#I'm spinning in circles on meanings and shit cause my brain is buzzing like a hive of bees over the fucking
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
The Ruined pizzaplex is steeped in death and disrepair, it’s almost to the point that when the others are finally Meteor-ed, they don’t even know if they’ll survive escaping the damn place. None of them know, it’s a death trap. I don’t even think some of them expected to live for long after they escaped
But then they do, and they’re in a completely unfamiliar world that’s saturated with life and it’s unlike anything they’ve ever been exposed to before. Fazent always carried that touch of death, yknow? They never knew any different.
But then they claw their way into the light and someone is wrapping a blanket around their shoulders and giving them a bottle of water and asking if they’re ok because they must’ve just been Changed, they look so disoriented, and they don’t know what to do.
But they have each other, they’re *alive* again. The scars will never go away, but they have each other, and they desperately hope that’s enough.
Fsdfsdf nah though you're on the right lines with this... may I offer...
The Plex is dead. It's stagnant, forever unchanging and is left to rot like all the other bodies under the floorboards. Those that remain are rotting and hurt, discarded like broken and unwanted toys and abandoned in the ruins of what is the only world, the only home they've ever known.
... But it's not dead.
How can it be? They're still there. They're still alive.
And like a phoenix rising from the ashes, they'll realise that for themselves and start laying the kindle for their fire.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Something About Aquaria Ch. 5
Shits getting angsty, Trigger warning for descriptions of gore~ Eliptic
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, OK Cracker just breathe’ Max was pacing rapidly in his hotel room, practically burning a hole in the carpet. ‘This is normal, you should have been expecting this, and why wouldn’t he be curious? Just breathe it’ll be fine.’ sighed heavily throwing himself onto the bed.
“Who am I fucking kidding, when has that ever worked?” he said blurring to the window.
Aquaria’s POV
Giovanni’s head was pounding as he reluctantly sat up at the blaring sound of his alarm, he slammed his hand on the snooze button, wincing as he felt the plastic cut into his palm. “Holy shit.” He whispered looking between the crushed clock and his bleeding hand.  
He whipped his head around at the sound of one of the many locks unlocking. In a panic Giovanni pushed over the side table, “Don’t come in I'm… naked.” He shouted quickly as the door started to open, nursing his injured palm.
“Okay?” Sam said confused  “Well soups on so come down… preferably when you have clothes on.”
“I will.” Giovanni said as the door shut fully. He gave out a sigh of relief. Going into the tiny bathroom he ran his hand under water clearing away in the blood to assess the damage. To his surprise the small cuts that covered his hand were slowly healing. “Cool.” He whispered.
‘Max!’ he thought suddenly, he quickly threw on some clothes and rushed down to the dining room, searching for the shorter vampire.
“Cracker doesn’t eat, she’s on the bus with Vixen and Blair.” Giovanni nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of Dane’s voice. “Sorry.” He apologized smiling shyly.
“I’m not afraid of the big bad wolf.” Giovanni teased.
“Kameron Michaels,” he said dramatically “Cause of death too many dog puns.” They both laughed. “You should grab something before you go.”
“I’m actually not hungry.” He said letting it sink in “At least not for food.” He swallowed heavily looking down.
Dane pulled Giovanni in a tight hug “Four years ago I was where you are now… only with more fur. It was terrifying, still is sometimes, but I got through it. And so will you.”
Giovanni smiled trying to will away the tears stinging his eyes. “Thanks Kam. I should go check on Cracker.”
“She seemed fine when I saw her this morning. Did something happen?”
“I’m not really sure what happened. His eyes…” Giovanni bit his lip, turning on his heel and quickly walked to the bus, he climbed on immediately spotting Vixen and Blair snuggled together, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep, but no Max. As silently as possible he made his way to the back of the bus, finding Max curled up sleeping in the last seat. Smiling Giovanni gently lifted Max and squeezed in next to him, putting Max’s head in his lap. He checked him over, stopping when he spotted two small marks on his forearm, slowly Giovanni lifted Max’s arm to examine the scars, they looked like bug bites. Giovanni unconsciously ran his tongue over his teeth, he froze.
‘I made those. I bit him.’ He panicked ‘Is that why he freaked out? Is that normal? What am I saying none of this is normal!’ Giovanni started breathing heavily.
“Aqua?” Kevin’s voice broke through his panic, it caused him to jump making Max to stir in his lap. “What’s wrong?” Giovanni gestured to the tiny scars on Max’s arm. “Oh, don’t worry they’ll be gone in a few hours.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt him.”
“You didn’t, the opposite actually,” Kevin winked “So what would you prefer, a ring or a necklace?”
“Are you asking me to go steady with you?” Giovanni asked, relaxing.
“You wish bitch.” Kevin chuckled “Eventually the suns gonna become a problem. I need to enchant something that you can wear so you don’t combust.” He explained. Giovanni’s face went pale. “You two didn’t get to that chapter yet.” Kevin said slowly “Sorry.”
“Max doesn’t wear anything, so I didn’t think it was a thing.”
“That’s because, despite a song saying otherwise, Bob is a show off. He enchanted some ink and gave him a tattoo. I’m not quite on that level…yet, but you don’t strike me a tattoo girl anyway.”
“I have a necklace that my mom gave me. Would that work?” he asked taking off the simple chain.
“Yeah, this’ll do just fine.”
A grumble came from Max as he dug his head into Giovanni’s stomach. “Five more minutes.” Kevin smirked leaning over to flick him on the back of his head. “I hate you.” Max flipped him off stretching as he sat up. “Oh,” a brief look of panic flashed in his eyes “Hi Aquaria, I hope I didn’t drool on you.”
“It’s fine,” Giovanni laughed “I’m glad you’re okay…you are okay right?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
Kevin and Giovanni looked at Max confused “Well last night you-“ Giovanni was cut off by the other queens getting on board. Max turned away putting headphones on at full volume. Kevin gestured for Giovanni to join him in his seat.
“What happened last night?” he whispered. “Cracker came to my room this morning talking a million miles a minute then left now she’s acting weird .”
“Is it because I… bit him?”
“You’re still a fledging, any venom you have would have just been a slight buzz, not enough to cause a head rush like a full vamp would.”
Giovanni thought for a moment “He told me how he became a… you know.”
Kevin’s face dropped, he glanced back at Max who was lip-syncing his part. “That’s sore subject with him.”
“I didn’t mean to-“
“You have the right to be curious, he didn’t have to tell you but he did cause he trusts you. He didn’t tell you everything though did he?”
“I don’t know. I thought he did.”
“We’ll talk later, now get your skinny ass up with Asia she’s staring daggers into me and I can’t tell if she’s joking anymore.”
Cracker’s POV
Max could still hear Kevin and Giovanni despite the music blaring in his ears.
“-He didn’t tell you everything though did he?” Max went stiff, pausing the music and glaring at the back of Kevin’s head
“I don’t know. I thought he did.”
“We’ll talk later, now get your skinny ass up with Asia she’s staring daggers into me and I can’t tell if she’s joking anymore.”
Giovanni joined the rest of his team and Kevin slid in next to Max, who hit play on the music pretending that he hadn’t been listening in. Kevin rolled his eyes, taking one of Max’s hand in his own squeezing it comfortingly.
September 5th 2009
‘Ow’ Max thought as his brain sluggishly regained consciousness. ‘How much did I have to drink last night.’ His throat was so dry he couldn’t talk, he opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the brightness of his room, immediately he closed them again. ‘Must of left the curtains open.’ He tried to sit up but his muscles ached and refused to move more than a couple inches.
“Isn’t it normal for Cracker to go on these creative binges where she goes AWOL for a bit them comes back with some badass creation.” He heard Kevin’s voice coming from the living room.
“Yeah, but normally Katelyn’s here to make sure he eats and sleeps, and she will kill us if she comes home to a neglected Cracker.” Chris responded “I’ll check the bedroom, you order takeout.”
Max attempted to sit up again but his body screamed at him, heavy footsteps came down the hallway, opening his bedroom.
“Max!” Chris yelled, suddenly Max felt warm hands on his shoulders making him realized how cold he was. “Max!” he yelled again shaking him. Max felt a quiet whimper leave his throat.
“Chris what- Oh my god!” Kevin screamed. “Is he?”
“Not quite. Stay with him while I call Jamin.”
“Why are you calling Betty and not an ambulance?”
“Because this isn’t something humans can fix. Look at his arms and neck.” Chris sounded angry in way Max had never heard before.
‘Hold on… humans?’ Max thought as he felt Kevin’s pull him close, the heat from the others body was suffocating but not in a way that made him uncomfortable, it was actually soothing, ‘How did I not notice how cold it was in here.’
“Ed?” Kevin said coldly.
‘What does my ex have to do with this? What even is this? Why does everything hurt?’
“When I find that son a bitch-“ Kevin started
“Let’s focus on Max right now.” Chris interrupted.
Max heard a weird whooshing noise and felt wind on his face.
“Let me see him.” Jamin said worriedly.
‘How did Betty get here so fast?’
Kevin reluctantly pulled away taking his warmth with him, Max felt his body twitch in an attempt to get it back. He mentally recoiled from the icy hands that seemed to study him.
“I’d say he a about a week into the transition.” Jamin said.
“He’s only been AWOL for a few days, how is that possible?” Kevin asked.
“We’ve only heard from him through text.” Chris said sniffling. “Is there anything you can do?”
“I can give him a pick me up but the rest is up to him.” Jamin sighed.
“Do it.”
The room went silent, then filled with a smell that made his stomach growl loudly, ‘Fuck I’m starving.’ He felt a cold hand open his mouth and a warm, gooey, delicious liquid flowed into it. He heard another growl, but this time it didn’t sound human, his arms moved quickly despite the pain to grip tightly around Jamin’s arm, gulping down the heavenly substance. The pain gradually ebbed away and the need to keep drinking subsided, reluctantly he detached his mouth, he slowly blinked as his vision focused to see Jamin looking at him worriedly and Kevin who was sobbing quietly into Chris’s side, Chris also had tears streaming down his face as he rubbed circles into Kevin’s back.
“Max?” Jamin spoke slowly bringing his attention back to him.
“What?” Max said in croaky voice, feeling spit run down his chin he whipped it with back of a shaky hand, pulling it back to see red, red that also covered Jamin’s arm and the sheets. His eyes started feeling heavy and his head was spinning “B-“ next thing he knew he was submerged in darkness again.
Max groaned pulling his blanket closer to him as he desperately tried to fall back to sleep. He heard muffled talking from the other room, he sat up examining his surroundings. He was in his bed. ‘Weird fucking dr-‘ Max’s thought was cut off as he spotted red staining his light blue bed sheets.
“Chris!” he yelled, his voice coming out louder than he had expected it to. The door flew open and Chris, followed by Kevin and Jamin, rushed in. “It…it wasn’t a dream.” He said softly. Chris quickly got on the bed, pulling Max into the tightest hug he’d ever experienced.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop this, but I promise you it’s going to be okay.” The taller said stroking his hair.
“What the hell is going on?”
An hour later Max sat on his bed, wrapped up in his blanket, a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Chris entered carrying a cup of tea “Max.” he said softly.
“What do you want me to say?” Max said sharply “This is a lot to take in. Vampires, magic, all of this isn’t supposed to be real. And now I'm…I don’t even know what I am.”
“You are the exact same person you were a week ago.”
“No I’m not! Look me in the eye and tell me that everything can go back to normal.”
Chris was silent.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” Max sobbed.
“Don’t say that.” Chris said holding back tears “You’re right everything is changing but you, who you are, the hilarious, creative, kind person that is Maxwell Heller, that doesn’t have to change. You’re still you just as a vampire.”
“I don’t want this.” Max said darkly.
The room fell into a suffocating silence.
“Okay,” Chris whispered sadly.
November 2nd 2009
Kevin groaned as his phone rang beside him “What Bob?” he mumbled sleepily
“Max isn’t answering his phone.”
Kevin’s stomach dropped “He still has a few more weeks.”
“The transition period isn’t exact, Kev I can’t go there by myself…if he is…” Chris broke off with a sob.
“Okay, I’ll meet you there.” Kevin said trying to keep his cool.
Two swirling portals opened up in the tiny apartment. Chris and Kevin shaking as they peered around the empty living room.
“Max?” Kevin shouted. There was a loud thump from the small dark hallway. “Max?” Kevin said going closer, freezing looking at the floor, Chris followed his gaze to the red staining the gray carpet. They followed the trail to the bathroom. They gasped in unison at the sight of a blood soaked Max slumped against the bathtub. “Max!” Kevin cried crouching in front of him, he paused looking at the blood that had smeared on his had from Max’s chest it was bright red and cold. Chris leaned forward looking to the tub, that was filled with bloodied plastic bags. Blood bags.
Max suddenly gasped, seizing up, he eyes were bloodshot, the veins under them prominent, his red stained canines extended, his nails sharpened to a point that tore through Kevin’s hoodie as his body shook violently.
“Max! Hey, hey, hey it’s me, it Kevin.” He said cupping Max’s face as the shaking calmed and Max’s eyes slowly returned to normal.
“What happened?”
“I…I heard something so I went to check it out, but when I got to the hallway there was  blood on the floor and I…I…I don’t remember.” Max held up his bloodied hands “Oh God what did I do?” he panicked.
Chris picked up one of the blood bags from the tub, ran it under water in the sink.
Didn’t know your favorite, so I got them all. Love Ed
Was written in sharpie on the bag.
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