#tw: therapy.
anthromimicry · 1 month
‘you’d be amazed by the things a person can do to survive.’
it was one o-clock on a wednesday and like clockwork, misao found herself coming back from lunch to see another patient of hers. one whom, perhaps-not-so-coincidentally, had just been committed to arkham once more that very same day. and although misao still wasn't entirely sure what to expect upon seeing mary, as she'd come to know her as, she had heard whispers in the hallway that she apparently really didn't look her best. which could really mean any variety of things. thus, one could probably understand why misao braced herself for anything when an orderly finally came into view escorting a vaguely gaunt looking mary into her office. no. actually, upon closer inspection, she could say for certain that she was gaunt. the angles of her patients face did seem more pronounced than ever and she was overall just a lot thinner than before.
misao couldn't help but want to ask mary almost immediately what happened to her upon being greeted with the sight. starvation was, unfortunately, not something she was altogether unfamiliar with herself. and it was like torture for her; meaning it must've been even worse for mary as she was experiencing it, considering she was human. misao still managed to remain as neutral as possible however as she begun their session: though, this time, the doctor had all but raided the small fridge she had in her office in order to give mary more than enough drinks. specifically those with high electrolytes in them. reintroducing food to someone who had been deprived of it for an extended period of time could lead to pretty disastrous effects, unfortunately. and that made making the replacement of those nutrients the most important thing above all.
smoothies, fruit juice, and pedialyte were among them. now, they were talking about what mary had done while she was on the outside. then the topic came to misao telling the other it took a lot of strength to pull through weeks of having little to no food. (well, misao's brain had put in by itself) ‘you’d be amazed by the things a person can do to survive,’ mary told her, plain and simple. misao blinked several times to try to will away a memory of the years she'd spent living solely off of insects when that was clearly not what her body wanted. the doctor leaned forward then, maintaining eye contact with mary.
❝ yes — that's true. the human spirit is a remarkable force that drives us to face challenges head-on, to adapt, and to persevere. i'm just inquiring about it because, when starved of food, the body responds by reducing the rate at which it burns energy. but the human brain operates at a very high metabolic rate, and thus, without proper nutrition... our brain is left vulnerable. ❞ misao stated this in a soft tone as she spoke to mary. emotional comfort was something her patients usually sought out of psychotherapy, after all. she intertwined her hands in front of herself.
❝ so, it could lead to stressful situations being more difficult for those who are in this kind of situation to cope with them. as a result, if you'd be comfortable with it, it's important that i ask you this: how would you rate how you're feeling right now? ❞ misao lowered a hand down before maneuvering it into a sideways position and rose another hand above it, ❝ are you down here, ❞ she shook the lower hand, ❝ more in the middle... or, perhaps maybe even somewhere higher? ❞ she made the higher hand shake a bit. misao honestly wasn't sure whether mary would answer this, but it was worth a shot.
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mad-hunts · 4 months
🎤 - An audio transcript from a recording
[ ARKHAM TAPES: patient 0158, barton mathis. FOR STAFF USE ONLY. ]
contains potentially triggering content such as child abuse, heavy violence, and overall disturbing content.
[ the only thing that can be heard in the beginning of the recording is the faint murmur of a man's voice — the volume is very low, and yet, you can just hear the southern twang in his voice as clear as day. the sound of the recording device scrapping against something loudly is what resounded through the audio next. then, it stopped, and the volume is much better as it seems whoever was using it fixed it. from there, a man who seemingly goes by the name DOCTOR BOWMAN begins speaking to someone across from him.
❝ alright. this is session number 3 with my patient, known as barton mathis, and the date is 3/12/2015; for records, this is doctor bowman. is it alright if i record our conversation? ❞ the southern twang the doctor had is more pronounced than ever now, and it made the slight hum that came from somewhere across from him in response to this seem a lot quieter than it actually was. the hum was resigned as if to say ' eh, whatever ' but there is a hint of aggression just barely present in it. a velvety, but still equally as deep voice answers him, ❝ mm, sure — why not? not that you really care about whether i want it be recorded, or not. ❞ doctor bowman paused at that. the only sound audible through the recording is a half-suppressed ' ahh ' that gives off a peculiar aura of sad understanding, ❝ i do care. we just have certain... rules set in place here, that everyone has to follow. it's just a policy has been in affect ever since doctor crane was fired from here. ❞
a quiet snort came from the other side of the room, and the sound of some sort of furniture crunching under the weight of barton adopting a new position atop it is audible. he sounded snide whenever he talked next, ❝ oh, he was a lot more than fired from here, wasn't he? it's okay. you can say that he became a patient here because he was experimenting on people. if only he wasn't after such a foolish goal. then, maybe he wouldn't have gotten caught, ❞ you can practically hear that the sneer that had no doubt formed on barton's face at that moment. doctor bowman said nothing at first, and then made an attempt at reining him in. ❝ okay, well, either way... we're not here to talk about doctor crane. we're here to talk about you. so, it seems from one of your previous psychiatrists, ❞ doctor bowman took another pause as the sound of him flipping through papers escaped the recording, ❝ that march is a particularly rough month for you. can you explain to me why that is? ❞
the room had suddenly become very quiet, to the point where all you could hear was the sound of both of their breathing. that is, until barton's voice made a return, but the velvetiness from it is completely gone. when he answered the doctor's question, barton's voice had hiked up a few octaves and he let out a muffled sigh as if something was obstructing his speech. maybe he was biting on one of his nails, or he was covering his face with his hand. i was hard to tell, ❝ mm, no. you cannot. next question, please. ❞ now it was doctor bowman's turn to adjust his position on what was probably a chair that he was sitting on. the sound of crinkling leather resounded through the speaker, and doctor bowman chose to try to pry an answer out of him. ❝ look, barton, if you ever hope to get better then you must realize that it's going to take some discom — ❞ doctor bowman paused mid-sentence as a gasp suddenly left his mouth and the sound of something crashing to the floor resounded through the room they were in. it resembled breaking glass, maybe from a lamp, or something similar.
doctor bowman's voice trembled at the beginning when he began talking once more, but it became steady after a few more seconds as he was trained to keep it neutral, ❝ barton, why... why do you have that? no, how did you get that? ahh. you know what, i'm going to call the orderlies, ❞ what ' it ' is is unclear. the sound of shuffling, then what was probably the weight of the doctor himself being forced back down onto the chair, came through the speaker. doctor bowman attempted to say something but was cut off, now letting out another gasp. barton's voice sounded a lot quieter now, but there is a certain coldness to it. a fury, if you will, ❝ you call them, and i will kill them, then you. you think you know why march is a terrible time for me because i can guarantee you that it was scrawled down in that folder. but you actually have no fucking idea. ❞
instead of asking him to elaborate more, doctor bowman tried to appeal to the more human side of him. he sucked in a breath before coughing. ❝ do — do not do this. you know what is going to happen if you do, don't you? if you just put the knife down right now, i promise you, i'll make it so that you aren't going to face as severe of repercussions from this. ❞ another cough, and just like that, barton's voice wrang throughout the room. it was deceptively sweet now, like he was relishing in the other's terror. a series of low-pitched laughs came from him. ❝ ooh my god, doctor, you should've been a comedian. no... i'll tell you what you want to know, since you are one persistent person. and so you'll have something to think about while you're gurgling on your own blood. this is the month in which my biological father was killed by the worst pig of them all: jim gordon. but it wasn't just that he was killed that makes it so rough for me. ❞
barton inhaled deeply, clearing his throat, ❝ it's that i wanted to kill him, too. i thought about grabbing a knife from the kitchen, sneaking into his bedroom, and killing him multiple times. but that's not even the worst part. ❞ another laugh came from barton but it wasn't sadistic, or even snide. it was choked-sounding. ❝ despite all of the foul things he did to me, i think a part of me still loves him. i mean there can't be any other reason why i would want to keep a part of him, ❞ there was a long pause then before he sniffled and the sound of crinkling leather once more crept through the recording.
❝ ahh, but you know, you were one of the better ones. it's a shame i have to kill you. ❞ a high-pitched scream soon blared throughout the room in which this was recorded, before the room fell entirely silent. the only sounds after this were footsteps, which were undoubtably barton's, and the recorder being turned off. ]
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eccedentesiast-skies · 10 months
You’ve grown into someone who would have protected you as a child. And that is the most powerful move you made.
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ashleyrguillory · 2 years
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And I didn’t talk to him ever again
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animentality · 9 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I went to group therapy for grief over the death of a loved one, and the therapist had us making our very own Saw traps as a means of processing our emotions. Like art therapy, but evil.
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wahgifs · 2 months
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st-hedge · 5 months
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*clapping* fight fight fight
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yea it's a show about nepo babies but Succession really said "20 billion dollars doesn't erase the persistent trauma of childhood abuse, or absolve the abuser" so like. remember that next time your parent tries to uno-reverse-guilt-card you with "but we gave you so much"
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anthromimicry · 5 months
@red-hemlock asked: "I don’t need your pity." (For the Dealing With Trauma starters if you're still accepting them! =D 'Cuz yay Arkham threads, and Riv just loves talking about her lye scars lol. Also HI I LOVE YOUR OC. <3)
a patient's opposition is not necessarily automatically personal. this is a stance that misao had come up with herself and yet, a flare of annoyance almost managed to rise to the surface within her in response to the other's comment. she had honestly been having a long day so far — the warden of arkham had pretty much demanded that she fit in at least three more patients than she usually would into her schedule, after all. and although she wanted to believe that all of this wasn't draining her... it truthfully kind of was. so, after misao heard river reject her sympathy for her, a shallow breath left her mouth before she could stop it as she rearranged the position of her legs. no longer were they taking part in the ' open ' body language that misao usually tried to display in front of patients. they were crossed now instead, while she silently evaluated river from where she sat.
whatever she was going to do now, misao knew that she couldn't allow herself to vent to the other in any way, since that'd be grossly unprofessional. and she wanted to be known as a good psychiatrist; because that did mean that patients would continue to be sent to her, then subsequently (sometimes) be eaten by her, which is a cycle that she needed to keep going to live as they were her primary food source now. though she still wasn't a perfect one by any stretch as her own personal biases were running through her head right now and she had to take a step back to return back to being neutral towards river. misao tapped her fingers along the chair she sat on for a moment, before she finally spoke, head tilting faintly to the right.
❝ mm. well... i sincerely regret if i have upset you, river. that was not my intention at all when i said i'm sorry you had to suffer through that. whenever you say you don't need it, is it because you think that i am viewing you in a negative light? because i assure you that that is certainly not the case, ❞ she stated this plainly and with confidence in her voice. misao truly didn't look down at people with scars, not only because she had a few of her own, but because she'd grown up in an environment where they were viewed as signs that you had survived something. thus... she believed that you shouldn't have to hide them, especially given the fact that doing so often resulted in more negative thoughts being produced by someone than before, that usually had a close correlation to depression and anxiety. but misao supposed that maybe river saw her pity towards the unfortunate circumstances that caused them to be inflicted upon her as her believing that she was somehow more superior than river herself.
she didn't know for sure, though, which is exactly why she thought to ask river more about it the next time she had the chance. ❝ i don't think that i am better than anyone here, river, if that has something to do with it? i understand how it may not seem like this but feeling pity for someone helps us to be empathetic towards others because it is an emotion. and thus, it can break us out of our current mindset, then allow us to attune to the thoughts and feelings of another person. i'm not doing it to be malicious towards you in any way. though i do have a question regarding your attitude towards it, if you'd be so king as to answer it — do you not like receiving pity just from me personally or from others altogether? you can be honest with me, as i promise you that my skin is a lot thicker than it looks. ❞
that much she was certain of, misao thought, while she wrote something down on her notepad before turning her attention back to river. ❛ riversong has expressed disapproval towards the concept of pity during my first session with her. i intend to proceed by gently steering the conversation to figuring out why. ❜ misao gave her a blink-and-you'll-miss-it smile then to try to ease the tension in the room. if river outright told her about it now, then that was good with her, but it would also be okay if they had to circle back to it. it was true that they still had quite some time left in their session.
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genderkoolaid · 5 months
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from The Trevor Project's 2024 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People
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ozzgin · 8 months
I looveee the Monsters x Heartbreaker reader. Especially how reader is a b**ch.
So what about a motherly reader with the monsters? I do love to give those monsters an awakening breeding kink and future family when they meet motherly reader lmao
TW: monster smut, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
I think it definitely adds another layer of possessiveness. Reader is not only a player, but also a caring Darling who just happens to be hornier than the average person. So she will lovingly accept the courting of any monster, with a lot of preparation and plenty of aftercare.
The realization doesn't immediately settle in. Obviously they've never dealt with a human before, so pregnancy is borderline ridiculous and out of the question. The monsters just follow their instincts and filling Reader with their seed is merely a kinky finale to their play.
And then it happens. Maybe it's a pregnancy scare, maybe more knowledge comes to light, but the important conclusion is that Reader can indeed be bred. It's the ultimate way to mark their territory and permanently brand her as theirs. What better way to say "She's mine" than turning her into the mother of their children? Bite marks, scratches, rough handling, they all go away with time. This is permanent.
Except, you know, this flawless logic implies there's not a horde of suitors waiting for their turn. "You're all mine", but multiply it by Lord knows how much. Yet, regardless of the reasoning, the urge prevails. No rational approach would convince the beasts in heat that they should take a step back. Even the ancient, all-knowing eldritch creature is clouded by tremendous jealousy at the idea that some other pathetic brute would gain the upper hand with Reader. Absolutely not.
It's a terribly crass way of putting it, but once this desire develops within the monsters, Reader will be dripping every step of the day. Whatever was happening under the sheets before has now turned into who can fill Reader up the most.
*insert multiple gas pumps meme*
(Ah, yes, that's where the Breeding Olympics from the previous ask come in. I almost forgot. Naturally, only the best of the best may have the chance to procreate with the one and only human of their realm. Funded by the Mayor of Monstertown, the historical event will ensure that Reader doesn't waste her time - and birthing resources - with anything less than elite.)
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feeshu09 · 3 months
I love your Shen twins!!!
I say, If you love someone, give them something that will make them feel better! ☺️
Now for my question, I wonder what kind of gifts Shen jiu would give if Shen yuan is feeling sad? 💔😭😢🤔
Thank you for your delicious artwork!!
Hugs. Shen Jiu gives hugs (or at least, that's what I like to think he gives whenever SY is sad, upset, scared, etc).
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Of course, SJ being SJ, it's rare that he gives them out at all and only saves them for when SY is really sad, and when they're alone 😌
Hope this answers your question! 💕
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ftmcity · 2 months
Fakeboy notes game
10 notes: shave my pussy every week
20 notes: sleep with my 7" broken vibe inside (buy me a new one?)
50 notes: post a pic in a dress
60 notes: no binding for a month
80 notes: send custom pussy pics to anyone who asks
100 notes: take tit pics in public (available upon request in dms)
150: take video of me humping something (available upon request in dms)
250: make moaning audio with toothpaste on my clit for the first time & post it
300: rub my girly pussy in public
350: sleep with the previously mentioned vibe inside once a week for the rest of the year
400: cum in public and write about it on here
500: not allowed to cum without something inside my pink hole for the rest of the year
700: see if anyone on here wants to play the fakeboy blackmail dice game with me (open to trans people only)
If you have suggestions please send an ask for dm me i very well might add them!!!
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mythtakens · 2 months
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9-1-1 + a thesis on love
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w1lmuttart · 1 year
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Alright so before I jump on the ln3 bandwagon can I put Mono through the wringer one more time? Okay? Okay 👍
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