#I'mean back on track with my writing so expect a lot coming up!!!
Rfa and saeran finding out mc is a vampire, and they find out do to her eyes turning blood red, and her getting really flustered when ever they hug her, and her running away from them, (she's not been able to get any blood for a month) and could you write how they react when she finally asks?? (Your blog is amazing!!!!)
//AHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Sorry this took so long!!! ~Yoosung~ 🌟He loves hugging you and he knows you love hugs too so he's so confused when you start tensing up and squirming away when he hugs you🌟He's so confused when you won't cuddle with him too🌟Does he smell bad? Is that what it is? 🌟Probably tbh 🌟He's a bit scared and freaked out when he comes to home and sees your red eyes 🌟When you ask him for blood he's convinced that you and Seven are pulling a prank on him 🌟There's no way vampires actually exist right?🌟Vampires only exist in video games and dumb romantic movies or books 🌟No he's never seen Twilight shut up 🌟He asks to see your fangs and then goes on and on about how real they look and how he can't believe Seven found something so realistic 🌟Finally you exclaim that you're actually a vampire and need blood BADLY 🌟He goes into shock and kinda looks at you for a second before tentatively asking if it'll hurt 🌟Before you can answer he stops you and shyly cranes his neck 🌟"Take as much as you need MC. I-I trust you" 🌟He's so shy and innocent that you almost feel bad taking blood from him 🌟He's so tense and you can't help but laugh 🌟"S-Stop laughing!!! Just take it already!!!" 🌟He stays still as you take your fill and when you pull away he's blushing so hard 🌟"Are you ok Yoosung? Did I take too much?" 🌟"No! But... y-you can do that whenever you want..."🌟What a kinky motherfucker~Jaehee~☕ Honestly at first she didn't notice too much ☕ Jumin swamped her in work bless her poor soul she's trying ☕ But she did notice when you started running out of the room ☕ Especially when she was showing more skin than usual ☕ Did she do something??? ☕ Was there something on her???☕ Eventually she took it upon herself to ask you about it because she was very worried something happened to you ☕ Lucky for her she choose the right (or wrong) day to ask ☕ When you looked up she noticed your eyes and was immediately concerned ☕ She was slightly scared because she didn't know what was happening and you rushed to calm her down before she called an ambulance or something ☕ She was so surprised when you awkwardly and nervously explained that you were a vampire☕ She didn't believe you at first to be honest just because it defied everything she knew ☕ You proved it by showing her your fangs and explaining why you needed blood ☕ "Do you need blood right now?" ☕ "W-Well kinda..."☕ "Take mine." ☕ You were so surprised that she said you should and she was being so calm about it too, usually people ran away screaming ☕ "Are you sure?" ☕ "Of course I am MC. I want to help you any way I can." ☕ Even with her reassurance you're still really tentative about taking her blood ☕ You take as much as you feel will suffice before nervously asking if she's ok ☕ "Are you sure that's all you want?" ☕ "Yes Jaehee... thank you so much..." ~Jumin~😻 He's very confused when you stop being so close and affectionate to him 😻 You used to give him a big hug and a kiss everyday after he came home from work 😻 But now you won't even sleep in the same room as him 😻 It seems like you want nothing to do with him and honestly he gets really scared and nervous 😻 Of course he doesn't show that outwardly and just let's you have your space 😻 Eventually you burst into his room at basically one in the morning with your red eyes 😻 Not surprisingly he's still awake and he's very concerned because damn MC you slammed that door open pretty hard 😻 His concern only increases when he sees your red eyes 😻 Before you can even get a word out he's speed dialing his doctor😻 You have to beg him to put down the phone because YOU CAN EXPLAIN!!! 😻 You explain that this is normal for you and he snickers 😻 "Are you saying you're a vampire MC?" 😻 "Yes!!! That's exactly it!!!" 😻 "Wait what?" 😻 He doesn't understand why you're only telling him about this now 😻 MC HE USES A LOT OF GARLIC HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! 😻 "Do you need my blood?" 😻 "Yeah but-" 😻 Before you can finish Jumin pulls you closer and exposes his neck for you😻 "Take it but be quick it's late." 😻 You're so nervous while you're drinking your fill 😻 He's basically holding your hand the whole time😻 Afterwards he smiles at you and gives you a little kiss😻 "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" 😻 You nodded and Jumin pulled you under the covers 😻 Afterwards he did a lot of research and didn't make anything with garlic again~Zen~🎶 Like Jumin he immediately notices the changed behavior and he's certain he did SOMETHING wrong🎶 He doesn't know what that something is but it certainly is... 🎶 Some thing 🎶 He tries talking to you but eventually stops because he doesn't want to push you too hard 🎶 He does keep a close eye on you though in case you need help 🎶 He's more than startled when one day he comes home to find you sitting on the couch with red eyes 🎶 There are probably better ways to find out Zen has a girly scream 🎶 He can't help it though he's freaking out because he doesn't know what's happening 🎶 THAT IS THE WORST CASE OF PINK EYE HE HAS EVER SEEN 🎶 You can't help laughing a little as he places ice packs on your eyes thinking it'll help some way or another 🎶 You put the ice packs on the table and pull him on the couch next to you, taking his hands 🎶 MC ARE YOU DYING?! THIS IS HOW DYING PEOPLE DELIVER THE NEWS!!! 🎶 You take a deep breath and nervously tell him you're a vampire 🎶 He's shocked for a solid thirty seconds before looking back at you 🎶 "...really?" 🎶 "Yeah. I was born a vampire." 🎶 "...so you drink blood?" 🎶 "Yeah and need it pretty badly right now..." 🎶 Zen immediately pulls away and dramatically leans against the wall before exclaiming you can take all the blood that'll satisfy you 🎶 Honestly you just broke the fourth wall and looked at the camera like you're on The Office 🎶 You are so done with Zen's shit 🎶 You take a deep breath before biting into his neck and he's legitimately surprised???🎶 I don't know why he literally just told you to take his blood🎶 He strokes your hair as you drink to take his mind off the fact that you're feeding on him basically 🎶 When you're done he smiles and gives you a kiss 🎶 "Is my princess better?" ~Seven~ 📱 Like Jaehee he doesn't notice at first because he's so busy 📱 But he definitely notices when it gets to the point where you're not even sitting with him while he's working 📱 He loves your company while he's working so he's kinda worried 📱 He gets more worried though when he finds out you've been sleeping on the couch away from everyone else 📱 It seems like you're isolating yourself and he doesn't want that for you📱 One day he stops you as you're making yourself something to eat📱 "MC are you ok?" 📱 You should've known he'd be worried but that didn't make you any more prepared for the confrontation 📱 You kept your eyes on the counter so you wouldn't scare him and just nodded 📱 "MC look at me... talk to me please... I'm here for you..." 📱 You take a deep breath and look up at him nervously 📱 He looks so scared for a second when he sees your red eyes and you're convinced he thinks you're a monster📱 "Were you crying or something?" 📱 You breathe a sigh of relief and gently smile at him 📱 "No don't worry. My eyes are just red because... because I'm a vampire and I really need blood." 📱 Seven's attitude seemed to change completely when you said that 📱 "WAIT REALLY?! VAMPIRES EXIST?!" 📱 You couldn't help laughing at his excitement, it was so adorable 📱 "Yes they do. My whole family is a family of vampires." 📱 "I have one quick question!" 📱 "Yes?" You were certain he was going to ask you about some stupid stereotype. 📱 I mean what else could he ask you about?📱 "When you take blood... does it hurt?"📱 "At first yes because my fangs break through the skin but after it doesn't hurt until the holes start to close up." 📱 "Why don't you take my blood then?" 📱 You look at him with a look of 'really' before he continues 📱 "I mean you probably don't want too because it'll taste like Honey Buddha Chips and PhD. Pepper but... you can..." 📱 "Are you sure it's alright with you?" 📱 "Of course it is!!!" 📱 You feel him tense up a little when you start drinking but after he just keeps laughing because it feels funny apparently 📱 "That was fun. We should do it again some time." -Seven 📱 Someone stop this boy ~Saeran~ ⏳He gets worried like Zen when you stop being so affectionate ⏳The poor baby thinks you don't love him anymore ⏳He wants to talk to you about it but he's afraid the poor child ⏳So he let's you have your space but you can see that he's upset ⏳Finally you come up to him to talk to him about it ⏳He's so surprised when he sees your red eyes ⏳He thinks something happened to you and that's why you've been distancing yourself ⏳The last thing he expected you to say was that you're a vampire ⏳He was momentarily surprised but then went right back to his usual neutral face as if you just said you're on your period ⏳Then he offered his blood for you like he was offering you his last bar of chocolate ⏳"You're not fazed by this??? Not at all???" ⏳"Are you going to take it or not MC? Don't make me stand here looking like an idiot." ⏳He stays still as you take what you need and gives you a rare smile afterwards ⏳"No wonder you like the dark so much." ⏳Saeran I swear if that was a pun on your edgy ass...
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