#I'm not of the mindset that celebs owe fans an explanation or support in something they had no control overt
butmakeitgayblog · 10 months
Why does E give you the creeps? I feel like at the time, she was more openly supportive and enthusiastic around Clexa and ADC was the one who was more cagey and was obviously a straight girl who just didn’t really know what to say/didn’t want to say the wrong thing. I have always loved Alycia, but that’s how it came across to me. I’ve been out of the fandom for awhile and am getting back into it so I’m out of the loop. Is it because she married Bob Morley?
Oh no, I couldn't care less that she married Bob. My issue with Eliza (which I've gone into deeper detail about before so I'm just gonna be more brief here) is because of BM's ex's allegations involving cheating, gaslighting, and manipulation that E was party to, and then how E has since treated Clexa and Clexa fans. She went from championing Clexa to claiming she can't really remember scenes very well? Ok. She went from calling it "bell*rke shit" that will probably never happen because that's just not Clarke and his relationship is, to telling his paying Cameo stans that oh no, no reeeeally there were these secret few times that blork almost did happened and it was in the script and they actually built whole sets for it!!! But gee golly gosh it just got cut for some reason and we super don't know how that happened! But it totally was going to happen! Blork was real!! Source: Trust Me Bro.
There's a lot more to it involving her charities and the fact that she milks hers and his stans for all the cash they can get, but in simplest terms, the writing is on the wall about who she is and how she conducts herself as a person, and I'm not a fan.
As for Alycia, if in the future she does something to piss me off I'll drop her too. Celebs get held on a pedestal way too often and forgiven for being objectively bad people just because fans like their artform. I don't care to be that way. That being said, I never held it against Alycia for not being outspoken about Clexa, that's just not who she is. She's never effusive or public on her opinions on much of anything aside from like... what flowers she likes. To her, it's a job with a clock in and clock out time, and I can respect that. I appreciate it, actually. She's always been kind and gracious with fans who have met her, or so I've heard, and that's all I think a celeb really needs to be.
Personally I never found her to be cagey per se, just quiet and kept to her own lane. She said herself that because she isn't a part of the queer community, she never felt comfortable speaking out on it because it felt like she'd be speaking over the voices of the fans and queer people who were using that time for speaking their truth and pain. While some held that against her or felt let down, I didn't because in more ways than not, she was right. There wasn't much she could've added to the conversation that wasn't already being said by people who were actually the ones hurt by what happened with Lexa and the bury your gays trope proliferation of 2016. And since then, she's shown her support. She came back to a show that she had left behind for years just to give fans closure, and she did it in a way that didn't suck money from fans by bleeding their wallets dry through endless conventions.
It's because of those very same feelings in conjunction with seeing how E has handled the whole blork/Clexa situation in recent years that has let me know all that "support" E was throwing our way was disingenuous anyway. She doesn't get to keep those points from me. Honestly I'd prefer celebs to just stay tf quiet on issues rather than virtue signal and fake support for their own interests, only to eventually show their true colors and act mystified and victimized when people feel fooled and pissed off 🤷‍♀️
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