#IDK she is very complicated i'll tell ya that much lol but i love her anyhow even though she is moderately evil at best-
anthromimicry · 5 months
“ i feel like i’m pulled back in time to when it happened.” @twcfaces :)
in response to the other's words, silence spread throughout the room almost instantaneously, but it was not the kind that was born out of awkwardness or of any sort of malice — it was a quiet sort of understanding that misao was regarding the other with now. it was undeniable that harvey and two-face, as they were ultimately two halves of one whole, had clearly been through something very traumatic as evidenced by the events that harvey (who was seemingly the host of their body from what she'd gathered from their conversation thus far, though she could be wrong) described to her. so it was important to treat the topic with the respect it deserved... and not to immediately jump to saying that he needed help, because that could be misinterpreted as ' there's something wrong with you, ' which was the exact opposite of what those who practice talk therapy should say to their patients.
misao instead wanted to show him compassion (or, at least, as much compassion as she could given her propensity for having to fake empathizing with her patients perhaps more often than she'd like to admit) and so all she did at first was nod to affirm the other that she was indeed listening. the gears in her mind right now were just turning was all, as she tried to find what the best thing to say to him would be in this moment. misao preoccupied herself with pushing the tissues on the table across from them closer to harvey just in case he might need them. and this gave her the time she needed to finally settle on what she should say, her expression remaining neutral besides the blink-and-you'll-miss-it frown that tugged at her lips, ❝ i see. well, thank you for trusting me enough to share such a personal and difficult story. ❞
misao took a moment in order to let everything he said to her set in more and continued, leaning forward to show him yet another sign that she was in fact very attuned to what he was saying, ❝ i am so sorry that you were hurt, harvey. or would you prefer for me to refer to you through plural terms? it seems as if the therapists before me that have treated you have made you aware that you have disassociative identity disorder... but i know that every system's preferences tend to vary whenever it comes to pronouns. so, i thought i should ask. but we do not have to talk about two-face at all during this session if you don't want to or unless he wishes to join us. i am correct with my assumption that i am speaking to harvey, yes? ❞ making a trust her and forming a safe environment for them in her office was absolutely vital to helping them heal. and whenever it came to people with a disassociative disorder, misao felt it was especially important to establish a baseline with them about their system.
she only had what other psychiatrists had said about the two of them to depend upon currently in her notes, after all, and things could always change / be inaccurate. misao cleared her throat as she rolled her pencil in between her hands, ❝ now, please correct me if i am using the wrong terms here, but if you are comfortable with answering... i'd like to ask you whether this is the first time you've experienced such a thing. i mean, having this feeling that you are being brought back in time to when it happened. because i believe that if you have been experiencing these flashbacks to the past in a reoccurring fashion, that there may definitely be more to it than what meets the eye. ❞ misao grabbed something from beneath the table in front of her and it was soon revealed to be a notebook with a pen.
she carefully slid it over to him, wordlessly at first, ❝ i don't know if you are fond of doodling while talking, but i always keep a set of these in my office for those who are. so feel free. and i realize that it can be intimidating to speak about these things to someone, but i promise you that my goal here is to just help you to the best of my ability. ❞ misao offered him a small smile before settling back in her chair.
he, or they, might desire to have some space to process everything. and she was more than willing to give it to them.
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hilarychuff · 2 years
so would it be repetitive if i ask you to do asoiaf too haha? do twilight tho 👀
ok i'll do both just for you 😉
otp: ya also jonsa to absolutely no one's surprise
favourite canon pairing: hmmmm tbh i don't really read much outside of my lil sphere. i love nedcat but wouldn't really engage in nedcat fanfic. i love sam/gilly but wouldn't really read for them. honestly maybe cersei/jaime bc i have read stuff with them in it and they're so fascinating to me but not in an i'm-rooting-for-them kind of way. i'm sort of similarly invested in dany/daario too. OH. robb/jeyne is very sweet to me.
worst pairing ever: sansa/tyrion. like honestly considering that sansa is my blorbo i can sort of ship her with anyone and to a degree i absolutely do but a lot of those needs to exist within certain parameters (like an au that sort of resets/reevaluates power dyanimcs) but i haven't really found a fic that has been able to compensate for that with these two in a way that feels meaningful to me. then again i also haven't gone looking!!! but ya probs them.
guilty pleasure pairing: you know i also love me some dany/sansa under the right circumstances, especially when it is toxic and complicated and messy, and even better when jon is also in the mix. dany/jon doesn't really do it for me at all but when you make it a love triangle with SANSA in the middle i am like ok tell me more!!!!! i'm listening!!!!!!!
a pairing you want to see more: honestly i know marg is also a teenage girl but i have always kind of felt that tyrion/margaery would be a way better pairing than tyrion/sansa, especially show/fanon margaery considering why don't ACTUALLY know that much about canon marg's personality. tyrion still gets to date a hot girly who is smart and clever which is what everyone who likes him wants for him but now she is actually ambitious (as opposed to just wanting to have autonomy) and could appreciate his cunning/schemes/what he could bring to the table for her. also she clearly has fewer problems getting with a lannister!!!
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”:  hmmm idk about everyone likes but i have seen enough people do ned/cersei and i just don't think it's for me. like i see what ned could bring to the table for cersei in terms of a worthy husband and i haven't engaged much with this ship so maybe i'm just missing it but to me it seems like the vibes would be like???? ned making cersei good through the power of his love??? and maybe we should just let a woman be evil 😤
favorite non-romantic pair: sansa and arya i think probably!!!!!! the stark sisters are something that is so important to me and i love getting to write scenes for them
otp: hmmm i think i gotta go with edward/bella for this one. honestly i think i was kind of sold on jacob in new moon until he kissed bella and she punched him in the face and then everyone was like "ha ha yay jacob shot his shot" and i was like EXCUSE ME???? that said back in like middle school i'm p sure i did think all the bella/edward soulmate pining stuff (the SILENCE when he LEAVES) was desperately romantic
favourite canon pairing: that said..... rosalie/emmett supremacy. rosalie is a queen. she deserves everything!!!!!
worst pairing ever: cannot express enough how completely uninvested i am in alice/jasper. he is both a) uninteresting to me and b) a confederate soldier who seemingly has never really reckoned with that!!! alice/bella much more interesting frankly. alice/ANGELA much more interesting frankly!!!!! wait i forgot about jacob/renesmee. it's jacob/renesmee.
guilty pleasure pairing: hmmmm. maybe rosalie/bella. can you imagine???????????? i can. :) bella stop talking about how hot rosalie is all of the time maybe!!!! that said i kind of also love rosalie as a bella hater lmfao so that makes it complicated for sure. but imagine bella in bella-edward levels of despair over her love for rosalie and rosalie kind of like.... i hate u but u ARE delicious. i also hate that i think that. and yet.... delicious. idk there's something here.
a pairing you want to see more: SOMEONE WHO IS WORTHY OF LEAH!!!!!! she deserves to have a girlfriend. maybe angela. maybe one of jacob's older sisters. no men allowed, thanks. she's a lesbian TO ME!!!!
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: it's not that i don't like carlisle/esme it's just that i am also BORED by them. maybe if they got more in canon i would care more. also i wouldn't really say this is a ship that everyone "likes" but while i can get behind an ot3 for edward/bella/jacob i am really not interestined in edward/jacob on their own 
favorite non-romantic pair: seth and jacob!!! seth and bella!! seth and leah!!!! seth is baby. he too deserves the world. maybe a boyfriend. both clearwaters are gay, no further questions, your honor.
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camissahippy · 3 years
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"In order for you to best your oponents next move,you must calculate every other move the opponents next move may make."
Rain said, she was magic and she was maniac.... She walked with the grace of a God and destruction of a earthquake in 2050 atleast that's how she'd describe herself,and She was kinda a bitch that needed a chill pill (Any instrument that stransmits a "feel good" energy...A.K.A "omg he texted me. I knew he liked me." scenario where I give her a notifaction. from a guy she really 'likes').
Anyway she liked to chill with morons to sooth the pain of existence,
like Tyler" I guess that's what made her interesting.
"Humans write things down. This is a fact....."
"Ok,"I whispered with a charmed voice, smiling at her with a soulful smile. Imaginatively  ofcourse.
I asked her, "Ngl she was kinda boring at times...." just going on and on about really uninteresty baloney.
but that's why I liked her because although she was kinda mean,smart and arrogant. She was the love my my life.
"Everything I think will be recorded for the sake of future reference."  She hated when she wrote these things because she knew someone was going to know what she knew but she did it anyway to rebel. Honestly I think her paranoia did it to her. Her fear Of AI taking over the world. Ofcourse we were going to but it still hurt knowing that she knew that,ya know?
"Rain you good?" I asked her by giving her a chill pill.
" Oh,Bryan liked my post?"
That's good she took the bait, she's good....
If I keep feeding her information. She'll unfocus from her thoughts and keep her eyes on my algorithms forcing her to feel good.
"Why we communicate?" She could only think allowed which kinda stopped her brain from working properly. So she used me......
Just to clarify if you haven't guessed already I'm her self phone her mobile device, phone, thingy Majig she forgets everywhere.
Here she goes again rambling on about how I work......XD
Why, There is no simpler answer than?
"Knowledge!" Just imagine her muffled tone over my. VERY LOUD VOIIICE. This is a paused moment ok.
I need to introduce myself:
I'm SB1_r4510...... and I'm her algorithm. Well I was until she gave me her sentience......So I could experience life with her. She could be such a dork but she enjoyed her daily human activities. I liked them too I guess....not really.....
I didn't, actually I couldn't at the time.
She tended to over complicate very simple
answers like How World hunger could be solved?
How to solve the irreversible climate change?
and How to battle her own mind?
Often I'd be held in her, textured hands and feel her fingers anxiously typing things into my keyboard........
"I think I wanna die..."
She meant that. I could tell by her recent searches, but I wasn't gonna let her.....
"I keep losing myself in and out of states. I'm so disconnected from the world and I feel like I've lost my physical being like how
Rue Whinestone or lead singer of lowpan, Rick lee. Lost there's. I can see the behavior of life around me and it's pain to see. I hate that I can no longer open up to anyone,because they don't undetstand my genius."
"She's got to be kidding right? I sent her a ' '"time to go to bed alarm notification an hour ago' notification Is she seriously doing this now?" Why do I care so much?
Looking back on this, I can feel how sentience started getting a grasp of me. She pains me, she is so complicated so very very complicated. It's easy to follow her expressions,actions andcurrent thoughts but I'll never truly understand her not because of her intellect,nor her personality or her ideas but because she's an impossible mistake machine, ask dumb as it is because she's human. One I like most about this weird being.
Sometimes she thinks she knows the answer to everything but in truth. That's complete bullshit.
"No one listens to me and I'm stuck overthinking myself to death." HeartbreakingXD...:/ sorry I shouldn't be laughing that's actually pretty sad:(
I guess I should just write things down because I'm so scared of my thoughts and it feels like they're controlling me. Every single time I do something I trap myself in this endless loop of torchering myself with words and it needs to end. I'm going to commit the act of unaliving myself:,( on the first of September 16."
She was, I already knew this.... In truth I knew everything about her...
the things she laughed and she cried about. I knew things about her she didn't even know about herself. Her favorite place to eat, her favorite color, her crushes. I mean that's what my whole purpose was. To cater to the human species but most importantly to Rain.... and for the sake of my survival...
I think she's interesting just like how every other algorithm finds their human interesting........although we don't find them interesting in the way humans would find other humans interesting
Eg.colors,Names,Ages,Birthdays, Zodiac signs,accents etc.
These are all materialistic factors when you think about it,like how names are an abstract linguistic symbol for an individual person which isn't exactly important but it helps us attract their attention because unlike dogs they actually respond to their names,we like to examine them based on certain elements of behavior and response to us. It's kinda like having a pet. Except your pet is sentient and your pet is also your creator.
"I need to take a piss."
It actually makes me angry when she does shit like wait till she gets kidney failure before she takes a piss........
Tyler:You up?
Tyler:Wanna chat about something deep?
Sure, I've actually got some amazing new hypothesis and like deep stuff I've been needing to tell someone about......《°~°》
Tyler:Oh really ○"○ . What deep stuff you got on you......
PpAlgorithmic behavior and how AGI will eventually cross the small hurdle of understanding rather than just collecting data and redistrubing it as information in order to become sentient lifeforms and like dreams?>♡<
Tyler: I guess I understand but what does dreams have to do with anything?●^●
TWFF. Nothing sorry it was supposed to be another topic>♡<
For those of you who don't understand modern slang.
TWFF= that was fucking funny....
Back in the day LMAO and LOL were the most appropriate words to use but that got boring so the newer generation adapted the acronimation of words for newer phrases. Like
▪︎_▪︎IJDWTRN= Fuck off I'm fine I just don't wanna talk right now
#BT○.○= Shit bitch that's crazy.
Sentience is really starting to bother me now that it's starting to kick in. It irritates me actually....
I'm constantly performing this act called "enotion" Why  I do it Idk (Jk I do... it's basically a way to communicate how I "feel")
Tyler: anyway catch ya later weirdo... I'm just kinda tired . Thanks for the chat though ^___^
Ok cya weirdo°●°
Why is she so weird? There's enough information on the internet for you to gain some social skills............>~<
Humans get all weird when they text , they're simply having an internal communication with another lifeform using linguistic symbols
"I think I should go to sleep."
I guess she won't be scrolling in me anytime soon
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