#I'm so sorry my style is so erratic guys ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
anti-cosmofangirl ยท 2 years
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When will you learn?
When will you learn??
That your actions have CoNSeQuEnCes
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youremyheaven ยท 5 months
Since the topic is on nodals rn I thought I would share my experience with them -sorry if there is any English mistake it's not my first language :/
So I'm a ashlesha moon and asc (Jupiter and moon in the 1st). As long as I can remember every intense and deep relationship I had was with rahu influenced individuals, in hs I was so close to this girl (sathabisha Sun and moon) that people used to joke that we were into a platonic relationship, I guess this is an ashlesha thing but at a point we had basically morphed into each other ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Long story short the friendship turned sour as she became jealous of me because I managed to get into a top ranked college (in france), she even asked my ex-crush/fling out behind my back despite her knowing my relationship with him ended a month before that ๐Ÿ’€ although I felt betrayed, I didn't resent her because she was so instable and erratic I kinda understood why she acted like that. I feel rahu energy for woman can be hard to handle especially if you are dealing with A LOT of insecurities.
Despite all that, I really have a thing for rahu people, especially men (rahu men and their hyperactive intellect ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿ˜ซ). The two guys I was involved with had both ardra sun. They were both brilliant academically, the two went into the French equivalent of MIT. The last one I dated - who I suspect to be a krittika moon - had a one year internship at Harvard. Sexually, they are not too explosive but I like it as it is more compatible with my cool, restricted sexual style.
Maybe I'm wrong but I see a rahu and mercury compatibility ๐Ÿง
Mercury and Rahu definitely makes sense to me tbh
Rahu = the head
I won't say every Rahuvian is like this but they definitely can be extremely intellectual (bc they literally live in their head all the time) and Mercurials are also bound to their intellect and the kind of people who stimulate them the most are bound to be the limitless Rahu types
I think it's interesting how Ashlesha, the intiatory Mercury nak is very sexually restricted, and then Jyeshta, the height of mercury is extremely sexual (rabbit yoni) and Revati is just plain freaky. It's like the deeper you go, the more freaky you get? Because I do think highly intelligent people can be a bit sexless or out of touch with their sexuality sometimes (all those tropes of the loner virgin nerd come to mind) but then there are some people who's intelligence extends beyond just textbook stuff? they're intelligent in a socially charismatic way and accumulate wealth and get laid lol and that's super Jyeshta (it was v prominent among billionaires acc to Claire and one thing we know is that billionaires are seldom virgins, they WILL have a 25yr old supermodel by their arm which also points to Jyeshta's highly sexually indulgent nature) and finally with Revati, the mercury themes have been transcended almost, there's nothing left to conquer or achieve? so they're just ...a bit out there...with extreme sexual preferences or strange social behaviour. They don't have the desire to accumulate knowledge or wealth in the same way (although they're kind of predisposed to acquiring both) they just don't care?? They either become extremely spiritual or they get super weirdly indulgent
Sorry for going off on a random tangent lmfao
I also think Moon & Ketu people get along
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