#I'm sitting in my room screaming to my small dog about this like that meme
s1m0nth3swag · 5 months
Don't mind me just giving short drabbles because I'm sitting in class and I'm bored :3
Leon is the love of my life and uhm domestic headcanons will forever be my favourite
live laugh love Leon Scott Kennedy <3
Leon grumbles as you practically push him onto the edge of the bathtub, looking up at you with his adorable blue eyes - for everything he's gone through, he still has that puppy look about him when he's with you. He pouts softly, sighing as you rummage through various cabinets and successfully find what you had been looking for - the Bleach and Toner he usually uses on his hair. Even though Leon is the one that has been complaining about the way his hair looks for the last week, he also absolutely despises getting it done. So instead, he normally would do it himself - which he was too lazy to do this time. Still, nothing but complains about how awful his hair looked grown out like this, how it was getting too long. You were a little fed up, to say the least. Now, you had enough and pushed him into the bathroom, determined to fix his hair issue.
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[Helping Leon dye his hair - Some time after RE2, but also fits for RE4 | Leon most definetly dyes his hair blonde and then stops sometime after RE4 because he gets lazy (and a lil depressed) but as someone with dyed hair it's a pain each time imo]
He huffs and sighs and pouts the entire time, while you can't help but giggle a bit at the sight, especially with how ridiculous he looks once the Bleach is setting - you curse yourself for not having your phone nearby to take pictures. Leon would fight you over it anyway, and seriously, he was stronger than you - Government mandated Training and all. The now blonde haired only calms down once you finally rinse for the last time, hair still wet as he stares at you, swiftly shaking his head like a dog, sending droplets flying through the room. You scream slightly, laughing as you feel them hit your skin and clothes, trying to shield yourself. Leon chuckles softly, grabing your hips as he pulls you towards him, resting his head against your chest. A smile places itself on your lips, uncaring that your shirt was now properly soaked as you listen to his soft murmurs of thank yous.
[Vendetta Leon with a (much) younger partner - aka Leon and the internet | your honor what if I love older men]
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You hold back a laugh as you hand Leon your phone, a funny meme on it that you had found while randomly scrolling social media for hours. He stares at it, his face scrunching in confusion as he looks up at you, holding your phone as if he didn't know what to do with it. You weren't fully surprised, it had already been a hassle to get him to upgrade his flip phone to a proper smartphone. You can't help but grin, and he sighs heavily. "Your humor will be the death of me one day, what is this, love?" He grumbles, brushing a strand of dark hair out of his eyes as you sit beside him, snuggling into his side as you start explaining the meme - in the end only earning a soft chuckle from the older guy, a simple show of endearment.
[Leon with the kitten he said he didn't want - RE4 Leon | He loves cats, you can't tell me otherwise]
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He stares down at the small creature, watching as it desperately tries to climb up his leg, meowing in desperation. Leon didn't want a pet, at all. Especially not a cat that wouldn't be able to defend you or the home - he sighs as he thinks of all the puppies at the shelter that would've done a great job at that. He picks the small animal up, placing it in his lap, where it promptly flops down and starts purring. His heart isn't melting. Not one bit.
Only a few days later you practically have to pry the cat from Leon if you wanted to even have a second with it. It was crazy, at first Leon had said it would never get into the bedroom or bathroom, now it was allowed to snuggle up to him in bed and even follow him whereever he went. You thought that maybe, just maybe, he loved the cat a little more than he loved you. At least when you found him during his midday nap, and with the kitten on top his chest.
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Let’s look at the music! 
(While writing this I realized I was incredibly long winded and lacked the capacity to shut up about things I liked so this is going to be broken up into different posts because holy shit can you imagine? This is just about episode 1. There are going to be several posts after this because I can’t stop myself.) 
I don’t know about you, but I have been obsessed with the Moon Knight soundtrack. I am no music expert. I can’t talk to you about the chords or thematic major and minor shifts. I just know what sounds good to me and how music makes me feel. 
So let this non qualified music listener gush to you about the MUSIC that made this series. 
Firstly: Hesham Nazih is a mastermind. 
Everything about this show has such amazing thought put into it. From the set designs to the costumes to the absolutely fucking amazing easter eggs that we are still finding only by screen shotting each and every single frame. 
The director and composer are both Egyptian and wanted to portray their culture correctly. They wanted to bring their culture to a world that is used to horrid stereotypes and a burnt sienna toned world full of backwards and underdeveloped civilizations. The cinematographer took away the sand filter that Hollywood loves to place over Egypt and the absolute love and care that was taken from hiring an Egyptologist to having real Arabic all over to showing Cairo as a real and beautiful place… There are just no words to express how overwhelmingly wonderful it all is. 
Moon Knight is the first Marvel Piece that can be seen as absolutely stand alone with no prior knowledge of the MCU. It also doesn’t require you to have read any of the comics. But there are so many hidden gems for those that are fans of the comics. Gems that we can pull out and put on a platter and hand to the non-comic fans and everyone can still appreciate. Which is outstanding. 
So it is safe to say that with so much care in everything, is it a far stretch to think that the music would also not hold such wonderful gems? Maybe not always on purpose, but just enough of a wink wink nudge nudge to make you wonder… 
So let’s start with the actual songs chosen.
Episode 1: 
Every Grain of Sand - Bob Dylan
A Man Without Love - Engelbert Humperdinck
Arab Trap: Made in Egypt - DJ KABOO
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Bahlam Maak - Nagat
“Every Grain of Sand” by Bob Dylan 
Firstly, I'm not a Bob Dylan fan. Never have been. But I am very aware of the history of Bob Dylan and the use of his songs in history. The man is meant to stand for peace and love in a tumultuous time. This particular album/song was released during Dylan's 'born again' christian phase. Filled with biblical references, talk of a past sin and looking forward to redemption it very clearly represents Harrow himself. Also there is an obvious motiff of sand, which has a huge born again theme in this show (Marc dying in the desert and becoming Moon Knight. The Duat. Finding Steven and bringing him back. Coming back from the Duat. The sand around Steven’s bed in a protective circle to reveal secrets….). 
A man that has lost faith in what Khonshu stood for and found faith in another path. The song shows Harrow as he works out his own ritual of self penance. 
This is the first song we hear in the whole series. We instantly understand that this is not the main character. In fact, it's easy enough to put together that this is the bad guy who believes in his own cultish/self righteous ideas. (Thank you Ethan Hawke for your glorious idea for the glass in shoes, it paid off). 
He has a routine and it is meticulous and careful with ideas of who he wants to be. It's a calming song that sounds so carefree. 
Now we instantly move to the next song and WHAT A CONTRAST. It's the most beautiful transition opening in ages. 
“A Man Without Love” - Engelbert Humperdinck
I cannot express how much I love this opening. How it first plays over the Marvel credits so you know that NOW we are getting into the show. 
How it fades out and then crescendos into Steven Waking up. 
Now we meet our hero and we see his routine. We don't know him yet but we are rapidly looking into his personal world. His apartment, his tether, his taped door.... We meet him talking to his Mum with love and see him feeding his fish. He heads out to work and every bit about him screams "Lonely is a man without love" along with the song. This song is a love ballad about a man pining for love. It sets the tone, the character, and prepares you to see a man trying to find his way. 
Honestly, can’t you see this song opening with one of those older romantic type movies about a sad man who is alone and falls in love with some perfect lady. It’s misleading. Of course now we know what’s going to happen. It’s not about him finding love out there. It’s about a man without self love. A man who finds a friend/brother/person who can share his life with. But we’ll circle back around to this song in the last episode. And it will have such vital significance then. 
“Arab Trap: Made in Egypt” - DJ KABOO
This is the first song we get that is not immediately served to a white audience. The first two songs are ones your grandparents could have sat down and listened to on the radio while feeling nostalgic. 
The original song is “Khosara” by Abdel Halim. Go give it a listen! DJ Kaboo took that original ditty and turned it into a hell of a Trap sound. 
This one is a play on what we think of when we hear the words 'Egyptian music'. The playful whistle. The beats. What's ironic is that this plays as Steven is LEAVING the museum where he works in the Ancient Egyptian area. 
Here we see Steven talking to the living statue. He talks to him like a friend and explains his continued loneliness. The music fades away. It's a simple touch, but it gives an intro into something different. 
“Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” - Wham!
Okay this song. This scene is absolutely the best. It's the scene that won me over and had me cracking up. Every time we see Steven waking up, we get a song about the state of his waking up. From waking up as a man breaking up without love to a song about a man waking up in a complete state of confusion and panic. This song is so happy and carefree. 
A song about asking for their significant other to wake them up so they don't have to be alone and they can go dancing with them. 
We see Steven and Marc fighting for control and waking up in worse and worse situations. 
“Bahlam Maak” - Nagat
The first song in Arabic. 
Translated it means "Dream with you".
It's romantic and soft. It’s old. It sounds almost like classic elevator music akin to “girl from ipanema”. We hear it while Steven is waiting at the steakhouse for a date that isn’t going to happen. It’s almost like we are looking into Steven’s idea of a romantic date. With his suit and flowers and chocolates. 
It's a song about dreaming of someone sailing to meet them and them sailing together. Here are the lyrics roughly translated (I do mean roughly because I do not speak Arabic...yet). 
I dream with you .. of a ship
and a harbor .. to anchor us
and we sail again
the wind resists ..and i found you
in your eyes .. and your hands
my shore and my wishes
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me 
my name and your name .. my dear
my town .. and my story
my home and my wanderer
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me
So we have yet ANOTHER song about dreaming. Or waking up and secrets. How clever all of the things that are casually tossed in with more meaning. 
All these songs really do add together and build up our picture of Steven. Fun songs, happy sounding songs, loving soft songs, but all about being alone, of wanting someone there to do things with, to share with. 
The composed songs are all dramatic or simple background music. They are huge shifts from the actual songs that we overtly hear. But they are all in the background. They are there to build the tension and mystery that is quietly and slowly pushing into Steven’s life. 
We don't actually hear the Moon Knight Theme until the very end of the episode. This whole episode we've had slow hints in the background composed music. Quiet nods to it. And then as the big reveal happens, it comes blasting in on full chorus. 
HERE IT IS. THE THEME OF THE SHOW. Over the credits! This show is not about the violence and fighting choreography (though when we get it, it is wonderful and a true thing to see). This show is about the slow burn leading up to what makes Moon Knight. It’s about the mystery. The inner workings that come before we can see the man the myth the legend. 
What I love about the music episode to episode is that there is no standard format! Every opening is different. Every closing song is different. EVEN THE CLOSING IMAGES ARE DIFFERENT. You have to pay attention to absolutely every single last thing. 
But oh the Moon Knight main theme. It's so beautiful. The orchestra is playing. The horns smoothly trailing off. It isn’t just blasting about beat’em’up. It’s got the feel of coming out of Egypt. It feels like a song played at night under a full moon. 
The music alone is enough to send me flying. And this is just episode one. You hear any of these songs now and you instantly know what it’s from. What was happening on the screen. This is such a far cry from a lot of big movies/shows now. With throw away background stuff that blends in or is so generic. Each song is picked to mean something. To set the scene. To set the tone. To set the character! 
Anyone listen to Man without love now and not see the apartment and Steven waking up? Anyone hear Wake me up and not see a cupcake truck careening desperately down a mountain? I don’t think so. At least for me that’s the case. But I”m a little hyped up right now. I can’t wait to get into the other episodes as the music ONLY GETS BETTER AND MORE THEMATIC. Oh my god the music gets so much better. GO LISTEN TO IT. 
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incorrectexoquotes · 8 years
Hi I'm new to exo and there's so many members (not that I'm complaining) I was wondering if u can tell me about the personalities and distinct features to help me remember their names??? Thx~ Also I understand their used to be 12 members and if u can include the ex-members that would the dope~
sehun: he is the baby of the group a very tall very handsome baby, noodly limbs but like….graceful noodle because he’s a great dancer so he’s like those dancing noodles in front of gas stations, he makes fun of everyone and probably roasts all of exo daily but he’s a big baby so he loves his boys a lot and probably cries while watching lilo and stitch because ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten, he has terrible selfie skills and has a thing for white girls (nothing wrong with liking white girls but he liked a kylie jenner thing once ??? i guess god doesn’t give with two hands?) , sometimes he looks mean as hell but remember he is just a big baby please handle with care
kai: his real name is jongin, he has beautiful tan skin and he is living proof that god really DOES give with two hands because he is both beautiful and also sweet as hell and also handsome and sarcastic funny??, during interviews he’s always staring intently at the person talking because he doesn’t want to miss a single word like what kind of Angel™?, his only flaw is that he doesn’t like wearing socks and he’d probably fall asleep in ur lap whenever possible at the most inopportune moments, he dances Great and the way he moves his body??? boy was born for the stage he draws your eyes immediately during performances, he has fluffy lips and fluffy hair and the deadliest Gaze when he looks straight into the camera, obsessed with dogs he has like 3 and he’d steal sehun’s dog vivi if he could lets be real maybe he’s just a bunch of dogs operating a human suit in order to take over the world? plausible theory, one time he had to be locked in a room by the staff so he’d stay and finish his vlive broadcast, all he does is laugh that cute dorky laugh (search it up because i’m literally sitting here typing this and hearing his laugh in my head it’s so distinct and memorable wow), he’s probably a goddamn hipster and into slam poetry…love it
D.O.: aka kyungsoo, literally good at EVERYTHING he does, dancing??? YES!!! singing??? a LEGEND! acting???? A KING OF KINGS WHERE THE OSCAR AT??!!!!, pretends he hates exo but he actually runs fyexo on the side, probably has his calendar filled out with the release dates of all of the other member’s solo stuff so he can listen/watch right away and then pretend like he didn’t because he cares more than anyone but he’s not about to show it, has pretty heart-shaped lips and big eyes and never dyes his hair a different color anymore it’s always black, recently got a terrible haircut that tested my love but then he showed his forehead and the world was good again, born january 12 1993 which is also the day zayn malik was born and i wholeheartedly believe there is a Reason for this, has the softest smoothest chocolaty velvet voice on earth and i could listen to him say baby girl and senorita for the rest of my life, BIG SMILE, people talk about satansoo and maybe he’s evil because he’s a capricorn and short as hell (therefore full of lots of inner anger) but i truly believe he’s just a small bean with a big smile and a bigger heart who’s kinda into platonic bdsm
chanyeol: oh boy where do we start, main rapper, a meme, got big ass eyes, a very tall baby but in the sense that he’s like 85% legs 20% ears and 50% In His Feelings At All Times, cries about everything, he’s allergic to dogs and cats but he Endures the pain just so he can hold his family dog like………that’s cute, he’s noodly and not even a graceful noodle just 85% noodle legs hurdling through life at too-fast speeds that his legs cannot keep up with but thankfully he is trying, HIS ARMS ARE SO THICK, he owns this one black sweatshirt and wears it all the damn time yet he’s owns a rolex who is he, like he literally wears the same outfit for days i bet he’s always skipping laundry day, he composes and writes music and plays like 10 instruments some of which include the guitar, piano, my heart, etc, awkward as hell, part of 92/beagle line and probably loud and giggly as hell too, a crier, his news anchor sister is really hot i stan his sister, DJs at exo concerts and let me tell u….boy knows how to Kick Ass, VOICE SO DEEP YOU’LL START RECITING POETRY FOR JONGIN’S SLAM POETRY SESSIONS
chen: real name is jongdae, smiles like :3, HIS VOCALS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD, his voice feels like taking 6 shots at once and you’re good until you stand up and everything hits you at once and you’re bouncing off the walls maybe possibly crying, small but full of roasts, looks like he gives the sweetest hug gentle and soft while he rubs your back, probably smells really nice, the whiniest voice ever, *jongdae voice* whyyyyyyyyy, *jongdae voice* [screaming], screams a lot, have you ever listened to jongdae’s solo “uprising” because he truly busted my fucking ears once and it was the best experience of my life, secretly aspires to be in a heavy metal band and was probably the sole reason why exo did a heavy metal version of mama during an awards show, he has a square jaw and curly lips and pretty eyelashes and he gives off this very serene vibe, part of 92/beagle line, I LOVE IT WHEN HE SMILES, honestly the sweetest boy, everyone calls him the mom of the group he’s literally the mom friend who doesn’t love the mom friend, ripped his pants during mama 2016 and kept his cool thru creating a skirt w his jacket on the spot, snarky as shit 10/10 would recommend, doesn’t have an instagram?? for why??
baekhyun: LOUD AS SHIT, a sweetheart, he has the prettiest hands, used to be cute and then decided to gym so now he’s cute but also hot, lotto baekhyun=hot pirate shirt baekhyun, he literally has an entire series where he plays league of legends with heechul and invites random people to play embarrassing games and scream with, jongdae was on one episode and they screamed together and it was beautiful exo’s harmonies are legendary, dance line passing, exo m passing, moodmaker which means he makes CORNY ASS JOKES AND I’M WHIPPED SO I LAUGH, connoisseur of stanning girl groups and always doing girl group dances, a focking dweeb, BIG RECTANGULAR SMILE ALL TEETH SHINY AS HELL CHIP SKYLARK WROTE MY SHINY TEETH AND ME ABOUT BAEKHYUN, probably thinks lightning mcqueen is cute and jongdae the type to agree, has a literal daddy kink and flaunts it on instagram.com, he is literally ALWAYS talking, not sure if he knows how to not talk, like you see the guy always talking in exo videos and he has a loud voice? that’s baekhyun (not the one screaming at extreme decibels but the guy sceaming at slightly lower than extreme decibels), highly endearing, baekhyun flirts with everyone trust me im an expert, does embarrassing things on purpose and then gets embarrassed two minutes later and repeats process every day, a Relatable Meme, 92/beagle line member #3
lay: real name is yixing, last Chinese member left, HARDWORKING, ANGEL, GOD SENT HIM TO US TO SHOW US THAT HUMANS CAN BE GOOD, a part of dance line and his dancing is so good to watch it’s sharp and precise and his hip thrusts *fans self while baekhyun fans himself on the other side of the world*, always looks like he’s spitting straight fire at awards show speeches, pointing up during speeches to show that exo is #1, soooo hardworking he’s made his own studio and released his own solo album and acts and does variety in china and travels back and forth between exo and solo activities and is always thinking about his exo boys while thinking of his fans (xingmis), KING, according to exo he has a thing for spreading their ass cheeks, calls it ‘refreshing’ but im pretty sure he just has a kink, has tired droopy looking eyes its cute, literal human incarnation of those “[takes a hit from bong] how do my feet smell if they don’t have a nose?”, super chill like he that dude who’d just sit through the end of the world and you’d be like….tru…and join him in Chill Bliss while the world falls apart around you
suho: aka Junmyeon (Joonmyun is another way to spell it), suho means “guardian angel” because he thinks he’s a guardian angel and PLOT TWIST HE IS!!! HE IS EXO’S ANGEL AND HE TAKES CARE OF THEM BY NAGGING AND LISTENNING AND BEING SWEET AND MAKING DAD JOKES, dad joke example #1: when someone asked him what park they should go to while they were in nyc and he said “linkin park” i kid u not i am not making this shit up, he’s very, very pretty like SOOOO HANDSOME kinda looks like the guy who’d be your suga daddy tbh, he is exo’s self-proclaimed funniest member and tbh he truly is the funniest member his dad jokes are out of this world exo can suck it, smol pal, he’s the leader of the group and the rest of exo like to roast him but tbh he’s the best leader and i will always have a soft spot for him ever since that time when krisgate happened and exo won for overdose and he went up on stage all alone to accept the award and the way he held it together so well for everyone, his band himself and the fans, was the most heartbreaking thing ever i love kim junmyeon he’s just a loving single dad trying to make it out there in this cruel worl
Xiumin: aka Minseok, he looks like a cute bun but he’s actually the oldest and is so beefed up he could probably beat u up and ur grandchildren’s children would feel it, LITERALLY SOOOOO HOT, he used to be really quiet during debut and he is still kinda quiet but he’s been working on it and doing much better and exo supports him thru it, honestly its the quiet ones u gotta watch for boy probably gathers all the tea on the rest of exo and spills it at isac when no one is watching, YALL SEEN THOSE PICS OF KANGAROOS, that’s minseok he’s cute like a kangaroo but he can also murder u with a pinky finger and u would probably thank him not gonna lie, he has pretty slanted eyes and he’s a really good dancer and he has a lovely voice AND HE CAN WRAP example #2 of god truly giving with two hands, he loves sports and back before luhangate he and luhan were literally inseparable #bffs4lyfe, the CUTEST SMILE IN EXISTENCE, WHEN HE SMILES WARS END, literally everyone is under this boy’s spell like minseok barely does variety he showed up on running man once for .02 seconds in a clip he wasnt even invited to the show and he trended for like a whole day, he ate mocha bread on xoxo and mocha bread sold out everywhere, he is literally the chuck norris of exo, he’s always trending for breathing it’s beautful and relatable me too south korea
ex members: so they were all apart of exo m (exo’s chinese subunit who promoted in china), exo m also includes xiumin, chen, and lay, the rest of the members above were in exo k, who mainly promoted in south korea
tao: aka zitao, A BABYYYYYYYYYYYYY, BABIER THAN SEHUN EVEN THO HE’S LIKE…KYUNGSOO’S AGE, he’s got a cat-like face, pretty tanned skin, and he was super tall, king of being a wushu master, basically he’s entirely capable of kicking ass wherever he goes but he’s scared of everything, couldn’t shower alone back in the old days, everyone loved taking caring of him, suho was literally his mother, he looked scary during debut era because of his emo hair, but he’s the biggest baby ever and he and sehun made up the raddest baby club ever, they rode around in expensive cars just to get food from the convenience store, dramatique as hell, i really really liked his rapping he had flow it was great also his iconic part in growl….binch, RED HAIR TAO………GODS GIFT, HIS MUSIC NOW IS LIKE…..culture shock he’s a smol baby but those mvs m’dude, i miss him
luhan: apparently hes a fkn freak have you heard his new songs, “put in work like the renaissance move that body like a gymnahst ask me what i want  lalalalala blow me like a flute WOO OoooooOOOHOHHOOH show me what IT do oooohoooh” Lu by Luhan (2015), ok like he was literally so iconic???, cute face like honestly so gorgeous but he always had this obsession with being MANLY, he and his manly BRO MINSEOK would do BRO things like Coffee BRODATES and play soccer together and hang out under BROBRELLAS at isac, he’s good at acting and making it in a matt damon movie yes binch, i loved his voice it was sweet and harmonized so well with jongdae’s voice and yixing’s, he genuinely had the sweetest friendships with his bros, A LITERAL MEME RUNNING MAN LUHAN WAS ICONIC , he doesn’t know what he’s doing w his face and is constantly derping its beautiful, literally the original exo meme face tbh, white producer: luhan you’re the best! luhan: [hits the whip nervously], i miss him so much omg
kris: aka Kris Wu or Wu Yifan some say kevin was also a name…. a man of many names, luhan might have been the original exo meme face but kris was the original extra ass meme, obsessed with space and the biggest dork in the world (universe), his relationship with the boys was like….so beautiful….and its been nearly three years but it always warms my hort, a really good actor he’s making it big out there, SOME TIMES HE’D WEAR THE UGLIEST SHIT TO THE AIRPORT AND HONESTLY….IT WAS WILD HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A FASHION ICON, HONESTLY kris in exo showtime was the most iconic thing i’ve ever seen, exo’s other dad or now it’s exo’s ex dad, probably shared dad jokes with suho when they’d have their dad meetings, he’s otherworldly hot and he has these piercing eyes and he went bald for like a month after leaving exo but now he’s making it big in a vin diesel movie with my girl deepika #bless, krisgate was literally the wildest thing he exposed sm and i still get war flashbacks about it, rip exo m(emories), i miss him too but they’re all doing good out there so its fine
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