#I'm not really a fan of rap but ngl they're witty and really good
ventique18 ยท 7 months
King ๐Ÿ‰ who uses you to get tf off work.
๐Ÿ‰: "You have ten minutes to discuss."
Some official: "My king? This is a long topic--"
๐Ÿ‰: "Then be present first thing tomorrow."
Official: "Pardon my rudeness, however the line to your audience is always long--"
๐Ÿ‰: "Queueing at three in the morning will surely land you first ten, I'd wager."
Official: "I beg you, just an hour of your time--"
๐Ÿ‰: "An hour! Surely you jest? What would my spouse say? Or do? Can you imagine! An hour of overtime!"
๐Ÿ‰: "My sympathies go to you, though you must understand that my hands are tied. I am sure you empathize. Spouses can be terrifying..."
Official, defeated: "Yes, yes..."
๐Ÿ‰: "Eight minutes."
Official: "Y-yes!"
From then on, anyone who wants an audience with the king has learned to practice thoroughly before the scheduled meeting date. They learned to discuss so concisely and quickly, in fact, that it paved way to the emergence of a brand new entertainment scene in their country: Thorns and roses rap, where participants try to decimate each other with the most eloquent, rhythmic and thorny phrases they could within a short given amount of time.
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