cagedchoice · 2 years
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"I can help you get dressed. Or I can step outside. Whichever you prefer. Or...we can stay here a while." // "Well, aren't you just the cat's meow? I'd love to take you upstairs and show you my-"
I think Caleb does understand that these two hosts are just playing the roles they were given. They're designed to seduce guests like him, but their attraction isn't real, they don't really have that choice. And yet, at the same time when they get up close like this and make their advances toward him, it all must feel very real and that would be weird and difficult for anyone like him to process. So much of Caleb's character is based around seeking what is "real" and holding onto his own idea of what real is and finding meaning in all of that.
But it's not like he thinks the hosts can't be real. He has had more than enough experience while working alongside Maeve and Dolores before to know that they CAN be every bit as real as he is and that what they feel is genuine, even though they are not human. And Maeve is the one who gets him out of these scenarios, she waves off both Sophia and Knockoff Clementine with a "your services won't be necessary" but as she does so she has a realization where she has to ask herself if this is something Caleb would really want her to do, to act for him in saying "no thank you", or if he's no different from other humans she's known and might go along with it after all. There's also a sense of protectiveness, even jealousy in how quick she waves them off that he picks up on.
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