#I'm...... going to go insane i cannot wait to move on from this hyperfixation with New Transcendent Knowledge of VIDEO EDITS
parakeetpark · 2 years
It just occurred to me.... that I've enjoyed making videos edits of Phantom of The Paradise so much that....
When I watch another film and enjoy it.... I can use this power to make video edits of it too
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katsuma6 · 1 year
I just want to headcannon Dabi for a second.
I'm having an insane hyperfixation and cannot stop. Also I'm sick and just want to be babied so leave me alone.
I can imagine Dabi hates everything and doesn't have a soft spot for anyone. Sure he cares about the LOV but, not in a way that means something. He would gladly watch the world burn with a smile on his face.
But something about you.
He handles you like glass.
The LOV is plotting a big mission and you can't focus on anything Shigaraki is saying. You're usually excited and looking forward to being apart of the plans but, not today. You're spacing out and your eyes are darker than normal.
Dabi takes note of that. He's always watched you from a far. Ever since you joined the League. Once Shigaraki was done talking, everyone got ready to leave for the mission.
You were walking slow in the hallway and suddenly your feet get swept up. Dabi grabbed you and held you bridal style.
"You're too slow."
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm but, melted into his arms and he's a fucking sucker for that. He loves how just one touch from him has such a strong and overwhelming affect on you.
He doesn't take you to your room. Instead he carries you to his. He shuts the door behind him by pushing against it with his back.
"Wait here. Don't move."
He spoke lowly and calmly while placing your aching body on the bed. You're too tired to question his actions. Having your eyes shut you almost drifted off to sleep but, a gentle touch woke you up.
"C'mere love."
The sound of his calm voice calling you a nickname make your heart flutter. You took his extended hand to help pull yourself up in a seated position and slowly followed him to the bathroom where he ran a hot bath. Your eyes widened with surprise.
"You didn't have to-"
"It should help relax your aching muscles."
He interrupted before you could finish. Dabi knows aches and pains. He's way too familiar with it and seeing his partner in any type of discomfort is gut-wrenching.
Suddenly heavy heat reaches your cheeks as you cling to your shirt. Dabi cocks a brow.
"How many times have I seen you naked, doll?"
"This is different!" You try and argue but it's pointless. His rough hands gently grip your shirt, pulling it over your head and arms.
He places a finger to your lips and continues to help you undress. You finally sit down in the steaming water. Dabi folds the toilet seat down and takes a seat beside you. You feel embarrassed but also calm and relaxed. This was really nice and definitely out of character.
After about 30 minutes you decided you were done and wrapped yourself in a towel. Dabi had went to a different room to get something so you curled into his bed not worrying about getting dressed.
The door opens and cerulean orbs find you. He sees your body wrapped in a blanket and lays down beside you pulling you into his embrace.
Dabi LOVES to cuddle. As someone who grew up with no affection it makes him feel incredibly good. His finger brushed through your wet hair.
Dabi is the kind of guy that no matter what you need he will make it happen or die trying. Behind closed doors or in private he's such an affectionate partner.
Now if you went and told anyone about these soft moments he would light you on fire. (Not really. Well maybe...)
He makes sure you take your medicine and he's also good about making sure you drink plenty of water.
"Am I going to have to make up for this?"
Dabis eyes go half lidded with a small snicker.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll figure out how to make it up to me when you're feeling better."
He's only half joking...
He'd do anything for you not expecting anything in return but, if you're willing to get on your knees while he grabs handfuls of your hair bobbing you up and down on his cock he'll never say no.
After all he can't play with his doll if she's not in tip top shape.
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