#IHS London
ihslondon89 · 4 months
Microsoft Office 365 Support Consultancy in London
As a leading provider of enterprise-level technology solutions, our Microsoft Office 365 support consultancy in London offers comprehensive services to businesses of all sizes. With a team of highly skilled and certified professionals, we are dedicated to ensuring the seamless integration and optimal utilization of Microsoft's powerful productivity suite.
Our IHS encompass a wide range of offerings, including Office 365 migration, implementation, and ongoing support. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique business requirements and tailor our solutions accordingly. From assisting with the deployment of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint to providing training and user adoption strategies, our experts in IHS London are equipped to handle every aspect of the Office 365 ecosystem.
Leveraging our extensive industry experience and deep Microsoft expertise, we strive to empower our clients to maximize the benefits of their Office 365 investment. By optimizing workflows, enhancing collaboration, and improving productivity, we help organizations unlock the full potential of Microsoft's cloud-based productivity tools. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, our Microsoft Office 365 support consultancy in London is committed to delivering tailored solutions that drive tangible results and elevate your business performance.
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lexlawuk · 8 months
IHS Update: Fee Now Set to Increase on 6 February 2024
The landscape of UK immigration is set to undergo a significant shift as the Immigration Health Surcharge (“IHS”) experiences a substantial 66% increase, scheduled to take effect from 6th February 2024. This monumental change was approved by a delegated legislation committee of the House of Commons on 16th January 2024, amending the Immigration (Health Charge) Order 2023. In this comprehensive…
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sublinemusic · 1 year
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rubykgrant · 10 months
(Segment of my story, How It Feels, with Jon and Martin recovering at Daisy's cabin after leaving London, and before the Eye Apocalypse happens. This in particular focuses on Martin, how he's changed since being in the Lonely, and how he is also still himself. This involves tooth loss and feelings of depression/disassociation, but isn't gory, and leans more toward being comforting. Inspired by the art of @lonelyslutavatar ~)
Jon is quite proud of himself for responding to Martin in a very calm manner, instead of rushing in and assuming the worst.
The calm quickly shatters when he sees Martin standing in the bathroom, face a mix of embarrassed and worried, holding two teeth in the palm of his hand.
Several teeth-related horror stories from past statements flash into Jon’s mind (the apple, a few dozen about some sort of “evil tooth fairy” that were probably not real but still upsetting, and several connected to the Flesh and the Hunt). Jon nearly starts to panic as well, but somehow he composes himself, and moves slowly, helping Martin sit down on the lid of the toilet, and begins trying to figure this out.
Martin has some pain in his jaw, but nothing feels “broken”, and there isn’t any blood. The teeth look “fine”, except for the fact that they aren’t where they should be. Jon asks Martin to open his mouth, and it doesn’t appear as if anything is infected or irritated. To be thorough, Jon runs to get a small torch.
“I’m VERY close to freaking out! Just so you know!” Martin says, loudly.
“Yes, I’m- I’m sorry, I’ll be there in a-”
“ANOTHER ONE JUST CAME LOOSE!” Martin is able to spit it out before yelling the news to Jon. He does NOT want to swallow any of his teeth.
“I’M COMING BACK! HERE! HERE I AM!” Jon stumbles to a stop at the small door, and walks back in carefully.
This time, Martin opens his mouth WIDE, and Jon shines the little light to see properly.
“Oh,” Jon says after a moment.
“Oh? Oh, WHA?” Martin asks, making sure his mouth doesn’t close.
“Oh, um… I sort of see the- er, the issue?” Jon answers, without actually giving Martin a real answer.
“Wha ih ih?” What is it?
“Well, I can see the empty areas, where your teeth were, and… it looks like something is, er- pushing them out?” Jon elaborates. Martin finds this description unhelpful and worrisome.
“UH HUH UH AH EEE?!” The fuck does that mean?! Good God, what was in his mouth?
“Sorry! There are NEW teeth coming in! Like- like when we lose our baby teeth, and-”
“I AREHEE AH I AHEE HEE! HOW OOH I HAH OR!?” Martin demands, and after a brief second of trying to translate it in his head, Jon realizes Martin has just said- “I already lost my baby teeth! How do I have more!?”.
“Uhh…” before Jon can say anything else, two more teeth fall out, helped by Martin’s attempts to talk. These were from his top row, on the left side. They completely leave Martin’s mouth, and land in his lap. Martin groans, irritated. Jon tries to speak again, before something else distracts him. “If- I had to guess, which is all I’m doing, I’m sorry, this- this might be like your OWN spooky puberty?”
Martin groans again, giving Jon a glare.
“You were working with- hell I’m just saying his name, Peter, you were working with Peter for a while, and before that you were working at the Institute. That changed all of us, a little bit, but Peter really pushed you along, and… what finally made me change and become something more than just human was- I died. Sort of. When I was in that coma, I was pretty close to being dead, but then I came back. You were… you were almost ready to fade away when I finally found you, and then you came back. I think you might have become something more than just human,” Jon pauses a moment, to let Martin have a chance to understand what he’s saying… and because another tooth falls out. “And we saw what happens to ME when I don't feed on any statements, so… you haven’t been doing anything at all when it comes feeding what you are connected to,”
Jon places his hand on Martin’s cheek and turns off the torch, letting Martin know he can close his mouth again. Martin does so, and then immediately gives an angry huff, spitting still another tooth into his hand. He gathers up the rest in his lap, so he’s holding all of them together.
“What the hell. The isn’t FAIR. Your- your eyeballs didn’t fall out when YOU changed! And why my TEETH?! Am I supposed to start eating people? Peter didn’t even do that!” Martin blinks a few times, uncertain. “I mean, I never SAW him to that…”
“This might not be so LITERAL. I doubt this is a sign you need to actually eat anybody-”
“Pff, whatever, you don’t KNOW…” Martin scoffs.
“What I mean is- sometimes when people like us change, it isn’t always straight-forward. This might be more… like it symbolically represents the way loneliness can, er- consume you? Eat you up?” Jon is leaning back against the wall opposite Martin, arms crossed anxiously. He hunches his shoulders up, as if to shrug in a way that asks for approval.
Martin does not exactly “approve”, but unfortunately, he’s beginning to see that Jon may have a point. He also remembers that nightmare he had, as if it had been some kind of “punishment” for rejecting the Lonely. The fact that Martin can now remember Peter purposefully pulling him into the Lonely to avoid true and permanent death added up as well. Did the Eye punish Jon when he wouldn’t feed it new fear? Yes, he supposes so.
“Wonderful. So my teeth are falling out as a METAPHOR. And what am I even supposed to DO about it? Read statements that are relevant to feeling forlorn and isolated?” Martin now feels THREE teeth pop loose. Great. More to add to the collection in his hands.
“Perhaps not…” Jon ventures another guess. “That’s sort of the specific thing I’m stuck doing. And it started even before the coma, remember? So maybe- was there anything you did while working with Peter that might have been related to feeding this particular kind of fear? It might have even been something that seemed almost normal, but the more it happened, the more it had an affect on you, and when you stopped, you felt strange?”
Martin’s first reaction is to just say NO, because he’s in an ornery mood (Why shouldn’t he be moody? His teeth are falling out! He has a right!). Instead, he tries to give Jon’s question some real thought…
When Jon was still in the coma, and Peter first became the “new boss”, Martin had initially tried to take on more responsibility as a way to shield other people from the problems that came from working so closely with… a man like that. The most unnerving part was how pleasant Peter seemed. He often asked Martin to come along as his personal assistant when he went on various errands; some were clearly for meeting with other unusual people part of the whole Fear situation, while others were part of the more normal side of business for the Magnus Institute.
These people, in either situation, would usually not even acknowledge Martin at all until Peter made a point to turn to him, ask a question or make a request, and then they’d startle to see there was a WHOLE man there beside Peter. When Martin got more used to it all, he’d speak up on his own, blatantly pointing out when somebody was giving Peter incorrect information or outright lying. In those moments, they were not only surprised that Martin existed, they were suddenly INTIMIDATED by him.
Peter was very amused by this, and proudly complimented Martin on being so “accomplished”.
Yeah, that may have been how this started.
Martin was well practiced at going unnoticed, keeping quiet, fading into the background. That was a good way to keep yourself safe. It was also a good way to be lonely. The shock of suddenly being given attention no doubt fed Peter’s patron Fear plenty of Martin’s own nervous energy… and when Martin did it on purpose, making himself known with an aloof sort of confidence, it caused unease in other people. The Lonely probably loved feeding on all that.
That was the start… but what turned it into a pattern, something that Martin had to continue doing, and also something that he did without thinking about it?
It finally occurs to Martin that what was happening when he first left the Lonely might be a hint; the sleepwalking. That never happened back in London, not exactly. However… very often, when Martin left the hospital after visiting Jon, or took a break in the evening in the middle of working late, he would walk through the city and let his mind wander.
No, that was putting it mildly. He’d feel a growing disconnect from his own feelings and thoughts, and whatever remained gave him a sense of bored contempt, if anything.
He blended into the crowds, but still wasn’t “part” of it all. Martin remained separate, even in the shared experience of riding the bus or waiting for a light to change.
Occasionally he would pop into a store and use the self check-out lane, or even a bar with no intention to mingle or drink, and he would go unnoticed.
All around him, he would see people talking to each other, or chatting on calls, crying over break-ups, getting into arguments, lying about what they were doing, waiting to meet somebody who wasn’t coming, staring at displays in stores of things they longed to buy but couldn’t afford, getting frustrated after searching for a job all day, trying to be funny for friends or deal with a stressful visit with family… Martin could nearly picture himself, as if looking on from another point of view, and he was nothing but a nameless face on the street.
Obscure and forgettable. Martin would walk on, automatically, no effort in reaching his destination. It was eventual and certain. He may as well be a memory, instead of somebody who was still there.
Then he would be back at the Institute, or at home, and his thoughts would click back into place. Maybe he’d take a shower, or have something to eat. If it wasn’t too late and he was done with research or paperwork, he’d watch something on TV. It was alright. Mostly.
In the current situation, with Martin sitting on the toilet in a bathroom of a safehouse in Scotland, trying to figure out why he’s losing his teeth… he thinks that he’s finally connected some dots, and sees the bigger picture.
“Yeah… well, um- I guess maybe when I would walk around London and sort of lose myself in groups of people, without interacting with anybody, that was possibly like feeding on loneliness. So. Maybe I just need to do THAT again,” Martin looks up at Jon again, now the one checking to see if what he’s saying makes any sense.
“Hmm… it might work when you go out to buy us supplies. You’ll be around people again, and- whatever lonely feelings they have,” Jon nods, though he doesn’t look happy about it. That’s fine. Martin isn’t happy, either.
“What if I… Jon, when you got REALLY bad, you compelled people to talk about things when they didn’t want to. What if I VANISH somebody? What if I can’t control this?” Martin asks, and as soon as he closes his mouth, he has to spit three more teeth into his hand.
“That is upsetting, I know…” Jon replies, reaching out one hand to place on Martin’s shoulder. “But, listen- a few days after I started to really try and rein myself in, one of the people I compelled actually showed up at the Institute again. I was… well, I- erm…”
“You were outside, sneaking a smoke,” Martin guesses.
“Yes, FINE. Anyway, I thought they were still having problems because of me, and I immediately apologized and assured them it wouldn't happen again. I was honestly sort of distressed about that, I didn’t want to go find everybody I had compelled, because seeing me might just make them even MORE afraid, but I still wanted to say I was sorry… well, this person told me they only came there to explain they weren't angry with me. They didn't forgive me exactly, but-,”
“What, they wanted to rescind what they said before? Like, withdraw the complaint?” Martin raises his eyebrows at this.
“Something like that. They told me… they weren’t having nightmares anymore, about me OR what I made them talk about. It had faded after a while. They also told me that it sort of helped, in a weird way, to finally confront something they’d been ignoring for so long. And now they knew, the world had scary things in it, that was REAL, and they weren’t crazy for wanting to be careful…” Jon sees Martin wants to jump into the conversation, but has to pause to catch another tooth that has escaped. Jon continues talking, knowing what Martin was going to ask.
“The reason I didn’t say anything at the time- I didn’t want it to seem like I was making excuses. Oh, this person says the nightmares stopped and they faced their fears, this means nobody should be mad at me anymore! Hell, no. I still forced people to share private thoughts and experiences against their will, and that wasn’t right. I’m only telling you this NOW because I’m hoping that you being around people in public, absorbing whatever you need, THAT will be more like when I read the statements. The fear and the hurt already happened. You aren’t making it worse. If you keep ignoring this hunger, then… it will most likely get more intense, but even if that happens, you still might not vanish somebody to death. People even escaped from what Peter did, occasionally. I just don’t want you to feel… hopeless,”
“OK… yeah, OK. This is still pretty fucked, though,” Martin says, trying to steady his breathing.
“Yes. And it will probably continue to be fucked. But we can try to help each other feel better,” Jon smiles down at Martin, and somehow, that makes a tense knot in his chest loosen.
Jon waits with Martin as the last few teeth come loose, and gets a small glass jar for them. After some “Should I leave them under my pillow?” jokes, Jon grabs the small torch again to see what the situation is with Martin’s new set of teeth…
“You really don’t feel them growing in?”
“Uh-uh,” Martin may not physically feel the teeth coming into place, but he has noticed that the ache in his jaw is gone, and the weird grinding has stopped (that was probably his weird new “spooky” bones making room for his weird new “spooky” teeth. This sounded like such a stupid problem when he thought of it that way, but there just wasn’t a better term unfortunately).
“Well, they’re almost all here, and- they’re sharp! Martin, your new teeth are POINTY!” Jon uses his hand not holding the torch to tilt Martin’s head back slightly.
“WHA? LIE A HA-HIRE?” What? Like a vampire?
“No, not like that… you don’t have fangs, exactly… oh lord, I can see them rising up!” Jon says, and now Martin is starting to get annoyed that he sounds EXCITED about this. “They’re wider, and sort of flat… Martin, I think these are like- like shark teeth!”
Jon has set the torch aside, and is now holding Martin’s head with both his hands, leaning him back even more so the light from the ceiling shines into Martin’s mouth. Jon is pushing aside Martin’s upper lip to see the teeth as they move through the gum better, and that is IT, Martin is DONE.
“GEH YER FEE-HERS OW UH I OW!” before Jon can translate that into “Get your fingers out of my mouth!”, Martin actually SNARLS as a final warning, Jon whips his hands away, and just to be dramatic, Martin CHOMPS his mouth shut.
His new teeth are officially finished growing in; all the severe ridges fit together. Sharp, solid, and strong.
Shark teeth... really? Was that just the Lukas Brand? Martin has to turn half-way into a SEA MONSTER? For the aesthetic?
Jon knows Martin wasn’t actually going to bite him… and Martin knows that Jon knows this. Which is why Jon still looks more fascinated than afraid of Martin’s new MONSTER TEETH, and that just makes Martin want to try and snap at him again. Jon can see that as well, and he starts to snort laughter. Martin wishes he was strong enough to stay furious, but the corners of his mouth betray him, curving into a smile.
Yep. All his human adult teeth fell out, he’s got weird spooky shark teeth now, he’s damn near close to laughing about it. He must be mad. Oh, well. So is Jon.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 6 months
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Diggers // Dating Headcanons
Note// I gotta write this since i successfully managed to bring him home;;; 🥺
Diggers is canonly a hippie. He is based on them, his voice lines often tell how peace is better than war- I don't have the mind to interpret him with many kinds of hippies stereotypes because I'm still skeptical about some things that I don't even know better- 🤔🫠
There may even be misunderstandings because it actually really happened to the hippies from the 60s sometimes -
Diggers cherishes the times he gets to talk with you, always looking forward to seeing every day and getting to know you...
He is even eager to share his passions while he learns to understand yours as well. He has always been accepting and non-judgmental, ever since you first met. No matter the flaws.
It's probably how he treats everyone because of his moral standards- but it's also more than that... because it's you.
He definitely senses something different about you the moment your fingers touched..
You're his muse, "the sunlight from the mornings, the starlight of the night.... his whole universe." Yes, he said that to you once once--- 😭🫠🥺
But well, he loves showing some of his works of art - well, only the ones he managed to keep. He most likely does graffiti and flower power aesthetics.
Imagine there is a time you two painted a mark of your initials inside a heart with a paint spray on the same bench you both sat in where you first met each other--- it would be fate for sure smh;;;;
Hangouts usually would be staying with him at the back of his van with the doors open, so the windy day can go through. You sometimes lay down on the carpet he places down. You would hear him play his guitar as he sits across from you, serenading you with his slow, soothing tunes.
The sight of the grassfield's landscape can be seen from the van's back seat, along with the small silhouette of London from afar. Once Diggers stops playing, he tends to place his hand on your head and give it headpats... slowly massaging your scalp after as you try to stay awake.
He loves pampering you in his own way, letting you rest with him during lazy days.
He is a sweet, laid-back lover... He trusts you enough that his jealousy levels are low to none just by simply thinking of the many things that can make you feel safe and happy with him- having himself being part of your life is already an honor to him.
But of course, I can imagine he would be like a kicked puppy whenever you ignore him for too long... like not seeing for 3 days can already make him feel droopy;;;
You'll do a lot of outdoor activities with Diggers when dating him-- he would always say things like like "be one with the forest" or "connect with mother nature" while making you these pretty flower crowns to adorn them on your head,,,
Camping in a forest is one of the common things you two do, Diggers knowing lots of things about how to survive in the wild while only having his van as a refuge.
Don't underestimate for his slender figure!!! He can even name you many kinds of herbs, flowers, and berries. Even point out the ones that are venomous or poisonous. He can't do math or this deep insight science, but at least he is knowledgeable in certain fields.
This is just me, but I love a Diggers giving his s/o the passenger princess treatment. No more questions/ih
He talks to you in a very honeyed and flowery voice, you don't even know if he's ever angry at you even while being this upset---(to be true, he never brings himself to be angry at you-- it wouldn't be cool) With how he calls you "Honey", "Baby ", "Love", and so much more, you'll probably need a sleeping bag because man, his voice;;;
He is very affectionate - maybe a bit touchy even. Lots of hugs, kisses, hands on the small of your back, waist, or hip - he always has this tendency of keeping a hand on you when you're around.
If you give him the consent(because consent is beautiful✨️), he doesn't feel embarrassed when pulling you to his lap or holding you so close from behind around anyone.
His holds are meant to be pure and innocent. Having your bodies touch helps him charge his batteries from any stress he ever has to experience in a fast-faced world you both are living in.;;😔
He always likes to carefully plant soft kisses on your forehead, eyelids, cheeks, hands, and shoulder,,, (neck if he really wants to make out with you;;; 👉👈 *gets bonked for not being normal *) Lots of smooching when he finds the lovely opportunity.
He is 100% honest with you, never lies at all. Even would tell you his honest opinions in a sincere, half-hearted manner. Otherwise, it would be against his principles of a peace and love relationship. He wants to love you unconditionally no matter the future struggles that may happen between you two. Always avoiding toxicity and any form of hate towards you.
He loves taking care of his body, eating natural and non-processed food as possible, and going on vegetarian diets. He wants to share his little routines with you, if you want to, of course,,, it is pretty much a way he shows that he enjoys living life with you and taking care of you if you allow him to once in a while. It's like a sign of building trust for him. 🥺
It's so cute when he wants to try and persuade you to try these vivid color clothes with lots of patterns on it, even having these flower matching Keychains.;;
No matter the path you want to go to, he'll always support you and your choices,,, he'll encourage you to do anything your heart desires to achieve, as long as you're true to yourself. 🥺✨️
Overall! He is such a walking green flag. What else can I say to support that? You probably might have more ideas, and the floor is always open for them, my friends 😌✨️💅
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one0p1nk · 5 months
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(Dead plate OCs info below)
Notes about Court//
- signature flower: red poppy (Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.a symbol of sleep, peace, and death)
- Male
- instrument: electric guitar
- He loves taking naps(if he has the chance-) especially napping with someone
- English man who tries to blend in an American society as a diner waiter in his past life. In dyanthus, he continues the occupation without losing both new york and east london accent.
- There are traces of his old punk arc like the black double earrings on his ear and maybe still paints his nails black once in a while. You'll see him wearing black leather jacket once out from his work shift to drive his motorcycle.
- knows how to used roller skates! Since that's part of his diner work
- went through few relationships before, but it was unexpected for him to be into men like that certain someone (Klai knows/ih)
- has tattoos on his arm and chest
- fav food// any luxurious dish he can manage to buy once in a blue moon...(insert Court internally sobbing)
Notes about Sophia//
- signature flower: blue flower or morning glory ( desire, love, and the metaphysical striving for the infinite and unreachable)
- Female
- instrument: violin
- soft voice like a lullaby when speaking. Never raises her tone. But she can be serious and stern from firmness
- French! An elegant French gal inside and outside work.
- She was a model trainee in her past life. But changed her occupation to be a luxury restaurant waiter in dyanthus.
- foreign to falling in love, until she met a certain human outside the world(cough rody cough cough)
- fav food// any fast food ...
Note// they're both dead plate OCs, and also connected to my worldbuilding lore dyanthus. They don’t co-live in the same deadplate universe, like they’re taking their own routes as Rody’s coworker MC if I explain this clearly🤔 hhhh
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hawkepockets · 1 year
In Game
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Pepiya PEP-ee-yuh
she/him 🪼 45 🪼 daredevil/deadeye/specter
Pact Commander, Statics graduate, ex-Priory tomb raider. Earnest, dry, authoritative, occasionally vindictive, always compassionate, out of touch with civilian social cues. Control freak. Dabbles in Void magic.
Romances: Tarakk & @pyroengi’s Teek.
Voice claim: Colleen O’Shaughnessey (F!asura, GW2)
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Toxinologist Tarakk tuh-RACK
he/him 🕷️ 50 🕷️ harbinger
Gorrik & Ankka’s old Inquest mentor. Expert at synthesizing venoms, loves spiders. Narcoleptic & low in life force since a lab “accident” (sabotage) in 1326. Absentminded, compassionate, intense, exists at the intersection of dad jokes & professor humor.
Co-created with @antariies.
Romance: Pepa
Voice claim: Steve Staley (M!asura, GW2)
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Prem Ikarion PREM ih-CARE-ee-in
he/him 🐒 32 🐒 martial artist (mirage)
Born a Zephyrite with a knack for disguise glamours, in a happier timeline Prem kept faith with his people and grew into a splendid champion of Vlast. In this one, he went wrong at every turn. Once Anise’s Second Blade/favorite brainwashed goon, now an exile from the Reach, emptied of magic, and half-corrupted by an oni. But he stays silly.
In @antariies’s canon, Harley’s childhood best friend turned worst enemy turned weird boybestie again (homoerotic).
Romances: Canach, Rama
Voice claim: Nolan North (M!human, GW2 • Nathan Drake, Uncharted)
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Oumeko OOH-may-koe
she/her 🦋 ?? 🦋 chronomancer
A mild-mannered office worker turned magical girl in the fractals. Oumeko was the Captain’s Council’s receptionist when Scarlet and the Aetherblades attacked Lion’s Arch, levelling Oume’s neighborhood and killing her elderly parents in their home. Oume didn’t know what got into her that inspired her to leave a notice on her desk and hunt Mai Trin into the Mists like an animal, but she did, and after she sabotaged the Aetherblades’ Mist engine, she got stuck in unreality right along with them.
Oume has been making her way through thousands of permutations of Tyrian history and her own memories in the wild fractals. At first she looked singlemindedly for a way out, but now, after who knows how many years and loops, she’s become infatuated with Dessa, the voice on the PA system that’s guided and joked with her, maybe the only other real (real?) person in the fractals. Oume doesn’t know if she’s even the original copy of herself anymore, much less if she’d survive an exit to alpha Tyria—if she could even find one. But even if she could, she wouldn’t go without Dessa and Arkk. And the more times Oume resets the fractals to try to save them, the more time and Mist energy she builds up, until the fractals start to recognize Dessa as their purpose and center, and Oumeko as their mad, shortsighted architect.
Romance: Dessa?
Voice claim: Undecided!
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Dara Ikarion DAR-uh ih-CARE-ee-in
she/her 🐅 24 🐅 scrapper
Prem’s kid sister, Zephyrite airship engineer & inventor, Claw of Aurene. At 16, Dara survived the Zephyr Sanctum crash and chased after Aerin and the Master of Peace, intent on saving whatever the Master protected. Her hero complex and teenage delusion of invincibility drove her deep into the jungle, where she rocketed past Faolain, Caithe, Ruka, and Commander Pepiya to claim the egg for herself and the Zephyrite people. In that first moment of psychic contact with the unborn baby Aurene, Dara’s young mind was overwhelmed by raw magic and existential terror, forging an invasive, twisted bond between her and the baby dragon and leaving Dara nonverbal, magic-sensitive, and wilder than before. Reckoning with that trauma and Aurene’s ability to take over Dara’s body took years, but now their closeness is a point of pride, not a cause of horror. Dara is happy to call herself Aurene’s Claw. Intense, contrary, bright. ROCKET PUNCH‼️ YIAH‼️
Romance: Yao
Voice claim: Brenda Song (London Tipton, Zach & Cody • Caitlyn, The Quarry • Anne Boonchuy, Amphibia)
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Droseira j-roe-SEE-ruh
she/her 🌸 secondborn 🌸 all specs
A devotee of the Church of the Dream (created by @mystery-salad). A sickly sweet stickler for the rules of the Grove. Executes any spider, thornbush, fern hound, or sylvari touched by Nightmare. Jealous of Valiants who were given a purpose in their Dreams, she created a Wyld Hunt for herself: make the sylvari into an army of light that can cleanse the whole world of evil. And she finds she likes the taste of shed sap. Obsessed with Achi. Does not work with flesh and blood animals, because they’re impure. Weirdo.
Romance: —
Voice claim: Daisy Haggard (Mum, Hilda)
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Acheloe ACK-uh-LO-wee
she/they/it 🪲 15 🪲 bladesworn
Dragon’s Watch guildie, Pale Reaver. A Valiant who’s been given an endless series of mucky, ugly, tedious, small, and seemingly suicidal Wyld Hunts since her awakening. Four-armed, winged, and oddly jointed, Achi has evolved to look more and more like an unkillable insect, the more dangerous & degrading jobs they’ve survived. Caledon sylvari consider her a bad omen. Her latest Hunt, the first she’s ever resisted, is to die for the Commander. Her luckier podtwin, Boru, died in Maguuma. Solemn, prickly, devoted.
Romance: @wyldblunt’s Damage
Voice claim: Ben Prendergast (Patroclus, Hades)
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Cirrus Kitetail SEE-rus KITE-tail
she/her ☁️ 33 ☁️ hammer weaver
Dragon’s Watch guildie, Zephyrite. Born Decima (“Deck”) Whiptail of Iron Legion, she was piloting a copter in a tryout for her grandmother’s airborne warband in 1320 on the day Kralkatorrik flew over. The copters lost power in the arcane storm, but she kept hers aloft with her air elementalism, which she’d always hidden in the fahrar, and brought herself and her grandmother Tenar Kitewing safely down on the far side of the newly formed Brandscar. Tenar granted her the honorary warband name Kitetail, and they wandered northern Elona together, struggling to survive and find a way back to their Legion, or failing that, a new home & purpose in Elona. The Zephyrites were the answer. When the Zephyr Fleet was able to offer passage back to Ascalon years later, Tenar and her granddaughter, now called Cirrus, refused, having fallen in love with their new people. Cirrus joined Dragon’s Watch after the Dry Top crash. Bubbly, combative, short attention span.
Romance: —
Voice claim: Mara Junot (Nyoka, The Outer Worlds)
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Razan Meziani ruh-ZAHN mez-ee-AH-nee
she/her 🌞 229 🌞 willbender
A rebel Sunspear inspired by Twilight Oasis. Formerly a cheerleader for the Sunspear Order, infatuated with Amala, until a series of atrocities during the invasion of Istan convinced her Elona belonged to Joko already. The lich king promised she could “have” Amala, once Amala had sworn fealty to him, but neglected to mention they’d both be Awakened first. Raz originally developed her fighting style to help support the Sunspears’ legendary dervishes by specializing in their weak points, but after turning coat she became Joko’s favorite dervish hunter, an expert at reading their footwork, getting inside their guard, and breaking their divine channels with brutal stuns.
Romances: Amala…????
Voice claim: Mallorie Rodak (Frieren, English dub of Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)
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Kishi Genji KISH-ee GEN-jee
he/him 🦢 mid 30s 🦢 vindicator
An affable mid-ranking Canthan noble of Kurzick descent, whose family had mostly fallen out of favor with Ihn’s court until Genji started talking to an echo of Saint Viktor and channeling his power.
An arranged marriage was set up with Onasis Ai, a noble of Luxon blood who was in touch with Archemorus. Though they didn’t choose each other, Ai and Genji have become best friends and devoted partners—but are unsure whether pursuing an actual romance is something they want, or just a pressure from their families, class, and the ancient lovers’ voices in their heads.
They’re both lavished and threatened with the court’s attention as a result of their magic, auspicious marriage, and developing combat skills, but they have a secret that threatens their status far more than any previous generation’s unwise investments or misplaced courtly alliances… their very young daughter Himiko has started talking about an imaginary friend she calls the Guard Man, who follows her around wearing old timey armor and dragging his swords along the floor, and gives her the power to petrify her parents with a frustrated wail, and turn small objects into jade.
Urgent pacifist and law-abider, despite having close enough family ties to the Jade Brotherhood that Genji calls Chul-moo “Uncle Park.”
Romance: Kishi Ai
Voice claim: Mark Ota (Ryonosuke Naruhodo, The Great Ace Attorney)
Not In Game
Gilwynne GIL-win
My oldest GW2 OC and retired main!
Thirdborn sylvari, intended to become the avatar of a second Tree but denied their Wyld Hunt to keep free will. Fell to corruption twice (Nightmare and Mordrem), got up twice. Haughty, blunt, sensual, hungry for knowledge of magic and their own limits. Accomplished alchemist, mender, and Shaper. Hylek lover.
Romances: Trahearne & @antariies’s Commander Harley Vuong
Voice claim: Shohreh Aghdashloo (Shala’Raan, Mass Effect • Roshan, Assassin’s Creed • Grayson, Arcane • Avasarala, The Expanse)
Gale/Nan Ikaros NAHN & Glow/Phaibun Ikarion FYE-beun ih-CARE-ee-in
she/her 🎏 60s
Prem and Dara’s mothers. Co-captains of the Zephyrite airship Ikaros. Nan, a fire elementalist, grew up as a poor Luxon jade miner. She fell in love with Phaibun, an air elementalist and “princess” of the Zephyr fleet as a captain’s only child, while Phaibun visited the Canthan imperial court many years ago. Phaibun is elegant, nitpicky, and cool. Nan is skeptical, spirited, and pragmatic. They call Prem “Monkey” and Dara “Tiger.”
Kishi Ai KEY-shee EYE
she/her 🖋️ 40s
Genji’s wife and best friend, the vessel of Archemorus. Genji and Ai both come from organized crime families. Unlike Genji, Ai isn’t afraid of her violent heritage or of using her relatives’ underworld connections for the betterment of Cantha.
An employment discrimination lawyer and champion of Kurzick, Luxon, and tengu workers by day, a benefactor and arms dealer for the freedom fighters by night, and a courtier on paper and only by necessity, Ai has very little time for her husband and daughter. But she loves them, and looks forward to a day when Cantha’s minorities have enough influence to speak for themselves, and she can take some time off to be a mother, and see if she’s even interested in being a wife.
Romance: Kishi Genji
Kishi Himiko KEY-shee HEE-mee-koe
she/her 👺 5
Genji & Ai’s daughter. Vessel of Shiro Tagachi.
Eun Kattarins YOON CAT-uh-rinz
she/her 🐆 80s (norn middle age)
Hoelbrak’s ambassador to the Iron Legion for 50 years. A sly, charismatic, militant snow leopard norn who walked effortlessly among the charr, but always put her people’s survival first at the expense of all else, even her own blood. Longtime on-and-off lover of Eir Stegalkin. Mother of @pact-valkyrie’s Britta, Jormag’s last and most terrible fraenir. Killed by her daughter in 1333, survived by her brother Eiko (@antariies).
Romances: Eir & unknown other norn
Malachi Olowe MAL-uhk-eye OH-lo-way
she/him 🦂 66
An Elonian bounty hunter, born Olmakhan but too restless and greedy for their way of life. Took her surname from a human deadeye she got training from, then left for dead. Double-crossed her employers one too many times, got caught between the scorned Sunspears and the punishing Mordant Crescent, and was killed in 1327. Left a mate and cub behind. Years later, snuck out of the Mists under cover of the Battle of Dragonfall. Now roaming Tyria causing low-grade havoc, pursued by demons, envoys, and Priory operatives frantic to put him back in hell where he belongs. Great storyteller. Very funny.
Romance: Her mate Dinah
Ikeda Keino EE-kay-dah KAY-no
she/her 👹 15
The half-possessed Jade Brotherhood teen Prem rescued from Behemoth’s Gap. Even after months without the oni’s influence, Keino is a bitter, snappish, self-isolating girl who resents any attempt to care for her. She wants to become an investigative journalist and take down Xunlai Jade once and for all by exposing its corruption, but to do that she has to survive high school in Kaineng. Has a twisted bond with Prem, ever since the oni made her confuse him for her father.
Farrah Whitebear FAIR-uh WHITE-bear
she/her 🐗 32
Knut Whitebear’s adoptive daughter. An elegant, serious young norn who gave up her special interest in jotun magic to serve under Jhavi in the Vigil, hoping to eliminate Jormag’s existential threat to the norn and leave them all free to pursue their peacetime passions—a decision that got her stranded, alone, freezing from the inside out in Bjora Marches. She got better, though. Mostly. Follower of the inexorable Boar Spirit.
Romance: @pact-valkyrie’s Sovhi
Hemera, Duke of False Hope HEM-uh-ruh
she/her 🌸 31
The Nightmare Courtier who mentored Gil when they were a sapling. Hemera was a secondborn who developed without protection from Mordremoth’s influence due to the Pale Tree and the Dream itself being stretched too thin at the time. Despite her ethereal beauty and tyrannical-but-nurturing “fairy queen” persona, Hemera has never felt anything except hunger and momentary satisfaction. She learned to Shape other sylvari’s bodies from watching her student Gil at work, and carved out a place for herself high in the Court by offering to change courtiers—either for beauty or efficacy in torture and raids—for favors. Hemera temporarily corrupted in Maguuma, but when Mordremoth fell silent in death, she twisted her body back to a parody of its old shape and started a new Nightmare sect in Siren’s Landing, where she preys on sapling researchers who wander too far from camp. She considers it her Dark Hunt to create a garden of mutilated sylvari that swallows the whole world, as Mordremoth’s jungle failed to do. Drosie’s mortal enemy.
Romances: @antariies’s Knight Arahn
Halimaka HAW-lee-MAW-kuh
she/he/they/it 🧪 30s
Once a Flame Legion inquisitor called Halima Eyesear whose investigation into the nascent Molten Alliance led her to run afoul of “B” (Scarlet Briar). Their body was gifted to the Toxic Alliance, who modified it to see how Toxic mad science and Flame magic combined. The resulting creature, “Halimaka,” sizzles with deadly heat and poison vapors and drips burning acid with every step. It has no memory of its previous life with Flame, only a dizzying sense of lost community and purpose, and the worry that it wouldn’t like who it used to be even if it could remember. Undomesticated, wistful, weird.
Jubilee Shaw JOO-buh-lee SHAW
she/her 🪆49 (mind’s age)/29 (body’s age)/283 (chronological age; born 1053)
The Ascalonian Hero of Prophecies, accidentally possessing her descendant’s body after a botched attempt at channeling her as a revenant legend. Out of place and time, an elementalist in a necromancer’s slightly-too-small body, blamed for killing her great-great-grandchild when she didn’t even want to return, Billy struggles to find a place in this bright and hostile new Tyria.
Khepri Chisisi KEP-ree chiss-SEE-see
she/her 🌪️ 83 at her death in 1135
The Hero of Nightfall, a legendary dervish. Long dead.
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samaira132187 · 13 days
UK Student Visa Process in India: Visa Fees, Application Process Step-by-Step, Processing Time, and More
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The United Kingdom remains one of the top destinations for international students due to its high-quality education, world-class universities, and vibrant multicultural environment. Indian students looking to study in the UK need to apply for a student visa uk. This guide will walk you through the visa process, including fees, a step-by-step application process, and processing times.
Types of UK Student Visas
Before diving into the process, it's important to know the types of visas available for Indian students:
Student Visa: For students aged 16 or above who have been accepted for a full-time course at a UK institution.
Child Student Visa: For students aged between 4 and 17 attending an independent school in the UK.
Short-term Study Visa: For students pursuing a short course or English language course in the UK for up to 6 months or 11 months.
UK Student Visa Fees
As of 2024, the standard UK student visa fee for Indian students is £363. This fee is for the main application, and additional costs include the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), which provides access to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) during your stay. The IHS fee is typically £624 per year for the duration of your course.
For example, if your course is for three years, the total IHS cost will be £1,872.
Step-by-Step UK Student Visa Application Process
Here is the comprehensive step-by-step guide to applying for a UK student visa from India:
1. Accept an Offer from a UK Institution
To apply for a UK student visa, you must have received an offer of admission from a UK university. The institution must also provide a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), a reference number essential for the visa application.
2. Gather Required Documents
CAS: Provided by the institution.
Passport: Valid for the entire duration of your stay.
Financial Proof: Evidence showing you have enough money to cover your tuition fees and living expenses (usually £12,006 per year for courses in London and £9,207 for courses outside London).
Proof of English Language Proficiency: IELTS, TOEFL, or other approved test scores.
Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results: Required for stays longer than six months.
Academic Qualifications: Relevant certificates or transcripts.
Parental Consent: If you are under 18.
3. Complete the Visa Application Online
Visit the official UK Government website and fill out the Student Visa Application form.
Upload the required documents and fill in the details of your CAS.
Pay the visa fee (£363) and the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS).
4. Book and Attend a Biometrics Appointment
After completing the application, you will need to book an appointment at a Visa Application Centre (VAC) to provide your fingerprints and have your photograph taken for the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).
VAC locations in India include New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and others. Ensure you bring the required documents to your appointment.
5. Attend an Interview (if required)
You may be asked to attend an interview at the Visa Application Centre, where you will answer questions about your course, finances, and plans in the UK.
6. Receive the Visa Decision
After completing your application and biometrics, you will typically receive a decision within 3 weeks (15 working days).
If approved, you will receive a 30-day entry vignette (temporary visa) in your passport, allowing you to travel to the UK. Upon arrival in the UK, you will need to collect your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) at the specified post office.
UK Student Visa Processing Time
The typical processing time for a UK student visa is 3 weeks after submitting your biometrics. However, during peak times, especially before the start of academic terms, this may take longer. To avoid delays, it is recommended that students apply at least 3 months before their intended travel date.
There are also priority services available for an additional fee:
Priority Visa Service: Receive a decision within 5 working days for an additional £250.
Super Priority Visa Service: Get a decision within 24 hours for an additional £956.
Tips for a Successful UK Student Visa Application
Apply Early: Start the application process as soon as you receive your CAS to avoid any last-minute delays.
Ensure Your Documents Are Accurate: Double-check that all required documents are submitted correctly to prevent rejections.
Show Genuine Intentions: Be prepared to answer questions about your study plans during any interviews or visa assessments.
Prepare for Financial Requirements: Make sure your financial documents clearly demonstrate that you can support yourself during your studies in the UK.
Track Your Application: You can track your visa application online through the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website.
Final Thoughts
Securing a UK student visa is a crucial step in achieving your academic goals in the United Kingdom. By understanding the fees, following the application process step-by-step, and preparing the required documents, you can ensure a smooth and successful visa application.
To know more, visit: https://www.msmunify.com/
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
BlackRock Acquires Preqin: A Big Move into Financial Data
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BlackRock, the sector's biggest cash supervisor, has agreed to pay a dazzling £2.55 billion in cash to acquire Preqin, a British organization that focuses on private marketplace records. With this action, BlackRock is taking a big step into the monetary statistics marketplace. In the conflict for Preqin, the $10.5 trillion asset management prevailed over opponents which include S and P Global and Bloomberg. This acquisition is part of a larger pattern in which companies are acquiring specialist records carriers to fulfill the developing need for comprehensive monetary statistics in a number of investment industries, which include hedge funds and private fairness. There has been a growth in the acquisition of data businesses in latest years. For example, in 2020, S and P Global paid an astounding $44 billion to accumulate IHS Markit, and the London Stock Exchange Group paid $27 billion to collect Refinitiv. Smaller companies that target bankruptcies and distressed debt, like Reorg, have also grown in reputation as acquisition goals for private equity firms. BlackRock made its first considerable foray into the personal markets with the $12.Five billion purchase of Global Infrastructure Partners in advance these 12 months. With the purchase of Preqin, it has now made large actions in as many months. The business sees these areas as critical to its boom plan for the future, integrating technological services like risk management with its emphasis on alternative property. Preqin, which was hooked up twenty years in the past, is a professional in tracking the overall performance of hedge price range and personal fairness. At gift, it caters to kind of 200,000 customers and gives essential statistics on 30,000 traders and 60,000 fund managers. Over the past three years, Preqin's sales has elevated through more than 20% yearly, in large part due to the developing reputation of personal capital, that is predicted to reach belongings of over $forty trillion by using the give up of this decade. After the acquisition, Mark O'Hare, the founder of Preqin, is expected to expect a new position at BlackRock as vice-chair. Preqin sooner or later decided to acquire BlackRock as a strategic partner and new proprietor, in spite of interest from personal equity consumers. BlackRock plans to hold Preqin distinct at the same time as incorporating its insightful information flows into its current threat control systems, eFront and Aladdin. It is anticipated that the deal might close later this year, subject to normal ultimate conditions and regulatory approvals.  The role of era, information, and analytics will become increasingly more vital as clients more and more recognition on building varied portfolios as opposed to clearly selecting character investment products, said Rob Goldstein, chief working officer of BlackRock.  We accept as true with that information will play a pivotal function in using innovation throughout era, funding techniques, and danger management inside the industry. To sum up, BlackRock's strategic circulate to enhance its know-how in alternative assets and offer thorough economic statistics is highlighted by its £2.55 billion acquisition of Preqin. This motion is indicative of a bigger trend of consolidation within the economic data sector, that is being fueled with the aid of the increased need for in-intensity knowledge in international investment markets. Read the full article
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ihslondon89 · 5 days
Why IHS is London’s Top Choice for International SEO Services
 In the digital landscape, achieving global visibility requires more than just local SEO expertise; it demands a strategic approach to international SEO. IHS, international SEO agency London, stands out as the top choice for businesses aiming to expand their reach across borders. Here’s why:
1. Global Expertise with Local Insight At IHS, we understand that international SEO involves navigating diverse markets, languages, and search engine algorithms. Our team of international SEO consultant London combines global SEO strategies with local insights to tailor solutions that resonate with international audiences while aligning with local search behaviors.
2. Customized Strategies for Global Success We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our approach involves in-depth research and analysis to develop customized international SEO strategies that address your specific goals and target markets. From keyword research and content optimization to technical SEO and link building, our strategies are designed to enhance your global search presence.
3. Multilingual and Multicultural Proficiency Understanding cultural nuances and language differences is crucial for international SEO success. IHS excels in creating multilingual content and implementing culturally relevant SEO practices that ensure your brand communicates effectively with diverse audiences.
4. Proven Track Record With a portfolio of successful international SEO campaigns, IHS has demonstrated its ability to drive measurable results. Our clients benefit from increased global visibility, higher search engine rankings, and improved organic traffic from international markets.
5. Ongoing Support and Optimization International SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjustment. IHS provides continuous support and optimization to keep your SEO strategies aligned with evolving market trends and search engine algorithms.
Choosing IHS means partnering with a dedicated team that is committed to your global success. Let us help you unlock new opportunities and achieve international growth with our top-tier SEO services.
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gravityvisa · 4 months
Applying for a study visa in the UK involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you navigate the process:
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a UK Student Visa
1. Choose a Course and Institution
Ensure you have an offer from a recognized institution in the UK that is a licensed student sponsor.
You can check if your institution is licensed on the UK government’s Register of Student Sponsors.
2. Confirm Your Eligibility
You must have an unconditional offer of a place on a course with a licensed student sponsor.
You must have a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from your course provider.
You must prove you have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course.
You must be able to speak, read, write, and understand English.
3. Prepare Your Documents
Valid passport or other valid travel document.
CAS from your course provider.
Proof of funds (bank statements, official financial sponsorship).
Proof of parental or other legal guardian consent if you’re under 18.
Tuberculosis test results if you’re from a country where you have to take the test.
Proof of your relationship to your parent or guardian if you’re under 18.
ATAS certificate (if your course and nationality require it).
4. Check the Financial Requirements
You must have enough money to pay for your course and support yourself.
You’ll need to show you have:
£1,334 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses in London.
£1,023 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses outside London.
You must have had the money for at least 28 consecutive days.
5. Apply Online
Apply for your student visa on the UK Government website.
You can apply up to 6 months before your course starts if you’re applying from outside the UK.
Pay the application fee: £363 for a Student visa from outside the UK.
6. Pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS)
The IHS is usually £470 per year of your visa duration.
7. Attend a Biometric Appointment
You’ll need to have your fingerprints and photograph (biometric information) taken at a visa application center.
Some applicants might be able to use the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to scan their identity document and submit their application.
8. Attend an Interview (if required)
You might be asked to attend a credibility interview as part of your application.
9. Wait for a Decision
Visa processing times can vary, but it usually takes about 3 weeks to get a decision when applying from outside the UK.
You can check the processing times on the UK Government website.
10. Receive Your Visa
If your application is successful, you’ll receive a sticker (called a vignette) in your passport if you gave your biometric information at a visa application center.
If you used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app, you’ll get a digital immigration status.
11. Prepare for Travel
Make sure you have your visa, CAS, proof of finances, and any other required documents when you travel to the UK.
Additional Tips:
Start Early: Begin your application process well in advance to avoid any delays.
Seek Help if Needed: Consult with Gravity Visa for assistance with your visa application.
Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest information and guidelines from the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) website.
For more detailed and updated information, refer to the official UK government website.
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lexlawuk · 9 months
Act Now: Beating the IHS January 2024 Increase with Early UK Visa Applications
As the looming increase in the immigration health surcharge (“IHS”) threatens to impact the cost of UK visas, applicants are urged to consider making early submissions to avoid the impending fee hike. With the expected surge in fees set to come into force in late January 2024, the urgency to act promptly is evident. Understanding the Timetable The timetable for the IHS increase is currently…
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unfug-bilder · 6 months
Tja ...
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notes-from-the-neath · 6 months
Who are you?
This journal details the experiences of the lady known as Doctor Amphelite as she becomes better acquainted with the city of Fallen London and the Neath.
Am-FELL-ih-tay, if you please.
Why are you here in London?
One hears all sorts of strange stories from those who have returned from Fallen London, and despite every last one of them having been soundly rebutted by modern scientific means... one does wonder, when the stories have such consistency in very key elements.
And if one happens to have an inquisitive mind, and lacks... a driving motivation to stay upon the Surface in the face of such curiosities...
Well. If nothing else, Fallen London will no doubt come with different trials than those which were left behind.
And what are you planning to do?
For the time being? Observe. Learn to separate truth from tale.
The future is always in motion, and it would be foolish to make complex plans as a newcomer to the city. Once matters are more secure... we shall see.
About the author
The author of this blog played Fallen London a little in the past, but long enough ago that I'd completely lost track of any plans I had for my old account. Because of that, I decided to start off from scratch and make something of a story of what Amphelite makes of her time down here.
I don't have any particular plans for her at present, so am just going to see how she naturally develops from my initial concept - a somewhat lonely academic, with a soft spot for children and a romantic streak she's not quite willing to admit to, who travelled to the Neath to find if it would have a place for her. I'm really excited to see where it all goes!
In terms of more personal stuff, I'm in my late twenties, am based in the UK, and am actually an academic myself - I have a doctorate in astrophysics. My day job is unlikely to make much of an appearance in Amphelite's life (as far as I know), but it definitely comes with the tendency to fall deep into research holes, so maybe expect a few of those! I also love a bit of historical costuming (although lack a sewing machine to try making stuff of my own), so a few bits of outfit inspiration might eventually make their way here.
I'm aiming to do a weekly round-up of what Amphelite's been up to, both to get into the roleplay aspect of FL and in the hopes of remembering what on earth I was up to if I get distracted for a few weeks or months. I'll be tagging all of the diary entries as #amphelite's journal so I don't clutter up the Fallen London tag.
Thanks for stopping by!
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rundransh-k · 7 months
Unveiling the Expenses of Pursuing an MFin in the UK
Starting a Master of Finance (MFin) journey in the United Kingdom is a decision that opens doors to unparalleled opportunities in the world of finance. However, before diving into the enriching academic experience and career prospects, it's imperative to grasp the financial commitments associated with such a pursuit. Let's delve into the comprehensive breakdown of the costs entailed in pursuing an MFin in the UK.
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Tuition Fees:
The cornerstone of financial planning for any prospective MFin student is understanding the tuition fees. In the UK, these fees vary depending on the university and the specific MFin program. On average, tuition fees for an MFin program in the UK range from £20,000 to £40,000 per academic year. Elite institutions or those located in metropolitan areas may have higher tuition costs. It's crucial to research thoroughly and factor in potential scholarship opportunities to alleviate some of these expenses.
Another significant aspect of the Mfin in UK cost consideration is accommodation. The UK offers diverse options, including university halls, private rentals, or homestays. On-campus accommodation may range from £4,000 to £8,000 per year, while off-campus options could vary greatly depending on the location and amenities. It's advisable to explore different housing choices and consider factors like proximity to campus and living standards when budgeting for accommodation expenses.
Living Expenses:
Living expenses encompass a wide range of costs, including food, transportation, utilities, and personal expenses. As a student living in the UK, you should budget approximately £800 to £1,200 per month for these essentials. Urban areas like London tend to have higher living costs compared to other regions in the UK. Creating a realistic monthly budget can help manage these expenses effectively and ensure financial stability throughout your MFin program.
Books and Study Materials:
Academic resources such as textbooks, study materials, and software subscriptions are essential for MFin students. While some materials may be available through university libraries or online resources, budgeting for additional expenses is prudent. On average, students should allocate around £500 to £1,000 per year for books and study materials, depending on the curriculum requirements of their MFin program.
Health Insurance:
Healthcare costs are a crucial consideration for international students pursuing an MFin in the UK. Overseas students are typically required to have comprehensive health insurance coverage throughout their stay. The cost of health insurance varies depending on the provider and the level of coverage desired but can range from £150 to £500 per year. Prioritizing health insurance ensures access to quality healthcare services and provides peace of mind during your academic journey.
Visa and Immigration Fees:
International students planning to study in the UK must obtain the appropriate visa and pay associated immigration fees. The cost of a Tier 4 student visa, which is the most common visa for international students, is approximately £348. Additionally, there may be other expenses such as the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), biometric residence permit fees, and optional premium services, which could amount to an additional £300 to £500. It's essential to factor in these visa and immigration expenses when budgeting for your MFin program in the UK.
Miscellaneous Costs:
Beyond the aforementioned expenses, it's crucial to account for miscellaneous costs that may arise during your time as an MFin student in the UK. These could include application fees, student union dues, travel expenses, and leisure activities. Allocating a buffer for unforeseen expenses ensures financial flexibility and enables you to make the most of your academic experience abroad.
In conclusion, pursuing an MFin in the UK is an enriching investment in your future career prospects. By understanding and planning for the various costs involved, you can embark on this transformative journey with confidence and focus on achieving your academic and professional goals.
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