#I'm sold where's my little buddy who's going to build a house for me in the woods
wolftheidioticfan · 2 months
I knew it was just a matter of time till you discovered kinito and went nuts for him
LITTLE FRIEND....Well. canonically 10 foot tall but little in spirit.
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Episode 18: Make King Falls Great Again
Sammy:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to a very special daytime broadcast with Sammy and Ben.
Ben: We are live at the Main Street park celebrating a very special day with what looks like the entire town.
Sammy: I gotta tell ya, while I've got my doubts about the veracity of the claim today -
Ben: Don't.
Sammy: Let me finish...this defiantly brings a smile to my face and warms my heart to see this massive turn out. So many familiar faces...and voices. This is a big deal...
Ben: Yeah, Sammy, it is a big deal. Can you name another town in history that's been voted best small town in america 7 years straight?!
Sammy: Legit? Or just by the Chamber of Commerce? 
Ben: ... that's besides the point.
Sammy: I think that'st he actual entire point, Ben. This is propaganda. 
Ben: Don't! 
Sammy: But very lovely propaganda, no less. 
Ben: Don't go all "conspiracy theorist" on me. You don't even believe half the stuff that walks right on through our radio station door! 
Sammy: You know what, you're right. I'm just gonna punt this care package of sense and reason right out the door and instead celebrate our towns storied history like a patriotic citizen. 
Ben: That is good to hear. 
Sammy: You're ridiculous. 
Ben: It is what it is man! Regardless of who voted on this, I believe it is the best small town in america. 
Sammy: And you know that is what really counts. 
Ben: You see that parade, Sammy? How can you be pouting over statistics with a parade like that?
Sammy: It was a beautiful parade. I'm not completely sure that the day-time strippers from Sassy's House of Ass should have been along side the rest of the floats, but... not my call.
Ben: I will concede you that point. Although! A big shout out to Karen's Craft Corner for best use of paper mache on that stripping pole. 
Sammy: *chuckles* Folks, I know you aren't used to hearing out voices in the daytime, but if you are in the area, you should really come on down. It's a hell of a party here. Fair type atmosphere, there's balloons for the kids, lots of heart stopped cholesterol laden treats. 
Ben: Plus! The official coronation starts in less than TEN. FRIGGIN'. MINUTES people and you don't wanna miss it. So put some stank on it, and high tail it downtown.
Sammy: (monotone) So... I know that I have to introduce the mayor.
Ben: (mimicking monotone) Can you please hide the excitement from your voice, Sammy? We don't wanna cause a panic.
Sammy:*chuckles* As I was saying, I know that's coming up in just a few minutes, but you do have a guest for us before -
Ben: YOU KNOW IT. This is really special. 
Pete: (in the distance) King Falls AM? I can't believe those two jokers are still on the air! I say, we boycott! Rally everyone! Storm the tower! *starts chanting* Take them down! Take them...everybody, everybody, come on now *still chanting alone* Take them down! Take them down!
Sammy: Who the - Pete Meyers?!
Pete:...no. No, uh, it's - oh hey guys I didn't see you broadcasting there. 
Ben: Whatever, Pete. Why don't you put your leash back on and go hang out with Howard Ford Beauregard. 
Pete: The third! I don't know why you don't acknowledge it. It's important, it's part of the name. And... I can do what I want.
Sammy: Let it go, buddy. Uh, you were saying about the guest...
Pete: Shows you! He ain't even here, anyway.
Ben: Oh,right. What was I thinking? Vampires hate the sun, right? Of course he wouldn't be here, my bad. 
Pete: Right! I mean...no- wha? No! Vampires? What?
Ben: Exactly! You heard it here folks! Another King Falls AM exclusive. Howard Beauregard's own gardener confirms -
Pete: Sensationalist liberal media! (voice fades as he walks away) I am never watching you broadcast in the park ...
Ben: GOOD! 
Sammy: Hey, Ben? 
Ben: Oh, uh, right right. Uh, you aren't gonna believe this, Sammy. Seriously, we are in for a real treat. Joining us right after this commercial break? I'm literally shaking look at this. 
Sammy: Alright, enough suspense Ben! Reel in this fish. Also, please say it's Merv the station owner.
Ben: Come on, Sammy, I can produce guests. I can't produce miracles. 
Sammy: Worth a shot. 
Ben: Good luck with that. But, uh, anyway, right after the break - King Falls very own *mimics drum rolls* RICH MCGUFF FROM RICH MCGUFF'S LEATHER BOUND BOOKS.
Sammy: ... you just used that much build up - 
Ben: Dude, you have no idea! Rich McGuff does not come out in public. He's like King Fall's own Howard Hughes. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually seen him in my life time. 
Sammy: And you got him?! That is pretty impressive, Ben.I guess.
Ben: They say he has the essence of a 1980's Tom Selleck. And the libido of well, uh... like uh, a young Tom Selleck.  
Sammy: So one could say he's the young Tom Selleck of leather bound books? 
Ben: Oh man he's gonna love that! Can I tell him, do you mind?
Sammy: But does he have the mustache?
Ben: Sammy... if you've ever seen a more elegant mustache than Rich's? Well, *scoffs* then, you're lying. Because it's magnificent. Spellbinding, even. 
Sammy: Right after the break?
Ben: After the break! 
Sammy: That was your cue to go to break, Ben.
Ben: Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about that glorious, sculpted facial hair. You know I couldn't grow a mustache like that in a million years...
(sounds of crowd cheering and clapping suddenly)
Sammy: We are on schedule, right? 
Announcer over loud speaker: King Falls Own... Dusty Reynolds!
Ben: We are - uh - you know what? Let's use the power of technology to jump over to the main stage where Dusty Reynolds is about to perform. He can sing us to break!
Sammy: Sounds like a plan.
Ben: King Falls, we'll be back live from the Best Small Town America celebration in Main Street park right after the smooth sounds of my personal friend, Dusty.
Dusty: *starts strumming guitar* *in country voice* ♪Javier the pool boy, you have ruined my life. You used to clean my filters now you're banging my wife. Oh, Javier, hey Javier... I hate you. Donald Trump said you should go back where you came from. And after seeing you with my girl I don't think he's so dumb. Hey Javier oh Javier... I hate you. Wish that you would just disappear! Oh man I wish you were dead. And when I think of you and Gloria I wanna put a gun to my head. Oh Javier, hey Javierrrrr. I (censored) hate you ♪ *crowd cheers*
Ben: Oh, uh- sorry about that. Here's a word from our sponsors.
 *Upbeat Piano music*
Hi. I'm Sammy Stevens from 660 on the radio dial. The kind folks at the Chamber of Commerce know that our elderly friends at the King Falls Geriatric Center can't make it down today. Especially after the handicap ramp closures... so please enjoy an afternoon with your favorite King Fall's ivory tickler, Ed Shambley. Ed is graciously taking the day off from Nolan's Drugstore to come play from his self released smash, "Peanuckle Shuffle". From what I've heard there's no better way to get ride of the colostomy bag blues. From "Uh-oh I Can't Get Pp" to " I Think My Grandson Stole My Savings Bond" Ed Shambley will keep the King Falls Geriatric Center rocking, rolling, and mall strolling to the hits. Happy 7th Best Town Small in America, ladies and gents. 
 Sammy: Welcome back to King Falls that's 660 on the AM dial. We've got a -
Emily: Hi, Ben! Hi, Sammy! 
Ben: Hi, Emily!
Sammy: Hi, Emily! Come on up here. The lovely Miss Emily Potter is making her way up to join us. *quietly* Hey Ben are you sure she's gonna be okay to be around Rich McGuff?
Ben: Oh, good point. I'll make this quick. 
Emily: Hi, guys! Are you live? 
Sammy: We are live. How are you doing today, Emily?
Emily: Oh, I'm just having a great time! These kind of things is exactly why I love King Falls so much. It really is the best small town in america.
Ben: See, Sammy?
Sammy: Well now I'm sold.
Emily: Well I just wanted to tell you two hi and good luck with your special daytime show today! I hope it goes swimmingly. 
Ben: *clearly flusted* Aw, thanks, Emily.It's really sweet of you..,.
Emily: Don't mention it. I'm just happy I don't have to stay up so late to talk to you.
Sammy: *softly* Ohhhhhhh.
Emily: Uh, I - I mean, the show. To listen to the show. I-I love you guys. I, well, I mean - I love, uh, the show. I love the show, and you guys. 
Ben: I'm happy to hear your voice too, Emily. 
Emily: Sooooo, after your broadcast, do you maybe wanna come to Frickards with me?
Ben: YES. Wait- what?
Emily: See, Greg Frickard came by the library booth earlier and asked if I'd like to have dinner after everything is wrapped up at the ceremony. Annnnnd I was hoping you'd come with me?
Ben: That son of a...Frickard. 
Emily: But, y-you don't have to. If you don't want to...
Ben: Oh! I mean, of course I do! It's just...a frog place? I don't really -
Sammy: It's not a conflict of interest, Ben. You know that Granny Frickard's Froggery is just one of our amazing SPONSORS here.
Ben: *dryly, very monotone* It's a delicious place to eat. Put's some pep in my step and... some hop in my heart. 
Emily: So... is that a yes? I...really can't tell. Are you alright?
Ben: I'd love to go with you. Anywhere. Even a - 
Sammy: Ahem.
Ben: ... the best froggery this side of saddle creek.
Emily: Great! So, it's a date! Just come find me after the show. Bye, Sammy. Bye, Ben!
Ben: Did she say date? She said date, right?
Sammy: It sounded like she invited you to a date. 
Ben:... Frickard. 
Sammy: Ben, I don't wanna alarm you, but there is a heavily mustachioed gentleman walking up behind you. 
Ben: Oooohohoho! Oh man, oh man. Okay, okay. King Falls I am so proud to introduce Mr - 
Ernie: *heavy typical New York mobster accent* Heyyyy ya Ben. Hows yous guys doin?
Ben: Ernie Salcedo? 
Ernie: From Ernie's mufflers! How ya doin, pally?
Ben: I...uh...
Sammy: Hi, Ernie! Uh, nice to meet ya, sir. 
Ernie: Nice to make your acquiescence or..what have yous, Sammy. 
Ben: I'm sorry, Ernie, we were just uh expecting - 
Ernie: Rich McGuff! Yeah, he couldn't make it down to the thing, eh, he had some little thing to do somewheres else. 
Ben: Uh, why are you here? 
Ernie: Ohhhh, Rich and I go way back to this one thing that we did for this one guy. Long time ago. 
Sammy: Uh-huh
Ernie: It's a long story you might say. I can't really get all into the encompassing details and what not. Long story short, Rich can't make it. He's, uh, a little tied up/
Ben: *nervously high voice* Like actually tied up? 
Ernie: You're a funny guy, Benny. 
Ben: *same high voice* Uh-huh
Ernie: It's a compliment. Some cultures, when a compliment is paid, the complimented might give some appreciation back...
Ben: I - uh- th-thank you so much Mr. Salcedo... do you want actual money? I-I don't have my wallet on me, but - 
Ernie: Haaaa, this guy. You gotta watch him! He's a regular Don Rickles.
Ben: Ha... is that a compliment?
Ernie: You're almost too funny, Benny...alomst. 
Ben: Uh, uh. Th - uh, thank you, Ernie. You - you are a very large...broad shouldered...intimidating man. 
Ernie: You're a sweet kid. 
Sammy: Well, thanks for letting us know, Ernie. Ernie from Ernie's Mufflers, ladies and gentlemen. For all your... muffler needs?
Ernie: No problem. I gotta go see a guy about a thing anyway. You stay funny. Benny. 
Ben: *whispering* Is he gone? Please tell me he's gone.
Sammy: Are you okay over there, Ben? 
Ben: He didn't leave a fish anywhere, did he?
Sammy: He's gone, Ben. I think your safe?
Ben: Jesus...
Sammy: So, no Rich McGuff? 
Ben: I forgot after running into the Godfather - uh, Godfather of muffler... things?
Sammy: I think the term your looking for is "whosies whatsies" 
Ben: I really wanted to talk to Rich McGuff too DAMMIT.
Sammy: Well, let's just hope that Rich is alright. Maybe you can snag him for the 8th annual next year, Ben.
Ben: Don't get cocky about it, man. There's no guarantees we'll get it again. 
Sammy: Something tells me that it's a lock...
Ben: Phew! Okay...I'm okay, folks! Uh, Sammy? Uh, you better go get ready to announce -
Sammy: *monotone* Mayor Grisham. 
Ben: Yeah, but try to have some excitement in your voice? That'd really sell it. Like you actually like the guy. 
Grisham: How ya doin fellas? This is a fine day. How's your mom, Ben?
Ben: Oh man! Such a great day to be part of King Falls, mayor! Thanks for inviting us to host the uh -
Grisham: Yeah...that wasn't my call. It was originally Storm Sanders, but since he's-
Sammy: Please say off the reservation -
Grisham: That's completely culturally insensitive, Sammy! Have some tact. Since Storm is....ummm, not available to us today...the Chamber of Commerce insisted we go with...you.
Sammy: Believe me, Mayor, we are just as thrilled about this as you are. 
Grisham: Right. I'll see you up on that stage, Sammy. Please make it short and sweet. I've got an announcement to make.
Sammy: Oh, so I should totally throw away the 8 pages of compliments I wrote for ya. Oh, all that hard work right down the drain.
Grisham: Yeah yeah yeah, good stuff, Stevens. 
Ben: Uh, Mayor, before you go, would you mind giving the listeners at home a sneak peak of your announcement? I mean, most of the town is here and they'll hear it live. Could be a cool little thing for the station. 
Grishman: You know what, Ben? I think that's a good idea. A great idea, even. You think this might help mend this mutually hurting bridge between King Falls AM and myself?
Sammy: Mayor? We'd love to get the scoop if you're willing to give it to us. 
Grishman: So, we're good? 
Ben: Water under the infrastructurally unsafe bridge. Sammy?
Sammy: Mayor, if you're happy, we're happy. 
Grisham: That's the spirit! 
Ben: So, Mayor Grisham, after the coronation in just a few short minutes, you're making an announcement? 
Grisham: Absolutely, Ben. After today's crowning achievement of King Falls being the best small town in america and for the 7th year in a row, I don't think there's a better time to let the citizens of this wonderful town know that I'll be running, once again, for mayor in 2016.
Ben: Oh, wow! This is big news! This is a real scoop! This is - 
Sammy: A load of horse (censored) !
Ben: WHAT?
Grisham: Excuse me?! Stevens?!
Ben: Uh *laughs nerviously* uh, what Sammy meant to say is that -
Sammy: *matterly of factly* Is that this is such a load of - 
Ben: Sammy!
Grisham: Jesus (censored) Christ, are you serious right now, Sammy? Are we on the air, Ben? Alright, you guys are "Punking" me, right?
Ben: Uh, w-w-we are... live.
Sammy: So, mayor Grisham, you're announcing your bid for the seat you already hold at the town wide celebration that, let's face it, is far from legit. 
Grisham: Are you- are you doing this right now? What happened to water under the bridge?
Sammy: That bridge literally collapsed under the load of manure you are planning on dumping on to it. Do you announce something special like this at every made up King Falls event, or is this just something special?
Grisham: How dare you! 
Ben: Mayor *laughs nervously* Sammy's been taking a lot of cold medicine. You know how the old 'tussin makes ya loopy! He doesn't even mean this...
Sammy: What did he announce last year at the sixth annual best small town in america celebration? 
Grisham: If you must know, smart ass, we announced the- the uhh -  
Ben:  *slowly like it's just starting to hit him* He announced the 2.5 million dollar add on to the already newly remolded city hall...
Grisham: I..I'd have to - I'd have to talk to Riley first and get the figures - 
Sammy: And what about the fifth annual fest - 
Grisham: You know what, we're done here - 
Ben: Mayor Grishman announced 20% raises for all the King Falls county government employees.
Grisham: Again - gentlemen, I...I need to speak to Riley - I need to figure out these figures. You- you know it may have happened -
Ben: *sadly and softly* This is a sham...
Grisham: Are you happy, Stevens? Is this what you want? To ruin this town for everyone? Bring your big city conspiracy and your trash talk radio to my town? Are you happy?
Sammy: I think anyone that has this much problem with checks and balances is probably shady and worth looking into. 
Grisham: You're a real piece of...work, Stevens! 
Sammy: Coming from you? That means absolutely nothing. 
Ben: Uhhh, whoa, uhh, I know this probably isn't the best time, but you two gentlemen are needed over at the main stage for the presentation and ribbing cutting.
Grisham: One word about this, Stevens. One utterance of your conspiracy fueled hog wash, and I will... AHEM. Ahem. 
Sammy: Oh, I'm sorry, please continue to threaten me live on the radio waves. What was that?
Grisham: Listen up. You listen good. You have you little slice on sensationalized lies with your 12 listeners on AM radio. You stick to the damn facts and go announce King Falls as the best small damn town to live in or, so help me, I will have Sheriff Gunderson drag your ass outta here for preemptively inciting a riot! These people deserve it!
Sammy: And you of course. 
Grisham: You're absolutely right. I love my city! Unlike yourself. Do your job for once and I'll do mine. You two disgust me. And don't think I won't write Merv a strongly worded letter after this! 
Sammy: Yeah, good luck finding him.
Announcer over loud speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a real treat for you - 
Ben: *sighs* Sammy, you should probably go do what ya gotta do...
Sammy: You know that I'm not doing this to - to paint the town in a negative light, right? 
Ben: I do! I really do, but... do you know how much this town needs this? 
Sammy: I do. And I love this town, I love these people. And maybe knowing the truth behind things is hard, but..I'd like to think it's better than living with the lie of it all. This isn't some BS proclamation by the Chamber of Commerce or a marginalized and power hungry schmuck that makes this town what it is... it's the people. It's the town. That's what makes King Falls great, and they deserve to know that.
Announcer over loud speaker: From King Falls AM, 660 on the radio dial, let's hear some applause out there! Mr. Sammy Stevens from the Sammy and Ben show!  (crowd cheering and clapping) Oh, uh, my apologizes, Mr. Mayor,... yes, of course... uh, sl-slight change of plans, ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome back to the stage, Mr. Dusty Reynolds!
Ben: What the?!
Sammy: Oh, I'll be back. POST MY BAIL, BEN!
Ben: Wait, what? Sammy! Uh, oh- okay. That was Sammy leaving. He's heading over to the - yup! He's running up on the stage, there...
Grisham: You're done, Stevens! DONE! I'M GONNA RIP YOUR (CENSORED) HEAD OFF!!! 
(Crowd gasping dramatically ) 
Ben: Oh! Mayor Grisham just punched Sammy in the face! What the - (lots of censoring and fighting coming from the stage) Hey! Oh - oh - okay. Sammy just got- Sammy just- ohhhh. That's a suplex. Pretty sure that was a suplex. Sammy and Grisham are on the ground. This is literally like the end of Lethal Weapon. Except no rain... and neither of these men are proficient in mixed martial arts. (more screaming from crowd) HEY! DON'T! Oh, Mayor Grisham just went for a - a round house kick. And Sammy, nope - that - Sammy didn't even have to duck that was a terrible kick. No! Sammy! No, don't- don't- ooooo. How have they not broken this up? SOMEONE BREAK- SHOULD I BREAK THIS UP? (baby starts crying) Wh-where's Troy?! 
Grisham: Someone cut their feed! Cut it! Cut the feed now! 
Ben: I'm not even being biased, I think he's just angry Sammy had that headlock on him so long. La-ladies and gentlemen, I better - 
Announcer: *nervous laughter* There's just horse-playing, folks. Right? Right guys? (more screaming and commotion from crowd) *Sighs* Somebody get the hose. Dusty! Play your damn song already! Best small town in America, my ass...
Dusty: (singing over crying babies, screaming crowd) ♪ Came up to my trailor when I was out of town, lord he took my smile and turned it upside down. Cause I caught you having sex with a rodeo clown. from the size of his shoes, I just can't compete ♪
(Sirens from police cars pulling up - music fades) 
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