#charlie is a bisexual biohazard
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
First Date: Chaggie
Chaggie Week of Firsts - Day 2
-On the hotel back patio-
Razzle: (dressed in an extra spiffy sequined suit with a little top hat and holding a sign saying "I just met you, and this is crazy. But I really like you, so date maybe?") Baaaap!
Dazzle: (also dressed to the nines in sequins with a flower wreath snapped around his neck and a silver platter of chocolates balancing on his head, his super long tongue trying to sneak up and steal a chocolate) Baaaaap!
Charlie: Okay, she'll be here any second now. I'm just going to ask Vaggie out on a date. Nothing too serious. Just... if she says no, then I've basically outed myself and told her I like her. Like like-like her. Then I have to deal with her possibly wanting to leave because she doesn't like girls and is uncomfortable to even be around me!
Razzle: (looking sad) Baaap?
Dazzle: (eyes catch something in the yard, and he excitedly elbows Razzle) Baap! Baap!
Razzle: Baap? (Sees where Dazzle is pointing and grins) Baap!!!
Charlie: (taking a deep breath and not noticing Razzla and Dazzle tiptoe away) Okay, okay, okay, holy shit... I can do this. I'm the Princess of Hell! I can do whatever I want! (Deflates a little) OooOooOOoh!!! Who am I kidding? I'm a wreck! (Sighs) At least I have you guys with me.
Charlie: (face falls) Razzle? Dazzle?
Charlie: (turns around in horror as she sees the sign, flowers, and chocolate platter scattered across the patio) BOYS!!!!
Razzle & Dazzle: (splashing and rolling around in a mud puddle) Baaap! BaaAAaap!!!
Vaggie: (slightly nervous as she steps onto the patio) Hey, Charlie. You wanted to talk to me?
Charlie: Vaggie?! H-Hi!!! Uh, just a sec! (Turns to the demon goats as her horns grow) Razzle! Dazzle! Get out of the mud right now!!! I swear to my dad, that had better just be mud!!!!
Vaggie: Pfft! (Tries to hide her laugh as she looks at the mess on the patio. Her eye catches the sign and she blushes) Uh, Charlie?
Charlie: (horns disappear as she turns back sheepishly) Yes, Vaggie?!
Vaggie: (smiles warmly) Do you need help reining the boys in? Maybe some assistance getting them a bath?
Charlie: (glances out of the corner of her eye)
Razzle: (blows bubbles in the mud pit through his nose)
Dazzle: (rolling somersaults with bleats of joy)
Charlie: (defeated) Yes, please....
Vaggie: (gives Charlie a quick peck on the cheek) It's a date. (Turns to Razzle and Dazzle and squares her shoulders) Alright, you two tin can connisours! Get out of the mud before I have to dive in after ya! Don't think I won't!
Razzle & Dazzle: (stop what they're doing briefly, exchange glances, and blow raspberries)
Vaggie: Oh! That is it! (Launches herself off the patio)
Charlie: (hearts in her eyes as she touches the spot on her cheek that Vaggie kissed)
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This character belong to Nyxpuppet on DA.
Name: Vivian Drakken “Vego”
Nicknames: V, Viv, Gogo 
Parents: Dr. Drakken and Shego 
Alignment: Young Blood Alliance 
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Relationship status: Taken
Relationship partner: Biohazardous “Hazard”
Vego is the youngest child of Shego and Dr. Drakken. She’s is very intelligent. She’s part of the Young blood alliance group Charlie’s Girls.
Vego is a petite girl standing only 5’3 without heels. She wears a gray version of her mother’s iconic outfit but with a few tweaks such as the diamond in the middle. Her eyes are Smokey gray and her hair is charcoal. Her skin is a very light blue-gray.
She’s part of the group Charlie’s girls and is C ranked. She thinks that the vanguard league should be taken as a serious threat but also thinks it’s weird that the child of two villains would be the one leading it. 
Her relationship with Hazard is very complicated. She feels as though she can’t communicate with him. She constantly tries to set things up with him but he always “forgets”. She’s tried to breaking up with him multiple times but the break ups only last a few weeks until he wins his way back into her good graces. 
She often speaks to Gigi about her relationship issues and other girl stuff. She considers Gigi to be an amazing person and often tells her other friends about her. She has a very small crush on Gigi but will never really express it in fear of rejection and what Hazard might do to her if he finds out.
She’s very close to her siblings but prefers Charles to Jocelyn. She’s always loved science so she gravitates towards Charles for literal science but enjoys hanging around her big sister for social science.
She loves her dad and has made it her life goal to continue with the dream of taking over the world. 
She enjoys her mother’s personality and inherited the mocking and interrupting but also her mother’s powers or as she calls them “Freaky glowing hands”.
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shiisiln · 6 years
Twilight Re-read: Chapter 1
Suddenly those books I liked back in 2010 are popular so I might as well re-read them for the first time in like 8 years in a desperate bid for notes and attention!
what do you MEAN we don’t have them in the house anymore
do I have to check them out of the library like some sort of ANIMAL
(donate to your local library kids)
oh thank god I can just download it
"I was wearing my favorite shirt- sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka."
As an Arizona native I’m pretty sure what she’s referring to is like, a light fall sweater.
Bella, sweetheart, I hope you never have to live anywhere that actually sees snow during the winter
"It was from this town and it's gloomy, omnipresent shade that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old."
jesus christ Charlie had to deal with his wife and only child leaving only months  after she was born?!
"How could I leave my loving, erratic, harebrained mother to fend for herself? Of course she had Phil now, so the bills would probably get paid, there would be food in the refrigerator, gas in her car, and someone to call when she got lost, but still..."
I think when I was 12, Renee was endearing, now she’s... kind of horrifying?
I imagine her as a more well-intentioned version of Eleanor’s mom from The Good Place. No wonder Bella has some of the issues she has...
""It's good to see you, Bells," he said, smiling as he automatically caught and steadied me."
I wish more people had called her Bells? That's honestly a really cute nickname.
""I don't mind, I want you to be happy here." He was looking straight ahead when he said this. Charlier wasn't comfortable with expressing his emotions out loud. I inherited that from him. So I was looking straight ahead as I responded."
There is not enough appreciation in the world for Bella Swan, emotionally constipated disaster who takes too much after her father.
God all kinds of memories are resurfacing as I read through this. I think I tried to record an audiobook of this when I was a tween.
I also think I tried translating the first chapter into an alien cipher language I created.
...moving right along...
"There, parked on the street in front of the house that never changed was my new- well, new to me- truck. It was a faded red color with big, rounded fenders and a bulbous cab. To my intense surprise, I loved it."
Bella is a butch truck queer and you can pry that out of my cold dead hands.
~ "The desk now held a secondhand computer, with the phone line for the modem stapled along the floor to the nearest phone jack."
Ahh yes, all the dinosaur computer tech.
... gawd, reading a book from 2005 and feeling like it's a relic from a bygone age makes me feel SO OLD.
"Forks High School had a frightening total of only three hundred and fifty seven- now fifty eight- students"
Bitch there weren't three hundred people in my ENTIRE HOMETOWN.
(Don't get into 'my hometown was so small and pathetic' battle with me, I will win. It was a huge event when they unveiled the first stop light in the middle of town.)
"It wasn't just physically that I'd never fit in"
"Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain."
Wow, I WONDER why 12-year old closeted queer-ass me identified with characters like this so much.
~ "It was impossible, being in this house, not to realize that Charlie had never gotten over my mom."
*soft weeping*
"I donned my jacket- which had the feel of a biohazard suit- and headed out into the rain."
I like to think this overdramatic streak lasts all the way into immortality for her like
Bella: *puts on a light sweater*  I'M BEING ENTOMBED
Edward: it's one extra layer, dearest
Alice: Bella you don't NEED to breathe
"The nicest car here was a shiny Volvo, and it stood out."
*Muffled Paramore playing in the distance*
Also I know as little about cars as Stephenie Meyer, so forgive me for absolutely everything I say about them in the future.
The only thing I know is that the word Volvo always makes me giggle in a very immature way.
"When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound, a gangly boy with skin problems and a hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me."
"One girl sat next to me in both Trig and Spanish, and she walked with me to the cafeteria for lunch. (...) I couldn't remember her name, so I smiled and nodded as she prattled about teachers and classes. I didn't try to keep up."
Oof da, I forgot how much 'Not Like Other Girls' syndrome Bella has when it comes to the other teenage characters. Like, this shit even bothered me as a dumb tween.
"It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them."
"The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction."
MY GIRL! <3 <3 <3
"It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful- maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy."
Bisexual bella bisexual bella bisexual bella bi-
"I peeked up at him one more time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion. As I flinched away from him, shrinking against my chair, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through my mind."
Don't worry, he's just hangry.
"For some reason, my temper was hardwired to my tear ducts. I usually cried when I was angry, a humiliating tendency."
~ "But Edward Cullen's back stiffened, and he turned slowly to glare at me- his face was absurdly handsome- with piercing, hate-filled eyes. For an instant, I felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on my arms."
ok there we go, chapter one! An interesting trip through time into the psyche of an 11 year old girl who thought reading about vampires would make people like her (spoiler, it didn't work.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
That picture made me think. What if Charlie and Vaggie met the gender swapped versions of themselves from another universe?
Honestly, it's probably something like this.
Swap Meet: Chaggie
Charles: (sparkle eyed) Awwww! LOOK HOW CUTE YOU TWO ARE!!!!! (goes in for a hug)
Vaggie: (side steps out of the way)
Charlie: (welcomes the hug) Us?! Look at you guys! You're so adorable! (Pinches and wiggles Charles's cheek dots)
Vaggie: (sighs in good humor as she watches the two golden retrievers gush over how adorable they are before glancing at her gender swap counterpart) So, what did Adam call you?
Dickey: .......It was Eve in my universe.... and what do you think? Just call me Dickey.
Vaggie: Fair...
Dickey: (chuckles deeply as Charles starts braiding Charlie's hair) He loves doing that to my hair. Not very good, but it's nice to see him do it to someone else that I don't have a burning desire to stab.
Vaggie: (chuckles as Charlie starts weaving flowers into Charles's shorter hair) Totally get the feeling.
Charles: Dickey! Dickey! Look! We match!
Charlie: Vaggie! (Does a little spin to show off her Rapunzel braid with flowers) Isn't it pretty?!
Vaggie & Dickey: Looking good, babe.
Charlie & Charles: (blush bright red and giggle)
Charlie: (eyes up Dickey and Vaggie) Your Vaggie is quite handsome.
Charles: Isn't he, though? (Eyes up Dickey and Vaggie and licks his lips subconsciously) Your version of Dickey is gorgeous.
Charlie & Charles: (pout) Awww......
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