rosedosed · 2 years
Musician - Porter Robinson
But sincerely Can't you feel what I'm feeling? I can see my life so clear— I burn up, burn out I shouldn't do this to myself
Put a “∞” in my ask box for a song lyric!
#*pictured me and liv crying our eyes out at the concert*#answers#paladin-official#IF YOULL ALLOW ME TO WAX POETICS;#i LOOOVE porter robinsons reflections on his own creative process in his lyrics#Nurture is a very poignant reflection on his previous albums and work-process.#how he loved making music & was burning himself out BECAUSE of that love#many creatives are really heavily tuned into their emotions because art is often an inherently emotional medium.#art's purpose is to make its audience feel something. In order to make art you gotta understand Feeling very deeply#that's why becoming An Artist (job-wise) is so scary. your JOB is to FEEL SO MUCH ALL THE TIME#you LOVE creating SO MUCH and you cant fucking stop doing it cause you ADORE IT. Extremely Left-Brained Process#I know I've gambled with Mental Health and impending Carpal Tunnel JUST because i loved creating so much#and its fucked up but thats normal. or at least normalized (Starving Artist stereotype etcetc)#NURTURE captures that feverish passion & the lows it brings very well. it puts the Fuckedup Leftbrain thought process into words#'Cant you feel what Im feeling? Im burning up. I can hear it calling. Im burning out. Cant you see what I see? Why do I do this to myself?#Nurture is a really solid reflection on an art career because it tells you (from experience) that you MUST find a balance#you MUST find a healthy workflow or you WILL burn up. 'Isn't it time that you grow up?'#but it tells you SO lovingly while SHOWING you the highs and the good that art can do. Take Care Of Yourself the album#Create From Love For Yourself And From Those Around You The Album#Rent Is A Stupid Musical The Album
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