#I'm sure some ppl are saying just because a fandom canon is popular doesn't mean blah blah & like i cant go into the hashtag nuance rn buut
sholb · 2 years
never been more protective of a character than i have of percy jackson
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jawsofbalmung · 2 years
1, 2, 13, 14, 17
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Honestly? Blackmadhi. They barely interact, it just feels like ppl trying to force a ship that's not there. I have. Other reasons for hating it too but at its base it just doesn't make much sense to me.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I think the person I rbed the meme from said the same thing, but benbaro. And gumworth. Also idk if it counts but I see vanlock as strictly fwb. Some dynamics are better platonic I think. -Most predictable thing for an aromantic to say.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think this question is supposed to come w a character on it but since aai2 is fresh on the brain I'm gonna say that Sebastian Debeste is a perfect precious darling boy and everyone better be nice to him immediately or I'm gonna start breaking things. Also idk how unpopular this is I just wanna say that I hc him changing his last name to Courtney post-canon. He deserves it.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I am a wrightworth shipper, I am, you all know I am, but speaking also as an aro, y'all need to calm down so much. Miles is extremely aro-coded. Miles specifically also has a lot of trauma and trust issues baked into his character arc. Is there a lot of lines that can be read as romantic? Absolutely. Do I personally think they're in love? For sure. But I think y'all need to also consider/respect other readings. No, "unnecessary feelings" isn't ~exclusively~ romantic, like that's literally not the context of the line. Fandoms in general, especially ones with a major, near-universal ship like this, tend to flatten interesting dialogue and character arcs down to plain romance and I feel like it's a massive disservice to the story that the creators are trying to tell. Also it always turns into overzealous amatonormative fans accusing creators of queerbaiting because they do not know the meaning of that word. I'm a hypocrite tho, I also talk about how canonically married they are, but like. Idk I feel like that's just another huge dose of reading comprehension that all fandom people need in general.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Honestly nothing so concrete comes to mind but there are a few cases that I would have liked to rewrite. The very end of turnabout revolution, for example, or all of dual destinies, or maybe exploring some interesting avenues like what if Justine really was the culprit at the end of aai2 (tho I do adore who the culprit ends up being, I just want Shi-Long to be right for once), but while it's straying away from the original prompt a bit, I think the biggest thing I would change about aa is to give Klavier more depth of character, explore his feelings relating to his brother and how he handles the fallout, and for the love of god have him come back more. There is so much potential for tragedy in a character like him, but I feel like they rush any angst he may have and it's a major disappointment. I lie awake at night thinking about what he could have been.
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sotorubio · 3 years
about your last post re: june, mayla and wlw representation
i didnt know people hated june so much until i went on twitter and I'm genuinely baffled. didn't we say we wanted more wlw characters, and that we were starved for rep?
i genuinely thought that getting mad at a character who "gets in the way" of a ship was a cishet thing but clearly twitter users proved me wrong.
i totally get people being upset that mayla isn't endgame because of the realism thing and i think that's justified because there are a lot of (het) couples that would realistically broke up in skam france and yet they pull this shit with the only sapphic couple. (they literally made charles and manon endgame...)
i also get that people would be a little upset if maya ended up with june because
a) mayla is a beloved, popular couple
b) maya and june would have less screentime than mayla considering mayla happened in s6 and then they had little moments in s 7/8 too
however this extreme hate for june (and even eleonore sadly, but for her it's less because she was never a real threat to mayla) is literally too much. now i don't wanna say anything but even as a white person, it feels like they are so quick to disregard a gnc, sapphic character of color in favor of a white gc girl like lola.
once again, i get the love for lola and wanting mayla to be endgame, but
a) the introduction of another sapphic character, especially a gnc character of color, is revolutionary. i mean, think about how many gnc female characters we have in the skamverse and how many of them are woc. think.
b) maya should have friends outside of la mif who aren't biased, especially if these friends are queer woc like her, she deserves it, and her life doesn't revolve around lola, she's her own person
june also didn't do anything wrong, as far as i know she's been pretty good to maya.
i would be upset too if mayla didn't end up together but on the bright side we would have a sapphic couple with two woc, which we only had once in the skamverse with kietou and it's in general a pretty rare thing.
people are also making comments towards june's looks and i do not like it in the slighest. did they forget that june is played by an actress who could see their comments? this is not simply about a fictional character, angéle is a real person and they could be hurt by the comments.
and the way people are also praying for anais to be sapphic and be s10 main while disregarding a canon sapphic character like june..
all of this doesn't feel right with me, and i don't wanna see these people complaining about sapphic rep ever again.
right?? all of this!!! like it's so terrible to see the way ppl treat her just bc they wanted to see more mayla n i know some ppl would claim that the solution to this is "don't check twitter" which is often great life advice in general but this isn't rly an issue of curating ur ~fandom experience~ or whatever it truly is just a huge problem w "fandom/shipping culture" that's worth talking abt especially since this shit happens to characters of color all the time.
i also agree that the actual criticism is completely justified too, we shouldn't have to worship every writer n director for simply including wlw stories if those stories r mistreated n the points abt how this happened to the only wlw couple vs how the other couples were treated is extremely valid. the season isn't flawless representation by any means but those reasons are completely different from what these ppl are complaining abt like maya moving on after a break up n hooking up w other girls rly shouldn't be considered the death of wlw rep like these ppl would have u believe 😭
also ur right it Definitely feels sketchy that june out of all ppl is receiving this treatment for sure.. like ppl love to say it doesn't have anything to do w looks or race or anything other than "they just don't like her 🤷‍♀️" but that just isn't believable at all. there were even tweets saying that if they had to "ruin mayla" they wish it had at least been w eleonore instead like right. and why is that?
it's so apparent that ppl who hate on her do so out of bullshit reasons bc as u said her presence n role in the plot is actually a good thing. it makes sense in the overall story they chose to write n is actually one of the better written parts of the season. maya having someone there for her is a good thing n she shares a lot of experiences w her like their care for the environment, activism, being wlwoc, they clearly have fun together, they have things to talk abt n maya has been able to open up to her in a way she hasn't been in a long time. it's also so good that she has contacts outside of la mif like u said like!! them spending time together is a logical part of the season it's not "bad writing" just bc ppl would prefer to see lola....
i personally still think that mayla will actually still end up back together but even if they didn't, no matter how much ppl love them, the hatred n borderline disgust for june x maya isn't justified. there are valid reasons to be upset abt that but those reasons aren't abt june or maya x june like it's so insane to me that wlw couples & characters will be disregarded in favor of shipping like that's sooo embarrassing imo no amount of love for a ship will justify calling maya x june scenes gross or making rude remarks abt june's looks or disrespecting her by calling her by other month names like if u don't like it bc u miss mayla just say that... like i know i just called it embarrassing but if u are normal abt it that's totally fine but throwing a fit on twitter bc a canon lesbian had sex w someone who wasn't her ex gf who dumped her 2,5 times is childish as shit L plus ratio plus u only care abt shipping plus u don't know any other way to consume media etc
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