#I've got only 6 and a half pages translated of the fic
lynaferns · 8 months
Note to self: never ever trust myself when I say "this won't take me long".
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earthtooz · 6 months
jealous ratio bc i wont him, inspired by the simulated universe occurrence, banter about marriage hehe
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"Dr. No. 5 asked me to be his research partner today," you mumble half-heartedly to Veritas. It was an ordinary night, you're curled into his side with your phone in hand, watching the latest series you've been invested in whilst he occupies his mind with a book, held by one hand whilst his other is wrapped around you.
However, when he registers your confession, he tenses, slightly scrunching the pages of his book as the arm around you stiffens, muscles contracting.
"And what did you say?" He asks, feigning collectedness.
"I agreed."
His book slams shut and he shoots upward to a sitting position, baffled by the nonchalance of your tone. How cruel, you have betrayed him in the most despicable of ways, do you not care? Agreeing to be someone else's research partner is akin to that of spitting on his heart and stomping it flat, have you no respect for the laws of academic loyalty (there is no such thing), or is he the only one in your relationship devoted to it?
An idiot. You will be working with an idiot and you somehow see no flaw in that, where is your integrity as his lover?
"What does that fool have that I don't?" He all but cries, yanking your phone from your hands and setting it on his bedside table.
"What are you blabbering about?" You ask, looking up at him with inquisitive eyes, confusion shining in your irises.
"I'm supposed to be your only research partner, I cannot believe that you've gone and betrayed me like this."
"Pray tell, Veritas, how is this a 'betrayal'?"
"I would never choose to be anyone's research partner if I'm not yours, but today I've discovered that my devotion is not only unreciprocated, but unappreciated! How unfathomable."
The purple-haired turns his muscular back to you, giving you the cold shoulder. Slowly you sit up and lean on his toned body, hand resting on his deltoid and you can already see the way he tries to fight the effects of your touch. "Dear, you wouldn't be anyone else's research partner because you think majority of people are 'idiots' and aren't worthwhile academics to invest time into."
"Precisely why I cannot believe that you have agreed to work with No. 5, who is undeniably, irrefutably, and undoubtedly, a simpleton!"
You bite your tongue when it threatens to spill that you think No. 5 is not as bad as Veritas assumes, but that would outrage the scholar even more and you do not want to spend the better half of your day purposefully ruining it.
"The pay was good," you reason, daring to place a kiss to his neck. "But you are still superior in my heart, Veritas. Do not fret, if I am to seek a research partner, you would be my first and only choice."
"How long will your project span for?" He asks begrudgingly.
"6 months of research, writing, and editing. After that, I am not too involved with the publishing process."
"Oh how it stains me picturing your name beside another imbecile's."
You sigh, sitting up straighter to wrap both arms around his neck. "Your name could be beside mine permanently if you got down to one knee and presented me a ring, but alas, perhaps I shall be waiting another few research papers for that to happen."
You can't see the fond smile on his face, but you yelp when he turns around suddenly to push you against the comfort of your mattress, his lips claiming yours.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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cauldronblssd · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers tag game!
Thank you for the tag @tunaababee!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 3! Elucien week brought my count up.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 89,454!
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've only written for Acotar, but who knows!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? LMAO I only have three, it's FITS, Morning Edition, and Watch it Glow in that order.
5. Do you respond to comments? Somtimes?? I go through phases of responding and phases of being shy. But I am so so so so grateful for every single comment even if I haven't replied. It's not you, it's me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Watch It Glow will end up being the angstiest, but Lucien and Elain and friends get happy endings always.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? FITS will be the happiest ending! But the only fic I've actually published the ending for is Morning Edition, so I guess Lucien being horny for Elain is my happiest ending right now. 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nope everyone has been so supportive and I'm so so grateful!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do I engage in smut of of all kinds, sweet and tender and also absolutely filthy. I love a dommy Lucien and tend to write him that way and Elain just completely down for everything too. Currently writing something of a different and deranged variety that I'll post soonish.
10. Do you write crossovers? Not crossovers but I do love writing things inspired by other media! Currently writing a fic that follows the plot of a film and having so much fun with it!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but there's one that's been discussed that I might write soon as a little treat.
14. What is your all-time favorite ship? In ACOTAR? Elucien hands down all the way. But I mean I also love Azris and Feysand and Nessian and also Gwynriel and Neris and Gwynlain and other ships that seemingly contradict each other. And as a general rule, if it's gay I like it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've got a couple half written fics that I started before fits that are either too angsty or felt too similar to what's already out there. Also some smut I'm nervous to have see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths? I love to write dialogue! And all the little daily details and humdrum kind of things that add a bit of context.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? PLOT?? LOL at least that's where I always get stuck. I'm having a good time vibin and writing smut and ten pages about what Elain had for breakfast and then I get to the plot and it takes me so so long to write it out even when I have it all planned.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don't know that I'm confident enough in another language to write a full set of dialogue. Especially because the other languages I've studied are in an academic context. But I would employ the help of a friend if the occasion called for it!
I recognize this is very American of me - there are plenty of writers in this fandom writing in English when that's not their first or primary language and you are all brilliant badasses and I bow at your feet.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ACOTAR. FITS is my first time writing fanfic and I love it so much!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? FITS! It's my baby and I love the longfic format to give me some room for emotional build up and pay off. And I just am so soft for them both in that fic and I want to kiss their sweet angsty little faces. But also I'm having so much fun with the WIP I'm currently racing through so that might become a favorite!
Not sure who has been tagged already!
@witch-and-her-witcher @wilde-knight @velidewrites @beesays @missfckingfortune @foundress0fnothing
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cacodaemonia · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @flowerparrish! :D
How many works do you have on ao3? 213, but somewhere between like 85 and 100 of those are just images.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 1,049,952
What fandoms do you write for? Clone Wars
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Many of the top works are art-only, but if I sort through, looks like most of the fics are those that I have never reread or re-edited, so 😬
That’s Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) - My first fic, which I have re-edited since first posting it. Chip arc fix-it
Orbital Decay - Haven't touched this since I posted it. Codywan
Modulation - Also don't think I've re-edited this at all. Echo/Fives
Will You Walk With Me? - The only one of the top five that I care much about XD; Waxer and Boil (platonic or pre-relationship)
Kintsugi - Not re-edited. Codywan
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love replying to comments with my usual unhinged yammering :D
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending You're Just Harder to See Than Most, but it's part of a larger series where the sad stuff in this gets better. As a stand-alone, though, it's very angsty 🙈
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hah, so many XD Maybe Count Every Beautiful Thing?
Do you get hate on fics? No, I've only gotten it for art, and thankfully AO3 isn't infested with pearl-clutching busybodies like Tumblr is, so I've only had one (honestly hilarious) hate comment there. It was on like the 6th chapter of a a very clearly tagged sketch dump in which several of the previous chapters were fairly explicit smut. And then on that last chapter, the person was like "Ew, they're brothers! This is disgusting." Hah, okay pal, seems like you were really enjoying it if you got to chapter 6. 🤣
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sure do! Uh, a variety, I guess, though I suppose I haven't written anything that would be considered heavy kink?
Do you write crossovers? Nope
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but I've had TONS of art stolen.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? This is very hard to answer because I tend to latch onto ships for many years at a time. But no other characters before the clones ever inspired me to write fics, so I'll go with Waxer/Boil 🧡
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have an AU fic where the war ends shortly after Geonosis that I really want to write but can't make the brain go very well on it, for some reason. I have pages and pages of notes, some sketches, and like a chapter and a half drafted, but I keep getting stuck. I wouldn't say that I doubt I'll ever finish it, though. I probably just have to shake things around to knock loose whatever is gunked up.
What are your writing strengths? Maybe natural dialogue?
What are your writing weaknesses? I want to describe all the things. I want to put what I see in my head into your eyeballs. But I also tend to over-describe like, logistic-type stuff, I think—stuff that no one but me cares about XD
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Like a real language or a conlang? I don't know any of either well enough to include much of them in my fics, but when I use a bit of Ryl (which I've largely made up), I really limit it because I get annoyed when there's a ton of conlang in fics I'm trying to read. Scrolling to the end notes constantly is not very fun.
First fandom you wrote for? Clone Wars
Favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, well I have a soft spot for Will You Walk With Me? but I think my two objectively best fics are My Heart's Red Muscle (78K Waxer/Boil cyborg AU) and We Could Breathe Underwater (5K Force-sensitive Waxer/Boil).
That was fun!
No-pressure tags: @lizardberries @elismor @valkeakuulas @blackkatmagic @amukmuk
And because I always long for a blank version of these tag things to copy/paste, just the questions below the cut:
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you’ve written?
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justreckin · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
alright @emonydeborah said hey there's a thing and i say yes (ages later)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 6
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 28,070
3. What fandoms do you write for? Honestly, whatever's catching my fancy in that moment. Of the things I've posted, The Librarians is the only fandom that I've ever even posted more than one fic for.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Raising Harry (Harry Potter/Underworld) Where Selene comes across Harry playing at the park alone at night and decides that the best idea is to sorta adopt him.
Never Say He Isn't Grateful (Agent Carter/Captain America) Howard realizes he owes Peggy big time and the best way for him to repay her is to go rescue Steve.
5 Times Ezekiel Called Eve Mum and the Time They Made it Official (The Librarians) 5+1 what it says on the tin.
Second Time Around (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Coulson went in on the Bahrain mission, May died. Oneshot re-write of the first episode that I considered expanding and have actually written other chapters for but... 🤷‍♀️
How Apep got Ezekiel Grounded for the Rest of his Natural Life (The Librarians) Season 3 Finale in the same universe as the previous Librarians fic that has a second chapter I have yet to write...
5. Do you respond to comments? I certainly try to. I'm not the best at it, but I love getting to have a conversation with anyone who likes the same things I do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Heh probably I'm Not Your Mother but even then it's a) not really all that angsty and b) mostly that I dropped a mean bomb on characters and then ran away because I have no idea what else to do with it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ...everything else? Look, canon is already regularly very mean to characters. I am here to live in my happy little fantasies where everything works out.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate per se but I'd left up an unfinished multi-chapter fic at one point and someone commented that I was the reason they'd lost faith in authors with unfinished works and is maybe more responsible for me not posting any of the myriad of things I have on my computer than I want to admit.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nah. I write more family than relationship stuff, really.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes. Uh... it's not posted, but maybe the Harry Potter/Song of the Lioness that I hashed out at one point.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ha! @emonydeborah and I spitball all the time (it's wonderful) and she absolutely gets credit if that parent trap fic ever gets finished, but I don't think I'm up to the group project that would be co-writting a fic.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? the Enterprise NCC-1701 dash nothing! All jokes aside, it genuinely is the only ship I go back to on a regular basis.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Uh... honestly, I don't know that I'll ever finish half the things in my WIP folder.
16. What are your writing strengths? Probably dialogue. I feel I'm pretty good at getting the character's literal voice down.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Anything happening around the dialogue. In my head these people are always moving around and doing things, but it always feels so clunky if I try to put that onto a page.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Maybe an individual word or two for a curse or endearment. I know enough Spanish I'd probably be comfortable writing in it. But that'd be about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Uh.... Star Trek? One sec, must check files. Yeah, pretty sure it was a short TOS thing. Hmm might need to take a look at that again, clean it up, repost...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Posted? Probably Ezekiel calling Eve mum. Not posted? Nah, actually, don't know that there is one that's not posted.
.... @the-redhead-in-a-dress and @sun-lit-roses did you do it yet, did you do it? I wanna see 😁
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backjustforberena · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you to @joycieillustrations for tagging me. And whomever reads this, if you want to consider this me tagging you then go for it! But here we go, here are my answers. Dear Lordy, I'd forgotten about some of these fics until I had to tot up the word count.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 25. Some completed, some... not so much.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
Total word count is: 174,231 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm only actively writing "House of the Dragon". And actively is a strong word. Sometimes I look fondly on my "Holby City" (specifically the ship 'Berena') unfinished fics and the notes I still have and half-finished chapters, but I leave them be for now. Unless someone decides to bug me (by which I mean, offer a hand and lend an ear).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
- Me Before You AU - a Berena retelling of the book/film. - Run And Hit - a Berena AU. - Home Now - a Berena AU. - Losing Her Would Be Infinitely More Terrifying Than Loving Her - a Berena AU. - A Fresh Page - a Berena AU.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Generally, I don't, unless it's been a mean comment or they've asked me something specifically. Otherwise, I know I won't reply to all and so I get anxious about responding to any! And I'm British - you try giving a British person a compliment, you see how they find it!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
From my completed works? Shoot. I'm not sure if I'm the best judge of that. Most of them do include angst. But if they're angsty multi-chapters, then they're going to end on a happier note. And if they're an angsty one-shot, then the angst isn't just contained to the ending, it starts from the first word!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Looking at finished works... I have written some fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have done on one of my fics. That was "Deep Waters". That was not fun at all, but equally, I had some really lovely comments on that fic as well. Moral of the story - don't write Daemon Targaryen in anything but a good light and certainly don't have Rhaenys act independently and with emotion. Woe betide you if you do! ;)
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't yet.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I bounce ideas off of people and get input but I've never strictly "co-written" a fic. I'd welcome it though. It might get something finished!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I enjoy many a ship but it's Corlys and Rhaenys that occupy my brain presently. I'm pretty sure though, if you pricked my interest again, that Berena would not be far away. They were a very, very good ship.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
How long do you have? In more seriousness, any and all of my Holby ones. But the most recent of those was "My Tears Richocet", which I did plan out quite a bit, but got derailed by the end of Holby City and the resolution of the plotline that I was re-writing. But I still love the idea; Bernie Wolfe was rescued three months after being declared dead, and returning to Holby, confronting everything she left behind and trying to not love the woman who rejected her and yet mourned for her. But the one most easily finished is probably another Holby fic; "Someone You Love" as it was a remix between two episodes, so it has a set ending, I know where the plot is going, it's outlined somewhere on my laptop and would only be a chapter more. Two at the most.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things! Describing things! Overthinking things!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have used some High Valyrian. Very, very minimal High Valryian. I also have a very clever, wonderful friend, to whom I can go to for advice on High Valyrian. But that's it. No other languages. It's not something I seek out.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who. Wayy back when, on fanfiction.net.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh, gosh! I really love some of the "House of the Dragon" stuff I've written, simply because I've adored looking at the political aspect of it all and just generally trying to think out the consequences of various changes. Others, from "Holby", I love but they are rarely finished so I will have to say "losing her would be infinitely more terrifying than loving her" - only because it's complete (woo hoo) but also because it was quite a turning point for me. I'd never written something so action-packed, that needed to have a specific tone and pace. I was rather chuffed I could pull it off and it was well received.
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morimakesfanart · 1 year
2020 Oct 10 -Lucid Dream: The Last Push to Make Sindria's Prophet
*It's my birthday, so I'm adding another chapter to the Adventures of Simpbad :D
*I have been lucid dreaming since around the age of 6. I keep a dream diary and draw parts. Sometimes I like what happens in my dreams so much that I use it in my stories; that's why I go by "Mori's Lucid Stories" for my original work.
*I have had several dreams involving Magi so I've decided to add them to the Adventures of Simpbad Collection :3 The art will mainly be edited photos of what I put in my dream diary. I will draw things digitally if I didn't end up drawing anything traditionally.
*This dream happened when I hit the first road block in writing Sindria's Prophet and was the push I needed to fix it and what lead me to choose to post Sindria's Prophet online :3 Also, I didn't think I would be posting this dream when I started drawing it, so the first half isn't as well drawn as the last few pages.
*The original versions of this are still up on Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. This version has a novel version of the dream added, and cleaned up art of the original photos of the pages.
*I did rewrite a bit of the text in the images, but please let me know if there's any part that still isn't legible. Also so everyone knows, all of the purple and pink was done with colored ink traditionally, so I tried to keep that feel with the edits.
~POV Mori~ I was having an anime convention dream. I get those fairly often since cons are some of the most liberating experiences I've had. I had finally accepted that I had been hyper fixating on Sinbad for the past 5 years. I had tried my hand at writing fics but most stayed as concepts and drafts. I decided to try writing my first self insert Isekai, and had hit a road block. Thinking so much about an anime/manga was probably why I was having an anime convention dream.
I passed by a manga seller and decide to take a look. The only official English translation of The Adventures of Sinbad was a short run the first few volumes in Singapore. But here in this dream someone was selling official English versions of every volume. It didn't matter if this was a dream, I was going to buy them!
Having successfully made my dream purchase, I wanted to go somewhere I could sit down and read them. As I was about to leave, a familiar color palette appeared in my peripheral vision. King Sinbad was standing by the same bookshelf I was just at!
I knew he was tall, but it's different seeing him in person. Even with all of my fixating on him, Sinbad had yet to appear in my dreams. He was right there though! 100000% That was Sinbad! But this was a convention dream. He could be a cosplayer and not the real deal. The line often gets blurred in my dreams so did it even matter?
Two gold eyes turned towards me and I ran for the cover of another bookshelf. He was gorgeous in person and my heart could not handle it! Who knows what would have happened if I actually talked to him?!
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'But this is my dream!! There's no reason for me to run away.' This dream has no signs of becoming a nightmare, so I could still change or remove anything I didn't like. Sinbad would never be able to hurt me in a dream unless I let him. 'I have been under a lot of stress recently though...'
It was worth some risk, but not a big risk. I took out my phone and used the zoom function of the camera to get a closer look at him without having to get close enough to risk him talking to me. That was something I didn't think I could handle yet. I also didn't know how long I could handle being around him so I sneakily made my way to the exit like I originally planned. As I got close, the gold eye in my phone screen made contact with me, and Sinbad smirked. 'ABORT!' I ran the rest of the way out.
That was more than enough Sinbad for me, thanx. I was no longer used to experiencing any form of attraction, and it had become a bit of a trigger honestly. Liking someone could always be used against me. My ex fiance made sure I'd learn that lesson....
This was a good dream so far, so I would not dwell on such things!!! There was a whole rest of a dream con to explore. I could go to more venders for impossible finds, or a panel, or watch cosplayers or stalk Sinbad Watching cosplayers, it is!
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--- I find that the dealers room is one of the best places for spotting cosplayers, so guess where I went back to?
Cosplay is always really cool regardless of skill level or accuracy. It shows passion and love for a story. And some can be very creative in taking characters into different styles. In this dream there was a crossover cosplay of someone dressed as Inuyasha, but done in the style of Hollow!Ichigo from bleach. They even had on white body paint, and contacts that made their corneas black. Given how full demon mode Inuyasha was, the idea of a hollow version was scary, and rad as hell. His claw attack would be devastating- And he was destroying the venders with the exact attack I was just thinking about! The cosplayer was no longer a cosplayer! This is the part of lucid dreaming that isn't always the greatest. I thought too hard about something and it became a real problem.
I yelled at my mistake, "Stop that right now!!"
To which the once cosplayer yelled back, "This is a dream! I do what I want!" And what he wanted was murder.
The audacity! "This is my dream! Step off!"
He attacked me! "You can't tell me what to do!"
I dodged it, and I was done playing. "Yeah, no." If diplomacy wasn't going to work then there was no reason to keep him in my dream. "If you're going to be violent, you can go. This whole part of the con can go." Sometimes it's easier to get rid of the whole area than just one person since the area can hold onto the emotions and make the same type of thing keep happening. If I don't nip it in the bud it could become a nightmare or night terror, and God knows I've had more than my fair share of those.
The entire room got cleared into a white void. There was a floor and walls where doors into the room were, but everything else was gone. My emotions returned to normal too. This empty room was still attached to the rest of the dream world, so convention goers started walking in and getting confused about the missing dealers' room. Creating a new place for venders would only risk things going violent again. I made comfy chairs and cushions for people to rest on while I figured out what to do with the cleared space.
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--- My safest bet was to change the genre so I could have a different type of environment. It had been a while since I had a fun adventure dream. To keep it from going potentially violent again I made it like a play ground or obstacle course instead of an actual place with real danger. I grew up during the PS2 era of games so beaches and platforming like in Kingdom Hearts, Jak&Daxter, and Ratchet and Clank are hugely nostalgic, and have become symbols of safety and fun for me. And so I made a beach with an obstacle course, platforming, and a fake broken ship. And of course, with a change of scenery comes a costume change. I went for something that was a mix of dance clothes and reenactment clothes from when I was in a reenactment pirate band -there was fake broken pirate ship here after all. (I decided it was a pirate ship because that seemed more fun.)
There was a cuddle puddle of three people in one of the chairs I made. I left the manga I bought with them, telling them, "Guard this manga with your life!" before heading out to the obstacle course I had made.
As I gave them a two fingered salute, I noticed that a familiar purple haired King was standing behind them. Everything inside me knew it was the same Sinbad from earlier and, that like the Inuyasha cosplayer becoming real, this Sinbad was real. Those metal vessels weren't only for show. What's more was I was not emotionally ready for coping with feeling attraction and fear at the same time again.
So I jumped down onto the sandy platforms below.
I made dream versions of my some of my friends appear. Hopefully, they would be enough of a distraction to make the Sinbad vanish. I ended up summoning art friends from highschool and college though, so they refused to explore with me. Instead, they actively reminded me who had shown up. "If you don't get running, he's gonna catch up."
Sinbad jumped down onto the starting platform and I bolted down the obstacle course. It was clear that my subconscious wanted me to face this; even if I changed the dream Sinbad would appear again. I had two options: face Sinbad and my fear of my own feelings of attraction, or turn the dream off into nothingness. Ahead of me, the platforms were leading to the ruined pirate ship; the next part would be inside it. And like a video game, the water around us meant death.
Sinbad calling behind me, gave me my answer. I jumped into the water.
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--- The dream above the surface couldn't reach me here. It was quiet and calm. I could drift there forever if I wanted to -or at least until I woke up. As the feeling of safety washed over me, I started feeling bored. I had made a whole puzzle plaformer and I didn't even get to go through it! I had been in the nothing for a while; maybe Sinbad was gone.
There was no way I'd be that lucky. If nothing else, I could come up far enough away to have a chance to brace myself before he reaches me. I swam to the edge of an area further down the course. When I breached the surface of the water, I tried to will myself out faster than I could climb up. Two hands reached down to help pull me onto land. 'Who was I trying to fool...?' Of course, Sinbad would appear as soon as I returned.
He smiled down at me as I was finally standing on land again. "There you go."
"I could have gotten out on my own." Gosh, even to my own ears I sounded like a tsundere. This was the best I could do with my trust issues, huh? Dreams make emotional regulation harder too.
Sinbad's smile didn't waver. "Of course." In fact, he looked amused.
I grumbled, accepted my fate and sat down with my legs hanging over the edge. Looking at the water from here, it was obvious that I wouldn't have been able to reach high enough to pull myself out of the water on my own. If my subconscious was this determined to make this interaction happen then it was something I really needed to work through.
Sinbad walked over to where I sat down. "You're done running away?"
"I guess."
He sat down next to me, and crossed his legs and his arms. "So why were you avoiding me all this time?" He didn't look at me directly, and kept his smile.
I watched the water in front of us. "I'm scared of the things I like hurting me because I like them."
"Are you scared of me sitting here?"
"I'm not running right now, am I?" I wasn't scared of Sinbad. He was non-violent unless there were no other options, so he'd never have a reason to hurt me.
The King's voice was boisterous, "That's great news!"
I smiled at myself. "I guess I am doing a bit better." That gave me back some confidence. My smile broadened, and I made of show of shrugging as I continued, "I do still have plenty of reasons to be scared that you're close. You're also a greedy, egotistical, over powered asshole who has killed a lot of people -not to mention manga spoilers." The man was a walking death machine when he wanted to be, especially towards the ends of both mangas in the series.
"-Ah," was all he said in response. Sinbad was always the type to refrain from commenting when he couldn't deny the truth.
Now that I was thinking about the situation instead of panicking I was realizing some things. "I'm pretty curious on why you're talking to me." Flirting with con goers would probably be more in character.
He finally looked at me. "Why don't you tell me since you know me so well?" His eyes sparkled with interest and curiosity.
'Smarmy piece of- how dare he be this pretty! Fine!' My thoughts got stuck on his face for a moment since I was finally looking at him too. I thought about his question. Sinbad was power hungry by the time he became a king. And he had a growing god complex. And he actively sought out the strongest people in the world like the Aladdin, David, and Arba.
'Oh...' I had basically just erased and remade part of the world in front of him. That was why he hadn't followed after me when I first saw him; I wasn't anything special yet. 'My subconscious couldn't make him want to talk to me for nice reasons?'
I sighed. "I might like you but," that was obvious and I wouldn't deny it, "I'm not going to help you do whatever you want. I just didn't want violence in this dream." Now that I knew what was going on, I needed to set my boundaries.
Sinbad hummed, and looked out at the water. "I understand." After a moment he added, "We both prefer peace. It's a start."
That made me laugh. "You really don't quit, do you?"
Sinbad continued the good mood with flirting. "I got to make a pretty girl laugh so it's been a good day."
I gifted him another chuckle for the sentiment behind his words. I'm gender fluid, so not always a girl/woman, but I didn't think he'd understand that even if I explained. This wasn't the time to be pedantic. I was more interested in enjoying the improved mood.
We continued to talk in that light hearted manor about a handful of things. It was a bit of necessary self reflection involving my fears. It was okay for me to feel attraction, even if I wasn't ready for any of the steps that come afterwards. Maybe Sinbad was perfect for me in that way. In the whole series he never falls in love or gets married, and in that moment what I needed to feel safe was knowing that flirting was all it would ever be. I could enjoy feelings of attraction without the fear of being betrayed later because Sinbad would never promise himself to anyone.
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danifesting · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @yekoc! Thank you for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
72, with the largest number in hockey rpf (59)
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently: F1 rpf and hockey rpf, I have also written for Marvel and The Mortal Instruments fandoms in the past
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Most of my most kudosed are F1 fics despite my half decade in hockey fandom. I wrote a lot of rarepairs there or ships that became popular but were just getting off the ground. By kudos:
live in five (which honestly surprised me a little since it's about a nonbinary character) (Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen)
we're dancing in this world alone (Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick)
maybe we did something right (Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen)
pegging and other adventures (Daniel Ricciardo/Max Verstappen)
got suckered in (Carter Hart/Travis Konecny)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I didn't used to reply to comments for a long time but over the last like 2-3 years I respond to every comment I get. I tend to do it as soon as I get the ao3 email so I won't forget to do it. I like responding to comments now that I do and I enjoy engaging with the readers of my fics.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write angsty endings. All of my fics end happily.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of them are equally happily but I think the two most hard earned ones are play til you win (in which Daniel is an alcoholic who has to quit drinking and go to therapy to get there) and unchained melody (which is set in the 1950s and involves a lot of depression and self denial and immense heartbreak before they get there). I think to me the most hard fought victories are the happiest, especially when you have to overcome great odds to get there like in these two fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So, when I wrote regret (Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick, regency omegaverse) I made a person a villain and got like 30 harassing comments from the same person about making him the villain. He deserved to be the villain.
I also got some not so nice comments on maybe we did something right because Max says of course a lot which honestly, if anything, I undersold it compared to real life.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I think at least half if not more of my fics contain smut. I actually enjoy the challenge of writing it. I've written a lot of different kinds but largely it's pretty vanilla. My favorite smut to write is definitely f/f though since it's the kind I obviously know that most about.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I once wrote a Mitch Marner/Shawn Mendes fic for a dear friend who was going through a hard time. It's very cute.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Another one where if I have, I don't know about it. People are totally welcome to translate my fic though! I would be quite flattered.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I co-wrote a rather long soulmate trope subversion fic with a friend for hockey big bang one year and I think we did a great job marrying our writing styles. The fic is where the light went (Nico Hischier/Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? In F1, it's far and away Maxiel. For hockey rpf it's a 3-way tie between TK/Nolan, Jack/Nico, and Mitch/Dylan. I'm Marvel, easily Stucky.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Sadly, my Nico/Nolan college gymnastics au. I only have the first couple of pages written and I think the idea is brilliant (it's rule 63 and in it Nolan missed out on Olympic gold in a tie break scenario like Raisman and Mustafina) but I think it's never going to happen, especially now that I'm writing hockey less than I used to.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Strong research, and setting a time and place that is very grounded when I write AUs (particularly those that are set in the past)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I don't always keep to the fandom general consensus of characterization very well but I'm not sure that's truly a weakness.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Absolutely not. I only speak English really at all and Google is a very poor translator. I don't want to get another language wrong and I don't really think it serves to move the story along if the other party wouldn't understand it anyway.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
A long deleted Welcome to Nightvale fic that was only 800 words long and was deleted 6 months after I posted it on ao3 because it wasn't very good.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It is 100% unchained melody. I think it's lush and beautiful and rich storytelling that's very grounded in the time and place (late 1950s, Winnipeg) it's written and I don't think I will ever write anything as wonderful as that. A close second though is play til you win which I think has some similar qualities in terms of groundedness in time and place (mid 2000s, central New Jersey).
Tagging: @thewindowatkirkland @fourmula1 @33max and @nobrakesdown
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maximotts · 3 years
𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑠 • 𝑤. 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑜𝑓𝑓 & 𝑛. 𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑓𝑓
a/n: welp, here's the beginning of this two-parter! Part 6 will be out tomorrow so try not to yell at me too much for where I've left it. This part is a whopper of a fic, completely unplanned to be so, but what can I say? I love my mob wives
warnings: This is an 18+ AU, minors DNI; heavy flirting by Natasha; dry humping; mommy/daddy kink; lap sits and ass grabbing, Nat is just very touchy; reader is a simp, but a horny simp
summary: Private Hire AU; Natasha enlists your help for a Valentine's surprise for Wanda to come home to, you end up being involved a lot more than you planned
words: 4.8K
private hire au. || main masterlist.
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Natasha Romanoff was not a romantic.
In the half a year you’d known her, you’d never seen a public display of affection phase her, no matter how sweet and heartfelt. There’d been times where Wanda roped the both of you into watching a romantic comedy on the couch or in bed and each time without fail, Natasha’s focus would wander, choosing to tease and poke at Wanda until she got annoyed enough that she either put you in between them or snapped at her, leaving the redhead to pout and mumble through the rest of the film.
The only time she brought Wanda flowers was as an apology, trying to slide her way back into the woman’s good graces after she’d messed up badly enough. Wanda wouldn’t always immediately accept the apology, but she never threw away the gift— if there was a bouquet on her desk or in the kitchen, it was confirmation that Wanda was coming around. Despite her aversions, somehow Wanda and Natasha still clicked. The more you watched the two interact, the more you realized it was because they accepted each other completely— faults, annoyances, and all. Even if Natasha could care less about winning a cheap, dirty stuffed animal at the boardwalk on their day out, when Wanda alluded to wanting one, Natasha shot every target perfectly to give Wanda the giant panda that now sat in her private home office. And Wanda, knowing romance was far from Natasha’s thing, never pushed or expected something she knew her wife would be uncomfortable with performing.
Thankfully, this made it easy to surprise Wanda. Valentine’s weekend was painfully commercialized, sickeningly so for Natasha, but every year she watched her wife sigh and awe at the sweet displays of affection and this time when the month of February came around, she was ready. The first you heard of this plan was when Natasha interrupted your casual reading to inform you that you wouldn’t be going to work that evening and to follow her. You were slightly confused, but she didn’t seem angry, just… stiff.
It was weird to see her in such a way in her own home, even when you were a near stranger in her home, she never changed her behavior around you. Natasha was always unapologetically who she was, even if it was a carefully constructed persona to most, she was comfortable with it, never uneasy like she was now. The wordless trek led you both into the large kitchen, organized and cleaned just as the housekeeper left it that morning. When you reached the kitchen island, Natasha slid a few pieces of paper over to you and as your eyes scanned the worn pages you realized they were recipes.
“I need you to make a cocktail tonight that will go with this stuff. And it has to be special.” Natasha wasn’t looking at you, eyes focused on where her fingers were drumming against the marble countertops. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say she looked nervous.
You gave her a moment, busying yourself with looking at the ingredients for whatever stew was being described on the page; the original words were in handwritten Russian, ink smudged and paper crumpled, but there was a set of post-it notes with the English translation that you assumed Natasha wrote up for you. It was an easy enough request, ideas already forming in your head, but usually you knew about any sort of gathering well in advance. “What time is the party? I’ll have the setup ready by then.”
“There is no party.” Natasha’s reply was quick, clipped when she remembered that you were always the curious type. Wanda was typically the one who answered your questions, whether they were directed at her or not, but Wanda wasn’t here. When she looked at you, she could see your head about to explode with further questions, trying not to bombard her with them when she would clearly hate answering them. “It’s Valentine’s Day weekend.”
Natasha started gathering food from the fridge, balancing the long list of ingredients in her arms effortlessly. She aligned them on the counter in the order she’d need them, but she must’ve still sensed your confusion because with a deep sigh, she continued to try to make it click, “This is for Wanda.”
Your smile was immediate, stretching across your face proudly while Natasha rolled her eyes, having hoped when she explained you’d just do your task. “Natasha, that’s so… cute.”
“It’s not cute.” Natasha was dicing carrots so fast with her sharp knife looking at the action gave you anxiety. “I’m doing something nice for my wife, she deserves it.” It was true, Wanda had been working insanely hard these days. Even now, she’d been across the country securing a business deal by herself because the last time Natasha talked to them, two henchmen ended up dead. There was nothing wrong with doing it alone, but Wanda overworked herself making sure everything was in perfect place, even texting you and Natasha every night to assure the two of you had eaten and weren’t burning the house down.
It was still weird sometimes to see them act so married. Obviously they were, they certainly didn’t hide it, but Wanda’s check-in texts and Natasha’s sweet gestures were so domestic it made you forget the dangerous underworld they controlled.
When Natasha didn’t shoo you away, you took the opportunity to sit at the kitchen island, watching her work in silence. “I didn’t know you cooked.”
“I don’t, but I can. It’s hard to get time to fit that in when you’re meeting with armed people in smoke dens or parked cars more nights than not.” Natasha did have the more physical job of your two bosses; Wanda’s smooth way with people meant she handled negotiations in calm meetings and agreements on paper while Natasha’s brute force usually meant there would be some sort of violence by the time she was through. Consequently, if there wasn’t food made for them, Wanda was the one cooking.
You made a small noise of agreement as the pan started to sizzle with the vegetables Natasha dropped in, leaning on your elbow to relax further. “Not to critique, but Valentine’s Day isn’t for a few days, you know? Why are you doing it now?”
Natasha shrugged, pushing the cut pieces around as the tempting aroma of garlic and onion filled the kitchen. “Wanda’s coming home today and as much as she’s been checking in on us, I know she’s not taking care of herself as well as she should be. She’s always been like that…” Her expressions pushed through then, Natasha frowning and her brow furrowing with worry. You didn’t comment on it, but the only times you’d seen her resolve fall was when it came to Wanda. Sometimes she glanced over at the brunette and there was a shine in her eyes that no one else received, or times like now where loving concern and her inability to physically be there for Wanda made her a bit sad. Getting to see a bit of Natasha’s heart filled yours to the brim.
“Well she’s got us to take care of her at least,” Using ‘us’ surprised you, but Natasha hummed in agreement and you couldn’t help but smile that she’d let you in on their little domestic bubble. “Actually, what are you making? You didn’t translate the name and I know very little Russian.”
Natasha chuckled, “I’m aware. You look completely lost when Wanda or I speak anything but English.” You flushed, laughing nervously; picking up on language was a slow process for you and really, the only things you’d internalized from them so far were dirty jokes and the occasional hurled insult. “Basically it’s beef chunks and potatoes with carrots. Believe it or not, I had to make it a lot for Wanda at first because it was the only thing I knew how to cook and the most familiar dish to her when we came to America.”
Her little anecdote surprised you. There was no hiding that your bosses were from Russia and Sokovia; Wanda’s accent was slight most days, only slipping into the deep inflection when she was exhausted, angry, or riled up for another reason and while Natasha’s accent was completely gone unless she specifically wanted it there, anyone who knew anything about Natasha Romanoff knew of her infamous deeds in Russia. Still, you rarely heard them talk about how they came to be here or what even brought them together. In all honesty, you’d been too afraid to ask.
It was hard to imagine Wanda in a state where she had to rely on someone else; the woman prided herself on being in control of every situation she found herself in, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized the need probably stemmed from the lack of control she’d had for so long. “It’s cut- nice, I mean, that you’d do something so thoughtful for her for Valentine’s Day. She’ll love it.”
“That’s the plan.” The mischievous grin Natasha wore as she compiled everything into a stock pot made everything fall into place. There was no doubt Natasha did truly want to be kind to Wanda, but it was a known fact that whenever she surprised her with something very out of the ordinary, Wanda was putty in Natasha’s hands. The redhead’s forward thinking ensured Wanda’s happiness and well-being while also giving her a golden ticket to whatever she wanted; you didn’t know a lot about Natasha’s inner thoughts, but there was no way she’d pass up extra leverage in the bedroom. It was a simple but calculated move that clearly Natasha knew she could pull every once in a while without Wanda catching on. She was stirring the stew calmly, a barely there lightness to her while she hummed to herself, completely unashamed of her Valentine’s trickery; it was no wonder she’d been a top spy, her plans were devious.
Dinner was left to cook for hours and while it did, the two of you fell into an easy existence, you experimenting with different liquors and syrups to find the ones that you thought would go perfectly with the hearty beef dish while Natasha busied herself with arranging the flowers she’d ordered on the dining room table. You didn’t talk tons, but sometimes you found yourself staring at Natasha and her long wavy hair, the slope of her back into the curve of her ass as she leant over the table and roamed around the house, and couldn’t help but wonder if you too would reap the benefits of Natasha making Wanda happy later.
Natasha knew what you were doing, you were sure of it, because sometimes she would bend further than needed only to ask you a question just to watch you stutter out a lame answer. She was the bigger flirt between her and her lover, but it was rare she indulged you like Wanda did; Natasha knew you were into her and she was content to let you pine from afar. Besides, although the pair shared you, there was never any question you were Wanda’s first and if Wanda hadn’t done something with you yet, Natasha couldn’t take that first time away from you. Not that she didn’t want to, of course, it frustrated her beyond belief how long Wanda waited, but the woman adored being lusted after and Natasha told Wanda more times than she could count that you’d still look at the brunette with that stupid little puppy dog expression on your face, Wanda was having too much fun leaving you constantly wanting to have done anything truly physical yet.
On special occasions though, when Wanda was feeling particularly cruel, she’d been known to taunt you mercilessly until you looked as though you were going to pass out and since Wanda had done it, technically there was nothing stopping Natasha from also playing into it. She sauntered over to the bar innocently enough, catching you off guard while you were engrossed in cleaning any used bar glasses. “Do you have your part all ready?”
It was a simple yes or no question, just one word for you to utter, but your mouth ran dry when you’d started to look up from the sink. Your focus was stuck on her breasts, round and perfect as they rested on the wooden bar. Maybe Natasha had undone a few extra buttons while she worked, but now with how she leaned over they were on full display and it was a miracle your iron grip didn’t shatter the glass you were holding. “Y-Yeah, I finished. It’s just chilling in the fridge now..” You shook your head and coughed, trying to cover your reaction, but you’d been too obvious. Just as you were about to apologize, Natasha shushed you with a finger to your lips, pushing forward over the counter until she was inches from your face.
“I hope you know you’re expected to have dinner with us tonight.” You nodded, trying to look anywhere but those deep green eyes, “That means if everything goes to plan, you’re going to bed with us.” Your head barely moved this time, a rough gulp of air hurting your throat. “It wasn’t just me that made something for her; you made the drinks and I’m sure you did something extra special for my dear wife, didn’t you?” Natasha wasn’t even waiting for your response this time, grabbing your cheeks in her hand and moving your head for you. “She’ll love you for that, you know. If you asked her for anything, she’d most likely give it.”
Natasha smelled like a mix of cinnamon and plum, the dark fragrance clouding your brain. “There’s something you want really badly, isn’t there?” You tried to shake your head no, embarrassment keeping you from admitting what was at the front of your mind, but Natasha’s grip never wavered, pulling your head up and down while she nodded yes along with you. “Don’t lie to me, you want my wife to fuck you.” Your eyes went wider than ever, but Natasha just smirked, “You’re not very good at hiding it. Running to do everything she asks, curling up next to her like a needy kitten. Hell, even getting her off and hoping she’d finally return the favor. But she hasn’t yet, has she?”
This time you shook your head of your own accord, biting your lip as you thought of the few times Wanda called on you for your help, quick things where she wouldn’t let you use your mouth on her as much as you begged. The one time you whined about being left to your own devices, the spanking Wanda gave you instead left you standing and sleeping uncomfortably for a week.
“You poor thing, I’m sorry. She’s a stubborn one, it took me a while to learn just what buttons to push.” Natasha bent far enough to place a kiss along your jaw. And then another, and yet another until her full lips met your earlobe. A shiver ran up your spine as she pulled it with her teeth, but still she held your head at her mercy, “She wants to fuck you, so badly that I’ve told her to just get it over with, but like I said.. she’s stubborn. It kills me sometimes,” It took you a second to realize it was you who’d let out the moan, Natasha’s low chuckle in your ear only making you grip the counter harder. “Especially because I want to fuck you too. What about it, do you want that?”
“Please…” Living in this house with two women who constantly tormented you was like some kind of sapphic purgatory; they made you feel just as much loved and desired as they did shaky and breathless and without being allowed to ask, most nights you felt like screaming with the weight of your pent up tension.
“I think, if we played our cards right, we could ask her to finally do it. Then I can too and you’ll be free to play with us whenever you want. How’s that sound, want mommy and daddy to fuck you to your little heart’s content?” You didn’t know when your eyes closed or when you started breathing deeply through your mouth, but as soon as you started to nod, the kitchen timer went off and your eyes snapped open. Natasha pulled back, ending the moment you two shared as quickly as she did the kitchen timer.
“Let’s go check on dinner, shall we?”
Natasha let you have a taste of the food simmering away in the pot and honestly, it was better than you’d expected it to be; she was actually a great cook. “Wanda’s going to love it! When is she getting home again?”
“I was told her plane landed, but she has yet to tell me she’s on her way?” The woman tapped away at her phone, presumably texting Wanda. You were halfway through pouring your drink into a glass when Natasha slammed her fist on the counter, scoffing loudly as her phone clattered to the surface.
She was angry now and despite the pleasant day you’d had together, Natasha was still scary when she was mad. She must have sensed your hesitation to ask because she wordlessly slid her phone over to you, letting you read.
Something came up. Went across town to deal with it, probably won’t be home until late.
Get someone else to deal with it. Come home.
I’m already here. See you tonight x
In all fairness, there was no way Wanda would’ve thought there was anything past Natasha missing her in seeing her request to come home and there was no way to say it without ruining the surprise. But when you looked at Natasha stewing across the kitchen, mumbling something dangerous under her breath, you kept your mouth shut. “Maybe we can try again tomorrow?”
Natasha’s glare hit you like a bullet, shrinking away so hard you took a few steps back even though she was many feet away already. “It won’t be the same tomorrow. I made it today.”
She wasn’t wrong, but Natasha’s anger kept her from being flexible; her plan falling apart with one unexpected text. You pulled your own phone from your pocket and sent a quick ‘hey maybe you should come home sooner’ message to Wanda, but as expected, you didn’t receive a response. All you could do was give Natasha her space so you resolved to backing out of the room, separating before she could snap at you again. “Where are you going?”
You turned around at that, looking to the stove where Natasha was putting stew into bowls. “I thought I’d just go-”
“I didn’t tell you to go anywhere.” Well then, it looked like you were staying. It took you a while to get close to her again, taking your time in case she changed her mind, but she never did. Not when she plated and garnished the bowls and even still when you finished your pouring from earlier. “Let’s have dinner, shall we?”
Dinner was making you nervous though, the two of you eating in silence while Natasha stared holes into the seat Wanda typically took at the table. It was a pretty setup, really; there were candles that were supposed to be lit around the room, the large arrangement of flowers Natasha bought for her wife adorning the length of the table in a way you knew Wanda would melt over whenever she did see it. Finally you finished your food though and, having had enough of sitting so formally, tried yet again to excuse yourself. “It was really great, Natasha… I’m sorry Wanda wasn’t here, but she’ll still appreciate it when she comes home.”
It was as genuine as you could be, not knowing what else you could say to calm her down. You’d hoped that some time during dinner you’d get a text back from Wanda, something you could show Natasha to let her relax just a bit, but you’d heard nothing. Staring down on your phone one last time and being met with no notifications, you sighed, pushing your chair back. “I miss her too, just so you know. I hate when she’s gone for so long.”
Natasha perked up at that, a new plan in her head now— a way she could satisfy herself as well as get back at her wife for standing her up. “Come over here, sweetheart.”
You obeyed of course, abandoning your phone on the table to make your way over to where Natasha sat at the head of the table. She’d pushed her chair back, legs spread to make as much space as possible. You’d spent enough time in this household to know what she meant by the look she was giving you, but the vast majority of the time, you’d gotten it from Wanda. You could count on one hand the times you’d sat in Natasha’s lap, but when she took your hand and tugged you towards her, you sat without a struggle.
It never crossed your mind that Natasha still had a plan, you figured she just wanted someone to hold— Wanda did that with you sometimes too. But then Natasha’s hands wandered, slow enough for you to wonder if you were imagining her intentions at first, but then her nose rubbed against your neck and when your shiver only made her pull you closer, you realized what she had in mind. “You miss mommy too?”
“Y-Yes…” A hand slid under your shirt, holding your back securely while she maneuvered until you were straddling her properly. Your hands rested on her shoulders for lack of other places to put them, fiddling with the fabric while Natasha roamed over your midsection. “She’ll be back soon…”
Natasha knew you were only thinking of Wanda’s possible reaction to your compromising position, but she didn’t care; she’d deal with Wanda later. “Don’t worry, baby. I was told to take the best care of you while she was gone and that’s all I’m doing.” That wasn’t all she was doing and you both knew it, if Wanda wouldn’t come home then she’d make her regret not doing so. A soft gesture hadn’t gotten her attention, but playing with her pet while she was away? That would always work without fail.
Strong hands slid up your bare thighs, effortlessly pushing up your skirt until you felt exposed. “You like being a good girl, don’t you?” Her thumbs rubbed into the soft flesh of your legs, angling you forward until her clothed hips met your cotton underwear. You hadn’t noticed the bulge in her pants all day, how could you, but when rocked up into you, there was no denying the prominent strap on. “This was supposed to be for Wanda, but I’m sure you’d love to keep it warm for her.”
She cupped your ass with a possessive force, forcing you against her until you’d started grinding down on your own. “There you go, dove, we can still have fun and miss mommy together.” It was all you could to mutter out a quick yes, the friction of the layers of fabric against you working you up faster than expected, but it most likely also had to do with Natasha’s filthy words. “If I had it my way, I would have fucked you by now. I’d do it right now too…”
“Please.. please do it..” You’d had enough of being messed with until you couldn’t think straight; it was driving you wild and if Natasha would put you out of your misery, you weren’t going to tell her no.
But Natasha shook her head, even as her hands bypassed your panties in favor of your heated skin, “Wanda would kill me. You’re her baby, she’d never let me hear the end of it.” Pitiful whines only made her want to continue with her little game, thoroughly enjoying her impromptu after dinner entertainment. It was nothing compared to what she’d have planned, but getting to reduce you to a babbling mess so quickly helped her get her mind off of how much she missed her wife. “She hasn’t even touched you here yet?”
Her fingertips rested just about the waistband of your underwear, digging into the soft flesh of your lower belly as you fought for any bit of pleasure you could muster just an inch or so below. “No.. please..”
“But if she hasn’t done it, I can’t, baby. You know the rules.” Your frustrated cry was music to Natasha’s ears; if she dared pull you back, she was sure she’d see tears. “But she lets you grind on her like this?” She already knew the answer, having watched the two of you many nights where she’d pull you close, touch you all the right places, just to watch to beg for how much you needed her. Everyone thought Natasha was the sadist, but Wanda had a very dark streak of her own, masked with sweet words and gentle gestures so that you’d let her cruelty roll over you repeatedly, completely unguarded.
When you nodded, Natasha thrust her hips up, the hard toy bumping your clothed clit so perfectly you crumpled into her. Natasha took charge of your movements then, steering your hips to roll against hers methodically— you might as well have been completely limp in her arms. It didn’t matter either way, she’d still have full control. “Mommy can be so mean sometimes, can’t she?”
You agreed easily, not because you thought Wanda was excessively mean to you, but the pleasure made you compliant; it was no wonder her wife went so submissive for the redhead. Any words you wanted to utter would be slurred, but if you asked one more time you thought maybe, just maybe, Natasha would give in. “Fuck me, daddy.. I need it..”
“Of course you do, little one… Wanda’s been so hard on you, making you wait so long.” Thankfully Natasha was strong enough to hold you on her lap because your squirming was powerful, anguished, greedy for anything she would let you have. The string of pleases wasn’t loud per se, but they were obvious, especially as Wanda traversed the house, searching for the two of you. She found you there at the end of the dining room table, near out of your mind on her wife’s lap while Natasha taunted you with the promise of fucking you before Wanda gave in. It wasn’t the first time Natasha had played with you, Wanda didn’t mind that; it was the confidence with which she promised to fuck you, assuring that if you kept it a secret she’d never tell. You were agreeing of course and as much as Wanda didn’t want to fault you for it, possessiveness urged her to lash out at both of you.
“Don’t you dare, Natasha Romanoff.”
Wanda’s threat was like a bucket of ice water, burrowing deeper into Natasha as if she could protect you from Wanda’s anger. “Oh, look who decided to come home!” You could hear Natasha’s smirk and internally you screamed at her to keep quiet, but you knew she wouldn’t. She wanted a rise out of Wanda, any emotion she could get. Natasha loved irritating Wanda and now you saw her full second plan: if she couldn’t get her wife in bed tonight, she’d get under her skin instead and what better way than with you.
“Don’t start with me. Glad to see you can still make everyone fall for you.” The words were said with a bite that told you Wanda had known what she felt before; Natasha might have hit a nerve more vulnerable than expected. Your silence didn’t save you however, because Wanda was yanking your head around with a force that you were surprised didn’t snap your neck. “And you..”
“I-I’m sor-” Wanda held your jaw, keeping any words you had stuck in your throat. You dared to look at her and instantly regretted it, large green eyes staring you down with so much contempt you wanted to shrivel up and die.
“Save it.” She was scaring you slightly, but prolonged eye contact let you see just the barest glimpse of hurt and you went from frightened to ashamed in an instant. “I always knew you were a whore, but I didn’t know it was for everyone.” You knew Wanda was saying it to hurt you, she didn’t mean it— that didn’t mean it hurt any less. Neither you nor Natasha had done anything wrong according to your agreement, but Wanda’s possessive nature was provoked and whenever that happened, she lashed out.
She pulled away abruptly, leaving you falling until Natasha saved you from falling backwards onto the floor. Natasha looked fully unbothered, knowing her wife enough to know she wasn’t in nearly as deep trouble as she could’ve been. “Don’t be a brat, Wands. If you don’t play well with your toys, someone else will.”
Wanda just scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning on her heel without another word. Despite Natasha’s coolness, you couldn’t help but feel like she’d landed you in boiling water.
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