menlove · 6 months
when u go down an insane research rabbit hole and you just have to sit there Knowing Things now. insane how the mind works.
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parfaitpuppymogai · 2 years
ₓ˚. ୭ ○◦˚. .˚ₓ☆ soft fuzzy mogai 。・:*:,。・゚☆
♡ intro & tagz, boundariez, byi, dni ♡
reqs: 0/0 - inbox closed (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
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(art by aimkidblast, i dont support her beliefs regarding endos though.)
hello there!! my namez r everett, modify & fuzzy, n thiz iz my mogai blog!! i primarily uze neoz + they/them primary, and my secondary priority iz he/it!!
im nonbinary (demiboy/genderfaun/paraboy/idk + many many xxenoz)!!
sexuality wize, im vincian/gay (nwlnw), and aspec & arospec!! :3c
(yes i use the green and blue flag, and i will never not use it. if you dont like it block me.)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ i will do 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ coining (💕 a trick of the light to love you tonight)
♡ coining reqs (💝 although i have no arms to hold you in)
♡ themed gender liztz (💖 im not like other guys who have a surface)
♡ moodboardz/ztimboardz (💓 a shimmering puff of indistinct love)
♡ iconz (💞 whats better than the vague embrace of a soft fuzzy man?)
♡ pronoun/name suggeztionz & checkz (💌 i know it sounds crazy)
♡ chatting/misc poztz (💗 so please baby please baby step into the mist!)
♡ reblogging thingz from my old acc that im ztill proud ov (🍥 ghost town)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ i will KNOT do 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ anything 2 do with groupz im not apart ov
♡ coining 4 harmvul/hatevul identities (exx. dream minecraft sexual, clovergender, etc)
♡ anything on the blacklizt
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ boundariez 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ due 2 my anxxiety involving death threatz n hate mezzagez n the like, i do not allow anon azkz, srry ómò (thdr@m@s amirite...) iv u want to req something anonymouzly plz dm me it!!
♡ i haz a topic blacklizt which basically has everything i revuse 2 make terms based on, plz do not suggest anything on the topic blacklizt!!
♡ le dni appliez 2 anyone who fits it, idc iv ur public abt it or not
♡ iv ur on my dni plz do not uze my termz, and do not recoin/"reclaim"/baztardize them!! (n plz do not complain abt it to me iv u r pro-endo. u already haz tonz ov alternative labelz 2 use az most ov the mogai community iz unvortunately pro-endo.)
♡ u can repozt my termz p much anywhere, EXCEPT 4 fandom wikiz. but PLZ credit me and specify that i do not want endoz uzing my termz!! (exx. "coined by softfuzzyaemogai on tumblr. the coiner is uncomfy with nontraumagenic systems using their terms.")
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ b4 u interact 。・:*:・゚☆*:・,。・:゚☆
♡ i do not tag/cw swearing/provanity, however i do tag/cw reclaimed slurz.
♡ i am a furry, iv ur uncomvy w that plz just fucking block me.
♡ iv u bring up anything on the topic blacklizt towardz me plz censor it!! /srs
♡ plz uze tone tagz when interacting
♡ iv ur gonna dm me abt anything, plz put an underztandable intro (like your virzt mezzage, or the mezzage zubject, etc). i wanna know what the mezzage iz abt,, zeeing "(no zubject)" or "we need to talk" makez me rlly anxiouz
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ do not interact iv u... 。・:*☆:・,。・:゚☆
♡ know me irl
♡ are already on bad termz w me
♡ vall under bazic dni criteria
♡ are friends w anyone on my people blacklizt. i literally CANNOT trust u iv u r :(
♡ arent gay but still engage in gay flag discourse or have "x flag users dni"
♡ you go by the namez mentioned in my topic blacklizt
♡ dream/dsmp fans
♡ dhmis avatars (regular fanz r ok, but those w avatars vrom the show make me super uncomvy)
♡ uze wrath neopronounz, such as wra/wrath/wraths. someone with those neoz haz traumatized me & it's like one ov my biggest triggerz.
♡ are tolerant/a fan ov 4ch*n, l*lc*w, kiwif*rms, etc. im zurprized thiz iznt under bazic criteria
♡ headcanon lgbt characterz as thingz they arent. for example, headcanoning a canonically gay man as a nonbinary lesbian
♡ are a lgbt f*tsihiz*r (straight ppl who read yaoi, cis ppl who like "traps/f*mb*ys", etc)
♡ are a lgbt exclus ov any kind (ex. dont think asexxualz belong in the community, think xxenogenderz r "the reason cishetz think actual trans ppl r faking", etc)
♡ heavily r*lig*ous
♡ find thingz about me obnoxiouz to the point where you feel the need to talk about it
♡ my zpecial intereztz are a trigger/dizcomvort vor you
♡ into g*recore/h*tecore
♡ fans ov fucked up media (ex. fnf vs /v/-tan mod, alfr*ds pl*yhouse)
♡ fans ov my triggerz (i wont list them publicly 4 my own savety, but i will block u myselv iv i vind out)
♡ you think cisphobia, heterophobia, racism against whites, etc. iz an actual problem
♡ you think women can be vincian/vincians can like women, or that men can be lesbians/lesbians can like men (this includes demiboy lesbians/demiboy gays)
♡ you make jokez abt traumatic things (ex. "this song slaps harder than my dad") (those who have that trauma n use humor to cope r ok)
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here iz my dni banner, it doeznt have my vull dni but doez have thingz that i believe r the mozt important. the "ae" in my name literally meanz "anti endo" so itz not my vault iv an endo reblogz it.
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addytheheartbreaker · 6 years
Guilty Blood Gang members
*Lower main gang members
•Beatrice De Guzman (Nature Nurse)
Assistant/Nurse of Ryan, younger sister of Ryan, former experiment, the 1st youngest member of the gang.
Her relationship with Addy are very good friends. Since Addy rescue Beatrice and bring her to meet her brother after being kidnap by her uncle as his experiment, it was that moment that Beatrice likes her and she admirers her from her character. Beatrice would play with Addy in a swing and she would go get Addy to watch cartoons with her or even share cartoons from Addy's childhood past, but in the other hand she will not bother her when she was busy similar to her brother for not bothering Addy. She soon died at age 11 (Addy age 14) and been replace with Geselle.
Beatrice is similar to Ryan, she is an old oc that I have created beside Ryan at age 14. Similar to Ryan she is from a children's story book that I like but soon replace by Geselle. This is also similar about what happen to Ryan and Obi as well about being replace to they old position to the ocs this year along with Joket as well.
•Joket Akshay (Acid Jester)
Addy's Security of the Guilty Blood Gang, oldest mechanist, former favorite soldier, older brother of Obi Addy's communicative man.
His relationship with Addy were similar to his younger brother Obi, a simple friendship but with responsibility as her security and communicative for someone who calls for her in any complaints that she can't handle. His loyalty to Addy is quite complicated then Obi, because the fact he, Obi and Ryan had been revived by Addy and her master he has a conflict feels toward Addy and it turns out he was jealous for her perfection and seriousness as the leader of the gang herself and that he want to be a perfect and serious soldier to her. At the end he died at age 16 (Addy age 14) and replace by Dante.
Joket is also similar to Obi, being created at the year of 2017. Also similar to Obi, he has been inspired by the character in One Piece and the other idea came from a certain anime that is now forgotten. Since Ryan, Obi and Beatrice all been replace by Addy's main gang in 2018 (Ishmael, Cian and Geselle) Joket is also replace by Dante as well. A similar trait between the General and the former favorite soldier is almost as predictable the I expected which I have no idea how my old main gang (Ryan, Obi, Beatrice and Joket) has been replaced from the main gang today.
•Stuwie B. Potestio (Undead Mage)
Addy's 3rd bodyguard, leader of the ROYGBIP family, Addy's favorite 2nd pianist, step older brother of Sayaka, Prime minister of the Junior syndicate.
His relationship with Addy are very close. Addy always loves Blue (which Addy nickname him) because he is the first person revived with his hair change azura blue. Giving him a role as the leader of a family gang called the ROYGBIP family. Since he is the first and leader of the family gang she was supposed to put him to the main gang but soon rejected and let his faithful member Green (Francise) to be at the main gang and inform him about Addy's status. This in fact they both having a strong brother-sister relationship which is why he is supposed to be in the main gang instead of Francise. A unknown absence cause Addy to get worried of Blue and remain umknown what happen to him. He is always her favorite and he is one of those people who are willing to play his piano since Cian's demise (p.s Cian has been revived today), often giving her hugs and watch anime together or anyone and he is one of Addy's overprotective big brother's.
Stuwie has been created at the year of 2015 of January before Jefferson, Harold and Francise. He is the first character created based on the group of the rainbow (the ROYGBIP family gang explain soon) and the first character in the year of 2015 after year 2014. He is inspired and based on one of my favorite music video character 2D from Gorillaz, but don't get me wrong, he is different to him.
•Silvia Bonilla (Tigerstar)
Addy's path keeper, vice leader of the ROYGBIP family, Prime minister of the Newbie syndicate, 1st strongest young member of the gang.
Her relationship with Addy is bittersweet. Having a opposite personality to each other (Addy being shy and sweet then Silvia being tough and cold) but she is loyal to her no matter the issue. She didn't seem to bother her work but she loves her job and do it seriously when anyone crosses the path to see her, even though Addy cares she give her full time to fight/punish her enemies off the edge. Secretly, her relationship with Addy has a feeling of a mother-daughter relationship but could denied it in anyway, Stuwie knows about it.
Silvia has been created at the year of 2015 February, similar to Stuwie, she is the second character created before Jefferson, Harold and Francise. I design her as a delinquent tomboy inspired by two characters who are female delinquents. And when I put Purple (Addy's nickname to her) with Blue (Stuwie) was good but in process I have lost track of giving her more parts of her character just leaving her absent similar to Stuwie and as for her relationship with me (Addy) is in fact bittersweet which is true.
•Sayaka Potestio Miyaki (Geisha Widow)
Addy's Night patrol, ninja and protector of the Newbie syndicate, musician assistant of Stuwie, step younger sister of Stuwie, 2nd strongest young member of the gang.
Her relationship with Addy is different then her brother Stuwie. After learning she had a step brother far away from Japan and her full name, she came to meet Stuwie and join Addy's gang because she revived her brother from the dead. Even though she is really loyal and responsible to her job she deeply care for Addy that she wanted to pay her back to reunited with her step brother. Similar to Stuwie, she will watch anime with her along with Blue, and Indigo (Addy's nickname for her) will talk about anime stuff with Addy and having a 24/7 anime conversation or fandom in the internet, talking about the fandom both Addy and Indigo are yaoi fans (because why now ;3).
Sayaka is the last character that I have created in the year of 2015 of March. Since Sayaka was the last oc she will be Stuwie's step sister because Stuwie was the my first character in 2015, also both Stuwie and Sayaka are inspired and based on Gorillaz, 2D and Noodle. But her design was the hardest to design with alongside with Valmo (Red, the traitor of the ROYGBIP family).
•Narcis S. Nikonov (Pride Beast)
Addy's favorite gambler, President of the assassination, famous drag queen, step older brother of Sergei, Military colonel, leader of the Gambler Pride gang.
Addy's relationship with Narcis is a over reacting bitterness relationship but get along very well. Addy always scold him when he gets into trouble but she mostly interested in Narcis drag queen tendency. Sometimes Addy gets angry the fact he was careless about his job but could get serious if the leader if fallen down, even though his guardian knows Addy's master he join in without any intention on why his guardian would force him to join in. Narcis would come to Addy if she needs a make up artist if there is any parties that she attend although Addy wanted it simple which makes him annoyed of how opposite they are (Addy being a simple elegant and Narcis being a snobby narcissistic clown queen) but since he lives in Russia, he was interested of the beauty of Philippines and Addy herself in which he hated to admit and Addy's acceptance and understanding why he is always narcissistic because here in Philippines there are many transgenders that she had met in her life (true story). Even when she is always bossy to scold him has a feeling of a mother-son relationship. Sometimes they both like to watch RaPuals drag race, baking episodes and fashion shows.
Narcis has been created in the year 2017 of August. I created this oc inspired by one of my favorite artist in tumblr, having the idea of transgender (alongside Silvia who is a tomboy) and the attitude from one of my friends who is also a transgender, this includes my relationship with Narcis of how angry I was when I meet someone who is very narcissistic and bossy to themselves but could get along very well. Another idea came from RePual's drag race.
•Sergei Sokolov (Ruthless Emulate)
Service of Addy and Narcis, gambler and security of Gambler Pride gang, step younger brother, excellent soldier, driver (mostly military and common vehicles).
His relationship with Addy is similar to Ostin. He is a tsundere type member to Addy's gang and a excellent soldier beside Narcis (colonel) and Dante (general), despite his hostile,cold hearted and serious attitude he is just a friend to Addy only. He respects her after asking for a duel then defeated at the end, he respect her being the leader who is both capable and incapable to control and he respects her that her master knows his brother's guardian.
Sergei has been created alongsise with Narcis in the year 2017 of August. Sergei was based on the character from the game called "Papers Please", long story short I watch Jacksepticeye's videos to play that game and that when that character name Sergei becomes my favorite. Giving an idea to be Narcis brother with the same design together as brothers, although his character was complicated the fact it was a mixture of Ostin, Ryan and Dante.
•Thalia Florida (Maiden Clear)
Servant and best friend of Narcis, maid, assassin, gambler of the Gambler Pride gang.
Addy's relationship with Thalia were common, they are friends but Thalia wouldn't mind her business since she is belong to Narcis. Getting involved the gang was nothing but dirty work. Addy knows she has OCD and Thalia understands that she has suffers with BPD.
Thalia has been created the same year as Narcis in 2017 but in September. She is based on a anime character who is a German maid, anoter idea about her OCD is when I was studying at school about mental disorders.
•Koko Daria (Swirlsoft)
Addy's favorite baker, master of baking all recipes, best friend of Cian
Koko's relationship with Addy is nothing more then a staff member to her. Her job as a baker is nothing more then that, she is an employer of Cian's cafe and Koko is a fan of Addy because she is Cian's soul sister. She even admired her about Addy's most favorite sweets. Chocolate. She will always delivered her some chocolate pastries if Addy wanted to eat sweets today.
I haven't design her yet but I did a concept of Koko, in truth she used to be an up coming Cuphead oc. After leaving the fandom, that is the problem that I haven't plan to create her as human like Ishmael, but the image of Koko in my mind is still remains. I think I will create her someday if I have time....
•Rosaria (Dollmaker)
Addy's favorite doll maker, president of the Dollies corporation, creator of Tristan
Her relationship with Addy is common. She is a friend to her but a member of her gang, she used to be Addy's student and choosing her to work as a doll maker and teaching Rosaria how to create life and soul capturer from the dead but only for those with a broken soul so that they are possessed to a doll body.
Rosaria isn't been created yet but I did have a concept with her, but due that I left the Cuphead fandom I didn't get a chance or a opportunity to create her as a oc of mine but the image of her is still remain in my mind.
•Marco Kurai (Iron Fury)
Oldest soldier in the gang, brother of Ostin, expert weaponry guns, dealer of military weapons.
His relationship with Addy are commonly friends but has high responsibility at the gang, she haven't talk to him a while ago since she last meet him at age 13 (Marco age 15) but they meet each other even when Marco's reason to avoid her was because of her job and her laziness.
Marco was one of the oldest ocs beside Ostin in age 8. Similar to his brother Ostin, he was inspired by my childhood cartoon that I forgot about.
•Shirakawa Karai (Torch Blade)
Addy's favorite Blacksmith, Master of samurai swords, owner of the Karai family resort (public), younger brother of Caranoske, President of the Blacksmithing corporation.
His relationship with Addy are close best friends. He didn't met Addy yet until his brother introduced to her (age 8). When he started creating many types of weapons Shirakawa was inspired of Addy's ideas of weapons, some of the weapons are girly but the design has fascinated him, he mostly create bladed weapons while the others (others like weaponry of guns, chemicals, cyber technology, crystalization, military, etc) dealing other weapons. He has high expectations for the leader and she is willing to give him the designs of weapons and send someone to collaborate to combined weapons (until now in 2018-2019) especially Addy who is also collaborate with him if she feels like to make one.
Shirakawa along with his brother Caranoske are both been created in the year of 2014. But this oc is based on when me and my older sister watching a Japanese channel. Since 2014 I have this feeling that I wanted to make an oc who is from Japan and when me and my sister watching a certain tourist show in a Japanese channel there I found a name that caught my eye. Shirakawa. It is a name of a place in Japan (if you search it) and the place was called land of Fire, seeing a scene of a blacksmith making a samurai sword, the training of handling a katana, and more. This inspired me to create Shirawaka from those things, him as a Japanese samurai boy in crimson red hair and kimono like fire and his brother with Caranoske which is based on chefs making seafood types. So basically both of the brothers are opposite to each other (Caranoske for water and Shirakawa for fire).
(I know I had post this before and I couldn't find it! So, I rewrite the lower gang members. They are like allied gang but connected to her gang as one. I accidentally deleted the original post of the main gang members but good thing I reposted it, yet still I was so ashamed for deleting the original post though)
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