#something about aquaria
sarahmackattack · 5 months
Hi Sarah!
I have a cephalopod question: do ceph’s ever lose their suckers, and if so are they able to grow new ones?
And a SciComm question: do you have any advice for someone who wants to grow their career in SciComm? It’s my dream career but it seems like opportunities are few and far between.
Is it “better” to pursue a degree in a specific science, or to focus more on the education/teaching side of things?
(although a huge shoutout to you and the other SciComm folks sharing your passions! I did manage to get a part-time internship and job at my local zoo in their education department, and I only had the courage to pursue those opportunities thanks to people like you! Didn’t think I’d get this far, and now I can’t wait to take it even farther; I’ve just got to figure out how to get there first!)
Do ceph’s ever lose their suckers, and if so are they able to grow new ones? I'm sure they do! The regeneration of some species has been studied but not all of them so there's likely some species that are a little better at it than others (for example, it's probably something a predator that attacks very strong fast animals needs than an animal that primarily eats bivalves).
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to grow their career in SciComm? The trouble with this is that my job is very very weird, and doesn't exist in the kind of structure where you apply for a job →you get the job → you have a stable job. It's more similar to the safety and job structure of being an artist, but with a nonprofit thrown into the mix. It's... complicated! And not necessarily stable! All that to say, how I got here is not going to work for everyone and I honestly sometimes cant believe it worked/works for me at all. It might stop working any second.
But whatever here's what I did. I practiced science communication on social media and locally in Connecticut (where I was at the time). I tried to consume a lot of science communication and consider what was working in those pieces, and thought about what I enjoyed doing within that whole huge ecosystem. There's one zillion ways to do science communication, and different approaches will hit different audiences. It's totally critical for a lot of different people to be doing science communication in a way that feels genuine to them, in their own voices, with whatever methods they like doing the most so that as a collective, we hit the broadest patch of people. No one science communication technique is perfect for every "audience" member, so the diversity of approaches is so so important. I don't think that gets said enough. So explore! See what you like, see what you get joy out of doing, see how people react to it. Producing science communication as you're practicing will build out a portfolio of work that you can point to when you graduate.
There are a lot of kinds of science communication jobs. There's the freelance/DIY approach like having a podcast like Alie Ward, or founding a nonprofit (this is very hard and i don't recommend doing this lol), or having a successful youtube channel/social media situation like Hank Green or doing TV like Emily Calandrelli/Bill Nye/Phil Torres. Then there's working for an existing science education nonprofit like Biobus or Science Friday or working for institutions like museums/zoos/aquaria, etc. Theres also a whole field in the university system called "extension" where you're taking the work happening at the university and connecting the surrounding population with that work. Each of those jobs, particularly the older institution-based ones have their own structures and will come with different advice on how to get into those jobs. I'm not really sure about those. Having that science communication portfolio will likely help for all of them though!
As far as what to do for school... I think the true but kinda complicated answer is that often what we do for school isn't directly related to what we end up doing. The skills we build while we're in school, and the connections we make are really what determines where we end up and what we end up doing. So... really take seriously the stuff you're doing that nobody's telling you to do. That's as important as class... and honestly, in my personal experience, it's way more important than what you do in class.
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arturhunter · 9 months
(anon who asked that queen aquaria question): No, I meant the fish lady queen from Invincible. Was just thinking about that episode, and that post from Ryan Ottley recently. Sorry 4 the confusion.
Aaaa im so sorry for the confusionnn But anywho i hope this is something maybe you wanted
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jessjustplay · 4 months
Story Analysis of Star Ocean Till the End of Time (Spoilers!)
June 2, 2024
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Simple, complicated, philosophical. That's how the story rolls in Star Ocean Till the End of Time.
When the game begins, Fayt and his family are on a spaceship that gets attacked. Fayt is separated and ends up on an unfamiliar planet. He meets Cliff and they eventually find themselves teaming up with a stern woman named Nel (she's cool, I like her). Nel needs them to defend her country, Aquaria, against Airyglyph. That's the simple part. A planet with countries at war? Seems to be a normal occurrence (unfortunately) in all realities.
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It's during the next arc that things get complicated. The team meets Maria, and they go to space to defend the universe from some god-like creatures. (I mean... it's a JRPG, what do you expect?) Even the people of Aquaria and Airyglpyh realize this is no time for fighting amongst themselves.
Now, instead of traveling to a new city, the team finds themselves needing to find a way to an entirely new dimension: the 4D. To top it off, they're hit with the news that their existence and the world they know is a complete fabrication. They are indeed, inside a simulation.
The wild part is that, we the player, are technically living in the same world as Fayt, Cliff, and the rest. It's established that Fayt is from Earth, and that is also our home. So the game is technically including us as being part of a simulation. Or on the other hand, we are in the real world, playing a game that is a game inside the game we're playing. (I love it here.)
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Anyway, the big baddie of the game is called the Creator, but he's just random man named Joe. (His name is actually Luther, but he might as well be a random man named Joe.) After defeating this guy, Fayt and company are actually deleted along with the universe. (Kinda shocked the game followed through with this.)
"I wonder what's going to happen?" - Maria "Just believe. Just believe that we exist, here and now." - Fayt
"Choose to live!" - Fayt
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However, as Fayt finds himself amongst the great big world of nothingness, he becomes aware that he is having a thought. And as René Descartes argues for the knowing of our own existence: "I think, therefore I am."
"There's nothing left. Everything has completely vanished. Light. Air. Even my own body no longer exists. Absolute nothingness. Hmm? Nothingness? So nothing really exists anymore? But if that were true, then what about this thought? This thought is real. And I am aware of this thought. So... there is something left. There has to be. That means... that I'm still alive!" - Fayt
THE WHOLE STORY IS A PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNEY OF RECOGNIZING YOUR EXISTENCE AND THE WILL TO LIVE. It's simply hidden behind flashy PS2 graphics and sci-fi lingo. Incredible!
"All that we can see in our dimension, and everything we can touch, it's all been a fabrication created for us to perceive. And now Luther has disabled our perception of such things, effectively erasing them from existence. Without perception, there is no existence." - Maria "And yet... even though everything around us was an illusion, I'm positive that our minds, which perceived that dimension, really do exist." - Maria "You're right. No matter what Luther claims, our minds are the only things that were real." - Fayt "That's exactly why Luther was unable to erase our consciousness. He merely deleted all the illusions around us. Doing so could not possibly erase that which actually exists outside of his creation." - Maria "So, you're saying Luther never acknowledged our existence? Does his failure to do so explain why we still exist here?" - Sophia "Maybe... strictly speaking, the universe as we know it most likely no longer exists. Nevertheless, we still feel its existence in our minds." - Fayt "If everyone in that universe still feels like we do right now then that universe really does exist." - Maria
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Humanizing the characters with ethics, morals, empathy, and compassion
The game includes a variety of moments that evoke emotion in the characters, and us (the player) too! The cutscenes are examples of how humans are, how they react, feel, and think.
These are the reasons why the game's revelation at the end is so impactful. Because, not only were the in-game characters feeling sad, angry, and confused, but so were we.
The characters in this game experience loss, betrayal, hurt, and confusion but also happiness, joy, and relief. They ask themselves and the Creator, if they are just simulations, then did any of those moments actually matter?
And that translates over to us in real life too. The emotions that we feel are what make us feel alive. The good and the bad. If thinking means we are, then feeling means we are, too.
When Fayt first lands on the new planet, he is very careful to not break any codes from the "The Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact" (UP3). So much so that Cliff will tease Fayt about this throughout the game. Fayt is showing how he abides the law and it's important for him to do so.
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Fayt also knows when it's necessary to break the rules. He helps those in need, like the cute brother and sister (Niklas and Meena) at the beginning of the game. Meena has a broken music box that Fayt decides to fix with his technology. He also uses his device to help Niklas escape the jail. Fayt's morals are shown here as well as later in the game when he decides to help Nel with the Aquaria-Airyglpyh war. He isn't a part of this world, but he decides to help because he knows he should.
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The characters, particularly Fayt and Sophia, display a lot of empathy towards each other and the situations at hand, but I believe the most empathy is felt by the player. Playing a story video game is the epitome of empathizing since we are playing as putting ourselves in someone else's shoes. I felt so much emotion with the Ameena and Dion subplot and felt so sad when they both passed away. (Tears were shed.) It was incredibly sad, but a testament to how the video game successfully humanized the characters.
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As the player and genuine true controller of the game, Fayt's desire to help us can only happen if we decide to keep playing. As the story develops and we learn more about the hardships the people of Elicoor are facing, we, unknowingly or not, feel compassion for these characters and we decide to do as Fayt would and fix the problems. (Or you're just a trophy hunter and none of this applies to you. 😶)
So does any of it matter?
The characters wrangle with this question, and thankfully come to same conclusion as I. Yes, it all mattered. It made them feel, that made them real, and that allowed them to exist.
"No matter what the real truth is, the fact is we have thoughts and feelings of our own. We want to save our dimension and everyone in it." - Sophia
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"Now that they've developed minds equal to our own, how are they any different from us? The evidence is clear. It's getting harder and hard to interfere in their dimension as we please. Doesn't that prove that they've become equals? That they deserve to live?" - Blair
To think is to be, to feel is to be. To think about your feelings is to be alive. The game purposely gives these pixels, 0s and 1s, human qualities that we relate to and bond with. Star Ocean Till the End of Time also does a great job at making you think about your own existence. Would finding out that your life is a simulation change your thoughts about it? Would it still matter to you?
All the pain, heartache, happiness, disappointment, and joy that you felt up until this point, does it matter or is it meaningless? I'll reiterate that yes, it all matters. Living can be as simple as experiencing fleeting moments of good and bad and embracing that we are here - in this moment alive, until the end of time.
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polyphonical · 6 months
Red Hot Island - Chapter 8
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Aquaria Park (Cove)
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〈15 minutes until the event ends〉
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Chiaki: Hmm~… Not here, huh. This is where the last clue leads to, though…
There’s only 15 minutes left too… I wonder how the other teams are doing? It’s hard to tell if we’re doing better or worse since the treasure map is different for each team.
Eichi: There would be an announcement if someone finished already, so I don’t think anyone found the treasure yet.
Chiaki: What!? Then we have to hurry up and find it before anyone else does! Let’s look again!
Eichi: Okayーー
Chiaki: ! Tenshouin, you’re staggering! Are you okay?
Ah, now that I think about it… We’ve been moving a lot… All day, we’ve been swimming, treasure hunting, and just overall using our bodies a lot.
I wonder if it’d be fine if we took a little rest…?
Eichi: I wasn’t staggering. I just tripped over a small step.
Don’t make that kind of face. It’s different from last year. Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been getting a lot better. My physical condition seems to be really stable right now.
Just because you were able to get healthier now doesn’t mean you need to treat me like I’m still the same sickly kid as before.
Chiaki: What are you talking about? You and I are the same, aren’t we?
I wasn’t treating you like that because I think I’m better than you, much less because I pity you either. It’s because I understand what it’s like. I’m just concerned as someone who’s been in that position before. I’m concerned because I’m your friend.
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Eichi: ………
That’s all the more reason not to worry. That is, if you really do understand what it’s like.
Chiaki: Is that so? I guess I’m easy to worry. Other people say the same thing too. That I’m good-natured or something? It’s hard for me to not worry.
Alright then, let’s continue the treasure hunt! Because we could still come out first!
Eichi: Yes, let’s. Since we are participating, aiming for 1st place is the only way to go. Winning is what’s fun about games.
Chiaki: Okay! Then, let’s go check out those bushes over there!
Eichi: I’ll help you look too.
…Hm. It doesn’t seem to be around here.
Chiaki: Yeah, same for me…
Eichi: (Just where in the world is that treasure? I know I said I’d help out with looking in the bushes, but I don’t think they would hide it in a place like this.)
Chiaki: Say, Tenshouin~
Eichi: What is it? Actually, you’ve been talking a lot since the beginning, haven’t you Chiaki? If you want to find the treasure, it’s best to move your hands more than your mouth.
Chiaki: It’s fine! I’m still searching thoroughly. This is like… a chat while searching.
See, it’s not fun to search silently without talking to each other at all, right? It’s a timed event, after all.
Eichi: Well, I guess I don’t see the harm in it. Then? What is it?
Chiaki: Do you remember the promise we made that long summer ago?
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Eichi: ………
What promise are you talking about? I don’t remember anything like that.
Chiaki: I see. If you don’t remember, it’s okay.
Alright! I finished checking the bushes, but I can’t find anything. I wonder where the treasure really is?
Let’s look on the other sideーー Uwah!?
(Oh no! I slipped! I’m gonna fall into the poolー!?)
Eichi: Chi-Chiaki! Wah!?
Chiaki: Cough cough… Fuah!
Eichi: Fuah…!
Chiaki: Haーー HAHAHAH! That shocked me! I accidentally slipped! HAHAHAH!
Eichi: Hah… Seriously. It was not funny, Chiaki. I got dragged into the pool too.
Chiaki: Haha, sorry. You suddenly held out your hand, so I pulled on it and accidentally took you down with me! … Hm?
Hey, Tenshouin. There’s a box that fell down. Was that always there?
Eichi: Eh? Whereーー Ah, you’re right.
When I was trying to help you earlier, I grabbed something like a string that was on the wall without thinking. Maybe it fell out when I pulled the string…?
Chiaki: Then, is that the pirate’s treasure!?
Eichi: Um… Umph, there. Since it’s called a pirate’s treasure, I was expecting something bigger. But it seems to be pretty small.
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Eichi: Yes. This does seem like it’s meant to be the pirate’s treasure.
Chiaki: ! You, you did it, Tenshouin! There wasn’t an announcement yet either, so we must be the first ones who found it!
Eichi: Fufu. You’re right. I can’t believe it’s really…
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Location: In front of the train station
Chiaki: Ah~. Today was super fun~ ♪
Eichi: It was. I truly never thought the day would come.
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Chiaki: ………
Chiaki: I knew it. You really do remember that promise, right? You’re not an honest guy, are you.
Chiaki: That promise we made on that summer, long ago… “I promise that when we get healthier, we can go to the pool together as friends! Because, that’s the kind of future we’ll have!” is what we said.
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Eichi: ………
Chiaki: Jeez. Why’d you have to go and say you didn’t remember it at all? It took a lot of courage to ask, you know! I felt so empty, thinking I was the only one who remembered something like that.
Eichi: Fufu, it was embarrassing to admit… That I kept such a small promise from the past so close to my heart. It felt childish.
Chiaki: I thought it was weird… I mean, you were the one who invited us. Plus, the pool looked pretty busy from what I was seeing.
At least, it felt like it was different than what you were telling us.
So, I thought about it and reached several different conclusions, but in the end, I think you just wanted to enjoy being able to go to the pool with your friends.
――Am I right?  
Eichi: …Chiaki. You really didn’t have to go on with some detailed explanation for my actions.
Especially when it was obvious that I wanted to hide those feelings.  That’s not being honest, it’s being insensitive.
Leo: HE~Y! You guys are too slow! What is taking you so long!?
Kaoru: I was just talking to Tsukinaga-kun, and we were wondering if you guys wanted to stop by a café on the way back home~?
Leo: Right! We’re going to leave you~! If you guys are too late, I’m gonna eat everything you order!
Eichi: Aah, sorry about that. We’re coming.
Chiaki: What were you saying, Tenshouin?
You’re not the only one who wanted to see this scene… this kind of future. I also wished for it.
That pinky promise we made in that hospital room belongs to both you and meーー the ones who shared it. Right?
Eichi: … I see. That’s right… That’s why I shouldn’t have to hide what’s hidden in my heart from you, correct? Ever since then, you’ve been my kindred soul.
Chiaki: Yeah, exactly!
Now, let’s go, Tenshouin! We shouldn’t make our friends wait on us any longer!
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headmate-ideas · 4 months
Hello, friend. The alter I am sending a request about seems to be feminine but not a woman, and seems attracted to Greek music and cuisine. They seem to enjoy the colors pink, red, and green, and are very attached to our cuttlefish and blobfish plushes. They are also fond of pomegranates. If I were to guess, I would assume that they were a creature from Greek mythology, perhaps something living in water or a Ferryman similar to Charon. Thank you for your time. -Agrona
✦ Name(s): Aquaria, Cirice, Miri ✦ Pronouns: she/her, they/them, shy/hyr/hyrs/hyrself, shx/hxr/hxrs/hxrself, fae/faer/faers/faerself, pink/pinks/pinkself, red/reds/redself, green/greens/greenself ✦ Species: siren ✦ Age: adult ✦ Role(s): caretaker, chef, interest holder, hygienist ✦ Labels: juxera, nascigender, lunettian, neptunic ✦ Xenos: pomegranates, ocean, music ✦ Interests/likes: sea creatures, greek history/culture, food ✦ Dislikes: feeling disorganized, uncomfortable clothes, complicated technology ✦ Music taste: dimotika, laiko pop, entekhno ✦ Aesthetic(s): classicism, ocean grunge ✦ Objectum attraction(s): plushes, seashells ✦ Kins: mermaids, psychopomps, giant squids ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌊🎶 ✦ Details:
Aquaria is a siren who has an interest in aquatic life (especially deep sea creatures), Greek culture and history (including music, cuisine, and mythology), and collecting plushes (either actually doing so or learning about such collectibles and looking at pictures of them online). As an aquatic creature, shx is fond of showers as well as other acts of bodily upkeep. Hyr fondness for pomegranates and Greek food leads her to look up different recipes for them, which leads her to look up recipes in general, which has led to her developing an interest in cooking that shy uses to help the rest of the system find different ways to eat foods they know they like (especially if she can bring her interest in Greece and aquatic life into it). Aquaria's interests are very important to hyr and shy often engages with them as a calming/soothing thing for themself and the rest of the system. The beauty they find in deep sea creatures (even the "scary" ones) extends to their general outlook on life, finding the good and beauty in everything she can.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will probably not turn out exactly as described.]
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anonymusbosch · 7 months
i do not understand how "fairy" is winning 9 to 1 in that poll. I hear people's explanations but they don't make sense to me: "with a fairy, it just means fairies are actually real, whereas how would a walrus get to my house?"
- if it's a fairy, you now have to explain why fairies have NOT been part of your life as long as you live. or documented by anyone. if fairies are real your mental gymnastics must now include their complete absence for all prior years. if fairies are not real and you're hallucinating - can you not also hallucinate a walrus?
- if it's a walrus, the gymnastics are not "how did a walrus get here and ring my doorbell," they're "why did someone ding dong ditch me with a walrus." Possibly a dead walrus. Walrus transport is something we know how to do (to move them and similar animals between zoos/aquaria or to rescue/rehab facilities). If you're doing it shittily (e.g. with a deceased beast) it's even easier. (think of the fact that domestic horses and cows die every year and there has to be some way to move the body.) sure, if your apartment building only has stairs, that makes it harder, but transporting large, heavy, unwieldy objects is something people have been doing since before the Pyramids were built. There are ways. And the why? Maybe you're about to get framed for a zoo heist or exotic animal smuggling operation. Maybe someone has the weirdest problem of their life on their hands. Maybe someone is taking extremely illegal revenge via walrus corpse. Maybe teenagers. Why *you*, well why you for the fairies? It's easy to explain why all *other* days of your life don't contain walruses. It's less easy to explain the lack of fairies
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loominggaia · 3 months
Question: Is it possible for a genuinely good person to get into power in the Great Kingdoms or some other organization? Or would they just get assassinated or become corrupt and eat babies or something?
Much like in the real world, good-hearted people usually don't acquire much power. That's because in order to get power, you need to be willing to lie, cheat, and exploit others. You need to have a desire to be "above" others in the first place. And, once the power is obtained, it corrupts.
This is a big theme in the Looming Gaia series. Mr. Ocean talks about it pretty extensively. Here's a piece of dialogue from "Supply and Demand":
“We are all monsters in the making, my friend. It is power which corrupts, and I tell you from my own experience, it takes less than you think. It is an insidious thing, like a cancer that takes you from the inside. You cannot see it unless you are willing to tear yourself apart and exorcise it, or else it will quietly take your soul.” -Mr. Ocean
There is another element at play here too, and that's "perspective".
Mr. Ocean had good intentions when he formed the Oceanic Resistance. But as his power grew, the stakes and his foes grew too, and he had to pull increasingly desperate moves to keep that power. He poisoned his own soldiers with greenlite to keep them loyal to his cause, which was a terrible thing to do. But from his perspective, it was for the greater good.
He reasoned that it was acceptable to sacrifice these soldiers' free will if it meant saving all of Terria from Sovereign...until he realized that he was doing exactly what Sovereign was doing, and it was evil. The only way to cleanse himself of the evil was to let go of all his power, so he abandoned the Resistance and his cause altogether. He reasoned that there was no point in overthrowing Sovereign if he was just going to take his place as another evil dictator.
Mr. Roach took Mr. Ocean's place as leader of the Resistance. Roach is now forging monsters, exploiting mermaids and others, all in the name of destroying the Sovereign. Mr. Roach doesn't think of himself as evil, he thinks himself a hero for trying to stop Sovereign.
Most of the "evil" characters in the Looming Gaia series feel this way too. They don't see themselves as villains, but heroes. Sovereign thinks he's a hero for saving Aquaria from Terrian pollution. Indiga thinks she's a hero for protecting her people from magic. Moswen thought she was a great queen for holding her children to such a high standard. Even Dario thought of himself as a benevolent protector of his clan.
Karenza, the Divine of Love, also started her cause with good intentions: to cleanse the world of wickedness. But that's a hard thing to do when wickedness is subjective. Many people consider rulers like Sovereign and Indiga to be heroes and saints, so who is Karenza to decide they're wicked and destroy them? Many consider Karenza to be the wicked one.
I will also mention that even Karenza has done a lot of morally questionable things to acquire and keep her power. Ironically, the Divine of Love has one of the highest kill-counts of any other divine. Her Ethereal City is essentially a dictatorship. She makes mistakes. She takes actions she regrets. Her foes are so unrepentantly evil, so willing to do whatever it takes to overpower her, she feels she has no choice but to sink to their level to get the edge over them. All for the "greater good".
No one wants to take the Mr. Ocean route because...well, look at the guy. He went from a big player on the world stage to a penniless bum overnight. But sacrificing their power is truly the only way to cleanse their soul of the corruption.
Mr. Ocean is one of the very few examples of a powerful leader being truly "good". However, he had to sacrifice all his power to achieve that goodness.
Salina and Marina took the same route long before him (though for different reasons. They gave up their power not because they feared becoming evil, but because they got frustrated with allkind's stupidity and gave up on trying to help them.)
More power requires more corruption to maintain. The ultra-powerful rulers of Looming Gaia come in two flavors: evil, and slightly less evil. Some of their intentions may be good, and some of their actions may even be benevolent, but maintaining their high level of power will always require some degree of morally-questionable deeds.
There are truly good leaders as well, they just don't have nearly as much power as the big-timers. Evan is one example, as leader of the Freelance Good Guys. Jasenia is another, as princess of Barha, willing to sacrifice her relationship with the man she loved in order to save her people from war.
The greatest evil is found in the highest places.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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jhudora-sims · 7 months
Oooooo. I'm sorry! Valhallan's Aquaria Top was left out of my last request, and I would also love to see it recoloured by JewlRyBox palettes. Thank you all the same, I may be asking too much… sorry
I can also recolour this.
And don't worry about it, if I can't do something I'll say so.
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Unorganized RUBY GILLMAN Thought Stew
I originally had a whole post typed out for this... And then it disappeared into the ether, because this fella accidentally hit Control+X... Tumblr, you really gotta work on that, I'm still a little miffed that I lost everything that I wrote here... and I'm rewriting the entire thing verbatim, I know- I should've saved it to a word doc first, which I did with this replacement post... Anyways... Thoughts on the RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN trailer!
Like the "Things I Loved About" posts I did on PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH and STRANGE WORLD, this will be a collection of unorganized thoughts... So, bear with me!
Finally… DreamWorks and Universal reveal that this movie actually exists. I mean, if you looked in the right places, you knew it was a thing. MEET THE GILLMANS was a title you saw, scooper sites had some stuff on it… But strangely, this project was never officially announced to the public until this trailer dropped… A little over 3 months before release. At least with THE BAD GUYS, whose trailer dropped 4 months before it came out, we knew of its existence as an in-development title as far back as the spring of 2018. This is an interesting approach: They’re literally going to marathon-run this film’s marketing campaign. How will it do? Well, I’ll get to that in another post…
First off? Visually? Eye-candy. Colorful as heck. I particularly dig the bioluminescent underwater kingdom, it’s like a mix of sea creature designs and futuristic lightshow aesthetics. Also, that shot of all the jellyfish? Desktop background right there.
You know, to keep waffling on about the underwater world… I’m getting the Aquaria Towers level from SPYRO 2: RIPTO’S RAGE vibes… Heck, I did a whole post on how I’d love to see a SPYRO THE DRAGON movie done in the style of PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, but that’s another story… But all this neon-like bio-luminescence and the overall design of the architecture is also really making me think of a mid-1990s policy “snipe” for National Amusements theaters. I saw this thing A LOT when I was a child growing up in the late 1990s going to the movies quite frequently (I had seen DreamWorks’ debut films ANTZ and likely THE PRINCE OF EGYPT when they had come out, among others), so it’s burned into my brain. So yeah, this underwater world reminds me of that as well. I dig!
The Krakens themselves have like a squishy, bendy, clay-like look. Almost getting much older claymation vibes, like Gumby.
The rest? The above world has a fun look, as do the human characters. Given that this was directed by Kirk DeMicco, who directed DreamWorks’ own THE CROODS, and then VIVO for Sony Animation, it’s fittingly colorful and vibrant. Some of the human design reminds me of the humans in that movie, too. Lots of unlikely shapes and such. Now if this is still set in Florida as rumored, then it fits, because VIVO was set in Florida as well.
The story itself seems like a cross-genre mesh of different ideas: The mythology of Krakens and mermaids, a teen coming-of-age comedy (DeMicco cited John Hughes influences), a family drama, and a… Kaiju battle action movie? Talk about going all out with your basic premise!
Speaking of which, this isn’t at all like LUCA, which was also about sea monsters blending in with humans in a coastal community. That movie was much more informed by director Enrico Casarosa’s Italian childhood, was set in the early 1960s, and was a much more slice-of-life kind of story. Sorta following the day to day of these three kids in mid-century Italy, with no really larger plot, and stakes that are at their level - which I quite liked about that movie. I also do not understand why a lot of people online are suggesting that it’s derivative of TURNING RED… Did TURNING RED invent the teen/coming-of-age movie or something? Is it because in that movie, Meilin has to hide herself when she morphs into a red panda? That kind of thing has been done before, too. The executions for both are very different, even from this film’s trailer.
The film’s logo is also great. As a graphic designer, I'm gonna nerd out about this for a second: “RUBY GILLMAN” is written in a friendly cursive, almost like the kind you’d see inked onto a high school notebook page. The “TEENAGE KRAKEN” is blockier and bolder, with the “K” letterform forming a tentacle. That is very, very cool and very eye-catching! It’s actually reminiscent of the first logo made for THE MITCHELLS VS. THE MACHINES, where the “MITCHELLS” was in a similar kind of written cursive, and “MACHINES” was solid letterforms, suggesting the rigid and mechanic feel of the robots and devices that become corrupted in that movie. The final logo changes “MITCHELLS” to big capital letters, but it still looks like a notebook-like design (like say, that “S” thing everyone drew in the early 2000s), likely in Katie Mitchell’s notebook (as her art and scribbles are all over the movie, visually), but yeah- The RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN logo has that vibe, and I really dig it. Nice visual contrast of the protagonist’s wants to have a normal teen lifestyle, and her background and heritage.
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I also find it funny that, on land, the antagonistic mermaid Chelsea disguises herself as a redheaded teenager. Some are quick to assume that’s a jab at Disney, or their upcoming remake of THE LITTLE MERMAID, but… It’s likely not much deeper than “Haha, let’s make her a redhead, like Ariel.” Because of how iconic and well-known the 1989 Disney animated film adaptation is, the first thing most folks think of when they hear “mermaid” is a redhead! I’d imagine the character design was locked a while ago, before it was even certain when this would come out. Even then, it’s little more than nothing.
I also noticed that Ruby’s calendar in her bedroom… May. Is that why Chelsea has come to her school? Because it’s Mermay?
I also find it funny that, on land, the antagonistic mermaid Chelsea disguises herself as a redheaded teenager. Some are quick to assume that’s a jab at Disney, or their upcoming remake of THE LITTLE MERMAID, but… It’s likely not much deeper than “Haha, let’s make her a redhead, like Ariel.” Because of how iconic and well-known the 1989 Disney animated film adaptation is, the first thing most folks think of when they hear “mermaid” is a redhead! I’d imagine the character design was locked a while ago, before it was even certain when this would come out. Even then, it’s little more than nothing.
I also noticed that Ruby’s calendar in her bedroom… May. Is that why Chelsea has come to her school to scope out a Kraken? Because it’s Mermay?
So yeah… I am looking forward to this. It’s nice to see a new original DreamWorks movie. In terms of their NOT-sequel movies, this is their first truly original movie, not based on any pre-existing IP or book or story what-have-you, since ABOMINABLE came out in fall 2019… In fact, of the last eight DreamWorks Animation movies… Only ABOMINABLE and THE BAD GUYS were not sequels to any of their previous movies. The studio's new plan, as I have heard once from the trenches, is to have a not-sequel movie and a sequel every calendar year. Last year fit the bill with THE BAD GUYS and PUSS IN BOOTS Dos, this year it’s this movie and TROLLS BAND TOGETHER, next year… KUNG FU PANDA 4 and… Well, who knows. My non-existent money is on RONAN BOYLE… But that’s also another story…
I’m just happy to see that we are indeed getting two DreamWorks movies this year, and one of them is an original… And the original in question looks like a fun time, a mashup of like 3-4 different genres, and boasting a colorful, vibrant, and neat visual style...
In another post, I'll discuss what I think it's box office prospects are. If that interests you, stay tooned, then-
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distantflickering · 9 months
fun facts about you (tag game)
thanks for the tag @deviljayman!!! In return I'm tagging @ryan-says-hi @k-ru-h and @treekotoe!
a scent you love: I've really been into minty/citrusy type smells!! My favorite drink right now is a lime and mint vitamin water that smells FANTASTIC
something you're looking forward to this week: I'm looking forward to getting my room properly cleaned and organized as well as picking a new spot to go through for what's going to hopefully be a weekly Planned Enrichment Activity!
a book you're currently reading: I'm actively reading the Serbian translation of Gideon the ninth and original version of Harrow the ninth by Tamsyn Muir! And more occasionally: Sweetness and light by Hattie Ellis when I'm feeling sappy or reading to my boyfriend :)
a game you're currently playing: I'm not much of a gamer, but I really want to achievement hunt in Aquaria (bitbolt studios) and replay Enclave and Celeste!
the most recent movie you watched: Rewatched the Violet Evergarden movie while home for Christmas.
a show you're watching or listening to: Spy x Family, Scott pilgrim takes off your favorite season: No favorites! Everything is top notch
something you've learned recently: That I deserve kindness from everyone including myself. And also bee dicks are Grotesque and Huge have you had any water lately? Yes!!! My thermos is freshly filled and ready to go :)
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] Pronty (PC)
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The best underwater steampunk Metroidvania I’ve ever played!
Pronty is a satisfying finale for my current run of aquatic-themed games. A friend linked me to the Steam page and I was hooked. The moody 2D hand-drawn look is eye-catching, with its mutant rubbish-fish dwelling in a ruined art-deco undersea city. I’ve noticed a recurring theme of environmentalism in the marine games I’ve been playing, and it’s especially evident here. Taiwan-based developer 18Light Game likes to include such social commentary in their games, and there’s even hints of Taiwanese culture buried in this sci-fi postapocalyptic future.
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Pronty is the name of our protagonist, or at least their class of genetic soldier fishpeople (in-game dialogue refers to them as he, while the Steam description uses “it”... shrug). In this future, mutated sea life has bonded with the refuse that humanity continually dumps in the oceans, and this new species of garbage/fish hybrids has fought back, driving humanity in its sunken Bioshock-style cities to the brink of extinction or perhaps beyond. Our Pronty and their “Bront” robotic eel partner are the last remnants of humanity’s morally-ambiguous experiments to create a resistance force, and must solve the mysteries of the polluted deathtrap of a city.
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Gameplay feels quite inspired by Hollow Knight, with movement mechanics similar to something like Aquaria. You move freely around a Metroid-esque 2D map, changing up your build with slotted perks. Pronty has a dash that later can be augmented with other movement-based techniques to unlock new map exploration. Combat is quite interesting, as your eel buddy has independent movement and must be directed to attack, in my case with the right joystick. It can be charged to act as a temporary barrier and unleashed to land a more powerful blow.
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The interplay of these core systems works well, making for a unique and dynamic control system. Changing out your build at save points then lets you suit your preference or the situation. The map seems well designed with shortcuts and lots of fast travel points facilitating the inevitable backtrack for secrets. The economy is balanced pretty well and the unlockables and upgrade paths are satisfying. I really don’t have much bad to say about this other than perhaps it’s not quite as polished to a high sheen as some other games I’ve played, but it’s very solid with a cool setting and some interesting quirks. What more could you ask for?
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hermithomebase · 2 years
would he go for a morticia addams-esque look?
YES. actually anon, lets use this time to drop some looks i think george would slay
first off: some violet looks. the morticia look is a must obvs that would be his kind of go to drag, but something graphic and fun while still being classy and sexy would also be on the table
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and then; some aquaria inspo—again, leather black and sparkles would look gorgeous on him but something about a pop of color in the makeup or accessories would suit him so well. i think his color pops would be a signature blue or a hot red
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artificialqueens · 2 years
someone please write violet x aquaria pls. something to do with fashion i love them so much
Hi darling! I'm sure that you didn't know this, but while most queens are on a spectrum somewhere between ignoring fanfic and actively supporting it, Aquaria specifically has requested in a tweet that people don't write stories about her. We interpreted that request to also include stories that are AU with characters inspired by her, not just canon compliant. Here's the post where we explain.
(Feel free to let us know if you have any more questions for thoughts about this. Also, our FAQ is here if you want more info.)
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polyphonical · 6 months
Red Hot Island - Chapter 5
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Starmony Dorms Exterior
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Kaoru: Ah. Moricchi, good morning~
Chiaki: Good morning ☆ Sorry, I’m a bit late…! I was still looking for my swimsuitーー
Leo: Uchuu~☆ I also couldn’t find my swimsuit. It’s been a while since I pulled it out huh! I’m glad there isn’t mold!
Eichi: Hello, Chiaki. Good morning. It’s good weather for the pool today. Well, it’s not like it matters since it’s an indoor pool.
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Chiaki: ……
Eichi: ? What’s wrong, Chiaki? You have a really lost expression.
Chiaki: Hey, Tenshouin…
Eichi: Mm? What’s the matter?
Chiaki: ……No, it’s nothing.
Eichi: ? Are you sure you’re okay? I mean, it’s a bit too early to be worn down by the summer heat, but…
Chiaki: Sorry! I’m fine. Then, let’s get going! I’m super excited ☆
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Location: Aquaria Park (Slides)
Chiaki: Woaaaah~! The glistening surface of the water! The shining sun! The straight palm trees!
As I thought, I just get so much more excited when I’m actually here! It’s been years since I’ve been able to play in a pool area like this! I’m getting fired up~!
Kaoru: Literally~. It’s been so long since I’ve been to a pool outside of the school ♪ I know I like the ocean a lot more, but the pool is nice from time to time~
Leo: Fuu, haaah… this smell is stimulating all 5 of my senses~ Inspiration has come! Now then, please listen to “The Chlorine Song”!
Eichi: Hey now, can you stop singing weird songs? You’re going to get unwanted attention like that.
Leo: Hey, just which songs are you calling weird!? Any songs I create are always on the level of a global masterpiece!
Chiaki: Now, now… Oh yeah, Tenshouin. The test play event… Umm, was it the treasure hunt? When does that start?
Eichi: Ah yeah. The event starts in the afternoon, don’t worry about it right now. You can play however you like.
Chiaki: Hmm really? Then, where should we start…
Kaoru: Umm… Right now, there are 4 areas I can see in Aquaria Park.
First, over there is the sailboat area. Ah, it looks like the treasure hunt event will be held at that area.
Then, the wave pool area is next to the resort. And that leaves, over there, which is the waterslide area.
Tenshouin-kun, you’re the manager of this place yeah? Which area would you recommend?
Eichi: Hmm… It’s true that I’m the manager, but… I haven’t really been here myself. I don’t know anything about the areas; it’s all new to me.
Chiaki: Then, I have a request! How about that eye-catching waterslide!? I want to experience something thrilling that represents summer ☆
Leo: Oh! Nice! I agree!
Kaoru: Well yeah, that’s like the king in the overview of this place. Then, let’s go to the waterslide area first.
Chiaki: Alright, let’s have as much fun as we can!
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Leo: Wahaha. We’re pretty high up huh~? It didn’t seem this high when looked at it from the bottom.
Ah. The people below are waving! HEELLOOOOO! ☆
Kaoru: Moricchi, Tenshouin. Here, an inner tube.
Eichi: An inner tube…
Chiaki: Ah. You’re wondering why you got handed an inner tube right? I get it! I to~tally get you! I didn’t know why I got handed one for the first time too!
Alright! I’ll show you how to use it ☆ First, you get on top of the inner tube like thisーー
Eichi: Hey, how do I use this, Hakaze?
Kaoru: Oh uh, just get on top of it I guess? I think I heard that the buoyancy of the inner tube makes it go faster or something? I don’t know much about it though…
Chiaki: Tenshouin, that was cruel!? It feels awful to demonstrate to no one!
Eichi: Well, I was bothered by how you were acting like you were better than me since you knew everything. It was annoying.
Chiaki: Uuu… Isn’t that fine? I really did know how to use one…
Kaoru: Right right, that’s enough chit chat. You’re holding up the line, so let’s keep it moving guys~
Chiaki: Ah, that’s right. Sorry, sorry.
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Chiaki: ………
Kaoru: Mm? Moricchi, what’s wrong? You’re just staring at the inner tube y’know~?
Chiaki: Hakaze. When I was a kid, there was this anime I really loved to watch.
In the anime, the main character was in an aircraft, and he got launched out from the control center like he was Superman… That scene was so cool~♪
Kaoru: Huh~. Then?
Chiaki: I’m wondering if I could recreate that anime scene on the waterslide? Am I allowed to lay down on my stomach when I’m going down the slide?
Kaoru: Ehh? Stop it, Moricchi. I don’t want people looking at us like we’re elementary schoolers.
Chiaki: Yeah, I knew it. It looks like a no go~ But it’s such a good opportunity though…
…Huh? But Tsukinaga is on his stomach and he’s about to go down… Is that fine?
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Leo: ♪~
Kaoru: Eh!? W-Wait Tsukinaga-kun!? Stop! Don’t do it~!
Chiaki: Ahaha. Poor Hakaze has it rough huh!
Eichi: Chiaki, the staff is calling you. I think it’s your turn, isn’t it?
Chiaki: Ah! Yes yes, I’m coming!
Oh!? If I’m not careful, the inner tube will float away with the water… Umm, I have to be extra careful to keep it still and just get on, and…
There! All ready now!
Haha ♪ It feels just like sitting in the cockpit in a robot anime~ I can feel my heart racing!
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Chiaki: Ryusei Red, Morisawa Chiaki! Here I go~!
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drageverywhere · 2 years
I think it’s normal to wanna take a break from WTW she has done so many of them maybe she just wants to do some different things. Or maybe the WTW contracts/plans were all arranged way earlier this year when she was still dating someone in LA and she had been planning to spend more time at home next year before they broke up. I remember her posting about being sad to leave and go back to the Vegas show. Or maybe she’ll be doing the Vegas show instead of WTW. Or another all stars shore season! That was filmed in the fall i think? OR maybe Shanjie’s giving her the dancing with the stars hookup! I would LIVE!! Or maybe she is trying to kill us all and will do another season of her dating show haha
I LOVE that she’s gonna be in biancas movie im so ready for her movie career era!
They put the gay sex ed episodes up as podcasts. I would loveeeee if they started it as an actual podcast and did weekly eps. I know there’s been speculation on whether she liked being on youtube haha but she should totally start a youtube channel like trixie and laganja. She has so many fans and would be really entertaining to watch in a vlog format.
I do think she seems to be kinda spiralling out in her personal life since the break up like posting cryptic post and deletes and posting with random guys who she’s all over and then they never show up again, being quiet on social media and posting memes about sadness and circling back to the same ru girls she flirts with publicly when she wants to make a scene like brooke and aquaria. But a lot of people are like that after break ups, and maybe she’s still getting over it since it was very sudden.
It makes me kinda sad for her cause she seemed really calm and happy in the relationship for the couple weeks we saw it, I think being in a relationship was good for her? This was one of her best years yet career wise moving into mainstream on all star shore, having her own WOW show, and even her boy looks glowed up but also the look and performance of her drag really elevated this year. (I am actually gonna kinda credit that to jack - sorry jack haters haha - not directly but i think you can really see beyonce influences on vanjies look and performance style this year and i bet it comes from the person she was closest to all year being obsessed with beyonce. I know V liked beyonce too before she met him and had used her songs before but even aside from him probably sharing videos and stuff that might have inspired V i can totally see V making it her mission to embody the qualities the icon the guy she loves is a huge fan of so that he’ll be impressed by her just as much, you know?)
I have been wondering if she would go on all stars next year. That would be cool! But i also want her to wait until she’s fully ready to go in there and tear it up and have an amazing redemption arc and leave no crumbs. Now that she seems kinda distracted by her personal life maybe it’s not the best time to go on until her life is more stable. Unless she wants to give us another drag queen romance season haha. But i would actually love for her to have a really professional season where she is charming but that’s not her main storyline she also slays the looks and challenges u know??
I would love to see her happily settled in a relationship again too. She’s never made it a secret that it’s something she wants and I really do think it’s a good look on her and brings out her best qualities like her charm and sweetness. And I think having that steadiness and support will help her achieve bigger and bigger things in other areas of life. I know she has her mom and friends but most of her friends are performers and creatives too and busy with their own lives, so I doubt they see each other that often. She’s so used to touring and being away herself I wouldn’t be surprised if on a normal night in LA she doesn’t have many people to hang out with. I think it would be good for her to have someone who’s her person who she can rely on and will be around for her a lot of the time. (And hopefully talk her out of things like face tattoos! Haha)
Whatever 2023 has in store I hope she does some cool things! And doesnt get more face tattoos!! Haha. And that we’re ready for whatever she does next to gag us! (I’m probably not! Hahaha)
Thank you for once again being the place to discuss all things vanjie this year, it’s so nice that you’ve kept it going through everything! 💖
❤️ ❤️
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loominggaia · 2 years
what type of people would each of the great kingdom leaders if they hadnt been thrust into power? would they be better or worse off for it?
That's a good question. I had to think about this one for a while...Realistically I think there are many different possibilities, but these are just ones that came to mind first.
Gultopp Folkvar: A regular, blue-collar Folkvaran dude. I think his personality would stay the same, but the biggest change would be the way he treats his daughter, Sygbarne. He wouldn't hide her away if his leadership position wasn't at stake, but I think he would still make misguided attempts to "cure" her disabilities. Overall I imagine he'd be the same but with a little more chill.
Marghan Matuzu: Douchebag kid who spends half of his life in prison for dumb shit like doing drugs and assaulting people. Money is the only thing protecting his ass currently.
Chua Lamai: Obviously wouldn't be a medusa, so whether they were born male or female, I think they would still gravitate towards religion and end up becoming a Serpentist priest or something.
Roz Yerim-Mor: Roz genuinely wants to help his people, but his leadership position has ironically prevented him from doing that because it makes him a target for the Divine of Hate to manipulate. If he were free of his leadership duties, he'd be free of Disgrace's influence too, and I think he would probably volunteer for the Divine of Love.
Qara Zareen: Qara's larger-than-life personality would snag her a rich husband or three, and she would suck all of their wallets dry before moving on to the next. Now I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but...
Indiga Evangeline: She would probably just be your typical, stuck-up, upper-class Evangelite woman. Makes slaves do all her chores for her, so she spends her days wandering around town, spending her husband's money, and getting involved with the House of Humanity (Lindist church). I think she would do some charitable acts though, because despite her extreme ignorance, there is part of her that does want to help others.
Oberon Mogdir: Oberon's charisma would land him in a high-paying position no matter what he did, but his sociopathy would guide him towards more unscrupulous jobs. I think he'd be a CEO, minor politician, or some kind of crime lord.
Hethor Etios: Hethor is so adamantly true to herself, she would be exactly the same. Nothing would change at all. She'd just have less power to throw armies around and enact bigoted policies. She'd become the head of her household, ruling over a bunch of husbands and her kids instead of a whole nation.
Titania of the Seelie: Titania might actually be better off if she gave up her leadership position. As it is, she hates her role as queen and wants to leave, but she's too scared of change. She's been sitting on that throne for so long that the thought of doing anything else paralyzes her with fear. I think she would just disappear into the wilderness, build herself a cottage, and live a quiet, simple existence away from everyone.
Morgause of the Unseelie: She'd mouth off to the wrong person and get killed immediately. She's too insane to function without all her money and power.
Serafeen of Damijana: Serafeen would also be better off. She would still gravitate towards science and engineering, and without the burden of leadership she'd be able to devote herself to it fully. Without her money and power, she would be forced to work within the confines of the law, and that means no fucked up experiments on living people...She could probably invent great things that benefit Allkind.
Sovereign of Aquaria: Sovereign also might be better off. He was a healer earlier in his life, before he inherited all the money and power from his royal parents, so I think he would have just stayed in that position and helped people. He wouldn't have enough power or time to protest and commit acts of violence upon Terriankind. It's possible he would have still tested his experimental treatments on Mr. Ocean though. Or maybe not, since there would be no throne at stake and therefore little inventive to cripple Ocean? It's hard to say with him.
Lore Masterpost
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