nightmist-aria · 4 months
the collage/puzzle function in SN is theoretically really nice but unfortunately the godawful controls and scaling for images inside the little boxes makes it nigh-unusable
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jasonscaramel · 7 years
Safe - Negan x Reader - Part 2
[find part one here]    [if you’re new, find A/B/O rules here]
A/N: thank you for all the love on the first chapter! it honestly means a shit ton to me. ppl liking my writing??? what a concept. anyway.. enjoy! as always, let me know what you think !! xx
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics (Alpha!Negan x Omega!female reader), lots of swearing, threatening/assault-like themes (idk what to fuckin call that), and my shitty writing
You awoke to a feeling of suffocation. For a brief moment, you worried that Negan had decided that he had gotten in over his head, but once you woke up fully you realized that it was only an overpowering scent. It was musky and strong, smelling of burnt coffee and shot gun shells and some candle you used to burn before the world went to hell; it was pleasant, something you’d like to burrow into and bask in for days. Right now, though, it was so overpowering you felt as if you were choking. You gasped, sitting upright. Negan was sat on the edge of the bed, smile on his face as he watched you gasp for air. You didn’t know what was worse, the fact that Negan had been watching you sleep, or that the smell was him. And you liked it.
“Mornin’, sunshine.” The wide smile didn’t leave his face, and you sighed, forcing a smile. He stood, swinging Lucille over his shoulder. He paused suddenly, a frown overtaking his features. “I didn’t even ask you your name, how fuckin’ rude of me.”
“Y/N,” you spoke no louder than a whisper, but judging by the grin on Negan’s face, he’d heard it.
“Well up and at ‘em, Y/N. We’re home.”
Home may have been a stretch, but there was no way you could complain about a safe place to live. Safe from the walking dead, that is. You had no idea if you could trust Negan, much less his people. You still didn’t understand why he was doing this for you (or was it for him?). What you did know, however, is that pseudo-compliance on your end was going to get you far with this man, and that is exactly what you planned on doing. You uncurled yourself from the covers and climbed out of the bed, looking to Negan. He gave you a once-over and a curt nod and led you out of the bedroom, and then out of the RV. The hot sun temporarily blinded you, but once your eyes adjusted to the light, you took in the sight of the huge factory in front of you. Your gaze immediately flitted to the walkers strung up on the wall, teeth chomping at nothing but air. You gulped loudly, feeling a hand on the small of your back. You looked up at Negan, his face hard and brows furrowed.
“Let’s keep moving.” He began walking and dragged you with him, and you watched as people began to take a knee as Negan drew closer. It was strange, and cult-like, and almost everything about this place was rubbing you the wrong way.
But you continued to move forward.
Negan proceeded to show you the ins and outs of the Sanctuary, from the basement headquarters of maintenance to his room on the top floor. You were actually impressed by how seamlessly the Sanctuary ran. Everyone had a job to do to make it functional, and by the looks of it, most people did what was expected of them. It was a stark contrast against Alexandria; Alexandria seemed like a tropical vacation compared to this place. The atmospheres were so incredibly different. You couldn’t shake the feeling of longing that erupted in your chest when you thought about how trusting and forgiving Rick and (most) of his people were. You didn’t think you’d find that here.
After showing you to the cafeteria and picking up a plate of food, Negan showed you to your room. It was a floor below his, one that was relatively empty, and you were silently thankful for the space between you two.
“Normally I wouldn’t leave you like this, but we’ve been gone for far too fucking long and I’ve got some shit to deal with. Just stay fuckin’ put in here ‘til I get back, alright?” You nodded as you watched him go, shutting the door behind himself. You shifted yourself on the bed, unwrapping the plate of fruit you were given. Fresh fruit, surprisingly, wasn’t too much of a common occurrence from what you’d experienced, so this was a treat.
Once you were finished, you decided to have a look around your room. It was spacious and already furnished; a bed sat at the center, a table on its side and a dresser facing it. The dresser drawers were full of various clothing items ranging in sizes, and you decided to organize the stuff you could and couldn’t wear, making respective drawers for each. It gave you something to do, something to make this place feel enough like home to help push you through what was coming next. If you were honest with yourself, you had no idea what was coming next. You hadn’t even had time to process what happened to you the night before, yet here you were organizing your new living space. Everything moved way too quickly these days, but you were still doing your best to keep up.
Thoughts of last night overwhelmed you, and before you knew it, you were out of your room and into the hall trying to make yourself feel less claustrophobic. You began frantically wracking your brain to try and remember where Negan told you the bathroom was, before a voice behind you startled you out of your reverie.
“You okay?” You froze, turning to see the culprit. A man—an Alpha, you quickly realized—stood in front of you, at least a foot taller than you, gazing down at you. When you didn’t respond, he sighed. “You seemed like you were freaking out. Anything I can do to help?” Usually you would run as far away from an Alpha as you could, but seeing how well behaved Negan’s goons were, you decided to take a chance.
“I, uh—where’s the bathroom?”
The man grinned, walking toward you. “I’ll take you there.” He began walking and you followed, struggling to keep up with his long strides. “I haven’t seen your face around before. And I would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours.” You blushed, more uncomfortable than anything, and he chuckled. “I’m David.”
“Y/N. I’m new.” Neither of you said anything as you scaled a couple flights of stairs. David led you past the cafeteria, and when you heard showers running, you knew you’d arrived. “Thanks.” You spoke quietly, hoping he’d take the hint and leave.
“I’ll wait here so I can make sure you get back to your room.” You furrowed your brows, becoming more suspicious of him with every word he said. But maybe he was being genuine, maybe he was one of the few good guys left. Whatever the case was, you had to pee, and you weren’t going to debate the good and evil spectrum with a full bladder.
It was awkward peeing in front of three strangers, and you were more than happy to leave the bathroom. Somehow you didn’t think you would ever get used to that. To your disappointment, David was still waiting at the door. He gave you a nod, and you followed him through the twists and turns of the Sanctuary. The place was practically a maze, and you were beginning to think about just how grateful you were for David’s help.
Once your door was in sight, David spoke, “so you’re unclaimed, huh?” You froze, eyes going wide, and he chuckled. “You really think I couldn’t tell?”
“No, I just—”
“It’s easier to have a mate, you know.” He muttered off-handedly, walking you directly to your door. “I could mate you. If you want.”
“I’m sorry—what?” Was he serious?
“Just saying. It’s safer, you wouldn’t run the risk of dying in heat anymore.” He was so flippant and nonchalant you wanted to scream. Mating should be special; it should be done right or not at all. You weren’t about to let some Alpha think he was entitled you just because it was ‘safe.’
“I’d rather die than be mated to someone like you.” It was harsh, but you weren’t the type to sugarcoat things, especially since you weren’t getting the best vibe from this guy. He scowled at you, stepping closer to corner you into the wall next to your door.
“Someone like me? Oh, honey, you haven’t even seen what I can do.” You gulped, and he pushed himself closer, causing you to close your eyes. You heard a dark chuckle escape his lips before a different voice caused you both to look to the end of the hall.
“David, I swear to holy mother of fuck, if you’re doing what the fuck I think you’re doing, I’m going to give you a up close and fucking personal look at Lucille.” Negan stormed down the hallway, and David broke away from you to kneel, a terrified look on his face.
“No, sir, I—”
“You fucking what, David?” David scrambled to find words to explain himself, and Negan looked to you to gauge your reaction. Upon seeing your horrified expression, his face softened. “Get the fuck out of my sight.” He scurried to get away from you and Negan, and Negan closed the gap between the two of you, Lucille dropping to the ground as he grabbed your shoulders. “What happened? Are you okay?” The dramatic shift in his personality almost gave you whiplash. He went from being cold and ferocious to warm and comforting in only a few seconds, and you weren’t sure if you were going to survive this man.
“Yeah, no, I’m fine. He—he offered to mate me, and I told him no and he got pissed.” Negan looked perplexed at your use of ‘offered,’ but nodded understandingly nonetheless.
“Let’s get you back in your room, alright?” He leant down to grab Lucille, his free hand hooking behind your back and leading you to your door. You both walked in, settling on your bed before Negan spoke again. “These fuckheads here—they aren’t to be trusted. You’re the first Omega I’ve ever brought back; the Alphas here are used to a fuck ton of Betas. They’re not gonna fuckin’ stop, and I’m not gonna be around all the time to stop them.” He paused, giving you a questioning look, and you nodded for him to continue. “That’s why I want you to stay in my room.”
You felt like your eyes bugged out of your head. You just met the guy, and he killed your friends, but… he’s protecting you. He’s willing to protect you in a world where everyone only cares about themselves, and you had to admit that there was something about him that made you feel warm and cozy. This wasn’t a decision about him, though; this was about you and your well-being. And if there were unsavory Alphas hidden in the woodwork, you would need any bit of protection you can get.
TAGS: @shellsandspikes @expertjudgeinmattersoftaste  @jdmfanfiction @kittenofdoomage @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @quick-act-supernatural  @genevievedarcygranger @jenn0755 @dunne31 @adaliamalfoy @ravengirl94  @isayweallgetdrunk @fuckyeahsaviors @negans-network @clinicalkayla @marauderice @warriorqueen1991 @winchester-c @carlsleft-i @queenofpeonies 
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