inexorable. And while the crusaders kept mistaking them for men, for sentient, thinking, feeling creatures that might be appealed to or reasoned with, Reed knew better. 
He knew his trade when he saw it-- you didn’t reason with a machine. Not even one created from blasphemous rites that twisted the fabric of creation. You co-opted it, or you destroyed it.
He thought he knew how to unmake the Vargul and the undead now, if he could just rest. Stop and breathe, take stock, have a moment to play with the twisted hunks of Scourge metal surrounding them, turn it to something useful. But he and MacKellar were all that were left of the advance front, and their enemies did not sleep, their numbers were as limitless as the bones on the ground and the corpses all around their tiny refuge of shattered wood and steel.
The Drakkari had been a powerful nation not long ago, to stand stalwart against the undead for so long. When their walls had finally crumbled and they had retreated to the higher levels, to the east, they had left a great many bodies behind. The Scourge were efficient. Reed couldn’t say he admired it, but in a grim way he found himself respecting it.
When he took in too much of the corrupted air of the former poppy fields, he found himself dreaming of it, the efficient uses the princes of the undead would turn Reed’s own body towards once the Scourge owned his flesh. He’d awake from these shuddering, his face stinging where MacKellar had slapped him. After the third time, he arranged a crude failsafe, a candle lit with an eternally burning flame mote perched precariously upon his helmet-- should he and MacKellar both fall prey to the seductive drowsiness of the pollen-filled air, the candle’s melted wax would drip across his face and the pain would wake him.
He hoped the pain would wake him. 
The dreams didn’t feel like nightmares; they felt like promises dropped inside his head from a restless, malevolent force. Watching and waiting. Hungering. Impossibly whispering seductive enticements in his ear: “You came here to prove yourself worthy, and you are, you are -- come and be worthy with us. We will pursue such glorious inspiration together. Come and be one with our inexhaustible creation.”  
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ukdamo · 7 years
Hope in Failure
George William Russell
Though now thou hast failed and art fallen, despair not because of defeat, Though lost for a while be thy heaven and weary of earth be thy feet, For all will be beauty about thee hereafter through sorrowful years, And lovely the dews for thy chilling and ruby thy heart-drip of tears.
The eyes that had gazed from afar on a beauty that blinded the eyes Shall call forth its image for ever, its shadow in alien skies. The heart that had striven to beat in the heart of the Mighty too soon Shall still of that beating remember some errant and faltering tune.
For thou hast but fallen to gather the last of the secrets of power; The beauty that breathes in thy spirit shall shape of thy sorrow a flower, The pale bud of pity shall open the bloom of its tenderest rays, The heart of whose shining is bright with the light of the Ancient of Days
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Nasa To 'Announce They Have Found Extra
Scorpio Moon Sign often tends to be actually a very psychological as well as intense sign, however no worry, just carry or use your moon crystal, Smoky Quarta movement. The percentage of lighting coming from the moon sufficients to stop melatonin creation enough time for ovulation to occur. Typically I'll obtain a gash or even a deeper blemish on my upper arms or lower legs throughout a brand-new moon cresent. There were no advances in modern technology that would indicate regular people like me will be bath time in photovoltaic radiations on the moon anytime quickly. Forty years after our company maded men on the moon a number of opportunities, the United States space system has really fallen back, humiliatingly so. Our team go to the aspect now where we have no car to transport our astronauts into space. I simply do not view what the Germans or Nazis were actually doing/still carrying out on the moon that would certainly create traits appear questionable. The waxing moon or even the very first sector is actually made use of magical or ritualistically for drawing in a partner or even fanatic, the waxing moons healing power is stated to become good for couples and also for the protection for married couples. Complex emotions might come up, makings that a great time to communicate as well as vocalize your emotions, as Annabel Gat advises in her everyday horoscope for Extensively. You are going to both effortlessly show you like for each other, making this an excellent aspect for fanatics. They are exceedingly keen on the benefits of the earth, and like to spread out banquets for their friends. My moms and dads were actually rarely ideal, but I regularly knew that their love for me was actually certainly not based on academic functionality, musical ability, athletic expertise, or even propriety. lepszaty-Fitgosia.Info It is actually the biggest moon with a retrograde orbit and the 7th biggest moon in our solar system. Pete's Virgo Moon trine Mercury in Taurus signifies an excellent moment, and great participation between his self-conscious and also unconscious thoughts. Therefore pray for very clear skies on the 31st August to ensure that you can basque is the magnificence and charm of this particular uncommon moon. Having said that there are a lot of criteria to figure out the electrical power of any type of earth (Like all Shadbal as well as Non Shadbal, Navamsha, Combination and facet. etc), yet the key aspect which is actually HOB for Moon, is that ought to be actually sturdy in Paksha Bal as i created above polishing Moon is actually taken into consideration Powerful as well as winding down Moon a Weak ...!!! If he takes up the 2nd residence whose denotations feature recommendations, wealth, honest attributes, accessories, contentment and popularity to name a few things, Jupiter may create the above consequences. Moreover, when you are using these subscription sites, you don't also have to expect lengthy hrs to obtain the Seafarer Moon download ended up, because of the excess fats downloading and install speed. Listed below are actually some intriguing simple facts regarding a handful of people who titles were provided Moon holes. This is gotten in touch with last one-fourth moon Hereafter, the ignited component lessens until our company find a bow-shaped moon. The $504 thousand Lunar Search Orbiter goal launched in June 2009 to map the moon in unexpected information. Typically, the moon commonly increases concerning FIFTY mins beyond it did the time in the past, yet in the days around the autumnal equinox, that variation lowers to concerning 30 minutes each evening. I wrote a fair bit regarding the background and also worship of sirens in other lifestyles in the past and thought this was actually a good time for a refresher article on means to get in touch with the magnificent feminine.
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carlshank-blog · 8 years
Why Love God?
Why Love God? 1 John 4:8-12
“You want me to tell you why God is to be loved and how much. I answer: the reason for loving God is God Himself, and the measure of love due to Him is immeasurable love… We are to love God for Himself because of a twofold reason: nothing is more reasonable, nothing more profitable.” (Bernard of Clairvoux, From the Writings of A.W. Tozer, by James Stuart Bell) Why love God? The ancient writers have it right. We love God because He first loved us! God is love, and He demonstrated his love to us by redeeming us and saving us from our sins. What do we gain from such love? Eternal life in the hereafter and fullness of life now. We gain life itself, life in its fullness of joy and purpose, not just survival life, but true, deep, satisfying life. All of this springs from God and his love. A few more thoughts on the love of God.
God's love is not just a philosophical concept. It is an active, redemption-oriented, Christ-centered love. The early twentieth century idea of the “Fatherhood of God” has eviscerated the love of God. It has emptied love of its weightiness rooted in the sovereignty and justice and goodness of God. God's love is not a bland concept, a demure glance of an ineffective distant Being who has little power or interest in this world and its problems. God's love complements and fulfills his just requirements and his lawful commands. God's love goes hand in hand with his sovereign decrees and plans. There has never been a separation of the just judgment of God and the love of God. That brings us to the next point.
God's love is God-centered! To be sure, He loves himself, not in a neglectful or humanly sinful way. His love is perfect love, without qualification or degradation. His love is self-generated and freely given. It therefore can redeem a fallen race and defeat a malevolent Devil. It can shine forth at the Cross and exclaim victory at the resurrection. No force can stop or hinder such love. No human failing can derail God's love. No time can diminish this powerful love of God. To the extent we can imperfectly, yet truly, imitate this love is the extent we can love our neighbor as ourselves and transform our world.
So, in the words of the old gospel song,
“The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell It goes beyond the highest star And reaches to the lowest hell The guilty pair, bowed down with care God gave His Son to win His erring child He reconciled And pardoned from his sin
Could we with ink the ocean fill And were the skies of parchment made Were every stalk on earth a quill And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry Nor could the scroll contain the whole Though stretched from sky to sky
O love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure The saints' and angels' song.”
Written by Rev. Benton Vespew Ellis • Copyright © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, BMG Rights Management US, LLC
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nameification · 2 years
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Civ-fused Dehlia doodle for the me (trying out a sketchier more free style for this one. I like it. Flashing lights warning!)
Isolated images under cut!
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nameification · 2 years
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Fortitude's Warning
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Another HaTFS character! this time, its Codename: Fortitude from the Virtues unit. really like how this one turned out tbh, maybe I could have made it more intense but oh well
oh btw gonna give her name out as Alazea Volonzo. I like how it rolls off the tongue
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nameification · 2 years
33 and 34 for any of the characters in the sinners (or the virtues, whoever u wanna talk abt more :D)
So the funny thing is, there's a canonical repository on notable characters/POIs that is being held by "The Head Archivist of the Daybreak Institute" (coughcough its one of the 7sins) where after each little official description there's a small sort of footnote/sticky note from said Head Archivist detailing their more interperseonal feelings on said characters (i might add a snippet but the thing is barely started)
hmm I think I'll do Nerzhan and Alexander. Been thinking about those two the most as of recent
33. How would other characters describe your character?
The first thing you would notice/hear of about Nerzhan, if you yourself was a character within HaTFS, is the tall, rather slender figure that leans upon a cane (This is Nerzhan, not Jubilee, the Leader of the Seven Sins Task Force). If you knew she was Jubilee, you'd be surprised since Jubilee very much moves around during combat. Well, with the power of combat prosthetics and adrenaline she can mitigate the pain as much as she can and fight. She still prefers to use a cane though
The next thing people oft comment about is her eyes. Though she doesn't have any irises, the gaze is piercing enough that just a glance in the general direction is enough to send someone into unease. People comment about how there's a faint purple hue but with how shit has been going for the past few years? they don't bother asking
A lot of people will also note the flowers in her hair. They often resemble sakuras, but people will note that they often also appear as other vaguely pink flowers
If you ask someone what they think of Nerzhan, they might say religous, cunning, but sensible. If you ask someone closer, they'd add that she is kind but a little skeptical (they'd say she has her reasons)
The first thing people will say about Alexander is that he is beautiful and solitary. They will note the bored look on his face, the way he avoids others, the way his skin is soft and clear and how his hair curls in just the right spots, how he is both slender and muscular and "too perfect in the physical sense"
The next thing people commnet on that they are always holding something. Often a cigarette, but sometimes a glass or his phone or this weird chain piece he'll play with. He'll twirl his fingers through his hair sometimes
If you ask others what he is like, they'd say he is aloof, a bit haughty, a bit unsociable, mysterious and doesn't like flirting but a fun guy to be around. If you ask those closer, they'd say he likes his peace, isn't afraid of speaking out, and is fun and actually nice
34. How would the character describe themself?
Nerzhan would call herself religous, first thing's first. Maybe she wouldn't say it aloud at first, but you would be able to infer it from the fact her favorite hobbies are going to church (and morning walks and flower art and card games with randos online) and her favorite songs seem to be from church (Magnificat and her church's rendition of anima cristi)
She tries to be a little less obnoxious about her religion, after Mara and Atticus and Dehlia have asked her too at least
(Pride, Nerzhan, Jubilee, the Envoy of Lucifer, the one who fell from grace as he betrayed God, an ardent believer in the faith Lucifer lacked)
Nerzhan wouldn't say much else about herself, honestly. Well, if prompted, she'd elaborate on the flowers. She'd say they represent the people she trusts, but she won't elaborate any more
Just uh- don't ask about the cane. If she trusts you enough, she'll tell you, but if not you might feel the weight of her glare directly targeted at you
Alexander (Andy, if you know him well) talks with those he doesn't know like he's walking a tightrope of being friendly and on the verge of his patience. Andy describes himself as a loner, someone who doesn't like being around people, but he likes smoking and a good drink and making good drinks so he's a good chat
And then you ask him about love
If you're distant, the question people most likely ask them is "I'm free tonight if you know what I mean" or some variation thereof. That is when Andy gets just a teensy bit violent
He's not really a fan of romance (or sex). Not exactly in the media he watches, but moreso in his personal life. He's aroace, and he won't say that to a stranger, but (despite his more known identity as Adonis, the Envoy of Asmodeus, Lord Demon of Lust,) he is not interested in any of that.
If anyone tries to make a move on him he'll shut it down immediately. If the other is persistent, he'll get away or accept and just not follow through. He has his preferences.
However, someone close has asked Andy what love means to him. He's always said that love to him is nothing romantic. Love, to him, is all the little moments, the pieces of devotion, the desire to actually spend time with someone
bonus something: Michael Michaels
This man is going to be just a little bit pathetic. Just a teensy bit. He's the best combatant out of all the virtues but he's also just. so tired. He wants to quit his job but he can't cause the sinners have done it and The Commander is basically kinda threatening to fucking murder him if he steps too much out of line so he'll deal with it for now
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nameification · 1 year
for funsies I wanted to make a video where it is like. a song to represent my ocs for hereafter fallen skies and then I boot up da vinci and decide to open it and it results in da vinci not downloading fully (because no storage) and having to redownload honkai impact and da vinci still not downloading properly so uh. well I'm gonna have to deal with capcut notifs for a while
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nameification · 2 years
might make a tumblr blog just to act as a sort of notes app for Hereafter The Fallen Skies cause this shit hectic
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh):Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
After the Death of the Prophet (PBUH)
The pure soul of the Seal of the Prophets reached A’la al-Illiy­yun (the Highest Rank). His wives put a cloth over his body and started to cry.
Usama heard from his mother that the Messenger of Allah was living his last moments, he postponed setting off and came to the Mosque with his army. When the Companions heard the cries and screams coming from the house of the Prophet, they were shocked. It was as if the sky had fallen on them. Everybody was stupefied; the eyes were shedding tears of sorrow and grief.
Even Hazrat Umar, who was a symbol of courage and justice, was affected badly from that terrible moment; he was terrified and shouted,
“The Messenger of Allah did not die. He is alive. He was struck by lightning like Moses. If anyone says, ‘Muhammad died’, I will split him into two with my sword.”
Hazrat Abu Bakr Soothes People
When the Messenger of Allah died, Hazrat Abu Bakr was in his house in Sunh. They gave him the bad news. Hazrat Abu Bakr, who felt as if one part of his part broke off, went to the house of the Messenger of Allah quickly.  
He lifted the cloth that covered the blessed face of the Messenger of Allah in terror and astonishment. His face was in the form of embodied light. He bowed down and kissed the Prophet’s bright and luminous forehead three times. He uttered the following words in tears:  
“O Messenger of Allah! Your death is as clean and graceful as your life.”
Then, he consoled the household of the Prophet.
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar
After leaving the house of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr went to the Mosque. He heard Hazrat Umar say, “The Messenger of Allah did not die.” Thereupon, he said,
“Whoever worships Muhammad (pbuh) should know that Muhammad (pbuh) died. Whoever worships Allah should know that Allah is Hayy (immortal).”
Then, he recited the following verse:
“Muhammad is no more than a Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away before Him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve him) with gratitude”
This verse had been sent down during the Battle of Uhud, when a rumor stating that Muhammad was killed became widespread. Though the Companions had read that verse, maybe, hundreds or thousands times, but they seemed to have forgotten it due to their sorrow at that time.
However, Hazrat Abu Bakr who maintained his strength did not forget it; he fulfilled a great service and duty by reminding the Companions about it.
Upon the speech and reminder of Hazrat Abu Bakr, the Companions came to their senses. They pulled themselves together and overcame their astonishment.
Then, Hazrat Abu Bakr recited the following verse:
“(O Prophet! Truly thou wilt die (one day), and truly they (too) will die (one day).”
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who did not lose his strength, fulfilled a great service for the Islamic community through his speech.
The distinguished Companions realized and accepted that the Messenger of Allah had died; Hazrat Umar gave up saying, “the Messenger of Allah did not die.” And he came to his senses.
Madinah had never been so full of joy when the Messenger of Allah arrived in Madinah for the first time since the city was founded; the same Madinah was experiencing the saddest moments now; the skies of Madinah were covered with sorrow and grief.
Hazrat Abu Bakr is Elected as Caliph
Upon the death of the Messenger of Allah, Madinah was mourning. Eyes were shedding tears and hearts were shedding sorrow and grief.  
However, mourning and sorrow would not settle things. It was necessary to elect a president, a Caliph, who would take care of the affairs of the Muslims and who would apply the decrees of Islam.
Soon, there was an attempt to choose the Caliph. The person that deserved this post more than everybody else was Hazrat Abu Bakr because the highest rank of the Companions were the most distinguished Companions that believed first in Makkah. And the most virtuous of them was Hazrat Abu Bakr. In fact, Hazrat Abbas and Hazrat Ali were closer to the Messenger of Allah than anybody else in terms of kinship but the Prophet regarded Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was his friend in cave, superior to all of the Companions. He showed it when he was ill too. He ordered all of the doors opening to the Mosque to be closed but let the door of Hazrat Abu Bakr open. He handed over the duty of leading prayers Hazrat Abu Bakr three days before his death. He made Abu Bakr lead prayers, one of the most important pillars of Islam. Therefore, he was the one that deserved being the Caliph after the death of the Messenger of Allah. And it happened like that.
After the long talks and negotiations made on Monday, the day when the Messenger of Allah died, from the afternoon until the evening, Hazrat Abu Bakr was elected the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah and people paid allegiance to him.
General Allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr
It was Rabiul-Awwal 13, Tuesday...
Hazrat Abu Bakr went to the Mosque of the Prophet and ascended to the pulpit.
Before he started to speak, Hazrat Umar stood up. After praising and thanking Allah, Hazrat Umar addressed the Muslims: “Allah made the best of you, the friend of the Messenger of Allah in the cave, your Caliph. Stand up and pay allegiance to him.”
The Muslims in the mosque stood up and paid general allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr.
After the allegiance, Hazrat Abu Bakr praised and thanked Allah, and spoke as follows:
O people! I was elected as your governor and Caliph though I am not the best of you. If I do good deeds, help me; if I do bad deeds, show me the right way. Honesty is reliability. Telling lies is betrayal. Inshaallah, the weakest one of you will be the strongest one of you in my eye until I surrender him his right. Inshaallah, the strongest one of you will be the weakest one of you in my eye until I remove from him the rights of others.
O people! Do not give up fighting in the way of Allah. Know it very well that a nation that gives up jihad will be servile. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger; if I do not obey Allah and His Messenger, do not obey me. I ask forgiveness for me and you from Allah.”[7]
The Prophet is Washed and Enshrouded
The Muslims were busy with electing the Caliph, who would take care of the affairs of the Muslims, on the 12th day of the month of Rabiul-Awwal from the afternoon until the evening; so washing and enshrouding the dead body of the Prophet was postponed to Tuesday. After the general allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr was completed in the Mosque of the Prophet on Tuesday, the dead body of the Messenger of Allah was started to be washed and enshrouded.  
Hazrat Ali, Abbas, Fadl b. Abbas, Qusam b. Abbas, Usama b. Zayd and Shukran (Salih), the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah, were in the house of the Prophet in order to wash him.
Ansar also wanted to contribute to this lofty service. They expressed their wish regarding the issue. Hazrat Ali allowed Aws b. Hawli on behalf of Ansar.
Hazrat Ali washed the Messenger of Allah because he said to Hazrat Ali when he was alive, “You wash my body when I die.”
Aws b. Hawli brought water with a pitcher; Abbas, Usama and Shukran poured water over the body of the Prophet. Hazrat Ali rubbed the body of the Prophet with the cloth that he wrapped around his hand. The body of the Prophet was very clean; it smelled nice. The house of the Prophet smelt very nice; they had not smelt such nice scent before. There was nothing in or on the body of the Prophet that were usually seen in dead bodies. While washing the Prophet, Hazrat Ali said, “May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! O Messenger of Allah! You are clean when you are alive and dead.”
After the washing was completed, the Seal of the Prophet was enshrouded by Hazrat Ali, Ab­bas, Fadl b. Abbas and Shukran.
Janazah Prayer of the Prophet is Performed
On the 13th of the month of Rabiul-Awwal, Tuesday, the washing and enshrouding of the Messenger of Allah was completed before noon. The body was put on the bed of the room of the Prophet. At first the men, then the women and last of all the children fulfilled their last duty toward the Prophet in awe and sorrow.  
Burial of the Messenger of Allah
The issue of where to bury the Messenger of Allah was negotiated.
Some people suggested taking the body to Makkah; some suggested burying him in Madinah in the Cemetery of Baqi and others suggested burying him in the Mosque.
However, Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “I heard this sentence from the Messenger of Allah and I have not forgotten it: ‘God Almighty removed the soul of each prophet where He wanted him to be buried.’ Therefore, we should bury the Messenger of Allah where his bed he lied on was.”
This suggestion was adopted by the Companions. Thus, they decided to dig the place under the bed in the house of Aisha as the grave of the Messenger of Allah. Then, the bed was removed and that place was dug in the form of a grave.
Bilal Makes Muslims Cry
The Messenger of Allah had not been buried yet.
Bilal called the adhan with his touching voice. When he uttered, “Ashadu anna Muhammada’r-R­asu­lul­lah”, the Companions started to cry sobbingly. The Mosque of the Prophet was full of crying sounds.  
It was the last adhan recited by Bilal. He did not recite adhan again after the death of the Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet is Put into the Grave
It was late Wednesday night.
The Companions placed the dead body of the Messenger of Allah into the grave among tears.
We have tried to narrate the phases of this unique life as much as we can; now we are finishing it with the following prayer:
O Allah! Do not keep us away from the sunnah of Your Messenger in this world; do not deprive us of his intercession in the hereafter!
Amin... Amin... Amin...
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Farewell Hajj and the Death of the Prophet (pbuh)
After the Death of the Prophet (PBUH)
The pure soul of the Seal of the Prophets reached A’la al-Illiy­yun (the Highest Rank). His wives put a cloth over his body and started to cry.
Usama heard from his mother that the Messenger of Allah was living his last moments, he postponed setting off and came to the Mosque with his army. When the Companions heard the cries and screams coming from the house of the Prophet, they were shocked. It was as if the sky had fallen on them. Everybody was stupefied; the eyes were shedding tears of sorrow and grief.
Even Hazrat Umar, who was a symbol of courage and justice, was affected badly from that terrible moment; he was terrified and shouted,
“The Messenger of Allah did not die. He is alive. He was struck by lightning like Moses. If anyone says, ‘Muhammad died’, I will split him into two with my sword.”[1]
Hazrat Abu Bakr Soothes People
When the Messenger of Allah died, Hazrat Abu Bakr was in his house in Sunh. They gave him the bad news. Hazrat Abu Bakr, who felt as if one part of his part broke off, went to the house of the Messenger of Allah quickly.  
He lifted the cloth that covered the blessed face of the Messenger of Allah in terror and astonishment. His face was in the form of embodied light. He bowed down and kissed the Prophet’s bright and luminous forehead three times. He uttered the following words in tears:  
“O Messenger of Allah! Your death is as clean and graceful as your life.”[2]
Then, he consoled the household of the Prophet.
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar
After leaving the house of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr went to the Mosque. He heard Hazrat Umar say, “The Messenger of Allah did not die.” Thereupon, he said,
“Whoever worships Muhammad (pbuh) should know that Muhammad (pbuh) died. Whoever worships Allah should know that Allah is Hayy (immortal).”[3]
Then, he recited the following verse:
“Muhammad is no more than a Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away before Him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve him) with gratitude”[4]
This verse had been sent down during the Battle of Uhud, when a rumor stating that Muhammad was killed became widespread. Though the Companions had read that verse, maybe, hundreds or thousands times, but they seemed to have forgotten it due to their sorrow at that time.
However, Hazrat Abu Bakr who maintained his strength did not forget it; he fulfilled a great service and duty by reminding the Companions about it.
Upon the speech and reminder of Hazrat Abu Bakr, the Companions came to their senses. They pulled themselves together and overcame their astonishment.
Then, Hazrat Abu Bakr recited the following verse:
“(O Prophet! Truly thou wilt die (one day), and truly they (too) will die (one day).”[5]
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who did not lose his strength, fulfilled a great service for the Islamic community through his speech.
The distinguished Companions realized and accepted that the Messenger of Allah had died; Hazrat Umar gave up saying, “the Messenger of Allah did not die.” And he came to his senses.
Madinah had never been so full of joy when the Messenger of Allah arrived in Madinah for the first time since the city was founded; the same Madinah was experiencing the saddest moments now; the skies of Madinah were covered with sorrow and grief.
Hazrat Abu Bakr is Elected as Caliph
Upon the death of the Messenger of Allah, Madinah was mourning. Eyes were shedding tears and hearts were shedding sorrow and grief.  
However, mourning and sorrow would not settle things. It was necessary to elect a president, a Caliph, who would take care of the affairs of the Muslims and who would apply the decrees of Islam.
Soon, there was an attempt to choose the Caliph. The person that deserved this post more than everybody else was Hazrat Abu Bakr because the highest rank of the Companions were the most distinguished Companions that believed first in Makkah. And the most virtuous of them was Hazrat Abu Bakr. In fact, Hazrat Abbas and Hazrat Ali were closer to the Messenger of Allah than anybody else in terms of kinship but the Prophet regarded Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was his friend in cave, superior to all of the Companions. He showed it when he was ill too. He ordered all of the doors opening to the Mosque to be closed but let the door of Hazrat Abu Bakr open. He handed over the duty of leading prayers Hazrat Abu Bakr three days before his death. He made Abu Bakr lead prayers, one of the most important pillars of Islam. Therefore, he was the one that deserved being the Caliph after the death of the Messenger of Allah. And it happened like that.
After the long talks and negotiations made on Monday, the day when the Messenger of Allah died, from the afternoon until the evening, Hazrat Abu Bakr was elected the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah and people paid allegiance to him.
General Allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr
It was Rabiul-Awwal 13, Tuesday...
Hazrat Abu Bakr went to the Mosque of the Prophet and ascended to the pulpit.
Before he started to speak, Hazrat Umar stood up. After praising and thanking Allah, Hazrat Umar addressed the Muslims: “Allah made the best of you, the friend of the Messenger of Allah in the cave, your Caliph. Stand up and pay allegiance to him.”
The Muslims in the mosque stood up and paid general allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr.[6]
After the allegiance, Hazrat Abu Bakr praised and thanked Allah, and spoke as follows:
O people! I was elected as your governor and Caliph though I am not the best of you. If I do good deeds, help me; if I do bad deeds, show me the right way. Honesty is reliability. Telling lies is betrayal. Inshaallah, the weakest one of you will be the strongest one of you in my eye until I surrender him his right. Inshaallah, the strongest one of you will be the weakest one of you in my eye until I remove from him the rights of others.
O people! Do not give up fighting in the way of Allah. Know it very well that a nation that gives up jihad will be servile. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger; if I do not obey Allah and His Messenger, do not obey me. I ask forgiveness for me and you from Allah.”[7]
The Prophet is Washed and Enshrouded
The Muslims were busy with electing the Caliph, who would take care of the affairs of the Muslims, on the 12th day of the month of Rabiul-Awwal from the afternoon until the evening; so washing and enshrouding the dead body of the Prophet was postponed to Tuesday. After the general allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr was completed in the Mosque of the Prophet on Tuesday, the dead body of the Messenger of Allah was started to be washed and enshrouded.  
Hazrat Ali, Abbas, Fadl b. Abbas, Qusam b. Abbas, Usama b. Zayd and Shukran (Salih), the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah, were in the house of the Prophet in order to wash him.[8]
Ansar also wanted to contribute to this lofty service. They expressed their wish regarding the issue. Hazrat Ali allowed Aws b. Hawli on behalf of Ansar.[9]
Hazrat Ali washed the Messenger of Allah because he said to Hazrat Ali when he was alive, “You wash my body when I die.”[10]
Aws b. Hawli brought water with a pitcher; Abbas, Usama and Shukran poured water over the body of the Prophet. Hazrat Ali rubbed the body of the Prophet with the cloth that he wrapped around his hand. The body of the Prophet was very clean; it smelled nice. The house of the Prophet smelt very nice; they had not smelt such nice scent before. There was nothing in or on the body of the Prophet that were usually seen in dead bodies. While washing the Prophet, Hazrat Ali said, “May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! O Messenger of Allah! You are clean when you are alive and dead.”[11]
After the washing was completed, the Seal of the Prophet was enshrouded by Hazrat Ali, Ab­bas, Fadl b. Abbas and Shukran.[12]
Janazah Prayer of the Prophet is Performed
On the 13th of the month of Rabiul-Awwal, Tuesday, the washing and enshrouding of the Messenger of Allah was completed before noon. The body was put on the bed of the room of the Prophet. At first the men, then the women and last of all the children fulfilled their last duty toward the Prophet in awe and sorrow.  
Burial of the Messenger of Allah
The issue of where to bury the Messenger of Allah was negotiated.
Some people suggested taking the body to Makkah; some suggested burying him in Madinah in the Cemetery of Baqi and others suggested burying him in the Mosque.[13]
However, Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “I heard this sentence from the Messenger of Allah and I have not forgotten it: ‘God Almighty removed the soul of each prophet where He wanted him to be buried.’ Therefore, we should bury the Messenger of Allah where his bed he lied on was.”[14]
This suggestion was adopted by the Companions. Thus, they decided to dig the place under the bed in the house of Aisha as the grave of the Messenger of Allah. Then, the bed was removed and that place was dug in the form of a grave.
Bilal Makes Muslims Cry
The Messenger of Allah had not been buried yet.
Bilal called the adhan with his touching voice. When he uttered, “Ashadu anna Muhammada’r-R­asu­lul­lah”, the Companions started to cry sobbingly. The Mosque of the Prophet was full of crying sounds.  
It was the last adhan recited by Bilal. He did not recite adhan again after the death of the Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet is Put into the Grave
It was late Wednesday night.
The Companions placed the dead body of the Messenger of Allah into the grave among tears.
We have tried to narrate the phases of this unique life as much as we can; now we are finishing it with the following prayer:
O Allah! Do not keep us away from the sunnah of Your Messenger in this world; do not deprive us of his intercession in the hereafter!
Amin... Amin... Amin...
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