#I'm thinking Michael rolling in the mud from Drakkengard 3 for the two goat boys
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
First Date: Chaggie
Chaggie Week of Firsts - Day 2
-On the hotel back patio-
Razzle: (dressed in an extra spiffy sequined suit with a little top hat and holding a sign saying "I just met you, and this is crazy. But I really like you, so date maybe?") Baaaap!
Dazzle: (also dressed to the nines in sequins with a flower wreath snapped around his neck and a silver platter of chocolates balancing on his head, his super long tongue trying to sneak up and steal a chocolate) Baaaaap!
Charlie: Okay, she'll be here any second now. I'm just going to ask Vaggie out on a date. Nothing too serious. Just... if she says no, then I've basically outed myself and told her I like her. Like like-like her. Then I have to deal with her possibly wanting to leave because she doesn't like girls and is uncomfortable to even be around me!
Razzle: (looking sad) Baaap?
Dazzle: (eyes catch something in the yard, and he excitedly elbows Razzle) Baap! Baap!
Razzle: Baap? (Sees where Dazzle is pointing and grins) Baap!!!
Charlie: (taking a deep breath and not noticing Razzla and Dazzle tiptoe away) Okay, okay, okay, holy shit... I can do this. I'm the Princess of Hell! I can do whatever I want! (Deflates a little) OooOooOOoh!!! Who am I kidding? I'm a wreck! (Sighs) At least I have you guys with me.
Charlie: (face falls) Razzle? Dazzle?
Charlie: (turns around in horror as she sees the sign, flowers, and chocolate platter scattered across the patio) BOYS!!!!
Razzle & Dazzle: (splashing and rolling around in a mud puddle) Baaap! BaaAAaap!!!
Vaggie: (slightly nervous as she steps onto the patio) Hey, Charlie. You wanted to talk to me?
Charlie: Vaggie?! H-Hi!!! Uh, just a sec! (Turns to the demon goats as her horns grow) Razzle! Dazzle! Get out of the mud right now!!! I swear to my dad, that had better just be mud!!!!
Vaggie: Pfft! (Tries to hide her laugh as she looks at the mess on the patio. Her eye catches the sign and she blushes) Uh, Charlie?
Charlie: (horns disappear as she turns back sheepishly) Yes, Vaggie?!
Vaggie: (smiles warmly) Do you need help reining the boys in? Maybe some assistance getting them a bath?
Charlie: (glances out of the corner of her eye)
Razzle: (blows bubbles in the mud pit through his nose)
Dazzle: (rolling somersaults with bleats of joy)
Charlie: (defeated) Yes, please....
Vaggie: (gives Charlie a quick peck on the cheek) It's a date. (Turns to Razzle and Dazzle and squares her shoulders) Alright, you two tin can connisours! Get out of the mud before I have to dive in after ya! Don't think I won't!
Razzle & Dazzle: (stop what they're doing briefly, exchange glances, and blow raspberries)
Vaggie: Oh! That is it! (Launches herself off the patio)
Charlie: (hearts in her eyes as she touches the spot on her cheek that Vaggie kissed)
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