#I'm sure you people are going to be normal about her kissing this moose.
classichorrorblog · 3 months
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The Cabin In The Woods (2011)
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yamitsuki-devillie · 1 year
Prompt day 11: Sick
No drawing this time,but i still did wrote something for this prompt : D
Hope you guys like it.
Prompt list by @intistone
A sick feesh day
It's a normal day at the Tsukiogami household, a normal lazy Saturday in spring, birds are singing, butterflies are flying. Or it would be a normal day if Yami didn't wake up with a loud sneeze coming from the room right on the side of her room. The tall kelpie woman gets up shaking her hair, making it magically become a fine hairstyle, before walking over to Minerva's room, opening the door and calling out worried for her small lizard child. "Minerva?"
(Rest under the cut because it's big.)
Said blue mosasaur siren perked up, before sneezing again a bit of snopt coming out her nose before she quickly cleaned it up with her arms, before answering the kelpie lady in a tone who's a bit desperate. "Y-yes miss Yami?" Minerva sneezes again, trying to hide her sickness. She doesn't want to seem weak to anyone, even if Yami herself won't ever judge Minerva for it.
The kelp moose visible furrowed her brows at the small mosasaur siren trying to hide that she's sick, before shaking her head. "You are sick aren't you?"
The mosasaur tenses, she didn't wanted the kelpie lady to know she's sick, even if it's very perceptive she is. She looks the other way, embarrassed, and tries to convince the kelp lady she isn't sick. "N-no, i'm not sick, just uh…." She doesn't know what else to say to hide that she's sick. "...."
Yami looks at her and signs, before kneeling close to the siren kid kneading her axolotl fins. "Hey… sweetie you don't have to hide your sickness here, we aren't in the lab anymore." She hates talking about that hellhole, but it will be difficult to convince Minerva that it's fine to show her sickness in this house without talking about that.
The mosasaur froze for some seconds after hearing her words, before she looked up at Yami. It was a death sentence to show any sickness or wound in the lab, that was very visible since any other siren who showed sicknesses and wounds to the lab's workers… would disappear the next day.
The massive female kelpie looks with empathy and sadness to the hesitant siren, before wrapping her arms around her. "Hey, Min it's okay. You aren't there anymore, it's safe here." She nuzzles the small siren.
The siren yelped in surprise looking at her… She knows Yami won't lie to her about it, from what she observed, the moose woman is very sincere about things like this, even if some people won't recognize it… Maybe she's a bit prone to self blaming… Okay VERY prone to self blaming when something bad happens to her family, but she's not a liar.
The siren hesitated before asking. "Are you sure that it's…. fine?" She looks up at the kelpie, waiting for her confirmation.
The kelpie smiles softly, still hugging the mossy-lolt bean. "Of course. I promise it's fine to show your weaknesses here." Nuzzle her.
The mosasaur siren visibly relaxes, before leaning against her, sneezing again. "Okay, I admit it, I'm sick.."
The huge kelp lady nods, nuzzling the baby. "Don't worry sweetie, you don't need to worry about what happened in that place here, not anymore." Kiss her forehead. "Now, let's see what you have." Adrian, Carrie and the others aren't present in the mansion today, everyone is in their individual houses, so she has to take care of Min, alongside Gin.
She stop hugging Min, going to get the medicine box coming back with it, before picking a thermometer from the box putting it on Min's armpit, waiting till it calculates her temperature, she pull it close to her checking the temperature, 38°C. The kelpie signs, poor baby…
She uses her systems to scan Minerva, looks like it is a normal cold, but it still is very saddening to see such a small creature sick. She kisses Min's forehead. "Let's eat a bit, then I will give you some medicine, okay?"
The small siren slowly nods, stretching her arms in Yami's direction… Before flexing her fingers, oh my god, she's doing grabby hands for the big sentient moose. Said kelpie is silently dying of cuteness, before she picks up the baby, adjusting her on her arms. "Let's go?" The baby nods snuggling close to the big kelpie, liking her warmth.
The kelpie smiles carrying the baby over to the kitchen putting her on a chair while she cooks some chicken soup. Minerva yawns, the tiredness from her sickness coughing up to her, the mosasaur leans over the table.
Yami soon finishes and serves some soup for Minerva, when she turns around and sees the sleepy siren baby. She smiles a bit, full of empathy even if she isn't exactly able to really be sick. The kelpie woman walks over to Min picking her up and sitting on the table, starting to feed her a spoon of soup after cooling it.
The mosasaur seems a bit surprised by it, but she doesn't resist, she's too tired for it, nor does she want to resist. She eats everything, taking some breaks every couple spoons of soup, Yami smiles for Min. "Good job Min, eat everything okay?" The mosasaur nods.
Soon Min finishes eating everything, Yami nuzzles her, putting the bowl in the sink to wash it later. The kelpie fixes the siren in her arms, before walking back to the bedroom, picking a bit of medicine for cold from the medicine box and giving it to Min.
She tucks the small siren in the bed. "Now rest a little sweetie."
Min protests in a sleepy voice, which is very uncommon since she loves sleeping. "I'm not…*yawn* Tired!..."
Yami looks at her. "Your yawns say otherwise, please rest a little Min." The siren baby pouts looking the other way, making Yami furrow a brow, thinking about what to do, before humming. "Will you sleep if I read for you?"
The siren perks up at this, her eyes lighting up. "Read? A story?"
Yami chuckles softly, before nodding. "Yes, read a story, you can choose which one."
The siren smiles widely, before pointing to a book with a collection of different myths on it. Yami picks it up bringing it over to the small siren, sitting on the bed with her, letting the baby choose the story she wants.
Min chooses the Myth: Artemis deer, Yami chuckles softly, before picking the book to read for her, making different voices for each character. Min gets comfortable, listening to the story, before grabbing Yami's kelp tail, bringing it close to her, before hugging and nuzzling against it.
Yami notices, but doesn't stop Min and just smiles for her, starting to knead the mossy's head, still reading the Myth for her. Minerva yawns, before starting to fall asleep with the kneads and Yami's voice, snuggling closer to the kelpie's massive fluffy tail.
Yami keeps reading for a while, before hearing soft snores, she looks over at the siren, before smiling. Minerva is already asleep, still clinging to Yami's tail, not like the massive kelpie minds.
A small creak from the door before another small creature runs over to Yami. It's Kira, the 9 years old kelpie, who's a cyborg, is now watching the older siren with worry in his eyes. He looks up at his mom, asking softly. "Will MinMin be okay?"
Yami smiles softly and pets his head, nuzzling the baby kelpie. "Don't worry little Kira, Min will be fine, I promise. She just needs to rest." The baby nods, although still not completely calm, Yami smiles for him, understanding his worry. "Do you want to sleep with her today?"
The baby immediately perks up, before nodding with force, he wants to stay close to Min, he wants to make sure she will be fine. "Can I stay with Min mommy?" He looks up at Yami, his eyes full of hope and excitement.
Yami smiles and picks him up, putting him on the bed. Kira immediately moves to Min's side hugging her with his small arms while nuzzling onto her, his cold temperature helping Min's temperature to decrease. Yami coos, dying of cuteness, before covering both with the blankets, letting them snuggle into her tail.
Kira warbles for Yami in thanks, before falling asleep while hugging her. Yami smiles, watching the babies for a bit more, before starting to knit some things. It's so peaceful, especially with the snores of the two sleeping children snuggling on her tail. At some point, Gin also joins her in Min's room, watching over the kids while snuggling on his older sister.
It's a very peaceful day, even with the stir that happened this morning and the fact one of the kids is sick.
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soyforramen · 4 years
For the Winter Writing Prompts, I'm going to give you two options because I'm just v indecisive: 67 + bughead or 28 + Betty/Jughead/Toni
67. you were supposed to have a beautiful winter wedding but you were ditched during the vows before we got to the alter and my idiot sibling/best friend just cracked a joke about got fed up and decided that now maybe I’d finally tell you how I feel about you and you h e a r d (because I can’t not change some of these, mia culpa)
Bughead  1950’s AU  -
“I can’t marry you.”
Not knowing what to say, Betty sat down hard on the bench behind her.  Kevin knelt in front of her and gathered her hands in his, patient as always.
Somehow, she’d always known that while Kevin loved her, he wasn’t in love with her.  Affectionate though he may be, there was never anything but friendship.  Her friends would gossip about what they’d gotten up to at the drive in, but she’d never gotten any further than holding hands.  
Even after he’d come back from the war, when all of their friends were quickly marrying and having children (not necessarily in that order), the most provocative thing Kevin had ever done was kiss her on the cheek.  He’d made no physical requests of her.  
And she liked him.  Loved him, even.  He was her rock in the storm, someone she could always count on no matter what.  Whatever she wanted to pursue, Kevin was there to encourage and support her.  
But she wasn’t in love with him.  Whatever it was Veronica had that made her so gloriously happy, that thing that made Ethyl so content, Betty had always known she and Kevin would never have that.
A thought hit her, out of the blue.  It was one she’d brushed off as nothing.  After all, men had their own close relationships she could never understand.  Kevin and Fangs had served together in the war and created a bond forged under fire.  It wasn’t hard to believe they’d be accustomed to standing so close.  And Moose had always been there for Kevin in high school, protecting him from the bullies.  It was no wonder that they’d go off on a few hunting trips here and there.
And Kevin and his new coworker, the one he was always talking to on the phone.  Wasn’t it normal for men to go off on weekend fishing trips regularly?
“It’s Anthony, isn’t it?” she asked.
Kevin jerked back from her as if she’d physically hit him, and it stung to think he had so little faith in her.
“Betty, I -‘ She shook her head.  Tears borne of loss, but not grief, gathered at the corners of her eyes.  Neither of them wanted to be married.  But with the pressure her mother had put on them, the comments his father had made, the rumors all around town about them, it was only a matter of time that they succumbed to the same small town life of their parents.
“I just want you to be happy,” she said.  She reached out to cup his cheek, her thumb caressing his skin. “I love you.  We’ll be okay.”
Kevin smiled, tears welling in his eyes.  He turned and kissed the palm of her hand.  
“I’ll take care of everything,” he promised.  He rocked forward to press a kiss to her forehead.  As he stood, Kevin pressed an envelope into her hands.  “Take as long as you need.  All the instructions are in there.”
And with that, he was gone.
Betty opened the envelope to find two plane tickets and an itinerary for their honeymoon.  Her thumb ran across ‘Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Keller.’  The idea of it caught in her throat and she jerked her pre-packed suitcase towards her.  Shoving the envelope inside, she snapped it closed.  As strange as it might be for a woman to travel alone, it would be cathartic, she decided, to get away.  At least until after the New Year.
A roar from the congregation filtered through to her and Betty stood quickly.  No doubt Kevin had made good on his promise and she had only minutes to get away before her mother came barreling in to make a bigger mess of things.  
Picking up her suitcase, Betty slipped down the corridor to the men’s bathroom, the one place her mother would never look for her.  She slipped the lock in place just as the snow outside began to fall.  A prelude to a prosperous and fertile marriage, if the poets were to be believed.   Funny how that turned out.  
With shaking hands, Betty smoothed down the delicate silk lace.  In the mirror, she looked like a picture perfect bride: something borrowed; something blue; something old; something new.  Everything a bridge should have, except a groom.
As she reached for the zipper along her side, Betty couldn’t help but count all the ways they’d fought against this marriage.  Kevin wasn’t making enough as a coroner’s assistant to support a family; Betty didn’t want to be tied to one place when there was an open crime writing position in Seattle.  He didn’t want to settle down so close to his parents; she didn’t want to lose the voice she’d finally started to find.
With a flourish, she tugged the dress over her head.  Bobby pins tugged at the delicate lace, and Betty tugged at them until the lace gave.  With an overwhelming sense of loss and freedom, she threw the dress into a corner, a mess of life she’d never know.
Keeping an eye on the clock, she pulled out a dark blue traveling dress.  Just as she was pulling the last of the bobby pins from her hair, a voice outside gave her pause.
“Jones, if you don’t tell her -“ a woman hissed.
Betty hesitated.  To be found in the men’s bathroom, after Kevin had announced their marriage was off…. Her step light, she checked to make sure the door was locked.
“It’s not a good time, Toni,” Jughead whispered back, his low voice slipping under the door.  “She was just left at the alter.”
Betty stilled.  It stung, oddly enough, to hear Jughead put it that way.  She’d been jilted, in a strange sort of way, and yet she couldn’t help but be morbidly curious about what he thought about that.  Besides Kevin, he was her closest friend.  And in high school they almost …
“It’s never a good time for you,” Toni shot back.  “When you escorted her to prom, you didn’t tell her because Kevin was sick and couldn’t go.  When she saved you from that massive blizzard and you had to share a hotel room, you didn’t want to tarnish her reputation.  Even when you almost died in Midway, you couldn’t muster up the courage.”
Betty held her breath, waiting on his response.  Her whole body was flush with energy, every atom wanting, needing to hear from him.  If it weren’t for Kevin, there were so many times, so many chances…
“Sorry if I’m not the kind to profess my love at the drop of a hat,” Jughead muttered.
The dress almost fell from her fingers.  Knowing that he’d felt the same way in all those quiet, tense moments, that he felt the same spark between them, almost made today worth it.  Quickly, she slipped it on over her head.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Toni snapped.  “At least I make sure the people I love know they’re valued.  You’ve been in love with her since you were six and you are doing this now.”
A sharp rap came from down the hallway, and Betty realized they were in front of the room she’d just vacated.  Betty glanced at the mirror, pausing just a moment to shake her hair out.  Heart in her throat, she slipped her feet into her shoes and thew the door open.  It slammed into the wall, and both Toni and Jughead jumped.
“Betty!”  he said with surprise.  A crimson flush matched the poinsettia corsage he word.  “I, we were just -“ he stammered, trying to find the right word.
Instead of waiting on him as she had for so many years, Betty stepped forward, ready to put today behind her.  
Summoning all her courage, she asked him, “Have you ever been to Maui?”
Prompts from this list.
(28 will be coming hopefully before Monday, because I am excite about it)
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verobatto · 5 years
Bad Writer vs Good Writer
Chuck vs the Fandom
Destiel meta. TFW meta. Supernatural 15x04 Atomic Monsters. Meta spec. Visual Narrative Meta. Spoiler
Hello My Friends, i want to share with you the second meta from this episode. I will put here a lot things I observed and is related to TFW and Chuck...
First of all please check my Destiel meta here, this one will be an addition.
Let's start with Dean.
Dean, the Hungry Beaver
Remember episode 14x11 (from Perez too), I wrote a mini meta spec here because that episode, damage goods, talked about two break ups... Donna's and Mary's. And when Dean was eating with Donna... Remember this place?
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Thanks to Agus for these pics .. the hangry beaver, with the connotation that that means... He's the meat man, right? And this episode talked about being inside the closet, and quiting dreams... The beaver, forget about the pussy meaning, it represents that YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD FOR YOUR DREAMS., And this episode was talking about QUITING DREAMS.
Okay, now... Tonight's episode...
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Dean was eating the whole episode, depressed, and drinking... But when he was talking with this guy dressed as a beaver in red (toxic Dean's behavior) he says to Sam after this... NEVER UNDERSTIMATE A MASKED MAN, HE CAN GET ALL THE CHEERLEADERS.
And who's the masked man? Who's hiding his true feeling here? His own depression to not making feel Sammy worse??? Yep. Dean Winchester is the masked man who can get any girl... But can't fight for his dream love, Castiel.
Dean is hangry for Castiel. Period.
Now... And because we are making a recalling to CARVER'S era... Remember the Angel song my friend @agusvedder mentioned in her meta? One little part of it talked about NEEDING A DISTRACTION TO FORGET ABOUT THE PAIN.
Okay... Episode 9x10 Road Trip... Gadreel had Sammy inside a dream, a distraction, they were investigating about a case that involved cheerleaders... And now, this case was about cheerleaders too. So I guess... Dean actually looked for a distraction for his brother and himself.
Dean was repeating to Sam but mostly to himself, the family business, and saving the world as their real mission. And because Chuck is gone... They were free now... TIME TO MOVE ON.
Okay Dean... But isn't vthose Castiel's words and excuse to leave you?
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He started to name people that is gone, just likenCas, and then he repeated Castiel's quote... But Sam cut him off with I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN MOVE ON.
And Dean doesn't know it too... He's aware of that...
And then we had... Green girl, Dean mirror, saying goodbye to her best friend... And her best friend is dressed in red... Healing Dean in Toxic Dean funeral.
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As I said in my previous meta, this is exactly what Dean is feeling for Castiel. And is a blatant mirror and everyone can see it.
And this too... My friend Agus Pointer me this girls was standing in front of blue chairs... Blue is Castiel.
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And the Highschool name is Beaver. I love this show.
Okay, time to move on... To Sam.
Sam and his dreams
Remember Sammy dreaming about all the family reunited in the bunker in season 13?
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This was a premonitory dream, but I don't want to believe what we had seen, and I think is related to the equalizer wound, was a foreshadow... For Psyquic!Demon!Sam... Killing everyone... No no no. I think it could be consequence of that weird wound...
But Sam is so so depressed, he's bringing back Jessica in the middle of his depression... And then... Loosing his faith, and tired of doing always the same work, same cases... He's not good...
And is very interesting what the young vampire said... I KILLED SOMEONE I LOVED, I'M A MONSTER. Isn't this what Sam is feeling right now? That he's a monster for killing Roweena? Knowing she made her own decisions, that doesn't mean it hurt less... That doesn't mean he doesn't feel like a monster...
We had also the recalling to Jack kneeled on the cemetery when Dean was about to kill him with the young vampire sacrificing himself.
Chuck vs Becky (fandom)
Becky is the active representation of a character development. She went from a Wincest shipper, to a TFW Stan.
She considers Castiel is vital for the dynamic in the show. Because when Sam and Dean are alone by themselves... Is always the same, as Sammy said in this episode.
So when she sees what Chuck wrote, she is condescend at first, but then she does constructive criticism. But Chuck is so full of himself, that he doesn't take it well. She mentioned he wasn't written Cas, as a very important fact.
He writes an ugly and dark ending, yelling fans are gonna love it. A gravestone with the Winchesters's name on it. But Becky, all of us, is horrified with it.
And Chuck says something very important, he says about the ending WE DON'T KNOW HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET THERE Z BUT WE WILL GET THERE.
And that's a good thing because we will always have the boys making his own choices. And Castiel, the rebellious, disobeying his Father... We're are making this out as we go. So I'm pretty sure the end will be written by our boys.
Chuck said PEOPLE LOVE MONSTERS (like an old idea about what this show should be, just two brother hinting monsters) but Becky has another refreshing idea THE BOYS HAVING A NORMAL LIFE ENJOYING THINGS. That's what fans want.
To Conclude:
This episode showed us a depressed Dean hiding his feelings because Sammy is in so bad shape.
Sam had this dream, premonition?, And I think is related to his weird wound.
Chuck is a bad writer, writing and MANIPULATING the boys. Becky was introduced here to represent again the fandom, the new fandom, TFW Stan.
Thanks to all of you! Kisses and hugs! See you around!
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @destielshipper221b @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @feathered-castiel @bre95611 @zoerayne2426 @justmeand-myinsight @proccastinate
If you want to be tagged on my METAS, just let me know.
Buenos Aires November 8th 2019 1:59 AM
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