#I'm so glad he found them he must have loved it 😆
daesungindistress · 1 year
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GD went for a bike ride around Seoul, found these fun BIGBANG stickers that had been placed around the city by a fan, snapped a pic, and posted it to his IG story! He even added a few BIGBANG stickers of his own, including some for VIP 💛
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Pictured above is the pole where the stickers were placed. The link on the stickers is for the BIGBANG Discord server: discord.gg/bigbang
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
TBoBF review ~ Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm
I must say that this week's episode was so much, much better than last week's. The show returned to meet my standards, which is a relief.  Episode 4 might not be up to episode 2's greatness, but it was very close. I really loved it (you'll tell by how long my commentary is)
Let's get into the details. All the juicy things below the cut (warning for spoilers)
Yeah, Boba, you're the baddest of all badasses but taking the palace all by yourself is a little bit too much to handle. 
I love Boba spoiling his Bantha. The way she was licking her lips and wagging her tail like a big dog so Boba'd give her some meat was awesome. 🥺🥰💚 
My only big disappointment with this episode is they did not show Mando!!! How dare they not give us a tiny cameo. It's a wasted opportunity! I wouldn't have minded if it was only like Boba watching Mando at a distance. I mean, Lateef (one of Pedro Pascal's performance doubles) is working on tBoBF too, so it was easy to dress him as Din so he could play the part! C'mon!!! Not even a Razor Crest's cameo?! They didn't even show the ending scene of Mando season 2 premiere!! Why didn't they reuse that?!!  The jump to the ending scene of the season 2 finale was a little jarring. I wanna know why Boba followed Din to Mos Pelgo, why he didn't take his armor from Cobb himself? I have questions and no answers!! I need them!!
My only hope is that there will be another flashback (although it seems very unlikely since Boba doesn't need the bacta tank anymore apparently and that was when they were shown) and Mando will be included then. Or maybe they're saving Din's cameo for an ending scene in the finale as they did with Boba. If so, I'll forgive them. Until then, I'm mad 😡
Honestly, I think turtles are faster than banthas 😆 because Boba found Fennec like 12 or more hours after Toro shot her. She was shot at sunrise and when Boba arrived it was dark again. Which presents the question of how the kriff she survived so long? 
And don't get me started on the lack of medical care afterward. I mean, like operating on her without even an oxygen mask on or a blood transfusion. Don't people in the galaxy far, far away know about germs and bacteria? I know Bacta is magical, but seriously?!?! Did she get any even?!!
I guess now we know the why of the Teletubbies gang, just to explain how Fennec was saved 
The internal freakout Fennec had when Boba told her who he was. She was having a very, very bad day for sure. I can't get out of my head that she was like… first, I'm caught, then shot by a wannabe sithspit hunter, I'm part machine for the rest of my life, and now I'm at the mercy of Boba fragging Fett!!!
😭😭😭😭😭 Boba is feeling guilty about the Tuskens! Nooooooo!!! 💔💔💔😭😭😭
Yeah, Fennec's doubts about the Nikto bike riders managing to kill the Tuskens so easily feed my theory that they didn't do it alone. The Pikes were directly involved and not only as suggesting as it was when they talked with Boba. That was a joint assault, just that the pikes abstained from leaving any trace of their involvement, so the niktos carry all the blame. I mean, they got what they wanted. Now, with tuskens put in "their place" and no nikto bikers around, there's nobody to bother them with their spice business… Well, nobody but Boba, which is why they're coming for him in the present time. 
Oh, so what he wants is his ship, not taking over. At least, not yet. I'm glad that the mystery of Slave 1's whereabouts is finally resolved. It was lowkey driving me crazy.
Wow! Fennec's rifle has many surprises. I love it! Good for her!
🤣🤣🤣 the bantha licking Boba. I see they didn't go with the thing of Banthas bonding with their owners (tuskens) for life (like says in this post by @kotemorons)
The rat catcher! It was adorable and funny. Quite fast little bugger indeed! 😂😂
Boba and Fennec complimented each other's fighting skills. I could watch a whole episode of them doing that, I swear. Let them kick ass and praise one another afterward 
"Next time we stick to the plan"👿 " Next time?" 🤨 oh gawd these 2 😆😆 I'm so incredibly happy that they work so well as a badass duo. If the show was just them bickering I'd watch it happily.
"There are good mechanics in Mos Eisley." Yes! There are! Peli Motto! 
Erh, Boba, sorry to contradict you, but nope, your armor is not there. I guess it's understandable that Boba was so out of it after escaping the Sarlacc that he doesn't remember that the jawas stole his armor. This brings me back to the whole Mando-armor-Vanth thing and how/when Boba found out about it. I wanna know!! Show me, dammit!
Oh god!! The Sarlacc is still alive!! How? Didn't Boba burn it and punch a hole through it? As if Boba didn't have enough for nightmares with the thing, now Fennec will have them too. TBH, this time it was scarier than in the first episode. Then, it was gross more than anything, but now it scared me the Sarlacc trying to eat them 😖
Ooooh! The seismic charge! Good thinking, Fennec!!
"Next time don't touch my buttons." 🤣🤣
Is water enough to wash off acid? 🤨🤔 and not any acid but stomach acid which is extremely corrosive. I swear Star Wars science is incomprehensible to me 😐
"You can only get so far without a tribe" 🥺🥺
I wonder if, with that in mind, Boba feels any different toward the clones now. What would he do if he found some of them; if he knew Rex and Wolffe are alive (are they?) Or Kix. If he finds out about Omega?
Ok, Boba is completely healed, which I presume means that he won't sleep in the bacta tank anymore. Does that mean no more flashbacks? I hope not because, as I said, I still have unanswered questions!
Oh! Krrsantan is still there. He looks pissed. Oh, yes. He really is. Yikes! 
Ha! I knew he would do that! Dismember the guy and pay his debt. And Boba's expressions in the scene are gold! I love how expressive Temuera is.
Oh, yeah! Another stray for the family. 
Oh, there he is!! Such a good boy! 🤣🤣 how everyone jumped out when the rancor made his presence known. And Fennec's smirk! 😏
Just like Jango, Boba pulls off the innocent act nicely. As if the placement of the table on top of the Rancor's cage wasn't on purpose 
Is it me or does the music in the final scene after Fennec says that "money can buy muscle if you know where to look" have a very The Mandalorian feel? Is this some kind of foreshadowing or is it just me grasping for straws here? I know the main themes are composed by Ludwig Goransson so obviously there will be some familiar tunes but I don't know. The timing was too perfect and I'm in Mando missing hours. 
Let's be honest. If either Fennec or Boba asks, Din would come, especially if the fanon consensus on Din's reluctance to be Mand'alor becomes canon, he'd be glad to have an excuse to skip responsibilities.
So,  war is at the door. Bring it on!
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angelfireeast · 3 years
Supergirl series final
Everyone got a happy ending and Densen got a big beautiful wedding that was just about them. A wedding that Thundergrace and Westallen were denied. It was so nice to see someone finally get that.
My thoughts as episodes aired:
Kelly looks so heartbroken while Alex is all rage😭😭😭
Alex and Kelly on same page of do anything for their daughter
Two ships are going go down in flames tonight and they are both as toxic as each other and I'm gonna laugh laugh laugh
They are breaking Esme's heart by making her think that her parents again and she losing being the love totem
Yes Andrea you are monster for doing whatever YOU THINK you have to do get what you want. You crossed the massive line and William was murdered for it. He died protecting you. You have no ethics.
William is someone Kara loves. That will make wackos angry even though she loved him as a friend not a love interest.
I'm so glad there is no "no killing Lex" talk. None of that bullshit.
Lillian laughing in Lex's face was good.
Esme is KILLING me "I'm drawing my mom's I want to remember them"😭😭😭
Alex is right 😭😭😭 Esme thinks those things
Everytime someone says "that's my kryptonite" all I think of Moldy Bread telling Kara that horrible kryptonite line for the dumb ship. So glad the ship is dust
Every scene with Nia and Brainy is making me more sad about their ending.
I don't care about Lillian Nyx or Lex drama. Drop this garbage.
Superheroes putting family before the world😱 Barry is told over and over just let Iris die. Would Barry be aloud to save his children like this?
Alex would do EVERYTHING to save esme that's a mother right there. I wish we had more time with mom Alex
Ha! Lex lost his girlfriend fast
Can Alex kill Lex painfully VERY soon pls. How dare he treat her daughter like that.
Omg Emse "They came" no one has ever showed up for before😭 and now she KNOWS her family will always come
So Kara is going have to quit being supergirl cause she fucked up with the sun thing?😒
Alex should have just shot that bastard in the back like he deserved before the fight started.
Esme being the smartest one there smashing the totem. Esme fighting for her family😭 she's so tiny and so brave. She found a family who will come for her. And she will fight for them😭 I love her so much.
What was the purpose for making Lex and Nyx's face turn into lizards?
Lillian jumping in front of blast for Lex😴
Love seeing the man Kelly helped being such a positive force for people inspiring Kara to think differently.
Kara inspired everyone to be believe themselves reminds me of s1 better angels.
Mon-Hell saving Kara😴
I hate Overgirl. Hate that they choose her to come back.
Love James and Kelly working together. Love the move of her jumping off his back.
I forgot the voice James used as Guardian😭
Did Winn do anything? I guess he shot the creature with the ship.
Did Eliza jump out with a shotgun😭
That was a meh ending to Lex and Nyx. Lex should be bones and dust.
Andrea you have no right to be at William's funeral. This is as bad at Caitlin/Frost hanging HR's funeral. She makes me sick.
Mon-El never coming back? 😆 One ship down and one more to go
Andrea selling CatCo was best thing she can do
Kara feel has nothing while everyone else is empowered cause it's the end of the series and the writers gave her NOTHING. They are setting it up that Kara can't have it all. She can't have the career, be the hero, have a love interest no she has to have one or nothing. BOO
aww the gift between James and Kelly🥰 I love my Olsen siblings
Brainy said fuck the future I have love
James is sitting beside Lena the SC must have their shotguns out pointed at him.
It's so nice to have a wedding where no is making eyes at someone else. Densen getting the attention they deserve for their happy ending.
Kelly is Alex's missing puzzle piece🧩
Lena touched James hand during Densen's vows I dread to think of the hate storm heading James's way from the batshit fandom🙄
Densen wedding was prefect. It was their moment and it wasn't made about anyone else. No was even making eyes at anyone else. It was full on celebrate THEM and their love and future. It's all I ever wanted🥰
Happy ending for J'onn and Megan too!
Why isn't James dancing with the group? With his sister and niece!
The writers just called Kara boring as if they didn't write her this way.
Ship number two shot down. "Friend" “of all the friends i’ve ever had” It's not queerbaiting it's been stated over and over.
If Brainy doesn't go back to join with the big brain does that mean Mon-El has a chance to come back? Blah I refuse his ass has is future and that's where his story is from now on. He's never coming back. We are free!
Kara didn't give up being supergirl like I feared thank god!
Why couldn't WA and Thundergrace have a Densen like wedding😫 Especially Thundergrace who also had a wedding at the end of the series?
Future weddings better that a note out of Densen's book & looking at Wildmoore
What was Barry, Iris, Lois and Clark & his kids doing as the world was being sucked of hope, truth etc? I always feel weird about that
Deleted Scenes:
They deleted the only James/Esme scene? And it had such important scene with the gift and the 'I love you' and 'Uncle Jimmy'
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
HELLO it's the anon again who became a fan after 5 years
I was going through your tags and the post where you talked about remembering CNU's 2018 bday vlive just surprises me like,, Jinyoung did that? Like I understand the news wasn't out yet then but the way he was playing it off and the members obviously not being comfortable (?) with it irks me? Idk maybe it's because I just became a fan and I've been CNU biased ever since 2016 (even if Jinyoung was the first member I knew his acting was a bit off idk Park Bo Gum was the obvs better choice there lmao), but the way he tried playing it off like that? Makes me think he was saving face then as a ex-leader but ,, idk seems like a rubbing salt in the wound thing and it was a bday vlive so he could've just respected that and gave them space? Baro doesn't make me feel this way toward tbh since I haven't seen much from his end (please do enlighten me if there was anything on his end that is like Jinyoung serious or not hsjdh) + Baro was my 2nd bias before lmao so I'm still following along his ig and stuff.
Anyway enough with the rant but hhsjdh I just feel so fired up now that I came back to being a BANA so everything's triggering me like "he did what" and "he still said that" and "the way they were emotional then ㅠㅠ i could've been there to be a fan for them" uGh I'm just feeling so much right now and I'm really glad that CNU's back bc I saw his discharge post and I was like, "he was gone??" then proceeded to watch Like a Movie and be so into it last year. Also 10 Times and Adore You are such beautiful songs omg like I'd play 10 Times in my wedding that's how much it'll be cherished in my heart. Also the way 10 Times has "you are the only one" as a lyric made me tear up for real because that was the song I loved so so much back in 2016 ㅠㅠ anywho I'm rambling see you in my next ask or maybe messages if you're comfortable with that 😁
omg the Jinyoung acting shade 😆😆 (honestly though I kinda agree, I think while Jinyoung is overall one of the better idol turned actors, I find that he can over-act a lot? I've always found Baro to actually be the better actor of the two though it's all subjective I suppose at the end of the day lol)
but ANYWAYS yeah, that situation was... odd to say the least. The thing is, we just don't know what was really going down. Was he just writing in the VLive chat to 'save face' as leader since he wasn't there for CNU's birthday? If we was free to write in the chat, why wasn't he there? Was he allowed to be there by that point? (Allowed I guess isn't the right word, but I guess more did he just not feel comfortable being there given the contract situation). Did A3 actually ignore it, or did they genuinely not see it? Why even write in the first place? idk just so much to unpack from that one interaction it's crazy lol.
haha and it's ok, we are happy to have you back! I'm sure it must be crazy to go back and read and see all the happened the last couple years, but at least it seems the worst is behind us. Please feel free to rant in asks (or message me! I'm cool with that!) any time you'd like. I see you have another ask about twitter that I can get to in a little bit~ but really, feel free to come talk anytime!
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