#I'm staying focused on TFA for writing but expect to see more Triad-related stuff for ockiss
void-botanist · 2 years
Find the Word
It's find the word time again! I'm taking the open tag from @theskeletonprior to find day, black, chill, deft, and thick in my WIPs.
I'll also put out an open tag with the words jacket, blink, enough, star, and green.
The Fourth Android
Anni dipped a piece of pretzel into its chocolate sauce as she studied Urma’s crossword. Like Julian, they did the newspaper crossword every day. Unlike Julian, they would sometimes ask for her help on the same day the crossword came out if they got stuck enough. "Five down is wrong," she said.
Triad (Aza's POV; bonus: this is Kirnus and Jas Jas)
Kirnus was calling for a bird called Jas Jas, which maybe wasn't a funny name in Swietse but sure sounded funny to her. Jas Jas had wobbly black stripes, and once Kirnus was on her back, he was able to see Aza's amused smile. "Jas Jas hatched when I was seven," he said. "That's the only name she answers to now."
Chill Cold
Triad (Kirnus's POV)
He wandered along the water line, his wet skin going warm and then cold as the sea rushed over his feet, then withdrew and let the night air get to them. The air itself was warm and sticky, subjectively twice as humid as Enost. A full moon and a waning gibbous peered down at him, lighting the long coastline in greyscale. He wasn’t convinced coming out here was helping him think about things, but at least he was less likely to be found and interrupted out here than in his room. There was also space in the darkness for him to fully unreel his vast and tangled thoughts.
The Fourth Android
The book Jaccson held up, Blob and the Garden, had a picture of what looked like a round blue slime on the front, with two tall elliptical eyes and a purple flower growing from a pile of dirt on top of it. Dez could see why Lacey had dubbed him a blob, and he was prepared to like the idea more after this story. Jaccson deftly opened the book right to the first page and started to read.
Between the orchard and the corral fence, the ground sloped down to a little pond thick with the voices of frogs. Its only patrons were a weeping tree growing out of the bank at a forty-degree angle and a grey stone bench with green lichen for legs.
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