#Going to start just eating Moon Knight for breakfast
angel-of-the-moons · 10 months
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None really
A/N: Gods you guys I am so sorry it's taken so long, life just keeps getting on track and derailing into some crazy bs for me lately (and of course the wonderful problems of depression and problematic mental health are an issue) but I'm hoping I churn out a bit more writing because I miss it and Lord it drives me bonkers when I wanna write, but can't think of where to start. So this is one of the shorter chapters, filler mostly. But have some Hippo Mama-focused stuff for a bit!
Taglist: @bad4amficideas @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @lokisremainingsanity @mundivagantsoul @furblrwurblr @zoleea-exultant @latenightcravingz @daygirl26 @thelastemzy @leahnicole1219 @crazyunsexycool
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Chapter 7:
Cats and Cradles
You were certainly a peculiar creature. Odd dietary habits, an awkward sleeping schedule...
But all this could be tied to your soulmate, surely. Or well... Soulmates, as it were. It had to have been.
"It must be so difficult for you, poor little thing." Taweret sighed as she watched you eat your breakfast for the day. Some simple grain-based cereal with granola and dehydrated fruit mixed in, with some sweetened oat-milk poured in, a nice piping cup of tea steaming next to you.
You idly ate spoonful after spoonful while you read an old journal of some sorts. Mass produced of course, but the pages were yellowed and torn at the edges, the spine well-creased.
Taweret leaned over to see what was in the book. Inside were detailed sketches of relics from various Egyptian tombs.
The goddess chuckled as she looked down at you, and looked at your wrist. The bottom right Moon was full today. Given your choice of breakfast and reading material for the morning...
Taweret had to guess Steven was in control of the body. Already, you and the boys were so in tune with one another you didn't even notice when your habits would change depending on who was in control.
Like the day you put whiskey in Jake's coffee. You were intending to do the same for yourself. In fact, you did.
You were sipping at your tea when a slight scratching could be heard at the door that led to the stairs that descended into the alley behind your shop.
Taweret's little ears flicked about as she watched you curiously as you stand, and go over to the door. Once it opens, there, patiently sitting with big, beautiful green eyes, was a silky-soft black cat.
The cat raised its paw at you a few times, meowing.
You chuckle and step aside, "C'mon, Puck. Yes, I got your treats for you." You say to the little creature as she--yes, Taweret was positive the cat was female--sauntered into your flat as though she owned the place.
The cat, apparently named by you as "Puck" sat at two empty little dishes on the floor, pink with little fish pictures printed on.
"How quaint!" Taweret giggled. Of course, she knew you couldn't see or hear her, but she was curious about you. And if that blasted old pigeon was nosing about you, Taweret wanted to know more about you as well. And gosh, did she find you positively endearing! Especially with how you were baby-talking to your little furry friend!
"C'mon, Puck." You giggle, pulling out a small container of goat milk. Taweret watches, absolutely besotted with the scene in front of her as you pour some of the milk into one of the pink bowls, and a handful of kibble in the other.
You scritch the cat's ear as she happily laps up her milk, before she switches and munches on her food.
"I wish I knew what you got up to when you're not around. I haven't seen you for two weeks!" You sigh, sitting on your haunches with your cheeks in your palms as you watched the creature eat.
Taweret carefully maneuvers herself out of the way as you get up to grab your cereal, finishing it off as you talk in between bites to your furry companion, ranting about some controversial fact or another you've read about, or perhaps it was a particularly rude woman in the local super market, you never ran out of things to rant about to the cat.
The hippo woman giggles again as she clasps her hands in front of her and the one-sided conversation you were having. When she looked back down, she noticed Puck was staring right up at her.
Oh, right. Animals can see her.
Ah well... It's not like Puck could talk, so she couldn't exactly tell you there was a 9 foot hippo woman standing in the middle of your flat.
"You're such a good girl, Puck." You coo, scooping up the fluffy critter. The cat allows you to hold her in a way reminiscent of a mother holding her baby, and she purred as you rubbed her belly, licking her chops clean of the food and milk she still had on her.
"Such a messy girl, too." You grin, leaning down to boop your nose to Puck's.
'This cat is the calmest I've ever seen.' Taweret thought amusingly. 'So well-behaved and sweet. A perfect little friend for this darling girl.'
Already Taweret was feeling things for you, she was already starting to dote on you (even though you didn't know it) in a similar way she did with Layla.
The past few weeks, when she wasn't conversing with Layla or the boys, she was with you, milling about in your shop, watching you bake. (Watching someone bake muffins without eggs and other animal products was fascinating! Steven usually made meals, not sweets!)
Sometimes she would sit on the floor, curiously watching whatever it was you had on the TV in the background. (Heavens, there was some dreadful stuff there. She learned to tune out your serial killer documentaries...) However, Taweret was certainly partial to the sci-fi movies you watched.
Particularly the old ones, like that one... Oh, what was it? That strong young woman with the orange cat? Ah! Alien. She very much liked that franchise, it was nice seeing such a strong young woman. "Ripley" reminded her so much of Layla. She even had curly hair! And her darling cat, Jonesy; she had a soft spot for ginger tabbies; they tended to be so silly!
As you went about your morning routine, Taweret noticed that Puck would watch her everywhere she went. It wasn't uncommon, again, for animals to react to her presence. Dogs and birds would make a fuss, but cats were always content to just watch. Sometimes she would lean down and give the little animals a good stroke to their fur.
Taweret continued to watch, the invisible spectator to your routine as you did your dishes and began baking your morning muffins and cakes for your shop.
The day was rather droll, the grimy chilly weather outside meant you would have few customers. So, you'd taken it up on yourself to start organizing and dusting shelves of the books that hardly got touched, Puck staying your loyal little shadow.
She was a big hit with those that did come in, especially older folks. They would lean down, stroke or scratch her and go "oh, such a sweet cat" and "such a good girl!" And of course, Puck seemed to eat it all up, purring loudly and sitting snugly in a folded up sweater you set on the checkout counter.
However, you noticed that Puck, somewhere around mid-afternoon, began walking about the shelves, sitting at the end, and staring.
It was unlike her, when she would spend time with you. She almost always snuggled in your old wool sweater and waited for pets from customers.
But right now, Puck was sitting in the section that held your stock of fantasy and sci-fi novels. Her eyes large, and unblinking as she looked at what appeared to simply be dead air. You noticed she did this in your flat this morning... but paid no mind to it. After all, who could possibly claim to know the inner workings of a feline mind? Perhaps a speck of dust wafting about caught her eye and she was fixated upon it? Who knows?
You left Puck to do her silly kitty routine and continued cleaning and organizing.
Taweret got a little anxious when the cat persistently followed her about. For some reason, this cat was wholly invested in Taweret's appearance after she awoke from her nap on the counter.
Perhaps it was because Taweret was an alien presence that the cat had never seen before? Perhaps she could sense Taweret's divinity? Cats were often capable of sensing supernatural things, or even venturing into a kind of spirit world, and capable of bringing good luck and good fortune to those that housed and loved them.
And you seemed to care and love Puck whenever she would come back to see you from her "adventures" as you put them.
But right now, Pick was still just... staring.
"Oh, dear... Shoo, little one! I'd hate for your friend to catch on!" Taweret said, her fingers wiggling anxiously, ears flicking about.
The cat merely stared, giving Taweret a long, slow blink in response.
"Whatcha gawking at, Puck?" You say, clicking your tongue as you kneel next to the cat, rubbing her head with your fingers.
Puck's tail merely flicked about behind her a few times, and she gave another slow blink, but not at you.
Your eyes track where Puck was staring, and for a moment, Taweret was worried you could see her...
But instead you chuckle and scritch the cat again.
"Is my bookshop haunted, Puck? If so, tell your ghost buddies not to knock stuff off my shelves, okay? I do not have poltergeist insurance."
Taweret sighed, her body sagging in relief as you walked off, paying no further mind to Puck and her odd behavior.
"Goodness me, you certainly are an odd one!" Taweret told the cat, reaching down to stroke her sweetly.
A young woman with bright green hair and possibly the most piercings you'd ever seen in a person had walked into your store, striking up a conversation with you.
She was from Turkey, originally, and was looking into books about any local history, and oddly enough, nursery rhymes.
The young woman told you her name was Anya, and that her parents met when her mother was on some job that required her to travel. She only recently moved to England (her mother's birthplace) after her father passed away.
That's when Anya told you she wanted to go into childcare, hence the books on nursery rhymes.
"Yeah, there's a local daycare that says they need more books cause the kids love em to pieces." She snorted, shoving her hands in her pockets. "Literally."
"Oh, no I can imagine." You chuckle, placing the colorful books in one of your reusable bags.
Anya reached out and patted Puck's haunches, and Puck stretched, making a "mrrp?" noise as she did. Stretching over Anya's torso (that was visible beneath her over-sized shirt that hung off one of her shoulders) was a mark that looked almost like flames. You were absolutely transfixed by it.
"'S not ink, if that's what you're wondering." She winked at you.
Your face flushed, and you rubbed the back of your neck, embarrassed that you were caught staring. "Oh, I just... It's just so..."
"Eye-catchin'? Yeah, I know." She grinned. "I've had it since I was like, six."
"Oh! It's your mark?" You gasped.
"Yep! I like it, honestly. Rather cool and adds to my whole aesthetic." Anya laughed. "You can imagine my mum's reaction when she woke me up for school one day and I have a freakin' big arse mark that looks like some sorta phoenix. You should've seen the look on my teacher! Oh, man. She about died!"
Anya petted Puck again. "You've got a really sweet cat, here. She's really calm."
"Oh, Puck? She's actually not my pet, if you can believe that!" You chuckle, watching as Puck soaked up the attention like a little fluffy sponge.
"She's not?" Anya blinked on reply. "Then whose is she?"
"I'm not sure," You answer truthfully. "She just comes around, disappears for a while, and comes back. I love her company, though. She's a real sweetie."
"Man, I've always wanted a cat. I wonder if I can talk my mum into getting a cat?" She mused.
"Oh, I recommend it. My dad always had cats growing up." You chuckle. "He'd feed the strays on our property, would get them vaccinated, build little hutches for the winter... We also had one or two in the house as our pets. Always had a black one, like Puck here."
You sigh wistfully, playfully poking Puck's belly as she rolled over and showed the pudge to Anya, who cooed at her cute behavior.
"So I guess I have a soft spot for little voids, they remind me of my dad."
"Oh, man, void cats are the best. I love watching videos of them online! They just look like giant polka dots with eyes!" The young woman giggled with glee, happily rubbing Puck's belly.
You'd finished ringing her up and she gladly paid, saying as she left, "I'll have to come back and get more of these for the kids. Thanks!"
"Anytime, sweets!" You say to her as she happily walked out into the dreary weather.
You looked at Puck, your chin in your palm as you snorted at her. She turned her head and stretched, moseying over to you and headbutting your chin, before pulling back and giving you a slow blink.
"Maybe I should get you some of those talking buttons, eh, Puck? I'd sure love to hear what you're thinking!" You sigh at her. Puck merely purred in response.
You were still blissfully unaware of the goddess still inhabiting the space of your shop, watching you with a fond smile.
Chapter 8: Link
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moiravim · 1 year
Are you gonna make a part 2 for Moon Dad meets y/n? I would like to see Marc's first meet up.
Moon dad's part 2.
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Summary: what it's like living with Steven and Marc as your father figure<3
It has been a month since you moved in with Steven. By now you had been introduced to Marc and had gotten an explanation on who Khonshu is. Marc had immediately grown a soft spot for you.
It was nice being around someone who accepted you and could relate to you.
They had treated you like you were their own child and you were forever thankful. Even Khonshu had a soft spot towards you. Although he often gave you bad and dangerous advice so Marc told you to ignore him.
They knew he wouldn't let anything happen to you, so they didn't mind if you spent time with Khonshu as long as you weren't doing anything dangerous.
You finish the chapter of the book Steven had given you before placing in the bookmark and standing up.
You walked into the kitchen where Steven was preparing breakfast and asked; "do you need any help?". He smiled at you before shaking his head no and responding; "I'm almost done, love. How about you go sit at the table?"
You nod and he smiles lovingly at you. You go to the table and sit down in your favorite spot. It was facing the window so you could look out as you eat.
Khonshu appears and you casually look up at him. The first few times it was scary, but by now you enjoyed his presence.
"What are you doing?" He questions you as you stare out the window. You roll your eyes at his nosiness and respond; "I'm just watching people. Dad's almost done making breakfast..."
"Dad?" He asks. You cringe at the realization and try to play it off. "Dad? I said Steven..." Khonshu lets out a sound that almost sounds like a laugh before disappearing again.
Steven walks up with a plate of breakfast prepared for you. You smile as you grab your fork and taste the food.
He laughs as he looks at your exited face. You loved when Steven and Marc spent time with you and it made them feel bad for you.
It broke Marc's heart to see how happy little things meant to you. It made him overthink a lot about your childhood and made him hate your parents even more.
Steven sat in the seat across from you and started eating his own food. When you finished eating Steven said you could go to your room or watch TV but you responded that you'd rather stay there.
When he finished eating he told you that; "I have something planned. I was hoping that the we could go to the book store today. I just finished my book and it looks like your almost done with yours".
Your face becomes happier and you nod. He leaves the table to go get everything he needs and then goes to put his shoes on.
You quickly tie your shoes before standing up and walking to the door. "Hurry up!" You complain as Steven lets out a small laugh. He finishes putting on his shoes and opens the front door.
He holds your hand as the two of you walk around the large town. When you arrive at the library, Steven lets you look around while he picks out a book for himself.
By the end of the day you and Steven are both satisfied and spend the afternoon reading together. Marc fronts and the two of you lay down on the couch and watch television together until you fell asleep.
Marc carries you back to your bed and tucks you in before leaving a kiss on your forehead. He grabs your favorite stuffed animal which had fallen onto the floor and lays it down next to you.
He leaves the room and quietly closes the door before going to help Khonshu as moon knight.
A/N: should I do a part 3 where YN meets Jake? And maybe YN gets adopted? If you all have any other ideas, lmk 🥰🥰🫶
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
I hope its not too late butttt
Could i request headcannoms for the moon night system feeding the reader? Its just such a loving gesture to do for your spouse, you know?
Nonnie, it’s a loving gesture, yes, but I went ahead and made it also a sexy gesture, because I’m a hor and you didn’t specify SFW or NSFW lol. (Sorry if this isn't quite what you meant, but I loved it lmao)
NSFW below the cut, food mentioned.
Word Count: 347
Is a messy eater, and somehow even messier when feeding you.
It's supposed to be romantic, but Steven manages to get strawberry juice everywhere when trying to feed them to you.
Everything is sticky.
Steven uses that as an excuse to lick you clean.
He's sloppy and licking you all over, your lips, your neck, your chest.
He purposefully gets juice on your nipples so he can suck it off of them.
Gets juice all over your face too, just wanting an excuse to keep dragging his tongue all over you.
Moans and makes so many hungry noises while cleaning you up.
Starts peeling an orange at breakfast. Sees that you're mesmerized by the way he sticks his fingers in the center to pull apart the slices.
Marc puts a little slice in your mouth.
Smears a little juice on your bottom lip.
Pops his finger in his mouth to suck on it, while you just stare with your mouth open.
You eat the orange slowly.
He then takes a bit of whipped cream that was supposed to go on your pancakes and puts it on his finger.
He sticks his finger in your mouth and groans when you suck it clean.
Has you do the same with his cock, covering your lips in the white cream while fucking your throat.
Gives you the task of making cupcakes. You should know that he has an ulterior motive.
Really just wants to feed you frosting.
You end up naked with Jake painting your body in frosting.
Feeds it to you by licking it off your body and kissing you deeply. He put it on your nipples, all down your stomach, and on your fingers.
Asks you to paint him all over his body as well. He especially wants some on his inner thighs and balls.
He moans deeply with every drag of your tongue over his skin. Eventually you're on top of him while he fucks upward into you and you're sucking frosting off each of his nipples.
Hope you liked it nonnie!
Moon Knight Masterlist
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
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I haven’t been working on much. 👀 So I think I have three previews? One would say that’s not nothing Nerdie and they are correct. It’s just my brain has been…flipped upside down, shaken and stirred and jostled a little just for funsies. 😑 Bah.
Anyway! Good news is that I am heavy in the fluff camp! Smut was lost between being shaken and stirred I think. 🤔
I was tagged by @secretelephanttattoo @604to647 @djarins-cyare and @inept-the-magnificent 💕💕💕 Thank you for thinking of me. ❤️
Previews under the cut:
The first is for “Our Journey Across the Star Ocean.”
His hand touched face one time with his bare hand next to Grogu’s little green one on your cheek, his thumb brushed against your lips. He held it there a moment before dropping his hand. You wonder if he was embarrassed or sorry that he did so. But his hand is once again in yours as he charts the course to the next bounty.
It’s not only the small touches. Din always remembers enough cleaning supplies for your tools and the ship in addition to the small little caf cakes you like after a bounty goes well. Din might have started eating one as he would buy three instead of just two. The small parchment paper in the refuse was the evidence he’d had one.
It’s very cute I think. 💕 we’re at part four, may end at part five because…reasons. 👀
The second preview is for a random Dieter Bravo series I wanna write just because:
“I’ll text Mindy. It will be fine. Anything happens she’ll blame me anyway. You can just be licking ice cream off your lips.” Scooting closer to Tamia, Dieter purposely lowers his head to look up at her, using his deep brown eyes to his advantage. If you’ve got it, use it right?
Huffing, Tamia reluctantly agrees to Dieter’s proposal for ice cream. A car is summoned and they’re off within ten minutes. A flurry of texts from Mindy stating that he needs to take Tamia home now go ignored other than Dieter’s one reply: Okay mom. We’ll be back in plenty of time. It’s just ice cream.
Who doesn’t want ice cream, especially with Dieter? 🥰
Lastly, I’m working on Only Pieces of you Mr. Morales finale it’s longer than a Drabble (my bad) but I gotta wrap it up properly:
There stands Francisco, a messy mop of dark curls bouncing on the back of his neck, his gray t-shirt struggling to contain his biceps and shoulders. He was wearing tan cargo shorts that cupped the curve of his ass just right. He’s finishing up the eggs, the bacon is to the side, pancakes are keeping warm in a metal baking pan covered with foil. The table is set with orange juice and syrup already out. If she wasn’t apprehensive about what conversation they were going to have, she’d tell him to cover all the food and head back to the bedroom. This is by far one of the sexiest and sweetest things he does for her: letting her not worry about anything. She’s waiting for his usual line of “breakfast is served mi amor (my love).” That’s not what he turns and says.
And a last sentence because @djarins-cyare did one:
Javi and Abigail watched the cerulean blue waves roll against the rocks as they finished up their meal.
I made progress on my Javi G series Two Hearts by the Ocean finally! 🌊
NPT: @rhoorl @maggiemayhemnj @laurfilijames @grogusmum @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
@goodwithcheese @djarinmuse @connectioneverywhere @morallyinept @megamindsecretlair
@soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @spacecowboyhotch @avastrasposts @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@magpiepills @pedroshotwifey @julesonrecord @alltheglitterandtheroar @pamasaur
PS: I might have made notes to two Moon Knight fics. 👀 Again for reasons…maybe found while being flipped. Who knows these things really?
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oddballwriter · 26 days
For YOUR ask game!
🐰, ⛅, ✨
Do you believe in soul mates? Yeah. I think that it’s rare to find them but I think that in a way there’s someone out there for everyone. I also believe that they take many forms and don’t exclusively come as lovers. I think that they can come in the form of friendships and family members too.
What is your morning routine? I wake up, cook and eat my breakfast, check my email and other notifications that might be important, fix my bed, get dressed or take a shower (Depends on if I took shower the night before. I recently got a class that ends at 10pm and by the time I get home I’m too tired to really do anything and I have a whole routine for showering along with me hating going to bed with wet/damp hair.), and then open up my bedroom curtains. After that I actually start my day and do whatever I need to like attend classes, school work, chores, errands, etc etc.
Which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Steven Grant - Specifically his show version. I just love him in general and relate to him in other ways but my main thing is that he’s implied/confirmed to be on the autism spectrum, and he’s actually good representation among the sea of absolutely shitty ones. I see a lot of autistic traits that I have in him and it makes me actually feel seen. I also see other things in his personality that I also have in mine like being over all polite to others but will get sassy occasionally and other things. All in all, I really like Steven.
Sock from Welcome to Hell - I don’t know if my Moon Knight demographic has seen this animation but it’s been a part of my life and soul since I was in middle school. Anyways, Sock is what I call “a nonbinary/gender nonspecific icon and annoying friend representation”. This character had the entire fandom debating on if they were a male or a female for YEARS because they have an androgynous appearance and voice along with wearing clothes that didn’t particularly specify which either. And that helped me realize that I was nonbinary/gender nonspecific and could wear whatever I wanted. Also, if you’ve seen the animation, Sock is kind of annoying, but not in the negative way, in the “friend that doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up” way. They’re a certified yapper and so am I.
Wybie from Coraline - Most would say that their Coraline but I know that I am 100% a Wybie. He’s the type of weird kid that I was growing up where he’d get up to weird shit and the go home and vibe.
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amethystina · 1 month
Hello !!! I hope u r well and recovering 💘
Fir the ask game: 🤡❌️👀
Unfortunately, things are still pretty rough but I'm hanging in there :)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
I'm not sure if there is such a line, to be honest. Mainly because most of the things I write aren't all that funny, but also because it takes a lot for me to laugh when it's my own writing. Because I already know the punchline before the joke's even started, so it's just not that exciting. If that makes sense?
That said, Yoon Sa Wol from Black Knight is an absolute hoot to write and there is one exchange in particular that definitely makes me want to cackle whenever I think about it. It's when he's talking to 4-1 (a coworker of his) and they accidentally stumble onto the subject of whether or not Sa Wol could have sex with 5-8 (the dude he is definitely interested in having sex with) and the following happens:
All things considered, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all. 4-1 didn't seem to agree. She gave him a flat look, as if the answer should be obvious. "He'd eat you for breakfast." Sa Wol paused for a beat but, really, the only thing he could think to say was: "I mean, wouldn't that be the whole point?" 4-1 let out a choked noise that sounded outright painful.
But also, kudos on being so goddamn shameless.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
I'm not sure if there is one? Because, sure, I'm not personally into mpreg or A/B/O but I can't say I'll never write them. Like, if someone gave me enough money to write those tropes, I probably would. We get money where we can in this economy xD
I think the closest I come to a complete "I refuse to write this" are the things I find triggering or just don't agree with on a moral level. So I'd have a hard time glorifying abuse, for example, or write something that involves incest or non-con between a romantic couple. The kind where transgressions are eventually forgiven or brushed aside because "they actually love them and it was just a mistake" and that kind of stuff.
There's a reason why I'm so determined to call out Yo Han's bullshit in my Devil Judge fics, for example, and why Moon Jo is such a lovesick simp in my Strangers From Hell fic. I find them to be incredibly fascinating as characters, but I admit I would never be able to write them doing something along those lines. They both skirt the line from time to time — which is sort of the point in some ways — but I try to criticise the behaviour rather than excuse or glorify it.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I kind of mentioned all of them when I did the WIP Tag Game not too long ago, so you can see what they are and read about them if you look at this tag right here!
But aside from that, I can say that I'm currently trying to edit and post chapter six of A New Dawn (Begins With Us), and, after that, I'm going to try and edit chapter 3 of The Right Set of Circumstances, and, after that, I... well, I don't know x'D I'll either try to edit Thou Shalt Not Covet or maybe I'll allow myself to write chapter 42 of Who Holds the Devil.
I'm kind of holding that chapter hostage right now since I HATE editing and would much rather write — it's just so much more fun. But if I only wrote and didn't edit, I would never post anything, so I kind of have to force myself to edit from time to time, too.
And it's extra annoying right now since I'm so feverish and that just makes editing ten times worse for some reason?
So yeah. I have a lot going on right now in terms of WIPs and it's kind of beginning to feel like a second job, not going to lie x'D
Thank you so much for the ask! :D
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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starryevermore · 2 years
do not chastise the dove (17) ✧ steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley
do not chastise the dove ✧ a royal moon knight au | ao3 | pinterest board
pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley
series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you. 
chapter summary: you take your position as queen.
word count: 4,331
warnings?: fluff, mention of sex trafficking, mention of benjamin, pet name (dove), not proofread
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You felt like you were going to throw up. Your stomach was in a constant churn, the food you ate for breakfast not sitting well with you. You had known the process of accession was a rather fast on, at least in terms for officially making you Queen. The actual coronation would take time to happen. The earliest it could happen would be a year. But that was more for show. The actual accession began with the Accession Council and Parliament proclaiming you as Queen. Sam had had that done as soon as Benjamin was removed from the palace. Now, you needed to go sign the proclamation. 
It terrified you to go do it. Really, you knew that it shouldn’t have. All you had to do was go outside, not show your nerves to the throngs of photographers and journalists outside the palace, make it to the Parliament building, wave through another mass of photographers and journalists, sign the proclamation, and be on your merry way. And, yet, there were still a million things that could go wrong. It made your head spin to consider all of the possibilities. 
Perhaps today wasn’t the best day to sport an all-white look. You elected to wear a white, double-breasted blazer and matching dress pants, a simple white blouse beneath your blazer. You fought the urge to bobble in your white pumps. All eyes were on you. If you fell…everyone would see. Worse, your outfit would serve as a stark reminder of the catastrophe. Yet, you tried to remember the feeling you had when you looked at yourself in the mirror. You had, for the first time, truly felt like a Dove. 
And, god, when Steven looked at you? It turned you into a pile of goo on the floor. The way his eyes lit up, his mouth slightly agape as he looked you over. He could barely contain his smile—you could practically hear the smile in his voice—as he said, “Bloody hell, you look stunning, dove!”
Perhaps it was the tiniest bit pathetic to admit, but his words were enough to get you out the door, ready to take on the day and all that it would bring. (After, of course, you kissed him so hard and so senselessly your lipstick smeared across his face.) 
Together, the two of you left your (now shared) bedroom and made your way out of the palace. You passed some of the staff on the way out, pausing long enough to greet them and wish them a good day, until you finally reached the front doors to the palace. You paused as you stared at the doors. The nerves started to eat away at you again. Steven seemed to sense your unease, and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. 
You took a deep breath in, out. You repeated again once more, twice more, thrice more. Then—
“I’m ready.”
The doors were opened. You fought the urge to raise your hand to shield your eyes from the blinding flashes of light that erupted from the photographers. Instead, you painted a smile on your face—not too big, so that there wouldn’t be stories about how you reveled in the former King’s failure, but not too small, so that there wouldn’t be stories about how you were vapid and didn’t care about the common folk. As you and Steven walked to the car, you made sure to wave at the crowd. You were surprised to see so many people there who just wanted to catch a glimpse of you. You supposed you’d been away from this life for so long now that you’d forgotten that the Royal Family had so many loyal followers. 
“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”
Normally, you tried to ignore the shouting. Most of the time, it was just invasive questions from reporters. But, this one caught your interest. It was the shouting of a little girl. You turned your head, nearly gasping when you saw her. 
Could it be? Could it really be her? It had been years. Perhaps your memory was fuzzy? And yet, in your heart, you knew her to be the same girl Jake had stopped from spooking one of the horses in the parade as she ran to you—an incident that would have surely ended in disaster had he not stepped in. She was older, yes, but you could never forget that face. 
You dropped Steven’s hand and knelt in front of the girl. “Hello,” you said to her. 
She beamed at you and held out a flower to you. It was a daisy, and it was missing a few petals, but it was one of the prettiest flowers you had ever seen. “It’s a Daisy, like me,” she said. “That’s my name, I mean. Do you remember me, Your Majesty?”
“Of course I remember the little princess who greeted me at the parade,” you said. You tucked the daisy behind your ear. “You’ve grown so much! Soon, you’re going to look just like a Queen.”
Daisy giggled. “I wanna be just like you, Your Majesty. I wanna be strong, just like you.”
“I’m sure you already are,” you said. You looked up at Steven, who was starting to kneel in front of Daisy, too. “My love, do you remember Daisy? She was at the parade, the first one after my mother passed?”
Steven’s face shifted into Jake’s. He said, “Of course I remember little Daisy.” He gave a teasing look. “I hope you learned to not run in front of horses, little lady.”
“Yes, I learned,” Daisy said. She looked back at you. “Can I tell you a secret, Your Majesty?”
You nodded. She stepped closer to you, one hand raised to shield her mouth as she whispered in your ear, “I hope I meet someone who loves me like they love you.”
You smiled as she stepped back. “I’m sure you’ll meet your Prince Charming someday, Daisy.”
“No, I don’t want a Prince Charming. I want a Moon Knight!” she said. 
You spared a glance at Jake, your smile growing ever so slightly, then looked back at Daisy. “I’m sure you will. It was so nice talking to you again, Daisy. I hope our paths cross again.”
“Bye, Your Majesty!” Daisy said as you started to rise back up to your full height. 
“Goodbye, Daisy. And thank you so much for the flower,” you said. 
Jake rose back up, too, and slipped his hand into yours. You gave a final wave to Daisy, before continuing your walk to the car. Your smile felt a lot more natural now. It didn’t quite feel like you had an expression painted on your face. It felt like…Well, like you had a reason to smile. 
When you reached the car, Jake opened the door for you and you slipped inside. Jake followed behind you, shutting the door as he took his seat. You reached for his hand, lacing your fingers with his own. As the car lurched forward, you scooched closer to Jake, coming to a stop when you were able to comfortably rest your rest on his shoulder. 
Jake gave your hand a squeeze, and said, “I can’t believe we saw her again.”
“I think it’s a sign things are finally are going to be okay,” you said. 
“It does make me think about something,” Jake said. You lifted your head to look at him. “I know you and Steven already talked about it, but…I just wanted to let you know that I’m all in. Whenever you’re ready to get married, to have kids…I’m ready, too. We don’t have to talk about it more right now, but I just wanted you to know.”
You smiled at him, your eyes crinkling at the corners as you looked at him. How did you ever get so lucky? How did you ever manage to have not one, not two, but three incredible men fall in love you? 
“Thank you for telling me,” you said. “I have a lot going on this week, but we’ll talk more about it soon, okay? As soon as the dust starts to settle, we can focus on what our future looks like.”
Jake nodded as the car came to a stop outside the Parliament building. The door opened. Jake stepped out. He held his hand out for you to take as you stepped out. You gave a smile, focusing on him instead of the bright flashes from the photographers. You continued to hold his hand as the two of you walked up to the entrance. 
Breathe in.
Breath out.
You will be fine.
No one can take this from you. 
No one can hurt you now.
The rest was a blur. Shaking Sam’s hand. Taking a seat at the desk. Posing for a picture with Sam on one side of you, Jake on the other. Picking up the pen. Signing the proclamation. Picking up the proclamation. Posing for another picture with the signed document. Looked at Jake. Forgot about the photographers. Forgot about the journalists. Leaned in. Kissed him. Pulled away. Looked at him with all the love and adoration in your heart and soul. He looked back, just the same. 
That picture made the front page of every major news outlet in the kingdom. 
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“Donate the desk to a museum,” you said to Pearl. “The chair, it can go, too. Let the museum decide how to deal with it. The documents can go to the archive, or the library if they’re still necessary.
Pearl nodded, jotting down your requests. “And what desk would you like to use?”
“I’d like an original,” you said. “I’ve been looking into small business owners, local craftsman. I want to support my people where I can. I’ll have a list by the end of the week and we can start contacting from there.”
She raised a brow. “You know I’m not your advisor or your secretary, right?”
It was teasing, and you knew it. But you felt the need to assure her anyways. “I know, and I’m sorry for roping you into this. It’s just…A lot of it is overlapping. I hope to find an advisor and secretary by the end of the week as well.”
“I understand, Your—Y/N,” Pearl said. “I was only teasing.”
“And I wanted you to know that I don’t mean to overwork you,” you said. 
She reached over, grabbed your hand, and squeezed. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled at you. “I don’t mind. I, and the rest of the staff, would rather work for you than him. Do you understand? There is nothing you can do that would be worse than the working conditions he put us through.”
“I just worry,” you said. “I don’t want anyone to compare me to him. Sometimes, I think if I don’t make myself and my intentions clear, people will make the parallels.”
“They probably always will. That’s how the people are, you know,” Pearl said. “But I think just as many people would draw parallels between you and your mother.”
You didn’t mind that. People had been drawing parallels between you and Elaine since, perhaps, you were born. Perhaps it was because you were the only daughter. Perhaps it was because no one wanted to compare the “spare” to the King. But, regardless, you’ve spent an entire lifetime of people telling you that you reminded them of your mother, that you looked just like her, that you acted just like her. Those sorts of comments brought you a sort of joy. Your mother was your idol. In a palace that was cold and cruel, she was warm and welcome. You wanted to be just like her. After you lost her, you clung to those comments closer than ever. 
In some ways, you mused, that was why Benjamin and Kieran and Harrow’s comments always stung. You could handle them chastising you. That had been your life for as long as you could remember (though, you had to admit, it was less obvious when you were younger). But when you lost your mother…It felt like they were attacking her, too. Maybe they were. Or, at least, Benjamin and Harrow were. You weren’t too sure about Kieran. (You didn’t know if you would ever be sure about Kieran.) 
“You’ll never know how much that means to me, Pearl,” you said. You glanced at the clock on the wall. That would have to go, too. You fought the urge to say that to Pearl. You knew she understood you wanted everything that could have been considered Benjamin’s gone. Instead, you said, “If you would like to leave early today, you may. You’ve been a tremendous help to me, and I would like for you to enjoy some time for yourself. It’s a beautiful day out.”
Pearl smiled. “Thank you. Are you sure you want me to go? I don’t mind to help. It is my job.”
“As is taking care of yourself,” you said. “Believe me, I know how important that is. Go, you deserve some time off. I know this week hasn’t been easy.”
She sunk into a curtsy. You didn’t comment on it, even though you would have liked to. It was an improvement that she stopped calling you “Your Majesty”. Or, at least, that she could stop herself from finishing the latter half of the phrase. “Thank you again,” she said. “If you do need me, please let me know. I want your transition to be as smooth as possible.”
You bid her farewell. As she left, you took a seat at Benjamin’s desk. It felt…Almost wrong. It was wrong, you supposed. Every part of Benjamin wanted to be seen as big and mighty and great. His desk was no exception. You recalled being younger, sitting on the other side of the desk, cowering as he yelled at you for something or other. You remembered the fear he struck into you. As you got older, you got better at hiding that fear. But it never went away. And it only creeped back up, wrapping its cold hand around your throat, squeezing, as you sat there. You didn’t like sitting there. 
So, you got up, turning toward the large window. In the gardens, you could see Marc and Cleo. Marc liked spending time outside, you realized, and Cleo liked spending time with Marc. She followed him wherever he went, nudging him with her little head, purring lowly as he let her cuddle up against him. You were almost convinced she loved Marc more than she loved Steven. (Of course, you would never say that to your love. You couldn’t stand to look into his sweet, puppy eyes as he pouted at you. You would instantly melt, take back anything that you had said.) 
Knock! Knock!
You turned toward the door, seeing Layla standing in the frame. A smile stretched across your face. You didn’t get to see much of your friend anymore. She was still your bodyguard, of course, but she had been busy with updating protocols and training the other guards. You had to make do with other guards while she was away. A part of you ached every time a different guard was appointed to you. 
“Come in, come in,” you said, waving her into your office. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.”
“Perhaps because we’ve lived a decade in just a few weeks,” Layla said. “I’ve missed you.”
“And I you,” you said. “I’m glad you’re here. I need help selecting an advisor, and there is no one’s judgment I trust more than yours.”
Layla laughed. “You flatter me.”
“Well, you told me my fiancés were good men, and look at what amazingly that turned out,” you said. You sat back in Benjamin’s seat. “I don’t know where to start with this process. I just know that I don’t…I don’t think I want anyone who was close to Benjamin being close to me.”
“A wise decision,” Layla said. “Which…I’ll admit, this was Jake’s idea more than my own, but I do agree with him. That’s why I’m here now, to present you with his idea.”
“Oh? Please, go on.”
“Dove, I do believe you recall Ms. Yelena Belova,” Layla said. She stepped out of the door frame, into your office, and the familiar blonde took her place in the frame. 
“I wondered if i would see you again,” you said to Yelena.
Yelena dropped into a curtsy so low, you were sure her knee was touching the ground. “Your Majesty,” she said. 
“You don’t have to be so formal, Yelena,” you said, laughing slightly. She started to rise back up. “I don’t care much for the formalities, and after everything you’ve done, you don’t have to do all that. We’re practically friends.”
“You deserve the formalities after all you’ve been through,” Yelena said. 
“We’ll agree to disagree,” you said. “Layla seemed to suggest Jake wanted you to be my advisor. Is that true?”
Yelena gave a nod. She stepped more into the room, taking a seat across the desk from you. “I was at your hearing. I heard what you had to say about wanting to serve your people. And…Well, Jake had made me a promise that I would have the chance to talk to you about this. I didn’t think he would suggest for me to be your advisor, but…I would love the opportunity.”
You frowned. “Talk about what?”
“Benjamin’s…activities went far beyond conspiracy to kill you,” she said. She paused, then continued, “My sister, Natasha, and I…We were taken when we were young. There’s this group, called the Red Room.”
“I’ve never heard of that group before,” you said. 
“I don’t expect you to have. It’s…a well kept secret among the kingdom’s, the world’s, elite,” Yelena said. “After all, you don’t want everyone to know about an underground sex trafficking ring. Defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?”
You felt the urge to throw up. “…Benjamin was a part of that?”
Yelena nodded. “Like I said, the world’s elite played an active role in that. Natasha and I got out, went our separate ways. She went to a path of politics, I…Well, I’ve been trying to bring down the Red Room.”
“A difficult task to do when you don’t have much at your disposal, I’m guessing,” you said. 
“No, it’s not,” Yelena said. 
“You know, since I’ve returned to the palace, I have been trying to scrub every piece of Benjamin out of here. It hasn’t been easy. I don’t think it ever will be. Not when his corruption runs so deep. I understand why Jake recommended you to be my advisor,” you said. “You know more than I could ever know about what he’s done. If you would like to be my advisor, anything you need is at your disposal. If you need to organize a special taskforce, if you need to launch investigations…Whatever you need, you have the authority to do. It will, of course, go beyond the technical job responsibilities of an advisor, but…If there’s anyone who would be capable of seeing it through, I think it would be you.”
A hint of a smile quirked on Yelena’s face. “Thank you, Your Majesty. It would be my honor to be your advisor.”
“Fantastic,” you said. “If you can, I would love for you to begin right away.”
“Of course.”
“Which, brings me to my next point…Do you know any local furniture makers? I really need a new desk.”
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Layla watched you as your stylist put the finishing touches on your makeup. She had been mostly silent ever since she stepped back into the role as your personal bodyguard. You had to admit, it was a bit strange to not hear her comments as you moved about your day. It almost felt like she wasn’t there at all.
“Et voilá!” your stylist said, stepping out of the way so you could look in the mirror. “A look fit for a Queen, don’t you think?”
“A look fit for a Dove,” Layla corrected. 
You looked toward her. That had been the first thing she had said this morning. “Thank you, Layla,” you said. You looked at the stylist. “And thank you. You always manage to top yourself every time you come here.”
“It’s easy when I have such a beautiful canvas to work with,” she said.
You thanked her once more before you bid each other farewell. Once she was gone, it was only you and Layla left in the room. You stood from your seat and walked across the room to where Layla stood. Her face was unreadable. It hurt for her to look at you like that, like you were just anyone. 
“What troubles you?” you asked.
Layla raised a brow. “Do you think something troubles me?”
“You look like you’re a million miles away. You’ve barely spoken to me. When you look at me, there’s nothing behind your eyes. I worry I did something to hurt you.” You took a breath, then continued, “Just because I am Queen now, does not mean I don’t want to hear what you have to say.”
Layla looked away. She said nothing for a moment, then two. Finally, she let out a sigh, and said, “I don’t think it’s wise that you leave the palace now.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t mean to worry you,” Layla said, “but the threats against your life have only grown worse in the last week. People still support Benjamin, even if their numbers are small. But I don’t need to tell you how much a vocal minority can do. They have been sending threats since you signed the proclamation. Nothing credible, yet…But that may change.”
You considered Layla’s words. Truth be told, this was something you both feared and expected. A life in the public eye, a life in a role as visible as Queen, was inevitably going to deal with people wanting to harm you. And given how you got the throne…Well, you knew there would certainly be men who were miffed that you “kicked Benjamin out” and wanted to see you be hurt because of that. 
“I can’t say I’m surprised. Threats come with the territory,” you said. “You could have told me sooner.”
Layla hesitated. “There’s whispers that they…That they might find a way to work with Benjamin. That’s why I didn’t tell you.”
“I’ve been trying to work with the prison, to get Benjamin, and Harrow, too, put in solitary. Or at least to limit their time spent with other inmates. Nothing has come of it, though. I worried that nothing would come of it until you were actually hurt.”
“That is the way things are, isn’t it?” You let out a sigh. “I can ask Yelena to look more into it. Perhaps if she can find proof, we can present it to Sam and have an order made. The prison can’t say no to both the Queen and Prime Minister, can they?”
“The courts might take issue it.”
“We’ll deal with that when we get there,” you said. “Luckily, we know some very good lawyers who can help us.”
Layla let out a quiet chuckle. “You should appoint Matt and Foggy as the official counsel of the Crown.”
“Well, all we would have to do there is actually put it on paper,” you laughed. “I missed this, you know. I haven’t gotten to just talk to you for so long. I’ve missed my best friend.”
Layla’s face tinted pink. When she looked at you, her eyes with crinkled at the corners, a smile curling across her face. “And I’ve missed you, dove. Hopefully, the dust is actually starting to settle and we won’t have to keep worrying about death and plots against you.”
“I wish the same. I would much rather have the most difficult thing I’m dealing with be getting rid of everything I associate with Benjamin.” You looked away. “I feel a bit…Not petty, that’s not the right word…But, I’m not sure. I know I have the right to make myself feel at home here. But the media…They make news out of me sneezing. I worry that they’re going to try and spin this a certain way, make me out to the be the bad guy. It’s inevitable, of course. I can’t make the media and the people happy forever. I certainly make them all happy. But I still feel like I have to be very careful about what I do, or else the worst version of this would wind up on the page of some tabloid.”
“Well, there’s no better time than now to make your changes,” Layla said. “Right now, the media is very much on your side. I don’t think very many would stand against you right now when everything you’ve been through is still so recent.”
“I suppose you’re right,” you said. 
“The more concerning thing, I think,” Layla said, “is more they talk about the Marc, Steven, and Jake. Many still are villainizing them.”
“I know. I have…a plan for that. Well, the semblance of a plan. I hope to talk about it with them this morning, to get their approval. I don’t want to do anything that might make it worse for them.”
Layla smiled a bit more. “I’m glad they have you, and you them. You all complement each other so well.”
You smiled, too. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.” You looked to the clock, and took a breath. “Well, I suppose we should be on our way. I would like to eat some breakfast before we begin all of our meetings.”
“Hm, and no better time than to talk to the boys, too, huh?”
“Shh…Don’t guess all of my plans. I’m trying to keep an air of mystery!”
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #38: REDEMPTION
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November, 1988
The West Coast Avengers
In their greatest battle ever --
-- against THE DEFILER!
Really? Their greatest battle ever?
Is that what we’re going with?
Also, hi, Mockingbird. Hi, Iron Man.
You back on the team? Is the Redemption you two making up with the Avengers?
This is a fill-in issue, set nebulously Sometime. Sometime before Iron Man quit because of Armor Wars. Sometime after Hank rejoined the team as Dr Pym. But also Sometime when Moon Knight wasn’t on the team. Which is an impossible time but maybe Moony had an errand to tend to.
The issue was written by Dan Chichester and Margaret Clark instead of Englehart.
When Englehart is forced from the book, the official reason is that he was getting behind on deadlines. Having a fill-in issue does sort of support that. Although Englehart himself claims that new EIC DeFalco didn’t like him and gave the book to John Byrne as a favoritism thing.
But this is not the time to get into that. Not when we have the West Coast Avengers’ Greatest Battle Ever.
This issue isn’t totally without context. It opens with the West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye, Wonder Man, the Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Mantis) grimly flying in a Quinjet. Maybe on a quest to help Mantis get her memory back. Maybe on their way back from their part in Evolutionary War.
And Wonder Man, looking exceptionally mulleted today muses about the downbeat mood the team is under since they split up.
Wonder Man: “Boy, things are sure different than they used to be. It doesn’t seem that long ago when we were a real team. Teamwork was the only way we could have beaten the Defiler... the only way that boy Mike could have gained -- REDEMPTION.”
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Mike (that guy in the black vest is Mike) THWAMs that ABSOLUTELY GIANT ARM with a trash can lid and tries to run to safety with Susan (red shirt girl). They need to tell someone what “he’s up to!” Maybe some Avengers. Some Avengers have been flying around the area.
But Mike trips on a pipe and smashes his head on a dumpster. And he’s so woozy that the ABSOLUTELY GIANT MAN catches up.
Defiler: “Now, little ones -- you both owe me -- and it’s about time I collect!”
He grabs and hoists both of them by their necks.
But luckily there really were some random (West Coast) Avengers in the area, just as rumored.
Tigra and Wonder man show up in the random alley and say “ordinary creeps like you we eat for breakfast!” so tell him to let the guy and girl go.
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So the Defiler throws the kids aside and beats one motherfucker with another motherfucker.
But after smashing the two Avengers, the Defiler feels drained. While the Avengers are still stunned, he grabs Mike and Susan and drags them off toward a Corruption of Innocence feat. the Defiler billboard.
The billboard becomes a swirling green portal and the Defiler yeets Susan and then Mike into it.
While Susan flies in clean, Mike gets snagged on one of the billboard lights. When Tigra and Wonder Man recover and rejoin with Dr Pym, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Mockingbird, they spot a chain poking out of the billboard.
Iron Man and Wonder Man yank Mike out of the billboard.
Although, we get a little return to Wonder Man being a dick to Iron Man specifically when Iron Man can’t pull Mike free by himself.
Wonder Man: “Fancy suit not up to the job, Iron Man? Let me give you a real man’s hand!”
Mike is covered in yellow-orange chunky goo but he seems okay aside from that. He insists that they need to save Susan because he got her into this.
And what’s this?
Hard core music. 
HEAVY METAL -scare chord-
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That’s what the redemption in the title is about. Mike needs redemption. For getting Susan into hard core music.
Lol. Roflmao.
In fairness, his favorite band happened to be hiding a dark secret. And Mike introduced Susan to the Defiler and got them both jobs as roadies for him.
Their friends started going missing and they didn’t realize why until they caught the Defiler yeeting someone into a portal. And that’s what happened today and why they were fleeing.
Hawkeye asks Dr Pym his science opinion and based on nothing, Hank spells out a theory where the Defiler is yeeting people into another dimension in exchange for energy but that the people are probably still alive. FOR NOW.
He’s right but its based on zero backing evidence.
Mike says there’s another concert this very night so they gotta save his thousands of fans.
The (West Coast) Avengers agree to go fight the guy. It’s what they do. But they tell Mike that obviously they’re not going to bring a civilian into it just because he feels bad about getting his girlfriend into the wrong genre of music.
They leave him but he determines to follow anyway.
The West Coast Avengers hit the concert and find that the Defiler is ready for them. An energy barrier stops them from getting too close. And that wily hard core rocker starts sucking the audience into dimensional portals.
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Blue grass would never do this.
Since they can’t get through the energy dome, the West Coast Avengers do something I do honestly wish people would try more often when big domes come up in stories.
They just go under it.
They dig into the ground and pop up behind the stage.
Iron Man even gets back at Wonder Man because the Silver Centurion armor is better at tunneling than Wonder Man is.
I have no idea why they’re on this dick waving contest.
Anyway, dig a tunnel. Sneak into the concert. Yeah, and then Wonder Man decks the Defiler. Just fucking punches him across the entire venue.
Meanwhile, the West Coast Avengers take out the screens turned dimensional portals.
Iron Man, rescuing some audience members: “Let me help steer you kids straight -- you can’t let yourselves get sucked into just anything, you know!”
You’re such a nerd, Tony.
But not as big a nerd as Hank Pym.
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Scraggin’ flies?
Y’know what? I’m not going to criticize. I adore too much Hank keeping a tiny baseball glove in his pocket in case he needs to make it big to catch something.
I love his magical pockets containing literally whatever.
Since Mockingbird can’t effectively fight the Defiler or knock down dimensional portals, she’s directing people to the exit. So she’s the one that spots Mike trying to sneak into the concert to be part of things.
She tells him to fuck off so he doesn’t get in the way but Iron Man shows up and tells Mike to fuck right back in because he’s essential to saving the day.
Up in the stadium seating, Tigra mocks the Defiler as a slow, clumsy, easy target and yeah she does manage to agile her way out of taking follow up hits. But when Wonder Man flies in to trade blows, the Defiler socks him and boasts that he’s visited other dimensions and drained the energy of their innocents. Its made him strong, donchaknow.
Over at Dr Pym, Iron Man, Mike, and Mockingbird, Dr Pym has a plan. BASED ON SCIENCE.
Since Mike went through one of these dimensional thingers, he might have energy clinging to him. And if that’s the case, he can be used as a key to open up the way for the West Coast Avengers.
And since Mike needs REDEMPTION for listening to heavy metal, he agrees to help.
Dr Pym gets a small piece of rope from his pocket which he embiggens into a bigger piece of rope so Iron Man can anchor the group. And then Mike, Mockingbird, and Dr Pym jump on in.
You’d think they’d take some of their bigger guns to go into an unknown dimension that eats people. But Wonder Man and Tigra are fighting the Defiler, Iron Man is anchoring the others so they don’t get stuck. And Hawkeye is contributing nothing.
Team Pym, Mockingbird and Mike find themselves drawn to an unearthly glow in the distance. Hank speculates that its the Defiler’s main battery and that its drawing energy out of them even at this distance AND drawing them closer.
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Dr Pym, Mockingbird, and Mike find that all the captured fans and also hi Susan were trapped in some kind of goo. Which Hank calls an energy parasite. Because he’s just jumping to correct conclusions today.
Mockingbird starts slapping goo to free the folks and Hank PULLS OUT A GIANT-SIZED CHAINSAW!
I know that he can grow things as big as he likes but, like, isn’t that too big to handle? If you slip, you’re gonna cut an innocent person in half, Hank.
But apparently everything goes great.
Since everyone is too drained to walk back to the portal before it closes, Hank grows A GIANT SKATEBOARD FOR THEM ALL TO RIDE ON.
Sometimes comics, even fill-in comics, are great, actually.
Iron Man almost hears Hank’s call on the other side of the portal and yanks the giant rope to pull everyone to safety.
With all his batteries loose, the Defiler starts feeling weak.
He tries to stop Iron Man from hauling people free but Wonder Man and Tigra start kicking the shit out of him.
When the skateboard full of people is pulled loose, the portal starts going nuts. Trying to suck in anyone it can.
And the Defiler decides ‘Welp, time to mosey onto a new dimension’ but Mike gets his REDEMPTION for his evil, sinful decision to bring heavy metal into his sweet innocent girlfriend’s life by tackling the Defiler so he gets sucked into his own portal.
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The Defiler: “I can’t go back... dead world... nothing to feed... to drain...”
I’m sure we’ll neverrrrrr see him again.
No, seriously. Villains from fill-ins don’t reappear as often. And this is the Defiler’s first and onliest appearance.
I won’t say he couldn’t be used again in an interesting way but there’s not a lot to him.
After everything settles down, Wonder Man muses that the people rescued from the Defiler were lucky.
Mockingbird: “Luck had nothing to do with it... that kid risked a lot to help us.”
Hawkeye: “Good for all of us there are some things you just can’t corrupt.”
I mean. Yeah, I guess?? He did risk a lot, going into the billboard dimension. And also he tackled a guy.
But playing this up as a big REDEMPTION for Mike? I dunno. His big failing was getting invested in a band that was secretly eating its fans. And his big redemption was tackling a dude.
It’s not landing for me. The redemption angle.
Mike isn’t much of a character and I don’t feel like his offense was offensive enough to warrant big, bold all-caps REDEMPTION as a title.
And him helping the Avengers out by having been half in a portal means his redemption is kinda passive. Sure, he wouldn’t take no for an answer and follow them to the concert when they told him to buzz off. But the help he gave the West Coast Avengers is that they used him to open a portal. Also, he tackled the guy.
Story was fine. Pretty goofy and pretty inoffensive for a fill-in. I like seeing Hank Pym and his deus ex pockets again. Weird that Moon Knight got dropped entirely out of the story and the story didn’t have a lot for Mockingbird to do.
But apparently it was a moment when the West Coast Avengers worked well as a team and Wonder Man thought they would last forever.
Its a tragic note that in the here and now the team has had a divorce because Hawkeye and Mockingbird can’t have a civil conversation about cowboy manslaughter.
Although, I want to note here. If Hank Pym is on the team as Dr Pym, that means that Mockingbird already did the manslaughter and is hiding it from everyone at this point where the team was working well together.
So it kind of undermines Wonder Man sighing about how those were the days.
Anyway, the plot finally catches up to the West Coast Avengers and the Quinjet starts crashing into the next issue.
It happens.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because soon the Englehart era will end. Will we miss him? Maybe. What’s to come has its own problems. But either way: like, reblog, comment? I like feedback. It makes me happy.
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queenclaudiabrown · 10 months
Living Legend | Chapter Two: The Prelude
Content warnings: uncensored cussing; references to events in both episodes listed; events of Moon Knight S1E1 and corresponding triggers; Media: Moon Knight S1E1 “The Goldfish Problem”; Primeval S3E1 Word count: 3,401
     When Sarah woke up on the morning of Thursday, April 24th, 2025, she had no reason to assume it would be the beginning of a chain of events unlike anything she’d ever lived before, even during her time at the ARC.
     She got up, she showered.  She made breakfast and ate it in her robe, then got dressed and packed a lunch for herself and Steven.  The ride on her bicycle was no shorter or longer than it usually was.
     As usual, Steven hadn’t gotten there yet when she did.  But she checked her watch, and when it said that it was ten past eight, she decided to take a walk to the little girls’ room, passing the gift shop on her way.  Steven wasn’t there- third time this week he’d been late- so Sarah spent a few minutes loitering in the loo before heading back.  This time, Steven was there, and Donna was walking away.  Before Sarah could reach his kiosk, however, Dylan strolled up and started talking.  Sarah was too far away to hear the interaction, but she caught the confused look on Steven’s face as she walked away.
     Donna sauntered back up just as Sarah reached them.  “Stevie, you absolute rascal.  I didn’t know you’d taken a crack.”  She remarked.
     “I didn’t know either.”  Steven admitted, confusing Sarah.
     “Hang on, did she say ‘steak’?”  Donna had clearly heard more than Sarah.  “What in the world’s a bloody vegan going to eat in a steakhouse?”
     “I don’t know, Donna.  Salad?  Bread?”  He replied, the sassiest he could be.  Which wasn’t much, bless him, but it was nice to see him snarking back at Donna after all the abuse she put him through.
     “Yeah, I can see why she went for it.  Real catch, you are.”  Donna sneered back, unimpressed.  She departed with the knocking sound of heels, and not for the first time Sarah was reminded of the similarities between her and another high-ranking blonde at a museum who liked to put those under her through pain.
     Sarah scowled at her retreating back, but it easily morphed into a genuine smile as she turned to Steven.  “Got a date, then?”
     He chuckled awkwardly.  “Apparently.  Dunno how I managed that.”
     “With your kindness and charm, of course.”  Sarah replied sincerely.  “Let me know how it goes.”
     “I will.”  He pledged.  “Any tours today?”
     “Yeah, one coming in at ten.”  Sarah replied.  She checked her watch, and her mocha eyes widened.  “Shit, that’s two minutes!  I’ve gotta go.”
     “Be off with you then.”  Steven answered jovially.  “We’ll have lunch after?”
     “Of course.”  Sarah agreed.
     The day passed normally, and Steven and Sarah met up again as they left the closing museum.  Steven always insisted on walking Sarah to her bike, even though it was unlikely anyone would try to cause trouble at that hour, despite them leaving late than normal because Donna had put Steven on inventory duty and Sarah had insisted on staying to help.  As usual, Steven kept up a lively stream of chatter that Sarah honestly enjoyed listening to.  “When I was coming in this morning, I saw the banners outside, I noticed something.  I’m not trying to slag off marketing, but there’s been a major blunder with the Ennead.  They put up seven gods on the banners and poster, but the Ennead-”
     “-has nine.”  Sarah completed.  “Who’s missing?”
     Steven smiled.  “Why don’t I tell you who isn’t missing, and you can guess?”  Sarah nodded, and he rattled out the list: “Horus, Hathor, Isis, Osiris, Tefnut, Geb, and Shu.”
     Sarah ran through the list in her head.  She had noticed that in this universe, the Ennead’s members differed slightly from the one in her universe, so there was a chance she would screw it up.  “Atum and… Set?”
     Steven shook his head.  “So close.  Atum and Nut.”
     “Ah, Nut.  Good luck keeping your head if you try to tell Donna, though.”
     Steven winced.  “Already did.”
     It was Sarah’s turn to wince.  “Blimey.  How’d that go?”
     Steven chuckled.   “What do you think?”
     “Poorly, I’ll wager.”  They reached her bike.  “You’ll be alright to get home?”
     “Yeah, I’m sure I can grab a bus.  G’night, Sarah.”
     “Good night, Steven.  See you in the morning.”
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     Friday morning came, but it wasn’t like every other Friday morning.  Steven never appeared.  Donna stormed around, demanding of every employee who interacted with Steven where he was.  No one knew.  When lunch came and went and there was still no sign of him, worry curled in Sarah’s gut, and she began sending texts that weren’t answered and placing calls that weren’t taken.  With every one she grew more and more worried, and it was all she could do to maintain a friendly persona and remember anything at all for her tours.
     After work, she biked to his flat and knocked on the door.  There was no response, which led to her outright banging on the door and alternatively demanding and pleading that he come to the door or at least reply to her messages.  There was no indication that he was even inside.
     Saturday was even more distressing.  Dylan blazed up to Sarah pretty much the moment she came in the door, fuming that Steven had stood her up without so much of an apology text.  This only further worried Sarah, who knew that Steven wouldn’t have stood Dylan up for anything short of being violently ill or having a family emergency, and that he would have contacted her and apologized for an hour straight at minimum.  What could’ve induced him to disappear like that?
     Sunday was no better.  Again Steven was absent, and again without a single message to anyone- not to Donna, not to Dylan, not to J.B., not to Sarah.  It was as if he’d dropped off the face of the Earth.
     Sarah thought of the anomalies, and wondered if in a way he had.
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     Monday morning took Sarah by surprise.  Steven was back, but he looked more exhausted than she’d ever seen him, and his entire weary body seemed taut with a stress that was foreign to him.  In fact, when she saw him, he was speaking to a man she’d never seen before and looking utterly uncomfortable- as in worried for his safety, not just awkward, judging by how he was backing away from the ever-approaching man.  Suspicious, Sarah walked over quietly and paused nearby to eavesdrop, pretending to rummage through her purse.
     The man was middle-aged with nearly shoulder-length grey hair, and his matching and uniform clothes gave him a put-together and gentlemanly air.  In on hand was a cane, although he didn’t seem to really need it.  “The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives.”  He said.  It wasn’t his American accent that was strange about his voice- it was how calmly he was speaking of frankly absurd things with such a certainty that had Sarah both confused and on edge.
     “Got it.”
     “Past, present, future.  She knows what we’ve done and what we will do.”
     “Great.”  Steven said, clearly trying to leave this bizarre conversation.  “Okay.  Well, the books must have left that part out.”  He said, turning to go.
     However, his path was blocked by the closing of a pair of doors, the security guard whose name she couldn’t remember standing in front of them like he was going to throw hands if Steven tried to go through them.
     Steven did not, turning again and making to escape in another direction, only to stop short when a random visitor a couple meters away rolled up her sleeve and presented her forearm to him.  What on Earth was going on here?  Who were these people and why was Steven so terrified of them?  Sarah’s fingers found the pocketknife Becker had given her, inconspicuously working it up to the top of her purse’s contents.
     “Consider this.”  The American continued, closing in on Steven.  “Had Ammit been free, she would have prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought.  Nero, the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot.”
     “Not nice people.”  Steven agreed.
     “But she was betrayed.”  The strange man pressed.
     “Was she?”
     “By indolent fellow gods.”  The man confirmed, although Sarah couldn’t tell if he was answering Steven’s question or just rambling on heedless of her friend’s comments.
     “By even her own Avatar.”.
     “‘Avatars’.  Blue people.  Love that film.”  Somehow, Sarah had a pretty good idea that that wasn’t what this nutter was referring to.
     “By ‘Avatar’, what I mean-”
     “-you mean the anime?”
     “Steven.  Stop it.”  Wait, they knew each other?  This wasn’t just a drug trip or a weird attempt at pulling a stranger into what was clearly a cult?
     “Are you going to kill me?”  Steven’s bold question, spoken with fear, hit Sarah like a kick to the chest.  Steven had a tendency to think the best of people, so if this bloke who kept going on and on about an Egyptian deity- something Steven would usually be chuffed to discuss- had earned Steven asking to his face if he planned on killing him, he definitely had a good reason to ask that.  One-handed, Sarah began opening the knife, careful to be quiet.
     The lights flickered above them, momentarily distracting Sarah.  There was no abnormal weather today, so what could be causing that?
     An anomaly.
     She remembered quite clearly how Connor Temple had accidentally locked an anomaly with the electrical current of a lamp on the first day they’d met- a day she remembered every moment of with as vivid a clarity as if it was happening right now- and his subsequent and successful efforts to build a device to lock anomalies for the sake of both time periods and their inhabitants.
     Anomalies could be affected by electricity, but could it affect it in turn?  That wasn’t really her area, but she supposed it would make sense.
     Abruptly, the power stopped flickering, and the strange man spoke again.  “It’s maddening, isn’t it- the voice in your head?”  He nearly whispered.  “Relentless, forever unsatisfied.  No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell.”  He continued, and the bad feeling in Sarah’s gut worsened.  He rolled up his sleeve as he talked, but Sarah couldn’t see his forearm clearly from her angle and distance.   “And the more you ask for help, the more you begin to sound like the boy who cried ‘wolf’.”  He took hold of both of Steven’s hands, and Sarah took three quiet steps forward, mentally preparing herself to wield her blade against this creep.  It was not lost on her that he had not, in fact, told Steven that he wasn’t going to kill him.
     “I can’t help you.”  Steven told the wacko, breathing labored with anxiety and fear.
     “I am trying to help you.”  He returned, but those words brought no comfort to Sarah, and didn’t appear to bring any to Steven.
     “I saw you kill that woman in the Alps.”  Steven blurted out, his voice still low enough that no bystanders but Sarah and the rest of this guy’s apparent cult could hear.  Dread coiled in her stomach at that proclamation, and her heartbeat kicked up a notch.  This man was a killer- a murderer, if his suspicious behavior and Steven’s terror were anything to go by- and he had his hands on her best friend.  Sarah shifted the handles of her purse to the other hand, freeing her entire arm to stab him if need be.
     She had been powerless to save Professor Cutter from his mad (ex-?) wife.
     She would not fail to save Steven if this madman tried to kill him.
     The man brought their collective four hands close together and put the head of his cane between them.  “I only told her what millions more will soon learn.”  He responded calmly.  “Do you wanna know the truth?”
     Sarah adjusted her trajectory, advancing on them still but in a bit of an arc- no pun intended- to get a better look at whatever he was doing.  She could see now that Steven’s forearms were touching, palms facing upward as the man held the bottoms of his wrists.  The double-sided handle of the cane rested across the tops of Steven’s wrists, and without either man moving the cane began to swing back and forth, pivoting on its handle.  Steven and the man stared down at the latter’s exposed forearm intently, and when she squinted Sarah could just barely make out something moving on it- something like a tattoo, if tattoos could move like they were alive.
     A moment later, the man raised his head, an expression she couldn’t read on his face.  “There’s chaos in you.”  He uttered.
     “There’s what?”
     A moment later, the double doors Steven had meant to flee through opened noisily, tourists passing through it and startling everyone.  The man dropped Steven’s arms and her friend wasted no time moving away from the creep and walking quickly toward the doors, breaking into a literal run a moment later.  “Let him go!”  The man instructed his comrades (minions?) in a raised voice.
     Sarah adjusted her bag to look casual and headed for the door at a fast clip.  She needed to catch up to Steven and find out just what the hell was going on.
     Despite her friend’s hurried pace as he fled, Sarah’s determined strides carried her to him within a minute.  “Steven, what the hell was that?”  She demanded.  “Who was that and what was he talking about?”
     Steven stopped and turned to Sarah, and the fear in his eyes disquieted her.  “His name is Arthur Harrow.  Something’s happened, and… Sarah, I think I’m going mad.  I’ve got to be.”
     Sarah’s first instinct was to chuckle and quip that everyone does at some point, then berate him for disappearing off the face of the earth for three days, but the absolute raw terror in his voice gave her pause.  If someone was mad, it was that creep that had just had his hands all over Steven, not Steven himself.  Even so, Steven was quite brilliant (contradictorily to popular opinion), and this wasn’t a conclusion he would’ve come to offhandedly.
     “Why do you think that, Steven?”  Sarah asked softly.
     Steven took a deep breath and launched into a tale that had Sarah covering her mouth in equal parts nausea and horror by the end.  He told her about waking up in the Alps and being attacked by strangers, having a series of blackouts with progressively worse situations every time he woke, a booming voice in his head, an apparently very important scarab, and worst of all, Arthur Harrow, self-appointed executioner of those a tattoo on his arm and a cane supposedly powered by Ammit.
     Apparently when he woke up things didn’t get any clearer.  Apparently on Sunday night he’d woken up in his flat and thought that the debacle in the Alps was just a horrid dream and that it was Friday afternoon.  After discovering that Gus had apparently been replaced with a two-finned version, he had rushed to the steakhouse for his date with Dylan.  “Had a steak.  Middle or center or something, well done.”  He told her.
     When he went home, it got worse.  “And now I’ve gone and found a secret compartment in my flat!  Literally, in the wall like I’m a bloody spy or something!  There’s a box I found in there, with keys to a storage facility and a mobile that’s not mine.  I went on the mobile and I found a bunch of missed calls from somebody called ‘Layla’, and when I rang her she kept talking like she knew me.  She called me ‘Marc’ and then hanged up on me and I started hearing this voice.”
     “The same one you heard in the Alps?”  Sarah questioned.
     Steven shook his head.  “No, this one was different.  He was American, and he knew my name.  I thought it was coming from my loo but no one was there, and then it was like he was my reflection, talking to me out of the mirror.  Then my flat started shaking like it was a bloody earthquake and the lights were all flickery like a horror film, and I tried to get out through the lift but it wasn’t working.  And there was this- thing- coming toward me on the second floor, but then it turned out to just be a little old lady.  But then it was right behind me in the lift, and I saw a face, and next thing I know I’m on the bus on my way to work.  But I saw ’im in the street as I went, and then I got off and I saw bloody Arthur Harrow on the bus and I think he’s following me.”
     Sarah drew in a deep breath and put her hands on Steven’s shoulders.  “You’re not mad, Steven, not even close.  I can’t explain these voices you’re hearing, or your blackouts, or the thing you saw in the lift.  I can’t tell you what the scarab is or why it’s so important.  But I can tell you that you’re not going mad.  Something is going on, and my gut tells me it’s much, much bigger than we can imagine.”
     He nodded, his eyes still teary but his overall demeanor a bit calmer.  “What about Harrow?  I don’t watch the news much; is he like a political figure or something?”
     She shook her head.  “If he is, I haven’t heard of him.  All I can imagine is that he’s a cult leader.  There’s religion, and then there’s cults.  This is the latter.  And I don’t think it’s stereotypical of me to say that cults are always bad news.  And even if it wasn’t a cult, I don’t think anyone who seems to exclusively worship and revere the Ancient Egyptian soul-eating demon goddess of the underworld and kills in her name should be trusted.  You saw him kill that woman for something she might not have even done, and when you asked him if he was going to kill you, he didn’t say that he wouldn’t.”  Sarah swallowed, her anger morphing for a moment into fear and grief as she remembered the moment she watched Connor Temple emerge from the smoky remains of the ARC, their dear friend dead in his arms.  And then Danny, Connor, and Abby had disappeared to hunt down his killer, though for a different reason… she couldn’t lose anyone else.  Especially not to a lunatic who thought they were justified in their atrocities.
     Blinking away tears even as they formed, she swallowed and drew in a breath.  “Before I started working here, the place I worked at before… there was this woman, this mad, horrible woman, who killed a friend of mine.  We later realized that she had even worse plans- genocidal plans- and three of my friends left to try to stop her.  I never saw them again after that, but I know that they succeeded in taking her down, or we’d all have died.”  She cleared her throat, but it did nothing for the tightness strangling her.  “Anyway, I got ahold of her journal, and I read every line of it ten times over.  I could probably recite bits of it to you.  The way she talked… that creep Harrow sounded just like her.  Not what he was saying, but how he said it, that… that certainty that doing something horrible was the right path to take….”  She shook her head and finally met Steven’s eyes, watching her with concern and sympathy.  “I’m staying here with you until your shift ends.”
     “Donna’s got me on inventory again.”  He admitted.
     Sarah rolled her eyes.  “Witch.  Well, I can help you with it, get us out of here sooner.  I don’t think he’ll try anything if there’s a lot of people here, so if we can finish and get home before the museum’s entirely empty, we should be fine.  He left earlier when the tour group came in, so something tells me that he doesn’t want witnesses.  Or interference.”
     Steven smiled at her with watery eyes.  “You’re a good friend, Sarah.  I don’t deserve you.”
     She wrapped her arms around him.  “No, Steven, you deserve better.  I think the best thing I ever did was be friends with you.”
     “I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done too.”
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The MCU’s version of the Ennead is slightly inaccurate, which I mentioned in a roundabout sort of way. I found the seven on the poster on Reddit, as well as the potential candidates for the missing ones. The two I picked to be mentioned (Sarah’s guess and the correct answer) were no coincidence. Set was known for the desert, storms, and violence; Nut was known for the stars, the sky, and the universe.
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Let’s look at the music! 
(While writing this I realized I was incredibly long winded and lacked the capacity to shut up about things I liked so this is going to be broken up into different posts because holy shit can you imagine? This is just about episode 1. There are going to be several posts after this because I can’t stop myself.) 
I don’t know about you, but I have been obsessed with the Moon Knight soundtrack. I am no music expert. I can’t talk to you about the chords or thematic major and minor shifts. I just know what sounds good to me and how music makes me feel. 
So let this non qualified music listener gush to you about the MUSIC that made this series. 
Firstly: Hesham Nazih is a mastermind. 
Everything about this show has such amazing thought put into it. From the set designs to the costumes to the absolutely fucking amazing easter eggs that we are still finding only by screen shotting each and every single frame. 
The director and composer are both Egyptian and wanted to portray their culture correctly. They wanted to bring their culture to a world that is used to horrid stereotypes and a burnt sienna toned world full of backwards and underdeveloped civilizations. The cinematographer took away the sand filter that Hollywood loves to place over Egypt and the absolute love and care that was taken from hiring an Egyptologist to having real Arabic all over to showing Cairo as a real and beautiful place… There are just no words to express how overwhelmingly wonderful it all is. 
Moon Knight is the first Marvel Piece that can be seen as absolutely stand alone with no prior knowledge of the MCU. It also doesn’t require you to have read any of the comics. But there are so many hidden gems for those that are fans of the comics. Gems that we can pull out and put on a platter and hand to the non-comic fans and everyone can still appreciate. Which is outstanding. 
So it is safe to say that with so much care in everything, is it a far stretch to think that the music would also not hold such wonderful gems? Maybe not always on purpose, but just enough of a wink wink nudge nudge to make you wonder… 
So let’s start with the actual songs chosen.
Episode 1: 
Every Grain of Sand - Bob Dylan
A Man Without Love - Engelbert Humperdinck
Arab Trap: Made in Egypt - DJ KABOO
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Bahlam Maak - Nagat
“Every Grain of Sand” by Bob Dylan 
Firstly, I'm not a Bob Dylan fan. Never have been. But I am very aware of the history of Bob Dylan and the use of his songs in history. The man is meant to stand for peace and love in a tumultuous time. This particular album/song was released during Dylan's 'born again' christian phase. Filled with biblical references, talk of a past sin and looking forward to redemption it very clearly represents Harrow himself. Also there is an obvious motiff of sand, which has a huge born again theme in this show (Marc dying in the desert and becoming Moon Knight. The Duat. Finding Steven and bringing him back. Coming back from the Duat. The sand around Steven’s bed in a protective circle to reveal secrets….). 
A man that has lost faith in what Khonshu stood for and found faith in another path. The song shows Harrow as he works out his own ritual of self penance. 
This is the first song we hear in the whole series. We instantly understand that this is not the main character. In fact, it's easy enough to put together that this is the bad guy who believes in his own cultish/self righteous ideas. (Thank you Ethan Hawke for your glorious idea for the glass in shoes, it paid off). 
He has a routine and it is meticulous and careful with ideas of who he wants to be. It's a calming song that sounds so carefree. 
Now we instantly move to the next song and WHAT A CONTRAST. It's the most beautiful transition opening in ages. 
“A Man Without Love” - Engelbert Humperdinck
I cannot express how much I love this opening. How it first plays over the Marvel credits so you know that NOW we are getting into the show. 
How it fades out and then crescendos into Steven Waking up. 
Now we meet our hero and we see his routine. We don't know him yet but we are rapidly looking into his personal world. His apartment, his tether, his taped door.... We meet him talking to his Mum with love and see him feeding his fish. He heads out to work and every bit about him screams "Lonely is a man without love" along with the song. This song is a love ballad about a man pining for love. It sets the tone, the character, and prepares you to see a man trying to find his way. 
Honestly, can’t you see this song opening with one of those older romantic type movies about a sad man who is alone and falls in love with some perfect lady. It’s misleading. Of course now we know what’s going to happen. It’s not about him finding love out there. It’s about a man without self love. A man who finds a friend/brother/person who can share his life with. But we’ll circle back around to this song in the last episode. And it will have such vital significance then. 
“Arab Trap: Made in Egypt” - DJ KABOO
This is the first song we get that is not immediately served to a white audience. The first two songs are ones your grandparents could have sat down and listened to on the radio while feeling nostalgic. 
The original song is “Khosara” by Abdel Halim. Go give it a listen! DJ Kaboo took that original ditty and turned it into a hell of a Trap sound. 
This one is a play on what we think of when we hear the words 'Egyptian music'. The playful whistle. The beats. What's ironic is that this plays as Steven is LEAVING the museum where he works in the Ancient Egyptian area. 
Here we see Steven talking to the living statue. He talks to him like a friend and explains his continued loneliness. The music fades away. It's a simple touch, but it gives an intro into something different. 
“Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” - Wham!
Okay this song. This scene is absolutely the best. It's the scene that won me over and had me cracking up. Every time we see Steven waking up, we get a song about the state of his waking up. From waking up as a man breaking up without love to a song about a man waking up in a complete state of confusion and panic. This song is so happy and carefree. 
A song about asking for their significant other to wake them up so they don't have to be alone and they can go dancing with them. 
We see Steven and Marc fighting for control and waking up in worse and worse situations. 
“Bahlam Maak” - Nagat
The first song in Arabic. 
Translated it means "Dream with you".
It's romantic and soft. It’s old. It sounds almost like classic elevator music akin to “girl from ipanema”. We hear it while Steven is waiting at the steakhouse for a date that isn’t going to happen. It’s almost like we are looking into Steven’s idea of a romantic date. With his suit and flowers and chocolates. 
It's a song about dreaming of someone sailing to meet them and them sailing together. Here are the lyrics roughly translated (I do mean roughly because I do not speak Arabic...yet). 
I dream with you .. of a ship
and a harbor .. to anchor us
and we sail again
the wind resists ..and i found you
in your eyes .. and your hands
my shore and my wishes
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me 
my name and your name .. my dear
my town .. and my story
my home and my wanderer
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me
So we have yet ANOTHER song about dreaming. Or waking up and secrets. How clever all of the things that are casually tossed in with more meaning. 
All these songs really do add together and build up our picture of Steven. Fun songs, happy sounding songs, loving soft songs, but all about being alone, of wanting someone there to do things with, to share with. 
The composed songs are all dramatic or simple background music. They are huge shifts from the actual songs that we overtly hear. But they are all in the background. They are there to build the tension and mystery that is quietly and slowly pushing into Steven’s life. 
We don't actually hear the Moon Knight Theme until the very end of the episode. This whole episode we've had slow hints in the background composed music. Quiet nods to it. And then as the big reveal happens, it comes blasting in on full chorus. 
HERE IT IS. THE THEME OF THE SHOW. Over the credits! This show is not about the violence and fighting choreography (though when we get it, it is wonderful and a true thing to see). This show is about the slow burn leading up to what makes Moon Knight. It’s about the mystery. The inner workings that come before we can see the man the myth the legend. 
What I love about the music episode to episode is that there is no standard format! Every opening is different. Every closing song is different. EVEN THE CLOSING IMAGES ARE DIFFERENT. You have to pay attention to absolutely every single last thing. 
But oh the Moon Knight main theme. It's so beautiful. The orchestra is playing. The horns smoothly trailing off. It isn’t just blasting about beat’em’up. It’s got the feel of coming out of Egypt. It feels like a song played at night under a full moon. 
The music alone is enough to send me flying. And this is just episode one. You hear any of these songs now and you instantly know what it’s from. What was happening on the screen. This is such a far cry from a lot of big movies/shows now. With throw away background stuff that blends in or is so generic. Each song is picked to mean something. To set the scene. To set the tone. To set the character! 
Anyone listen to Man without love now and not see the apartment and Steven waking up? Anyone hear Wake me up and not see a cupcake truck careening desperately down a mountain? I don’t think so. At least for me that’s the case. But I”m a little hyped up right now. I can’t wait to get into the other episodes as the music ONLY GETS BETTER AND MORE THEMATIC. Oh my god the music gets so much better. GO LISTEN TO IT. 
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bibli0thecary · 2 years
Donut Fall In Love
pairing (s): marc spector x reader, slight mention of steven grant
word count: 1.3k
warning (s): none 
moon knight masterlist
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Marc woke up that day, knowing what he wanted to eat for breakfast. He had been thinking about it since last night as his stomach growled and all he could think of was a donut. He did not have a tremendous love for donuts, but suddenly he just wanted to eat one so much and he was determined to buy it that morning. 
Nothing could stop him from buying his donut, and even if Khonshu could scream into his ears, he would not care. He wanted his donut and he was going to have it. 
Making his way into the small bakery near Steven’s home, his heart soared as he laid his eyes on the display cases. He could see freshly baked bread and colourful pastries that made his mouth water. There was so many different pastries that he lost count of them but he was just there for a donut. 
Then Marc saw it. 
There it was, a lone donut in the display case. There was only one left, waiting for him to buy it. The donut looked so fluffy and moist, covered in a thick chocolate glaze with some sprinkles on top of it. 
He could imagine himself eating it right now, but as he was about to go and make his dream come true— Someone else reached for the final donut in the case. You had a smile on your face, happy that you managed to grab it before somebody else did, and you went to pay for it. 
Marc’s eyes grew wide and he did not even realise he was practically running to you, taking you by surprise. Now both of you and the cashier were staring at him, and he just noticed how beautiful you were. 
“May I help you?”
You asked, trying to be polite even if he could see your confusion and annoyance in your eyes. He almost lost his words, realising that he was embarrassing himself in front of a stranger because of a donut. Oh, his donut. At the thought of it, he composed himself and straightened his back. 
“That donut is mine.” 
He blurted out, ignoring Steven who was scolding him for acting so dramatic over a donut. He always accused Steven for overreacting, but now he was the one who would fight someone over his breakfast. 
You were bewildered, tilting your head a bit as you eyed him carefully. Marc could hear the cashier snickering at him, but he still did not budge. There was nobody else waiting in the line, hence the cashier took him as nothing but a morning entertainment. 
“Yes, I wanted to buy it but you grabbed it first.”
His voice was stern and cold, and it would scare you if he was not talking about a donut, but he was. You fought back a smile when you realised how adamant this man was about getting his donut. Also, you were not blind to see how attractive he was. 
“I’ve been wanting to eat a donut since last night.” 
Marc did not know why he was telling you this, but when you finally cracked a smile, something blossomed in his chest. You nodded, trying not to laugh at his face. It would be mean to laugh at someone who just wanted his donut.
“Okay, you can have the donut.”
Marc was shocked. He was expecting you to shoo him away, but you were doing the complete opposite of it. Seeing his puzzled eyes, you gestured at the chocolate glazed donut. 
“It’s yours, sir. I have my cookies and pies so I think I will be fine without a donut.”
You grinned at him, and he realised you were really giving him the donut. He nodded weakly, thanking you as he started to feel foolish with what he was doing. Heat rushed from his stomach to his chest when you nudged him with your elbow playfully, telling him that it was not a trouble.
His excitement died down when he dug in his pocket, desperately looking for his wallet that he was sure was there. He gritted his teeth when he realised he must have forgotten his wallet when he was rushing to get to the bakery. 
A wave of embarrassment washed over him, and now he knew he had to let you have the donut since he was being careless enough not to bring any money. But before he could say anything to you, you already paid for your pastries, including the donut. 
Marc was pouting now, seeing the donut fell into your hands because of his own mistake. But then you handed him the donut which was put in a small box. He took it, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“My treat.”
You said, flashing him the prettiest smile he had ever seen. Unbeknownst to him, you were watching him with a smile as he could not find his wallet. You could tell from the frown on his face, that he was embarrassed and there was no way you would want him to feel even worse so you decided not to mention it. 
“Thank you, again. You’re too nice.”
He did not know what to say, torn in between telling you that you were pretty or asking for your number. Unfortunately, he did not get to do any of that since you looked at your phone and noticed the time. His heart clenched when you looked back at him, a kind smile was painted on your face. 
“No problem. I’m just glad you can have your donut.” 
You let out a chuckle, and he let himself smile at the sound of it. He dared to let himself dream for a moment, that perhaps he would have a chance to hear it for the rest of his life, making you laugh with his silly jokes that others often found dull and tedious. 
He was shaken out of his trance when you gave him a little wave, saying goodbye to him like he was not a weird stranger that you encountered that day. Marc had to bite the inside of his cheeks, holding back a grin when he thought you were extremely adorable and he wanted to see you again. 
He had to do or say something or else he would regret it forever. Gathering his courage, he cursed himself for being so nervous when it was so unlike him. 
“Will I see you again?”
One of your feet was already out of the door when he finally asked, watching as you shrugged, with a smile that reached your eyes. You were so genuine, and he would love to know more about you. 
“Maybe you will. You owe me a donut, don’t you?”
Your voice was sweet and welcoming, that he just wanted to hear it forever if he could. He watched with a smile as you left, only taking his gaze away once you were out of sight. 
“You didn’t get her name, Marc.”
His face paled at Steven’s words, and he let out a sigh of disappointment. He was usually so calm and collected around people, but why couldn’t he just ask for your name? 
“Yeah, I didn’t get her name.”
He mumbled under his breath, not expecting the cashier to hear him and she did. He turned to look at her, knitting his eyebrows together when he saw her grinning at him. He was going to leave, offended, when she told him your name. He stopped dead on his track, air was forced out of his lungs. 
“Her name is Y/N. If you want to see her again, she comes here every Sunday morning.”
A glint of hope was sparkling in his eyes, as he thanked her and quickly walked out of the bakery. He had to wait for a week if he wanted to see you again, and it surely would feel like the longest week of his life, especially with Steven and Jake teasing him like crazy in his head.
.•° ✿ °•. .•° ✿ °•. .•° ✿ °•.
a/n: hi! I haven't been able to interact for the past few weeks so I didn't want to post anything in case you couldn't see it. But I think it is fine now. So here's a piece of fluff for you and if you can interact with this, I'll be happy. <3
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moiravim · 2 years
Marvel characters react to you being overwhelmed
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Warnings: panic attack
Steven- You were hanging out at the museum while Steven was working when someone had walked up to you. Steven immediately noticed how uncomfortable they made you, but didn't say anything in case you were friends. But when the person's friends started laughing at you, it was obviously too much so you walked out of the museum, going into a quiet alley. You sat down on the dirty floor, crying at the humiliation those people created inside you. Steven walked out, looking around for you, knowing there was a 50-50 chance he'd be fired by his boss. When he found you, he sat next to you and hugged you. The two of you sat there untill Steven pulled you up and walked you inside. He found a comfortable chair for you to sit on and gave you snacks to calm down.
Marc - Marc had planned a nice dinner for the two of you to chat and relax after all of his 'moon knight stuff'. When you walked in one of the waiters was giving you dirty looks. You assumed she liked Marc. Maybe she even knew him. Your theory had been proven right when she brought him a free drink. The second she walked away, you put your head down and cried onto the table. It was all just too much. "What's wrong??" Marc question in a concerned tone. You continued to uncontrollably sob as he quickly moved to sit next to you. He hugged you, shushing your cries. After the two of you finished eating he definitely told her boss she was handing out free drinks.
Jake- You were hanging out with Steven when Khonshu needed his help, causing Jake to take over. You didn't know what was happening, all you remember was Jake shooting random people. You cried of shock and fear, staring at Jake in disbelief. When he had finished helping out Khonshu, he immediately went to you. He held your hands, shushing you as you cried. He reassured you that he'd never hurt you and that those people deserved it. Out of guilt he gave the body back to Steven, who comforted you the rest of the night.
Loki- Loki had finally convinced you to go to Asgard. You had been too scared to go for a while now, but he kept pushing it. When you got to Asgard it was very beautiful and you immediately loved it. Loki had took you on a tour of his home and you were enjoying yourself until Thor had come home. He was loudly telling everyone about how your from Earth and it was humiliating. It became too much when everyone started staring at you. You had stormed out, going into an empty room Loki had shown you. You were mad you let yourself come here and didn't just stay home. When Loki found you, he had a worried expression on your face. "What happened?" He asked. "I want to go home" you replied. His frown deepened as he grabbed your hand, walking you out to go home. After the two of you were home he'd ask you about it and make sure your okay.
Bucky- You and your best friend Steve had been inseparable since you had met. The two of you were very protective over each other which is why you were so worried about Steve helping return the infinity stones. When you realized he wasn't coming back, you immediately walked away looking for a place you could cry without being watched. You sat on a bench and sobbed, wanting your best friend back. Bucky had followed you, wanting to make sure your okay. When he found you crying he frowned, sad to see you so hurt. He sat next to you and held your hand. Usually you would've been fine with it but instead you shoved his hand off, crying harder. He apologized and stood up. "come on... Let's go." He responded quietly. You stood up, still crying as he guided you somewhere more comfortable for the two of you to relax.
Stephen- You had a very scary, strange dream. It was so horrifying you were still scared even after you woke up. While eating breakfast with Stephen he had told you he had the same dream. You stared at him with a blank face, looking into his eyes to see that he wasn't joking. You felt terrified and you didn't know what else to do other than sit there. Stephen questioned if you were okay and what was wrong but you couldn't hear him. You jumped out of your frozen place when he put a damp towel on your face. You jumped up, eyes watering looking at Stephen. "I had the same dream" you told him in a shaky voice. He frowned at you, running your back. He had assured you it was completely normal and that everything was okay.
Natasha- Today you were going to meet Natasha's sister. You were very excited because you had heard a lot of good things about her. Her name was Yelena and apparently her and Natasha grew up together. When you first got there, you immediately noticed something was wrong. Yelena seemed very upset that you were there. Seeing how close her and Natasha were only made you feel worst. Every little thing was just making you feel worst, you needed you get out of there. You quickly left Yelena's house, leaving her and Natasha confused. Natasha followed you, finding you in her car. She sat in the driver's seat, looking over at you. She asked what was wrong and you responded "can we just go home" in an annoyed tone. You start crying as you see Yelena walking out the door. Natasha looked at Yelena and mouthed sorry to her. She started driving, talking to you about what's wrong. You explain that you thought Yelena didn't like you. Natasha told you about how exited Yelena was to meet you and that she could tell she liked you.
Peter p.- Peter was aware you got overwhelmed very easily, but he couldn't blame you as he did too. You, Peter, Mj, and Ned had planned a 3 night sleepover. The four of you were extremely excited, you never would've guessed it would be too much for you. The first night was perfect but by the second night you wanted to be left alone. Everyone was starting to annoy you and you were too exhausted to deal with it. Peter noticed something was up, and wanted to make sure you were okay but anytime he mentioned it you just got more annoyed. Peter ended up telling everyone he was sick. He apologized to MJ and Ned, telling them he just needed some time alone to get better. After they left he told you that you can talk to him about anything.
Steve- You and Steve had been close since you had met. He thought he knew everything about you, but he never would've thought you got triggered as easily as you do. The two of you were walking down the street when you had bumped into someone. He pushed you to the ground and when you fell you realized how many people were around you and how loud the noises were. Steve quickly went to help you up, but you pushed him away, walking as far and fast as you could while your eyes threatened to spill tears. Steve quickly caught up, holding your hands and calming you down. The two of you went home and spent the rest of the night together.
Tony- Tony knew you had anxiety, he himself has dealt with anxiety now and in the past. But he never saw it get bad enough that it affected the whole day. That was until now. The two of you were at a party. Even at the beginning you didn't enjoy it. Later on in the night you finally started enjoying it and Tony could tell as well but it didn't last long because you had spilled your own drink onto yourself. You immediately sobbed, walking to the bathroom. Tony had stopped you, grabbing your wrist as he pulled you to a balcony. He cleaned you up and the two of you had fun by yourselves away from the crowd.
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mahvericks · 2 years
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For anon + the two people who wanted me to write for Layla again!
Request; id like to request being a linguist and dating layla? maybe she tells you i love you in her native language and u just respond back that you love her too? and she’s all dumbfounded but you go back to your regular task after kissing her cheek or something 👀
Warnings; none, can be set before or after the events of moon knight, kinda short, tried my best to remember what I knew from the arab language, feel free to correct me if I made a mistake! <3
Ana bahebak, ‘umri = I love you, my life
Ana kaman bahebak, nuur 'inayya = I love you too, light of my eyes
It was one of those days that felt endless where nothing good would happen when you met Layla- the woman that would turn up to be the love of your life.
Your day had started with you waking up late and had to rush the museum you had been working with to give your finished translations right in time- that day you didn’t even get to eat breakfast or grab a coffee on your way to work.
To make it even better, the museum’s director was for some reason in a terrible mood and clearly upset with everyone. You spent the whole day wishing to get back home as quickly as you could until you met her.
She was visiting the museum and ended up asking you some questions about a newly piece that wasn’t even exposed yet- you learnt that she was the one who found the said piece.
Months went by, after a few dates and random meetings in the museum you worked with, Layla and you started dating- honestly, you were pretty much head over heels for her the first time you guys met but you would have never imagined you would end up dating.
And you wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world, it didn’t take that long after you started dating to move in together- to be honest, while it was because you both wanted to live together it was also more practical for Layla who had to travel for her job as an archeologist.
This week had been going by pretty slowly as Layla had been away for her job, it felt even slower since you spent most of the time in your apartment to translate some newly arrived ancient texts.
Coming back from meeting you had at the museum mostly to give them an update on the translation of the texts you were working on- you were surprised to find the lights on when you stepped inside your apartment.
Shrugging it off, you didn’t think much of it, maybe you just forgot to turn the lights off before leaving- maybe you had left in a rush without paying attention and were still focused on your translations.
That being said, as soon as you saw your girlfriend’s jacket folder over one of the kitchen’s chairs, you knew the explanation- Layla was back home. Grinning from ear to ear, you quickly made your way to the living room and saw her sitting on the couch reading some of your translated works.
“ I didn’t know you could read and translate more than one of the different ancient language?”
Laughing at her comment, you basically threw yourself at her to hug her as tightly as you could- you had missed her so much “ it’s so good to have you back home!”
“ I missed you so much bubs but you’re going to suffocate me if you keep hugging me this tightly.”
Releasing your girlfriend from your too tight embrace, you quickly apologized as you sat more comfortably on the couch, “ you should have told me you were coming back today, I wouldn’t cleaned the apartment and got you something!”
“ I wanted to surprised you- and it’s not like the apartment isn’t clean.”
“ But it’s a mess! I kinda used the living room as my office lately.”
“ I can see that, hence my question when you arrived which you didn’t answer.”
Laughing at Layla’s fake frown, you started to rummage through your papers, looking for the one you didn’t finish yet, “ you know it’s like 80 percent of my job, right? I can translate all fifth stages of ancient egyptian.”
“ I might just have fallen even more in love with you and I didn’t know that was possible.”
“ Wait until you learn about the rest.”
“ Wait, what do you mean?”
It was amusing to see how intrigued Layla was, and while you could just tell her everything as it wasn’t a secret, it was just better to keep some mystery, “ you’ll see in time, babe.”
“ Hey! It’s not fair to drop some hints like that and then keep the mystery for yourself.”
“ It’s not even a secret I swear, let’s just say that on top of being able to translate the ancient egyptian language, I can also speak a bunch of languages.”
“ Now, I want to know everything!”, Layla’s little pout was just adorable to see, “ which languages and can you tell me something in those languages?”
“ I will but not now- I have a deadline tonight for that text and I need to finish it.”
“ I understand, we can order some food when you’re done and we can watch a movie or something all cuddled up under some blankets.”
“ That sounds awesome!”
“ It does because I always have awesome ideas! But for now, I want a hug and I’ll go unpack my suitcase.”
Your girlfriend didn’t have to ask twice for a hug, wrapping your arms around her, you didn’t hold her as tightly as when you saw she was back from her work trip yet the embrace was just as warm.
“ Ana bahebak, ‘umri.”
Smiling at the sentence you had gotten used to hear so much since Layla and you started dating, you would just answer her in english that you loved her too, it just came out naturally when in reality you could simply reply to her in arabic- a language you learnt years ago.
And this time, especially since Layla wanted to hear you speak the languages you knew, you thought it would be the perfect time to surprise her, “ ana kaman bahebak, nuur 'inayya.”
If it was physically possible, Layla’s jaw would have fell on the floor, you had never seen her this shocked- her reaction was definitely worth the wait. Giggling, you gave her a quick peck on the lips before going back into your translations.
“ wh- since when do you speak arabic?”
“ A couple of years I guess- see I’m full of surprise!”
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Marc x male reader angst? (Listening to Gwen Stefani while writing this, so ignore any typos or anything.) Okay, so maybe Marc and the reader had been together for a while and my man Marc was always gone and stuff, so the reader never questioned it and always assumed it was because of moon knight stuff, but one night he went out, he went out with headphones on and music all the way up, and he sees Marc and Layla being a little lovey-dovey. The readr thinks nothing of it for a few seconds until all of a sudden they kiss and the reader is just there frozen from how shocked he is already getting tears down his cheeks. He left, heartbroken, and whenever Marc tried to see him or anything, he’d ignore him or tell him to go away until Marc found out why, like two months later (and he and Layla broke up somewhere in those two months), so he tried everything to make it up to the reader. You can make the end hwoever you want.
Marc Spector x Male Reader
I Forgive You
Warning: suicide, major character death, depression
Idk if this is good, I tried following the request as best as I could. Hope you enjoy it :D
(I didnt havw the energy to proofread this sorry.)
I thought dating Marc was the best decision of my life, we were inserperable in the beginning. Always holding each other's hands when going out in public.
I thought I was the only one...
As time went by, he told me about his moon knight business, I didn't like it at first due to him being injured every night. But I just learned to look past that and care for him after he does his thing seeing as I can't do anything about it.
I lay in bed alone, without him here to keep me warm. Looking at the clock, it read 1am.
'He should be back by now. He's probably just having a hard night.'
After putting that thought to the side, I decided that it would be better to just sleep.
Waking up, I looked at the clock, seeing it read 9am. And noticing Marc is still nowhere to be found.
I get out of bed and tried to ignore the thoughts that say he was dead, that he was taken away.
As I was making my breakfast, I heard the door open quietly. Looking at the door a see a disheveled Marc trying to sneak in looking dazed and out of it, I stare at him noticing bruises on his neck. 'hickeys' I thought to myself, I tried to ignore it but as I stare at him more. I start to notice more, he was sweaty like he had just gone for a run. And that faint scent of sex. I saw his arms were covered in scratch marks.
I decided to not talk about it, to not call out his name, I decided to just ignore it. And go back to cooking my food, after a few moments I hear the shower turn on, after cooking, I put the food on a plate and got some milk. Putting it on the table trying to find the will to eat the food. The more I think about it, the more I get crushed, I believe the voices in my head more. My gut is telling me to talk to him, to get closure. But I am too much of a coward, I didn't want him to leave.
"Hey baby."
Too lost in my thoughts I didn't hear him get off the shower and towards me after getting dressed.
"Sorry I couldn't get home last night, just had a little too much work to do."
He says hugging me from behind, I feel dirty.
"I-It's okay. I understand."
He puts his head on my shoulder giving me a kiss on the cheek. I felt used.
"Here have breakfast, you must be starving."
I say looking down at the plate on the table, I notice him wearing a sweater. Looking at his face, I see that he is wearing a turtleneck. I wanted to cry.
"Thanks sweetheart."
He says letting me go and digging in on the food. I make my way towards our room preparing to take a shower.
After crying in the shower, I look in the mirror to see my eyes are red. I just ignored it, not having enough care.
Walking out of our room, I decide to just chill on the couch, while Marc is somewhere.
Looking outside I see snow falling. Smiling to myself, I begin to remember the time when I was a kid playing outside in the snow.
After an hour of just chilling on the couch I notice Marc is missing.
'He's just gone off to spend some time with his real lover.'
A voice says in my head.
'Let him go, don't hold onto him. He doesn't want you anymore, he doesn't need you. You were just a pass time. Why would he want a mediocre guy with too many issues to list?'
Another one says.
I begin to tear up, holding my head in my hands gripping my hair telling myself they're right. After a few more moments of torture, I begin to feel numb, like all my emotions have suddenly been drained.
After a while, I just lay on the couch feeling empty. Only hearing the voices in my head spitting insults. I fell a sleep minutes later. To try and get a bit of peace.
Waking up from my slumber, I take my phone from the coffee table, I open it to see the clock. 7pm.
Looking around I notice the apartment was still empty apart from me. Marc is still nowhere.
Still feeling empty, I decided to get my coat and take a walk outside. While walking I pass by a restaurant getting a glimpse of Marc with a woman with curly hair.
'See! He already found someone better, someone who can give him what he wants someone who deserves his love.'
Still with an empty look I look at them for a while, seeing them laughing and talking, few moments later it began to get spicy. With Marc whispering something to the woman's ear that had her biting her lip and nodding. Getting up and walking away from the table he puts his arm her waist pulling her close and getting close to her her saying something and kissing her neck.
I wanted to cry, but I couldn't as they left the restaurant and walking a few feet away from the entrance. Marc pins her to a while kissing her.
I walk away, deciding to get back to our apartment I start packing my things, and leave, not leaving a note.
I went to a nearby hotel to spend the night in until I can find a new apartment.
Weeks webt by Marc tried reaching out to me, not knowing the reason behind my sudden disappearance. After a while he went to my workplace and kept asking for me. But to no avail as I would always hide.
'Did he know? What the fuck was I thinking? He was already the perfect one. I already broke up with Layla. What the fuck was I thinking. He was there for me when I needed someone. And now I just threw that away. Fuck.'
I was cut off from my train of thoughts by a sudden call from a hospital, I answered it confused.
"Is this Marc Spector?"
"You were listed as the emergency contact of Y/n L/n. Would you please come down to (hospital name). So we could explain."
Grabbing my coat I went and ran to the hospital. Goin in the entrance I made my way to the nurse on the counter.
"Are you Mr. Spector?"
"Yes, where is he?"
"We sorry Mr. Spector, but, was already found dead inside his apartment, the neighbours began to worry after he wouldn't answer his door earlier this morning. He was a friendly guy according to the neigh ours and they tend to give him food and some things in the morning knowing that he had been struggling with depression. And would refuse to eat anything. So the neighbours made him eat."
"H-he k-killed hims-self?"
"We're sorry for your loss. This note was found inside his apartment that was addressed to you, no one has read it. It would only be fitting if only you read it, as it was addressed to you."
Taking the note the nurse put on the counter. Tears fell from my eyes and onto the note. Oprning it I began to read what he had written.
'Hey hey, if you're reading this. It means I have finally done it, it's no one's fault but mine. And Marc, I hope you're happy, I hope you finally found happiness with her. She looked like a nice lady, don't break her heart. I thought I was the one, but I was wrong. But it's okay, at least I helped you find your the one. I forgive you, and don't hold on to the past. Move on, I will always love you even if you don't love me back. It's okay, It's all going to be okay. I forgive you. I'm running out of space to write, hehe. This is it then, goodbye. -y/n.'
After reading the note it was already wet with my tears.
'What have I done? I'm sorry, y/n.'
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
moon knight headcanons ➪waking up w/ them
two posts so CLOSE together!!?? wow look at me being all productive 🏃🏼‍♀️💨 i have so SO many requests on my other account it’s actually overwhelming, i love to write them though. anyways here’s some moon boys bc i love them so much.
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𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 ✦
•steven could sleep all day if he wanted. he just feels so at home under the covers with his head resting on yours.
•since the nightmares have pretty much ceased he can finally rest again. you better believe he takes ever opportunity he can to sleep
•doesn’t like to nap alone if he’s at the flat you’re required by law to take one with him. you don’t have to sleep just lie down for a bit.
•definitely a coffee person. and he owns at least two “don’t talk to me before my coffee”items, that he uses/wears religiously.
•doesn’t leave the house without making the bed. it’s strange but it’s just something steven does. he could be almost an hour late to work and he’s still making the bed all nice and neat.
•keeps a picture of the two of you next to the bed , if you aren’t there in the morning he’ll say good bye to the picture instead.
𝗺𝐚𝐫𝐜 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝗼𝐫 ✦
•early bird! if marc fronts during wake up time i hope you’re ready to be up before 7:30 am.
•he’ll wake up and go on a run or do some kind of work out. so you won’t see him for a bit either way.
•he doesn’t take naps. like ever. if you ask him he’ll comply but he will not sleep. he’ll just kind of do his own thing next to you
•he gets really hungry at night so there’s going to be a plate of food on the bed stand when you wake up
•when marc goes off on missions the bed is so lonley. he doesn’t usually tell you when he’ll be back so one day you’ll just wake up with marc sleeping soundly beside you
•doesn’t eat breakfast. you can’t convince him to. if he’s REALLY hungry he’ll take a handful of cereal or something on his way out
𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝗼𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲 ✦
•he’s a night owl so he’s up all night and asleep on the morning. if he’s fronting before 4pm there’s a problem
•he’ll still make time for you don’t you worry y/n.
•on sundays he will wake up early and cook a nice breakfast for the two of you. it started off as an anniversary surprise but it turned into a tradition
•doesn’t like you to see the more violent side of him so before he leaves out to protect the city he makes sure you’re sound asleep. he loves you y/n and wants you to be safe
•also does not eat breakfast. if he’s up he’ll make coffee or even tea.
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jungkookienoona · 2 years
Total Eclipse Pt 2
Recommended Song: The Night by Disturbed (I know this is a heavy metal song so only listen to it if you want)
After a fateful day in an Egyptian tomb, things have never been the same for Jungkook, or you, after a certain vengeful god decided to make him its fist.
Genre: Angst, Actiony, Romance, F2L UWU
Pairing: Moon Knight!Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Blood, Near Death of Major Characters, Death of Minor Characters. Talk of these subjects. Future Smut
Word Count: 961
Note: Jungkook will not be having DID in this fic. Khonshu has had many avatars over the millenia and I'm pretty sure Marc is the only one that has DID. Although there will be some slight overlap between Marc and Jungkook such as mercenary work.
I apologise for my shitty photoshop, my partner who does freelance design tried to help. Needless to say photoshoping is hard. In fact other than Jungkook, my partner did this whole little banner.
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Since that day, Jungkook's life had been in upheaval. He hadn't taken any jobs since that day because Khonshu was a rather demanding god. He demanded Jungkook's nights, leaving him no time to rest unless it's the day which meant he couldn't exactly work a day job. So he moved in with you, as after that traumatic day you settled down as a museum tour guide in the British Museum. No more life of adventure for you. You still woke in cold sweats as memories linger and resurface as twisted nightmares. As the pain you experienced that day sears your skin anew. Jungkook would somehow always be around to just hold you in the moments you would jolt awake with a shout. He'd be there in that suit, the same one he gained when he made the deal with Khonshu.
Jungkook stumbled through your doorway exhausted as the sun was just cresting the horizon.
"Werewolves. Would you believe there are werewolves in London? I thought they'd be, like, allies since they get their power from the moon and I get mine from a moon god. Boy was I wrong." 
He sounded almost winded, his hand resting on his ribs like he was in pain. You knew there wouldn't be a wound there though, the suit heals all injuries pretty much instantly. Most likely the pain lingered though.
From what he had told you about his deal, Khonshu had made this grand speech about rising up and protecting the travellers of the night and avenging them should they come to harm. Which meant that he was fighting anything from alleyway robbers to creatures thought to be just myth. What he got in return was a suit that healed him and supernatural strength. To be honest, you wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
You grabbed a pack of paracetamol from your medicine cupboard, poured him a glass of water and handed them to him.
"That sounds… wrough."
Jungkook chuckled at you stupid pun, "I feel so drained that I'm almost dead Y/N, I swear. It’s like I’m bleeding out all over again. Only managed to beat that pack of wolves because the sun started rising and they transformed back to regular humans."
Looking at Jungkook's eyes told you that it wasn't just the fighting that had him tired. Being Khonshu's vessel and dealing his justice meant it was kill or be killed. Before that day in Egypt Jungkook had never taken a life. Isaac was his first, a mix of betrayal, rage and duty driving him. But without the betrayal and anger, he was haunted by the lives he ended. Sometimes you wished you could do more to help than give him general sale pain meds.
“Go get some rest Kookie, I’ll wake you when breakfast is ready.”
Jungkook groaned as he sank onto the sofa bed he occupied since your flat was only a one bedroom. 
“You’re a star, Y/N, a real one.”
Your heart skipped a beat. A new side effect of living with Jungkook, you’re exposed to his charms everyday and it was wreaking havoc on your heart. Which meant only one thing, you had to cover it with banter.
“And you’re a housecat. You sleep, eat, fuck off for hours doing lord knows what then come back wanting attention.”
Jungkook pouted, “Rude. I’m out there doing essentially Godly pest control I’ll have you know. Is it so bad to want praise from you when all Big Bird over there does is insult me?”
You had a small replica idol of Khonshu in the corner of your living room, a frame of reference for your sake. Whenever he talks to Khonshu, he talks to the statue instead of empty space like he did in the first few weeks. You also had him wear at least one wireless headphone when he was out and about so if need be, he could talk without looking insane. Well, as sane as you can when a god is egging you on to kill people for justice. 
“I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you to break into a prison to kill the inmates yet.”
Jungkook stretched and you heard bones click, like the suit hadn’t quite done its job in rehoming dislocations, “That’s because they are already being punished. I have to deal with the ones that aren’t caught, who get away with it or humans don’t know about-”
“Like the werewolves.”
“And vampires. Met a cool dude who deals with them mainly. Calls himself Blade.”
You made yourself busy with cooking breakfast, “Is that his real name or hero name, Moon Knight?”
You barely contained your laughter, still unable to take the title seriously.
“Haha, very funny, I didn’t choose the name. Though it does mean I was literally your knight in shining armour.”
You could see in your mind's eye the playful wiggle of his brow.
“More like a knight in bandages.”
You heard him huff and mutter something unintelligible before speaking up, “Do you have work today?”
You dished out the meal and walked back over to him, handing over a plate with cutlery, “Nope, closed for exhibit maintenance. Why?”
He beamed as he accepted the plate, “I thought we could hang for the day. Like nap together, watch a movie then I dunno, go out for dinner before I have to do my knightly duties.”
If you didn’t know Jungkook like you did, that would have sounded like he was asking you on a date. Which was ridiculous. Jungkook would never ask you on a date.  You nodded absentmindedly.
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good. I slept awful last night.”
There was something unreadable on his face as he muttered, “I know.” Something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
Note: Part 2 so soon! As you can tell I am very inspired
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