idv-fifis-toybox · 6 months
I am a slow worker UEUEUE but also seeing this in my drafts is pain and there are. way too many skins in the whole thing LOL so im just dumping those that have requests atm! Skins under the cut
Waterfire II: Operation Dagger
S-Tier: Soixante Quinze ( The Voidwalker, Rue ) ( bonus, Cent Vingt-Cinq, R, it was too perfect )
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A-Tier: Jack Rose (The Executioner, Exe)
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B-Tier: Gimlet (The Hitman, Zane Bracken)
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S-Tier: Bloody Mary ( The Vedette, Vanadis )
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Waterfire III: Troupe Disaster
B-Tier: Trial of Fire ( The Knife Thrower, Flynn Smith )
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B-Tier: Trial of Water (The Puppeteer, Rosalyn Darling)
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B-Tier: Trial of Silence ( The Novelist, Orfeo )
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B-Tier: Spotlight ( The Lampsmith, Wayne Strickland )
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S-Tier: Saraste (The Tailor, Angel Drew)
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A-Tier: Agent Clubs ( The Veteran, Lyra Blake )
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The Slumbering Realm
S-Tier: Ukiyo (The Samurai, Shiori Aikin )
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A-Tier: Directions (The Cameraman, Akihiko Sato)
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A-Tier: Tickets (The Gardening Fool, Basil Vines)
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B-Tier: Busy Passenger (The Activist, Peterson “August” Drew)
B-Tier: Lost Passenger (The Scion, Ian Varon)
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B-Tier: Regretful Passenger ( The Glass Artist, Delilah Fowler )
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A-Tier: Train Conductor ( The Showman, Phineas Smith )
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The Purgatory
Note: this is about another afterlife, the Seven Evokers (based on the seven deadly sins) are the Seven ‘Kings’/‘Queens’ of the realm, second to the god of the realm who is not within the packages. The two A-tiers are the direct servants of their Evokers
S-Tier: Gula (The Falcon Tamer, Yvette)
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A-Tier: Insatiable  (The Baker, Beth Anastazja )
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 A-Tier: Lullaby (The Upside Down Artist, Amy Kazuichi)
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A-Tier: Hollow Praise (The Radio Host, Laurence Godfrey)
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A-Tier: Double-edged (The Cultivator, Eiji Narukami)
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A-Tier: Bloodlust (The Nurse, “Lazarus”)
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A-Tier: Blackened Knight (The Vet, Luke Watson )
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S-Tier: Luxuria ( The Radio Hostess, Adeline Deniere )
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A-Tier: Desire ( The Living Mannequin, Miss Manni )
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A-Tier: Lady Rose ( The Huntress, Ellie )
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S-Tier: Avarita ( The Scholar, Romero Gray )
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Terry in a dress is beautiful. I also imagine that he likes to wear extravagant jewelry, such as collars or chokers dripping with diamonds, sparkling dangling earrings and he even has a tiara that he likes to put on and admire himself in occasionally.
Yes, yes, yes! Like, I refuse to believe Terry has never just...adorned himself, you know? Admired himself in such cases, in front of some great, big boudoir mirror and a collection of jewelry that would put anyone to shame in some chamber nobody but him accesses. A literal closet, if you will. An infinitely lavish one, but still a closet. With so many masks, personas, invented characteristics, re-invented characteristics, so many skins shed, so much experimentations with identity, so much self-discovery and self-repression, costuming, posturing, an almost fluid sense of self, an illusory being blending into a real one, Terry Silver just sometimes wants to be a thing of absolute and classical beauty that could easily belong on a silverscreen, transcending gender and sex, all while embracing it --- and so he is.
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YBC Hot Takes: Where Did The Party Go?
And it’s back again, after a short break while we cleared the snakes and the blood out of the lecture hall and refreshed the donut tray. Please to be remembering that the banquet of Patrick’s organs is for Demonstration Purposes Only, and not to be consumed, thank you very much. Also, stick with the oranges, because the apples are all filled with blood. Hey, I don’t make the rules back in the Peterick Institute Mess Hall, I just wear the tinfoil hats.
Today, we’re hot-taking Where Did The Party Go? - arguably the funnest bop to murder to on the whole album. The boys have said that this was the first song to have gelled for them when they started writing and making music again, and the lyrical message encapsulates the reason they gave for why they came back together when and how they did.
Where Did The Party Go? - Kill Your Darlings, Darling--They're Already Dead
Patrick and the parts of himself that have scattered in terror are experiencing two very different realities. Patrick is in a club-like party atmosphere but the partygoers are all zombies, while his parts/friends are running through a deserted, abandoned hospital.
Everybody was writing songs about “partying in the club” but nobody was writing songs for the kids who were outside the club, or really examining that aesthetic with a critical or ironic or even a little bit cheeky of an eye. So the boys came back to Save Rock and Roll from a little bit of its own hype. Let’s go down, down...
Patrick is listening to his hallucinations/demons/zombies living in his reality as he hunts down the parts of himself that are fleeing from this monstrous and distorted interaction between him and the world.
The (real) nurse at the desk points him to the hallway where Joe, Andy, and Pete ran, the girl in the wheelchair guides him into the exam rooms that the other guys have run through.
But while these entities are guiding him, they're not doing it altruistically or without price. They draw him further into the distorted post-apocalyptic world they inhabit by talking to and interacting with him.
In the zombie party room, Patrick is tangled up with personas from hospital staff (helper-archetypes), to other patients/inmates (colleagues), to football jocks and club kids and old folks (fans, critics, and the public).
Then he meets Naughty Nurse who is dressed as a parody of a caregiver worn by a stripper. The hospital staff were wearing actual scrubs, but Naughty Nurse is clearly a distortion--a costume worn by a stripper/performer (whose function is transactional rather than restorative--she's there to take rather than give).
Naughty Nurse appears as a caregiver, but is there in the capacity of torment in the form of titillation (the chief function of striptease performances) in a transactional milieu. Strippers perform for money by creating an illusion of intimacy in exchange for financial compensation. The intimacy of performance within the industry (the financial/moral support, the yes-men, the fawning, the adoration from audiences) is largely illusory...and if the transaction does not provide satisfaction, then that intimacy/support is cut right off (like a hand) or choked off (like a cord wrapped around the neck of your guitarist who is really your creative side in human form).
The party zombies are taking meds and drugs and IV sedatives to (self-)medicate (much as it's not so hard to go from Step One-Drink, Step Two-Make Mistakes, Step Three-Pretend You Don't Remember...). In the distorted world of celebrity when your star power has faded or never sparked enough to catch fire or failed expectations (couldn't get booked at the opening of a letter), the difference between a dance and a post-mortem twitch is hard to discern, and something that looks like intimacy can be an emotionless transaction.
His Confidence (Pete) is desperately trying to get a line out to the outside world--to reach out (perhaps in a blog post written late at night after too much to drink). To call for help from the outside via a faulty connection and a distortion-filled line.
His Integrity (Andy) is desperately seeking disinfection (purification, cleansing) and treatment to stop the hemorrhaging of a wound to the core, and gritting through the pain, hiding out in a closet just trying to protect itself.
His Creativity (Joe) is desperately seeking inspiration to go on. Stuck searching the cabinets and drawers of an empty room for a bit more to give, some way to turn it around. Searching for a way out, in between bouts of terrifying paralysis when confronted with the angry demon of a Patrick (his own self, soulless) without his confidence or his integrity or his creativity.
Only the embittered, delusional shell views the world through a sulphur-and-brimstone gaze in a dark twisted parody of the golden sunlight he's always cast over his work.
Without his soul parts, the only way out he can see is for him to murder his Creativity--choke off his wonderful weirdness and brilliance in order to provide the prepackaged, tame, predictable, made-by-committee, marketable, meaningless stuff that the industry wants.
Bearing in mind that music consumption itself was changing drastically, the music that was being marketed as mainstream had shifted, and a lot of people banking on something that had been relatively predictable for quite some time were losing a lot of fucking money banking on those expectations they thought were a healthy, living organism, but were really just the post-mortem twitches of something that was already dead and turning into something else.
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idv-fifis-toybox · 11 months
Princess Morrisa
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“…Who are you? Are you here to help me? Or… Perhaps to kill me?”
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S-Tier: Princess Morrisa (Tomie Milian) (@the-oletus-parlor)
— The antagonist of the series. Depending on the Hero’s choices, she has 12 different forms, with a final, 13th form after the 12 different endings (corresponding to the forms) that appears after.
S-Tier: The Hero (Susannah Marina, the Crime Investigator) (@scripts-and-reports)
— The protagonist of the series. They make choices and cause the different endings.
S-tier: The Narrator (Dathy, the Condemner) (@ask-idv-condemner)
— The person who narrates the story. A deuteragonist, who may be helpful or otherwise, depending on your choices.
The voices are the, well, voices of the Hero influencing them. One of these voices will be paired with the Hero after the first Chapter: Slay the Princess. Each voice is easy to understand except for the Voice of the Lost.
A-tier: Voice of the Hollow (The Exile) (@oletus-carousel)
A-tier: Voice of the Numb (The Blackwail) (@dungeon-prelude)
A-tier: Voice of the Meek
A-tier: Voice of Cunning
A-tier: Voice of Terror
A-tier: Voice of Hedonism
A-tier: Voice of Fury
A-tier: Voice of the Servile
A-tier: Voice of Chivalry ( Pip Newby )
A-tier: Voice of Erudition (The Dragon Detective @dungeon-prelude)
A-tier: Voice of Mercy (Beth Anastazja @ask-idv-baker)
A-tier: Voice of the Gullible
S-tier: Voice of the Lost (Phoenix @ask-phoenix-idv)
— The final voice, who appears only when all 12 endings have been completed. They are mysterious, but are the key to slaying Princess Morrisa for good.
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Feel free to ask about the skins if you want clarification!
Each mun is allowed at most 2 skins :3 feel free to drop a dm or message me on discord or send an ask to this inbox if you want a skin or clarification!
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idv-fifis-toybox · 1 year
Some Other Essence/Package ideas;
I haven’t forgotten the Found essence i’ve just recovered from 5 days of sawdust throat and thought the best way to celebrate is suffer /lh
but these ideas are. probably weeks if not months old and hey doesn���t hurt to yeet em out yk (this isn’t even all of them, soots face)
Feel free to offer your characters! As there are. A shit ton of skins, repeats are allowed ACROSS packages (ie you can suggest one character for Waterfire II, and the same character for The Purgatory) and the limit of characters per blog will be 7 at the moment
Waterfire II: Operation Dagger
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S-Tier: Soixante Quinze ( The Voidwalker, Rue )
The main bad guy of the essence! a mafia boss that’s the target of the mission
A-Tier: Mimosa (Miss Secretary, @one0p1nk )
The sibling of Bellini, a secretary for Soixante and handles a money laundering business
A-Tier: Jack Rose (The Executioner, Exe)
An assassin working with Soixante, hired to clean up any messes left behind
B-Tier: Gimlet (The Hitman, Zane Bracken)
One of Soixante’s underlings, a sniper
B-Tier: Bellini (Monday, @one0p1nk )
One of Soixante’s underlings, who only got in due to their sibling’s connections. Said sibling is no longer alive, but the other elder sibling took their place.
B-Tier: Pink Lady ( Bellora, @one0p1nk )
This character is canonically a female
A femme fatale kind of customer of Soixante Quinze, although she isn’t directly involved with his dealings, at least, not yet.
B-Tier: Delilah
This Character is canonically a female
Pink Lady’s younger sister, overshadowed by the former’s notoriety in the underworld even if she tries to make an honest living
B-Tier: Adonis
A mole for Bloody Mary within the underground
S-Tier: Bloody Mary ( The Vedette, Vanadis )
The main good guy of the essence, she is essentially Aqua Vita’s ( from the first Waterfire essence ) boss
A-Tier: Amber Moon
Bloody Mary’s trusted assistant, who is less well known among the general public, but is feared in the underworld
A-Tier: Vesper (Lovino, @one0p1nk )
An old friend of Soixante who quit the mafia, but was blackmailed into helping Bloody Mary
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Waterfire III: Troupe Disaster
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S-Tier: Pamina
This character is canonically a female
The main star of the show and the essence! An opera singer who plays the female lead
A-Tier: Agent Heart
One of the assassins of Deep Red, known for their with communicating with people
A-Tier: Agent Spades
This character is canonically a male
One of the assassins of Deep Red, known for his skill with weaponry, both retrofitting and using them
B-Tier: Trial of Fire ( The Knife Thrower, Flynn Smith )
An actor of the play who puts the lovers through the trial of fire
B-Tier: Trial of Water (The Puppeteer, Rosalyn Darling)
An actor of the play who puts the lovers through the trial of water
B-Tier: Trial of Silence (Orfeo)
An actor of the play who puts the lovers through the trial of silence
B-Tier: Spotlight ( The Lampsmith, Wayne Strickland )
The one in charge of the lighting control for the play
B-Tier: Prop Master ( Preston, @one0p1nk )
The one in charge of the props for the play
S-Tier: Tamino 
This character is canonically a male
The male lead of the play! An opera singer who plays Pamina’s intended lover
S-Tier: Saraste (The Tailor, Angel Drew)
The manager of the theatre
A-Tier: Agent Clubs ( The Veteran, Lyra Blake )
This character is canonically a female
One of the assassins of Deep Red, known for her brute strength and being a former commander in the army
A-Tier: Agent Diamond ( Leroy, @one0p1nk )
The leader of Deep Red, known for no particular skill, but they are the most dangerous of the four
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The Slumbering Realm
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S-Tier: Ukiyo (The Samurai, Shiori Aikin )
This character is canonically a female
She is the god of this realm! Her role is to oversee the smooth passage of the dead into their afterlife
A-Tier: Directions (The Cameraman, Akihiko Sato)
The person who runs the Customer Service counter, they don’t enjoy their job much, to say the least
A-Tier: Tickets (The Gardening Fool, Basil Vines)
The ticket master, who enjoys their job unlike Directions, though they’re best buds
B-Tier: Busy Passenger (The Activist, Peterson “August” Drew)
One of the many passengers in the realm, who can be heard frantically chanting that they’re oreoccupied
B-Tier: Lost Passenger (The Scion, Ian Varon)
One of the many passengers in the realm, who keeps ending up in the wrong platform
B-Tier: Tired Passenger
One of the many passengers in the realm, one who simply wants to get on the train soon
B-Tier: Regretful Passenger ( The Glass Artist, Delilah Fowler )
One of the many passengers in the realm, who can be heard mourning their short-lived life
B-Tier: Silent Passenger
One of the many passengers in the realm, they don’t talk much, unless absolutely necessary
S-Tier: Wanderlust
The protagonist of the essence, who seems to have a bit of trouble with clearance
A-Tier: Stationmaster (Gwendolyn, @one0p1nk )
The person overall in charge of the train station when Ukiyo isn’t available
A-Tier: Train Conductor ( The Showman, Phineas Smith )
The one who steers the trains in the realm, there’s multiple, but they are the most pertinent for the story
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The Purgatory
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Note: this is about another afterlife, the Seven Evokers (based on the seven deadly sins) are the Seven ‘Kings’/‘Queens’ of the realm, second to the god of the realm who is not within the packages. The two A-tiers are the direct servants of their Evokers
S-Tier: Gula (The Falcon Tamer, Yvette)
This character is canonically a female
The Evoker of Gluttony, Beelzebulb, who is actually rather easy-going compared to the rest, just like Belphegor
Their realm appears to be the interior of a large castle, the highlight being an extremely long banquet table. Her ‘palace’ appears to be more of a room, inaccessible to most.
A-Tier: Devourer
A-Tier: Insatiable  (The Baker, Beth Anastazja )
S-Tier: Acedia 
The Evoker of Sloth, Belphegor, who rules over easily the most relaxing region.
Their realm appears to be a misty area with a floor of soft clouds, with residents having a disconnected room of their own, the voice of their ruler heard through an unseen radio, and their palace appearing like a radio tower.
A-Tier: Lullaby (The Upside Down Artist, Amy Kazuichi)
A-Tier: Void
S-Tier: Invidia
The Evoker of Envy, Leviathan, who enjoys the performing arts immensely.
Their realm appears to be a large theatre, leaving it takes you away from the realm. Their palace has yet to be located even by the most expert of trackers.
A-Tier: Hollow Praise (The Radio Host, Laurence Godfrey)
A-Tier: Double-edged (The Cultivator, Eiji Narukami)
S-Tier: Ira
The Evoker of Wrath, Satanas, who rules with an iron fist. Their realm appears to be a giant colosseum, with extremely tall towers at the edge of the arena, leaving the arena means leaving the realm. Their palace appears like a giant watchtower.
A-Tier: Bloodlust (The Nurse, “Lazarus”)
A-Tier: Blackened Knight (The Vet, Luke Watson )
S-Tier: Luxuria ( The Radio Hostess, Adeline Deniere )
The Evoker of Lust, Asmodeus, a playful character who taunts others teasingly and enjoys incognito mingling with the masses. Her realm appears to be a bathhouse, surrounded by a beautiful garden. Her tower appears to be the connected ‘hotel’.
A-Tier: Desire ( The Living Mannequin, Miss Manni )
A-Tier: Lady Rose ( The Huntress, Ellie )
S-Tier: Avarita ( The Scholar, Romero Gray )
The Evoker of Greed, Mammon, a spiteful ruler who rarely shows their face to others. His realm appears like a modern city, with his ‘palace’ being an office tower
A-Tier: Hollow Voice
A-Tier: Midas
S-Tier: Superbia
The Evoker of Pride, Lucifer, the most prominent and dangerous of the seven. His realm is… something straight out of medieval times, however, something is highly unsettling about the town…
A-Tier: Silenced Vows
A-Tier: Muted Cries
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idv-fifis-toybox · 1 year
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Looks like Vanadis is attending the wonderful ball by @idv-ask-the-showman! Let’s see what she has to say!
“Honestly, it has been very long since I’ve last worn anything as extravagant as this. I don’t mind. I would thank my designer, but she has requested to be kept… ‘anonymous, for now’. Her words, not mine.”
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idv-fifis-toybox · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day
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idv-fifis-toybox · 10 months
YES i know i have 918832938 skins to do but i can’t help myself <3 ( SINNE CORPS)
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These characters are based off the Flame-Chasers from Honkai Impact 3 but if you don’t wanna read up to find out who they are, these characters are tl:dr, galactic superheros who work together to protect mankind. Unlike the Flame Chasers, they are very much alive and well! Their genders (or lack thereof) are labelled next to their name! Each mun is allowed 2 skins~
Skins are below~
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Morgana (The Existence) (F)
“To worry about what’s yet to come is to rob your present self of the essence of life~” — The Riper of Fate (Taken: Marise)
Evia (The Creation) (F)
“All that is beautiful must be protected. No matter the cost.” — The World Walker (Taken: Beth)
Cerritus (The Destruction) (M)
“Underneath? We are all the same! Flesh, bones, screams, insanity? You are no different from me.” — The Tyrant’s Tower (Taken: Shadowed Man)
Iolite (The Resolute) (None)
“Words, and actions, can lie. See beyond them.” — The Jewelled Warrior
Yukina (The Prosperity) (F)
“And I fight to bring joy! Joy to the world over! For no one deserves more peace than the powerless.” — The Maiden of Flowers
Eulalia (The Derision) (F)
“I don’t fear dying, I fear being nothing at all” — The Diva of Damnation
Volina (The Reticent) (None)
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” — The Helix’s Judgment
D’Or (The Clarity) (None)
“Fight your way into the light or fade into the darkness.” — The Moondust’s Glow (Taken: Naib)
Jörmungandr (The Consumption) (None)
“Even if what we do is futile to us, if we stop, we’ll be cut from the cycle of survival.” — The World Serpent
Rhiannon ε (The Sustenance) (F)
“One death is tragic. A million is a statistic, that can’t be right.” — The Queen Bee
Solandis (The Enigma) (None)
“Normality is a facade. What’s normal for the spider is terror for the fly.” — The Illusory Artist
Evren (The Null) (None)
“We live on a placid island of ignorance among the black seas of infinity. It was never meant that we will venture far.” — The Void’s Vail (Taken: Gabriel)
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idv-fifis-toybox · 10 months
May I offer Beth and Naib for the latest essence?
Beth - Evia, the World Walker
Naib - D’Or, the Moondust’s Glow
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