#I've listened to three of their title tracks now and they're not bad but honestly like..
euniexenoblade · 2 months
Ok so Apple released it's 100 Greatest Albums list a while ago and I scoffed at it, but after watching some youtubers whine about it in different ways, I realized I hadn't given it the fairest shake. I haven't listened to every album on it and a lot of stuff I have listened to I haven't listened to in a long while. So, I'm gonna listen to every album featured and decide how I feel about them. And for fun y'all get small quick reviews.
Starting off, here's part one of my reviews.
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I decided to start with Adele's 21. Not for any special reason other than it seemed like it might be nice to listen to in the shower. Adele has a great, powerful voice, but the album has two song archetypes that just get repeated. The songs are mostly competent so individually they're fine, but together as an album they make a very boring experience. Also, I recognized Rumor Has It from a commercial or something, I fucking hate that song. Docked extra points for having that song. This album doesn't belong on the list at all to me, and even if we are throwing a bone to the modern 2010s-2020s artists, she definitely doesn't deserve number 15. A ridiculous placement.
I decided to take on Drake's Take Care and hey guys, does Drake make any other songs? Why do they all sound the same? Does he do anything other than sad boy shit? Of the three Drake releases I've now listened to, this one is easily the best one. I didn't hate the experience, for that Drake deserves some kudos. But, I don't think there's anyway to view Drake positively in 2024. Maybe in 2011 this seemed special, but in 2024 I can easily say that this does not deserve to be on this list, let alone at 47. Giving Drake a pity placement is fine, but not in the top 50.
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I have never understood the love that Hotel California garners. Like, the song is good, but it's not earth shattering, and the rest of the album is pretty typical rock for the era. There is just so little content that I haven't got much to say, it's competent enough to not be laughably bad, but it's also so run of the mill there's no highlights. Picking it for a list like this is what I'd call a safe option, not a real option.
I'll be frank, I'm not very familiar with Robyn or Body Talk, so maybe I don't have context on how important this album was to the history of the genre or music at large. Though, to my ear, the album bounces between having wonderful dance pop tracks to having some really boring, repetitive tracks. Still, not the worst album here (not even the worst in this post), it's just hard for me to really gauge how deserving it is for this list.
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Probably an album with an unfair advantage, I've been listening to RATM since I was a kid. My favorite Rage album is definitely The Battle of Las Angeles, but I'm not dumb enough to say that should be on the list. Still think Evil Empire had greater music and potentially greater reach than the self titled, but this being here isn't bad. Just a shame it's only at 97.
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Did enjoy this a quite a bit. However, musically speaking it feels incredibly one note. This belongs in the top 100 albums ever? Did it really have that level of cultural inspiration? I'm not mad at it being included, not even mad it's at 96, but for it to be in a better spot than the self titled RATM album? Incredibly stupid.
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Probably a dumb thing to say, but this is what I expected Drake's album to be like? Fun music and fun lyrics about being a sad boy, a lover boy, and being too playful with women. Honestly, the only reason it gets such low ratings is consistently Usher says shit like this
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GET IT?! IT'S CONFESSION PART II, SO HE SAYS PART TWO OF MY CONFESSION!! SOOOO CLEVER come on man. Does it belong on the best 100 list? I don't know. Let someone else decide that.
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I have no issue with either of this being on the list, being in the 90s, or any real thoughts to give. Burial isn't quite my vibe musically so I got nothing to say, and Solange is great so it's like. It's cool they're there, no thoughts.
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I don't have an issue with George Michael being on this list, but this album? I vibe Faith far more.
Flower Boy by Tyler the Creator is absolutely one of my favorite albums. I'd have imagined that Apple would have chosen Igor, since it's the one people universally seem to adore, but I'm happy Flower Boy is getting love. Flower Boy is my favorite from Tyler and it has special meaning in my heart, so any praise the album can get.
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Look, if you're picking AC/DC albums to put on a list, then this is probably the correct pick, but why would you put AC/DC on the top 100 Albums of all Time list? I don't even think they'd qualify for the Top 100 Hard Rock Albums from before the 2000s list! Is it cuz of the Iron Man soundtrack? It's gotta be right?
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This is probably my most unpopular opinion: Lady Gaga is overrated as hell. I do not understand what people in 2009 saw in these songs and I still don't get it now. Maybe it belongs on this Top 100 Albums List cuz it had some kind of cultural impact, I mean her music was inescapable for a time. But, I don't get it, I wouldn't put it on my list, and Bad Romance is absolutely one of the most annoying pop songs the radio has ever played.
And, to conclude this long ass pointless post, I'll just jump ahead again to end this on an album I enjoy.
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I don't get the weird revisionism that happens around Kid A. I do love it to death, but when it came out it was critically hated. It just feels like everyone treats this as the greatest triumph in music, when the only people that have heard it are Radiohead fans and the weird hipster that tries to act smarter than you in music. Oh well, it's Captain America's favorite album so I guess it works.
I guess more of the issue is Radiohead is one of like, three or four artists on this list that gets more than one spot. Why waste a spot on Kid A at 33 when you have Ok Computer at 12, let some other unnamed artist be on the list instead.
Neither Kid A or OK Computer are my favorite Radiohead albums, but hey, I like Kid A. It's one of four albums I listen to when trying to fall asleep at night, so it's nice to see mentioned I guess.
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dorsalstop · 8 months
#89 - 1976/12: Peter Frampton - Frampton Comes Alive!
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The sleeve: Nice '70s font, and as live show photos go, not too bad either. The pink hair is very now.
Had I heard this before: well, no.
Sure, I've complained about those 1970s live double albums enough now, but honestly. When I called the Rush album 'terrible in every way' I mainly meant that it was the opposite of what you might call my thing. This, though, THIS, is really terrible in every way and there is no way the critics of yore aren't trolling us with its inclusion. Here is a man who, I'm sure, is a talented guitarist and a generally nice individual. He's also a no more than competent singer, though, and he's seriously lacking in the writing-good-songs department. From the evidence here, he's written two or three and a whole lot of unremarkable ones. And then of course they're played live here, so they start to all sound the same (because the same band with the same setup and Frampton having to shout-sing over them without any scope for dynamics) and they get elongated solos, and they have crowd noises. By the third track, "Lines on my Face" (but who cares about the titles, they really are all the same song), which gets a 7-minute treatment, his voice has absolutely worn me out. I can't take any more of it, nor of the plodding meat-and-potatoes rock it's couched in. But guess what? There's 16 more songs to go over almost three quarters of an hour. Interminable suffering ensues.
Now, partly this is my fault, as I'm listening to the 35th-anniversary edition, which adds five songs to the original 14 (and the irksome "Lines..." is on side 4 originally, not 'disc 1'). But I'm afraid re-editing the edition down to its original tracklist order for the 2nd listen does little to make this more bearable.
It's a chicken and egg thing, I'm sure, but it also strikes me that the better songs ("Show Me The Way", "Baby, I Love Your Way") are relatively tidy at just over 4:30 minutes, while the weaker ones are either drawn out to 7+ minutes via lengthy additional solos or were of epic length to begin with (I'll mention "Lines" again, but also "I Wanna Go To The Sun", a song so lacking in character or spirit I'm forgetting it while it's playing - sadly, the irritability it provoked does not disappear with it).
By side 3 (or 'disc 2'), … oh well whatever, you know where this is going. I'll just say that there's a 14-minute track at the very end - charmless from start to finish - and before that, the worst possible cover of "Jumpin' Jack Flash" you can imagine this side of Nouvelle Vague or Postmodern Jukebox versions. May all copies of this monstrosity spontaneously catch fire.
Next up: More classic rock, but surely the only way is up?
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wickymicky · 4 years
gotta say, after hearing that vixx were concept kings for a long time, i had pretty high expectations when checking out some of the songs whose titles I've heard mentioned now and then for pretty much the whole time I've been into kpop... i think maybe my expectations were a little too high, tbh
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happymetalgirl · 5 years
Albums I Missed in 2018
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Alright, already halfway through the year, and the time has come (as I said I would last year) to acknowledge the albums from 2018 that I didn't last year before getting onto the second half of 2019. Yeah, that's it, no need for more intro. Here are my thoughts on some albums from 2018 that I didn't talk about.
Yob - Our Raw Heart
I heard so much hype over this album last year and saw it ending on so many year end lists, yet for some reason I just didn’t have the time or energy to give it a worthy try so it slipped by me. And honestly, after finally hearing it, I can’t say I’m all too heartbroken about missing out on it. It's honestly some of the most derivative modern doom/sludge metal that I've ever heard hyped up to this degree. When the album isn't meandering through the types of thick soundscapes that hearken a bit too much to early Pallbearer, it's "resting" amid cheap drones that sound like unaltered Sunn O))). The band are closer to achieving their goal on the more dirging doom songs on here like the title track, but when they try to get heavier like on the unbelievably annoyingly repetitive "The Screen", they sound very out of their capacity. I don't know what so many saw in this album last year beyond its occasionally convincing imitations of Bell Witch or Pallbearer.
Craft - White Noise and Black Metal
I don't know why I didn't talk about Craft's 2018 album, maybe because it wasn't all that different from the band's previous releases, but either way, the Swedisg crew came through with a strong fifth offering of straight-up modern black metal. That band has always had a knack for the grim and sardonic, and they carry that energy well onto White Noise and Black Metal. Again, it's hardly the most unique black metal I've ever heard and it's really not all to different from Fuck the Universe or Void, but for what the band are doing, there's really not much else to complain about. Sure, it could be a little more varied or come with a few more memorable grooves or something, but for nasty, snarling black metal with nothing else in mind, Craft continue to be on of the genre's steadfast pillars.
Convulsing - Grievous
I stumbled across this album earlier this year because I recognized the visual handiwork of Leviathan's Jef Whitehead gracing the cover art. Convulsing is apparently somewhat of a one-man solo project that seems to have started out pretty recently (around 2016 or so) and the music is as harrowing and demonic as I would expect from a Jef Whitehead endorsement. The low-tuned guitar work on Grievous is pretty in line with the type of playing that made Scar Sighted so powerful, and the bellowing death growls give it a furiously cavernous atmosphere. And it is indeed an atmospheric type of listen despite being so thick in its death metal elements, but the gravitation pull of those elements are well-harness to really suck one into the deep dark it provides.
Hoth - Astral Necromancy
On no other album last year did I hear quite the smooth and well-balanced overlap of technical death metal speed, blackened death metal menace, and thrash. Hoth really has it all and is not afraid to show it; this album really has everything: a variety of melodic guitar leads, sinister growls, and intricately hyperactive drumming. It’s this impressive juggling act that makes Astral Necromancy such a unique listen, and one that I wish I had talked about and dissected more thoroughly the intricacies of last year.
Bad Wolves - Disobey
Despite actually not totally disliking the band’s alt metal power ballad cover of The Cranberries’ “Zombie” (which goes over much better than their original balladry), the combination of the band coming up largely by way of a cover song and their close association with Five Finger Death Punch unfortunately kept me at bay from the very label-propped band’s debut album. After having heard the rather familiar djent-influenced groove metal style that the band has to offer, I can't really say the channeling of what Whitechapel and Upon a Burning Body have tended toward into formulas that Shinedown would work with is really all too offensive or inoffensive either. Sure, some of the fence-sitting political commentary, while well-intentioned, is a bit beyond the band's lyrical capacities at best and ham-fisted at worst. But really there isn't really anything the band are doing or saying that's at all new. They're simply one of the newest voices contributing to servicing the Five Finger Death Punch fan demographic, and it really does sound like if Shinedown decided to go djent-groovy in an attempt to bring back their old fans, which I will say does sound better than what Five Finger Death Punch are offering these days.
Hyperdontia - Nexus of Teeth
This one only really caught my attention because of this dental theme, which I think needs to be a theme more prevalent in metal music. More bands need to create musical horror stories that push for encouraging better dental health. But really, this album isn’t exactly the most ground-breaking of modern death metal releases, but if it’s an itch that needs scratching and the usual helping hands like Morbid Angel, The Black Dahlia Murder, or Bloodbath seem worn out for the time being, Nexus of Teeth will get the spot just fine.
Sarah Longfield - Disparity
Brilliant YouTube-based guitar shredder Sarah Longfield had been putting out albums before this one, but I didn’t hear about Disparity until the year was over, and while it’s certainly not a terrible project, I’m not really all too upset about missing it. Longfield takes the album as an opportunity to dive into smooth, semi-jazzy atmospherics that don’t always highlight her technical talents the way they needed to to make the album more engaging. Again, it’s not awful and it’s not like she’s stuck playing back-up the whole time, but Longfield seems subdued on her own album, and it’s disappointing given how magnificent it could have probably sounded if her guitar playing got more time at center stage, which was quite possibly her intent being that she already makes so much content focused on her guitar technicality.
The Black Queen - Infinite Games
Though not quite as overtly raucous as the now retired The Dillinger Escape Plan, Greg Puciato’s second album with this new electronic rock-focused project does generate its own kind of energy that could arguably bear a thread connected to Puciato’s former band. But the appeal of The Black Queen and Infinite Games is rooted more in the textures that the band bring to the table and the more fully opened expression of this calmer side of Puciato’s voice over new-wave-inspired electronic ambient pieces, which, to be clear, bear no resemblance to anything metallic. What’s clear about this album though is that it’s something that Puciato has wanted to do for a while and has genuine passion for rather than a ploy for the “metal singer doing no-metal project” novelty. I didn’t hear about it until earlier this year, but I will definitely be keeping an ear out now for any upcoming The Black Queen releases.
Violet Cold - Sommermorgen (Parts I, II, & III)
I came upon Violet Cold through a friend of mine turing me onto their Magic Night album around the time Deafheaven's brand of bright, cathartic blackgaze and post-metal was sweeping the black metal landscape. While I had kind of forgotten about the album for awhile, I really liked the main opening song to that album, and I was hoping to maybe hear a little more from the band along those lines with their three-part album. Sommermorgen's three parts, while not offering what I was hoping for, fall nicely in line with the occasionally metallic post-rock ambient music of Hammock, If These Trees Could Talk, and Explosions in the Sky, providing at least a sufficiently soothing atmosphere with enough compositional dynamic to keep it from being a total bore.
Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology
How I missed Slugdge’s fourth album and transformation into a fully fledged performing band last year is beyond me. I promise this has a point and that I’ll get to it, but since its inception, one of the most baffling things about Slugdge is how upset some people seem to get about something about either their theme or their puns or their aesthetic. It baffles me because this is so clearly an innocuous side project (or at least it began that way) for its founders to just put out some death-y sludge metal without the kind of self-imposed rubric that often comes with a main project. Slugdge’s music is also so accessible (free if you choose) that complaints about it kind of bear that whiny quality that often underlies complaining about free content. And for fuck’s sake, it’s music about a celestial slug deity; could there be a more obvious signal to not take this too seriously? Because that’s clearly exactly the point of this project. I bring this up because it has clearly been this apparent liberation from needing to create in a super serious context that has become the compositional strength and the appeal of Slugdge. And sometimes freedom from expectations for a band’s music to fall within a certain framework can really unlock artists’ full potentials, which has definitely been the case for Slugdge. Even to some of the band’s fans, Esoteric Malacology felt like a bit of a loss of this non-serious charm the band had operated under, which I think was just inevitable as the members continued to see such success from Slugdge. But any sense of lost charm hardly comes through in the actual compositional content of the album, so either I’m missing something or others are reading too much into contextual aspects of the bands rise to death metal’s upper echelons and applying them to the enjoyment of this album. Personally, I find Esoteric Malacology to be a fine continuation of the refined combination of sludgy and deathly styles that characterized Gastronomicon and were expanded upon on Dim & Slimeridden Kingdoms and one I wish I hadn’t arrived to so late.
Lingua Ignota - All Bitches Die
This did technically come out in 2017, but I will take it's re-release through Profound Lore last year as an excuse to talk about it here because goddamn! Along with her visceral live performances that truly earn that descriptor, Kristen Hayter has seen quite the outpouring of deserved support and respect for her work on Lingua Ignota's Let the Evil of His Lips Cover Him and All Bitches Die. On both these albums (both released in 2017 orginally) Hayter channels her personal experiences as a survivor of domestic and sexual abuse into both classically sung, mournfully gorgeous lamentations and venomous shrieks of anguish, rage, and vengeance. It's hard to say I enjoy this album in the traditional sense, and knowing how real it all is to its creator and performer, I honestly don't feel right just putting either of these albums on in the background while I do other things without giving them my attentiveness. But what Hayter does so powerfully through Lingua Ignota absolutely deserves to be appreciated not just for her musical capacity and artistic uniqueness, but for how it expresses the voice and emotions of the victims of such abuse that aren't heard too much in this field.
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emo-scene-fm · 6 years
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Artist Name: These Hearts Genres: Post Hardcore, Easycore, Metalcore, Pop Punk, Emo Pop, Christian Hardcore, Melodic Hardcore Similar Artists: A Day To Remember, Taking Back Sunday, Fight Fair, Four Year Strong, Me vs Hero, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, Can't Bear This Party, Set Your Goals, New Found Glory, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, From First To Last, We Are Defiance, Four Letter Lie Bio: I've been listening to this next band quite a lot recently. When I'm not teetering on the edge of everything I've been blasting this like I'm being paid to do it. These Hearts has been, and I can say this 100% honestly, the very best thing I've listened to in a while because of what it's done for my mood. I actually discovered a new subgenre of Post Hardcore because of these guys when I first discovered them. It's called "Easycore." Now at first glance it seems like an elitist phrase created by Fugazi and Husker Du loving snobs who don't like sharing the term Post Hardcore with anything in skinny jeans and swoopy hair but it actually isn't all that bad of a term. It's essentially the crossbreed of Post Hardcore, Metalcore, and Pop Punk which just so happen to be some of my three favorite things. If you're not familiar with this type of music, I feel like this along with Fight Fair are very good introductions to the style. Now, onto the band themselves. The band got started all the way back in the magical musical year of 2007 in Fargo, North Dakota. The original lineup consisted of Ryan Saunders as the lead vocalist, Daryl Van Beek on guitar, Isaih Folk on drums, and Skyler Patzer on Bass. Tom Westerholm would join them as a guitarist in 2008. Also in 2008 was their first independent release, a gorgeous EP called Mistakes and Second Takes that came out on September 16th. This EP contains the right amount of post hardcore intricacies and guitarwork, speed, screams, with all of the catchiness of Pop Punk. I'm not going to lie though, some of Ryan's vocals on this release is a bit of an aquired taste but they will either grow on you or you'll appreciate the growth he has in releases after this. His voice is somewhere between Sonny Moore and Kellin Quinn on the "I-don't-know-how-he-can-hit-that-note-o-meter". It's still a solid release with a nice piano interlude and some fantastic songs such as She'd like To Wear The Pants, But She Can't Fit Into Mine, the title track which felt like if Taking Back Sunday was a little more hardcore, and ending strong with Hats Off For Discontentment. In 2009 Skyler leaves the band and Kyle Colby joins as lead guitarist and backing vocalist. This year is when they put out a two track demo called the "Nada Demo." Somewhere around this time, the band was signed to Victory Records. Greg Gentzkow becomes the new bassist for the year of 2010 but it later replaced by Tyler Rice in 2011. On June 21st, 2011, the band puts out their first studio album Forever Ended Yesterday. With strong songs on this record like Apology Rejected, Denial Is Not Just A River In Egypt, Romans 15, Are You Mad?, and Live To The Point Of Tears, this also features a studio version of She's Like To Wear The Pants which is even better than the original. This album also has perhaps one of the sweetest songs I've ever heard, Thinking In Terms Of Two. Just go listen to it and feel the feels. In 2012 they put out the Elephant In The Room EP which features Denial and a new track called The Inconvienience along with some acoustic tracks. There are many faith-based elements to the lyrics of These Hearts, as they were a Christian hardcore band. I feel like it's worth mentioning at this point that although they were a Christian band, they're probably some of the coolest types of Christians ever and it's never overbearing or judgemental. It's overt and proud, but not toxic. I felt like saying that since sometimes religion can be a bit of a sore subject with some people who listen to hardcore music, especially those who were raised in Conservative environments. There's nothing toxic about These Hearts, in fact it's totally encouraging and positive if anything. I consider myself someone of faith so music like this really makes me happy, but I feel like non-Christians can enjoy These Hearts just as much. In 2013 they'd put out Yours To Take on July 19th before disbanding, but not before being a breakthrough release upon the Billboard magazine charts, peaking at No. 36 on the Christian Albums chart and 33 on the Heatseekers Albums chart. By this point Ryan's vocals improved greatly and so did the musicianship. The easycore sound on this album are absolutely killer with all of the speed and catchiness you'd ever want. Whenever I've been down (which I have been a LOT as of late by the way) I've listened to These Hearts. It's been great driving music but even greater singing into my hairbrush music. I'm definitely proud to admit that I'm a massive fan of this band and if you give them a chance, I doubt they'll disappoint you. EDIT: Tristan had originally taken this post down after harassment from another user regarding the problematic things that Ryan Saunders has done in the past. (He has since apologised though apparently) I'd just like to let everyone know that both me and Tristan do not condone or excuse the actions of Ryan Saunders. Nor do we support his questionable political views. This post was made purely to appreciate the music the band had created, while separating the art from the artist. I'd like to make a disclaimer that in a few future posts I'll potentially be covering artists who may have done problematic things. Whether I'm aware of it or not, if I know an artist is really problematic I will indeed clarify it in the post about them. If I don't know if they're problematic, please message me privately (in a polite way) and I can add a disclaimer like this one. Remember that if I cover a problematic artist, I'm purely doing a post to appreciate the talent of their music or other members who've worked with them and not to condone their bad actions. I hope you guys understand. Anyway... go check out the discography for These Heart's music down here. Discography: Mistakes And Second Takes (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mistakes-and-second-takes/291788447 https://open.spotify.com/album/3VztFF4jqkZZHZPPgpAZ2v?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPd0PhXe3Hn_oJKAbaQRu950y82W72sDO https://www.deezer.com/album/774467?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bkbhe5puq4c4oshhwmitqf2j5wa?play=1 Nada Demo (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/nada-demo/320113752 https://open.spotify.com/album/7sGUYnbKZr9GGZqgYlcCt2?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-psFLkeb48bS2qd67Cl3q2cD2Zi8aARP https://www.deezer.com/album/774636?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bu2yghtdyduw6z2ylpx5olaujjm?play=1 Forever Ended Yesterday (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/forever-ended-yesterday/467076580 https://open.spotify.com/album/2AeLF6gAlqqckO17CEQxh5?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB6Y_0YwwQIP8PvWc5PsYY95oIbD-Mkay https://www.deezer.com/album/1266912?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bx52efkbywn72td6hw4lrligtwq?play=1 Elephant In The Room (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/elephant-in-the-room-ep/554449559 https://open.spotify.com/album/5pFBnsqirD2ihFCJczrhfW?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLca7REVQkotlNf-bT8SY4lsyEPRyhxJD7 https://www.deezer.com/album/5549771?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bx2xpenuje5yjrilufjphus4w4q?play=1 Yours To Take (iTunes)(Spotify)(YouTube)(Deezer)(GooglePlay) https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/yours-to-take/662293127 https://open.spotify.com/album/3NsWXiSZQ474zqqH6GvMSZ?autoplay=true&v=L https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDsMHHY9vx8sjnUG2Mo6MNmXXIwVWyRID https://www.deezer.com/album/6689451?autoplay=true https://play.google.com/music/m/Bdyag4kzhsfzbxcyzz7uowm5y4m?play=1 Favorite Lyrics: "Tonight I'll fix what's left of your soul, the scars that you have are emotional. This is how you break a bad habit. What were you thinking all along? This is how you break a bad habit when your life means more than what you're good for." (Romans 15) Recommended Songs: Romans 15 (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPHyl5BeIBQ Are You Mad? (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPHOjqxS0mU Apology Rejected (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bZCrPybKww Denial Is Not Just A River In Egypt (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tut7Wz4vm_0 She'd Like To Wear The Pants, But She Can't Fit Into Mine (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOaL2hjwbSk Hats Off For Discontentment (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax8ElRruNNk Thinking In Terms Of Two (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnXrYPHmYaQ Miserable (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbJ2MIxpjsk Mistakes And Second Takes (x)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSHcSZZj2g4&index=5
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gabisvt · 4 years
ahh for txt, i recommend listening to their title tracks (they're all good hehe) and watching their show called talk x today! i bias minghao, hoshi & dino (yes, all three) as well as beomgyu from txt.
i've had no history with crocheting whatsoever so when i first tried, i almost cried over how confusing some of the stitches were <//3 but i am more comfortable with it now and it's honestly quite stress relieving :D
i'd say i'm most proud of the little bee i made, which is a bit sloppy but overall not that bad! i actually got into crocheting because i wanted to make frog hats LMAOSHDJ so i'm looking forward to creating those whenever i have the time ^^
i write for seventeen and usually, it’s a TON of fluff - my account’s literally full of it. idk how to specify the genre but .. non idol aus and slice of life (?) i think that’s what it’d be considered. anyways .. i’ve gotta say i’m a sucker for friends to lovers (especially if they’re childhood friends) so i might overload my account with it hehheh
also it’s totally okay and normal to be scared - tbh i still get scared before i post something,, but people are super supportive on here! just know, i’ll definitely support you if you pick writing back up!! <33 - 🧚🏼‍♀️
(just a lil question: what’s your timezone?)
ok i will definitely look into txt now, thanks for the starting tips☺️
and i also bias minghao!! (u have *impeccable* taste i must say) and that’s so interesting that u bias hoshi and minghao, i feel like they’re rlly different 😂
and i totally feel the confusion abt stitches, i still forget how to and have to look up how to do a double crochet sometimes😭 and i honestly don’t know many stitches but i usually keep to more simple projects so it’s not rlly and issue. whats a project u really want to try? (other than the froggy hat ofc)
speaking of, omg froggy hats is such an iconic reason to get into crocheting aksjkssj (and i’d like to b updated when u make it btw!☺️)
AAAA I KEEP SEEING THOSE CROCHETED BEES EVERYWHERE AND THEY LOOK SO CUTE🥺 i rlly wanna make one but all the ones i’ve seen need pillow stuffing and i don’t have any but i’m trying to get it cuz i wanna make one so bad😂 that’s so cool that u made it!!! do u usually do like, stuffed animal types of projects or like, hats and scarves and like, clothing i guess(?)(i usually do hats and scarves so that’s why i ask 😅)
omg childhood friends to lovers svt fics r my go to comfort fic, it’s so awesome that u write fics like that!!!! and i will def keep u posted on maybe writing in the future (i’m hoping to maybe have time over the upcoming break, but i’m most likely just gonna crochet, watch youtube and maybe babysit lol)
(my time zone is est! what’s urs?)
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