#IDGAF we make it work purr
rygujis · 9 months
might start writing ship fics bc..... doramitsu and mitsukkai r literally rotting my brain i cannot
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
Ok hi again, I may be over doing it......idgaf I like ur shit! Good shit grade A writing. Aha
Aftercare, does it happen? What do they do?
Also....are these guys aware of their s/o limit if so do they stop😈
Pressing X for doubt
yandere ! BNHA thirsty headcannons
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, noncom/dubcon, abuse, manipulation, mind control
He’ll at least ask. He’s always careful to ask. The actual response isn’t too important. Protest that are drowned out in a moan can’t be seen as an actual protest anyway, and he always makes sure that her words are chocked in her throat. Bakugo knows his worth, he knows that each and every thing he does to her in that bed, it’s guarantied she likes it. Her pride makes her a liar, she can’t be trusted with her own pleasure, not when he knows and has proven time and time again that he knows her body and her limits better than what she does. When he has her bent over his lap, that cute little ass that he knows belongs to him, aiming to make sure that she knows it too, each time his hand comes in harsh contact with the soft flesh, feeling it up like putty in his hand as she winces and cries for him to stop. Her protests can’t be taken seriously, not when two fingers gliding up her pussy tells him all he needs to know, feeling how soaked she already is for him, all warm and velvety and ready. That’s all the answer he needs to keep going.
As far as aftercare goes… it can vary. Sometimes he’ll draw a bath with bubbles and lavender oil and light scented candles. Other times he’ll make food, where he’ll bake desserts more than anything. But there are days he won’t do much more than keep a painfully suffocating grip on her as he drifts rather quickly off to sleep. Exchanging no words except for those growls of good night and I love you. Leaving the rest for after they wake up, having an early morning where he’ll never let her sleep in, dragging her with him to shower before he has to leave, where afterwards he’ll treat her to more tender care on the bed with his face buried between her thighs in a way of apologizing for having to leave her alone all day.
She shouldn’t worry her pretty little head about anything. Dabi might look like your worst nightmare, but you’d be surprised how soft the darkness really is. He can be persuasive and disarming if and when he wants to be, or he can be foul… He likes finding a mix between the two though, they work better together anyway. Make her feel safe, but only if she obeys, and make her feel fear if she doesn’t. He won’t bite… at least not for any longer than to make her cry for him, for those precious little water-works to bubble up to the surface. Making a chew toy out of that pretty swan-neck of hers, paint it with purple, resembling what hue of mulberry-wine found on his marred skin. Nibbling on that cute button between her legs, feel her tremble in his hold and hear her gasp out his name. Or grinding those perfect little nipples between the rows of his teeth, watching her blubber out her pleas when the pressure he applies threatens to bite the flimsy nib off, feel her pussy clench around his shaft upon the anticipation and fear. Fear does such peculiar things to people, especially in the form of threats, especially when walking hand in hand with pleasure. His darling doesn’t know what to make of herself, left completely like putty in his hands, all for him to toy with and tamper and tease. Where she doesn’t dare try and make him stop, she doesn’t dare allow herself to enjoy what he’s doing either, because only mad people run into things they already know to be a trap.
He’ll hush and coo at her to stop crying afterwards, her little mind on the verge of breaking and her pitter patter heart standing on the cliff’s edge ready to jump with nothing but Dabi to hold onto, the knot in her lower abdomen already having exploded time and time again because of him. She’s such a mess, such a cross-eyed wet hot mess, his little mess and that always manages to bring a smile to his face.
If Tomura’s in a mood, as in a childish fit, she can expect no rest, because the wicked as we know get no rest, and the unfortunate sweet thing kidnapped by the wicked get no rest either. Tomura’s mood, quite like his morals, change like tidewater. Sometimes he’ll behold her precious beautiful body as though she’s made up of fine porcelain, meant to be touched and worshipped softly, where the fact of her wanting the worship or not is irrelevant. He’ll still touch and touch and let himself get carried away by how insanely soft her skin is as opposed to him. He’ll fuck her slowly, each hump meaningful and hauled out to the max as so to feel every single inch of him filling her up… Then there’s his other mood… The feeling of opposition is no less there, how unfairly gorgeous she is in contrast to how appalling he is, however… instead of it evoking worship… it evokes humorous triumph. Gut-wrenching nasty despicable satisfaction, where it brings him such inane pleasure to think that someone as disgusting as him has the power and the will to corrupt something so pure, something so pretty, and how there is quite literally nothing she can do to stop him, nothing at all… it gets his blood rushing in sadistic glee when he pushes her down on her stomach, fisting her hair while jutting into her from behind, every little salacious depraved thought growled into her ear, with no regard to her choked screams except for a wild grin, spiked to go even faster.
Not much tender aftercare here I’m afraid, he thinks it’s best to leave her alone, getting in his chair to game, taking one long last look at his cum seeping from her hole, his handprint red across her ass, still looking so pretty even with all those bruises… maybe even inspired to go for another round.
Aww. Little kitty is at her breaking point? The collar is too tight for Master’s precious pretty pet? Pussy-cat wants a break? But good kittens deserve good toe-curling eye-crossing world-shattering rewards, and bad kittens will be punished however Master chooses, won’t they? If she screams no, he’ll hear yes. If she screams stop, he’ll hear more. If she screams please, well… he’ll still hear please… It’s so unbearably cute to see her stutter and frustrate over how her words come out all wrong, as if someone’s picked her brain, pulled on her strings as though she were a puppet, changed what she wants to say, to what he wants to hear. What’s even cuter is when those large eyes of hers go all ditzy, crossing paths, that crinkle between her brows furrowing, with her tongue falling over her lips. But, the cutest thing is when her tail wraps around his thigh and leg, holding onto him in such a soft embrace when her bliss strides over her body, reaching all the way to the tip of her plushy soft tail, when her wrists and ankles are too busy being kept tied snug and firm together, as he continues to slam himself fast-forwardly into her.
He’ll erase his mind-tricks afterwards, careful to restore anything he might have disturbed or broken during their playtime. Her fluffy tail still slithered around his thigh as he pets her over her soft ears, telling her what a good little kitten she is and how proud she’s made him, feeling her shiver and jolt against him, small little spasms followed by short acute hiccups, proof of how bendable those so-called limits are when Hitoshi takes control. Proof of how good he can make her feel, so good she loses track of where she is, so good she loses contact with her mind, so good the only thing she’s still able to do is purr.
Oh… She can’t blame him when his rut rolls around the corner. He can’t control those urges. Not when she’s there, so plain and defenseless and a perfect fit for him to take all that cooped up frustration out on. He just needs to fill her each and every crevice up with his seed, make sure she’s well bred, pump her full of his cum until his balls no longer have anything left to give. He’ll hump like a frenzied pup, hands gripping her hips so tight her feet don’t even touch the ground. He’ll pound until he’s exhausted, until she’s left a swollen sweat-slicked mess, no longer able to stand straight without her weak and wobbly knees giving out beneath her. She wishes his rut and her heat could line up, so she doesn’t have to go through the same thing twice, but she isn’t that lucky, and Keigo is. He’ll be counting down the days until finally picking up those sweet tones in the air, that aroma that makes him go feral. She does him a favor by acting so shy, so ashamed, it makes it that much more fun when she’s struggling against both him and herself. All it takes is for him to put his thumb in her mouth… how she’ll begin to drool at the very first taste, her eyes losing that feral fight and falling prey to the feeling of her nerves being set on fire. He gladly indulges her needs, his heart fluttering at how clingy she becomes, how sweet, blubbering out gibberish, shapeless words that are such a good replacement for what vile things she’ll yell at him most other times.
He’ll be so hungry in the mornings after, disappointed for the lack of food in the house, but he can’t blame his darling for not cooking, not when he’s rendered her lame, she can’t very well cook if she can’t stand. He’ll order so much take-out the smell of sweat and juices soon gets coated and overwhelmed by the smell of spice and broth. Eating, regaining all his strength… that was only day one of two weeks… the rut is only just beginning.
Don’t worry, Izuku knows how much to give and how much to take, just as he knows when to give it and when to take it, and how to give and how to take. He knows what punishment is due for what crime as well as he knows when rewards are in order. And if he so happens to need to punish her… he’ll make sure she does something in need of punishment. It’s not often he needs to act on those sadistic carnal vulgar yearnings, but a bad day gets a whole lot better if he can come home and take it out on someone, especially when he gets to play with her beforehand, poke and prod until she slips up, allowing him to pounce on her the second she fucks up like a fox finally done playing with his food, his little bunny. The ends justify the means after all. He knows that it’s unfair to take his frustration out on his little darling… but… it being wrong… somehow makes it feel better. Having her blubbering on choked sobs and quaking beneath him, under his blood-soaked scarred hands, her little hole serving as such a snug and no doubt painful fit for his cock to abuse. Hearing her apologize for doing absolutely nothing at all, just to satiate his craze, all because he decided he wanted to exercise his dominance.
One thing that’s good about Izuku is that once is enough, and though that one time might feel like a million times stretching over a million days, where she’s left unable to walk properly… once he’s done, she can be sure he’s done… at least until the next day. If she hasn’t passed-out, he’ll let her cry it off when he’s done, offering no words but still comforting her by stroking her back or fiddling with her hair, twirling it about his fingers as she rests on his chest, her tears making his bicep itch with irritation, but he’ll allow her that much.
He tries being sweet, he tries being gentle, he tries mimicking the same type of softness as his darling bestows upon him, yet… although she’s sweet, she’s also so aggravatingly reluctant, and Kai doesn’t have the time nor the patience to second-guess every single little thing he wants to do. It’s impractical, it’s wasteful, it’s stupid, and stupidity as we know is a disease he can’t risk being infected with. No, better then, for him to just take the lead, for him to make the decisions for her, for him to decide her limits, up to him to decide when she’s ready to take his cock, how fast and hard he can thrust into her, how tight he can grip her wrists when she starts pushing at him, how many bruises are too many, how many times she can cum. Besides, if things go too far… he knows how to piece her together again. He hasn’t studied every single detail of her just to let all that valuable information go to waste. He’ll see to it that she’s as good as new once their done, if not, maybe even better, maybe even less reluctant to give into what he wants next time, maybe a bit more respectful of the rules, maybe a bit more understanding of who there is the boss and who there is the brittle brainless little toy.
Pain is a good cleanser anyway, despite it being bloody and gory and mixed in with tears and drool and snot and whatever else may occur once the need for his quirk arrives after his aggression causes something to bruise or break. She might think that it’s cruel that healing her has to hurt more than the wound itself, but what she needs to learn is that prosperity always comes at a price, a price that he’s all too willing to pay when she fails to live up to her potential.
Limits are made to be broken, to be conquered, in order for us to prosper. She should be grateful she at least gets the liberty to be with the one she loves, the one who loves her. She should at least be grateful that it’s not just anyone who’s breaking her limits, but him. Him and his hands and his tongue and his cock and his frostbite and his flames and his smile and his biting laughter. She knows by now that there is no stopping him when he starts, she knows that her only hope is to wait for herself to achieve that opium-blown ecstasy and ride that insanity where her skin feels like fire and her insides like ice and every touch, no matter how feather-light or how brutish and bruising, is god’s touch.
Shoto is unprecedentedly thorough and dreadfully talented at aftercare. While his darling is lying all limp and numbed-down, holding onto the prickling feeling dancing like fire-ants on her skin, she can barely even capture the feeling of Shoto wrapping her up in a fuzzy robe. His cold lips pressing onto her forehead and by the time she comes to, when she finally and woefully breaches the surface and gets reeled back into reality, right when she’s at the verge of collapsing from having all her hormones crash, her adrenaline fizzing out into nothing and she’s left feeling all cold and so dreadfully sad, Shoto’s right there, making her feel warm and appreciated and safe. He’ll light candles, scented with rosehip, he’ll already have picked out a movie, he’ll have the chocolate ready, the tea brewing in their matching cups, swiftly braiding her hair into a neat loose setup to keep it from falling into her face as he knows she’s much too drained to lift her hand, resting between his legs, her head using his chest as a headrest. If he’s being honest, he isn’t quite sure what he loves more, the play-session or the aftercare, all he knows is that one is impossible without the other… yet again proving the importance of balance.
Support me at KO-FI if you feel like it<3
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Make her scream - Part 5 - Dean - Make you scream
Request: The reader doesn't make noises when having sex so it was a challenge to see who could make her well scream. The story I wanted it to be a poker game at the bunker with several people there. Of course being a Dean girl I want him to be the one to make her scream. People I wanted to come to the poker party is Reader, Jo, Bela, Meg, Jody, Donna, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gadreel, Benny and Adam {let Adam live with the boys}. I wanted Cas and Gadreel to overhear the ladies talking with their angel hearing and tell the guys. Not believing what they heard they make a bet or something to see who can make her scream. It can be a one shot or miniseries. Make Bela a good girl and Meg cured from being a demon. 
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Rowena, Jo Harvelle, Meg Masters, Bela Talbot
Warnings: eavesdropping, bets, voyeurism, fingering, smut, unprotected sex, fluff, comforting, tension, seducing a woman Dean Winchester style
Make her scream Masterlist
“Morning.” Waving at Dean you wonder as he doesn’t wear his usual sweatpants and a loose shirt. Instead, he wears tight blue jeans and a too-tight shirt, showing off his obscene upper arms.
Your teeth sink into your lower lip and you can’t help yourself but let your eyes wander to Dean’s ass. The jeans hang loose on his hips but his ass is on full display the moment he bends to fix his shoelaces.
“Holy…” Whimpering you need to hold back your hand from wander to Dean’s ass to slap it harshly.
You can’t see Dean’s smug grin or the way his eyes darken with every heavy pant leaving your chest.
“Do you want anything for breakfast, Sweetheart?” Dean’s voice tries to break through the fog around your mind. You only stare at his wide chest, letting your eyes travel down to his crotch and back up to his eyes.
His eyelashes are longer than yours and you gasp as his hand reaches out for you.
“Y/N? Sweetheart are you okay there? You look a bit…dunno…” Dean wets his lower lip, trapping it between pearl white teeth and you whine low in your throat.
Dean plays dirty so he steps closer, cupping your cheek to check on you. Close enough to let you smell his cologne Dean breathes against your forehead, placing a soft kiss to the skin.
“No fever, Y/N. Hmm…do you feel well?” His piercing green eyes search your face as you weakly press your hands against his body, feeling his firm chest underneath your fingertips.
“I…uh…dunno…a bit hot…” Humming Dean moves his hands up and down your arms as his lips press against your forehead once again.
“Hot you say. Maybe a shower will help?” The devil smirks and you whimper as he let go of you, taking the warmth of his hands on your body away.
“Don’t think a shower will help…” Muttering under your breath you watch Dean walk out of the kitchen, swaying his hips.
Whimpering once again you bite your index fingers as Dean removes his shirt to enter the showers. His broad shoulders on full display you imagine holding tight onto him while he drives wildly into you.
Knowing Dean is the only man not interested in you, you turn around to walk toward your room while you try to suppress the urge to touch yourself.
“So…you won so far…” Jo smirks, showing you the money once again. “How about we make things a bit more interesting…”
“Jo, all men had their chance, and none made me scream. I won’t fuck Crowley or little Jack.”
You are not in the mood for another meaningless fuck so you want to end the bet, but Dean walks out of the showers. Hair damp, only a towel hanging lose around his waist he smirks at you and Jo. Giving you a wink.
Pointing at Dean your friend smirks, seeing the way you bite your lower lip as Dean walks into his room.
“How about Dean?” Bela chuckles as she joins the conversation.
“Yeah…” Meg is all in, but you shrug, shaking your head. “Why not? Don’t you want a piece of Dean Winchester's ass too?”
“Meg…he’s not into me, ‘k. Dean would never see me that way, not at all. The reason I barely had dates was…” Trailing of you fall silent.
“Holy hell, sister! Are you into Dean for real?” Jo squeals, squeezing Meg’s upper arm. “We can still win the bet.”
“Stop right now, Jo. Dean is not into me and would for sure not want me…” Sighing you try to explain that Dean is the only man in the bunker not lusting after you.
“My dear, you accepted the bet. Now go in there and copulate with Dean.” Rowena insists as you roll your eyes dramatically.
“What shall I do? Go in there, push him onto his bed and force his cock into me? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!” Angrily clenching your fists you remember the way Dean’s muscles flexed not half an hour ago.
“Dude…you got it bad for the cocky guy. Go and get him. Play dunk his dick…” Bela snorts, knowing Dean would kill anyone in the bunker to have a piece of you. “But don’t scream…”
“I hate you…all of you…”
Pursing your lips you want to avoid the unavoidable, but Crowley’s name leaves his mother's lips and you run toward Dean’s room for dear life.
“Fine. If he kicks me out of the bunker it’s your fault and one of you will take me home…”
Ripping Dean’s door open, you gasp seeing the tall hunter grabbing a pair of boxers, chuckling as you glance at his naked ass.
“Uh…Y/N? Do you need anything?” Smug grin all over his face Dean purrs the words and you slam his door shut, locking it. “Sweetheart?” Dean plays hard to get but you won’t have it.
All other guys pounced on you, got grabby and took what they wanted. Today is your day and you will take what you want.
“Yeah…you can help me by making me scream…” Smirking you slide your dress down your shoulders, stepping out of it you kick it aside before your bra drops to the floor.
Dean’s eyes darken and his cock twitches in interest as you stalk toward him, swaying your hips. Your lips are on Dean’s before he can react. You are shaking in anticipation as you dig your nails into his muscles, devouring his mouth.
“Fuck, Baby Girl.” Dean pants against your lips, walking you backward to cage you between the wall behind you and his body. “You sure…” Fingers sliding through your hair Dean searches your face.
“I’m sure…” Nervously chewing on your lower lip you feel Dean sliding your panties down your legs.
Your hands paw at his shoulders as you spread your legs to let the tall hunter slip one hand between your legs to toy with your little nub.
“You’re so wet for me, Baby…god…feels so good having you in my arms.”
Forgetting about the bet, Crowley and anything else Dean picks you up, he’s growling as you grab his cock to line him up with your entrance.
“I’ve got you, Sweetheart, just let go…” Crying out you dig your nails into Dean’s shoulders, letting him bottom out as he splits you open. “I know…feels so good…”
Whimpering you look at Dean holding you safe in his arms. He’s capturing your lips in a soft kiss, distracting you from the slight burn.
“Move…fuck move, Dean…” Pressed against the wall you look at Dean working his cock into you. He’s determined to make you feel good so he slings one arm around your back and one large hand cups your ass before he starts moving faster.
Painfully close to your high you throw your head back, starting to whimper every time Dean slides into you. He’s watching your face contort, telling you the whole time how beautiful you are or how good it feels to have you in his arms.
“No one else can ever touch you again.” Possessiveness written all over his features Dean captures your lips in a messy kiss.
Between pants, thrusts and praising your name he tries to not take his eyes off you but the way you start squeezing him tightly let his eyes flutter shut.
The sight of Dean moaning your name lost in pleasure makes you cry out his name the moment you fall hard.
“Dean…oh…please…” He’s pressing his body against yours. A wall of muscles keeps you in place as he moves faster, fucking up into you in a maddening pace.
“I’ve got you…”
Holding your body with one strong arm he slips the hand from your butt between your legs to swipe one skilled thumb over your clit and you cry out, screaming Dean’s name and you don’t care someone squeals outside the room or you got the feeling you smell sulfur.
All you can do is falling apart in Dean’s arm and watch his features soften as he spills into you.
“Fucking shit…” Your lips nip at his soft pillows, causing Dean to groan against you. “I thought I need to walk around naked for you to notice me, Sweetheart.”
“I noticed you for years…” Whimpering as Dean pulls out you try to stand on wobbling legs but Dean picks you up, carefully placing you onto his bed.
“I’ll be right back with water and to clean you up. Won’t let you out of this room for the next days or like ever…” Dean smirks before he grabs his pants to run out of the room.
Crowley grins, while the other men stare holes into Dean’s skull.
“You won, Squirrel…” Cocking his head Dean laughs as you lean against the doorframe, waving at him with your index finger.
“Damn right, Crowley. I won the first prize. Keep the money and everything else, I only want her…”
“I hate him…” Sam curses.
“Same…” All men grumble in unison.
“Fair is fair, boys. Dean won. Let him enjoy his prize…” Rowena chuckles. “We can share the money Y/N lost as she screamed for Dean…”
While Dean throws you over his shoulder the others start talking about gambling, stupid bets, and money.
Make her scream Tags
@princess-of-idgaf​, @lost-in-my-thoughs​​, @lady-tyrell, @ladyofletters67​, @meganoid1997​, @swviolinlorei​, @addictedtofictionalcharacters​, @ginger0222​, @xcastielbabyangelface​,  @mephistominion​, @katiekat-love​​, @swinchester27​​, @medussaurora​
SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​, @fallen-wolf22​, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke​, @the-is13​, @helloitsmeamie203​, @strayrosesbloom​, @thewinchesterco​, @hobby27​, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl​, @marvelfansworld​ , @sandlee44​, @hawaiianohana31​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose​ , @heyitscam99​, @flamencodiva​, @echoesofpassion​, @cocklesbelli​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @thenamelesschibi​, @lauravic​, @fandomsrourlives​, @wittysunflower​, @drakelover78​, @lemondropirwin​, @lonewolf471​, @wronglanemendes​, @spnhollis​, @void-imaginations​, @jay-and-dean​, @shatteredabby​, @juniorhuntersam​, @helpmeluci​, @neii3n​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​, @alltimesamantha​, @chonisberonica​, @supernaturalonice​, @stuckys-whore​, @shadowkat-83​ , @officialmarvelwhore​, @wecantgiggleitsafandom​, @meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon​, @miraclesoflove​, @yolobloggers​, @lu-sullivan​, @maniacproffesor​, @hollymac79​, @straycuties9​, @kayla-2000​, @ilovefanfic86​, @gracefultrenchcoat494​, @babygirls-fav​, @sadn0va​, @spnwoman​, @amiquette​, @linki-locks11​, @geekofmanyforms​, @eggingamazinglove​, @jessica-marsh09​, @spnficgirl​, @shut-themoonscone​, @thequeenreaders​, @countrygal17a​, @kteelou​, @soryuwifeyxx​, @kricketc28​, @atomicfandombomb​, @defenderrosetyler​, @shortwinchester​, @maybesomedaygayyyy​, @tmiships4life​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​, @exo-nova​, @the-chocolate-moose​, @laxe-from-outer-space​, @sabascio​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​, @the-broken-angel-13​, @bunnybaby89​, @pandabiiissh​, @maddiedott​, @fandom-imagines1​, @lilulo-12​, @theoneandonlymelol​, @mblaqgi​​, @sea040561​​, @clawsandshotguns​@differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763​​, @hhiggs​​, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags     
@spnfamily-j2​​​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​​, @butifulsoul125​​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​​, @deans-baby-momma​​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​​, @20gayneen​​, @janicho88​​, @thefaithfulwriter​​, @dreaminemz​​, @negans-lucille-tblr​​, @akshi8278​​, @midnightsilver16830​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​, @ria132love​​, @caligraphee​​, @the-witch-in-silence​​, @multisuperfandom​​, @deansgirl-1968​​, @justanotherwinchester​​, @jadesupernatural​​, @squirrelnotsam​​, @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​​, @roonyxx​​, @jason-todd-squad​​, @thevelvetseries​​, @spnsuper17​​, @adoptdontshoppets​​, @woodworthti666​​, @frederikkeborup​​, @psychicforest​​, @luciathewinchestergirl​​, @michellemxndes​​, @addictedtofictionalcharacters​​, @gabifernandessn​
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Number 1, Chreon
(Summary: I had to jump on the RE8 Chris bandwagon...but of course, I’m going the Omegaverse/Sugar Daddy route, cause why the hell not? Post-Damnation age Leon and I-Don’t-Work-For-Capcom-So-Idk-wtf-is-gonna-happen Post-RE8 aged Chris. Leon’s thirty-five or so and Chris is forty-seven. Chris is living and retired in my fic, but he’s still an informant for the BSAA. Idgaf, nobody dying in this AU.)
(I also don’t remember what the prompt was...so here’s part one of the Sugar Daddy AU)
Y’know, if he hadn’t just gotten back from a pain in the ass assignment in the Eastern Slav Republic, he probably would have been in higher spirits about this “rendezvous”. Leon grunted as he straightened out his tie for what felt like the dozenth time this evening as he sat at the table. He didn’t know why the BSAA and the DSO made arrangements for him and this informant to meet at this restaurant, but he hoped the food was good and the meeting wasn’t very long, cause he hated getting dressed up and this fucking outfit was suffocating him. He glanced at his watch with an annoyed sigh. 
Where was this guy? He was retired, right? So, why the hell was he late? Retired guys didn’t do much except golf and all that jazz, right?
“Sorry, I ran into a bit of traffic on my way here.” A gruff voice apologized, coming up from behind. 
Leon blinked, turning in his seat and following the man with his eyes and head, eyes wide in surprise. Holy shit, the guy was built like a fucking tank! He was huge! The Omega scanned over the man’s form, mouth hanging agape as the man shrugged off his jacket and set it on the back of his chair before sitting down. Leon looked the Alpha over, sipping his water as he did so. 
The man wore a black turtleneck and khaki pants and dress shoes, but the turtleneck looked a bit tight on his muscled form. It was a lot easier to see said muscles, the man looked like a goddamn superhero or a wrestler, and now Leon suddenly felt self-conscious about his own sinewy form. The Alpha had black hair that had flecks of gray hair here and there, but it looked good on him. His eyes were dark, and Leon couldn’t exactly make out the color in the dimly lit restaurant lighting. 
He had scruff around his chin and above his lip, and Leon scolded himself for wondering what that would feel like between his thighs, accidentally releasing a scent of interest. The man himself seemed to be a couple years older than Leon, but damn, did he look good for his age. 
“Chris Redfield.” The man introduced himself, giving a small smile as he caught the scent and holding out a hand, “And you’re, uh...leaking?” 
Leon had been so distracted by the handsome man before him he hadn’t even noticed that he had spilt water on his tie and jacket, “Huh? Ah, shit!” He hissed, pulling off his coat and tie, leaving him in the buttoned down royal blue dress shirt, “I’m a slob, sorry.” He accepted Chris’s hand, “Leon Kennedy. Nice to meet you.” 
“Huh.” Chris chuckled, pulling back his hand, “Is that a real name or a code name? Cause the last one gave me a code name and then didn’t give me any intel.” 
Leon froze, looking at the man before cursing once more, “Shit...it’s uh...yeah, codename. Let’s go with that.” 
Chris picked up the menu before him, giving a smile, “Well, if it’s any consolation, I won’t tell anyone your name...and I think it sounds unique.” He took a sip of his water, setting the glass down slowly as he read over the menu, “So, what do you want to know? And what do you have to give me in return?” 
Leon swallowed down the lump in his throat as he looked over his own menu, scolding himself and trying to keep it together. He offered to pay for dinner and then offer anything the man wanted in return, informing Chris that he was a pretty flexible and resourceful guy. Chris could name his price and Leon would pay for it. 
“Really?” Chris asked with a sort of purr, looking Leon over with those dark eyes, “Okay…” he looked over the menu once more before shutting it, setting it back down on the table, “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more comfortable and some place that has better food and booze than here?” 
Leon looked surprised at that, watching the man pull out his wallet and leave a fifty for the waiter, before gathering his jacket and then offering Leon his arm. Leon gathered his own coat and ruined tie, giving the elder a smile as he accepted his arm. Chris led Leon out, asking if the younger had driven here. The Omega shook his head, saying that he had taken the bus. Chris informed him that he wasn’t going to have to worry about that either, saying he would buy Leon some quality comfort food and alcohol and then drive him home. 
“And maybe we can relax and not have to worry about these damned clothes.” Chris grumbled, pulling at the neck of his turtleneck. 
Leon chuckled, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
Chris had led Leon out to his truck, holding the door open and helping the Omega into the passenger seat before walking around to the driver’s seat. Leon tossed his coat into the backseat along with that damned tie as Chris climbed into the driver’s seat, doing the same with his own coat. 
“You like burgers?” Chris asked curiously. 
“...I like you already.” Leon said with a smile. 
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not my and -
other poetry - i - come across daily - steal it mostly 
so i come to - this and wtf i wonder - about - unbroken mirrors - fear - birdsong - still havent really today - a couple chirps ty for feeding - saw a crow nest building imma think - one of mine - this morning flashback yah its just about and the air felt - im fine wait im not that bad but imma guy - sometimes a fine is just a cigar - imma doin stuff sposed to last  and make plans as best - and wtf is wrong w buying birdseed sound og to me 
havin fun w snippets - thing iz - loading vids more than a minnit takes so fukken long  - we gonna work on that - raygun sed ketchup wuz a veggie  - apropos of nada  - actually but i dont wanna make fun hurt  feelings - anyway we tawking anchovies and hail caesar - wuz ovid a roman or greek - naw idgaf and lazy - its jest the way of introducing the topic - u know the hearts and flowers and chocolate and nothing wrong w that - i got dead flowers  ( she wanted daffodils and the florist wanna sell roses - literally - thanks mick - no its not his fawlt  - and choc inna cake - she is always well supplied w her fave bars - no heart gift but if i woulda scene sum cute thing yah i woulda 
oh my yes a kitty - she even purr a bit and u know that b special still tho ever more  
so a brake from the idk whatever we duz - we always seems to flurry bizzy run crazy then - u know - life - skool - relationships and she still teenager and fukken right on cue - I SWEAR YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP  - steely dan - hey nineteen - random fukken play on my fone yearz b4 lol - she b 19 april i think  - she thinks im crazy but im just growing old - lol - but she fukken know “retha u betcha  - speakin of teenz - saw liam and sam yesterday - we b cool - maybe little wary we dont dr no how the next phase gonna - no reel to reel involvement from now  but love and they have a show next saturday  - so anyway  -spamming book in heavy rotation - idk if it amounts to any sales 
its our anniversary waiting on the unpoet - hey lazy af i dont have to remember the world duz it for me - cept at acupuncture someone forgot and has a mad wife - she just text omw and a bee 
sew i guess we rap it up  
its a fukken hallmark holiday - can b fun if u aint single or have a date and aint out of desperate  - and love 
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