#I'm the voice of reason of our party... if my Netrunner breaks under pressure... things will become worse
kimarisgundam · 7 months
*clears my throat* ahem... what tHE ACTUAL FRIGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHH (•̀д•́)!!!!
(This is Cyberpunk Red related, not irl. So don't worry about me 😅. I'm just venting cos I can't seem to get any frigging PEACE as my Netrunner ;_; )
I gave Exec crap for taking a job involving transporting shady stuff that we have to collect from Dog Frigging Town to California... but it wasn't his fault...
It's dad again ಠ_ಠ. When Exec defected from Arasaka, dad let him "walk"... but it's an unspoken rule that Exec has to do favours for him occasionally once Exec establishes himself as a fixer...
And I let our DM (RPing as my Netrunner's dad) guilt me into helping again 🥲. Dad said he knows I still feel indebted to Arasaka... it's just Rockerboy who lead me astray...
He said I'll see reason again one day, but if I won't do it for Arasaka now... then he asks that I at least do it for him, my biological father 🥲. Cos I'm his only daughter, and he's my only living parent 🥲
And I regret taking the cyberware upgrade dad prepared for my Netrunner... my Humanity dipped more than expected. I'm at risk of psychosis if I take any emotional damage...
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^ The eyes are actually super cool though!!!They are like fangs from Gundam 00. It comes with 4 tiny diamond tipped drones that link to her optics. The drones have cameras on them, so they can be used as extra eyes or as small floating daggers.
But the Humanity penalty is super steep... and I unfortunately got a very bad roll 😅
I'm embarrassed to tell my party so I'm currently lying about my Humanity score...
My Netrunner is in the same boat as Exec tbh... I quit cos I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take backstabbing my party 😭. And dad/Arasaka was messing with Blackwall... I ran cos I didn't want to keep helping then mess with it...
But it's understood I was allowed to leave alive cos of favouritism (turns out I'm his biological kid) and cos I'm an "asset" (due to good rolls, I pulled many feats in game. My Netrunner is considered a prodigy)... I owe Arasaka/dad my current freedom... I'm expected to do favours occasionally too ;_;
I'm legit sorry to everyone in my party 🥲. I'm sorry for working with our DM and backstabbing everyone and causing character deaths 🥲. I was just following orders 🥲
I'm especially sorry to my friend's Rockerboy character 🥲. Mako considers him her first real friend, but I stood by and let my dad and brother torture him 🥲
I'm fighting for my Netrunner's freedom now... but it seems pointless 🥲. I can't just disappear... I know dad will kill Rockerboy and all his friends/family if I did that 🥲
My choom's safety is always being dangled over my head cos dad is angry I chose Rockerboy over him... plus Solo has psychosis and is dependent on dad's pills now... Solo is like my little brother... I can't let MaxTac hunt him down 🥲
Why did I even take the upgrade???
She already gave up so much of herself for Arasaka... my Netrunner looks organic, but if you pop her back/spine open, her insides are all chrome...
I'm not blaming Arasaka or dad... this campaign started a year ago... and at the start I was fully loyal to Arasaka. I swore loyalty and willing installed cyberware to be better at my job
I was my choice, no one forced me. I just wanted to be useful 🥲
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