#I'm still a little overwhelmed don't mind me hahaa
whimsical-westbrook · 10 months
[MULTIPLE FILES are attached!]
[Generalized Description: Lily has posted multiple images and a single video, all in a slightly odd room. The floor's got an arcade-carpet rug on the floor, an odd Kamen Rider poster on the wall, and a dog a little ways behind her. Ah, that's @that-dog-in-him, mugging shyly for the camera.
But the real star of the show (and all the uploaded files) is the buizel, who's wearing an INCREDIBLY well-crafted cosplay of the Champion, Cynthia. Wig, dress, all the accessories, everything. Sure, it looks a touch silly on a weasel instead of a human body, but the craftsmanship is such that it still like, Works.
Each of the photos has the buizel in a different pose, some simple, some cute, and some specifically evoking certain poses the real champion has taken. One, seemingly taken after most of the main photoshoot, has Lily directly leaning on Dai, paw lifted towards the camera in a bad, thumbless approximation of a peace sign. In this last shot, the buizel's eyes are a little red around the edges. Was she just crying?
The video itself is quite short and lacks audio, seemingly perfectly cropped to only show off the buizel doing the best recreation of one of Cynthia's Iconic Introductions.
End Description.]
@legendsobsessions I'm fucking adorable? Uh! Thank you? Also thanks again and shoutout to Dai @that-dog-in-him for making this cosplay for me and also like, helping me find the poses and stuff, I'm gonna hafta like. Find a bunch more to ask him to make for cosplay, maybe some regular clothes too. Dai is so good, guys. Sleeper hit, GOTY (Guy of the Year)
Also the look on my girlfriend's face was great. @skating-mienfoo-fiend
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