#IDK I feel like playing up how terrible whatever Joe did or didn't do was just in a sense…
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not to parasocial on main but I Am Worried About Her!
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Rumors about Gwilym's love life are all over Internet but he always refused to disclose anything. However, after a year of a good and healthy relationship, he decides it's time for the world to know Y/n.
Request: All right doll, Could you write some Blake Shelton or/& Gwilym Lee fanfic for me, it would be awesome!! Love you and your work both of you are amazing 😉😻🌚💦
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @marvelieber-rdjr01
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: a tiny bit of swearing, ofc!Evangeline
A/N: Idk why it's taking me so much time to write, I apologize. It never happened before, I guess I've been a while without writing. If you sent me a request, don't worry, I'll post it as soon as possible. About this request, it was really special, so I put extra effort on it. I hope you enjoy <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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"Darlin'!" my friend called the barman attention by hitting the surface of the barcounter. "my friend wants a martini and..." she gave me a knowing smirk before leaning over the counter. "I want your number."
"what the hell Eva?" I hissed, not able to hold back a chuckle. She shrugged, mouthing a confused 'what now', and I turned to the barman. "she'll have wine. Just wine" I remarked.
The boy on the other side of the barcounter nodded whilst chuckling and served us what we had ordered.
"I mean, I didn't think it'd work but okay"
"yeah, sure" I teased her, nursing my cup. "anyways- what are you doing now?" I asked while she turned her stool to face the people behind us, sitting in the booths. "Eva?"
She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before actually speaking. "So there's that cute blond boy-" she was cut off by my snort, which made her nudge me. "no, listen. There's that cute blond boy and there's that handsome man staring at you shamelessly."
"wait what?" I hesitantly spun my own stool, following my friend's line of sight until my eyes met with a pair of blue ones which belonged to a tall, slim man staring at me. "shit" I muttered, rapidly coming back to my initial position. "he's hot"
"He's your type." my friend stated whilst sipping her wine. "aw now he's all bashful" she updated me, letting out a laugh. "he's no longer looking, I think he saw you staring"
"bitch" I called her, refraining the temptation of looking at the man once again. "he saw you staring"
"go talk with him" she whispered, resting her back and elbows against the edge of the counter. "he seems shy all from sudden."
"I'm-" this time, I did turn around to check on him once again, and damn, he was attractive as hell. "-not gonna do that."
"Y/n are you kidding me right now?" Eva asked rhetorically. "it's not the moment to be shy." she waited a few seconds for me to move, but when I didn't, she took the matter in her own hands.
"Eva-" I tried to stop her but she was soon walking towards the two men across the pub. "fuck"
I followed her form until she reached them, and then my eyes came back once again to the tall man, making me miss completely the way Eva pointed at me.
It was only when the mysterious man started to make his way towards me, that I realized what had just happened.
Before I had time to kill my friend, who now seemed to be very interested in whatever the blond boy was saying, the man was standing in front of me. "hey there, I'm Gwilym"
"Uh hi. Y/n" I replied, giving him an involuntary smile.
"Your... friend, I suppose?" he questioned, trying to hide his nervousness. "suggested me to buy you a drink instead of..."
"...of staring at me?" I guessed, raising my eyebrows at him, the ghost of a smirk forming on my lips when he nodded sheepishly.
"But, since you already have a drink" he shoved his hands in his pockets, taking a peek at the improvised dance floor in the middle of the pub. "do you want to dance?"
"I mean-" I opened and closed my mouth, meditating my answer. "I'm terrible at dancing."
"me too" he shrugged with a sweet smile dancing on his lips. "but it'll be funny, and if you get bored, I can walk you home" he added, extending his hand to me.
"such a gentleman" I stated, taking his hand, at first just to climb off the stool. However, he intertwined our fingers and leaded me to the middle dance floor, just in time to dance a slow song. "after all, I might not step on your feet."
"lucky me" he replied with a hint of humor in his voice, right before resting one of his hands on my waist while the other held one of my own.
We stayed like that for a long while, lightly swinging at the peaceful rhythm of the melody playing on the pub, lost in each other's eyes.
One Year Later
I was sat in my couch, wrapped in blankets and watching The Diary of Bridget Jones, when I heard my main door opening. "I'm in the living room!" I yelled, guessing it was Evangeline.
"Y/n, love!" my eyes opened widely at the sound of Gwilym's voice. "I'm home!"
"wha- how-" I attempted to move from the couch but it turned out to be almost impossible due to the amount of fabric wrapped around me. "I thought you were on press tour still"
"I am" he replied, walking towards me to kneel before the couch where I was. "but I missed you" I beamed at him, and a second later, he had leaned in to place a tender kiss on my lips "and I wanted to give you a surprise"
"awe" my hands left their cozy haven, recently found in the blankets, to hold both of his cheeks and bring him into another kiss, even though if this time we couldn't stop smiling. "I want more surprises like this one"
He then pulled away from me, holding both of my hands with his. "in that case" a mischievous grin made its way to his lips. "I might have another one" I raised my eyebrows, prompting him to tell me what he was up to. "we- the boys and I- were offered the possibility of taking a plus one with us to the Oscars"
I opened my mouth in agape, not because I had the chance to go to the Oscars —I would fangirl about that later—, but because he was offering me to go with him as his plus one.
"Gwilym" a wave of insecurities visibly washed over him the moment I said his name. "okay, first of all, come here" I pulled him up to sit besides me on the couch, and once he was there, rested my side against the backrest to face him. "I'd love to go." I assured him.
He sighed, a somehow sad smile twisting up the corner of his lips. "but?"
"are you sure you want us to be public?" I asked him softly. "because if you're doing this for me, you don't have to" giving him a smile, I prompted myself on my knees to kiss him. "I'm happy now. Evangeline, Ben and Joe know about us and that's more than enough."
"I know, Y/n" he pulled me onto his lap, giving me another kiss. "I know we're happy like this. And" his thumbs rubbed my hips, something that I managed to feel even through all those layers of fabric. "I'm the one who wanted this to be a secret but-" he bit his lower lip, struggling to find the right words. "I mean- we- now-"
I rested my cheek against his chest and leaded one of my hands to the crook of his neck to trace random patterns there, something I knew that would calm him.
"today we had an interview." he finally starting talking calmly "the interviewer asked me about my hobbies." I felt his fingers combing me hair. "and I wanted to say that I love watching TV shows with you on Saturday nights. I wanted to tell her how much I enjoy helping you cooking because I know you'll burn the kitchen if I'm not there" I slapped his chest playfully, earing a chuckle from him. "I wanted to tell her about our Sunday morning runs, and about our romantic escapades."
"sweet" I commented, lifting my gaze to look at him, who had his beautiful blue eyes on me. "and you want to be able to say those things." he nodded. "100% sure?" he nodded again, this time more eagerly. "then I need to find a dress."
"Evangeline is going to need one too" he informed me with a knowing smile on his face. "Ben is going to ask her to go with him."
"how are you so sure she'll say yes?" he snorted and I shook my head, chuckling. "yeah, don't even answer." I attempted to get up, but Gwilym tugged my arm and I fell back on the couch. "I gotta call her, Gwil."
"not now" he hugged me and made us both lie down on the couch. "I'm tired and needy." I let out a laugh, shifting to have my head comfortably laid over his chest once again. "I'm in the mood for cuddles with my amazing girlfriend"
"You're always in the mood for cuddles" I retorted, throwing one of my arms over his torso and tangling my legs with his. Meanwhile, both his arms wrapped around me, one of his hands finding it's way once more to my hair. "okay. Just for a bit"
"as you wish, love" Gwilym mumbled, already drifting off.
"okay guys" one of the coordinators of the staff called our attention. "your turn. All of you go together, but once you reach the middle section of the carpet you can split up, go solo, take pictures or whatever" he stepped aside and prompted us to walk. "first Ben-"
"Jesus fucking Christ. Goddamnit. Fuck. why did I agree? Fucking hell" Evangeline cursed in low voice, holding onto Ben's arm to walk down the red carpet.
"now Joe. Allen, you go next" they both stepped out, and finally, the coordinator turned to Gwilym and me. "Gwilym, your turn."
"ready?" he whispered, securing me by holding my waist.
"yeah I'm just nervous as fuck" I muttered, smiling for the cameras and the paparazzi that were now taking photos of us.
"I'm gonna be honest, I'm so bloody nervous too" I let out a nervous laugh and he did the same right before another coordinator stopped us to stay still a few seconds, so the reporters could take proper pictures of us. "Y/n?"
"I'm gonna kiss you, don't freak out" I didn't have time to give him any snarky reply before his lips were on mines, his hands holding my cheeks. "You're red" he stated with his eyes still closed.
"you didn't even see me, asshole" I hissed, feeling my whole face burning.
"Don't need to. I know you." he replied, pecking my forehead before letting go of me, for us to face the cameras once more. "Y/n?"
"not another kiss" I warned him, resuming our walk when the coordinator told us to do so.
"No no, at least not now." he leaned on me and whispered on my ear, "I love you"
I spun my face, capturing his lips before replying, "I love you too" with a big beam on my face, that was probably equivalent to the one on his.
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vintagemiserie · 5 years
hehe this one is long my boyz. jazz au ofc cuz its been my muse 4 the past couple months lmao. ill prob edit this and put it on ao3 tmw or in two days idk
Patrick's hand found a grasp on Joe's sleeve, and he used that grasp to pull him all the way inside, reaching for Joe's collar and pressing their lips together once the door shut. Sure, it was Pete's house, but they were all hanging out there that day, and so they could be a little more intimate. Besides, the short walk from the driveway to the front door was dotted with thrown snowballs and giggling, so if only felt natural to kiss. “Hey, boys, how about saying hi before making out?” Pete said, stepping over from the kitchen in a t-shirt and shorts just as they separated. Patrick found himself unsure as to how exactly he should respond, but Joe laughed it off, so Patrick clung to him and followed suit, a bad feeling building in his chest.
“Well, hey, Pete,” Joe said, pulling Patrick into a sweet little kiss. “Is Ash around? Or is she in LA?”
“New York, actually. She's always busy this time of the year. Is Andy coming over, too?”
“I dunno, I didn't—”
“He's in Milwaukee working with that rock band he's in,” Patrick said, his mouth going dry when he realized that he really didn't need to elaborate at all past any kind of “no, he's not coming over.” He went through what was said to him in therapy: deep breaths and considering that others won't notice the flaws Patrick found in himself.
Pete certainly didn't seem to notice. “Aw, that sucks,” He said, and Patrick allowed himself to exhale. “Okay, so, there's a band in town that I think both of you would enjoy for entirely different reasons—I was thinking dinner, then their show?”
“Sounds good,” Joe said. He put an arm around Patrick's shoulders as Pete excused himself to get properly dressed. He seemed to hesitate speaking for a moment, and so did Patrick, unsure of why he was feeling so anxious. “Are you doing alright?” Joe asked, his voice toned down with an energy different from Joe's usual laid-back attitude.
“I'm doing fine.”
“Your tone betrays your words, baby. Sorry. What's bringing you down, though, seriously? You sound terrible.”
“I 'unno, I just… something made me nervous and I guess I clung onto that—I’m fine, though, really. Most days I end up panicking over even less than this, multiple times a day, and I end up fine, so I can handle this on my own.”
“I just wanted to make sure. I know you like not talking, but make sure you keep me informed if it gets worse, okay?”
Patrick nodded, shuffling closer so he could set his head against Joe's shoulder; Joe wrapped his as around Patrick and kissed him.
“I hope you know how much I love you. I can't imagine how awful you feel, and I can barely talk to my roommate most days without half an hour of psyching myself out.”
Patrick realized at that moment that he had never considered Joe to be someone who would panic of things as inconsequential as talking to a friend, but his thoughts were processed into a murmured, “I love you too,” hoping he said it with enough conviction that Joe would hear past the barrier Patrick had between thinking and saying his thoughts.
Pete returned. “Swear, I can't leave you guys alone without you guys attaching to each other,” He said, nearly laughing. He pushed passed them and opened the door. “Okay, let's go!”
Joe seemed insistent on holding Patrick's hand as they walked to Pete's car, and Patrick tried his best to convince himself that it wasn't because Joe was worried about Patrick's anxieties, but because Joe didn't want him to scoop up a snowball and throw it at him. The attempt didn't work, and Patrick just felt bad for dragging down Joe's mood.
Dinner was pizza, and it was fine. They didn't discuss much, just talked about the music they were working on. Someone recognized them as they left, but didn't ask for much else but an autograph from Patrick. Joe packed a snowball in his hands and Patrick pretended he didn't notice, though he practically forgot about it by the time Joe threw it at him. He at least remembered to laugh instead of get upset, but a bad headache stopped him from thinking too intensely over anything.
In fact, time seemed to rush past him, and suddenly he was handed a ticket stub and Joe squeezed his hand to ask him if he was feeling okay. Patrick said his headache was getting a little better, and Joe seemed to accept that, though it didn't stop him from getting Patrick water. He asked Pete what the time was and learned that the ride to the venue, getting tickets, and entering the concert hall took all of twenty minutes; Pete pat his back and told him he'd be fine, they had a whole opener to sit through, it'd be fine.
Joe came back, giving him the water bottle with a big smile. “Some chick told me to tell you hi, and that she wished you weren't queer because she thought you were hot,” He said, and Patrick tried his best not to freak out over that. Joe bit his lip and raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything, probably not wanting to bother Patrick further, and Patrick didn't mind.
“What—ah, I still don't know who we're seeing,” He said, looking around. The audience seemed to be a mix of hippies and rockers, and it made Patrick feel almost out of place.
“Rolling Stones,” was Joe's answer.
“Oh, they did that thing with Lennon and Yoko two years ago. Are they—this seems like a small venue for a band like them, hm?”
“I guess. I think they sold out Wrigley too, though, so they must've just wanted to do a small show.”
Patrick nodded and drank more of his water.
“They're all totally your type, too,” Joe added.
Patrick laughed, and Joe's expression brightened considerably, perhaps relieved he was at least acting better. He figured Joe's panicked feelings were dissipating, which would have been good if Patrick hadn't reminded himself he only found out about those feelings a few hours prior.
The lights dimmed and the opener played their set and Patrick figured it was alright, but far too reliant on drums and guitar in lieu of good lyrics. His headache went away, at least, but he wasn't impressed. Both Pete and Joe glanced his direction every few seconds, checking to see if he was doing alright, and it was nearly tiring to deal with. People trickled in until the standing room was too tight for Patrick to really handle, a problem made worse when Joe left to get Patrick another water. Pete settled a hand on Patrick's back, probably as much a way to keep Patrick grounded as it was to keep them from separating in the crowd.
The Rolling Stones came on stage before Joe returned, and Patrick could only hope he'd get back somehow. He was right, though, the dark, shaggy hair and lanky-yet-strong builds were exactly what Patrick found himself attracted to. The music was interesting, but nothing he specifically enjoyed, so he let himself lose his focus on the music. Joe somehow found his way back, giving him the water and putting an arm around him.
“Eyecandy, right?” Joe said into his ear, still struggling to be heard over the music and the crowd. Patrick laughed and nodded. “Pete decided on going 'cause we thought you'd give it more of a chance.”
“You know, I do like some rock!” Patrick replied, struggling to yell but still keep their conversation private, since Joe stopped leaning over to whisper to him.
Joe laughed and settled his head against Patrick's, singing along to the lyrics of whatever song was being played. Patrick decided maybe he would try to focus a little, drinking more of his water and ogling at the band.
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neuropathicgypsy · 6 years
I've been remembering things... like a normal person... and unlike a normal person and forgetting things also...
I keep remembering when Matt's grandpa saw me at Putt-Putt... at least twice.
The first time he kept touching me while I was playing this kiss the frog game... enough to where I punched him and pushed him nearly down cause he kept touching me behind me where I couldn't see him and then he grabbed my arm that's when I pushed him
Then he acted like nothing happened and asked me how I played the game. I told him I would move and he could play that's when he pushed against me again and I told him to wait and i would move and he said he didn't even want to play he just wanted to know how.
What the fuck was that shit? He walked away cause he was already Hurt cause I didn't look at him Like I play the games he does.
Then I saw him again on Joe's daughter's birthday and he was behind the counter and we had this whole discussion, Joe and I did about who he was and he just kept going off so he then pretended like he was Joe's dad.
He left the same time we did... I was there with my ex husband and daughter in my exhusbands car... I sat in the back seat because we were going to get divorced but I didn't trust him alone with my daughter so we did family things so I could make sure they could be social together and she could be safe.
Then another time in my parents town we went to walmart... which wasn't normal for us and we parked far from the doors and there was plenty of room near the doors... and when we left there was a white rental car parked next to ours but way closer than I felt should be normal... and I was all super paranoid while my kid got in the car and stood on her side of the car while she got in... a lot because she got startled by him... sitting in the car... on a laptop.
I knew it was the same guy I thought was Joe's dad.
But then i saw a photo of Matt's grandpa not too long ago...
Tonight I asked Matt.... are you sure I was pregnant with you kids and it wasn't your grandpa? Cause it really seems like your grandpa is a rapist and I don't remember getting pregnant by you and shouldn't that be something I remember?
I remember getting pregnant with my daughter and I must say it wasn't the best sex in my life and in fact I was quite tired and wasn't really into it but...
But I sense all this general badness wi th my getting pregnant earlier ...
I mean... my mom did get all crazy when she realized I was and we had to call the cops....
And we were in a lot of foster homes...
But it doesn't seem right...
His answer is: Matt your gramma will read that..
well it didn't stop him from getting his ass beat when his wife was at the putt-putt with him and their friends. I think she should know the truth about what her husband does. Quit hiding behind children. It also explains why the infants were murdered. Because before I couldn't understand. I've been thinking about it at least once a week for months.
So now Matt says we had had sex after I was pregnant, in a new foster Home and I had said "finally the first time we have had sex..." and I was very tired so I didn't finish
Matt thinks he's funny so he says "what?!? Those aren't my kids?!"
And I didn't know what to say because back then, I had amnesia a good portion of the time... I had gotten pregnant in the summer then sent back to my parents house to start school. And i no longer could button my pants and I knew zipping them up part of the way wasn't going to last long and I had to tell my mom I needed new clothes and it seemed like there was some alien weirdness inside me.
So then MATT also likes attention so he called everyone he knew to brag he had had sex.... and his grandpa said something about finding out when the DNA came out whose kids they were, his or his.
And Matt said "what are you telling me, you have been raping my woman?!"
And his grandpa snap hissed, "I told you I had sex with her, didn't i?!?"
He's that old plantation type that comes from negro slaves and that sort although his family was poorer than his wife's, he understood that a "man" got his sex however he pleased and a woman had no right to disobey him. Although if his negros went on strike and didn't do all his work for him, he'd been a poor man with nothing to his name so Idk who he thought he was that his duck was made of gold plated stainless steel cause it sure wasn't anything I'd write home about except to say everyone should stay away from it...
So to this terrible old white man, rape and sex was the same thing. If he was willing then she should be, too. And if she wasn't then she had her own problems that didn't matter to him and never will.
His problems don't matter to me, either. So whatever Matt's gramma has to do, his gramma has to do.
And his gramma has always known. That's why we went to foster care, I'm quite sure.
The story always was that since I was pregnant we had to be removed from the custodial care. Maybe my mom threw a fit but really she didn't and doesn't like me much so idk. But it didn't matter either because my dad had the upper hand being military and my father. And her just being a bitch.
And so the story was since I was pregnant the people we were with (his family and mine) didn't pay enough attention to us for us to be safe.
But we had sex in the foster hones and they knew and that was supposed to be the whole reason we had to be in foster care, because we had had sex.
And we were always placed together.
I know his gramma knew so this ass hole grandpa all saying "your grand MA is gonna read that matt" as if matts grandma's feelings had ever mattered to him is absolutely ridiculous.
"I told you I had sex with her didn't I boy" as an answer to "you raped her" ..... rape culture should never had a place in our history and shouldn't have a place in our future
His gramma is all distressed and I'm like what is the problem didn't you go to the lawyer?
And she's all yes I called but he said he can't see me till next week.
I told her do you can just do one online and it's not a big deal.
She says that's what Matt had told her.
So I ask Matt well did you? She seems really worried and he said yeah and you know my grandpa isn't home.
She said that he said he will come home immediately.
(Because obviously his 4th family isn't as important as making sure he gets his money)
So I'm all what's that short little man going to do to you.
She said something I can't quite remember
And I said "oh he's like Matt, he's got that Hagan charm, makes you want to forgive him as if it was that easy"
Then we go on and she can get all th documents to file for divorce quite easily and since his family was poor and her father protective of his daughter and his family assets she could file and leave him with nearly nothing.
Since he's got multiple families across the country I don't see why he should continue to scrounge off her.
Of course he would do the whole verbal abuse calling her a scrooge and all... but really what's worse the truth or manipulation? Always the truth otherwise there would be no manipulation
He is a rapist no one likes. He's a rapist which means he forces people to have sex with him.
She tried to protect me, Matt and babies she probably never met and he calls her a scrooge. Which is absolutely untrue. She sacrificed great grandchildren and her grandchild of a son whom was murdered and still her seriously scrooge manipulation husband had her great grandchildren killed because he didn't want to lose her money.
So since he did that then I think that absolutely she should divorce him and let him call her Scrooge cause the real scrooge is him and he has destroyed many lives for his own greed and to keep wealth that wasn't his.
Instead of allowing his ass to take money for his greed and multiple families and gambling she could create a charity or memorial or scholarships or all of the above and more.
And then we will all know who is really the Scrooge.
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immrbrightsideeee · 3 years
So I just finished season 3 of 'YOU'
So under the cut off are my thoughts about it (will there be nothing, or a lot? idk yet) and will spoil the ending of season 3, so read with caution, and if you haven't watched this show for the love of all things good don't read it because this show will fuck you up
OK, so first of all
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Number 2)
So, hold on a minute. Love was so fucking manipulative to poor bloody (metaphorically and literally) Theo, I mean I just wanted to give the little bugger a big hug, there was a lot of character development from disturbing Parking Lot Sleaze to sir that's my Emotional Support Unstable Dork. I was like hE dEseRvEs BetTeR but then saw he was finally getting on with his dad and I was like, well, I can't be mad about it. Apart from the messed up place his mind would be in and the wheelchair, that ending seemed more or less OK for him.
Then there were the Connrads (i think that was their last name, I know I just saw it but it's 2:25am gimme a break). I cannot explain how happy I am that they LIVED like these motherfuckers SURVIVED and managed to stay together even though they shot each other? And people say true love doesn't exist 😂 but seriously i was so so happy they lived, i hated Sherry (i can't spell her name) but by the end I realized she was OK and Carry or whatever his name was (I'm not great with names) is a total Himbo™ and I'm here for it.
I'm happy Marienne got away. That's my entire point for her. Just happy she's safe from him at least for now.
I'm not even gonna start with Dottie.
OK which is gonna be harder to explain, Love or Joe? I'll start with Joe actually, makes no sense but neither does watching this show, so here we are (we being me writing this and the maybe 2 people who read it).
I was so proud of Joe. Psychopath and deranged stalker? Most definitely. But he was trying to get better, he saw he was bad, and he was working on it. Like he didn't kill Carry, he actively tried to save him even. I was like, "you're fucked up, but you're trying to heal and I admire that". But then the writers were like "we don't care about you, the audience, or your feelings so we are going to reverse all that character growth and just hurt you". I mean what the actual hell?? He fell so hard so fast, and i don't mean fell in love, that's not love that's disturbing obsession, I mean fell down the hole of insanity he crawled out of. I mean, he looked down it, tripped, caught himself, thought about it, then just leapt the fuck back down there. And why?? Because of "you". I just
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The ONE thing he did right in that episode *waits for my brain to process*--
The TWO things he did right in that episode where taking Theo to a hospital/at least not killing him (the bar is so low the man plays limbo with the devil on Fridays) and taking Henry to Dante and his husband. That was a good step in the right direction. Of course he then fucked it up, but at least Henry would be OK for now. The rest, i just. I'm not surprised. Just disappointed (literally the gif I used earlier).
Now let's talk about Love Quinn. I was starting to like her/at least feel very sympathetic towards her. Then she pushed Theo down the stairs and I fell of my bed in shock because that poor baby. Then there was what she did to Joe. She was growing wolfsbane the whole time??? And he knew this and was OK with it? And she murdered her first husband trying to paralyze him?? The one thing that only vaguely redeemed her was letting Marieanne go with her daughter (though were it not for Juliette she wouldn't have lived). Love literally spent her dying breath telling Joe they were perfect together (and they were!!!!!) but bad for Henry (true, also for anyone around them, they were a hazard to say the least) but he would be found out. I mean the betrayal and the plot twist when he stabbed her and flipped her and she died like James I just-
No words. Nothing. And that ending?
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Like, it was horrible, but I'm not mad?? Like I subconsciously knew how this would end and I hate it, it was awful because WTF Joe is awful, but then also it was poetic brilliance from the writers and as a writer myself (or attempting at least) I was just like. That was horrible but fucking satisfying and I hate it?
Yeah so there was a lot. Thank you for listening to my TED talk, i will be here a while longer while trying to process what I saw because all that's ignoring the gore and that really scared me I am not OK
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