#I'm. experiencing things right now. this post is lighthearted funnies
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
I talk a lot about Sewerhell for someone that's only developed a small handful of Sewerhell guys
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About Me
Hello! My name is Alicia Penrose Pendragon (yes, that is my full name), I'm 19 years old (as of now), and I'm new to Rotomblr! I'm originally from Sinnoh, but I've recently traveled to the Tiersa region to study friendships between Trainers and Pokemon. I usually post about the things that happen on campus, but sometimes I happen to answer questions and give advice as well, mostly about Pokemon sociology, behavior, and care! I'm still learning, though, so I apologize if I ever get anything wrong.
My three main Pokemon at the moment are Lilyflower, my beloved Petilil, Sodium, my oddly remarkable Nacli, and Dearie, my recently-hatched Deerling! Don't worry - none of them bite! Not right now, anyway.
I'm very excited to meet you all! Hopefully I can make some new friends here too!
\\ Pelipper mail/malice is OPEN. Musharna mail/malice is OPEN (with slight-ish rulings). All other mail/malice types (swanna, altaria, ditto, etc) are OPEN. Magic anon mailbox is OPEN (however all effects will last for 1 post only or longer depending on how funny it is). Non-rotomblr accounts that follow will be followed on main instead if I know them. If you follow me on an OOC blog and don't tell me if you have a Rotomblr blog or not, I will probably ignore you. Non-rotomblr askblogs will also be ignored. OOC info below cut.
Call me Cube. I prefer she/her and they/them pronouns, though you may refer to me with any pronouns or neopronouns you'd like.
This is a roleplaying blog for a Pokemon OC from a Discord roleplay server I'm in that just so happens to live in a faraway region the maps don't truly pinpoint. Nothing that happens here is canon to over there, so actual blog events that are canon to the Discord continuity will be tagged as #canon events.
Alicia is an adult, and I prefer not to disclose my age, but please know that I will not do anything shippy or NSFW on this blog, NSFW being a hard no.
If you ever want anything tagged appropriately, please message me on here and not my main non-RP blog. (You can DM me if you ever forgot, but just in case, it's @ofairandbeauteousone. If you follow this account with an OOC account and not a rotumblr/pokemon IRL account, I will usually follow you on there and not on here. Please remember this if you ever decide to follow me!)
I'm taking most of my specialized behavioral, biological, and overall Pokemon factoids from theworldofpokemon.com. It's okay if your information conflicts with mine - I know everyone has their own canons!
I take an incredibly lighthearted approach to canon, in all senses of the word. Anything goes. Yes, that means anything as long as it's not NSFW. With that being said, I will interact with anyone. None of the events on this tumblr are canon to actual Alicia character development, though. Actual canon character development/events will be tagged with #pendragon canon events... wait, didn't I say that already?
Posts with the tag #jan Leko are posted OOC. jan Leko is me. The writer. Behind this account. I am rather experienced.
(account picturestuffs down below)
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labrat-heart-emoji · 1 year
Hello vocal synth tumblr :-D!
I have been thinking on a few ideas for vocal synth series, but I feel I could really benefit from collaborators! In the past I've made my videos solo, but I feel like it will be an even better work if I have like-minded people involved!
I myself own Kevin synth v as well as a bunch of lite voicebanks, and I also use open utau, I've made videos and songs before as well, this is the best work I have currently posted to YouTube : https://youtu.be/k3ThmNmgJus! I have some stuff I consider more advanced that is not public yet, but you can message me and I can show you! I also have a lot of art on my tumblr u can find under the tag #labratart. I'll probably be doing a bit of everything if this project gets off the ground, focusing most on the drawing and the music! If there's anyone experienced in editing that would be fantastic, as that's the place I'm most lacking.
With that out of the way, my musical storytelling ideas are
a series of songs about a world where there are stereotypical "red strings" and while in the world there is no confirmed reason, society and culture see it as a thing linking soulmates. Each song would show a pair of people in worse and worse circumstances, with the first song being more lighthearted and having a happy ending, while the last song will lean into the horror elements. Having a different person at the head of each video and song will be a boon here, as then they can all have a distinctly different vibe! I have a lot of ideas about this, but I won't go further into them unless people are interested because I want the other people involved to also have creative control!
A few songs about a girl from some kinda cyberpunkish future, who somehow travels to an alternate universe that is more high fantasy, because her life goal is to. kill a dragon. I know this is a rather silly premise, but it came from having musical ideas of two really contrasting styles, and wanting to translate that into a story somehow! I have a lot of admiration for bands like The Mechanisms and wanted something with a similar vibe while still being different. Even if the starting idea is a little over the top I feel like with other people part of it it will come out really fun!
ok so imagine the stupidest internet drama imaginable but in a world where there's demons and angels. This started with me attempting practice wordbuilding, and growing attached to an idea of demons and angels ( basically theyre people born with a purpose, and that purpose is either good. or bad. its very distanced from catholic ideas except for aesthetics), and specifically finding the idea of what their internet would be like funny and interesting. I'm not sure exactly how this would translate to a song series but a lot of it seems really fun to me, so with others input I think something really cool could come out of it!
I have a lot of ideas and passion, as you can probably tell if you read this far, and I hope some people are interested! I know this is a lot of rambling, but I really want to try to find people as passionate as I am! Even thouugh I've put forth many ideas here, I'm still really flexible right now, what's important to me is making something worthwhile! And if you did read this far, even if you arent interested, thank you!
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noraspaulding · 7 years
Hello everyone! How are you all today? I'd like to start linking more to others posts and sharing more variety. So I'm going to keep that in mind and try to do better about that. I enjoy writing about all the different entertainment I soak up ( and while this is a re-creation of an old post, it's really brand new). Let me know in the comments if you'd like more content focused on entertainment and reviews - if so, I can incorporate that some more here. 
Currently here I am watching this series on Netflix/Hulu and I'm completely obsessed. [New seasons on Hulu/Beginning on Netflix] 
Have you heard of it- it’s called New Girl. It is not the first time that I've encountered Jess and the rest of the cast but I find it very humorous and lighthearted. It’s about a girl named Jess who moves in with three male roommates who are all uniquely and vastly different. They each have a quirk or two that makes for a hilarious show. I thought it’d be so much fun to correlate the ways I’m like Jess, because as I watched I've seen so many similarities in our personalities. Maybe as I explain you’ll see what I mean. Do you have similarities with her? What did I miss or skip over that you see in Jess?, 
If she’s in trouble or in a sticky situation, she finds a way out and creates an exit strategy easily. She relies on her friends and her intuition to get through it. She thinks through her outcomes and chooses the one truest to herself. I often try to find alternative solutions to mine and my friends problems and I'll problem solve over and over until I can fix the situation. 
SHe's Weird/Unique: 
She doesn’t apologize for who she is. She is weird and quirky. Her mannerisms are off the cuff and just unexpected. Giving people the ‘finger’ or creating funny faces or silly voices just happens in the world of Jess and that’s something I emulate. On another note being goofy (in bed) is another thing I do and while it's a little personal- that was something I noticed. 
When her friends are in trouble, sad or happy about something- she’s right there experiencing it with them. Really she wants to be immersed in their lives and be counted on as a true comrade. Close to me, are my friends that are more like family- I love them and I always say ‘family isn’t always blood’. This just goes to show that’s true. I also find her relationship with her parents is strained which I deeply empathize with (and anyone going through this themselves). When your closest family doesn't get along it turns your world upside down and makes for strange awkward conversations. I don't know how I would've gotten past this without my friends stepping in to be there when I really needed them. 
When things go wrong or something is surprising to others with her oddball personality- she isn’t ashamed or shy about who she is. Similar to the point I made above she is proud of being unique and in tune with her one-ness. I find I'm growing more and more into this. Once upon a time, I was very shy and super self conscious and while I have my moments, now I have much more of a IDGAF attitude. I just have learned to worry about myself and my own actions and not so much about others opinions and reactions to me.
Figuring out her world especially when she’s in a bind is a quality that is big with Jess. Finding a way out of a predicament or awkward situation. On a daily basis there’s something that has to be fixed or worked out, someone needs a talk or rescuing so here’s where her skill breaks out. I try to always come to my friends aide and I’m always telling everyone if I’m not physically available I’m always here to talk with them and offer support in some other way. If something in her world goes wrong there's always a plan B, C, D, E and F. Which I love- for that I admire the character and I would want to become more like that. 
I hope you enjoyed this post. It was quick and straight from my brain in watching this show. If you liked it please leave a comment below telling me why or what I missed. Do you watch New Girl? Do you like it? Who’s your favorite character?  I really like Ceecee. 
Please repin if you enjoyed!
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