#I've not slept a single minute tonight and have to get up in 2 hours
tardis--dreams · 2 years
What exactly is the point of naming an album and a tour """Give Me The Future""" when you don't play "Give Me The Future"- I'm gonna fucking scream
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fanficwritinggirl · 3 years
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It had been a long day of classes. Which wasn't unusual seeing as you were in your final year at Hogwarts and your owls were fast approaching. You and Hermione had been spending hours in the library whenever you could in order to prepare and you just felt as though your brain couldn't take in any more information than it already had. But you knew that you could do it. You knew that you had revised as much as you could in order to pass and do well. Passing your owls was one of the most important things in your life at the moment. Well besides your boyfriend Ron. After denying your feelings for each other for years when the battle of Hogwarts happened you both finally admitted your feelings and you have been together ever since. You both needed each other. With everything that happened. The losses both of you had you leaned on each other to get through it. That stuff would either make or break a relationship and for you two it made you relationship. Which yes the previous friendship between you two helped but at the end of the day you two were a strong couple and that was all that mattered.
You sigh as you close the heavy book for potions class and rub your temples groaning. Hermione looks at you equally as tired and gives you a small smile. "I think I've done enough for tonight. I'm going to go up to bed. You coming" she asks you. With a yawn so shake your head. "I'm just going to do an extra half hour and I'll be up" you inform her and she nods her head before picking up her bag. "Also can you tell Ron that I'm here in case he asks' ' you ask her and she nods her head. "Yeah I will. Now don't over do yourself. It'll do more harm than good" she mothers you and you laugh. "Goodnight Hermione" you say. She smiles before walking off.
About 10 minutes later you can feel yourself nodding off to sleep. It was definitely time for you to go to bed. It was quiet in the library. There wasn't anyone there which wasn't unusual for that time in the night. Most of the last years would have done their studying earlier in the evening so that they could have the night off. But for you it was any of the available time that you had.
Sighing you pick up the book, putting it back onto its shelf and grabbing your bag. As you're walking through the library towards the entrance you can't help but feel a presence. You thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you so you just continued on your way. But when you start to hear other footsteps you stop for a second. Which was something that you later would regret. You turn around slowly and all you remember is a dark figure slamming you to the floor and you black out.
Ron's POV
I was sitting in front of the fire in the common room waiting for Y/N. It had been an hour since Hermione had come up and curfew was fast approaching. It wasn't like her to be this late. I mean she is always on time. Maybe she just got lost in studying which wasn't unusual for her.
"You still up, mate" Harry asks me. I turn to see him at the bottom of the stairs. I nod my head at him.
"Yeah, I'm waiting for Y/N. She should be up soon ''I told him. Harry nods his head at me. "Okay well don't be up too long ok '' he says before turning and walking back up the stairs. I look at my watch and groan. Okay I'm going to get her. I know she would be pissy at me if I let her stay any longer. Standing up I walk out of the common room and down to the library.
Walking into the library I see that it is mostly dark. There were only a handful of lights still on. Walking towards all of the litten areas not seeing her at any of them. Panic starts to rise in me when I can't find her. A feeling of dread goes into my gut. I know that she could be anywhere. I mean I could have just missed her. Maybe she just went a different route back. But for some reason no matter how many times that i think that i cant persuade myself that that's what she would do. She took the same route back to the common rooms all of the time back from the library. It was the quickest way and at this time at night she would be exhausted as to why she would take any other route.
It was only when I got near the entrance that I heard crying. Running towards the noise I am shocked to see Y/N lying there. Bloodied. Beaten up. I ran towards her, taking her in my arms. Seeing her face all bruised and swollen, I cried. Help is the only thing that I can shout as I hold onto her.
Waking up my whole body ached. Every single part. I feel a hand on mine holding it tightly. I open my eyes and see Ron with tears in his eyes. He gives me a small smile. "Hey" he quietly says. Holding back tears. I look at him confused. "What happened?" I asked him. He cries putting his head on my hand sobbing uncontrollably. What was going on? "Ron. Love what happened ''I ask him, panicking. He continues to sob when I hear the curtain open and there stands my parents, Dumbledore, Madam Pomfey and McGonagall. My mum walks in taking my other hand tears going down her face. Madam Pomfey comes in closing the curtain behind her before looking at me sadly. "What's going on?" I ask frantically. My mum strokes my hair and I look at her in the eyes looking for answers. She looks me in the eyes and sighs.
"Honey. You were attacked last night" she says slowly. I was shocked. "What do you mean mum. I don't remember anything" I cry, not accepting what happened. She cries while swallowing before speaking again. "Honey you were also raped" she reveals and everything stops.
After that all i remember was them asking me if i wanted to go through with rape testing. To see if they could get anything to help identify who did this to me as I had to recollect what happened. I remember saying yes and going through with it. It was all a blur. I don't remember most of it. But after that I just curled back up into bed. There but not really there. I could see people talking to me but I didn't hear what they were saying. It was just a ringing in my ears. That was all that I could hear. I just kept looking at Ron as he slept. He was always touching my hand to comfort me. I know that he blames himself somehow. But there was nothing that could have prevented it.
2 days later, me and Ron are just staring at each other. We were not saying anything, just staring at each other. It was comforting knowing that he was there. "I'm sorry" he apologizes again. I sigh, shaking my head. I place my hand on his cheek stroking it. "It's not your fault, love. There was nothing that you could have done. There was nothing that anyone could have done to prevent what happened. He did what he did to me. And I'm going to have to live the rest of my life knowing that he did this to me. There is nothing we can do now. Just move forward the best that I can ''I tell him. He nods his head with tears going down his face. I lean forward placing a kiss on his lips and we hold onto each other.
A week later I had my bags packed and ready to go. It was decided that it would be best for me to spend a few weeks away from Hogwarts in order to get some help for what happened to me. I agreed as long as it didn't affect my education. I didn't want this bastard to have the satisfaction of doing that also. Saying goodbye to Ron and the rest of my friends was hard but they all knew that even though I was strong now. If i didn't get help then this would come back to bite me once again. And I knew that myself as well. With many kisses and hugs from Ron as we stood ready for me to teleport home he promised me that he will be standing there waiting for me when i get back.
And he held that promise. Because he was the first face that I saw as I stepped through a few weeks later. I wasn't going to let what my rapist did to me affect the rest of my life. I'm not going to allow myself to be defined as the girl who was raped. I'm not a victim. I'm a survivor.
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